#we're all just weak for mullets
Lance having a PTSD episode! (Whether he works through it or not, maybe the team trying to help but only making it worse?)
Ohhhhh, this is the perfect time to use my headcanon I never talk about 
Trigger Warnings: References to almost drowning
 “--NCE!!! ---CE!!!” 
Lance opened his eyes, having to blink a couple of times to fully grasp what had happened and where he was. His head pounded and he found himself squinted his eyes against the flashing red lights and the blaring alarms. 
He wasn’t sure where Blue ended up, but she was nose down, causing Lance to be flushed against the belts of his seat. He forced his head up some, trying to grasp where he was. He obviously crashed but where? And why did it feel like he was still moving? 
Through the red lights of the cockpit, all Lance could really focus on was how dark it was getting. He tried to understand what he was seeing but through the pain in his skull and the alarms, his brain was frazzled. 
The only thing he was certain of was Blue was moving, maybe even sinking. 
I can’t be in the ground, I wouldn’t be moving. What is happen-
“-ANCE! Please answer us.” 
Who’s voice is that? It sounded so familiar but he couldn’t place it at this very moment. He fought back a groan, everything hurt. Wherever he landed it was a rough landing. 
“Blue took some serious damage according to our scanners. We need to get him out of there.”
Allura? His mind slowly began to supply a name for him. 
“How? Which lion could even handle that kind of pressure?” 
Lance tried to say something, pushing his voice out of his chest. It came out weak, borderline nonexistent. He took a deep breath, his chest ached, and he needed to get this seatbelt off.
"Guys..." Lance's voice was interrupted by a cough being pulled from his chest, he could not wait till he was in a pod.
"Lance? Are you okay?" Hunk's voice frantically filled the coms.
"Hurts, but okay." Lance knew it wasn't a proper sentence but he was trying his best.
"We're trying to come down and get you but you're sinking quickly. Your lion can handle the pressure but we need to figure out which lion we can send down to get you." Shiro's voice was mostly calm but even Lance could hear the panic behind it.
What did he say? "Sinking?"
"Yes my boy, you fell into the waters of Hovuna. A planet entirely made of water. Water that is denser than the water found on your planet.” Coran said a bit too casually. 
Lance felt a laugh rupture from his lower chest, a laugh that quickly turned into hyperventilating. Lance hated water. He found it borderline humorous that he was selected to be the blue paladin. The Paladin of the lion whose element was water. The element that almost killed him when he was younger.
Lance closed his eyes, trying to will the memories that flashed in his mind away. How cold the water was on his skin, how the current held him and wouldn't let him go. 
He couldn’t breathe, why couldn’t he breathe? He tried to focus on his lungs, he tried to imagine the air flowing in and out of his lungs. He tried to convince his panic brain there wasn't any water in his chest. 
“Lance are you okay?” 
Keith. Okay just focus on Keith. His stupid mullet, his hot-headed attitude, it was useless. Lance knew it was. 
He closed his eyes, his mind forcing him to relive that day. The day he wished he could remove from his memories. 
He was a kid, just turn eight years old. His family took him to the beach, that’s all he wanted to do for his birthday. His mom told him to stay out of the water for a bit, the weather was slowly getting worse; she told him they would come back another day. He didn’t listen. He didn’t fucking listen. 
He bolted down from where his family was, running into the water just like any other day. He heard them call for him but he was too far out. Too far out to hear what they were screaming, too far out to realize he couldn’t simply swim back. 
He was pulled under quickly, quick enough that he didn’t even have a moment to scream. He tried to swim up, he kicked as hard as he could, doing anything he could to break the surface; to get air into his lungs. 
His efforts were fruitless and he soon found his body forcing himself to inhale. Forcing himself to breathe in water. Everything hurt, he couldn’t breathe, he knew he was going to die. 
He didn’t die though, by some miracle he was pulled out of the dark, cold water. By some miracle, they were able to save him. 
He never went back into the ocean, or any water again. 
“---ce your vit--s ar- spik-ng. wh-ts goin- on?!” 
Lance didn’t know who was talking to him, he could hardly make out the words. Everything hurt, no matter how many breaths he took he felt like he was suffocating. He was drowning. 
“I’m going to die I’m going to die not again please not again I don’t want to be here...” he was hardly aware of his blabbering. Even his own voice was falling on deaf ears. 
Voices swam around him, he couldn't make out any of the words they were saying. He didn't even register his own nails digging at his chest, peeling his paladin armor off his chest. Trying to relieve the pressure that was building up in his lungs.
Blue landing on the bottom of this atrocious planet slammed him against his seat some more. He knew he was crying, but he couldn't feel the tears. He knew he was begging whatever being that would listen to him to spare him. He knew he was rambling in both English and Spanish, but nothing made any sense to him.
His vision began to fade between seeing the red lights flashing and darkness. He fought the urge to fall asleep; he didn't want to never wake up again.
He threw his helmet off his head, letting it clatter towards the front of Blue. No matter how many breaths he took he felt as though he had no air.
"Please don't let me drown." Lance heard himself say before everything went dark.
He wasn't asleep, but he wasn't awake. He was in an in-between state, a state he didn't know how to escape. He felt his lion shift, a loud groaning sound of metal being released as the movement began to rise.
The movement dragged on forever before his lion was placed back down on the ground. Was he back on the bottom of the seafloor? Did the planet flip itself over like an hourglass? Was he going to be stuck in the cycle of falling back in forth?
"Lance? Lance are you okay?"
Something was touching him. Someone was touching him. There was a voice, a familiar voice but just like before he couldn't place it. He was being moved, he didn't know where to.
He wanted to wake up. He wanted to get himself out of this state.
Pain exploded from his back, and he found himself gasping as his vision quickly started working again. Everything was bright, too bright.
"Jesus Keith, why did you hit him so hard?"
"I'm sorry! I panicked! You panicked too!"
His lungs forced him to cough as he choked on the air he was breathing. His senses quickly tuned back into his surroundings.
He was sitting on the metal floor, sitting in front of Blue. Shiro was kneeling next to him, his metal hand pressed firmly on his back, Keith kneeling on his other side.
He could tell the others were also there but he wasn't sure where they stood.
"Lance? Are you okay? Did Blue get water in her?"
Lance couldn't respond, he had no control over his body. He could provide the basic functions needed but talking was not a needed function apparently.
Lance looked down at his fingers, trying to focus on his gloves. In and out. In and out. In and out. He let those words become a mantra in his head, trying to tell himself he was safe. He was okay. He never wanted to go near water ever again.
I'm happy I finally got to write something like this
I hope you liked it <3
Thank you <3333
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aurora-313 · 2 years
Not exactly BB question, but what do you think about Masaki's situation after Grand Fisher? She was an ehit quincy, to some kind of hollow-quincy hybrid-ish, lost most of her power by auswallen(is the spelling even right?) and then eaten by a hollow, and (maybe, probably) freed from the said hollow after Isshin slayed it. Than, since quincy doesnt have tolerance to hollow attack, she should have died, and we dont know what happen to a quincy when they survive the aushwallen, or if a soul can go to soul society if the hollow who ate it was slayed. Than again, for a manga dealing with soul reapers and afterlife, Bleach doesn't cover that much about those aspects after first arc.
On BB question, how does Karin and Yuzu react to their (second) first impression of cousin Kai? They met him before, but like Ichigo, they forgot about him because they meet him when they were so young. Theres just no way ther could remember him, right?
I have two opinions on that:
Option one: we're supposed to believe that as a Quincy, her soul was destroyed/dissolved when it was consumed by Grand Fisher. Since Hollow reiatsu is toxic to Quinces, it was completely destroyed. In essense, Masaki was deleted from existence.
Option two: Masaki's soul did still exist in the Grand Fisher the way all souls a Hollow consumes still exist in one fashion or another, and Isshin killing Grand Fisher released it back into the cycle of reincarnation. The individual 'Masaki Kurosaki' is gone forever, but her soul has been liberated and is free to be reborn.
Both function for the sake of the narrative. Someone once pointed out to me the tragedy of Ichigo's ability to travel to the afterlife, he can come and go as he pleases but he'll never be able to see his mother again.
BB time:
Yuzu and Karin know of Kaien, as Cousin Kai travelling over seas for work. (Ichigo hasn't banged the rock together yet. Other matters have taken up his attention, we're getting there.)
He left when they were about six months old because Aizen shenanigans. So while he couldn't be there in person, he did send along gifts for birthdays+other special occasions and postcards from travelling.
A scene I've written but haven't found a way to squeeze in yet is the sisters happening upon Kaien in the City while shopping for the house.
At first they presume, by which I mean Yuzu bawls her eyes out, Ichigo dyed his hair, grew a mullet, got into a gang fight (the scar) and went full delinquent with the tattoo, until -"You're not Ichigo." Karin points out, trying to pry Yuzu off this strange lookalike and apologising for the trouble.
Kaien finds this all hysterical and reassures the sisters (by name) that it happens all the time. Karin is sus because 'how can you know our names' and accuses Kaien of being a stalker, Kaien grumbles about hurting his feeling. They talk a little, Kaien jokingly lists off the various presents he's sent them over the years, even describing the last postcard he sent that should've arrived any day.
Yuzu glomps him again, this time with a delighted squeal of 'Cousin Kai!'. Karin's less sus, apologises for calling him a stalker which Kaien just laughs off, saying he'd be disappointed if Karin wasn't cautious then remarks she reminds Kaien of his sister.
Kaien would take them home once their shopping's done. Maybe have a chit-chat with Isshin and Ichigo before deciding to make tracks, but Yuzu exploits his ultimate weakness to make him stay for dinner: Baby sister puppy dog eyes.
They'd have a nice family chat over dinner, the twins bombarding him with questions about his travels, Ichigo gets in on it too when he discovers Kaien's been to England (specifically a region were a certain bard that Ichigo may or may not be a fan off used to live). At one point Karin would probably ask about the tattoo and scar, and Kaien would spin a technically-true story about how he and his wife were in an accident, and its his way of honouring her.
And its all nice and wholesome before shit hits the fan.
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danikatze · 2 years
For the CR meme: 30, 33, 35
30 What is your favorite theory or headcanon that has absolutely no bearing on the plot and isn't important at all, but which is completely compliant with canon?
Oh gosh that's a difficult question. There are certain fandoms I have an infinite amount of hc and theories for, but I don't have any that I can think of for CR. Looking around in my CR tag I did get reminded of all the wild theories around Bolo from EXU Calamity and I love each and everyone of them hahah. Well I guess imagining that Yussa has (had) a mullet at some point is a hc that is not important at all, and golly do I like the drawings that I made of that x)
33 You may ask any member of the cast one, and only one lore clarification question. What do you ask?
Hmmm I'm usually a wait-and-see kind of person.. I certainly don't have C3 lore questions, because of all that might still be revealed. Nor any C1, because while I like it well enough I'm not that interested. When it comes to C2 I'm especially looking forward to Fjord and Molly's origins comics, and there is a chance I might get the Nine Eyes of Lucien next weekend (we're celebrating Sinterklaas in the Netherlands, which means exchanging gifts and I asked for the book 🤞If I don't get it, I'll probably buy it myself lol)
I'm not expecting an Essek Origins comic, and I would definitly love to know more about Den Thelyss and about Verin in particular. Matt has dropped little snippets about his relationship with Essek and it sounds delightful and kind of heartwarming? I wanna know more about his dynamic with Essek growing up, but also as adults. So yeah I guess I would ask Matt about Verin.
Wait wait wait, speaking of Den Thelyss: my real question is about Essek. HOw is Essek not consecuted. WHat's the story, Matt?? Isn't it too important for his den to just accept a "no thanks" from him? Did he "too busy, maybe later" it for so long until his den just gave up? Did he fake it? If so: how do you fake a consecution ritual that takes an entire day? As far as I'm aware he lies about it to everyone, so can I assume he lies about it to his den too?
I also think it's a curious coincidence that Essek didn't receive a consecuted soul when he was born in the first place. I mean it makes sense that you're not guaranteed to get one when you're born because not everyone who worships the Luxon gets to be consecuted and so it's pretty much random, but it's a thought that struck me nonetheless while listening to c2e91 again a few days ago.
This answer was a bit of a ride, sorry hahah.
35 You can set the time and place of the next EXU series, but it cannot be within 100 years of the Calamity nor Divergence. When and where do you set it?
I have a weakness for creatures that are commonly viewed negatively, shown in a different light. So the Mighty Nein's introduction to Xhorhas will always be one of my favourites, and I would be very interested in seeing a mini campaign take place in Asarius for example. That could be so much fun, especially if like half (or all) of the cast plays some type of monster: very fond of bugbears, but also a minotaur PC?! that would be so cool..
Besides that I'm also super intrigued by the lands scarred by the Calamity. It reminds me of a place in Belgium where apparently nothing would grow for a good while after. I'm never really interested in WW II stories, so many have been forced on me for educational purposes and as someone who's prone to downheartedness all they did was make me feel pessimistic. That story of the land and the animals that fled it grieving what happened there always did something to me though. It was probably barren because of the stuff the armies used to gass their enemy, but still, the idea of a cursed and/or grieving land captures my imagination.
And I don't really care when it takes place, because the reclaiming of the land around Ghor Dranas to build Rosohna came with a lot of setbacks and any stage of that process could be really good!
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katbrando · 2 years
[ questions are from this post, 1-10 here, 11-20 here, 21-30 here, 31-40 here ]
💛 What are your names saved as in each other’s phones? i have him saved as "🦎dingus💜" bc i must have emojis for every contact, he has me as "Darling", simple and sweet
💛 How do you guys take your coffee/tea? Do you know how the other likes it? i can't do coffee unless it's sweetened to hell and back, he's extremely particular but i can't even tell you what he likes because the order he makes at starbucks is so long and complicated.. he's a coffee snob.. as for tea, we both like a nice hot cup of earl gray in the evening 🥰
💛 Where do you get takeout? Who usually pays? anywhere and everywhere, though we try to stay away from fast food chains for the most part.. we take turns paying tbh, sometimes we rock-paper-scissors to decide LOL, that's a common decision making tool in our relationship, as silly as it is
💛 What’s your favourite (type of) show to watch together? Do you watch on routine or set time aside to binge? we don't watch tv that much, if we're watching anything it's usually a movie because he's a movie buff, but our favorite movie genres are thrillers and dramas, he dislikes comedy movies because they usually don't align with his brand of humor (he's a bit of a snob about it, smh), and he wouldn't proudly admit it but he Adores a well-animated kid's movie, spirit is one of his top 5 films but shhh you didn't hear that from me
💛 What roles do you take on when you play games together? It can be co-op, or talk about how you play games in general. we don't game together that much, he's not really a fan of video games and i don't play them as much as i used to hfdkjsg.. but i'd Absolutely rope him into playing minecraft and animal crossing with me 🥺 his attention to detail and dedication to aesthetics means he would work very hard to make our lil world/island look as beautiful as possible
💛 How do you dress? Do you look like you match as a couple, or are your styles different? oh MAN.. we both care a lot about this, his style is very much inspired by the 70s. he's very particular about the way clothing sits on him so everything is fit as perfectly as possible, he doesn't mind blowing a lot of money on a piece he's been eyeing, and while he maintains alternative hints (his messy mullet, his nose piercing, the DIYness of his denim jacket) there's a strong undertone of sophistication. does that make sense... for ME i think my style is so eclectic and weird that i can't pin it down, i like bold patterns and vintage silhouettes, i tend to gravitate towards stuff from the 80s and 90s, but i'm also a huge fan of a big plain sweatshirt and some basic comfortable jeans, it just depends on my mood tbh.. and we Absolutely like to match as a couple, i think our styles definitely sort of meet up in a lot of ways, esp in our love of denim and dark colors.. we look hot showing up to an event in matching black turtlenecks and well-fit jackets/jeans
💛 What could you not live without? Does your partner know what it is? soda..... yes he knows and he Hates it LOL.. also a fan blowing directly on me at night, can't fall asleep without it.. he knows this too, he gets cold very easily and that's why he's always little spoon.. so i can warm him up 🥰
💛 Where do you like to be touched? Innocent or suggestively. if we're talking innocent: hands, back, shoulders, neck... suggestively, oh boy ummm: neck (again), decolletage area, hips.. i think he could touch me anywhere and i'd be like "y e s..." but literally all of this is only acceptable to me if it's him bc i'm mostly touch-repulsed, he's just unlocked that part of me 🥺 he like his arms and back touched (innocently) and turns into putty if i lay a hand on his chest, his waist, or his ass (a good spank makes him incredibly weak)
💛 Mix your favourite colours. What is the resultant colour? OOOOO he loves yellow and teal... mix those together and you get something like hex color #88b92d.. mine are lavender and maroon, mix those and you get #863871.. mix those and you get a very bland #87794f LMAO
💛 Who needs space, and who needs more attention? Do you cling together or are you loosely together? if anyone needs more space it might be me, but that's just because i get socially overwhelmed very easily.. but also he's Aware of this and can comfortably exist with me without either of us speaking :')) he's very clingy and feeds off of attention, it can be hard to keep up with sometimes tbh BUT we really do love being around each other and, because we feel Safe together, we prefer to be in that place of comfort as much as possible, if that makes sense
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myunqho · 4 years
bro ur ALSO potentially falling for yeonjun?? is this just the curse of hao stans?? -haoranghae
I'm starting to think hao stans are all the same person (dude for the love of God help me no do it)
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fureliselost · 3 years
VLD rewatch s3e3
- this ep was intense
- Hunk is correct, attacking is a terrible idea
- (I'm about to talk about how great k+l's dynamic is) Voltron woulda fallen apart without Lance -- Keith, while very good at fighting and battle strategy, is terrible with people, and being good with people is kind of an important part of being a leader. Lance is usually good at people-ing -- he's not afraid to be front-and-center and will divert the attention when needed (ex: s1e1, when they are being scolded by Iverson and Lance makes Pidge stop talking while diverting Iverson's (negative) attention to himself; s3e1, when he diverts the (positive) attention to the BOM by forcing the people of Puig (is this name right?) to acknowledge that the BOM played a gigantic part in their liberation), not to mention he's usually good at reading the room in terms of people-needs -- and, while he's also very good at fighting, he has a very hard time staying focused on the objectives, which is usually what makes people not take him seriously. Keith and Lance are the perfect mixture of that when they can work together -- they balance each other's weaknesses perfectly
- k+l shots
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- i love that lance was, like, 100% pro supporting keith as a leader, and then keef decided that he was gonna be impulsive and he's like "ig we're back to antagonizing mullet-head", and ykw? I don't blame him, because keef is being a piece of shit
- u accepted to be the leader, keith, stop being a piece of crap -- there's a big fucking difference between leadership divergence and straight-up neglecting your team
- dam, i kinda love that both keith and allura are in denial here (and lance isn't)
- yes, it all comes back to lance, i love the boy, ok
- the best part about this is that we all knew they were doomed from the moment keith left the castle
- lance recognizes that lotor is playing them against each other in, like, 2 mins and I stan
- lance is just making commentary whenever keith does a fuck up
- dam, blue is taking a beating here, poor girl
- omg, and then keith listens to lance
- the image of the lions' eyes glowing through the fog legit reminded me of my cat lool
- ok ok ok, so I'm one of those people who got stuck on "omg why didn't they let us have an offish description for the qualities in the blue lion's paladin" but, in a way, they did give it to us when they had allura say "i've tried asking you nicely, and i've tried commanding you (...) I can't control everything" and that's when blue responds to her. Because, really, that's what describes lance, isn't it? He goes with the flow and that's when he's at his best.
- also, i'm super bitter that they never used the "allura having to put herself in lance's place" thing again, that could've been a huge point for allurance and to show that (as the showrunners think) lance wasn't a rebound, allura had something growing before.
- don't agree with this, keith, he's your future husband teammate
- here we go, the power of friendship
- that's the avenging fury of voltron, son
- yay lotor
- i almost hit 10 klance screenshots just for this ep lol
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Part 1.
My first fanfiction. ... uhhhh... enjoy?
Lance looked out at the once sparkling sea, which now only reflected the grey sky.
"Move it Lance, the suns setting, we need to get going before we're swarmed." Hunk said gently, adjusting his backpack, which is full with chemicals.
Lance just grunted in response, not moving from his crouched position.
Hunk, a big guy with a big heart and just as big a stomach. He was in Samoa, preparing to avacuate to Australia, when the first colapse happened. He was right where the tectonic plates shifted, causing radioactive substances to contaminate the air. Everyone who was exposed to said pollution either died or were injected with multiple chemicals. Only children under ten and people of importance were given injections.
Seven years later and Hunk is forced to carry tanks of various chemicals around, the sickly coloured liquids and gases forever being pumped into his body, which is always in a state of limbo. Neither alive or dead.
"YEAH, LANCE! GET YOUR ASS UP OR ELSE!!" Pidge, a tiny little human, shouts joyfully, which is totally unnecessary considering their close proximity.
Never should have given her those lollies, Lance thinks, shaking his head in amusement and finally, yet slowly, standing.
Pidge, or Katie, is a tiny but feisty girl with a multitude of attitude and an immeasurable amount of intellect stored inside her brain. With no exaggeration, she is the smartest human in history. Then again, she can't not be when all history ever known is stored in a computer chip, deep inside her brain.
Pidges father was a scientist, and designed said chip. Her father repeatedly denied that she was an experiment but you can't lie to someone who knows everything.
The three look at eachother.
They've all known eachother since they evacuated to Australia. Lance and Hunk met first, since they evacuated straight to Australia. Pidge, however, had to travel to multiple countries since her father was needed for his skills.
"You okay, Lance? Are your filters working right?" Hunk asks, slight worry in his voice as he places a hand on Lance's shoulder.
"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm good Hunk, just spaced out for a second there." Lance mumbles, shrugging off Hunk. Hunk gives him a look that basically translates to 'uh huh, whatever ya' weirdo', or at least that's what lance interprets.
Lance was born with a... condition. His lungs were weak, they didn't function well in the thick air of Cuba, where Pollution levels were almost ridiculously high. Luckily, a scientist, Dr Holt, was prepared to help. Lance's family was desperate to keep him alive, and agreed to the somewhat experiment. Lance's lungs were removed and a complex artificial system was built into his body along with gill-like filters on his neck. With all honestly, Lance probably would've been better dead, better not watching as each family member died with the increasingly inhabitable terrain that earth was becoming.
You'd wonder why humans didn't evacuate Earth altogether. They had found a earth-like planet that was habitable, and they had the technology, yet all the astronauts either died back on Earth, or refused to come back to earth.
"Okay..." Lance started, stretching out and cracking his joints. "Let's go."
"Keith! To your left!" Shiro yells, kicking another despicable beast, grabbing it's head and ripping it off.
Keith quickly whips around, just in time to stab at the quieter beast he hadn't heard coming. "Thanks" he breathes, panting.
They breathe, relaxing as the last few back away, retreating for tonight.
"Ughhhhh..... I hate life." Keith states, sighing and throwing his hands in the air.
"At least your Galra-betwixt isn't tonight!" Shiro says, always trying to see the bright side of things when there isn't one.
"Is this even living?? Or are we just surviving?" Keith shouts, walking at the direction they need to go for supplies.
"...MULLET?!?" Keith turns to the shreik that had just been heard.
Oh my god, please no.
Next part
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