#we're gonna have a herd of jons
undertheknightwing · 2 years
I can't believe I'm gonna have three Jons to love and make me smile 🧡
we got: Jon classic, Hot Topic exclusive Jon, and Jon the remix
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dingoes8myrp · 5 years
Mom and I React to Game of Thrones 7x06
Before the show
Mom: "I think Daenerys is going to save them with her dragons."
Me: "I don't know. She's gotta do something that's not fucking selfish. I mean, what the fuck? She startd out all 'Oh, I need to help these people.' Now she's all 'Bend the knee' and shit. But she's realizing he's going anyway and she's like 'Wait, really?' Like it's not just a ploy to take her army."
Mom: "She's gotta save him! And I hope the guy with the beard doesn't die because he loves Brienne. They need to get it on."
Me: "But Brienne loves Jamie."
Mom: "Oh, shit!"
She forgot about Brienne and Jamie for a minute
Arya finds the scroll in Baelish's chamber
Me: "He meant for her to find that, whatever it is. It's a trick."
Mom: "Shit."
Jon: "We're on the same side. We're all breathing."
Me: "'All life is precious.'"
Beyond the Wall
Jon: "There's not a woman within a hundred miles of here."
Tormund: "We've got to make do with what we've got."*eyes Gendry*
Mom: "Hah!"
Me: "Did he just hit on Gendry?"
Jon gives Longclaw to Jorah
Me: "Awwwwww!"
Jorah gives it back
Me: "Awwwww!"
Arya: "I knew I was breaking the rules, but he was smiling so I knew it wasn't wrong. The rules were wrong."
Me: "Yesss!"
Arya reads Sansa the scroll
Me: "Ohhhh! She DID write that!"
Sansa calls out Sansa about Ned's execution
Me: "Oooof."
Mom: "That's Littlefinger pitting the two sisters against each other."
Beyond the Wall
Tormund talks to The Hound
Me: "These guys are all bickering like children. It's hilarious."
Daenerys: (to Tyrion about Jon) "He's too little for me."
Me: *chokes on a potato chip laughing*
Daenerys: "We will discuss the succession after I wear the crown."
Mom: "She's not gonna wear the crown. She's not gonna make it."
Beyond the Wall
Mom: "They can't see shit! Horse! I see a horse! A bear? Oh, fuck!"
Me and Mom: "AHHH!'
Zombie polar bear
Me: "I can't even tell who's dying here."
Mom: "No, not that guy! We need that guy to bring everyone back!"
Me: "That's what happens when the party lets the Cleric be the Heavy."
D&D reference totally lost on my mom
Sansa: "Where'd she get it?"
Baelish: "I don't know."
Mom: "He DOES know! Little..."
Littlefinger mentions Brienne
Me: "What the hell's he involving her for?"
Littlefinger hints at maybe having Arya killed
Me: "Oh, fuck."
Mom: "He's such a fucking asshole."
Beyond the Wall
Jon smashes the white walker
Me: "Smash!"
All the wights fall
One straggler
Mom: "Why didn't it work on him?"
Me: "Well, they have to take one, so giddy up."
Mom: "Oh God, they're coming."
Tormund takes Gendry's hammer
Me: "REALLY?!"
They did not just send our boy off alone with no weapon
The one straggler guy falls
Me: "Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!"
Wights surround them
Me: "Same shit What's-his-face did. Learn, like, one lesson Jon."
Ramsay. What's-his-face was Ramsay but I couldn't spit it out in that split second in my distress
Gendry runs his ass off
Me: "This poor bastard with no weapon."
Mom: "Does he even know where the Christ he is?"
Jon and co huddle with the bagged up wight
Me: "The fuck are they doing?"
Mom: "They're on a rock with water all around them. Waiting."
Me: "For the guy whose one weapon they took who isn't accustomed to running his ass off in cold weather."
Gendry collapses
Mom: "He made it!"
Davos yells for the maester
Mom: "She's gotta show up with the dragon. They're gonna freeze to death there."
Me: "She's gonna send a scroll back. 'Bend the knee, bitch.'"
Mom: "Stop!"
Beric: *casually tells Jon to kill the Night King.*
Me: "'Oh, yeah. I'll just go and do that. No problem.' Is he fucking serious?"
Sansa reads a scroll
Sansa: "It's an invitation from King's Landing."
Me: "EWW!"
Sansa: "If they want another Stark prisoner they can come and take me."
Me: "Fucking exactly."
Sansa: "I do not need to be watched over!"
Me: "Oh, for fuck's sake, Sansa. Grow a brain."
Sansa tells Brienne firmly to go to King's Landing
Me: "Oh! 'Cause Littlefinger wanted to get Brienne involved in some shit. So she's sending her away."
Daenerys walks over to the dragons
Mom: "Yup, she's going."
Tyrion tells her to do nothing
Me: "Twat."
Daenerys flies off with all three dragons
Me: "Ooh, all three of them are going."
Mom: "She's gonna wipe 'em all out."
Beyond the Wall
Mom: "Just hang on! She'll be there quick."
The Hound hucks a rock at a skeleton
Me: "Oof."
Rock skids across the ice
Mom: "Mistake."
The Hound: "Ohhh fuck."
Why is he allowed on the team again?
Skeleton walks across
Me: "Strollin' with his Uggs."
Dudes in an all out slice and dice fight
Me: "You notice it's always the women who swoop in and save the men in this?"
Mom: "Yup."
Fight escalates
Me: "Come on Daenerys, what the fuck?"
Tormund gets overwhelmed
Mom: "No! NO!"
The Hound finally saves him from that terrifyingly long agonizing drag across the ice
Me: "Finally, fuck."
Wights climbing up the cliff and driving them toward the edge
Mom: "Where IS she?!"
Jon gets that look of 'well, I guess this is how I die.'
Dragon fire
Me: "Ohhhh I just got warm and fuzzy."
Jon lets the other guys get up on the dragons and keeps fighting to cover them
Night King grabs an ice spear
Me: "Oh fuck."
Mom: "He's gonna hit a dragon."
Dragon plummets HARD
Me: "Oh! Aww, he's dead."
We were so distressed here, guys
Jon tells Daenerys to leave as he gets tackled under the ice
Mom: "She's gonna go after the Night King."
Daenerys dodges with the dragon and almost dumps her passengers
Me: "You gotta warn people, Dany. Jesus."
Mom: "JON!"
Jon comes up out of the ice
Mom: "He's still alive!"
Jon is blue and exhausted
Me: "Um, barely."
Herd turns as Jon hobbles over
Me: "She's gonna circle back around and go for the Night King."
Fire mace thing (I do not know what it's called)
Mom: "The uncle!"
Jon tells Benjen to come with him and Benjen refuses
Mom: "He can't cross the wall anyway."
Me: "Jon didn't even know he wasn't dead. He met Bran and them, not Jon."
Mom: "Oh!"
The Wall
Dragon screech
Me: "Aww they're morning the one they lost."
Horn blows
Mom: "Oh, it's him! She waited!"
Sansa sneaks into Arya's room, opens a satchel
Mom: "I hope she doesn't have any faces in there."
Me: "Haha!"
Arya asks Sansa to play the game of faces
Me: "Gah-hah!"
This is the creepiest shit
Arya says she'd like to wear Sansa's face and just walks out
Me: "She's like 'What the FUCK?!'"
Jon wakes up and the first thing he says is he's sorry
Me: *heartbroken*
Jon calls Daenerys Dany
Daenerys: "Who was the last person to call me that? My brother."
Me: "Gah-ha!"
Jon calls Daenerys his queen
Mom: "She's gonna have sex with him."
Me: "Ew."
Mom: "Really?"
Me: "He is her brother."
Mom: "Only half."
Me: "..."
How is this less gross than Cersei and Jamie?!
Beyond the Wall
Wights pulling chains
Me: "What?"
They pull the dead dragon out of the ice
Mom: "Ohhhh shit."
Me: "Well that's gonna be fucking terrible."
Mom: "She's not gonna be able to kill it! Someone else is gonna have to kill it. Like Stassi with her thing."
Me: "Who?!"
Mom: "The other queen with her thing." *mimes a crossbow*
Me: "Cersei?"
Mom: "Yes."
Me: "He is still trying to recruit her because then he'll have everybody."
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