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the whole plot confuses me can someone please get a plumber out there
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swispcheese · 10 months
ACK!!-EM, errr hear me out!
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shores-of-oblivion · 9 months
Hi! i saw yr post abt yr necrons and was wondering how you made and painted the obelisks!! i would love to do something similar for mine :) Also, was the overlord a kitbash?
The little obelisks were made using plasticard. I cut them to size and glued them together, which was about 4 thick but I can't remember the thickness of the sheets. I'd recommend using pretty thick sheets, obviously. After that it was a bit of gap filling with greenstuff, some sanding and cutting with a knife for weathering. I then used a knife and rounded file to carve the symbols onto the face of each, taking inspiration from various codex art.
Painting them was pretty simple, going from Incubi Darkness to Kabalite green in a few layers, mostly drybrushing but using some stippling and highlights as I went, mostly when using pure Kabalite Green. I used Sybarite Green as the sharp highlight colour, and added a thinner glaze of Akhelian Green. Contrast Paints make great glazes if you think them down a bit and don't let it pool.
The Overlord was a simple kitbash. The body is from the newer kit, which came out with Indomitus, while the Resurrection Orb arm and Scythe head were taken from the older kit. The weaponhead was pretty easy, but the other arm took some cutting and pinning at the elbow, and resculpting the thumb on the other side of the hand.
Hope this all helps!
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f-identity · 3 years
Expanding the Transformers: Prime Canon - M.E.C.H.
I’m not gonna go into what the initial stands for. It’s a name for a shadowy organization. But while we know Silas (Leland Bishop) is the key decision-maker, who actually owns or sponsors the organization?
Well okay, I don’t have specific ideas for the owners yet. What I have expanded on (very roughly) are the organization’s necessary and possible personnel, plus a clearer interpretation of their vision and what their acts are supposedly meant to achieve.
M.E.C.H. Fund Manager - Codename Eclipse. Hong Kong-born banker operating in the Cayman islands. Has a legion of lawyers and other businessy representatives. Modus operandi (for obtaining new financing): Approach wealthy/powerful people and corporations, promising to hide their money (from tax collectors and activists alike) - as long as Eclipse’s organization (M.E.C.H.) receives a weekly nominal fee in a specific checking account.
Birdbrain commentary: “Do these foot soldiers (whether or not on active duty with any military of the world) get paid enough to risk death at the servos of giant alien robots? Who’s in charge of compensation to their families?”
Human Resource Manager of sorts - Codename Romain. [to be expanded]
Public Relations Manager - Codename Bentham. [to be expanded]
Perhaps Silas is largely in charge of procurement activities, mixed in with research and development of advanced-tech weaponry and equipment.
Other sources of hardware (where else do they get helicopters, guns, rifles, robot-disabling weaponry, abandoned bases, and encrypted communications systems):
Military insiders misappropriating resources from governments
Black market
“creating a ‘newer world order’ through the application of cutting-edge technology”
The current world order: Multi million/billion-dollar corporations and governments with military power maintain trade strongholds...
What ‘newer order’ does M.E.C.H. desire? Who is supposed to be in control when ‘newer order’ is established? A bunch of military weaponheads? OR THE OWNERS THAT PUT THEM TOGETHER FOR THIS PURPOSE?
Noticeable Acts:
Theft of dangerous energy sources and destructive technology
Choosing to USE rather than SELL tech advancements
How is M.E.C.H. going to apply all that tech? Simply field-test them against giant robots as per TF:P canon? Let’s look at a more Earth-shattering scope of motivation.
“claim first contact” = old hat, unambitious, not substantive.
Threatening chaos by widely publicizing the existence of giant, destructive autonomous robots (whether or not M.E.C.H. themselves are controlling those robots, after pirating Cybertronian technology to create some of their own)? Now that brings possibilities of acts of terror. A truly threatening foil to the Autobots (who prefer to be robots in disguise) and to the U.S. military and/or government (who do not wish for country and world to panic).
Collecting dangerous toys tech for own use... “Maybe we don’t want to share. You are merely refugees on our planet, after all.” [Birdbrain: “Cybertronians being refugees doesn’t give you the right to dissect them for parts or use them in experiments, Silas, you self-important shithead.”] Underestimated foil to the Decepticons.
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i dont think the teachers left blaine alone after all that happened
weaponhead: keep yourself safe! blaine: Thanks
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I had a dream you made an animated gif of Momdebra stitching herself after an injury, the implication was that she was like, a war hero injured in combat and patching herself up no problem
i think now ive settled into thinking of doctor caledonius as a weird wooden doll person but for a while i saw her two (2) peg legs and actually had this same exact thought. about her. that she'd lost her legs in glorious combat and probably just dealt with it herself no problem. wild that Dream-Me was applying the doctor-c-is-a-war-torn-hero headcanon to momdebra as well
i dont think i can swing a whole gif tonight but i can draw her in like ten seconds for you all bloody and what all
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This might sound a bit dumb, but I have an AU idea where Pepper Mint somehow manages to retain control of his Pepperminteppi form & escape with Cadebra. Cadebra: "So my friend is now an immortal Primordial being that can use massive amounts of black magic. Nice." The Cult has to deal with their God not wanting anything to them (& also being in Wizard Jail for, y'know, murdering children).
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absolute delight and excitement and beige comics under the cut let's go insane
first off this is such a fun idea but i kept getting stuck because how did they get out if he didnt get at least a little violent? they were in a Situation. thats why he started blasting in the first place in the movie! he kills everyone holding cadebra and then kills everyone else who is looking at the two of them funny, and he tells her to get out before he starts hurting her too. but anyways i digress. au! my polite little boy uou (transcipts in image descs to save on space. i realize i should be doing this in the first place to be more accessible but i dont do it. ay. someday ill get over that brain hurdle)
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the profs are so. blank eyed about being Stopped. that’s their GOD. they want him to do the prophesied deeds! but he’s not. “aren’t you our god now” no I’m just that kid but I have this primordial god deity chilling giving me horrible advice now in my head. awful. thanks. i just learned real fast real hard how to love and trust myself
and then also i was like. well like. w. what is everyone gonna say. not nice things. thats a scary insect boy (WHY HE INSECT? IVE NEVER DRAWN PEPPERMINTEPPI PROPERLY BEFORE AND ITS KILLING ME WHY IS HE A BEETLLEEEEE).
and also also. also. ???? drinking the ichor SUCCESSFULLY, is quite literally what og peps just,, keeps saying will Recreate Him, OG Peps, so i guess he did that (?? HELLO) or something similar when he was little but as you can tell he did not uh. keep the scary beetle body. maybe he didnt have a bestie to protect
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anyways. so. pep likes being big. :)
also have this
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poor pep trying to mediate between the gay idiot he used to be in his head (not the gay idiot he still is) and the giant scary monster from the before-nothingtimes he just willingly added to the vr chat
and his poor fuckin teachers
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(ron james is too old and anxious for this shit and life giving magus has a thing about not letting people feel sad :( hes an Emotions Wizard being sad makes him do Evil Magic did you watch the episode Little Dude? gotta keep his students feeling loved and safe or else. especially when they’re um. imbued with massive amounts of dark magic. sorry I like the them)
i also have this from discord
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I don’t know how to end this post this au is fun. none of the kids and few of the adults know the significance of this guy. pep is like hnnnnn just wanna be a normal kid but also scarypowerfulbig. enough. to protect. blaines over here like we are not letting him in the school like that are we and weaponhead is like well. the important thing is we aren’t letting the murderers back in. Blaine.
Maybe larry (cousin got fucking murdered by the teachers) and pep (reached level 100,000 just by drinking juice and now kinda scares everyone) drop out together. just chill quiet together. what do wizards even DOOOOOO, get COFFEE??? make up entirely new schools of magic kinda like those jerky secret societies but less jerky (ron James s6e13 “thanks for the crabapples giussepe”)????? just sit around and wait for Blaine (RULES GUY) and Deb (needs structure in her life and thinks school is fun) to get out of class so they can go do things?
also also I was gonna be Sad tm that you said pep was immortal now, but I insist on believing that wizards have long lifespans. so it’s not like Deb and blaine and larry just fucking DIE ten seconds into pep’s infinite life. they’re there. for a while. (:
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Also, for the earliest question you raised (How do they escape Coconteppi's Grave) Sane!Minteppi could just... teleport them out.
you’re so right HOWEVER. problem I’ve always had with this entire situation
where do they GO
they don’t have any adults they trust! pep liked dr c I guess but she’s out of the question. Deb’s first thought when she was in trouble was to go to brain wizard and he’s out of the question too. do they trust that abracadaniel could DO ANYTHING about this? the wizard guards are gonna shoot first ask questions later especially with blaine having spent the last two days sobbing to them that pep killed their friend probably. and Blaine’s not an adult but they can’t go to them either (as a kid who has resources and connections) bc they’re stuck in an alley right now and also Hate Them. do they trust the other teachers after THAT??? how do we know they aren’t part of a different secret cult (which I mean, they are. it’s called The Bus Gang) who is gonna go oh, sweet, and take over from there. does he take deb to HIS HOUSE? a random cave to recuperate? it’s so wild. to me. I guess they just have to sit there until weaponhead comes in to go WHAT IN THE ABSOLUTE BLAZES IS HAPPENING IN HERE. WHY ARE YOU A PRIMORDIAL BEAST OF DARK MAGIC, PEP. WHY ARE MY COLLEAGUES IN CHAINS. what did you do to spader. oh glob.
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