#we've all got one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse
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Friendship bracelets for all <3
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CSM part 2 finally has me hooked.
So mildly unpopular opinion, Part 2 of Chainsaw Man had felt like a letdown. I can't quite figure out why. I think its slower pacing is a part. I don't necessarily mean the lack of action but the shorter chapters really have made it hard for me in some aspects.
My biggest issue is the story. At this point in the manga I still really don't know exactly what this arc is about. The implication Is the four horsemen of the apocalypse that I get. But We've only seen 2 (Maybe 3 if Yoshida is Death but I find that unlikely) and they don't seem to be doing much of anything. It feels stagnant.
It's a shame because the characters are intriguing both new and old. Asa is a really interesting switch-up from Denji, Yoru is fun, Fami and Yoshida have a lot of mystery surrounding them and Yuko is an interesting plot point I'm curious to see develop later, and of course Nayuta is adorable and I can't wait to see more of her.
Yet for all these new exciting characters (yes technically Yoshida was in part 1 but he played such a minor role he is still a relatively new character in terms of how he is now actually a major player in the story) they feel almost stuck.
Yet with all that said the last few chapters have had me intrigued. Specifically, there is a scene with Denji and Asa in chapters 126 and 127 that really hooked me back in.
The falling devil attempts and ultimately fails to traumatize and stun Denji with memories of part 1. Later we have him save Asa and the conversation they have is very tender and sweet and a classic "life is worth living despite all the bad things" but the way it was written and a very specific line by Denji choked me up.
Denji doesn't sugarcoat how life can really beat up on you and will throw one terrible thing after another at you and doesn't let you catch a break ruining so much of what was good in life. Asa asks him how he got over that. Denji responds "I haven't." and that line broke me.
It's been said a lot before but I always appreciate when media makes a very good point to show trauma or mental illness doesn't "go away" you merely learn to live with it. Hearing Denji, the most optimistic naive guy there is recognize and understand that his suffering cant be suppressed or ignored is so beautiful.
Early part 1 Denji would have just ignored it and denied to himself and others that he was struggling. He simply didn't have the emotional maturity to contend with that. This is a moment of growth. In media where the protagonist has extraordinary abilities writers often just don't highlight lingering trauma as the character gets more powerful. A less manga would have just had Denji say "I got stronger" or "It's in the past now". Chainsaw man didn't and the way it's done is so well done.
This isn't a unique concept to Chainsaw Man but it's a very powerful theme to see a character as goofy and lighthearted as Denji deals with his baggage in a healthy and realistic way. This writing still gives me incredible hope despite part 2s slow start. I really want to see them slowly have Denji face down and properly confront his trauma. Everything in the manga had already shown Denji hadn't recovered, but when he said it himself I don't know. It hit differently.
I know for many this is elementary stuff in half-decent writing but when combined with the other stuff CSM does so well, this scene felt so rewarding
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thesmpisonfire · 3 years
Ok so
Quackity lore! And, with it, we FINALLY got an answer we've been waiting for weeks now.
Who was the hooded figure?
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After yesterday, it was practically confirmed it was Quackity who was chasing Fundy in his dream, wasn't it?
But, oh, wait....
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There's 3 of them! Which one was following Fundy? Who are the other 2?
One question was supposedly answered, but now we have other two to be solved.
Setting the scenario here, the first part where we see the 3 hooded figures was right at the beginning, before we saw the flashbacks and technically even before we saw the present time
One of the tease images was this one:
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Which we all immediately thought it was the Grim Reaper, turns out this was Quackity, or a representation of him
Quackity was being represented as the Grim Reaper, or the Death itself.
And Death is part of a bigger group that has 4 individuals:
and War
The four horsemen of the apocalypse, the ones that will bring the end of the world
But, wait...
There was only 3 of them, wasn't it?
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Here's the fourth
Fundy wasn't chased by any of the 3, he was chased by the 4th.
Fundy was chased by himself
Fundy is the 4th horsemen
This is what Fundy will become if he doesn't follow what the books, what his own conscience, warned about. This is what waits for him. A future self that he is scared and can't even recognize.
Now, you look at me saying "Des, stop all this stretch. Anyway who are the other two horsemen then, you absolutely brain rotted clown?"
First: ow, i roasted myself
Now, the 2 other horsemen.
You remember how I said we didnt even know if the first segment was set in present day? Yeah. Remember how, in the actual present segment of the stream, Quackity was alone riding Ossium? You see how all 3 horsemen have enchanted netherite swords, but Quackity only has a diamond sword during both past and present time?
The horsemen aren't together yet.
Quackity will get the revive book, and he will have the power to bring back the dead...
Wilbur and Schlatt.
Quackity is Death
Wilbur is Conquest, he was the one conquering L'manberg and that fought for it. He was the one that had the self proclaimed right to explode it, because it was HIS. If he can't have it, no one can.
Schlatt is Famine, he made Manburg starve by both shutting Niki's bakery down and letting the crops die to the point some of the inhabitants had to eat spider eyes, which are poisonous. He died sick due to only drinking and not eating at all
And, the last one...
Fundy is War.
He was the one raised in it, that had an entire life surrounded by fighting and chaos. He went into a war against Sapnap due to his love (/p) for Niki. Wars are fought with passion, and Fundy certainly has it. He fights and fights, that's all he had ever done. Doomsday? He knew it wasn't a war, it was a massacre. Also, war is not only the blood bath. Its strategy, its planning. Fundy is a smart guy, planning ahead so he complete his objectives.
Fundy's actions always are part of a domino effect that brings war. Even if its unrelated, its a important piece that starts the fall.
Now, the air horns. Nuke alarms.
A nuke is a war weapon. The power that it handles helps you conquest lands. When a nuke lands, it poisons the water and the land, bringing famine to the citizens.
A nuke causes death.
There's how the nuke connects to the 4 horsemen.
The egg?
Well, the 4 horsemen aren't the only ones that cause the apocalypse, they always have some company.
Also, Quackity trying to destroy it only made it angry. It will be more aggressive. It was just the beginning of something bigger.
Remember how Fundy dreamed about a desert, and a crater?
The time is coming, and they'll slowly meet each other again.
Wilbur, Schlatt, Fundy, Quackity
Conquest, Famine, War, Death
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
A Bronx Tale 1993 - Fight scene
They come back and it's tomorrow the end of the New York's Yankees three game series
And recovered from the Burns parshley some of them more than the others and they all came back
Zues Hera
Huge numbers of people watching this show now because they hear what it's about and here's about you and me and my wife Freya and Elizabeth and everybody's tied into this our bottles our guns our cars our place some of us were there and the demons were made by us but our independence and they're starting to war with them and it means something very big and deep to them and thank heavens for you picking it out wasn't sure what to do about it and you want to do that cuz you're not real huge and then you reminded me to have all this super demons around them style and skill and Mike Tyson and Wendy is a smart lady I hope mom gets out of there she's too tough for Mom takes a beating her mom can persevere spends stuff and I think she's out of there that's true
So it's going down tonight tomorrow there's this show and it's huge the ball game is going to be in the afternoon it's when Daniel goes down there and the gun has traveled back from the four who assaulted the liquor store and really it's an analogy The four horsemen but it's not who they are but it is Chance amount to that kind of thing because they're going after apocalypse and that's the analogy that Max is making
They're going to find the apocalypse that someone else later on not too later on but later on and he's huge a massive giant arrivals Galactus and his DemiGoddess wife rivals Galactica.
Huge huge tomorrow afternoon so I looked at the gun thing a little and I had my son look at it and he said that the gun is being passed around like a souvenir but to be used to implicate someone and they also your uncle Donald when it's the child that has a cap gun this is ridiculous because it looks like a cap gun it works like one and that's what you're using it for and all I said was he has it in his room and you had it in there for a long time one day you gave it up and you said we should probably sell it as a cap gun and your dad wouldn't see put it in the drawer just left it there Monday was missing he said where is it and you said I don't know and you put it in the garage cuz you're going to throw it away and says you can't throw it away and he looks real serious at you it said okay and all of a sudden you said this to yourself it's a special gun it's made by someone special in the family and you kept on holding on to it for years after tons of people thought it was weird I need picked up and said you shut the hell up we're back in the dryer and someone said to him to your dad he's got to take that out of there so Dad went in and took it away and threw it away somewhere people saw it and they took it it was Uncle Donald and she told him to get rid of just trying to have you do it for one time and he's around in the Bronx tale he's not the shooter in season shooting people at all time and says why is that and he's in trouble too cuz they're doing it to him so I'm going to go out and shooting people with it because they think you'll get in trouble cuz you had it as a cap gun and it got changed into a gun which doesn't make any sense to anybody but that's how it is and it was very shiny and it was Chrome because it was code with Mercury and the captain your room because they thought you get sick you don't really touch a bunch but it wouldn't come off they don't know how it was done they kept checking started people fighting with the thorium, so the gun has something to do with thorium and it's analogous to him hitting people with the thorium gun dan and bja. It's analogous to the Galactus Galactica guns on Hoth we did go over it, 17 and cool and that's what it is and it's very bad it means that they know about the guns up there and that's what they're after for real but now they're saying it so next one wonder what's it really doing just kind of sitting around saying we're after these guns they have acid you go up and they move some aliens around to toast their own then they laugh as if it's nothing I was trying to wonder something I can't stand you people we've been over every inch of everything here in Florida and everything that you do all day long and it's so lame compared to what you could be doing I have to ask you if you're completely nuts nobody does a stupid crap you're doing
So to make long story short they're going to go through this tonight tomorrow I'll have their fight with the bikers and shoot Dan and it'll be over till they shoot sunny who is still bja and it's time to shooting him and shouldn't be if that's what they used to do and see that they sit back into that to start going after the max you start attacking both because that's the mob war and that's how it starts so Dan and BJ will be martyrs of their revolution
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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