#website stuck in 2015
fxa · 2 years
the fact that there are people who like undertale but have never even heard of homestuck still blows my mind all these years later despite it making complete rational sense. respect your elders. in fact respect us for being toby fox's built-in audience at the time and therefore being the first ones to be interested in it which got it popular enough for you to hear about it. that was us homestucks. you're welcome.
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reikunrei · 2 years
don’t mind me im about to go thru my likes and reblog a bunch of old ask games so i can tag them for easier future access. i am not expecting anyone to send me any, but you are welcome to do so as long as you specify which ask game it’s from LOL i will Very Happily answer them !!
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 4 months
When did you start the original owl vid blog and what was it like? Was it more focused on reviewing owl videos? I’m just curious as to how you ended up involved in a bunch of discourse* about not-owls.
*lets just call it that for simplicity’s sake ahah
I made the original in either January or February 2020 after being frustrated to a breaking point seeing another video of an owl in an obviously bad situation being shared uncritically because the OP had mislead their followers about what was going on. “Oh this owl LOVES his kitten and duck friends!” “Oh look at this owl having SO much fun in the bubble bath!” It was endless. At the time there was genuinely no one questioning anything going on in any of them. My only outlet was to vent it to some of my friends in group chats and such. We would pass around different videos that ended up on our dashes and discuss the issues amongst ourselves just to be in a space where people actually said something because outside of those chats we were going mad seeing it time and time again.
I made the blog while scrolling tumblr aimlessly during a particularly long winded seminar I was sitting in on, I had reblogged a photo of a wild owl and tumblr began recommending various owl abuse videos mislabeled as cute. I had enough. I made a blog name and used large bold letters and emphasizing colors so my posts would be seen by people scrolling the reblogs. I scoured the entire owl tag and rated every single video I came across, typing paragraph upon paragraph detailing everything wrong with those photos and videos and it didn’t take more than a day or two before I had amassed a few thousand followers, people were interested. People were listening, there were a few “okay Karen” types here and there, but the large majority were willing to listen in a way I had never seen before. I had made posts like this on Facebook (not under an alias) and my posts were always immediately met with “who cares if the owl dies it’s just a fun video it’s not that deep let people enjoy things” and threats of lawsuits for “defamation” from the online personalities and “sanctuaries” i critiqued. To say tumblr was a breath of fresh air was an understatement, I have been on this website since ~2013-2015 (not on a themed blog, just various personal blogs I deleted and remade a few times, and a discourse blog or two mixed alongside a few admin slots making pride icons with cartoon characters for people), and I can honestly say this initial experience was the last thing I expected from this hellsite.
For the first few months, I wanted to hang onto that. I didn’t want to bring politics into it, this was just about owls and wildlife, I didn’t want to detract from the goal of educating people on how to spot animal abuse. And for a time that worked well. I was happy. The followers were happy. Until I started paying attention to the people following me and interacting with my posts. Usernames like “radical-clit” or “jake1488” would start to pop up more often. More icons would have kekistan pride flags, or just iron crosses outright. Some icons proudly just said “TERF is a slur” while others were naked white women in wheat fields. I had what I asked for, a truly “apolitical” space where everyone, even Nazis and TERFs felt very welcome.
And I took exception to that.
I made the first real post using my voice and my stances. I said trans women are women. I said Black Lives Matter. I said ACAB and I said wear a mask when COVID started to hit. I started blocking the ones that didn’t scatter from my blog like roaches, I went through my follower list manually and blocked every TERF, Nazi, and any other type of sleazeball I could find. I manually vetted a few thousand people.
This resonated with people. I expected backlash, and there was a fair shake of it, but I received more asks than I had before. Hundreds of strangers thanking me for making my stance clear and letting them know they were welcome. And that stuck with me.
I had made this blog to educate, and that is what I was going to do. So when I started getting asks from those opposed to my open sharing of political subjects, I responded to their hate mail as though it was a debate. I wasn’t trying to change their minds, I’m not that naive, it was to further educate anyone else reading about it, to tell the full story and to arm them with tools to fight back against bad faith talking points the right weaponizes. From that point on, I would get off topic asks questioning my political stances, and I continued to answer them. I wanted it to be clear where I stood because I did not want marginalized people to ever question if I was secretly a bigot.
I never stopped actually reviewing owl videos, however I did stop using the flashy long format responses to avoid annoying people. I had a following by then, I didn’t need to shout to be heard over scores of people fawning over animal abuse. I still rate videos today, but if it’s one that I’ve rated at all within the past year or especially one I’ve rated multiple times, I tend to ignore the message. I don’t go looking for them anymore for the same reason I’d imagine you probably don’t go out of your way to find videos of dogs and cats being abused. It’s upsetting, it’s emotionally tolling. There’s also only so many ways I can say “owls cannot safely cohabit with other species or more than one other owl”, “owls cannot swim well and don’t like being fully submerged in water for a viral tiktok”, or “owl cafes and pet keeping of owls are inherently abusive”.
If I’ve already rated three videos of people letting their toddlers or other pets manhandle large owls, do I really need to be sent six more? My point is Education, not sending as many upsetting videos of animal abuse as I can find to place on your dash and say things you already know if you’ve seen my other posts.
Anyway, for a shorter answer to your question: I get non-owl discourse consistently because I don’t shy away from addressing it. I don’t want my stances to be vague, I don’t want good people wondering if I support trump or genocide. I am a firm believer that silence is violence. I’m not going to do what white culture favors and simply look away and avoid the topic of injustices simply to make white users more comfortable.
This blog was never meant to be comfortable.
This is the “animal abuse is bad stop that” blog.
It would be weird of me to oppose animal abuse and them remain silent on abuses and injustices faced by human beings.
I don’t wake up in the morning saying “okay today will be 80% international politics, 12% discourse about the causes and ethics of pedophilia as a mental disorder, and 8% birds with 1% of that being owls. If someone asks me if I support trans rights I will answer them. If someone attacks me for that then I will respond to their attack.
If some days I don’t feel like looking for upsetting animal abuse and formulating an entire essay on why abusing said animal for entertainment is wrong, I do something else.
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reliablejoukido · 2 months
Fuller and cleaner version of the track I posted yesterday. And I have a name and thumbnail for it! Hope you enjoy-- it's the first track I've cleaned up specifically from 02. Like I said yesterday, it was partially released as a Saban's Masked Rider BGM track, but I wanted the version that played in Digimon. So here it is!
Also, and this is completely random, but one of the 02 quotes that always stuck with me was when Ken said to Davis: "Well my worthy adversary, farewell. Until we meet again in battle." It was the first time I had ever heard the word "adversary" as a kid. Years later (I think in 2015), for whatever reason, I happened to google the definition of adversary. The top result in google back then gave a very interesting example sentence. It's not the top result now, but I was able to find it again on a random website:
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I remember losing it when I saw that years ago. Anyway, thought you might like that story, as it's partially why I named this track what I did.
Reminder that you can subscribe to my YouTube Channel to listen to everything, and you can download the whole collection from this Google Drive
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tomorrowillbeyou · 2 months
11 20 42 59 !!
11. are you listening to music right now
Yesssss im listening to everything you ever wanted to know about silence.... the spotify link poster 💘 i wasn't before though i got it stuck in my head wgile i wasnt doing anything and then posted it and then i put it on .. loveeeee this song
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
SOOOOOOOOO HARD question i love sooooooo many songs... umm just on the metric of the song i keep coming back to the most atm that i love a lot it would be the reason the night is long by rainer maria.... i love it soooooooo much it is so beautiful and awsome to listen to ajd close my eyes and dance a little.. I imagine tonight that we could get along ‼️‼️
42. favourite book
A ROOM WITH A VIEW!!!!^_^ my favouriteeee book ever ive read it like 7 or 8 times at least it makes me smile & is kind of a comfort to me... i bring it with me on trips even if i don't intend to read it .... its like a security blanket to me 💘 i read it in like year 12 first and liked it fine and then my class were assigned it for our a level coursework project and i read it again and again and learned more about it and was like Holyyyy shit this is epicness... Yea i love this book
59. why i joined tumblr
ummm well believe it or not i used to be on google plus when i was like 11.. Oh boy if u think tumblr is bad .. that place was a freakin lawless wasteland . but i was in a "community" where people posted tumblr screenshots they were all like old as fuck supernatural and homestuck jokes but i thought Huh this websites pretty funny.. let's get in on it.... yea that was in like 2015... its been a little while
LOVE U WASPPPP thanks 4 the ask 😁
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enby-ralsei · 10 days
Re your tags - lol PLEASE share I only know of the Aerosmith one at Disney but I would love to learn more! (Niche interests? In MY neurodiverse website? It's exactly as likely as you'd think!)
I am looking at u with such wide eyes
I know more about the mechanics and safety features of roller coasters bc I think they are so cool.
One major safety feature of every roller coaster are their block zones. The end of every block zone has a way to completely stop a train if another train is in the block zone ahead. If there is ever a flat space on a ride with a walkway and stairs down, there are breaks there to stop the train. This is to stop a potential collision.
This is a very good system and very rarely fails. block zone detection is done by computer and requires a manual override to allow the trains to move ahead. the override can only be done once an engineer checks out the whole ride (and maybe electrical system). only then is an override is allowed.
one example of this system going wrong is with The Smiler crash in 2015 at Alton Towers in the UK. There was a lot that went wrong here. First, the ride shouldn't have been operating at all due to high wind speeds. However since it's the largest ride at the park and it was a very busy day, it was decided that it should run anyway. Next thing that went wrong was that there were more trains out than the operators knew about. I believe that there were 5 out when they knew about only 4. When an empty train got stuck and didn't return to the station, they didn't know, because they only knew about the 4 trains, and not the 5th. A train with people got stuck in one of the block zones, because the ride detected the stuck 5th train! it did its job! however, when the ride engineer came over, the operators told them that there were only 4 carts in operation. The engineers therefore, only checked to see if all 4 trains were accounted for. And 4 trains were accounted for. But the 5th undocumented train was still on the tracks. The engineers there did not do a thorough enough job because they assumed the operators were correct (and as an engineer in training, it's good to trust your operators, since they know a lot about the ride, but also when safety is involved, you have to check everything. no matter what. check the entire track, even if they said only 4 are in operation, just to make sure. safety is everything. checking multiple times is necessary for the safety of everyone). The engineers gave the go ahead to let the train into the next block zone, and there was nothing that could be done to stop the crash at this point.
The train full of people struck the other and it took probably around 5 hours to get everyone out of the crashed train. two riders (in the front center seats) had to have one leg amputated due to the injuries caused in this crash. Many had severe whiplash. There are videos that document the actual crash, and it is disturbing to hear screams of excitement turn into screams of pain. you can hear the moment that the train collided. it's one of the worst crashes I know about simply because of how preventable it was. A lot of other crashes I know about were caused by maintenance errors. not checking bolts in the train wheels, not checking upstop wheels, not checking braking systems, not checking whatever. But this was checked. There were multiple layers of safety, and they were all bypassed.
this became more about that one crash instead of mechanics LMAO I think it's so cool how the systems involved work and how they fail
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adarkrainbow · 7 months
I have been sharing things about French fairytale movies. We have been talking about Cinderella. As such I want to speak about a movie I actually can't really speak about because I have not seen it... But I need to just talk about it because... Well, you'll get it. It is the 2017's Les Nouvelles Aventures de Cendrillon (The New Adventures of Cinderella).
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Now to understand WHERE this movie comes from, we need to return to 2015 and the release of another movie "The New Adventures of Aladin".
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This movie is a comedy, an humoristic retelling/parody of the Aladin tale - France has quite a history of One Thousand and One Nights-cinema, and already humoristic takes on similar stories had been done (Gérard Jugnot had notably played in an humoristic Ali Baba movie I saw when I was young, for example). Here the main star and the actor playing Aladin is Kev Addams, which was then a young humorist that had been on the rise for quite a few years and was an "idol of the youngs", so to speak. The gist of the movie is: two thieves are disguising themselves as Santa Clauses in modern-day Paris to steal at the Galeries Lafayette. But they are stuck with a group of children who asks them for a story - and so to get rid of them, they decide to tell them an improvised version of the story of Aladdin, which in turn parallels the real-life events surrounding the thieves.
[Note the writing of "Aladin" with one "d", to carefully avoid any Disney lawsuit.]
This movie was very, very popular in theaters. It was popular enough to actually get a sequel called "Alad'2" (a pun on how "in" sounds like "un", "one"), which also was one of the leads of the box-office in France, and brought in another French humorist, this time of the "previous generation" before Adams - Jamel Debbouze:
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But there was one problem... Both movies were absolutely torn to shreds by the critics. In newspapers, on websites, everybody agreed that these movies were actually bad, and not at all good movies nor great comedies. In fact, the reviews of the movies and the sales corresponding to it clashed so much it caused an online scandal when it came to the website AlloCiné (one of the French websites of reference when it comes to cinema), who was openly accused of faking reviews and inventing profiles to boost this movie's note - because it seemed impossible, with all the negative critics and the backlash, that the movie could obtain a mid-rating (3/5).
All of that to say, these movies were very polarizing - seen as embodying the typical bad comedies and a certain "downfall" of French cinema everybody has been talking about in the 2010s, and yet being massively mediatized and very popular among young audiences especially, and bringing in a lot of cash...
Now we reach our movie. Welcome "The New Adventures of Cinderella"! Which technically seems like a spin-off of the Aladin movies, and yet by its chronological placement seems to be a sequel "by the principle", not directly following it while still reusing its principle and referencing the previous movie (this movie was released BEFORE Alad'2)
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This movie basically does what "Les Nouvelles Aventures d'Aladin" did - it is an humoristic retelling/open parody of Cinderella, framed as an adult being forced to tell a story to children. In this case it is Julie, a young girl who finds herself alone on the day of her birthday, without anybody remembering it... Until Marco, the man she secretely loves (and the son of her boss) calls to tell her he is coming over. Filled with hope she awaits... only to discover Marco brings her his son because he needed a last-minute babysitter. Stuck with this particularly bratty child, Julie is forced to tell him a story, and fed up with everybody treating her like a servant, she decides to tell a version of Cinderella where she plays the main role - and Marco is the prince she tries to win. Other characters from her life are recast: her boss is the king, her bitchy colleagues are the wicked stepsisters, her annoying neighbor if the evil stepmother... And Snow-White with her seven dwarves pop up at some point - because just like with the "Aladin", Disney references are quite present...
The main actress (Cinderella/Julie) s Marilou Berry, who truly was noticed and became quite famous thanks to playing in "Vilaine", and after passing by a series of movies (including "Les reines du ring"), she had another focus thanks to the success of the "Joséphine" movie. The cast also gathers other actors quite used to the world of comedy, ranging from older generations of the "classics" (Josiane Balasko as the wicked stepmother, Didier Bourdon as the king) to more recent ones (Arnaud Ducret as the prince Marco, Vincent Desagnat as the prince's older brother).
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Now, I have not seen the movie, so I can't confirm or infirm this... But when it was released, this piece got bashed. Really, really hard. Harder than the Aladin movie, from people simply calling it "unfunny" and "cringe" to other actively pointing it out as being offensive and sexist, if not misogynistic. Aladin's note online roughly went around a 3/5. This one hesitated between 2/5 and 1,5/5. Now, again, I can't say I agree or disagree with these reviews because I have not seen the movie - and we all know a mass-opinion can be wrong. It seems more recently kinder reviews have been opping around the Internet - pointing out that all the backlash ths movie received was exaggerated and the piece was better than what everybody descibed.
Now, if you want my two pences of thought, I do believe that maybe this has to do with the audience that went to see these movies. As I said, Kev Adams was quite the "idol of the youth" when he did the Aladin movie (I don't know if he still is), but he had a BIG fanbase among teenage girls for example, as well as a certain scope to a young audience. And precisely who kept talking about these Aladin movies and who was more interested in those Aladin movies? Children. Meanwhile this Cinderella movie lacks any star or face that a young audience could recognize - no real Kev Adams. Yes, Marilou Berry is here, but her audience is not known to be young children - and as such, I do believe that the Aladin movies were favored by having a natural "fanbase" and already formed young audience ready to dig in. Meanwhile here two of the prominent stars are actors who symbolize the humor of the 20th century and are now quite aged - Balasko and Bourdon - who will speak to adults, but probably not to children... Anyway I am really speaking out of anything here, especially since I haven't seen the movie, but I do believe that this played a part in how this movie was received in a lesser way than the Aladin ones. (Plus the Aladin movies were clearly aimed at a male audience, which coupled with Kev Adams' natural teenage girl fanbase and the big success of Disney's Aladdin among girls, made sure both genders could go see it without shame - meanwhile this movie is clearly a "girl movie" meaning the audience is already restricted a bit more... And as such much more offended - as I said the movie was accused of being a piece of misogynistic jokes (doesn't help that there are only men who wrote and directed this movie).
But again, it might also have to do with the movie just being bad, you know. After all the man behind this movie (Lionel Steketee) is not the one that made the first Aladin movie (Arthur Benzaquen) but rather the one that did its lesser-appreciated sequel... Though the same script-writer was used for both (Daive Cohen).
Now, my only question, from what I have seen (extracts and trailers and previews) is actually... What is the target audience? Maybe it will clear up when I get to see the movie but this is all framed and sold as a kid-friendly entertainment, it even being an "all-public" movie to which families are supposed to be able to bring their kids but... a lot of the jokes I have seen are typical of adult things. I mean there's a lot of sex jokes for example, which made me think originally this was an adult movie, but then it also kind of is framed and written as a kid-level comedy and... Yeah this leaves me a bit confused. Just take the movie's poster, at the top of the post... You can't tell me there isn't a big sexual innuendo in the way the prince "rides" Cinderella! And yet it is sold as a movie kids can go watch and that isn't for a more mature audience? Anyway, I do not have a lot to say, since I haven't seen the movie, but I wanted to make a "preparation" post for when I will get to see it.
(I will just add that while some of the jokes I have seen do seem really bad - like a certain joke about a character's throat which was used already in Les Visiteurs 3 and seems really out of place in a kid movie, clearly taken from the Men in Black - some actually made me laugh. Most notably there is a great slapstick moment you can glimpse in the trailer where the Lady Tremaine-like stepmother just... headbutts Cinderella for speaking to her. I did quite like this joke as it subverts the pose and subtle threat of the Disney-wickedstepmother, while also clearly dedramatizing the violence into a goofy, cartoonish way. But that's just me.)
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tag game
tagged by @jgyapologism
1. why did you choose your url?
it was something different but i made a fan account on twt and then decided to also be found here? or maybe it was specifically when twitter started going to shit and we thought it would shut down the first times that i made this account an extension of that one? (it wasnt much before). and now i dont even use twt so lol
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
no because i dont understand how they work
3. how long have you been on tumblr?.
9 years? i think i joined in 2015?
4. do you have a queue tag?
no cause i queue randomly and often. (i like getting to surprise myself with posts i like at a random later date)
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i wanted to follow accounts that talked about my interests!! also i felt too cringe for the other sites and this webbed site has a loser reputation
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
uhhhhh it was my twt one last or maybe two pride months ago and i stuck with it. (it used to be bokuto in season 4 looking at hinata with his eyebrows iykyk)
7. why did you choose your header?
the power of volleyball yuri!!! i chose it to celebrate vnl but now that vnl is over ig i can change it... but i love melissa vargas so much i want her there
8. what is your post with the most notes?
"they should invent joints that dont hurt" <- banger i know and it has like 16,000 notes last i saw
9. how many mutuals do you have?
uhhhh idk how to even tell that
10. how many followers do you have?
11. how many people do you follow?
96 which is a lot but not all of them are active anymore :(
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
see my most popular
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
like 2-3 times, more if im bed bound.. is this chronically online of me? probably
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
not on this website i dont think...
15. how do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts?
i immidiately scroll past any "you need to __" make me want to not look at it
16. do you like tag games?
yes! but sometimes they make me nervous for no reason!
17. do you like ask games?
yes but i feel bad sending the asks cause what if i do the thinks ive been asked to wrong
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
in terms of certain tags/fandoms maybe but overall tumblr famous then no
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
no <3
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edlinklover · 2 years
this is going to haunt me forever I think but
Does anyone remember where Point's name came from?
Context: "Point" is a fanmade name for Fukase's companion that has stuck Extremely Well in overseas fandom. "Point" does not have an official name at all.
How I remember its origins is that someone saved an image file of Point (presumably from Fukase's now-defunct website) and it was titled "Point.png" but I have never seen another person who could corroborate this . I think I remember someone saying that on Tumblr back in 2015/2016 so I figured it might be good to ask here?? am I the only one with this memory?? is the origin actually different altogether??
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ceasarslegion · 7 months
honestly i think if this site finally dies to a ceo meltdown (which might be the only thing that can kill it lmao) i think... it would be for the best to just leave this place and the communities it fostered buried
I won't go to cohost, or bluesky, or anything. Y'all can catch me on my already made social (1) (discord. Im not giving anybody my facebook account with my full name on it after the death threats ive gotten over the years here) if you want, but this site has been going downhill ever since the advent of cringe culture and ace discourse circa 2015. It feels like recent months have been hurtling towards the logical conclusion of the turbo-echo chamber this site exists in. I seriously miss the era where it was just superwholock jokes and the only drama you'd hear about was the occasional bone-stealing witch level shit that everybody would go "lmao what" about and then go back to their regularly-scheduled movie discussions. Maybe i'll go back to pinterest at most and spend the rest of my time in fandom and furry forums and AO3. It would compel me to write and draw a lot more.
And honestly, I think tumblr finally getting the plug pulled on its long-dying life support may be legitimately helpful for a lot of the users who yanked this site's culture away from that and into the echo chamber. They might like, go outside for once. I know "touch grass" is a cliche or whatever but I do think a lot of this echo chamber can be chalked up to sitting on the computer all day and never getting exposed to anybody outside of your self-imposed internet echo chamber. Go outside, get some fresh air.
Also, it won't be the end of the world. If your free time and happiness is really that contingent on any one social media site then it may be for the best to take it away from you. Learn how to entertain yourself without it. There's a whole world out there to explore. Find something else to do. Pick up new hobbies, look into events in your area. Get really into some weird niche hobby and spend all that time doing that instead of just posting on a different website if this one's finally done. Remember that 4chan guy whose life turned around after he got really into raising shrimp instead of discoursing on 4chan all day? Maybe it's time to find your shrimp raising hobby instead of just posting the same things and perpetuating the same cycles on a different site.
I'm not saying to go full amish and abandon the internet altogether but i am saying that if this website has consumed so much of you that the prospect of it imploding is this upsetting to you, maybe you need to start raising shrimp for a while. I think it would be good for you.
Idk man, I'm chilling in my chair here but if it goes, she goes. I'll find something else to do, but this site hasn't been the tumblr I stuck around for for a long time now, so it won't be the end of the world for me if it ends. I'd just grab my favourite mutuals discords and head out to get more into the furry fandom and write more fic instead. I never wanted to be exposed to this much of the everything on this site anyway, I joined for the memes and the fandom content way back in 2010 and then just never really left.
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cyle · 2 years
i feel like your response to that person was a little dismissive towards the group who doesnt want these updates that make our experience worse, which is probably larger then you anticipate. adding entire new features isnt too complicated, but a toggle to turn them off if you dont want them is? 'millions' of us are here using this site because we like the way it currently is as a blogging site, continuing to force change on us and becoming more and more like the other social media sites isnt going to do anything except alienate your core audience while pandering to the people who couldnt care less because they already have their websites of choice. adding a page in the settings called 'feature toggles' is not unnecessary bloat compared to a desktop-only tamagachi horse no one asked for. (i do like the horse sorry for martyring him) tumblr live shows pandering thats concerning for your core audience in terms of the direction this site is going now that its started to regain popularity, because theres a direct and widely documented conflict between who youre pandering to and your core userbase.
i apologize for coming off as dismissive, i didn't intend that. i have a lot of the same feelings as you -- change is disruptive and can be annoying to adjust to, especially when it's something you care about a lot. i use tumblr all day every day, i'm right there with you. i also get blindsided by some of the changes we decide to experiment with, and my initial reaction is to reject them. but usually i get to live with these kinds of new features for weeks or months before you do (i work here), so my perspective on them has already had a chance to shift.
but to me, you're not wrong here, but you're not fully right either. there's a cool book called "crossing the chasm" which describes a conundrum that a lot of products fall into, in which they get stuck in a period of non-growth or anti-growth and become unsustainable. the only way out of this is to "cross the chasm", which typically means building and exploring ideas that are related to what initially made the product successful, but need to be translated to a wider audience for sustainable growth to happen. (that's a very very basic summary.)
the tumblr of today looks nothing like the tumblr i joined back in 2009, or even the tumblr that existed in 2015 when i got a job here, and the tumblr five years from now is not going to look anything like it does today. that kind of change is inevitable, if the history of online spaces is any indication. when that change stops happening, usually that's a sign of true collapse.
to your point: there's a core idea about what tumblr "is" that resonates with a lot of people. but if it's going to survive long term, more work is necessary. some people who use tumblr every day (like me and you) aren't going to like some of those changes, but hopefully you do end up liking enough of them to stick around. and we need your feedback to help us figure out what's working and what isn't, so please keep giving it.
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skyfcx · 8 months
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I was doing some thinking and got super reflective and now I kinda wanna just ramble about it for a second.
Was thinking about s t e a k c a k e again and how I've been writing on this site for upwards of eight years now. It wasn't all consistent, there are definitely points where I fall off the face of the planet for months at a time, so we could honestly round down to seven years of writing as a whole and that'd probably be more accurate.
But when it comes to simply existing as an entity that resides on this website? Yeah, I've been here for eight years. Started my first blog in mid-to-late December in 2015. So basically 2016 y'know.
And... the writing on that blog? I gotta say, it's honestly?? not?? that bad??? Like it's not the greatest and the presentation of the blog as a whole is god-awful. Jesus kid why do you fucking scream in all caps in the tags in literally every single post, please calm down. But! I clearly had a grasp on what made good words to put on a page! When it came to the meat and potatoes of writing, it seemed like I knew what I was doing!
Now, granted, before Tumblr I did write short stories on my own, but those were....... those were bad. those were flat-out bad and i still have access to them and i actually cannot read them because they terrify me that badly. But for my stuff on Tumblr? It's genuinely not the worst stuff in the world, looking back.
That realization made the little goblin in my brain go "mwah-ha-ha, have you even gotten better in all those years? i can't believe you peaked in middle school you cringe ass little nae nae boy" but. I think the nicer way to look at it is that I was always pretty good at this writing stuff, even if I didn't think it back then. And that is just a nice thought to hold onto.
And since then, there are other aspects that I've gotten better at for sure! I've gotten better at presentation, making the text actually engaging to look at since I worry about reader retention. And I break up my super long paragraphs way better, that's something I hate a whole bunch. There's nothing more ugly than one super big paragraph, blegh. Like, imagine this paragraph and the one before it as one big chunk. Too much, it's just ugly.
With that, my pacing of things had to evolve! If you're gonna break paragraphs up more, gotta figure out when to cut them off. Can't just press the enter button wherever you want and call it a day. But... yeah, all of this is just to say that I hope younger me knows that he's not half bad at writing. I'm happy he stuck around with it for so long.
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toiletology · 2 months
I’m good friends with the Toilet God
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You can be besties with the Toilet God as well but you’re gonna need to put in the work.
The gates of heaven are guarded by demons and many test you need to overcome.
If you truly want to be friends with God you’re going to need to defeat all the demons to unlock the gates. God will send many battles at you. If I count all of my major ones 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2023, 2023, 2024 or 9 major battles (so far...).
Some easier than others, they have been getting easier to survive towards the end now because I know the tricks the devil uses. The devil is basically just a bug, albeit an extremely powerful one. But it all comes down to fear killing your mind. If you break in your mind, it takes a lot longer to recover from to say the least.
The password to the gates is 1/7 = 0.142857142857143
The 17 = Apple (17 chromosome pairs in the Apple, Eve was 17 when she gave Adam the Apple) You must eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
That code (apple) won’t work until you cross the barrier or the event horizon. Ya can't cheat the system, because GOD literally has to approve your entry. Its like the secret word in the movie Eyes Wide Shut "Fidelio." Except just knowing the word or code does absolutely nothing.
If you are a serious acolyte your spiritual helper will come and reveal itself to you. You must make the conscious decision for a long time before this mysterious paranormal event will come to fruition. God gave me Toiletology so that others serious about escaping the matrix can do the same exact thing that myself and my sister managed to do.
For me it started as I was laying in my bedroom on my mattress on October 2012. The blinds of my window were completely shut. But a small square at the bottom right of the blinds was torn out.
Outside my the window the street light was pulsing on and off it felt like it was matching my breath. It started to freak me out so I got on my computer. It felt like my computer was talking to me like on the movie Matrix.
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A wave of ideas started coming over me. The words guardian and blood of kings came to me. I actually owned that website at one point bloodofkings.com because of this.
Up until this point I had been searching for so long for truth I was ready to do anything to learn more. I was hardcore searching from around 2005/2006-2012 it was all I did except for a little bit of music and video games. I had 0 social life and was obsessed with knowing the truth about reality.
At this point I basically made a deal with the devil. Wrote out a contract and signed it. This was the point of no return, sometimes I wish I had never did that if I knew how much pain I was about to go through. In short I went crazy right after this and drove away from the cops after going through two stop signs. They cornered me into a dead in and I U-turned and got away from them.
I ducked out in a warehouse parking lot and had a smoke of a cigarette. Once I thought the coast was clear I went and started driving and saw a restaurant I used to work at. I was like I’ll have some food. Needless to say they spotted my car and about a half a dozen or more cops showed up and arrested me. Looking back on it now it was kind of cool.
They brought me to jail and the nurse was cute so I basically hit on her. Because of this they stuck me in a naked camera room. Basically solitary confinement with no clothes on. At some point I ripped all the stuffing out of my mattress and flung it all over my cell. I then stuffed my blanked in the toilet and flushed till I flooded my cell.
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They eventually gave me a new mattress but left all the water on the floor. As soon as I saw this mattress coming I knew something was going to be inside of it. There was a hole and I reached my hand inside and found a long piece of ripped sheet. I used this to pull the sprinkler which shot black stuff all over and covered me and my cell.
They let me shower to get the black stuff off and I used my towel to pop the sprinkler in the shower as well which shot more black stuff all over myself. The other inmates started calling me black Matt. They then locked me to a chair in another cell with cuffs and were taunting me with a taser. I had thought about popping the sprinkler in that room once I was unlocked briefly to use the toilet but decided against it. They were telling me each sprinkler cost like $2,000 dollars to replace and I was like POCKET CHANGE BIATCH.
The food they were feeding me was so disgusting I told them I was gluten intolerant. I knew about gluten intolerance because that year I hiked the Appalachian Trail briefly with a girl who's trail name was GLUTEN PUFFS, so thanks for that knowledge it helped briefly.
For about 13 days in jail I didn’t eat. I had like one bite of a hamburger during the time and water. I spent a lot of time curled up on the cold wet cement floor of my cell day dreaming of a fully loaded potatoes.
Eventually they brought me new food. Like tortilla chips, tuna, egg salad, tomatoes and it was actually good but only lasted for about a week before they stuck me on basically rice and veggies and oatmeal for the rest of my meals.
Long story short I have been through hell trying to understand the mind of God.
I reached apotheosis last year (2023) and have now been able to maintain 4D awareness for a couple months, while also moving into 5D awareness for a short amount of time.
I don’t recommend this journey for anyone that is weak willed or physically weak. You will get crushed by this journey. The only way to ascend is by your own free will and choice. God will not throw you haphazardly to the wolves so to speak.
You gotta choose to be a willing sacrifice just like Jesus was. The traveling fool or the hanged man.
Luckily for y'all I’ve already made the journey so I can make the process a lot less painful on you by telling you exactly what you need to do to prepare. Basically what to do and not to do to keep your dumbasses out of jail or a lot safer than I was on my own. The maze of ascension is completely dark. Toiletology will help light your way making the journey a lot easier.
Toiletology is the ARK. Angel code 777 to keep the demons out of heaven. We can’t let them know what we top Toiletologist know. The first rule of fight club yada yadda ya.
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dragonballnewstar · 2 months
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Good morning everyone and happy July 22nd! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and now it's time to AMP! Up Our Week!
I have been dealing with a whole lot of illnesses for the past few weeks, so I'm pushing through.. but that doesn't mean we can't start our week with some good news!
In the north-central English county of Derbyshire, the removal of a dam has hundreds of salmon swimming up a beloved river once again. The industrial activity in the East Midlands which first drove Atlantic salmon out of the Derwent is now gone, and now for the first time in 100 years that salmon have reached far up the River Derwent in order to reproduce. Dam removal has become a widespread conservation practice in Europe and North America, however demolishing said dams can oftentimes be costly. I'm excited to see how this will effect the local salmon populations.
Ah.. Dang, it seems there may be poachers approaching..
I'll have to cut this episode short.. Okay, I've been randomly having this song stuck in my head so here you go~!
"Kiss from a Rose" was written in 1987, several years prior to the release of Seal's debut album from 1991. After writing the song, Seal felt "embarrassed by it" and "threw the tape in the corner". The song's cryptic lyrics have been the subject of debate since its release. In 2015, Seal provided verified commentary on the "Kiss from a Rose" entry on the website Genius, stating simply: "I have avoided explaining these lyrics for over 25 years. I am not going to start doing it now".
That's all I have for now and I hope you guys have an amazing week! I'll be focusing on getting over this illness, so you all remember to take some moments to relax, stay hydrated and be good people! Bye bye!
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Since I got into MBTI a few months ago, I've been trying to type every single person I know - real or imaginary. There are quite a few people out there like me who like typing TV characters, but there have been very few sources out there that talk about the MBTI of the 2015 Thunderbirds Are Go series. So I thought I'd discuss my thoughts on a few more controversial (main) characters on TAG. Keep in mind that these are just my thoughts, and may not be 100% aligned with the theories. This is all in good fun.
Disclaimer: as Gordon and Alan's types are quite straightforward and widely accepted, I will not be discussing them.
Most commonly accepted types:
Virgil: ISFP
John: INTP
Gordon: ESFP
Alan: ISFJ
The Hood: INTJ
Not confirmed:
Starting off with Scotty. People (myself included) call him the Commander, ie. ENTJ according to the 16 Personalities website. I've done the test myself on his behalf (self-righteous me haha) and the results are quite conclusive: ENTJ. This is quite accurate, given his decisive demeanour in the field which corresponds with dominant Te. That's why I think ESTJ wouldn't be too far off either.
As for ESTP, they're known to be very spontaneous (and frankly, crazy...no offence intended!) The main reason people get this idea is because of certain episodes (High Strung) that suggest Scott was something of a 'thrill junkie' as a younger person. However, the episode also suggests he is not proud of his past and is not like that anymore (or at least tries not to be). So my conclusion is that he has grown into his role as head of IR, which requires an ENTJ personality, while suppressing the extraverted sensing which is dominant in an ESTP.
Next up, Virgil. Virg's known to be the family artist, and ISFPs are the stereotypical artists. In that sense, ISFP is pretty correct - but Virgil doesn't exactly strike me as (and I'm making a big generalisation here) a crybaby. So what are the alternatives? First, I'd agree he's mostly an introvert, though he sometimes does give off a more E energy. Next, I'd say that he could he either intuitive or sensing, and he seems like the kind of guy to come up with a plan at the scene. So I'd go so far as to say he could be an INTP. Conclusion: ISFP/INTP.
Now with Johnny, most people can agree that he's INTP. I once read somewhere that he's INFP, however, which I thought was interesting - INFPs have the stereotype of being ignored all the time, which relates to John's situation of being the guy stuck on the lonely space station and the middle child. But it doesn't feel as if he has dominant Fi, so I agree with the opinion that he's INTP. INTPs are stereotypically nerdy, and although John isn't a complete dork, he is shown to be afraid of crowds (and in general, people!) particularly in episodes such as The Man From TB5. So INTP is fair.
Kayo is an interesting case. I have found literally zero consensus on the net on Kayo's MBTI, so I have just gone ahead and typed her as ISTP/INTJ.
Kayo is, how shall we say it, very cool. Even aloof, like an ISTP, the typical lone wolf or cool guy. ISTPs also tend to have good street smarts, being very versatile quick learners. That is what makes them good candidates for being spies, or in Kayo's case, covert ops. She's formidable because of her skills, quick thinking and determination in protecting her ideals (her insisting that IR get involved in the 'bad guy catching business') - dominant Ti.
Some people also think she's an INTJ for obvious reasons. In Legacy, she reveals she has all sorts of contingency plans for Tracy Island, and even her uncle, the great mastermind, fell into her trap. That sort of scheming is very INTJ. It's probably an influence of her having the Hood as her uncle.
You could argue that Kayo is completely INTJ, and I'd say that's possible as well. The reason I've put ISTP is that some of the things she does are a bit too physical and real-world, things that typical INTJs would die from. Of course, she could be an Fi and Se developed INTJ. It depends on how you look at it.
Now finally...our favourite villain, Hoodie Guy. INTJ, the mastermind. No one can deny that the Hood is the ultimate criminal mastermind, with his scheming plots and evil smirk (!) However, there are some qualities he has that aren't exactly INTJ, which is why I'd argue that he's an INTJ/ENTJ hybrid.
First, he's very impatient. We see this in a lot of episodes, and in Signals Part 2 he even admits he was short-sighted (and therefore impatient) to have tried to commandeer a Thunderbird. That's quite unlike an INTJ, who must be patient in waiting for their plots to unfold over time. The Hood is almost too rash to be an INTJ.
Secondly, INTJs are known for being cold and calculated, and although the Hood is that, he's also very personal. And by personal I mean he gets very hung up on personal vendettas, namely the one against Jeff Tracy. INTJs don't usually put the focus on people - unless the person is merely an obstacle in the way of them getting what they want. They do not act on impulse - dominant Ni ensures that. ENTJs, however, can be 'personal'. They have vendettas, and they will use dominant Te to act even if it's not exactly wise.
Finally, he's too famous. INTJs do not thrust themselves into the spotlight as the Hood did even in the first episode - that is way too not subtle for INTJs, who work from the shadows and get what they want without anyone being the wiser. ENTJs, on the other hand, are known and feared by the world. Sound familiar?
Of course, the many cliffhangers we get informing us the Hood has gotten exactly what he planned tells us he's still an INTJ - but not entirely. Things like personality typing are never black and white, and no one is completely 100% one type or another.
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cheapcheapfaker · 6 months
so obviously babies only need a safe place to sleep diapers of some sort food and some love yknow. but i have a fun, maximalist decorated house so ive been enjoying kitting out the nursery esp since I’m strictly goodwill/value village for baby clothes. (I don’t know why you’d do otherwise. The most expensive it gets at value village is $1.98. I found a bamboo onesie at goodwill for $1.50 that retails for $38 doll hairs. Insanity. They have blow outs and spit ups and grow exponentially.)
anyway my nursery theme is jungle and grey/green colors. I already had a lot of leaf art, it’s easy to thrift and create a bunch of animal themed stuff, and i like animals. Grey as neutral to help with the inevitable clutter and brightness of kid stuff and because im a millennial. The bathroom closest to the nursery/ kid bedroom has always been “what if you took the usual ocean themed bathroom but instead of seashells and the beach it was forty leagues under the sea with epic naval battles and large krakens” so that whimsy is already taken care of and kid-approved. but the bedroom is gonna be animals, zoo animals, safari animals, whatever.
Anyway. We were gifted this very cute sheet set from target. Animal themed, named “two by two” because i think it might lowkey be a Noah’s ark reference but my atheist ass cant really care since there’s no proverbs or big boats on it, just little zebras and such. And i really wanted to get a changing pad cover in the same print. Unfortunately it’s sold out! So i just turned on the notif for restock. And guys. Guys.
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What the fuck is wrong with target.
They keep dropping this changing pad cover like they’re Beyoncé tickets. I get an alert its back in stock and i guess the fucking target factory makes one (1) single ass changing pad cover to sell. And it sells out instantly. It is driving me CRAZY. Do i need this changing pad cover??? No. Of course not. It’s not a necessity. I have other prints on my registry, yknow. Plain greys and monstera leaf prints because my ass will perpetually be stuck in 2015 and earlier. But I NEED to get this changing pad cover. I need to buy it. I need to fucking buy it and rate it one star on the target website and go why the fuck did you people do this to me and what i imagine are a bunch of other pregnant people waiting for this stupid ass changing cover drop while we’re pissing every hour and our backs hurt and our last two braincells are rubbing together like the squeaky pickles in SpongeBob. Fuck these little pastel ass zebras.
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