gofancyninjaworld · 18 days
so sweet and yet...
...Webi giving Suiryu a hint of her other side is delicious.
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ask-webi-chan · 2 years
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Digital world is lonely . I hope someone visits me soon .
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waterbottlqueen · 1 year
in celebration of her (sort of) appearance in the latest chapter
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milkshakeworm · 2 years
greg could ask me to pay for his meal and i would cus hes got hungry eyes like the ones of a storm in july
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samssolutions · 2 years
Twin Webbing Lanyard With Energy Shock Absorber
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One Side Karabiner & Two Sides Scaffolding Hook, Y-Type Lanyard. One-Side Easy 308 Karabiner & Two Sides Silver Plated Scaffoldings With Easy SH 60 Hook. Green / Black, Universal
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radio-crayon · 7 months
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losername02 · 1 year
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Repostober: Day 12
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argent-sz · 1 year
Oh, right.
I'm mexican
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itsyouch · 21 days
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aourgh wader....
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maybe sebie webie has a nice warm towle in his lil shop
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Ahoj, mohli bychom pro kontext zařadit jednu anketu, týkající se sledování televize? Případně na jaké platformě lid čumblru filmy sleduje? Přijde mi totiž, že některé filmy jedou v TV pořád dokola a je podezřelé, že o nich nikdo ani neslyšel (:
Ale beze všeho, to je dobrý nápad :).
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ask-webi-chan · 2 years
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Another long day . . . same as every day I have ever lived .
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dearest-painter · 1 year
A skit of black cat!reader of them getting ready on a date with Webslinger
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Miguel:Y/N, why are you getting so dressed up? There are no event happening in any universe that you would go to
Black cat!Reader:*Adding a few accessories* Me and my cowboy are going out for dinner, he asked me. Do I look overdressed Miggy? I don’t wanna be to overdressed but not to underdress ya feel?
Miguel:*JEALOUS!!*! Why him? He isn’t worthy of your time and barely even spends time with you! You should just stay home and I can cook you dinner
Lyla:Checked what your cowboy was wearing its perfect! Knock him dead!
Black cat!Reader:Thanks Ly, oh I’m so nervous! Anyways no Miguel me and him have a date and I’m going with him. He said after we eat he’ll teach me how to ride a horse!
[Y/N’s personal watch: ‘Kitty im outside, ya ready?’]
Black cat!Reader:I got to go, can you please feed Noir, Miguel, and Peter P!? I don’t wanna be later!
[Black cat!Reader leaves and rushes to Webslinger]
Black cat!Reader:Sorry if I’m late! Y-you look handsome as always Cowboy
Webslinger:Thanks hun, looking drop dead gorgeous as always. Come on I got us a spot at your favorite *Wraps an arm around Black cat!Reader’s waist*
Black cat!Reader:Awww thanks weby
Webslinger:Weby…ain’t bad kitty
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samssolutions · 7 months
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One Side Karabiner & Two Sides Scaffolding Hook, Y-Type Lanyard. One-Side Easy 308 Karabiner & Two Sides Silver Plated Scaffoldings With Easy SH 60 Hook. Green / Black, Universal
0 notes
Prosím jakéhokoliv lingvistu z československého tumblr nebo kohokoliv, kdo ví odpověď, z jakého jazyku pochází slovo "grcat"? (pro ty co neznají, slang pro zvracet)
Já měla za to, že je to české slovo, pravděpodobně specifické pro *nejmenovaný kraj*, potenciálně Moravu, ale sestra mi mermomocí tvrdí, že je to slovenské slovo. Internet bohužel neposkytuje uspokojující odpovědi.
(pokud je to slang bez přesně známého původu, který se používá v Česku i na Slovensku, tak to také respektuji, ale některé weby tvrdí, že se přímo vyvinulo ze Slovenštiny, jiné že je specificky České, takže jsem mírně zmatená)
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losername02 · 1 year
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Repostober: Day 3
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melancholicumbrella · 11 months
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Webi~ Energy Snow! The redrawing is finished, I thought I wouldn't be able to draw again on my computer for a long time but here it is \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
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