#we're gonna fix it ourselves and mod it out
spxnglr · 5 months
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I haven't shown you all what arrived at my door this week, have I?
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(before I ask my question I wanna say y'all are literally doing God's work and I love it) Okay! So I've been given the chance to speak to a (very) small club for religious LGBT peeps at my very not religious school (it's an unusual club for a secular school, I know), but I don't know what to talk about! We're supposed to talk abt our faith journey & being LGBT, but I don't know where to look for passages I can relate to my being trans (and/or gay). Do you know some passages offhand? 💕
Hey anon! I love you so much and you are doing the Lord’s work!! Both by this awesome thing you're doing with your school group and by just being your wonderful self every day! Okay, buckle up I have a whole journal full of verses.
“Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good” Romans 12:21 actually this whole passage is awesome and you definitely wanna read it but I love this verse for me and for our community at large because it is so tempting in our situation to give into anger, but this is what motivates us to do things like we are, leading our community in practicing hope and fixing our eyes on God. So that’s one thing you could talk about!
“How great is the love the Father has lavished upon us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it does not know Him.” 1John 3:1 I think this verse is so relevant for a lot of obvious reasons. For one thing, it starts off with a reminder of his love, which is so beautiful and so necessary. Then it reminds us that we are his children, and since so many of us have broken relationships with our parents, this is oh so important. And that last sentence? Dead on. Written specifically for marginalized groups like our community. I love it.
“The faith that you have, keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the one who has no reason to pass judgement on himself for what he approves.” Romans 14:22 This is a verse I talk about here all the time for that kind of initial questioning of like “wait but am I sure this is okay?”. This verse assures us that not only are we supposed to make decisions for our own faith that may not match others, we’re blessed for it, and shouldn’t judge ourselves for it. A lot of my personal faith is built upon this verse, and I think it’s something we don’t talk about much that could make a really interesting discussion for your group.
If you wanna talk about community check out Galatians 6:2 or Ephesians 2:9 or a bunch of others (trying to make this brief). If you wanna talk about hope from mourning, maybe your group’s going through a hard time, you can talk about Psalms 147:3 or Matthew 5:4 or some others. If you wanna talk about strength against hatred you could talk about Deuteronomy 31:6 or Psalms 3:6!
Pray about it, talk to God, see where They’re leading you. I’m so proud of you and I know it’s gonna be great! Have fun! I love you!
-mod sarah
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