#since we get a new one each season lmao
zepskies · 3 months
The Boys S4: Is it just me or...
Okay, anyone who knows me knows I love this show. And I don't mean to be overly critical, but...there's something missing for me in season 4. 🤔
Episode 4 brought me back in a bit more this week, but I have thoughts and just wanted to get them out. Which of course you don't have to agree with, if you so choose to dive below the cut. 😂
So here we go! Highlights and lowlights (and **spoilers**): ⤵️
Sorry in advance for my slightly stream of conscious-style thought process.
Lowlights (so far):
Kimiko x Frenchie: Violently pushing down something you built up for 2.75 seasons? Because "being more than that/family" can also be romantic? Why do you hate the fans, Kripke? 😂
The political "satire" is getting a bit old for me. A lot of the same jokes over and over. However, the problem of taking out Victoria Neuman is a very intriguing conundrum (and Bob Singer sweating over it while trying to keep supes out of the military/law enforcement is keeping me hooked).
THAT Rob scene: lmfao come on now. This was for gross shock value and nothing else. Even the exploding dick and Love Sausage in S3 served a narrative purpose. (But I enjoyed the footnote commentary while watching it on Prime: Rob B. apparently wants to remind everyone that he's a Shakespearean-trained actor. 🤣) I’m actually more disappointed that he didn’t have a more meaningful role in the show, because he really is a fantastic actor and I was looking forward to seeing what his character would bring. (Not that lmao.)
Overall, the season just feels...emptier than seasons 1-3? Maybe that has to do with the lack of Soldier Boy's gravitas as a new antagonist, and connecting the entire narrative and various conflicts of the season -- all while shedding light on the grisly past of Payback, Grace Mallory, and Stan Edgar. Stormfront also brought that ante up in season 2 in a similar way, all while shedding light on Vought's sordid history with the creation of Compound V.
We're missing the layers here in season 4. Now, this could just be because we haven't seen the full season yet as well, but that's what I see so far.
I think it also has to do with the odd dynamic the boys side is in right now. With Butcher on the fringe of the group, and the others splintered off on their own side plots, it feels like the supes' side of things are more...for lack of a better term, "unified" in the narrative.
Which I realize is probably to reverse parallel the state of each side in season 3. But it just feels "off" to me somehow, since we're supposed to be just as invested in the boys side lol.
Butcher and Ryan: Butcher's doing his best there now, and it soothes my heart.
Ryan's slowly seeing the consequences of his choice to join Homelander. In fact, I'm wondering where Ryan is in episode 4. Hiding in his room?
The Khan Worm that appears to be inside Butcher is both frightening and intriguing. I wonder if this is the key to saving his life? Or just another lovely side effect of taking V24 long term. 🐛
JDM (Joe) and Butcher: All their scenes were golden. And that subtle John Winchester reference? Being willing to train up his son to be a killer? Being able to grieve at his son's funeral, knowing he "saved the world?" *Chef's kiss* 🤌🏽
(And if Butcher or Joe end up being the one to break Soldier Boy out of his cryo coffin, my fangirl heart will freak TF out. 🤣)
The way that Homelander is noticing his age is fucking hilarious. Bet you wish you had that life longevity from your father/sperm donor, dont'cha? 😂
But also the way Homelander "confronted" his past in E4 had some truly WTF/Holy Shit™️ moments, in a good way. As in, I'm once again afraid of this unhinged psychopath--kind of way. 😅
A-Train continuing to struggle internally with the place he's fought so hard to keep in the Seven, versus recognizing the evil around him, his own complicity, wanting forgiveness from Hughie, and wanting a true connection with others (namely his family).
It's interesting that Hughie's mom is being brought back in at this time. And even MORE interesting that she seems to be the one who gave her ex-husband Compound V. Her story of why she left her family seemed so normal that I actually got a little suspicious of her. But now, even more so. 🤨
M.M. doing his fucking best. (Except for the way he suddenly had a change of heart about Butcher in E4. Not sure about that one.)
Tilda effing Swinton voicing Ambrosius. PLEASE. My Queen. 😭🤣🤣
I actually had more lowlights before I watched episode 4. There were some really interesting moments that literally had me gasping in shock (this time in a good way), more so than in the first 3 episodes. However, I still think seasons 1-3 were stronger from the get-go.
But even with my lingering reservations, now I'm actually more so looking forward to getting into the meat of the season in this second-half coming up. 👏🏽
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arkhammaid · 6 months
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fandom. formula one & mcu
about. ollie and y/n talk for the first time... even if it's over text. takes part right after the strategy reveal
content warnings. smau, not edited/proofread
notes. have this first chapter before i dip into my holidays hehe
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hey y/n! i hope you don't mind me reaching out, but i thought it would be good, since we're the only rookies and never properly met :) to a good season!
oh hi oliver! i don't mind at all, thank you for the message. to a good season for us
are you busy with preperations as well?
ferrari is definitely a step up from f2, haven't had a free minute for weeks now
welcome to f1 lol 😂
leclerc treating you well? it must've been a mess with sainz...
no worries, charles has been very welcoming, i'm really honored to be his teammate. and the thing with carlos... yeah, it was a bit, but we actually get along well
good good, wanna see you racing and not getting distracted by some bitch fighting in the garage
lmao 😂😂
nah nah, all good. to be honest, he's still a bit prickly about how ferrari and lewis handled those rumors... but well, it isn't really my business
good good
have to run, dad wants to wrap up our moves to ny
but we'll see each other soon, yeah? lemme know when you have time for a proper talk, we definitely have to stick together as rookies
the grid can be a cruel world
alright, have a nice day! don't know about free time yet, but the lastes we'll see each other will be in bahrain
awesome, till then oliver :)
you can call me ollie
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let's meet up in bahrain
hello to you too, y/n
hello ollie
so, let's meet up
i'll be there a few day earlier, you as well?
i actually planned to come with ferrari, but i can come earlier!
awesome. you can entertain me then :)
what about the rest of your team?
kev is back with his family and doesn't want to leave them too early, my dad is busy because the president is an incompetent fuck, harley and peter are working on publishing a paper before they join and the rest is just generally busy
damn. alright, as long you plan everything? i have nothing prepared lol
sure! we can go training together and i know a few nice places we can hit before the stress begins
i'll send you the data later, don't worry, i'll pay for the hotel
you really don't have to
i don't care, you're hanging out with me, i will pay for stuff. i know you could stay at home but you're gonna spend time with me so shut it
hehe, until bahrain. can't wait!!
until then, y/n 😊
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #21
Best of Wish
This is way more intense of a Rock-Paper-Scissors competition than I expected. I love how the stakes in this show are kid-themed, but still flashy enough to be engaging.
For some reason, even though I know Dev's surname is Dimmadome, it's still funny to hear a kid be announced like that. For years, that's been an "old man name" burned into my mind.
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Are they allowed to do that?? Does apple beat worm?
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He's just a little guy! You wouldn't beat a little guy at Rock, Paper, Scissors, c'mon!!
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Time of his life.
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Dev: I cheated! And you're supposed to be SAD now! That's the whole point!!
Dev is having a very hard time dealing with his emotions. I am definitely enjoying him screaming about how he cheated to win and that means Hazel should be miserable now. You can just TELL the words he's throwing out reflect how he feels and he's super confused as to why she congratulated him on his win.
-> Gives me similar vibes to Foop in "Blue Angel" screaming about how it wasn't fair that Chloe kept forgiving him despite his best efforts to tear her apart, although I think the emotions are being played better in this set-up.
-> With Foop, even though he also has a messed-up past (37 years of solitary confinement from the day he was born according to my frozen timestream notes), he was born with murderous rage, and his culture definitely leans in the direction of encouraging that.
With Dev, you know he's lashing out with things that would hurt him specifically and that he's having a really rough go of things. I like that.
If I'm feeling like Dev reminds me of Foop, that kind of implies Dev and Peri are supposed to me a good match that balance each other out. I like that.
That checks out- Peri has doting parents and wants LESS attention, and Dev can't keep his dad's focus and wants MORE attention. Peri's the one who keeps trying to rein Dev in and Dev is always trying to get Peri to go further.
Agency knew what they were doing when they assigned this pair, huh?
/war flashbacks to Foop being distraught that his parents left him alone for spring break back in the day.
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Irep implying he didn't have a choice in his name change? I wonder what the reasoning was, since he even says it's "Harder to pronounce" than Foop? Curious...
As much as he hated his name when he was born (Season 7), he was very attached to it by "Love Triangle" (Season 8), correcting Goldie every time she got it wrong until he finally snapped and screamed at her about how "It's not that difficult!"
Goldie got Fairy names right, AND every character in the school play right, but never bothered to learn her one Anti-Fairy classmate's name despite all the time they spent rehearsing for the play and him making it very clear he wanted her to say it right. Big yikes.
He's very proud of his name in later episodes (announcing himself often) and has his business cards. I mean... Sure, he's allowed to change it- It just surprises me that he's heavily implying it was against his will since his attachment to his name was such a big part of his character in my memory.
He's developed an entirely new identity, lmao. Who are you?
Potentially setting up a plot about how he's mad he has to copy Peri, but I feel like there would've been easier ways to do that?
I assume the logic here is that it needs to be clear to Hazel and/or viewers that they're opposites (We got the info here, but he'll probably appear in future episodes where it needs to be clear to prevent confusion for people just tuning in), but if that's the goal...
W... why would he not just change his name to Anti-Peri?
Plot twist of the century: They bring back Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda, but their names are Osmoc and Adnaw now and we all suffer for it.
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/record scratch
Hey, um. Why did they give Irep body language that was pretty much exclusive to Foop's alternate personality??
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You're really gonna play me like this??
Straight out of the GATE!?
Okay, I just rewound to his first appearance of this episode and I do see the Foop-exclusive body language in Irep too, but... ???
Just really caught me off guard to see two poses I've burned into my memory as "alt personality things" back to back in like, 10 seconds, but okay. I don't care if this is a tangent; the actual episode can wait. It's important to me...
All right, the context:
So, OG Foop does fists when he's frustrated / scheming / cackling / nervous (usually above his head or down by his sides).
His alter does upturned fists when he's praising / cheerful. That's always been one of their switch cues, from the alter's debut in "Playdate of Doom" (Season 7) up through the last implied switch in "Return of the L.O.S.E.R.S." (Season 10).
Even the very first onscreen switch in Season 7 ("Playdate") depicts the alter holding his fists like that, before the double eye highlights were introduced in "Spellementary School"-
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-and he does the fists several times throughout his first episode.
Other body language habits include big, flat hands lifted towards the mouth, plus clasped hands. In other words, the alter is more "dainty" and "gushy" compared to Foop- I've always imagined him "doing everything over-the-top and unironically."
Don't confuse that with him being the nicest person, though. He's very funny; I like in the OG series when he's totally down to butt heads with Poof and coos "Does Mr. Popular want to fight~?"
Like. Logically, I know that is just a weird coincidence. There's no way the storyboard folks studied that, and there's no way they're planning to bring the alter back, because if they were, I'm sure he would've been blatant in this episode.
Foop's not using his high-pitched voice here and we can't use his eye highlights as a faithful signal since that's on-model for this show, but...
I mean... He's talking about Da Rules when he does the upturned fists. That does fit the "grumpy / scheming" energy which is correct for Foop (although he usually pumps his fists above his head or clenches them down by his sides instead of upturning them like this), but... ???
Wow, that is not a pose I'm used to seeing on Foop instead of his alter. I've written this little guy in 'fic a bunch of times; I know his body language pretty well and it was a switch cue for 3 seasons??
I'm okay. It's fine.
Also, here's a video showcasing their switches. Volume warning:
I just found out I missed one switch in "Terrible Twosome" when Poof gives him chocolate (even before his Terrific Twos kicked in), and I was always unclear on the full diner scene in "When L.O.S.E.R.S. Attack" (though I don't remember why; maybe because the voice is deep despite the highlights and I'm only rethinking it 6 years later), but... Them.
-> I do count "Terrible Twosome" as essentially the alter because the eye highlights, voice change, music change, and clenched fists all match the standard, but I'd accept arguments to the contrary since it's confirmed all Anti-Fairies have some version of Terrific Twos, and this is the only one we have for reference.
I was today years old watching this old compilation when I realized the music consistently zigzags between super cheery and dark when they switch, even outside "Terrible Twosome," which was where I remembered it. No... It's been there since "Playdate of Doom." Huh.
Okay, so... This is actually really interesting. When they switch, the music does too, but their music doesn't overlap. It's a very clear, jarring switch. There's often, though not always, a pause before this switch (such as their very rapid back-and-forth in "Playdate of Doom"). I've learned something new. Huh.
... Wait a sec.
They wouldn't...
Hey, uh ???
why does the tense music in "Best of Luck" cut off immediately before Irep temples his hands, drop to silence, and then switch the thumping part of the music to the cheery part underneath it and put the thumping part underneath the cheery bit instead?
I already used my one video for this post, but I can post the audio. It's subjective; I'm sure it's not supposed to indicate anything, so just bear with me...
- Okay, so we have this dark "BUM-bum, BUM-bum, BUM-bum" pattern. That goes for 12 seconds into this clip before fading out. - Note that you can hear, like... a scale underneath, like a swish, 4 or 5 seconds in. Right as 12 seconds turns to 13, there's a "sparkle noise". - And then we drop. And silence. So, that's the exact moment before Irep temples his hands.
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- NOW the cheery scale in the music is louder and the thumps are very faded in the background, but definitely still there. - So, the stings are no longer "always switching, but never overlapping" the way they were in the OG series, apparently.
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- Irep clasps his hands and says a couple more words, then drops his hands on "quitting." - RIGHT THEN, his music switches back to loud tension.
What the fliiiippp... what the fliiiiiippp?
?? I said I could see Foop-exclusive body language in him too earlier in this episode. Are they together again? Is that why they're sharing the music sting!?
SURELY that is not intentional. That HAS to be coincidence. I cannot imagine a world where that is on purpose. I'm losing my mind.
I... I don't really know where to go from here. I gotta lie down.
Bonus notes about the fists I moved down here due to length:
Okay, upon review, there are several ambiguous moments in the OG series where Foop himself makes potentially joyful fists instead of scheming fists, such as:
- When trying to fool Jorgen into thinking he's rehabilitated in "Playdate of Doom" (and Jorgen clocks him as lying) - When he's trying to sweet-talk Poof in "Two and a Half Babies" (and Poof also clocks him as lying) - Both times he's brownnosing up to Crocker in "School of Crock" (and Crocker clocks him for it) AND when he's sweet-talking the principal to trick him into activating his door trap. He also makes the fists when he's mimicking Poof in his first scene, so... he pretty much does it anytime he's "not being Foop," lol. -> In that case, it's funny he makes those fists when telling Poof in the closing scene that he's "sorry for trying to annihilate him." That said, he DOES switch a few seconds later while gushing over how Sammy Sweetsparkle is "kind of a bad boy." -> Clasped hands (also a thing his alter does a lot) is ALSO something Foop does when he's blatantly lying (The last of the Snow Wanda scene in "Fairly Odd Fairy Tales" is a good example, but I saw other episodes too). - Continuing with ambiguity talk, he does the joyful fists both times he enters the pet shop in "Man's Worst Friend," (a scene where he seems to switch multiple times, so it's clearly a place that affects him, but he doesn't have eye highlights when he first enters the building) - When the Anti-Fairy Council names him a scary godparent in "Fairy Godcouple" and he grins and says "Bring it on!" (though I can see that as scheming about what he can do with this power) - At the end of "Fairly Odd Fairy Tales" when he's trying to coax Timmy into eating his food and Wanda hands him a treat, interrupting his scheme (and he leaves his fists in the air while expressing interest in the treat) - The first time he meets Vicky during "When L.O.S.E.R.S. Attack" (when she joins the team's plan to get Timmy, so... arguably scheming, though the alt personality is known for crushes - and had eye highlights when asking Crocker if the mystery person he wanted to bring in was single - so I'd accept that as an answer).
Yes, I did drop everything to rewatch every Foop episode for this. hey man how's it going.
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theyapper0 · 2 months
(A "Welcome to Heaven" rewrite for my Hazbin reimagining)
(Before I get into it, I gotta give some context...
The "Dad Beat Dad" episode didn't happen (bc I don't want Lucifer at ALL in season 1 so there is a better build up to his character. I think he came WAY TOO SOON in canon LOL) 
Charlie doesn't ask Lucifer for the favor to get a meeting to Heaven, instead Alastor encouraged her to contact Adam and DEMAND a meeting as the Heir of Hell) 
(There are also 5 parts to this btw 😋)
The episode starts w/ a flashback. It's all blurry and all the viewer sees is blurry flashes of colors. 
You can hear Vaggie's voice, she sounds slightly younger. She's shouting out military commands. 
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Then you hear another voice, it's the same voice that you heard from the first Episode, the Exorcist Angel that accompanied Adam during Charlie's meeting w/ him (Lute) 
A hand is placed on Silhouette!Vaggie’s shoulder, she's looking up at her, “Easy, soldier”
Lute then tells the rest of the division to “Try not to take the kid to seriously, she still cries about imps under her bed”
There's laughter from a group of Exorcists
Lute laughs, “Okay okay, I'll be quiet. You're doin’ great so far, V. Keep it up”
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The dream ends abruptly. Vaggie is woken up to Charlie, who's buzzing around their bedroom. TODAY IS THE DAY THEY GO TO HEAVEN!!!!!!! AAAAHHH!!!! 
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Vaggie goes to grab her spear but Charlie puts her hands over hers, “Maybe… don't bring it?”
Vaggie tries to protest, "What if it goes south?”
Charlie: I know but… I wanna make a good impression on Heaven. ‘show them we're not just violent beasts who don't trust anyone
Vaggie hums… 
Charlie: Come on, Vaggie! Nothing bad’s gonna happen! It's Heaven! ^^
Vaggie sighs and lets go of her spear, “Yeah… That's exactly what I'm worried about…”
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Her spear is dull anyway, her blade sharpener broke the other day and they haven't had the time (or the money) to get a new one….
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Angel, Husk, and Niffty still go to the club with Cherri Bomb
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So Charlie and Vaggie go through the portal to Heaven and they walk go the gates of Heaven. 
I'll put the rest under the cut since this is LOOOOOONG
St. Peter isn't there at the gates, Emily is though. She's been waiting for their arrival!!! 
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Emily introduces herself as Emily Eveningale!!!! and explains to them her job, making the people of Heaven happy. And then she's like “IT'S SO GREAT TO MEET YOU!!!!!!!🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩”
She explains that the Trial will be starting the moment the clock strikes midnight and that she'll be putting a magic timer on them to ensure they don't forget! 
Charlie's like, “MAGIC TIMER!!!??? SWEET!!!”
But then Vaggie then steps forward and is like, “Yeah, you can just put it on me, we won't be straying too far from each other anyway”
Emily: Ok! 
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Emily graces the magic timer on upon Vaggie's wrist. Picture like an animal branding thing. 
Vaggie winces as it's put on.
Emily is like “Yeah, I’m really sorry if the stamp hurt! The trial will be starting at midnight!”
So they’ve got basically the whole day to waste LOL
The Heavenly Gates open and Emily brings them inside, she’s taking them to the Head Seraphim, Sera Eveningale.
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So the three are walking through Heaven. Charlie and Emily are yappin’ and yappin’, getting along GREAT!! They meet each other’s energy super well and are basically like two hyperactive puppies at a dog park LMAO!
Charlie and Emily talking 
Vaggie is sota hanging back…. She looks on edge and keeps looking around.
Adam is walking with Saint Peter, they're talking and just having a grand ol’ time. Lute is trailing behind them. (she's still like Adam's bodyguard when she isn't training the Exorcists)
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Lute spots them walking past with Emily. She sees stupid shitty fucking Charlotte and…. VAGGIE….. 
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Adam looks too, but only focuses on Charlie and Emily. He heard Emily say something like “So what’s Hell like??? :O”!!
He’s not gonna like that.
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They get to the Heavenly cathedral (it looks like the one in Hell (where Charlie had her meeting with Adam), just less run down and ugly). It's beautiful!!! 
Sera greets them with as much hospitality as she could muster 
They all talk for a while :) 
“A very interesting belief, the redemption of a Sinner…. And an even more interesting method of doing so with your hotel”
Charlie was gonna go into detail about it but Sera cuts her off and is like “Ah, we can save it for court” 
Sera repeats that the trial starts at midnight. “
“We'll show you to your chambers for the time being” 
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So Sera and Emily are leading Charlie and Vaggie to their chambers.
While they're walking there, Emily speaks quietly to Sera… “Can't we give them something…. Nicer?” 
Sera just looks at her and doesn't say anything.
(Keep in mind the title of this episode)
So they get to the chambers and…..
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Yeah, it's basically the dungeon in the basement. 
It’s dingy, dark and cold. They don't complain too much bc they're used to stuff like this in Hell but COME ON!!! They just saw a whole bunch of beauty in Heaven, they really couldn't have a nicer room!
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Emily is like er… sorry, I wish I could give you a better place to stay. Charlie's like no worries? It's fine! ^^ 
Emily says they don't need to stay here until the trial, I could show you around!!! 
Charlie's like !!! Really!!!!
Emily is like yeah!!! 
Sera: Emily…
Emily: What? Oh come on, Sera!! It's fine! Nothing bad’ll happen! 
Sera is like “ok fine but,” She snaps her fingers and these white cuffs appear on Charlie
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Vaggie is like HEY!! GET THAT SHIT OFF HER! 
Sera tells her to relax and is like “dw, it's just Heavenly cuffs. It disables Miss Morningstar’s satanic powers for as long as she has them on” 
Charlie is like “oh nonono I'm not gonna do anything, I swear”
Sera is like I'm sorry but you can never be too careful 
Sera leaves like “see u in court”
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Emily hums, slightly annoyed but quickly hides it and smiles again. 
Emily asks Charlie if she's ever been to an aquarium and Charlie is like NO!!!!! Is it really as blue as I've heard?? And Emily is like the BLUEST!!!! 
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Emily flies out like “race you outside!!!!” 
Charlie goes to run out but realizes that Vaggie hasn't moved, she's like “U coming, Vags?” 
Vaggie shakes her head and is like “nah, I don't think I wanna see Heaven…”
Charlie laughs, “What? Scared you'll love it and actually give redemption a shot?”
Vaggie smiles and they come closer to each other, she cups her face, “You know I'd never leave you”
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Charlie smiles at her and holds her wrists. Vaggie looks down at the cuffs on Charlie and frowns
Charlie: You're worrying, Vaggie. Everything's gonna be okay, I know it
Vaggie hums, “Just be careful, okay?” 
Charlie nods, “Of course”
They kiss.
Charlie: So you're SURE you don't wanna come? I mean, I can stay here with you”
Vaggie looks at her, “Babe, we both know you wanna go see that aquarium, you're literally tap dancing in your spot right now. 
Vaggie: Go. I'd rather stay here :)
Charlie says that she'll bring her back something, from what she saw, the food in Heaven looks DELICIOUS!!! 
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happylikeasadsong · 3 months
syd x carmy in season three
i’m back here cause i have way too much to say than it can fit on thread on twt
this is just what i could come up after sitting on s3 for the past few days, i was spiralling, it was bad.
this will be a long one, so settle in!
for me, regardless if this season was supposed to be a two parter or not, one thing that’s clear to me is that we were meant to watch this rupture in their relationship develop throughout the season.
listen, he was locked in that freezer for hours, and in those hours he spiraled beyond control. we can’t expect sydcarmy to have the same dynamic as the past seasons cause they’re not in the same place they were before. Carmy locked in the walk-in changed him and therefore, changed their dynamic too.
he promised syd in the first episode that he was never gonna leave her alone again, but in his fucked up mind, this means never let her make a solo decision when is comes to the menu, is having him make all the decisions himself and have the last say and change her every input. For him, this is how he honours his promise and for syd is how he makes her feel under appreciated and undermined.
he makes it look like it doesn’t matter what she does, as great as it is, he’ll always change it and make it about him. the decision of having her as a partner takes her by surprise cause they have never discussed it, he dumps all of these things on her, first thing in the morning, she can wrap her mind around the fact that’s that same guy she left a few hours before. He’s completely changed.
And though she tries to at least get on board and support his non-negotiables list and the menu changing every day and all the bullshit with richie, by “doors” she’s already exhausted of trying to keep up with him, tired of being his babysitter.
so when that new opportunity is presented to her, she actually considers it because it’s a way out of working in a stress free environment where she has full creative control to shape the new place as she sees fit (also the pay and benefits?? I’d be signing that shit right there lmao). It really is an incredible opportunity.
so yeah, i feel like we were meant to see how they crack under pressure and this was something chris storer had said in interviews before when talking about s2 on how hard it is to open a restaurant and keep it running once you do. he always wanted to explore the gritty stuff and I felt like he accomplished that in this season.
from a narrative standpoint, at some point we had to see syd and carmy’s partnership is put to test, we need to see what falling out to the point of almost no return looks for them in order to see how they are gonna find their way back to each other. and i can’t see a better time to do it than now.
it can feel hopeless, yes, and feel like they’re not gonna make it to the finish line, but let’s remember this is a story about finding new ways to reconnect to the things/ people you love, found family and generational trauma.
we see carmy is at his lowest, sydney is at her lowest, so logically the only way we can get to is up.
i believe that after carmy confronted his abusive boss, he had some sort of breakthrough from the way he sighed after their talk. i took it as his way of beginning to process his trauma.
as for sydney, we saw how deeply the idea of leaving has affected her, even though she knows is for a better place where her ideas will be respected and appreciated they way she knows it deserves. hopefully her panic attack will be enough to make her realize she needs help making the decision (if she can’t have her best friend and partner for this, then she’ll have her dad).
all of this to say that i am hopeful and excited to see what’s coming next year, and i truly believe sydcarmy is on the right path (this is a slow burn doing slow burn things ffs). We can’t let go just when things gets interesting. im dying to see their big fight, it’s something I’ve been needing since s2.
they’re still soulmates (after we saw the invisible string scene, there’s no going back) and they had significant scenes this season too, just not the way ppl thought it would be.
let’s have them work it out on the remix
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rexecutioner · 2 months
Every time I remember that it’s been about 3 years since Vylad has seen Travis and Aphmau in person (and by extension his brothers but this is a Not Alone Buddies post) it makes me genuinely so sad. The last memories he has of them are quick snippets and the rest are from when they were in high school. He’s like canonically 28. That’s got to fuck with his brain a little bit once he sees them again and they look (and probably act) completely different after Season 6.
These two are his best friends. I know they don’t canonically hang out on screen very often, but the Not Alone Buddies title has to mean SOMETHING to them. In a post 6 mini-game, Travis mentions that he is currently in contact with Vylad and will tattle on Garroth to him after Garroth forgets about Vylad when bringing up siblings, and Aphmau and Travis immediately start mentally correcting Garroth on his mistake of only mentioning Zane.
That action alone makes the found family lover in my heart happy. When Vylad’s own brother forgets about him, the other Not Alone Buddies are there to correct him immediately, even after so long of a time passes without seeing Vylad in person. They all care about each other, which makes me believe it would hurt so much more when they all see each other together for the first time since Season 1.
Poor Vylad has so much to catch up on. Werewolf brother? His other brother can’t remember his name anymore? Weird patches of empty space in his memory that came out of nowhere? I think that is a lot of changes to process (being an affair child in an all Ro’Meave family in Minecraft had to have caused some relationship strains on their own, not even considering that Zane and Vylad have a more tense relationship canonically, and if we go off of MCD logic to fill in the gaps, well..) added to the fact that both of his only close friends nearly died multiple times, and that countless people DID die, including Travis’ dad, his only family left.
My heart aches when thinking of their reunion. Vylad just got into town and caught up with his brothers and mom, having to process that his best friends are both still in the hospital with almost no explanation other than “it’s nothing you need to worry about, also we legally aren’t allowed to tell anybody”. When his Buddies are finally back in town after months of recovery, they are so different from what Vylad remembers.
Travis’ eyes weren’t always grey, they were an unusual shade of green not possible naturally. Aphmau is also a Werewolf now, and both Not Alone Buddies are plastered in unusual scars unexplainable by his limited knowledge of the situation. They both seem less cheerful and more depressed due to Aaron’s conditions and Terry’s death. Vylad hates that he missed so much, and while he knows there was nothing he could do to help, it hurts him to see the ones he loves in pain.
Jess NEEDS to bring him back season 7. He cannot just have no closure. I don’t give a fuck what kind of trips he was on, I’m pretty sure if you got the news that everyone you know and love almost fucking died you’d return home, too. Vylad has two main characters for siblings, and even if Jess forgets that she made Vylad a Not Alone Buddy too, he at least needs to get to see his brothers on screen. I can NOT rate S7 over a 7/10 if Vylad isn’t even mentioned. I’ll consider giving it a 10/10 if he appears for more than four episodes this time around lmao
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ladymarycrawley · 1 year
Wet celebration - Mason Mount
Not requested but I was struck by the inspiration, after a long time, to write sth for our star boy so enjoy 💫
Warning: smutty, very smutty (and I said to myself it shouldn't have been lmao)
Tag list: @prideofpd, @chelsealover, @johnstonesfc, @masterclassbaby, @masonxomount
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Mason going back to training after having missed some of the first games of the season together with the England camp was definitely something worthy of being celebrated.
Before he could go back you had in mind to have your intimate party which consisted of a candle lit bubble bath and champagne glasses to have a toast.
Everything had to be ready for when he came back home after his last session at the physio, the one that would have officially sealed his coming back on the pitch.
You were waiting for him kind of impatiently, both to have him all to yourself (romantically speaking) and to hear the good news of him getting the green light to go back doing the thing he loved the most.
He entered your shared house with the biggest grin ever, his trademark, and with his arms wide open.
“Guess who can go back to playing football?”
“Mhh let me guess…” You accepted playing his game, assuming a fake thoughtful expression as you walked towards him, between his arms. "Is that you?"
He nodded gloatingly, securing his grip around your body.
“I can go back playing” He hummed, sounding like a happy boy who just finished his homeworks and can go having fun.
“I knew it, I’m so proud of you” You whispered while cupping his perfect face in your hands. “And you deserve a reward”
Mason lifted his eyebrows in an enquiring look, waiting to have some explanations.
You smiled and took his hand in yours to lead him upstairs, where your romantic surprise was waiting for you.
When you stopped at the entrance of your big bathroom he saw the shadow of candlelights and smiled knowingly, walking in to look at the tub brimming with soap bubbles, the two glasses of champagne and the massaging oil on the ceramic surface waiting for you.
He wiggled his eyebrows and started unzipping his hoodie to throw it mercilessly on the floor.
“We need to hurry before the water cools down” His voice assumed an husky tone, the one he would usually get when lust was making its way inside his body and also the one that would make you wet.
You followed his advice by slowly discarding all the clothes that were covering your body, letting them fall on the floor. The only thing that didn’t leave your body was your powerful eye contact: you couldn’t look away from each other, you were a feast for each other’s eyes.
When you were both naked Mason offered his hand to help you step inside the tub as you thanked him silently with a smile.
You sat there, waiting for him to join you and to adopt your favourite posture which was laying your back against his chest and letting him do everything he had in mind to do to your body.
Before relaxing against his toned chest you stretched out your right arm to grab the two glasses and handed him his.
“What are we drinking to?”
 “To you being back at training and to me being always proud of you”
Mason smirked and raised his glass.
“I’d also like to drink to my gorgeous girlfriend who had this great idea…been missing some good bath tub sex”
“Mase!” You turned crimson as you nonchalantly sipped your wine.
“Oh come on, I know you’re no angel and your aim has always been this, since the beginning that little mind of yours started thinking about all of this”
You rolled your eyes and drank up the liquid in your glass, leaving some at the bottom of it to dip your index finger in and bring it closer to your boyfriend’s lips. He smirked as he didn’t doubt not even for a second about what was your plan for the night and swirled his tongue around your finger before sucking it. You had far better things to do than going on having some good wine, so you skipped to the main course.
A mischievous smirk appeared on your lips to match the one plastered on Mason’s face.
He took in your naked body, soaking your breast with some lazy strokes that gave him the chance to finally touch you. His thumb rubbed your nipple gently, soon adding the tip of his tongue to it.
Some sweet but forbidden cuddles were the things you missed the most during these days of pain and you weren’t the only one needing them so you moved your hand across his abdomen to place it in the tip of his dick coming out of water. The look you gave to it was obviously a luxurious one, you couldn’t wait to taste it.
You started by brushing your thumb pad left and right, adding a light pressure to it.
Mason sat on the step your bath tub had so you could give him his reward more easily.
The sight of his big cock twitching made you even more eager to have it so you moved closer, placing your palms on his inner thighs to let your mouth do the work you both were looking forward to: you spit on his member to make the movement of your lips smoother. Relaxed, cute moans started filling the room as he placed his hand in your tied up hair to spur you on.
“Oh good god..”
His eyes were closed and his head back against the wall: you succeeded in making him relax but you didn’t want him to get too relaxed as you needed something too, for being a good supportive girlfriend. When his precum started touching your lips you stopped, giving him doe eyes.
He opened his eyes and when he saw the way you were looking at him, knelt down in front of him all needy, he lost it: he needed to have you right there and then.
Mason’s brown eyes got covered in lust as he got back in the water and placed his hands on your hips to lift you on the step where he was sitting earlier.
He spread your legs open so he could start devouring your pussy as if his life depended on it. His tongue sucked, his teeth nibbled at your lips and his lips left small kisses all around: it was perfect.
“Oh yes Mase…I missed you” You whined, pushing your hips against his mouth. 
He let out a satisfied moan as he was pleased to give you such a good time. His tongue stopped licking your skin the moment he shifted it inside of you.
"Yes baby yes…fuck me”
The way he ate you out was about to give you your first orgasm but he did the same you did to him: as soon as he felt your juices down his chin he stopped and broke away.
“Mase -”
Mason lifted his weight on his arms to reach your height and whisper a little something to your lips.
“What goes around comes around”
He was too much to take: he was there making fun of you, looking hotter than ever and driving you crazy by being a tease.
Mason sat back in the tub as you straddled him, tangling your arms around his neck and bending your knees so that your feet were resting near his bottom. 
“You’re being a tease, that’s not fair” You cooed in his ear, biting on his earlobe in a playful yet horny.
“You’ve been a tease too and it was a pity I had to stop cause your cum tasted so good…”
A louder desperate groan left your lips, made it even more desperate by the feeling of his fingers dangerously close to your pussy.
The way he was there, looking irresistible, urged you to kiss him feverishly, a messy kiss that left nothing to the imagination.
During your open mothed kiss, Mason pressed his thumb on your clitoris, making you roll your eyes at the back of your head because of the pleasure he was capable of giving you.
Then he wrapped his arms around your waist seconds before entering you.
Your O shaped mouth gave echo to a deep moan, letting him know you were fully ready to feel him inside of you. 
He started rocking his pelvis against yours in a slow but passionate motion. That position was perfect because you could get lost in each other’s eyes while fucking your brains out. Your thrusts were bringing heaven to each one. The hot breath of his panting against your neck and your heavy sighs in his ear made you feel so close, resulting in both of you reaching the climax at the same time. It was a mess but quite a sexy one.
The sex you just had was perfect, so perfect Mason kept his cock inside of you a little more, basking in the pleasurable feeling of laukewarm water as well as the one of your walls still clenched around him.
“Can we do this again after my next game?
“Yeah but in the shower this time…” You groaned, looking at the mess you caused as all the bathroom floor was covered in water. “We made quite a mess”
"Not so fast baby girl" He stopped your attempt of getting out of there, tempting you with the oil massage you put there as he shook the bottle before your eyes "we still have to try this"
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kazz-brekker · 2 months
hotd episode 6 thoughts
boy oh boy this episode was so full of many delicious character moments, i feel very well fed
aemond really was in his best goth villain era tonight, honestly good for him!
i have never seen tyland lannister look more uncomfortable than he did with aemond looming over him lmao
i enjoyed the scene where aemond is firing alicent from the council while also simultaneously holding her hand in place so she'll keep touching his face…tasty tasty family issues
loved that song that the dragonkeepers were singing while summoning seasmoke, it was a very cool detail
also, it was really fun seeing seasmoke again, especially since he's grown bigger since we last saw laenor riding him
man, aegon and rhaenyra really need to put out an ad in the paper for new members of the kingsguard and the queensguard, those guys are dropping like flies
ever since daemon's visions at harrenhal started i really hoped that we would get to see viserys since so many of daemon's issues stem from being cast aside as heir by his brother so i'm SO pleased we got those scenes, it was a present Just For Me
daemon bro stop threatening simon strong he's a nice old man who's done literally nothing bad to you
greatly enjoying this dynamic of daemon and his new bestie the weird witch who may or may not be psychologically tormenting him with visions of his past mistakes and issues
genuinely alys is my favorite new character this season, she's so fun and i just adore her scenes
madam sylvi, dyana, and ulf getting together to bitch about the food shortages…the greens better look out the smallfolk are unionizing
i am getting the sense that aemond and madame sylvi had a…less than amicable end to their working relationship
aemond tormenting aegon in his sickbed really made me go c'mon dude haven't you made him suffer enough, leave him ALONE!
from rhaena's scenes in the vale it appears that they've cut the character of nettles and give rhaena her storyline instead. not sure how i feel about this…i'm all for rhaena getting more to do but nettles is also an interesting character in her own right
knowing alyn and addam's parentage going into the show i suspected that alyn shaves his head because he inherited the velaryon white hair and i was pleased to see i was right
baby stormcloud is so cute! but holy shit my the pit of my stomach really dropped when jeyne arryn mentioned the ship the gay abandon. my fellow book readers, i am full of dread!
i really liked the scene between gwayne and alicent, since he wasn't in the first season it's interesting to see how their relationship with each other and otto has been affected by that huge distance
i kind of miss otto, i hope he comes back by the end of the season
daeron mention! facts about daeron! a personality! never thought i'd see the day!
one of my favorite hobbies is being emo about scenes of alicent physically putting herself between her children and physical harm so i liked her and helaena fleeing from the riot together
that scene with larys and aegon was sooooooo interesting, there's definitely some manipulation/attempts to curry favor coming from larys, but i also hadn't considered that he might now feel some genuine solidarity with aegon after his injuries and can speak frankly about his disability and offer advice
i have been waiting since daemon got to harrenhal and began being tormented for him to have a breakdown and start crying so i was quite pleased when that happened :)
knowing that seasmoke is chasing after addam because he wants him to be his rider made that whole sequence really funny to me
i have often blogged about how daemon and rhaenyra each have what the other one wants (freedom and patriarchal status vs. viserys's love and position as his heir) so it was super fun for me to hear rhaenyra actually verbalize that
i have been super into queer readings of this show since the beginning and all season whenever rhaenyra and mysaria interact i've been like "hmm…are they flirting…" but i truly did not expect them to actually kiss. rhaenyra targaryen canonically queer! on my tv screen! never thought i would see the day!
crazy to think that we only have 2 episodes of this season left after this, can't wait to see what unhinged drama still awaits us
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mayabruhbruh · 30 days
do you think Mike’s behavior towards Will in S2 would somehow parallel his behavior towards El in S3?
Interesting ask! I like that comparison, though they are starkly different in nature. LETS THINK!!
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So what you mean to point out is the glaring shift in attention from Will to El between seasons. I might've talked about this in an earlier post, but I love talking about it anyway, so let's dive in lmao.
So, I feel like it's pretty fair to say Mike is quite the easily-attatched, obsessive kind of person. And not in an insane way, at least not all the time, but you can see it in every season and in the way he sets his priorities. I mean, every season he finds something to latch onto and makes it his entire personality till something new comes along. And that's sort of what happened between seasons 2 and 3.
In season 2, Mike's sole purpose was to be by Will's side and to help figure out what was going on with him and the mind flayer. He was the one that was the most involved with his possession other than Joyce, and since he's just naturally such a leader and a genuinely objective-driven person, it was the only thing he focused on or worried about at all frankly all season.
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Mike's determination to find Will in season one was his initial fixation, and I don't mean to use the term fixation to lessen the meaning of how much he invested himself in it. It's mainly a better way to express just how hyperfocused he gets in things like that. Mike nearly killed himself in season 1 for the slight chance that they might find Will again. WTF!? Anyway, season two was no different. With Will, his determination and general need to be of help is so prominent and almost default to him. It's really revealing of his priorities, the mere fact that he didn't go anywhere else for a solid few days while he watched over Will and wracked his brain for anything that could help fix the situation.
And that all changed, of course, with the reintroduction of El at the end of the second season. Of course, Mike still helped figure out how to stop the Mind Flayer without killing Will, but it was at that point that we knew once this was all over, his attention would shift to El in a similar manner.
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Now, there's a bit of a difference in the behavior from season 2 to season 3 in terms of how he expresses that "obsession" or as we should probably just call it, "fixation." In season 2, it was driven with the intention of being helpful to Will in any and all ways that he could, whether that be comfort (the scene on his bed where they talk about the Mind Flayer), rationality (helping Joyce, Bob, Hopper etc. figure out the connections and offer useful understanding), or just company for a slowly deteriorating Will Byers, which can be backed up by the way he was solely with Will for a far majority of the season.
In season 3, the fixation he has for El is a little less within the area of his expertise, and lot more forced. And that's not at all to say that he just up and goes to El's cabin at the same time every day against his will lmfao. I really just mean that the organicness with which he latched onto Will's situation couldn't exactly be replicated here. Mike doesn't really get fixated on something without there being an end result or something useful to come out of it. So... that is to say he most definitely still had a goal in mind with his relationship with El. It's really just part of his formula and the recurring patterns presented in each season with every action he takes. Despite being an idiot, he's very methodical in what he does. And that's no different with El.
Mike after getting a girlfriend and thus eradicating the loser allegations:
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Basically, what I'm saying is a regurgitation of what plenty of others have said on this app, and it's that he wants very badly, whether he knows it or not, to do one of three things:
for himself to come off as normal and typical teenage boy-ish as possible
for himself to come off as non-homosexual as possible
to prove to everyone that he is not "weird", as so many others have suspected (his bullies, his parents, literally everyone)
But, to be fair, those are all basically the same things. At least in Mike's book. And in his mind, a lot of his issues with not fitting in and the internal fear of being seen have a solution within his relationship with El. With her, he finds an excuse to back out of all of the things that remind him of just how "weird" he is. Turning down Dungeons and Dragons, the Cerebro setup, and indulging in all that teenager-y romance drama and moodiness was so out of character for him, and I feel like that really means something in the grand scheme. There have been many analyses on the stark capitalistic, bright and flashy artificiality of season 3, and Mike was a MAJOR part of that, especially in his drastic change in persona in just that season. (Note this analysis of his clothes in s3 I chimed in on as well, because it fits well with this lmao). Now, so many things that he once loved to do before can now be turned down with the excuse that he has someone. Someone (a girlfriend) that symbolizes (to society and by default, to him) manhood and true maturity and whatnot. She, to him, can be the light at the end of the bleak tunnel called life in Hawkins, Indiana, where he can't be who he wants, but he can settle for a questionable relationship with a friend that excuses all of that weirdness (*cough* queerness *coughcough*) in him that he can't seem to shake without her.
It's smart of him, really. I mean, he likes her! They've gone through a lot together, and having a good friend that he can easily deem as someone he like likes despite not really knowing what he wants is just him taking easy street. Sadly, he neglected to realize that pretending to be in love with someone might cause said someone to fall in love too. Someone innocent, new to the world, and susceptible to that kind of feeling. BAD IDEA MICHEAL.
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He saw a lot of the repercussions of that in season 4, where El's feelings came a lot more into play and the whole "being normal" and "getting girlfriends" deal had begun to wear off in his mind. His relationship with DnD came back with that too, and I think it has a lot to do with his realization that he fucked up. Big time. Season 4 is really a whole other story. Basically him trying to salvage their relationship despite realizing his attraction toward her was all a lie. He didn't really like like her, he just liked the idea of being relieved of his societal expectations by being with her. And once he met Eddie and learned that conformity is what's killing the kids, it finally dawned on him that he really dated El solely to conform. And that's fucked up. And he realizes this. But isn't sure how to fix it.
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Oh well, that's an issue for season 5 to resolve.
My purpose for writing this is not to confirm Byler or to shoot down M!ileven. All I hope to do is offer script-centered reasoning and analysis for the events depicted in the show, so that it can help connect the dots on what may happen next. Truthfully, whether Mike ends up gay, straight, with Will, with El, or WHATEVER, I truly believe that the narrative in season 4 intends for us to pick up on the fact that Mike has come to the realization that he isn't in love with El, he never was really, and that he is dealing with the shockwaves that his too-young compulsory love decision has wrought for them. It is kind of his fault, because despite being young and stupid when he initiated it between them, she was even younger and stupider and happened to follow his lead. (I love El, I am NOT calling her stupid lmfao I just mean he sort of used her lack of knowledge and experience in society to his advantage unknowingly and led them down the path to where they are now.)
Anyway, that's what I think about Mike's behavior between seasons. Sorry, this was unnecessarily long, but I hope it answered your question LMFAO.
Please shoot me a message or another ask if there's any more questions or thing you'd like me to expand more on! Y'all know I can yap for hours over this.
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robotsandramblings · 7 months
me reading the "new" "canon" heights for the Bad Batch on starwars.com:
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nooo thank you, don't like those, i'll stick to the wookiepedia + my headcanons version lol ✌️
i'll save my overall analysis & ramblings for under the readmore
(here's the og thread that brought it to my attention. make sure to read op's corrected version!)
(p.s. the height chart was done by me on heightcomparison.com, it's not an official star wars image -- but the data matches starwars.com)
first off, i will acknowledge that visually, in the show, their heights are always a tricky thing. i've been referencing a bajillion screenshots since i came upon this thread. their comparative heights change in like every screenshot, due to camera angles and/or where they're standing relative to each other. we never get to see all five (5) of them standing shoulder-to-shoulder, side-by-side, in a single straight line, with an eye-level camera shot*.
i'll also acknowledge that i've always just gone off of what wookiepedia says, because it's the closest to an 'official' source that we've ever had -- but it's still not the official source. Here's the wookiepedia version, btw:
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and you know what? depending on what screenshot you look at, these can both seem right. sometimes, Tech looks as tall as Crosshair; other times, Tech looks close to Echo's height. (Tech is also rarely at full height -- he's usually got his head and shoulders bent down to read his datapad. i think he slouches too.) i also find Hunter's height varies a lot too, depending on the shot.
Personally, i will be following the wookiepedia version. i think the starwars.com numbers are way, way off. (Warning: here's where the ranting part begins lol)
Wrecker has never, ever been a full head taller than Tech, Echo, or Hunter. what the actual fuck lmaooo
and 7 inches taller than Crosshair?? i don't think so lads
they're tryin' to tell me Echo is shorter than reg height??? bullshit lol. and Tech too??? also bullshit lmao
i refuse to believe Tech is only 2cm taller than Hunter; Tech should be, at minimum, 2 inches taller than Hunter.
i feel Omega's height can vary in the show, like Tech or Hunter as i mentioned. sometimes she seems very small, sometimes she seems taller than i remember.
that all said, i think the height for Omega is correct... for Season 1**. but S2? and now in S3? she's definitely grown a bit.
so i guess if i had to come up with my own numbers, i'd go primarily with the wookiepedia data, with a few tweaks...
Omega**: at least 140cm / 4' 7''
Hunter: 180-181cm / 5' 11''
Echo: 185cm / 6' 1''
Tech: 190-193cm / 6' 3'' - 6' 4''
Crosshair: 193cm / 6' 4''
Wrecker: 198-200cm max / 6' 6''
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(i will hold onto Short King Hunter with a death grip until i die. even though i'll admit he looks reg/Echo height in a lot of shots. but i just really love the idea that's he's juuuust under 6' !)
**My headcanon is that in S1, Omega was approximately 10 years old. (which would match with starwars.com data, since average height for a 10-yr-old = 127-137cm.) i'm assuming we're at least 2 years later by S3, so she should be 12, which should put her height at 140-162cm.
i think in the show, they're keeping her closer to 140cm, but i'm equally onboard with her being on the taller side, closer to 162cm. i like the idea that she will eventually grow to reg clone height of 6 feet, thus she'd be on the taller end of "average" child height.
*there is one singular screenshot i came across which might be the closest. however, it's only properly showing the OG four -- Echo is in the shot, but disproportionately in front of them. it's also from their pilot in Clone Wars S7, which arguably was just a beginning stage for them, and changes were made before their own show aired, including the animation style/models.
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it would explain where many of us got our idea of Tech = Crosshair same height. but Hunter is also nearly as tall as them?? certainly not 180cm lmao. so idk. take that as you will.
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markantonys · 18 days
WoT Up had a new video which is of course take it with a grain of salt as with most of his videos however this one was super interesting. It's about the Choedan Kal and how supposedly in the show they're getting renamed to Sarkanen (which is a sa'angreal Demandred uses in River of Souls I guess?) and in s3, Moiraine finds one of them in Rhuidean and is sucked into using it outside of her control.
Which sounds very interesting but of course there's the Rand stans who are like "Here they go again taking things away from Rand and giving them to other characters!" Rand doesn't even use the Choedan Kal til Winter's Heart. Like calm down lol
Plus I definitely feel like like this will would be to show/foreshadow for the audience that they're dangerous to use for whenever they do the Cleansing. And even getting into the differences between Saidar and Saidin?
re: the name change. To avoid people on the show saying "chode" is my guess. Which is a slang term I didn't even know about until today 😂
thank you for bringing me the TLDR so i don't have to watch a 10-minute video for 2 sentences of "news" haha when it comes to WoT Up i'm taking it with a bucket of salt rather than just a grain, but that aside, let's engage with this hypothetical show change!
name change: no issue for me! lmao it's very true that the show might change some terms here and there to avoid running into slang that has developed in the time since the books came out. no discussions of the dark one's taint here!
if those rand stans had their way, he would be the only character in the entire show. yes moirane is likely transitioning into a more supporting role in s3 (just as she was less in the spotlight in s2 compared to s1), but she's still a main character and needs something to do besides just hanging around in the background giving rand advice. us getting to actually witness moiraine's rhuidean trip onscreen feels like a no-brainer, and her having a mini-adventure with a dangerous sa'angreal is a neat idea for giving her a good story beat! AND in doing so we get a preview of how dangerous sa'angreal can be for even a channeler as disciplined and highly trained as moiraine, which would be very useful for us to see. it's important to set up stakes & risks early on so that the audience will already be conscious of them when the time comes to challenge those stakes and take those risks!
and there's no reason for rand to already start acquiring a whole hoard of Surprise Tools To Help Us Later that he won't use for 3 more seasons lmao i'd entirely forgotten rhuidean even was where he got the choedan kal until it started coming up in s3 speculation discussions, because it's sooooo far removed from when he actually starts using them. and same for callandor ofc, where just because he didn't get it pre-waste doesn't mean it's cut from the show, maybe he's just going to get it later closer to when he actually needs it (i'd be surprised if the stone is cut since it was foreshadowed twice in s1, but i don't have a strong sense either way about callandor itself just yet).
i really like @butterflydm's idea that maybe callandor could be the only super-powerful male sa'angreal in the show, and rand's Dark Power Temptation is instead the true power rather than supernova levels of saidin via the choedan kal. so in this theory, maybe moiraine picks up the one and only super-powerful female sa'angreal in rhuidean which nynaeve eventually uses for the cleansing, and rand gets the one and only super-powerful male sa'angreal from the stone at a later date. now we're all geared up for the cleansing, we still get the "saidin & saidar teamwork" theme even if the 2 cleansing sa'angreal aren't twins of each other, callandor could still have its flaw but they could reason that it doesn't come into play in the cleansing since he's linked with a saidar channeler (ik it has to be 2 saidar channelers in the book version but we can finagle that) and oh, then that actually sets up a method for them to be able to figure out how to use callandor properly that isn't just "min, who has 0 knowledge of angreal or the power, supposedly figured it out offscreen from reading the wikipedia article on philosophy" haha if rand already did use it successfully once, it would be doable for min or whoever to compare his successful & unsuccessful uses and determine what the deciding factor is.
although maybe there's still a male sarkanen too in the show and rand finds it later in a different location! plenty of possibilities.
re: the differences between saidar and saidin, the show has already very clearly shown how different the channeling experience is for men and women and very clearly established that they are using 2 different halves of the one power. and it's done all this just using generic terms like "the male/female half of the source" to make it easier for show-onlys to learn and understand the magic system. so it's now well-positioned to start dropping in the official terminology saidar and saidin now that show-onlys are very solid on the gender-based magic system and will be less at risk for mixing up two very similar fantasy jargon words (i know it took ME a while to keep straight which was which of saidar & saidin when i started the books, and keeping track of fantasy jargon is even harder in an auditory medium imo). but even if they don't ever use the words saidar & saidin, i will not gaf because the show is so clearly following the book magic system and explaining it accurately to viewers even if it doesn't use the specific fantasy jargon terms for it.
i saw somebody say that cutting the pool of saidin at the eye was yet another example of the show diminishing the importance of rand & male channelers, and i was like...........the pool of saidin? the pool of saidin that is never seen or mentioned again after book 1? the pool of saidin that i'd argue doesn't even fit with the magic system RJ later established more firmly since i don't think it should be possible for there to exist a physical pool of tangible one power? THAT pool of saidin? lmao some people are just being so insane about the show ~diminishing rand~ and ~propping up women~
it always reminds me of that workplace study that found that when men & women each talk for 50% of the time in a meeting, the majority perception is that women dominated the conversation, whereas the perception of an equal conversation was one where men spoke for the majority and women the minority (i forget the exact percentages). this is kinda what we're seeing in the book-to-show translation. in my opinion, in the books, men dominated but the narrative purported it as men & women being equal and readers think so too (some even claim book!randland is a matriarchy which is absolutely laughable), whereas the show is trying to make it actually 50/50 and this is causing the perception that women are dominating and rand is getting shafted. i am now going to make this post unrebloggable because every time i state my personal opinion about the books not being perfectly feminist 100% of the time, somebody inevitably tries to come in and peer-review my personal opinion and booksplain to me how my personal opinion is incorrect lmao (@ everybody who insisted to my early-reader self that i was wrong to be mad about the girls not being ta'veren in the books and that it is actually anti-feminist & agency-reducing for them to be ta'veren in the show and i would understand that once i read farther - guess what, i read all the books and it did not change my opinion by a single iota!)
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bylrlve · 4 months
Warning! Potential spoilers for Stranger Things Season 5!
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This account has tweeted a ‘scoop’ stating that Will Byers will have a love interest in season five. I’ve seen varying reports on this acc’s reliability - otoh it has apparently revealed Marvel spoilers, but on the other it’s been called out for making up things, so it’s hard to say.
It has tweeted this in the past:
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That RejectedScooper person is being incredibly unreliable. First they insinuate it is Mike:
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then they deny it:
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then they like a byler tweet:
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However, while RejectedScooper is absolutely not reliable, MyTimeToShineH is more debatable. One stranger things stan acc on twitter, an acc which closely follows filming, dm’d then and was told only that it’s a ‘new’ character, with no elaboration.
I’m sharing all of this to paint the fullest possible picture, as I know many of the accs here aren’t on twitter. It’s worth noting that they’re on filming for episode 4-5 now, and no leaks of any plausible Will LIs have emerged… but the casting for the Turnbow parents didn’t get out either, only that of the kid who has a crush on Erica.
It could be a side character whose role is to make Mike jealous. Noah was very uncertain about byler when asked back when he had only the first few episode scripts - ‘don’t be sad if it doesn’t happen’, etc. Right before filming in January, however, he went on tiktok live and read out ‘byler endgame’ and ‘byler kiss’ comments - this is after he got up to episode 7. The video of this is in my Noah Schnapp tag. Could just be a ploy to keep bylers strung along, however, and I am remaining pessimistic.
I will be sure to update the byler tag again if we get more details on this!
ETA: One last note: if you check my other posts, you’ll see that the messages Alex gets are all straightforward about Will not being over Mike in the first few eps. There’s a leak floating around stating that he’s very upset when Mike is injured and that he arrives at the hospital in an awful state.
I have also personally seen, from a reliable source present during ep 2 hospital filming, statements that they’ve heard Will’s relationship with Mike is ‘developing’, that he’s more of a leader this season, and that Mike is having a self-discovery arc and is being more like the protector he was….
ETA 2: they’re filming eps 3 and 5 atm, and the post-production schedule has been revamped, in that post-production is happening immediately after each ep is fully filmed. They have rough copies of ep 1 and 2 rn, and since post-production is when leaks really start coming out (3000 working on it)… all of this has extra veracity.
If the love interest is real and new, and he’s a series regular from eps 1 and 2, we as Bylers are cooked lmao. If he’s an NPC designed to give Mike a taste of his own medicine make Mike jealous tho…
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littlespoonevan · 5 months
What is the couch theory? 😅
oh anon, where do i start!!!!! this is possibly my favourite subject of all time so apologies in advance if this gets rambly askdjfh
okay so the couch theory goes all the way back to s5 of 911. at the start of 5B buck asks taylor to move in with him, right? and because she brings all her stuff with her it means they have double of everything, including two couches. so buck gets rid of his and they keep taylor's
however in 5x18 buck and taylor break up so she moves out and, of course, takes her couch with her
when we meet buck again in s6 a few months later he still hasn't found a replacement couch. over family dinner with eddie and christopher, chris makes a joke about it (like father, like son) and buck tells him and eddie that, "he doesn't want to choose the wrong couch again" heavily implying he means he doesn't want to choose the wrong romantic partner again (he also says his last two couches came with girlfriends since ali presumably helped him pick out the first one when he moved into the loft in s2).
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the episode ends with buck moving his armchair to the place his couch used to sit and sitting down with a smile on his face, suggesting he's content on his own for now and thus, the couch theory was born:
buck's next couch/romantic partner will be the Right one
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so we go through the whole of 6A with no couch developments and no real allusions to it be tHEN in 6B after the lightning strike buck's parents comment on his lack of couch and his mother decides she's going to buy him a couch (which is the adult equivalent of getting him a new bike when he hurts himself but that's a different post)
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so margaret buys buck a couch but obviously, it's all wrong. because buck didn't choose it himself. it's not comfortable, he can't relax on it, can't fall asleep on it. and in an episode where buck is feeling smothered by everyone's attempts to check in on him it doesn't offer the comfort he needs so what does he do???
go to eddie's house of course!
and you'll never guess what happens, anon:
buck falls asleep on eddie's couch in about five seconds flat!!!!
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to say 911 had me by the throat at that point would be an understatement lmao
bc that means eddie's the couch, right?????? what other implications could there possibly be when buck has been using his couch as a metaphor for a partner and he falls asleep on eddie's couch so quickly, suggesting he feels safe and comfortable there??? i said it that time but it would literally have been less suggestive to have him sleep in eddie's bed than it would've been to have him sleep on the couch at the point skdjhf
(and none of this is even getting into the fact that when buck wakes up eddie is the first person buck is honest with in the episode about how he's feeling after the accident, further cementing the idea of him being buck's safe space)
anyway by the end of s6 kameron gives birth on buck's couch and effectively ruins it meaning it's time for him to get a new couch again. now this is where everything falls to shit and i WILL be bitter about this for the rest of my life lmao but basically because of the fear of cancellation s6 sort of pivots in the last few eps and the finale makes an attempt to give each of the characters a mini happy ending in case it really is the overall series finale. and buck's 'happy ending' was to ask natalia (who he'd recently started dating) to help him pick out a new couch
now my personal opinion?? i Hated that. not even from a buddie perspective, just as someone who is very dedicated to buck's seasons long romantic arc and the couch theory, i thought it was really weak and far less satisfying than if he'd just ended the season single. especially bc the point was buck was supposed to pick the couch himself. but!!! some people are suggesting he still doesn't have a couch in s7 (though it's hard to tell since all the shots we've gotten have been in the kitchen) so i am privately holding onto the hope that the couch theory lives on aksjdfh
TL;DR the couch is eddie. eddie is the couch 🛋️❤️
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natalchartnurtures · 10 months
Nobody Talks About Ophiuchus
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So back in January 2011, a news article from the Minnesota Planetarium Society made headlines. The article, titled "Your Astrological Sign Just Changed. Thanks, NASA," claimed that due to changes in the Earth's alignment, there should be a shift in the zodiac, leading to the inclusion of a new zodiac sign—Ophiuchus. Controversy alert, am I right?
Well, this stirred A LOT of astrological drama up in the communities back then, and it recently piqued my interest to want to know why it existed in the first place and furthermore… why nobody talks about it. Not that I'm interested in changing my zodiac and potentially MY WHOLE BIRTHCHART! I'm just a curious lil chipper, so… what's Ophiuchus—the "thirteenth zodiac's" deal anyway?
Ophiuchus, the underdog of the zodiac, is positioned along the celestial equator. The cosmic serpent bearer has been in the cosmic chorus since ancient times. But although it shares the stage with its twelve zodiac companions, it doesn't quite share the spotlight like the rest. Suddenly, it began grabbing headlines and chaos ensued. Myths that said astrology was starting to get outdated floated everywhere, and unappetizing astrological misconceptions were served for breakfast AND dinner with the side of ignorance and muggle mentality.
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But the truth behind all of the Ophiuchus attention was found in the origins of the traditional twelve-sign zodiac system itself. After hopping onto the astro-time machine, I found out that the Babylonian astronomers were the first WESTERN celestial scribes, dividing the sky into twelve equal acts, each starring a constellation along the Sun's yearly journey—the apparent path of the Sun across the sky, or simply known as the Ecliptic. The Greeks (particularly the Hellenistic Greeks) later picked up the script and named the constellations—Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, giving birth to our twelve main characters. This celestial drama then evolved over centuries; each zodiac sign became associated with certain symbolic meanings, qualities, and characteristics. These associations were often based on observations of the natural world, seasonal changes, and the perceived influence of celestial bodies on Earth, becoming the astrological playbook we now know.
The thing is, though, that the Babylonians knew of Ophiuchus back then; they just chose not to include it in the big 12 because it disrupted something they held at great value—symmetry. They wanted each zodiac to take up 30 degrees in the sky—that's the answer to why Ophiuchus is not included in traditional astrology. Yup, nothing fancy. The Babylonians just had a pet peeve, I guess, lmao.
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But for those curious, here's some information on Ophiuchus:
Lies between Scorpio and Sagittarius
Represented by a man bearing a snake
People born under this sign of Ophiuchus fall under the archetype of – the healer, the knowledge seeker, the one with a magnetic charm. While not your typical zodiac star, folks associated with Ophiuchus might bring a dose of wisdom and a knack for balance to the celestial party. Picture them as the cosmic wanderers, curious about life's mysteries and blessed with a natural knack for attracting good vibes. BASICALLY Ophiuchus is the child of Scorpio and Saggitarius *giggles in satisfaction* knowing that makes me so happy though :}
Thanks for stopping by!
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
What did you think of the explanation about the Rooster Miraculous powers in the episode Destruction? In my opinion it was a enlightening explanation (considering that we are talking about ML), but it also have a few incongruences, like the Lucky Charm and the Genesis, that are very similar powers (sure, they're not the same power, but have a lot in common)
"Enlightening" is not the word I would use.
For one, it's just a rehash of all of That Guy's arguments on the subject in real time, so that's kind of funny. That said, it was pretty much given that they HAD to put this in early in the season or people would be all up their ass about "Why doesn't Gabriel do THIS?" with all these new powers.
I think it's good that the Rooster can't disrupt kwami magic: in this case, the ability to give away other holder's identities. Kwamis themselves can't tell you a name because of magic, so it makes sense that the Rooster, channeled through a Kwami, could also not disrupt this magic. It makes me wonder, then, if the Rooster cannot give the ability to disrupt other kwami's abilities - for example, can the Rooster not give the power to get through Shell-ter or Resistance?
I'm a little put out that the Rooster can't copy other Miraculous abilities ONLY because, thanks to the New York Special, we know there are HUNDREDS of Miraculouses and Kwami, so that *technically* would be very limiting. But I also get they needed to get out of the way that the Rooster can't just make up for any reclaimed Miraculouses or the main two, and in the scale of just the show, this is probably fine. (But maybe don't introduce the idea of HUNDREDS OF POTENTIAL POWERS THAT THE ROOSTER CANNOT GIVE YOU?)
"Sublimation: I give myself the power to shoot ice from my hands!" "Sorry, your request is denied: That power belongs to the Kwami of Loneliness."
The reason Orikko can't do this is something about each kwami represents a concept and you can't have duplicates of the same concept (unless the concept is Replication lmao). So even though some kwamis holder's abilities are similar (like the Goat and Ladybug), because they are different concepts (Passion vs Creation) it's technically allowed because they're not stepping in on each other's turf.
This apparently doesn't stop the butterfly or peacock, though, since we've had SentiPace, Volpina, and Copycat~ sucks to suck Orikko.
And then of course the third "explanation": Orikko can grants powers, not wishes. Thing is they STILL DIDN'T PROPERLY EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCE IN THE CONTEXT OF THIS SHOW! I STILL do not understand what constitutes as a desire vs power.
Gabriel tells Orikko to grant him the power to locate the Ladybug and Chat Miraculous and they explain that's a wish not a power, but their example ala Xuppu does NOT explain whether or not if Gabriel just rephrased the skill (like, grant me the power to summon the Ladybug and Chat Miraculouses to my hand when I snap my fingers) if THAT would ALSO not be allowed.
Xuppu's analogy is If I Ask Santa for Socks, That's a Wish, but If I Ask Santa for the Power to Make Socks, Santa Has to Know How to Knit Socks In the First Place to Teach Me-
Which just implies that the Rooster can only grant powers that Orikko already knows how to do???? Should've just cut out the "Santa has to know how to knit" part because now there's extra steps.
So basically, the Rooster can't override kwami rules, like the inability to give away holder identities, can't copy other kwami's powers, and can only grant ability type powers, not "wishes" (the definition of which is still not clear and feels like it could be worked around).
This Miraculous needs an instruction manual.
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bronx-bomber87 · 10 months
Happy Monday Evening Fandom :) This will be my new schedule Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. So I can get all the remaining eps in before the premiere. Should finish the week before we get to squee over a new season. So you'll have one more extra a week till we reach S6.
Some fun UC stuff for them to do in this one and the ever famous scene in the van. The marriage moments in this one continue. Off we go.
4x07 Fire Fight
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We start off with our couple bringing someone in to book. She ran a stop sign AND a red light. Then flipped them off and made them chase her. Then has the audacity to ask why they arrested her? LOL My god...She tells them she was late for her life coach session. Tim makes a crack that her coach is doing a terrible job haha The sass Timothy I'm here for it.
As she gets processed Lucy brings up the bet from the previous episode. Tim retorting ‘The bet I won?’ Lucy fires right back that she won it. Their banter is unrivaled I love it so much. Tim telling her he had the gold in his hand. Lucy defending only because she had to arrest an armed gunmen. Tim tries to take the glory for this as well. That he technically arrested him. You know with his arm.
Lucy scoffing saying all he did was extend his arm out. Flirt nation right off the bat in this one. You know she’s actually impressed by it but can’t let his ego know that fact. Tim is trying to impress her by saying this. My goodness these two. It is very impressive he did that and wants her to know it. They're entering into the bantery foreplay early in this one.
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Poor Grey gets dragged into their work flirt I mean fight. Tim really shouldn’t have been shocked at all when Grey said he suspected in 5x12. Man has been front row to this flirt fest for years . When he said that I think he meant long before that moment. He knew for a VERY long time. Poor Wade he just wants to get his job done. He wandered into booking thinking he could get in and out. Then in come Tim and Lucy to drag him into their fight LMAO
They're trying to get him to settle their bet from 4x06. They’re so damn competitive neither can settle for a tie. Grey affirms he thought it was as such. This was not the answer either of them wanted. Tim wants a rematch because of course he does. Lucy is adorable and says they should do an escape room LOL She had to know that wasn’t going to fly. Tim says no to that naturally. His reaction is hilarious.
So off put by the idea of being stuck in one. Decides they need a neutral party to decide their next competition. I love how in-sync they are when they turn to Grey. Same brain and same body language. Look how they mirror each other it's crazy. Sure Wade is thinking my god just find a room already. Instead he catches onto what they want. The way they both nod is so well timed they’re ridiculous and I love it sfm. Chemistry is unreal. Hats off to Eric and Melissa.
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Grey agrees to this if only to get them to leave him the hell alone heh. He assigns them random penal codes. Says whoever gets their arrest first wins. Lucy could not be cuter waiting for hers. Tim gets his and isn’t pleased with it. Lucy is shocked he even knows what his is. Since its obscure as hell. Tim is fresh af with her replying 'She didn’t?' Ha her reaction. My god the punches just don’t get pulled with these two.
Tim says it’s unfair. SMH Oh Timothy pouting isn’t gonna work with Grey. He tells him life isn’t fair. Lucy is beaming about this. I love these two ridiculous fools so much. The woman they brought in is done with booking. She clearly doesn’t want to go into a cell. Tells them she know’s about a real crime. Says if she tells them she can cut a deal? Tim replies ‘What’s the crime?’
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We return to them heading into interrogation. Lucy hands him a list of places they should go when they’re back out. Tim hands it right back without looking. Knowing exactly why she wants to hit those places. So she can win their bet. Doesn't hesitate as he calls her out on it. Lucy fires right back saying she knows he went to Nell. These two are so amazingly absurd.
Doing whatever they can to win this bloody bet of theirs. Lucy doesn’t let him get away with it for more than two seconds. She has your number Timothy. Always has always will. Her wifey 'Mmm' is everything. So he admits to giving Nell Dodger tickets haha Lucy looks like she wants to smack him. Also she can’t fault him she’s trying to play dirty too. You two competitive dopes are meant to be. I can only imagine how they would be in S6 with a competition.
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Even though they’re battling he still holds the door open for her to interrogation. My heart. Ever the gentleman. They’re following up on the tip they were given earlier. The woman they’ve pulled in for questioning is in regards to her new skin care line. She confuses Tim right off the bat. He can't even process what she is saying so he turns to Lucy to decipher it for him.
Classic husband move to turn right to Lucy for the answer. It's so cute. She’s like later haha That it’s not important right now. She will explain later. So married looking to his wife for answers. Gotta love it. They were given a jar of her skin care. They tested it based on their tip and it has endangered tiger blood in it.
She doesn’t even deny it. Like she is proud of the fact her stuff has it. Lucy tells her she could end up in jail for up to 5 years for this. The cockiness disappears. Then the cycle of giving one another up continues. She panics and tells them about someone named Sloan. That she’s selling psychedelics as vitamins. Tim sighs deeply and asks for this woman’s last name for them to follow up.
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They have round 2 in interrogation. Tim was already annoyed going into this LMAO He asks Sloan to take her sunglasses off. She complains the fluorescent lights give her headaches. Tim informs her that is the least of her problems. That they’ve been informed about her “vitamins” Sloan poorly defends herself and says she’s just using her husband’s prescription pad. That it’s ok…Oh my lord. It so is not.
Tim goes off his patience wearing very thin. Tells her this makes her a drug dealer. A high level one at that. She could be facing 20 years in federal prison for it. Sloan starts to stutter and panic. Saying how this has gotten horribly out of hand. Then asks how ratted her out? They don’t say. Then she mentions someone named Aston. That she has to be the one ratting her out. So she turns on her continuing the blame game cycle.
She tells them Aston is trying to hire a hitman. That her husband is worth more dead than alive. She’s been on the dark web trying to get it done. The reactions above are the best part. Tim was so very done going into this. This just made it so much worse. I love the shared look. Lucy is trying not to laugh at this situation. Looking at Tim to ground her. The way they check in with each other gives me all the feels. They’re both flabbergasted by the ring of ridiculousness they’ve been dragged into.
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Cue to the infamous van scene. Tim rolls up not expecting the flack he gets. Lucy is on him immediately. Seriously judging his choice in disguise. How he looks like himself and not the hitman she was picturing at all. Lucy is truly is the teacher in this moment and schools him so hard about his choice. You know she’s enjoying bossing him around. The way she tells him to get into the van is too funny. Waving his ass in. Ready to teach him a Lucy Lesson. Heh
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It’s fun to watch her be the more knowledgeable of the two in an OP. Tim fights her the minute they sit down. Lucy sighs and presses on. Schooling her man on UC and what they're trying to accomplish today. He is biting back a smile at her logical teasing. Look him above. He WANTS to be annoyed but he isn't really. Once again impressed by her confidence and knowledge on this. So he acts annoyed because he has a fake bravado to protect and all that.
She continues on with more irrefutable logic. He's looking at this wrong. They're not there to dupe a seasoned criminal. That he’s fooling someone who gets her ideas from Lifetime movies. LMFAO Where is the lie? Tim can’t fault her logic even though he wishes she was wrong. Lucy shoves the jacket at Tim tells him to put it on. (Bosses his ass around I love it sfm. He kinda does too.) He begrudgingly snatches it from her to put on and she thanks him.
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Let’s not skate past the fact she is checking him out long before she is putting that mic on him above. As he is putting on that jacket she is doing an elevator gaze of her own. She does a double take of him really. Swallows hard too like she's pushing down her desire in this moment. As subtle as a hammer Lucy. Tim commenting he looks like an idiot. That he would pull himself over. haha Lucy definitely does not agree. She begs to differ quite a bit. Lucy bounces back and says he looks exactly as he should. She is holding firm refusing to let his sass sway her or break her confidence. How far we've come.
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Then comes the wonderful shameless eye sex. The brazen UST look that could ignite that van on fire. Lucy's reaction is how I would react. She can clearly see how fit he is. She knew but had never seen the glorious proof up close. You can tell she finds him so very attractive. I mean look at him. Gah beautifully toned chest and abs. Delicious pecs to go with that sculpted chest. Phew lord. Pass the ice water please.
She’s trying not to just stare at his toned chest but has to in order to mic him up. She’s touching him and doesn’t know how to handle it. Shoving his shirt up even higher than needed without realizing it. It's up to his neck. Tim broke her brain haha The awkward glances up crack me up. She’s trying not to make eye contact but also not just stare at his beautiful body either. Rock and a hard place Lucy. Gah we need more shirtless Tim in S6. You hear me writers? I need MORE LOL
Tim isn’t exactly helping with his matching intense gaze. He doesn’t break eye contact with her except to look down at where she is placing it. Tim is flirting right back with his own thirsty gaze. He can feel how electrically charged this moment is. Feeling very aware of her gaze and returning it in kind. They're feeding off each other 100% right now.
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Tim is the first to come back to his senses just like in 4x01. So he chastises her for putting the mic too high. It breaks Lucy’s lusty gaze and fog she was in. Annoyed he’s done as such she is not kind in removing the tape. Like at all LOL Lucy tells him she knows what she’s doing right before she rips it off. His reaction is so damn funny I’m dying. Lucy is very pleased with herself. The raw UST is prominent throughout the entire season its so good. Just mounts a little more each ep.
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Lucy apologizes for ripping it off and sends him off. You know she is going to enjoy being the voice in his ear. Watching him do UC from the van as she observes. Aston isn’t being explicit enough. Too busy checking Tim out and hitting on him. I mean can’t blame the woman. He looks fine as hell. Lucy is laughing in his ear floored by this women’s forwardness.
She is getting a kick out of this woman blatantly hitting on him. Asking if this woman is touching him? If she is then if she offers money for sex she’ll win the bet LOL Oh Lucy so one track minded I’m dying. It’s what prompts Tim’s response above and Lucy’s excitement bout it. Tim finally gets her to confess with details once she thinks she has a shot with him ha. Using his good looks to close this case. Fantastic.
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Afterwards they come to visit Nolan in the hospital. He survived a mad man apparently. Sheer luck I think but survived nonetheless. This is their married moment of the ep. Also Tall/Smol shots that I enjoy so much. Tim gives her crap for buying out the entire gift store. Lucy says he’s been in hospital before. He knows how boring it can be. She then asks what he got for Nolan?
Hahah oh sweet Lucy. Did you really think Tim would spend money on Nolan of all people? He tells her no…but he’ll just put his name on her gift ahaha I can see in future when they’re giving out gifts as a couple they'd be the same. People will be thanking them and Tim will have no idea what she bought for them. Just go along with it.
Lucy is shocked but not shocked by his behavior. Saying 'Unbelievable' Like really she shouldn’t expect anything less. Also this is totally normal giving a shared gift like this. Nothing married at all about this behavior whatsoever....Super platonic.
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Lucy brings up the bet one last time. Tim says her first name (be still my heart) saying he wants to call it a draw. That police work is too important to turn into a game. Lucy prods him saying he only wants to call it because he might lose. Tim says sure if that’s what she needs to hear. He will go with that. She asks him when he became the noble one? Tim just asks if that means they’re square on their bet? Lucy agrees no one wins but says he can’t have his name on her basket hahaha Tim rolls his eyes but follows after her anyway.
I think Tim was worried if they continued with the bet their next 'van moment' could escalate. Tim may not be aware of a lot with Lucy in terms of being in love with her yet. But he is VERY aware of his attraction to her. That hug in 4x01 was blatant proof of it. That their competitive nature is flirt fueled. So cutting this one off at the knees extinguishes that. It's why he was so quick to end it. Avoidance is the name of the game for him now. So he let Lucy have whatever terms of surrender she wanted. Including knocking his name off that basket and saying it was cause he didn't want to lose. He knows they are on thin ice and trying to keep them from falling in.
Side notes- Non Chenford.
Poor Wesley in Elijah’s tangled web. Grey trying to give him an out. A mistake that is going to haunt and follow them for a long time to come.
Nolan had a SL but I didn’t care till Chenford came to give him a gift lmao
Thank you thank you to all who like, comment and reblog these. You all make my day you have no idea. Shall see you Wednesday with 4x08 :)
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