#webwing alpha
fr-familiar-bracket · 5 months
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frtools · 9 months
New Flash Sale: Webwing Alpha
A new flash sale has been discovered for Webwing Alpha
It's the biggest, and that makes it the best! (It's kind of a jerk about it though.)
Game database: click here Marketplace link: click here
Treasure: 15000 12000
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naphiatra · 2 years
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Webwing Alpha 
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les8ean · 6 years
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Coliseum Scries - Training Fields (5/5)
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familiarmatchmaking · 7 years
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Some new additions to the Training Fields have made their debut! Also up for grabs is a new Training Fields vista and some snazzy lace apparel.
Ceanothus Brawler / Mith Bruiser Satin Pocketmouse / Frosted Pocketmouse Brown-spotted Mith / Primrose Mith Ragepuff / Sweetpuff Silky Webwing / Webwing Alpha Chipskink / Bluelight Chipskink
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quixlebug · 6 years
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Coral, an Alpha Webwing belonging to a dragon in my Pinkerlocke. She's a beautiful birdy.
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...........i think there’s a pocket mice infestation going on in my hoard
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primrose-fr · 4 years
Wildlife of the Scarred Wastes
Hey I put together a list of all wildlife found in Plague, for writing purposes. Because it's pretty unique from the rest of Sornieth. Thus can be a bit difficult to write for.  It's also interesting to note that most of the creatures can be found in other locations too, I picture the varieties found in plague to be more...plague-y. I hope this is at least a good jumping off point for you writers/worldbuilders!
Includes little personal notes here and there about possible uses, ecology and real-life equivalents, and interesting notes from the items bio too.
Everything under the cut. Long post ahead
Panther Anole (Small, fool hardy, easy prey for hatchlings) Plague Bat (Bat that carries plagues?? Probably a small snack for adults and a meal for hatchlings) Satin Mouse (Magically charged mice, might have been introduced from Arcane) Java Sparrow (Small songbird, Nutritious) Shrew (Small and mole like, cannot be tamed) Marsh Rabbit (Oily water repellent fur, probably like a softer beaver pelt. Decent meal. Probably farmed for fur) Dappled Clucker (Chickens whose females brutally fight over males. Probably farmed for meat) Steppes Box Turtle (known for it's shell pattern) Musk Scrapper (Like a brown skunk, stinks but apparently the meat is incredible.) Flecked Bushrunner (Type of quail. males race each other to impress females. Proabably a common type of wild game) Wood Duck (Probably a common type of wild game) Silver-Laced Rooster (There was a play about a rooster trying to woo a dragon. Ended poorly.) Arroyo Toad (Most dragons are immune to it's toxin but Mirrors are allergic to it.) Plantain Poacher (Type of squirrel monkey. Common pest that raids produce stores.) Bush Rat Wallaby (Probably a decent sized meal) False Podid (Decent meal, cousin to common podid, tastes best when roasted in the shell) White-Eared Hummingbird Coral Snake (VENOMOUS. Rear-fanged. But edible to dragons if eaten carefully. Snakes store their venom in the head area. Body meat is generally fine.) White Squirrel (Cannot jump, probably easy prey. Most likely is native to Ice) Tokay Gecko (DEADLY. Covered in a potent poison from head to toe. (Note: real tokay geckos are not poisonous, just massive bitey assholes)) Bleeding Heart Crow (Only Males have the "Bleeding Heart" coloration) Ferret (a treat for most dragons, might also be kept as pets and for hunting small game) Sugarglider (Common pest in sugarmelon crops. might also be kept as pets.) Bar-Headed Goose (Might be farmed for meat/feathers) Hellbender (Massive salamander (one of the largest species on earth!)) Emerald Striker (VENOMOUS. Emeralds contain the toxin) Silver Raccoon (Known to steal and hoard silver.) Green Iguana (apparently very friendly and probably common pets (Important Note: Real green iguanas are NOT friendly and want nothing more than to whip you to shreds. Make terrible pets!)) Bog Canary (Song is apparently horrible, but plumage is pretty, might be kept as pets (Note: the art depicts a budgerigar not a canary)) Golden Reefprince (Regal and golden, best served to someone you're trying to impress. Probably farmed and marketed in the same vein as Valentine Roses) Black Swan (Probably farmed for Meat/Feathers) Green-throated Skink (More confident then it's cousin, probably more common to see skittering around in daylight) Dustrat (Seen as vermin, a sign to clean your lair) Banded Dart Frog (POISONOUS. However NOT deadly. Instead it's hallucinagenic. Probably farmed as an legal and/or illegal narcotic. Probably a big market for them.) Collared Lemming (Probably has a local superstition about it staring into your soul and knowing all your secrets) Webwing Alpha ( might be farmed for meat or plumage. Or kept as familiars) Yellow-Throated Sparrowmouse (kept as Familiars. Plumage might be used in crafts) Basilisk (Direct eye contact can turn dragons to stone. Probably Hunted as Big/trophy game. Also Kept as familiars) Clown Charger (Skin is poisonous. Might be hunted as Trophy Game but not eaten. Also Kept as familiars) Parasitic Fungus (Has mind controlling fungus, however fungus rarely takes. Also Kept as familiars) Fungalhoof Qiriq (Leaves a trail of fungus where ever it goes, easy to track dangerous to hunt. Might be hunted as big/Trophy game or as possible rites of passage . Also Kept as familiars) Roving Lionsnake (Large dangerous ambush predators that stalk long grasses. Might be hunter for trophy game or possible rights of passage. Also kept as familiars) Murkbottom Gull (Common seabirds, most likely a common sight at waterways. Also kept as familiars) Giant White Toridae (Large! Has Myths and urban legends surrounding it. Probably hunted as Trophy game or even rites of passage. Also Kept as familiars.) Ultramel Amphithere (Amphithere displaying the "Ultramel" color morph. Probably popular pets. Also kept as familiars) Auburn Woolly Walrus (Hostile due to chronic pain. Probably Farmed for meat and fur while also being hunted as big/trophy game. Also kept as familiars.) Hooded Dodo (Completely blind despite three sets of eyes. Probably farmed for meat and feather. Also kept as familiars) Infestation Hound (Wild ones are ambush predators, baiting and eating scavengers. Probably Domesticated by plague clans and bred then raised as hunting partners and companions. Kept as familiars) Heartred Croaker (Meat is uniquely brown and green in coloration. Kept as familiars) Mossy Cerdae (Healing magic-less Unicorns. Population is rising exponentially. Probably hunted for meat/fur/horns. Kept as familiars) Hippojay (Might be farmed for meat or hunted as big/trophy game. Or kept as familiars) Bluetail Skira (Blue algea clings to their tail fur causing the blue coloration. Might be farmed for meat or hunted like big game. Or kept as familiars) Paddyfowl (Common predator to smaller amphibians, might be farmed for meat or plumage. Or kept as familiars) Moordwelling Trunker (Displays are a lot like jousting. Probably farmed for meat. Or kept as familiars) Glowing Pocket Mouse ( A light snack. Or kept as familiars) Grey River Flight ( Probably farmed for meat and water resistant hide. Or kept as familiars) Brown River Flight ( Probably farmed for meat and water resistant hide. Or kept as familiars) Bearded Pupowl (Actually a vertebrate! Amphibian and probably distantly related to salamanders. Kept as familiars)
Aquatic Life:
Crawdads Wetland Vampire (Leech) Glass Minnows (maybe kept in dragon aquaria?) Mussels Clown Shrimp Warmouth (A mid sized bass/perch-like fish, probably decent eating) Wave Skippers (Flying fish?) Sea Hare (Sea slugs) Sunset Sea Dragon Dumpling Squid (bio implies they’re eaten and dipped in sauce.) True Rainbow Trout Green Corydoras Catfish (tiny bottom dwelling catfish, maybe kept in dragon aquaria?) Golden Cushionfish (Pufferfish) Seabed Pincher (Hermit crab) Blackwater Jester (Appears to be a cardinal fish of some sort) SeaHeart (Some kinda urchin) Aether Hermit Black Maiden (type of Black Guppy, possibly poisonous? maybe kept in dragon aquaria?) Ruby Tetras (possibly a red version of the blackskirt tetra, maybe kept in dragon aquaria?) Blue Ring Octopus (DEADLY. Venom can straight up kill smaller dragons. Considered an accomplishment to catch and eat properly. Probably equivalent to Fugu.) Striped biter (Similar to a cat shark in appearance. Apparently very common.) Devilsnap (Apparently an oyster that bites back) Blue Dragon Seaslug Cobra Snakehead (mid-sized carnivorous fish) Nebula Floaters (Jellyfish of some sort, very sweet may cause tooth decay) Pond Slip (Come from dirty water, VERY important to clean) Cinnamon Loach (Popular gift among the seafood eating dragons, may also be kept in dragon aquaria?) Deviant Darter (Covered in pustules, looks plague-y) Giant Isopod Billy Bass (Breaks into song when taken out of the water, mid-sized fish probably decent eating) Discus (Popular, beautiful, and challenging to care for in irl aquaria. Possibly kept as decorative fish for the upper class in dragon aquaria) Four-Eyed Butterflyfish Pincushion Urchin Gaseous Megashrimp (Big, kept as familiars. this is speculation but depending on the size it may also be used as a seafood alternative to whole roasts like pig) Skittering Megashrimp (See above) Longjaw Lurefish (Based on the jawfish, probably much bigger. preys on birds) Glow Star (glowing starfish. Glow fades when it leaves the water. Might make good underwater decoration) Wave Sweeper (Patrols shallow waterway. Probably hunted for meat or ignored, Kept as familiars) Plantation Pincher (Considered a rampant pest on farmland.)
Insect Life:
Fungus Cutter (Large fungivore ants) Glade Swarmer (Builds large hives and defend it fiercely, disturbing it will end in either a feast or a healers visit) Crop Cutter (Pests that can devour entire fields. Plant eater hate them while others feast on them.) Maggot (common on the many festering corpses of the scarred wastes) Harlequin Ladybug (perform intricate aerial acrobatics, can be challenging for hatchlings to catch) Salt-Marsh Mosquito (Carry many diseases, numbers swell in summer) Tachinid Fly (Their carapace can be ground into tincture and tonics with restorative capabilities. Valuable. Probably farmed for medicinal purposes) Redwing Hopper (Spend most of their time gliding. low-flying dragons end up with face fulls of them.) Greenworm (Blends in well and challenging to find) Land Snail Rainbow Grasshopper (Taste terrible. seems to be a common prank to tell younger dragons that they taste like rainbows.) Tinder Bug (Tastes good if properly cooked, also effective tinder) Earwig Craftsman Brightback (Crafts intricate nests around spherical fruit, to which the fruit inside is eaten leaving behind the dried structure.) Redknee Tarantula Dusty Cicada (Collecting their shells and placing them in unexpected places around your den is considered a fun pastime) Millipede Wasteland Pauper (In an event known as the Blue Harvest vast numbers of this butterfly go migrating.) Stinglash (DEADLY. Aposematic. Skull pattern on it's head is a threat display. When stinger is removed however it's considered a delicacy) Shale Skitter (Pillbug relative. Completely flatten themselves when threatened) Parasitic Grub Red and Black Froghopper Fever Fly (Ingesting this fly is fine. being bitten by this fly leads to fevers and muscle spasms (dancing!)) Two-Tone June Beetle (Best served lightly toasted) Blackshield Cockroach (Fae use rocks to crack it's shell for eating.) Yellow Jumper (Deadly? Very tasty apparently) False Veneer Moth (Pattern on it's wings shines to distract predators) Yellowtail Caterpillar (Commonly eaten in piles with pepper sauce, cucumber, rice, and wrapped in seaweed) Orchid Beetle (Native to the Starwood Strand. gets its coloration from the plants it eats) Water Bug Catocala Moth (Cryptic patterning on wings) Giant Prickly Stick Insect (Has a hard time find mates due to effective camouflage) Autumn Pennant (Dragonfly. Scarce, only appears towards the end of autumn) Sugarbee (Feeds on sugarcane. Popular as sweet treats. might be treated like candy to insectivores) Firefly (Probably native to Fire. Has a crisp, crunchy texture with an extremely spicy flavor.) Dead Leaf Mantis (Feeds entirely on brain matter. (braaains)) Hydra Scorpion (It's said that cutting off it's tail grows two more in it's place. Probably large and treated like big/trophy game. Kept as familiars) Triple-Sight Firebug (Dragons closely bonded to this bug can use it's sight for short periods of time. Possibly used for rough reconnaissance. Kept as familiars) Tufted Leaf Beetle (Pests. A swarm of these beetles can devour a field overnight. Kept as familiars.) Tender Larail (Consumes all parts of a plant except seeds, which it carefully buries. Might be a Keystone species. Kept as familiars.) Spoiling Scorpio (Probably large and treated like big/trophy game. Kept as familiars)
Plant Life:
Highland Dryleaf (Hardy. Tastes awful. Plentiful) Marsh Choker (Named for it's choking pollen. probably grows in wetland areas.) Desert Scrub (Plentiful. Tastes like dirt) Diseased Fungus (Has a following that believe it tastes zestier than normal fungus. Probably cultivated or foraged for.) Carnaval Tulip (Pretty, often in bouquets. considered by plant eaters to be "edible arrangements" Probably cultivated for food and appearance) Crisp-leaf Amaranth (Seeds are edible and commonly eaten, while the leaves are eaten less commonly.) Wild Catsup (grows along cliff-sides in thin patches with bright red flowers. might also go well with wild mustard greens) Always-Autumn (Thistle. Blooms year-round with sun-dappled colors.) Canyon Ruffage (Staple for herbivorous animals and dragons alike, common in dry areas) Blood Acorn (Filled with nutrient rich nectar) Cinnamon (Probably cultivated for exportation in the spice trade) Chickweed (Used in herbal remedies to sooth itchy scales. Probably cultivated for medicinal purposes) Herbal Plantain (Leaves of this plant can be used as an effective anti-toxin. Probably cultivated for medicinal purposes) Peace Lily (Pretty and edible, it's petals are a favorite snack of peace doves. Probably cultivate for decoration and consumption.) Gryphon's Blood Sempervivum (Appears to be a type of succulent that grows in sandy red (clay rich?) earth near gryphon territory. does not actually use blood in cultivation.) Treasure Plant (Considered to bring good luck if kept in the lair. Possibly cultivated for decoration or as gifts.) Boxwood (Has a subtle flavor?) Winter's Delight (Sweet red berries that taste the best at the coldest point in winter, Most likely native to Ice) Bonebark Mold (Plentiful. grows on dead trees.) Ashfall Prickler (Nectar on the inside has a spicy flavor that oddly goes well with anything.) Honeycrisp Apple (Probably cultivated for food. Most likely food source to Craftsman Brightbacks) Turnip (Does not keep long and must be eaten immediately. Probably cultivated for food.) Wasteland Pear (Common. but finding an edible one is not.) Cindermint (crunchy texture with a  fiery kick. Often dried and crumbled up to help accent desserts or teas. Probably cultivated for this reason.) Butcher's Fig (Fruit has a crimson coloration, juice stains the mouth for days.) Leechroot Mushroom (Parasitic fungus native to the Scarred Wastes. Pests. Targets healthy plants.) Green Plantain (Has a tart flavor and can be stored in cool places for long periods of time. Probably cultivated and exported to other flights.) Daffodil (Can be boiled, mashed, and used in stews. Blooms are also pretty. Probably cultivated for these reasons.) Grassland Grain (Easy to spot and filling meals. Great for foraging on the road.) Water Lilies Crimson Jadevine (Extremely rare. ground up to make war-paint. Might be cultivated for this purpose and might also be treated as sacred.) Sour Strawberry (It's a strawberry, but sour) Wilting Rose (Its a rose, but wilting) Pompom Mums (Vibrant, cheerful petals. Very attention getting to pollinators. might be used to attract pollinators to fields. Also useful for decorative purposes) Sand Creeper (Type of ivy that spreads prolifically over sand. Might be a good crop for those in barren wastelands.) All Seeing Shroom (Disgusting looking, covered in veins and tumors. Unknown if edible but can be traded as currency in select venues.) Ancient Mushroom (Rumored to aid with a dragons growth) Over-ripe Cherries (Cherries that ripen then go bad at a break-neck pace. Probably not cultivated.) Melon Marzal (Behaves like a normal plant until it matures in which it will become more animalistic. Weird. Kept as familiars)
River Muck (Goopy. probably common in or near waterways. Probably a pest/hazard) Poultrygeist (Ghost?? Probably some kind of urban legend. Kept as familiars) Undying Featherback (Undead and requires magic to kill permanently. Probably a serious threat to plague clans. Can be kept as familiar) White Rot Deer (An older wood ear deer, not hunted nor eaten. Cultivated by dryads for protection. Also Kept as familiars) Sanguine Multimist (Sentient mist?? Probably has urban legends surrounding it. Kept as familiars.) Creeping Tendril (Animal like?? Shy, only moves when no one is looking. Kept as Familiars) Blue Vein Pansy (??? Uproots and moves itself to more optimal locations when required.) Ancient Fungus (Has a cracked, stone hard outer shell. Kept as familiars)
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rex-rises · 4 years
Day 3 of Bonding
50 Rusted Treasure Chests and 2 Iron Chests today.
Noteworthy Finds: Lapis Choker, Pathfinder's Wing Cover, Pink Highnoon Hank, Dusk Rogue Mask, Webwing Alpha, and Bronze Steampunk Vest.
I can't wait for the Open-All feature in Hoard Revamp.
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zeledonia · 7 years
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THANK YOU FLIGHT RISING I want 836478347 of them
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fr-familiar-bracket · 8 months
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moons-rising · 5 years
just my team of level 25 imperials... slaughtering their way through the training fields for one single goddamn webwing alpha tail feather...
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> Pinkerton drop 3/5/2019: Webwing Alpha
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Familiar -- a dragon must be purchased and added to the clan
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Buttercream joins Clan Lukra!
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I’m normally not one to do this, but I’ve been curious about the totals and percentages based around the Coliseum and the drops within it. Like I care little for how much profit it makes me or anything like that, I was merely curious at what the rarity is to get certain items and how. So I began to look at percentages. The following below the cut is what I’ve discovered so far in the Training Grounds. Also, uhm, placed in some “clan lore” nonsense format because why not.
Maybe when I’ve gotten data tables for all venues I’ll drop this in the Guides forum of FR and open it up to have others provide data to increase the accuracy of percentages. Of course when new shit is added it throws everything off and we must start again, I suppose...which would be angering really. I’m not sure how I’d go about that though.
Submitted to the desk of Nanner, Clan Patriarch.
Total Monsters Battled: 695 Percentages Based Upon This:
Amaranth Moth 4.60% encounterability (32 encountered) Bluelight Chipskink 4.32% encounterability (30 encountered) Brown-Spotted Mith 3.60% encounterability (25 encountered) Bumble 5.04% encounterability (35 encountered) Ceanothus Bralwer 3.45% encounterability (24 encountered) Chipskink 3.75% encounterability (26 encountered) Coral Carpenter 5.61% encounterability (39 encountered) Crimson Emperor 2.73% encouterability (19 encountered) Dark Sparrowmouse 5.04% encouterability (35 encountered) Death’s-Head Stag 3.60% encounterability (25 encountered) Ember Mouse 4.60% encounterability (32 encountered) Emerald Webwing 4.03% encounterability (28 encountered) Frosted Pocketmouse 3.74% encounterability (26 encountered) Glowing Pocket Mouse 3.17% encounterability (22 encountered) Leafy Moth 2.88% encounterability (20 encountered) Luna Mith 5.18% encounterability (36 encountered) Mith Bruiser 1.73% encounterability (12 encountered) Primrose Mith 3.02% encounterability (21 encountered) Ragepuff 4.03% encounterability (28 encountered) Ruby Webwing 4.75% encounterability (33 encountered) Satin Pocketmouse 3.88% encounterability (27 encountered) Silky Webwing 4.03% encounterability (28 encountered) Sweetpuff 3.45% encounterability (24 encountered) Webwing Alpha 5.47% encounterability (38 encountered) Yellow Sparrowmouse 4.32% encounterability (30 encountered)
Okay, that’s interesting right? Based upon this data, which is somewhere around 150-300 battles in that range itself not counting individual monsters (I wasn’t counting originally and only counted the last 100 battles in a seperate data sheet to record yes or no loot percentage chances and had nothing to do with these percentages as a whole) Anyway based on this data the lowest chance encounters are Mith Bruiser, followed by Crimson Emperor and Leafy Moth. The highest chance encounters then follows as Coral Carpenter, followed by Webwing Alpha and Luna Mith. This is followed with a close tie of Dark Sparowmouse and Bumble which is just, huh. Not anything I would’ve thought about before, you know?
I took this a step further and went to see the chances of drops based upon the monsters encountered and the loot received at the end which...is also interesting. The percentages I have in those tables are based upon just the number of the monster in question that was battled so really you’d have to look at them as percentages of percentages to get the actual rarity/availability of certain drops. I also did some research into what known drops there are for which Monsters and what drops we still have questions on which monsters provide.
Which...there is a lot we don’t have data on for the Training Grounds so that’s a thing, apparently, that is a thing.
I’m not going to list that datalist because it’s...it’s huge. I have it saved in a sheet with WIP designs for later venues. I’m just running through Training Grounds right now because I’m looking at...well, I’m hunting for a Bumble. I already finished the other challenge in this venue so it’s just the Bumble at this point and...I got bored. Hence the new recordings I’m making to get data which is--which is not me really. I don’t get this...invested or data intense or curious really so.
Someone must’ve rubbed off on me somewhere.
Now why did this data get sent to me? Who sent this anyway? They didn’t sign this information. Maybe I should ask Delphinium who we’ve got on Coliseum duty...she’s better at keeping track of things like that. - Nanner, Clan Patriarch
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jadedragons · 6 years
Pt 1 | Part Two
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Iarere wakes to pressing darkness. His ears twitch as he takes in the silence of the room; Ryu is gone.
It’s not unusual, really. She was not at all social, and it wasn’t a surprise that she’d wanted to sneak out before everyone else awoke.
        Iarere shifted in the blink of an eye, claws retracting in as he prepared to lift himself off his mat. It was only then, however, that he noticed the piercing headache he possessed.
        It was a distantly familiar pain, all too reminiscent of the days when his Caster power was first manifesting, and then once more afterwards, when he had been getting used to Ryu’s presence in his dreams, right along with the oppressing darkness she occasionally brought with her.
        “It’s common,” Ryu had told him. Iarere had tried to convince himself that the annoyance in her tone was imagined. “You’ll get over it once you’re powerful enough.”
        “You got them too?” Iarere had asked.
        “A long time ago,” Ryu had replied. And that had been the end of that conversation.
        Now, like then, Iarere shook the pain away. Now, like then, he had more important things to focus on. Especially since he could now hear Pythios moving around just outside.
        He gathered himself quickly enough, strapping his staff to his back as he made his way out of the small corner room Pythios and Chalah had been kind enough to let he and Ryu use. He knew if he turned his head to the left, he would see Chalah’s slumbering form, either gigantic or truly tiny, depending on whether he’d chosen his original or shifted form to sleep in that night. On the other hand, he could see Pythios’ slim shoulders directly in front of him.
        Pythios, unlike Chalah and Ryu, could easily look him in the eye when they were in their shifted forms. Iarere was unsure if he would consider either of Pythios or himself wildly tall in their shifted forms, but a slightly sour Chalah and Ryu had informed them that they definitely would.
        Now Pythios was leaning over the cache of herbs he kept, while Calandra slept on in one of his clinic's cots.
        Through his time as a healer, Iarere had been through many disappointing experiences. Patients who never fully recovered. Patients who died. And yet, Calandra had topped all of them in terms of sheer frustration. It had, Iarere was sure, something to do with the fact of her power. Her mind, her dreamscapes, and the spirits that hovered around and in it were like a third sun beaming down on him whenever he sunk into the dream world. It was impossible to ignore and so was she.
        “Eldan will be here soon,” Pythios said, without taking his eyes off his work. It was what he said everyday, as if Iarere wasn’t familiar with Eldan’s daily ritual by now. In fact, he was as aware of it as he was of Pythios’ next question. “Is Ryu here?”
        Iarere didn’t bother to hide his sigh. Eldan had taken an immense disliking to Ryu quite quickly. It was not undeservedly, though. Ryu had long seemed to harbor a distaste for Calandra. She refused to even get close to her and frequently eyed her as if she were a hydra. It took only moments of Eldan watching her do so to decide he disliked her and only a few moments after that for Ryu to decide that Eldan’s dislike of her amused her to no end. So, occasionally, when Ryu did feel like social situations were worth stomaching, she would loom in the corner of the room to quietly antagonize Eldan as much as possible.
        “She’s not,” Iarere said. “I don’t know where she went.”
        “You’re not worried, are you?” Pythios asked, his large earrings jingling as he turned around.
        “No,” Iarere said, and from the look on Pythios’ face, he could hear Iarere’s lie as easily as Iarere could taste in on his tongue.
        Eldan’s footsteps echoed outside the clinic and Iarere slid his staff from his shoulders and worried the worn wood under his hands as he moved quickly over to Calandra’s side. Eldan glanced suspiciously around the room before he entered slowly and hurried to Calandra’s side.
        “She’s the same,” Pythios said
Eldan’s face twisted into an ugly expression of pain, anger, and desperation and Iarere looked away. “She hasn’t done anything?”
“No,” Pythios said gently. “Iarere believes her mind was overloaded with Spirit power while she was performing the necessary ritual.” Iarere tried to ignore the glare Eldan shot him. “She’s physically healthy and seemingly stable. This coma is likely something her brain cooked up to allow her to rest while it deals with all the extra energy.”
“You think,” Eldan added on, under his breath. Pythios ignored him. Eldan’s lip curled at Pythios’ silence and he kicked the chair out so it made a piercing scrapping sound against the floor. He sat in it with a loud thump and Iarere couldn’t help but marvel at how childish Eldan looked as he then crossed his arms high up on his chest.
Pythios had started to wander off about half way through Eldan’s display. Iarere had never seen Pythios roll his eyes before, but he was entirely sure this was his way of doing so. Iarere pulled his gaze off the sulking Eldan and hurried after Pythios.
“He’s worried about her,” Pythios said softly when Iarere came to his side.
Iarere blinked. “I know.”
There was a beat of silence, and though Pythios didn’t look at him, he did cock his head ever so slightly as he asked, “how would you feel if it were Ryu?”
Iarere stared at him. He knew Pythios would never be intentially cruel. It simply wasn’t in his heart. He wouldn’t have asked that if he thought thinking about it would truly pain him. And, so, he must think it might not.
Did it? It shouldn’t. Ryu was the anthesis to what Iarere stood for. He was a healer. She was a murderer and a monster and worse. And she had never been particularly nice to him besides.
And yet his chest ached at the very thought.
Iarere could feel Pythios’ gaze on the side of his face now. The other did not speak again, but he made a humming noise, low and in the back of his throat. Iarere couldn’t tell what it meant, but it still made tears burn in the corners of his eyes.
And it hurt enough that Iarere failed to realize his headache had only become worse.
@hellkite-fr @deadwapiti-fr @kattafr @clan-dark-woods @tetris-fr @flamerest-fiendcat @pyrouge-fr@clarisaxx @tirnaillclan @deadlanddisciple @mask-fr @chaosnebula @aliceflutez @shadespitter @littleshroomclan@webwing-alpha @majestyrising
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blondetheftauto-fr · 6 years
Training Grounds, 400 Encounters
So here's a breakdown of the food, familiars, and other notable drops that I got from 400 emcounters in the Training Grounds.
Insects: 265 points
Meat: 249 points
Seafood: 256 points
Plants: 240 points
Frosted Pocketmouse x1
Emerald Webwing x1
Ceanothus Brawler x1
Amaranth Moth x1
Ruby Webwing x1
Webwing Alpha x1
Battle Items
Enfeeble x1
Minor Health Potion x2
Dark Might Fragment x1
Frigid Bolt x1
Clobber x1
Other Notable Items
Broken Flower Pot x5
Leafy Pack x3
If wanted, I can further break down the food and say how much of each drop I get (ex. 18 Frosted Violets, 17 Silverfish, etc.).
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