princessleiaswift · 6 months
i love this man
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Harrison Ford
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princessleiaswift · 6 months
bad batch ep 10 & 11
So I've just finished this week's bad batch and Mr. Filoni blessed us with 2 incredible episodes.
I want to break them down individually since they're very different.
Let's start with ep 10!
We start off with a brand new planet (could be wrong but I have never seen it).
Here we meet a super cute force-sensitive child (he's such a sweet potato, I mean come on) with his mother.
This is a time when it's very dangerous time to be able to control the powers of the force, so of course, something bad happens.
Come on, it's Star Wars. We can't give the characters a happy ending.
I was so sad when he got taken but Dave Filoni granted us a Cad Bane cameo to lessen the pain.
And I will take that.
It was super cool to see what Emerie has been up to since we left her off in the beginning of the season.
This episode did not include anyone from the batch yet I tend to believe the episodes that do not revolve around the squad always turn out to be SO GOOD.
I was sobbing up when we got see what was going on inside that damn secret vault.
I think it's pretty obvious that there would be force-sensitive children there, yet idk why but I always imagined something different would hide behind the locked doors.
Anyway, Eve is definetly one of my new faves and seeing how these children were treated really made my heart ache.
Seeing this new critical side to Emerie was so cool!
Filoni is definitely leading up to her playing a significant role in this season.
And I'm all here for it
Seeing Emerie give Eve Omegas homemade Lula was definitely the perfect icing on top of the cake
Overall this is probably one of my favorite episodes so far
Now let's talk ep 11
Wow, just wow
I didn't think it could get any sadder.
The batch are supposed to leave Pabu but are prevented by the mysterious new clone soldier (who people believe to be Tech)
I myself also stand by that theory
This episode was just pure chaos for the bad batch
Seeing Wrecker hurt, Hunter working on his own, the blooming relationship between Omega and Crosshair.
Let's focus on the last thing acutally.
I've never really been a Crosshair fan but he's growing on me. Especially after how he his around Omega.
Their conversation at end about Omega's surrender and doing the right thing was just so ARGH!
Seeing Omega surrender and then just sitting completely alone on the imperial ship was just HEARTBREAKING
Seeing Crosshair miss with the tracking device also didn't help my mental health
These two episodes slapped!!
I can not wait until next Wednesday
Dave Filoni don't do this to me!!!
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princessleiaswift · 6 months
falling behind
Hello fellow people
This will be my first-ever official blog post!!!
Yeay!!! but we're starting out in a pretty dark area...
Never Grow Up is probably the most relatable song for me because my biggest fear is in fact growing up and becoming an adult.
Sometimes thinking about the future is exciting. I imagine moving out and decorating my new place just the way I want.
Taking up a higher form of education. Basically living life just the way I want.
That seems fun and cool to fantasize about, but then the truth of adulthood hits me.
And when this terrible truth hits me, I just want to stay a kid forever.
I'm only 17, I have nothing to worry about.
Becoming an adult is not something that will happen to me soon, yet it is still happening sooner than I want it too.
Because of this fear, I try to cling to childhood as much as I can.
I love fairytales, I watch cartoons, I don't drink alcohol, I don't have sex etc.
Because of these things, I can sometimes feel left out.
It has never really bothered me before.
I have always known that I was childish, and I have always just accepted that part of me. Even been proud of it.
My friends have always found it sort of cute that I was so clueless about "adult things" and that I would prefer staying in and watching Star Wars instead of going to a party.
Today was probably one of the first times that I felt like I was falling behind and that something was wrong with me.
I was siting in the bus with my two friends/classmates.
One of these classmates was a girl, let's call her Daisy.
Daisy is probably my best friend.
I have known her since we were six years old.
It's not like we have been super close all the time, that just something we have grown into over the past four years.
I always knew that she was more mature than I was. But not like much more.
I thought we were only 5 meters apart.
Now I see, that she's 500 meters ahead of me (if not more).
She's 18 now which means she can go to bars and nightclubs.
A lot of my friends are grown-ups on paper (over 18) and they like going out.
I just never thought that Daisy would be one of them.
It may sound like I'm jealous, which I think I'm not, it's just, that I've always thought that Daisy and I would go hand in hand when facing adulthood.
Now I see she's already much further ahead of me.
Daisy is also probably getting a boyfriend soon.
She's talking to this guy (let's call him James).
James and Daisy are hitting it off pretty well.
James seems nice, though I've never spoken to him before.
How will Daisy and I's relationship be when she starts dating James?
Will she want to hang out with me?
Daisy also has a friend called Susan.
Susan and I have a muddy history.
Let's say she made my middle-school years pretty sucky.
Daisy and Susan are childhood friends.
Even though Daisy is my best friend, I feel as though she would take Susan's side if it stood between me and her.
I mean Susan is also pretty close with Daisy's family, so I get it. But then again, I do not.
I have never spoken with Daisy about this whole "Susan thing".
We've just never acknowledged it and pretended that it didn't happen.
Before you guys say, maybe Daisy was kept in the dark about all of this? T
rust me Daisy knows what happened and she knows how miserable I was.
Now we all have Italian class together.
And I'm now supposed to be friends with Susan and pretend like I have suffered severe memory loss.
Susan has never apologized to me and at first, I thought why hold a grudge over something that happened years ago?
But sometimes I see that Susan is still that mean girl that made my life hell.
The way she speaks about others. Like they are lower-lifeform.
And sometimes I wonder, was that the way she spoke about me in middle school?
And does she speak about me in that way now?
This seems all confusing and i have given too much information.
What I'm trying to say is that I'm afraid that Daisy no longer finds me interesting. That I have nothing to offer anymore.
And I have some evidence that confirms this terrible theory.
Daisy and I talked about what we had been doing over easter-break the first day we came back to school.
When I told her, I went on a solo trip to the beach, she just looked at me like I was such a weirdo.
Maybe it is weird going to a beach 3 hours away, but I actually quite enjoyed spending some time on my own.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it. Or maybe Daisy will replace me with James and Susan, sooner or later. Maybe she already has and I just do not know it.
God knows what will happen in the future. I'll just wait and see.
But if anyone has any advice, please comment.
Sincerly yours,
Princess Leia Swift
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princessleiaswift · 6 months
hello and welcome
Welcome to this blog!!! 
I know people don't really read blogs anymore (I do not read blogs myself) yet I thought this could be a fun way to let out my thoughts and feelings
The first thing I want to say is: that this blog has ZERO rules!!!
By that I mean, this is not a culinary blog or an adventure blog. This is an EVERYTHING blog.
I want to write about my interests but I also want to open up about my feelings and the hard stuff.
Basically, this is just a space where I can write what's on my mind.
So let's start with a little introduction
1. My name is Princess Leia Swift (okay not really)
2. I'm seventeen years old and I'm a junior
3. I live in a small, boring town with loads of judgemental people yet i live pretty close to the woods (so that's something)
4. My main interests are Taylor Swift, reading books and anything Star Wars-related
5. So I'm just a pretty normal teenage girl
6. I used to have a pretty bad tiktok addiction (and phone addiction in general), so I have deleted the app (but let's see how long that will last)
There's probably much more to tell but I don't want to bore you
Instead, follow this blog and over time you'll probably get to know me much better
Have a great day/evening/afternoon/morning/night 
Hope i'll see you on my page again
Sincerely yours,
Princess Leia Swift
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