warmshines · 7 years
@wearyxworlds liked !!
---- On one hand... Neon ought to keep a low profile. ... On the other hand, though, she couldn’t ever remember what ‘keeping a low profile’ was supposed to mean. Leading to situations like this... where, instead of lying low in some makeshift shelter, she’s out and about, with a campfire set up, and a guitar in hand. Noise!
      ... At the sound of rustling, though, the music being strummed stops, and she stands up, glancing around. ... And... holding up her hand, making finger-guns.
      “ Ya’ll b... better watch yer’self... ‘m armed... ”
      She wasn’t sure if the rustling was a person... or an animal... or if they could even see her either way. But, it was still spooky enough to get a rile out of the Novakid, for sure.
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Send a “🛠” and to see Zay blab about her losers! [ Happily Accepting! ]
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Felicity Copeland
Is the assistant (and lowkey lover) to Doctor Hargreaves (aka the asshole that adopted Sam just to treat him like a research project). She’s very pretty and incredibly smart, but standoffish as well. But she’s really eccentric and easy to excite too, I don’t know she’s weird. 
She got a very large soft spot for Sam though and the kid is really attached to her as well, deeming her as his mother (he most likely believes Felicity and the doc are married cause he’s like 6 or 7 of course he does). For some stupid reason she thinks her emotionally detached asshole of a lover will think of them like a family and eventually learn to love both of them given time. I think not, but he does let her mother the boy cause what’s the harm, hell he might even see as benefit to him but he ain’t about to tie the knot anytime soon.
Like Sam, she also have powers with hers being psionic magic.
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thorns-and-wires · 7 years
2, 7, 8, 14!
“Oh yes of course! I’m always up to try new food, whenever I get the chance to try something new I’ll always take them up on the offer. Granted sometimes the dishes can get a bit... odd, they always taste great to me” He shrugs and thinks for a moment “In fact, more often then not I’m eating more exotic foods since I’m always traveling”
“My emotions? I’m not all to sure to be honest.” Evren takes a moment to think on the question and mull it over. “Mmmm... I’d say my actions show my emotions more. Sure words can be comforting, but as the saying goes, actions speak loud then words”
“Curiosity is a great thing! At least I think so. It’s what drives me to go around and travel, discovering all sorts of new things! As for what makes me curious, I’d have to say anything that I don’t understand or makes no sense, or really just something that piques my interest. Well other than food at least” He chuckles slightly
“I know plenty of languages, from common English to even a bit of eldritch. Though only a very small amount, it hurts trying to pronounce even short words. As for my first language, though it doesn’t have an official name, was the language of the Gods. After all I was born and raised around them. I put my 210 years of living to good use learning all sorts of those languages if you ask me.”
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cardsareneverwrong · 7 years
♡ + goals
Send me ♡ + a word, and I’ll write a headcanon.
A majority of the goals Nozomi has are long term. They are mostly mental as to keep them a secret from others; only a few are written down, a single goal on a slip of paper. When one is completed, she crosses it off then burns it, as if to destroy any evidence of ever having a goal in the first place.
For short term, she consults the cards every single morning and that is how she makes a goal, a daily task, per se. Most of the time she completes the task, and if not, she simply adds it to the next day so there are two, and so on. But that is only a recent habit. 
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muppeteyes1001 · 7 years
✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ dumps a ton of roses on the ket
For every ✿ I get, my muse receives a rose!
Kitt is very much surprised when she finds herself practically buried under a thick, rain of roses. Shaking her head, the Steampunk-themed felinoid plucks one of the freed flowers from her hat and looks over it. She quirks her brow, curiously turning it this way and that between her index and thumb.
After a second or two, she looks around and upwards, trying to find the source of the rose bomb.
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graceful-cure-swan · 7 years
"What are you talking about?"
“Only the best series of books ever!” Tsubasa replied to the stranger… before going on to tell them more than they ever needed to know about said book series. It was an amazing mix of adventure and romance and she wanted to share her love. The stranger was likely to be here for a long while.
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thorns-and-wires · 7 years
✒︎✒︎✒︎✒︎ gimme
Send me “✒︎” for a random, dumb, pointless fact about my muse.
I’m giving you 1 for each of those
1) Evren loves music. He usually listens to it during his free time, listening to whatever sounds good to him. Though try as he might to learn an instrument or learn to sing, he can never quite get it it right. His favorite instrument out of most common instruments is the bass guitar.
2) Evren owns a rather large terrarium. In it he has various plants from the countless worlds he has visited in his time, and when he isn’t with the goddess you can often find him tending to these plants. Or asleep in there soaking in the warmth, sunlight, and water to make sure his body is healthy. His goal is to one day collect all of the countless floral life throughout several universes.
3) He doesn’t need to eat at all as long as there is a source of sunlight, be it artificial or natural, due to his plant like nature. Despite this he still thoroughly enjoys eating and claims food to be “the greatest creation from intelligent species”
4) Though Evren can grow and shrink his limbs at will, he tends to have trouble with it now and again, especially when trying to return his limbs to normal. Often times he will end up having to cut off the overgrown portion so that the limb can properly regenerate. This of course is rather painful, however it at least has given him a much higher pain tolerance as a benefit.
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daemon-knight · 7 years
below the surface, everyone is pretty complicated. based on your answers, you will find out that three traits are important strands in your personality. follow this link for the quiz.
You have a strong sense of potential and an intense drive to accomplish difficult things. The core of this is your ability to hold together the big goals and the daily efforts. Where other people’s hopes collapse when they encounter the tedium of the journey, you keep coming back. Oddly, it is actually your ability to endure feeling unheroic that counts. You know the power of working away solidly on what’s in front of you.
One part of your character is anger in all its forms: frustration, outrage – and when anger is suppressed – bitterness, grumpiness, and bodily aches. Fundamentally, frustration comes from hope: you get upset because you expect your life will be more than a valley of tears. One way to deny aggression is to direct it inwards, as self-criticism. But you’re at your best when you acknowledge anger, and act it out clearly and in a focused way, with honor.
You love it when everything is neat and tidy: when there is a proper way of doing things, and you can tick things off the to-do list and know where everything is. So others, at times, are to you unbearably sloppy and messy. And you run into things that can’t be ordered (a child, a partner, a colleague at work) which drives you slightly nuts. But your desire for order is a good one when it is focussed where it is needed and when you’re okay with a bit of mess.
Tagged by: @wearyxworlds Tagging: @obstinxnce, @chosenbychronos, @recklessmoon, and anyone else interested.
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warmshines · 7 years
"Did I miss anything?"
—- Well, aside from a nasty hangover…
      “ Well, … naw. It’s been slow an’ steady ‘round th’ camp… ‘ppreciate ya’ visitin’, though. ”
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localmagicalboi · 7 years
                       ✨  @wearyxworlds for the MUSE QUESTIONS! still accepting.
♥ - What does ‘love’ mean to them?
I'll just go with romantic love! To Vivi, love isn't big gestures. It's not some crazy, grand thing filled with over the top moments. It's little things, like him warming up tea for his significant other. Or, it can be things like... Reading them a passage from his favorite book at night, or making sure their bath water is at a proper temperature. Super small gestures. I think love for Virote is a collection of tiny, intimate moments meant to be experienced on the most humanly level possible. Even something as mundane as asking if they’ve eaten yet. I guess this could apply to platonic love, too.At the same time, he's so unsure of his own feelings that he doesn't recognize love when he feels it. Everything in his head is messy, along with his heart.
♣ - What is one thing that they find embarrassing? (About them, others, things in general)
I-- he finds his WHOLE EXISTENCE embarrassing. He’s one of those people who does something anything and then instantly regrets it due to feeling judged. By whom? Anyone.
★ - Do they prefer daytime or nighttime and why?
Nighttime! It gives him time to think. The problem is that he thinks too much once the sun is gone. At the same time, there’s a charm to the night that he enjoys.
☾- Are they prone to nightmares or dreamless sleep?
Virote usually ends up having vivid dreams. They kind of blur the lines of nightmare vs bright, happy dreams. Things end up getting muddled together. I’m sure he’d prefer a dreamless sleep.
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