#weh lana
eorzeashan · 2 years
Iokath + Traitor Arc Shenanigans
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Eight: [Flirt] We should've teamed up sooner. I could've used a strong warrior like you at my side.
Theron: I'm going to be sick.
Lmaoooo, sorry Theron but it's not like that-- little known fact, but Eight flirts with people whose vibes he doesn't like in an attempt to make them less abrasive to him. It's not true of every situation and he uses it far less than his Nine self, but if he's uncomfortable and can't find footing with someone, that tends to come out.
In this case, the Supreme Commander of the Republic and Jonas Balkar were both people he had zero frame of reference for (not to mention Jonas' "what's up traitor" immediately insulted him) so he flirted with both.
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Eight: Why suffocate them slowly when it's so much more satisfying to crush their windpipe?
Eight, that's your legacy force choke speaking. He doesn't even use the Sith ability right.... maximum killing efficiency instead....
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Lana: Other top suspects include the Shroud, Darth Jadus, a rogue agent inside the Republic's Strategic Information Service...
Theron: Let's not rule out Sith Intelligence.
Has been contacted by the Shroud, works for Darth Jadus as his Hand, is a rogue double-agent for the SIS, was former Intelligence...wait a minute, that's me!
I get they were trying to do a clever nod to the entirety of the Imperial Agent story, but the context for this gets a lot funnier if you consider Eight is also in on Theron's betrayal so they're listing every exact trait he has while not breaking eye contact with one another.
Lana: who could the traitor be...
Theron and Eight:
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Fast forward ahead, and we come face-to-face with Tyth. Eight's first impressions of the giant droid were "huh. it's kind of cute?" which probably sounds insane, but he tends to find weird entities like this endearing.
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Eight: All right, Mister Rage. Can you drop the act and point me in the direction of the superweapon?
Eight: (offended) I didn't come here to be poked and prodded.
I'm guessing the game was going off of his LS 2 gauge, but Eight always gets so mad when someone points that out, even if its true. XD How dare you call me mediocre....and nice to boot! Take that back at once! I am not a Jedi!
(Probably got so offended he woke himself up from the fever droid dream).
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Lana: I know. You've been talking in your sleep.
Theron: I almost had to stuff a sock in your mouth.
Eight wakes up with drool coming out of his mouth, immediately snaps awake at Theron's comment before a shit-eating grin overtakes him. "Theron...I wasn't aware you were into such things!" Props himself up on one elbow and flips onto his stomach, "Want to shut me up, do you? With a gag, even? You naughty boy."
Cue Theron backtracking into nonsensical stuttering, with Lana wishing she had something to drink. There's probably some kind of joke you could make here about flirting with every male Shan he came across, but admin is too stupid right now to think of it.
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Big steppy
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Theron: But the Alliance outgrew you. Now it's rotting from the inside, the galaxy's fighting back, and you've become a symbol of oppression. So much for your dreams of peace.
Yadda yadda generic villain speech and Eight is technically supposed to be on the other side of this forcefield (Jadus moment), but keeping that in mind it kind of felt like Theron was saying this with the underlying meaning being I see exactly how this duty has hurt you so that's why I'm doing this as well.
Because his words do ring true. He was never its leader with the duty itself rotting him from the inside, the galaxy's back to a time of turmoil, and he became someone else's saint of murder for the entirety of this war when he originally struck out in search of the peace Keeper wanted for him. Not to mention the fact that he's the Outlander in this Alliance at all means this galaxy had no heroes to choose from-- absolutely none. It was already doomed.
And then the rest of this plays out as you expect, though in this AU they both ditch Lana here....which, makes me sad to imagine, but I can also see Lana being like "Eight....why? You were our Outlander--we were a team! Whatever he's said to you, don't listen to him: he's lying, I know it."
And he just smiles and says, "I'm sorry. I don't want to do this anymore." leaving her to jump out of that train alone with only her hurt and her vengeance.
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l-og-s225 · 30 days
Lana, das mit uns, das würde ich niemals in frage stellen… wir gehören zusammen… ich liebe dich…
Ich liebe dich auch *leise und schnief* das hat mir echt gerade weh getan….
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lovesgoran · 10 months
Tut bisschen weh *murmel*
Dann leg dich mal aufs Bett… das ist frei, lana kommt heute nicht wieder…
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vaultsixtynine · 4 years
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i got like 25% into a comic until realizing All i wanted to draw is tesh and lana hugging 🥺 so i did that
tesh is not a hugger nor prone to getting emotional as a result of confinement or pain, but the realization that lana (one of the only people in the galaxy that she trusts & considers a friend) cared enough about her to rescue her from carbonite and save her life made something in her crack a little bit. lana knows they need to make haste, but tesh still has carbonite blindness and feels like she's skinnier than lana's ever seen her - and yes, lana has missed her and been worried about her, so she holds her tightly for just a few moments longer
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thesaintswraith · 3 years
Cast Grishatube as Actors and Actresses
@unbrekker - I dunno this Freddy Carter guy is also pretty attractive...
@pearl-handles-my-beloved - Kit Young
@queenofthewaffles - Danielle Galligan
@fjerdanboi - Calahan Skogman
@nikolai-lantsov-nazyalensky - Robert Wilde
@makemeyourdarkling - Ben Barnes. I guess they look a little alike.
@human-ray-of-sunshine - Jessie Mei Li
@iamablade - Archie Reneax
@dragon-lady-of-the-storm - Sujaya Dasgupta
@sodamnkostyk - Luke Pasqualino
@ruins-and-ruination - Daisy Head
@morozova-was-insane - Zoë Wanamaker
@leoni-hilli - Almandla Stenberg
@bestzhabinsibling - Taylor Swift. They’re both blondes.
@nadia-kir-bataar - Gabrielle Brooks
@ni-weh-sesh-kir-bataar - Lana Condor
@kuwei-the-alright - Ki Hong Lee
@immilothegoat - um he’s a goat .... any goat will do-
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movedyourchair505 · 5 years
Napule Nights - La Festa Degli  Innamorati 2014
Time for the King and Queen of Napoli and their first Valentine’s Day. You guessed it, Elana helped x
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As the light became too bright, the sound of the alarm too sharp, the warmth of the bed too fleeting and the craving for a cigarette too prominent, Alexander turned over onto his back, his eyes squeezed shut after being open for merely a second, the light stinging and he groaned with discomfort, stretching out his arm, wide awake instantly when he realised once the alarm was off, the apartment was completely silent, and he was alone.
He shot up into a sitting position, raking his fingers through his hair, searching instantly for his phone, as he scrolled for her number listening out, but he knew he would have been able to tell had she still been in the apartment, her scent would've lingered, the sound of the shower would be audible, music even, the shuffle of clothes, but there was no sound but him tapping on the screen.
The phone was pressed to his ear quickly and he stood up, eyeing his clothes on the floor as well as noticing that hers were gone. The dial tone made his fingers clench tighter around his phone each time, his heart skipping a beat when he heard her voice on the other end of the line.
“Yes, Alexander?”
The cheerful tone in her voice, the light-hearted smirk he could hear as she spoke, it eased the tension within him for merely a millisecond, the muscles in his jaw tightening instantly again. “Jade, where the fook are yeh?” he snapped. “Yeh fookin' kno' 'ow worryin' wakin' up wifout yeh 'ere is.”
“I'm just at Kane's,” she stated, unimpressed, looking down at her legs dangling off the counter and taking a sip from her coffee. “Lana made me some cappuccino. They had some fun, but don't worry, I didn't join in.”
Alex tensed, his jaw trembling. “Wha' are yeh playin' at, Jade?”
She exhaled loudly. “I'm not playing at anything,” she shrugged nonchalantly. “You said last night that you 'weren't big on la festa degli innamorati'.”
“So I figured I'd get taken care of here,” she continued. “I've got Zabaglione from Gli Oro, I've got coffee. Maybe I can borrow a toy from Lana.”
Miles gasped as he watched Jade hang up the phone without awaiting Alexander's response, a smirk playing around his lips as he shook his head in disbelief. “Bella...”
Jade raised an eyebrow with both Lana's and Miles' gazes on her. “What?” she shrugged. “He can do business all day, spend it however he wants, I won't get in his way.”
“Bella, 'e's gunna feel disrespected...”
“Yeah, he always does,” she said. “And he should. Saying he's not big on Valentine's Day and then expecting me to be there when he wakes up, maybe suck him off, make him coffee...”
Miles laughed. “Ya dun't need teh rile 'im up on purpose, eh?” he cackled, taking a sip from his own coffee.
Jade shrugged again. “I'm not gonna spend this day with him and act like it's just another day, like I'm okay with him not appreciating me.”
Less than half an hour later, there was a persistent ring at the door, though before Miles could even open, the member of security Alexander had placed at his apartment opened the door and Alex strode inside confidently, now dressed in a well-fitted suit in a merlot red velvet, the top few buttons of the black shirt underneath undone and revealing his chain and his sun-kissed chest. His hair was slicked back, a few strands falling over his forehead loosely and his fingers were clutched around two black velvet boxes, Helders stood behind him holding a bouquet of white roses in the other hand.
Jade straightened up where she sat on the counter, placing down her cup and looking at him with an eyebrow raised expectantly.
“Jade, c'mere.”
Despite her desire to frustrate him, despite having expect a different reaction entirely, certainly not him showing up so quickly, she couldn't suppress the instant curiosity his presence evoked within her, she was aching to open the gifts he'd evidently brought for her, she wanted to run her fingers through his hair, feel him relax if she ran her hand down the velvet material of his suit and having left early in the morning before he was awake, she craved his touch desperately, longed for his hands on her, the feeling of his lips hard and possessive against hers and she slid off the kitchen counter, her sparkly red heels clicking on the floor as she made her way over to him.
There was a fire in his eyes, an intensity she could hardly hold with her own gaze and as soon as she was close enough, his hand came down on her hip, then made its way to her lower back, pressed flat against the small of her back to pull her flush against him, his scent overwhelming her instantly.
“Jade,” he drawled, his upper lip stretching as he spoke, attempting to focus on the calm confidence his gesture carried rather than the nerve she'd allowed herself. “Did yeh realleh fookin' fink I wouldn't 'ave anehfin' for yeh todeh?” he asked, his voice deep, strained.
The depth in his chocolate brown gaze, the unshakable authority weakened her knees as well as it instilled a sense of realisation within her that she should have known better, how ridiculous it had been despite everything to think he would not use today of all days as another excuse to absolutely spoil her.
“Got a'ead of yehrself, eh?” he hummed. “I were joost teasin' yeh last night.” He knew he should not have felt so strongly about her winding him up when he'd done nothing but the same, both their impulses driven too far by the shared passion that drew him to her.
“What's this?” she asked, refusing to allow him the satisfaction of knowing he was right.
He smirked, handing her the small box first and she eagerly popped it open, her eyes widening at the pair of diamond earrings, reflective and shiny in the light and paired with an arrangement of emerald that sparkled just the same and perfectly matched the stone between her collarbones, and Alex knew that swallowing his pride and allowing her what she'd wanted was worth it merely for the look in her eyes, the glimmer of excitement, the pure joy as she took off the silver earrings she'd been wearing to replace them with the shiny new pieces, tilting her slender neck so he could see.
“Beau'iful, as predicted,” he drawled, licking his lips, then letting go of her to open the larger box in his hands, revealing a delicate headband, sparkling and covered completely in diamonds, an abundance of emeralds and jades raised in the middle to form the prongs of a crown.
Her eyes widened and she stepped closer to him, her lips parted in awe. “Alexander...”
He smirked at her unfiltered reaction, the pure excitement that spread across her features. “So yeh can feel like proper royalteh.”
Without another word from her, he took the generously jewelled item out, handing the empty box back to Helders before setting down the shiny tiara on her head, the heavy feeling of it only making her smile grow wider. “You're unbelievable.”
With his hands now free, he placed one on her hip again, the other cupping the side of her face and drawing her in, his lips crashing against hers and kissing her eagerly, the plush feeling of her lips, the heat of them, the desperate whimper that left her lips making his grip on her tighten.
She moaned needily when he drew back too soon, but her eyes fell shut instantly again as he angled back her neck and his kisses trailed down her jaw, his lips sucking, kissing lightly on her neck, skimming over her throat, her heart pounding as her body curved into his.
“Tha's not all I've got for yeh...” he rasped, his voice like velvet, his lips close to her ear. “Gunna take yeh down teh the car 'n weh're gunna 'ave a glass of Deau, eh?”
She breathed shakily, her fingers clutching on to his shoulder as his teeth sunk into her soft skin for merely a second, his breath ghosting over her neck.
“I got yeh tha' scent yeh was eyein' the other day, wif the gold” he added. “There's two Bordelle sets waitin' for yeh in the car as well...”
“Alexander...” she whispered.
He chuckled, reveling in the way she surrendered to him so willingly. “Got ya one of them toys wif the sonic waves...”
He felt her breath hitch in her throat as he spoke, pressing a kiss to her collarbone before angling her head to his level, waiting for her eyes to flutter open. “Yeh can use it wif me permission,” he stated. “Jade, look at meh.”
The depth of his voice, the promises had her melting for him, her heart pounding as she opened her eyes and met his. “I'm sorry,” she said, knew that given the extravagance of him, it was due.
He chuckled, shaking his head, his lip twitching. “Weh're goin' teh Paris,” he stated with a small smile, watching the excitement, the disbelief flicker across her face yet again with immense content. “There's a new dress, new 'eels 'n a bag yeh've wanted waitin' for yeh in the car too. 'n I'm gunna take out teh buy sum more nice fings when weh're on Avenue Montaigne.”
“W-Where are we staying?” she asked quietly to cover for the absolute wonder she knew was already evident in her expression, her hand smoothing down his shoulder.
He chuckled. “'s a loveleh spa 'otel, I booked it weeks ago. 'n the restaurant 'as the finest desserts in all of France. 'n the best lobster. I kno' the chef.”
She hung on to his every word, pressing herself closer to him, ready to say or do anything he could possibly ask of her.
He reached out to brush her hair back, trapping her chin between his fingers, his gaze still locked on hers as he spoke. “'n when weh get teh the room I'm gunna fook yeh so good, yeh won't question meh again.”
She could have dropped to her knees for him right then there, opening her mouth to speak, but found herself drawn out of the spell he had her under when she heard a slow clap staring behind her, turning to look over her shoulder to Kane grinning and clapping.
“Bravo,” he cackled. “Get out of 'ere then.”
Jade licked her lips, looking back to Alexander. “All of that for me?” She pursed her lips, tilting her head slightly and reaching to run her fingers through his hair. “Maestro?”
He was almost unable to suppress the immense satisfaction her words instilled within him, the smug smile playing around his lips threatening to get out of control. “'course, principessa,” he drawled. “The best ain't good enouf for me Jade.”
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magnus-girl77 · 4 years
Lana... *heiser*
Magnus? *hoch schau und weiter in die Mitte fahr* tut deine Leiste noch sehr weh?
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nori16 · 5 years
2. Tag, neues Brett
Nach dem Briefing am Montag sind wir Mittags in Santa Cruz surfen gegangen. Astrid, Lana und ich konnten vom 8 foot Board auf ein 7 foot Board wechseln. Das sind immerhin 30 cm Unterschied. Ich fand es nicht besonders schwieriger damit zu surfen. Ich kam genau so gut hoch und konnte genau so gut die Balance halten. Es war aber viel leichter die Richtung zu wechseln und man machte schneller Fortschritte. Und das ist ja das was den Spaß hoch hält. Die Wellen waren so crazy, sie kamen oft unkontrolliert von allen Richtungen und man musste sich die perfekte Welle genau suchen. Aber trotzdem war die Session mal wieder ein voller Erfolg. Jeder Step nach vorn, macht einen so froh und man könnte Stunden lang weiter surfen. Einer der Surflehrer fragte mich ob ich denn irgendeinen Sport machen würde, weil ich so schnell aufs Brett komme und stark paddle und eine gute Körperspannung habe. Hahaha ... da zahlt sich doch mein Training und meine Körperbeherrschung aus. Aber selbst nach 4 Stunden lassen dann auch die Kräfte irgendwann nach.
Als wir im Camp ankamen, wurde schon das BBQ vorbereiten. Hier wird wirklich an alles gedacht. Es gibt köstliches Frühstück, beim Surfen gibt es für jeden einen Mittagssnack, Wasser und Obst und Abends gibt es 2 x die Woche ein Abendessen inklusive und an den anderen Tagen kann man sich selber etwas kochen oder es wird ein Menü angeboten. Die Betten werden jeden Tag gemacht und es ist alles blitze blank sauber. Man fühlt sich hier nicht wie in einem klassischen Hostel sondern eher wie in einem großen Familienhaus. Ein tolles Gefühl.
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Während das Abendessen auf dem Grill garrte, schnappte ich mir ein Skateboard um mir die Zeit zu vertreiben. Nach einigen gelungenen Hügelfahrten im Sonnenuntergang packte ich mich dann richtig blöd hin. Das Brett rutschte nach vorne weg und ich landete heftig auf den Hintern und konnte ich mich gerade noch so mit den Händen abstützen um nicht auf den Hinterkopf zu knallen. Autsch ... das tat echt weh. Das Steißbein hat schön eine Prellung abbekommen und die Hand hat vom feinsten geblutet. Ohhh jehhh... ich glaube ich lass das lieber mal mit dem Skaten bis zum Ende der Woche, sonst ist das mit dem Surfen vorbei. Humpelnd ging ich ins Camp und ließ mich von Astrid verarzten. Memo an mich selbst: Übermut tut selten gut!
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In großer Runde genossen wir dann das köstliche BBQ. Boa... was für leckeres Abendessen. Wir saßen noch lange zusammen, es wurde auf der Gitarre gespielt und gesungen. Mal wieder ging ein wundervoller Tag zu Ende.
Der Dienstag startete mit einer Morning-Yogalesson. Das war perfekt nach 2 Tagen surfen. Der Körper wurde richtig schön gedehnt und man konnte seine innere Mitte finden. Ein toller Ausgleich! Zwischendurch gibt es auch immer Zeit zum Chillen. Ach, ich fühle mich gerade so entspannt und zufrieden. Ich mache nach langer Zeit endlich mal wieder das was wir so viel Spaß bereitet, fühle mich unabhängig und absolut frei. Momentan bin ich einfach nur glücklich 😋.
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Nach dem Frühstück ging es dann zur Theoriestunde in der wir alles Mögliche über die Wellen, die Spots, Rules usw. lernten. Und dann ging es auch schon wieder ans Sachen packen. Dieses Mal fuhren wir nach Peniche zum Banana Beach.
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Am Anfang waren die Wellen nicht so prall, aber das gab uns die Möglichkeit das Paddeln zu üben. 20 Minuten ging es auf dem Brett hin und her. Das ist nicht so einfach, denn das Brett ist für mich etwas zu breit und ich muss mich echt bemühen mit meinen Armen richtig tief einzutauchen. Aber mein Lehrer sagte mir, dass ich schon am nächsten Tag auf ein kleineres Hardboard wechseln kann. Not bad, in 4 Tagen 3 Mal das Brett wechseln 🤗. Ich liebe Herausforderungen.
Als die Wellen besser waren, gingen wir dann ins outside und paddelten die grünen Wellen an. Es ist wirklich eine große Hilfe wenn der Lehrer vor mir steht und mir ansagt, wann ich anfangen soll zu paddeln um die Welle zu bekommen. Nach und nach hatte ich dann auch selber das Gefül raus. Ich war richtig überrascht als ich auf einmal auf einer hohen grünen Welle stand und dann einen linksturn gesurft bin. Das macht einen ja schon stolz. Es lief einfach perfekt. Jeder hatte heute ein super Gefühl.
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Zurück im Camp machten sich alle für den Sushiabend frisch. Es kam ein Sushiteam vorbei die vor unseren Augen frische Suhsiplatten herrichteten. Das war mit das beste Sushi welches ich gegessen hatte. Ein Träumchen!!!
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Mal wieder saßen wir am Abend alle zusammen und hatten so viel Spaß. Die Leute und die Atmosphäre sind einfach großartig. Am liebsten würden wir noch länger bleiben. Eins ist klar, wir kommen auf jeden Fall wieder!
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tulipblack · 6 years
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18 January 2019 | COCKBLOCK #091 /  / LISTEN LIVE ON 8K.NZ https://8k.nz/shows/cock-block/ Friday 12:00 NZT repeats Saturday 15:00, Wednesday 00:00 /  / MIXCLOUD https://www.mixcloud.com/tulipblack/ /  / Tulip's Mix Santigold - Rendezvous Girl Parallel Dance Ensemble - Graffiti Girls [nz] M.I.A. - Bad Girls Farah - Baby Girl Jamila Woods - Blk Grl Soldier Beach House - Girl of the Year Banks - Weaker Girl SZA - Normal Girl Smerz - Okey - Girl FKA Twigs - Video Girl Embedded Figures - It Girl [nz] Boy Harsher - Country Girl Princess Chelsea - The Loneliest Girl [nz] The Beths - Uptown Girl [nz] Ladyhawke - Girl Like Me [nz] Fazerdaze - Lucky Girl [nz] Mitski - Your Best American Girl
Intermission Sharon Von Etten - Seventeen
Kebabette's Mix Moonchild Sanelly - Mali Aly and AJ - With you Bossy Love - No control Lana Del Rey - hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it Cigarettes after sex - Neon Moon Chynna - iddd Moonchild Sanelly - Weh Mameh cupcakKe - Squidward Nose Ravenna Golden [featuring Dorian Electra] - Open my eyes Miss Grit - Talk Talk junior a - 80s junior a - Zipper Girlpool - What chaos is imaginary Wet - There's a reason [DJDS remix] Sasami - Jealousy Sarah P. - Maenads
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Glaub mir, ich hab es echt versucht. Mit jemandem glücklich zu sein, der dieselben Bücher liest, dieselbe Musik hört und die gleichen Filme sieht. Doch was bringt es mir, mich mit jemandem über Bukowski in leidenschaftliche Rage zu reden, wenn das Höchste aller Gefühle für mich ist, mit dir Frauentausch anzuschauen? Wenn ich Lana del Rey liebe und du Chelsea Grin, glaub mir, ich würde nirgends mehr Spaß haben, als auf einem Deathcore-Konzert. Und wäre ich Kim Jong Un und du würdest sagen ,,Stell dir vor es ist Krieg und keiner geht hin", würde ich den Weltfrieden verkünden. Du sagst ,,Du hast zu sehr geliebt" und ich frage mich ob es von Liebe überhaupt zu viel geben kann und ritze währenddessen deinen Namen in den Tisch. Du tust so als sei Liebe ersetzbar, als käme und ginge sie, wenn es Zeit ist, und wenn man jemanden hat, mit dem man ein bisschen zufrieden ist, dann ist man halt ein bisschen glücklich. Aber wenn ich jemanden habe, mit dem ich ein bisschen zufrieden bin, dann bin ich unglücklich, weil ich lieben will, so richtig arg, jemanden so lieben wie dich. Und es tut weh, dass ich dich nicht zu Ende lieben durfte.
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pansyp · 8 years
i was tagged by @ohremvs, thank u lovely!
rules: put your music on shuffle and write down the first ten songs, then tag ten people.
fucked my way up to the top / lana del rey
ich tu dir weh / rammstein
hey man nice shot / filter
heaven knows / the pretty reckless
recover / chvrches
creator / santigold
what kind of man / florence and the machine
video girl / fka twigs
i come with knives / iamx
copy of a / nine inch nails
i’m tagging some recent mutuals! @pissoffpotter @sirpotter @quibblersandquidditch @sirivsblaxk @maud-eration @damnremus @opuggno @lunalovey @pansyparquinson @sclemnlyswear
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kohlis-kleine80 · 5 years
Lana? *leise und dich leicht schüttel*
*schnief und mich weiter zusammen roll* du tust mir weh....
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adultstories4u · 5 years
Vicky ka hawsla buland huwa Inspector Khan se baat karke aur yeh jaan kar ke ab Khan ka saath bhi hai. Apne plan ko kaamyaab karne ke liye ab ussko aur kuch badlaav lana pada. Ussko ek bahot bada game khelna tha ab kyun ke ACP Raghuveer aur usska MLA bhai ko bhi lapetey mein lena tha. Iss se pehle to usska khel sirf MLA ke bête Jugdish Raghuveer tak hi tha, magar ab do bade machliyon
ka bhi shikaar karna hoga to plan ko aur badhana pada Vicky ko aur paise bhi ziada kharch karne mein ayaa naye plan ke motabik.
Vicky ne Mathur sahab se aur paise mangwaye jo baad mein istemaal karna tha aur Rita ko phir se kaam par lagaya. Jo 3 bache the unn mein se Jugdish Raghuveer ke ilawa jinn donon ko pehle Vicky maarna chahta tha unn mein se ek dusre sheher mein rehta tha. To Vicky ne socha pehle iss sheher mein rehne wale se nipta jaye aur Rita ko uss ke piche lagaya.
Woh har sham ko ek bar mein peene jata tha. Magar jiss sham ko Rita uss ko faansne ke liye nikli to woh dusre sheher wala bhi unn ke saath tha. Yane donon shikaar ek sath the. Vicky ne bhi dekha, aur Rita ne unn logon se kuch door jaakar Vicky se phone par poocha ke kia kiya jaye ab to donon saath hein. To Vicky ne kaha, donon ko saath bar ke andar jane diya jaye aur baad mein Rita bhi andar jaaye aur kuch pine ke liye order kare aur donon se dosti karein. Aur Rita ne wohi kiya phir Vicky bhi bar ke andar gaya apne hippie ke bhes mein aur ussne bhi kuch peene ke liye maanga. Door ek mez ke paas baitha Vicky teenon ko dekh raha tha.
Rita ko unn donon ne apne table par invite kiya aur teenon ek saath baat cheet kar rahe the. Vicky ko sunayi to nahi de raha tha ke kia baat kar rahe hein weh teenon magar Rita se woh kuch achchah hi expect karta tha.
Kuch der ke baad Rita toilet ke taraf jaati huwi dikhayi diya phir Vicky ki cell bajne laga. Rita ki call thi.
Rita: “Woh donon mujhe ek saath milna chahte hein!”
Vicky: “Chali jao tumko kuch karna to nahin hai… Main donon ko handle kar sakta hoon ek saath hi! Go ahead!”
To Rita phir wapas gayi donon ke paas table par aur kuch der batein karne ke baad Rita phir se gayi washroom ke taraf aur Vicky ke cell par phir se phone kiya.
Rita: “Sir ek badi problem hai!”
Vicky: “Kia ho gaya?”
Rita: “Weh donon humare bungle mein nahin apne yahan lejana chahte hein mujhe! Ab kia karun?”
Vicky: “Unn donon mein se kiss ke ghar par jane ko keh rahe hein?”
Rita: “Woh blue kameez wale ke ghar. Kehta hai aaj usske ghar par koyi nahin hai woh akela hai aur usska dost bhi ussi ke yahan raat bitayega to mujhe bhi saath chalne ko keh rahe hein….. kia aap ke liye thik hoga agar unn ke ghar jaun to?”
Vicky: “To tum ne kyun nahin kaha ke tumhara husband tumko tumhare ghar par phone kar sakta hai iss liye tum apne ghar ko nahin chorr sakti unn donon ko apne ghar (bungle) par invite karo, kaho ke tumhara ghar se bahaar jana raat ko munasib nahhin…koyi to bahana banao yaar!!”
Rita: “Main ne kaha kayi baar kaha… phir bhi weh donon zid kar rahe hein ke main unn ke saath aawun! Kehte hein ke ghante do ghante mein mujhko free kar denge!”
Vicky: “Okay koyi baat nahin jao donon ke saath main wahan time par ajaunga…. Magar abhi inn donon ko yahin roko main ghar se hokar ata hoon 10 minutes mein, inn 10 minutes mein tumko yahin rehna hogaa okay? Samjhi?….. Main donon ke ghar ka pata jaanta hoon aur wahan time par pohonch jaunga, blue wala ka ghar to kareeb hai yahin par….. bus mujhe uss ghar ke andar ghussne ka raasta chahiye, tum wait karo aur donon ko yahin roko jab tak main wapas nahin awun okay? Don’t move from here I will be back soon!”
Vicky jaldi se ghar gaya aur uss chamri ke bag mein camera, tripod, laptop aur hathyaar daalkar apne peeth par liye motorcycle ride karte huwe wapas bar punhcha….. Rita ne jeise Vicky ko baahar dekha woh turant phir se toilet gayi aur Vikcy se phone par kaha,
Iss baar Vicky pehle bola,
“Ghaur se sunon, main tum logon ke nikalne se pehle uss ke ghar ke andar daakhil ho jaunga, main abhi wahin jaa raha hoon….. ab tum sunon tumko kia karna hai…. Tum donon ko ek saath undress karogi jiss bedroom mein bhi woh tumko lejaaye….tum kapde mat utaarna kehna ke tumhara style alag hai aur tumko mardon ko pehle nanga karna passand ata hai usske baad tum nangi hoti ho….samjhe? Aur sab se zaroori baat yeh hein ke aaj tum apne cell apne saath hi lejaogi kamre ke andar samjhi? Iss liye ke agar mujhe tumse kuch kehna pada to phone karunga aur agar weh log pooche kiss ka phone hai to kehna tumhare aashik ka hai….. ab bolo sab kuch samajah gayi ke nahin?”
Rita: “Han sab samajh gaayi bilkool samajah gayi….magar wahan se jab main niklungi tab kia taxi mera wait kar raha hoga ke nahin?”
Vicky: “Han bilkool taxi usske ghar ke baahar stand by paar rahega usski fikar mat karo….. Achah main jaa raha hoon agar koyi badlaav ya problem ho to mujhko call karna, usske ghar ke andar daakhil hone ke baad mera cell sirf vibrate mode par hoga…….”
Aur Vicky chala gaya uss blue shirt wale ke ghar…..
Uss ke ghar ke piche ke taraf se jahan kitchen payaa jata tha Vicky ne ek chota sa khirki khula huwa paya aur keise bhi karke wahan se ghar ke andar daakhil hone mein kaamyaab huwa bina kissi chiz ko bigare. Apne motorcycle ko ek mehfuz jagah par chupa diya tha, han usska bag bada tha aur unn mein jo samaan the uss ke Vicky ko ghar ke andar daakhil hone ke baad ek dusre kamre ke bada khirki andar se kholkar phir baahar gaya apne bag samaan samet andar lejane ke liye, kyun ke uss choti si khirki se woh bina bag ke andar ghussa tha. Ghar ke andar Vicky ne pure ghar ka achi tarah se moayena kiya, kone kone ko khub achi tarah se dekh liya aur andaazan jiss kamre mein woh Rita ko lejaenge woh bhi pata kar liya. Apne samaan ko ussi kamre mein chupana chahta tha magar phir socha agar weh log uss kamre mein nahin gaye to mushkil ho jaega iss liye apne bag ko ussne ek alag jagah par chupaya. Phir unn logon ka intezaar karne laga.
To be continued………………
The post Faraar (Completed) Update No 24 appeared first on Desi Stories.
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movedyourchair505 · 5 years
Napule Nights - trentotto
So basically, Denise gave me the idea for this one a while ago and I absolutely loved it and discussed it with Elana instantly and this is the result x
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Alex's eyes followed the imaginary shapes the ascending smoke formed over his head, higher and higher until they dissolved, but it was barely a helpful distraction as he waited impatiently, leaned back in his office chair, third smoke within the last ten minutes trapped between his lips while his fingers tapped rhythmically on the top of his desk.
The moment of calm was rare to him, this week particularly because besides the one, sometimes two of his waking hours he'd spent at home, he'd been working without exception, had at the same time allowed Jade to assist just as much with whatever she could, and it was a comfort to him that as eager she was to see him in the evenings, the mornings, she was equally as ambitious when it came to contributing to the business. But as much as it eased him, it had been fifteen minutes, since she had been supposed to be back, he'd told Matt to bring her straight to his office so they could go home together. He'd wanted to stop by Miles' place on the way, but now that he was growing more and more worried, felt more and more on edge, he couldn't think about anything else but her, tempted to ask his security outside if there was something was wrong but he knew that if there was, he'd be the first to know, and there was no way that anything would happen because he'd increased security, for her and her work in particular, but what if anyone could still find a way around it?
He knew he wouldn't be able to deal with another incident like before, knew that it would not be bearable, not for his business, his reputation, and not for him. But before he could ultimately get carried away, there was a knock on the door of his office, his heart sinking but the second he gave the command to enter, the familiar clicking of her heels overshadowed everything else and he rose to his feet, walking around his desk and stood in front of her in no time, overwhelmed by how extraordinary she looked all over again, the lace lingerie-esque top hugging her body seductively, the pale yellow a contrast to her tanned skin as well as the tight, jam coloured skirt.
She smiled softly when she saw him, had been looking forward to seeing him today and couldn't wait for him to take her home, after spending the whole day focusing and working, she was more than ready for him to take her mind off everything, but there was a damper put instantly on her excitement when she saw the look on his face, his eyes wide, his jaw tense. "Baby?" She asked, moving her hands to close two buttons on his shirt, adjusting his collar.
He swallowed hard, tried to compose himself, his adam's apple straining in his throat, the pent up tension in his body not yet eased. "Yeh was supposed teh beh 'ere twenteh minutes ago."
She blinked, her lips parting and she tilted her head, closed her mouth again and took a breath before she spoke. "The exchange took a bit longer, but Helders made me wait in the car when the informant didn't show right away" she explained. "He made sure it was safe for me to come out and everythi-..."
She was prepared to continue, but then he'd closed the space between them and pressed his lips to hers, his hand pressed flat to her lower back in a way that left her unable to help her body curving into his, craning towards him, his other hand cupping the side of her face, trapping her and consuming her, smoke and something sweet, syrupy, and spice, taste blurring with scent, it was overwhelming even though it'd been just a few hours, but the warmth of his touch soothed her instantly, the possessiveness of his lips moving with hers, pressing her body as close to his as he could, and refusing to let go because he needed to know she was there.
She was panting when he let go, brushed her hair back affectionatedly, the soft chocolate brown of his eyes resting on her face. "Should we go?" She asked, breathless, and eager to distract him, take him home and take his mind off things the way she knew he was going to for her.
She snapped him out of his thoughs and he gave a quick nod, drawing back only to get his things and she helped him into his suit jacket before he looped his arm around her, leading her out of the office. "Weh're gunna stop by Mi on the way 'ome" he declared. "'aven't seen 'im in a few dehs." He felt more collected now to think about something else, the way she pressed herself to his side and kissed his jaw all the reassurance he needed.
"Intesi" she agreed, letting him lead her outside and pressing another kiss to his jaw when he gestured for Helders and Cook to step aside so he could open the door for her, once inside, it was impossible for him to keep his hands off her, one arm wrapped possessively around her shoulders, his hand resting on her thigh, never allowing her to miss his touch even on the way up into the building and the short time they stood in the lift, his grip tightening on her hip when Helders knocked on the apartment door before him and Cook stood on each side.
There was a short silence, then some footsteps approaching, Kane's face bright and beaming as he spotted them. "Ooooh, 'elloo" he chirped, wiggling his eyebrows, his smile reaching from one ear to the other and he opened the door further, gesturing for them to come inside and eagerly closing the door behind them. "'aven't seen yous in a bit, eh?" He smirked. "Can I get ya a drink? Weh're alreadeh well-a'ead, but..." He shrugged, gesturing to the girl sat on the edge of the table in the living room, her heavily-jewelled fingers shuffling a deck of cards, her body clad in a purple lace two-piece, the skirt short, the top offering a few similar to that of Jade's, who she nodded to with a smile, then pushed herself to her feet and walked over slowly to Miles.
Jade's gaze was drawn instantly from Lana to the space around her that demanded imminent attention, it was bright, prints and colours and sensory overflow, and tacky in a way that only Miles Kane could pull off. The walls were turquoise with a floral gold pattern, the sofas and armchairs in the living space shiny and velvet, colours ranging from bright pink to pale orange and several animals prints, leopard, zebra, tiger stripes. The floor was marble, sparkles here and there, and a holographic, multi-coloured chandelier lit the room at the center, the glass reflecting the other patterns and colours, nothing fit together, but that's why it worked. The whole place smelled floral, with a hint of musk, spice, and Jade recognised the music spinning on the record player quietly in the background, one of the dramatic Madama Butterfly pieces.
"Oh, I joost thought weh'd stop by" Alex drawled, his steps coming to a stop. "Didn't kno' yeh 'ad companeh..."
"Well, I already know Lana" Jade laughed, reaching out to smooth back his hair.
"Exactleh" Miles smirked. "Dun't beh silleh. We was joost 'bout teh play sum strip poker. 's more fun wif a bit of a parteh anehweh, innit?"
Alex's eyebrows rose, his gaze wandering from Miles to Lana, then back to Jade whose eyes were already sparkling with excitement. "Fookin' ... no."
Miles rolled his eyes, then winked at Lana before striding forward to extend his hand to Jade, the moment he took it, he drew her towards him and away from Alex, kissing both her cheeks. "And wha' about you, bella?"
"I'd love to" she said, licking her lips, the grin on Kane's face absolutely contagious, and they both turned to look at Alexander who stood tense, his jaw locking.
"Weh're not stayin'."
Miles raised an eyebrow. "Jade is."
It wasn't how she'd expected the night to go, but the suggestion excited her and she pulled her hand slowly from Kane's, walking back towards Alexander, a pout, an irresistible sultry look that could have killed him, her body warm and inviting pressed up against his when her hand came down to gently cup his face.
"'s not like weh 'aven't dune this before" Kane chirped as he nodded for Lana to follow him back to the table, gestured for her to start dealing out the cards while he carried over to more glasses to place down on the shiny glass table, ornated with sparkles on the legs, a clink of glass meeting when he set down the spirit-filled crystal after pouring more.
Jade raised her eyebrows, the smile playing on her lips already bordering victorious after Kane's reveal. "Is that so, Alexander?" She teased, licking her lips. "I don't think you can say no then, I don't think you can deny me the fun."
His lips were straight, his jaw tense. "I can do wha'ever the fook I want" he muttered, gritting his teeth but he knew it wasn't right, and the spark in her eyes, the anticipation flickering across her face, it was irresistible, and he could never be the source of replacing that gaze with something that wasn't pure joy, her smile growing when she could sense him caving.
"Are yeh even wearin' anehfin' underneath, pupa?" He asked, knew there was more worry to be had about the sparse coverage of her skin than his two-piece suit, shiny and dark grey, the midnight blue shirt underneath and besides, he had never lost a game of poker against Miles.
She smirked excitedly, certain she was getting her way and she barely had time to revel in the actual triumph that it was because Kane snapped and called them over again, Alex's fingers on Jade's waist tight as he led her to join the other two so she decided to meet him in the middle, kissed his jaw and whispered against his skin reassuringly. "Mmmm, two piece lingerie and this skirt."
He hummed, swallowed hard and couldn't believe that she had him hypnotised enough to get him to sit opposite Miles and Jade's friend, his fingers instantly finding Jade's thigh as she sat down next to him and gathered her cards in her hands and already purring with delight, giving Kane a thankful smile as she took a sip from the glass he moved over to her, then grabbed a remote from the edge of the table that dimmed the colourful lights.
"You've done this before then?" Jade asked, her inquistive eyes bright, flickering from Kane to Turner.
"Well, so have we" Lana laughed, drawing four cigarettes from a pack on the side of the table and moving two over to Jade along with a lighter, firing one up for her and Kane while Jade secured one between her own lips, then one between Alexander's, her heart skipping a beat when he looked right at her as she lit it.
"Well, never fookin' togefer all of us" Miles cackled, his ring clinking against his glass and he took a sip from the strong liquor, then a drag from his smoke, raking his fingers through his hair, radiating an energy none of the others were able to match, he didn't have much to take off himself, wearing merely a lilac tracksuit with black stripes at the sides, the jacket unzipped and exposing his tanned chest. "So 's about fookin' time!"
Alex rolled his eyes, watching Jade as she arranged her cards with nimble fingers as she held the cigarette between her pillowy lips, remembering when she'd helped him with his poker game, when she'd saved him and hopelessly impressed him despite everything and he ached to pull her into his lap and show her that no matter where they were and what they were doing that she was his, that she belonged to him, but she was on fire the moment the game begun, the first two rounds forcing Miles' jacket and Lana's top, as well as Alex's jacket from them while she stayed clad in the complementary look that Alex was aching to tear off her in private, get on his knees to worship the extraordinaire she was, the powerful smile of satisfaction suiting her face as well as the emerald did her collarbones and he caught himself inching closer to her, drinking more and more, enticed by the way she smelled the closer he got, pouting when she drew away again and raised an eyebrow at him.
"You are not looking at my cards, Alexander."
He huffed, gathering the self-control he could muster to shift to the other side. "Dun't fookin' need teh."
Jade hummed, a triumphant smile spread across her face when she placed down another set of cards that guaranteed success and Alex breathed out with relief, yet found himself exhaling shakily when Miles revealed his own cards and gathered all the chips in the middle, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Do I finalleh get teh see sum of ya, bella?" He asked, tilting his head and nuzzling into the touch of Lana's palm when she stroked the side of his face and shifted closer to him.
"Actually, sexy, I think you might be the only one that hasn't" she teased.
Jade laughed, felt Alexander tense beside her as he slipped out of his croc leather shoes while Lana shook back her hair and drew all of Miles' attention to herselfwith ease when she sat pressed close to him in just her heels and a set of transparent underwear, lace and crimson and only covering the most necessary. "Oh, you'll like that, won't you, Kane?"
Alex's grip tightened on Jade's thigh and he swallowed, his eyes flickering to look from Lana to Jade and while he refused to let her take off more, he ached to see her just as exposed, ached to see every inch of her body, soothed by the way the colour around her neck had been fading more and more, her cuts and bruises healing, her knees promising a position he loved to see her in but he tensed when she stood up and his hand slipped from her thigh, his eyes widening when she started to undo her skirt. "No."
Jade raised an eyebrow at him. "What, handsome?" She teased, licking her lips, unable to keep the smug smile off her face because as well as she knew Lana, she didn't like Alexander looking, she'd watched and waited for his reaction, knew that it was eventually going to happen anyway when she'd agreed to stay for the game, but she hated giving him the satisfaction of matching his worries in something she teased him for, hated losing.
"Take the necklace off first."
Her eyes widened. "No way, Turner" she said, his last name rolling off her tongue in a way that had him despising how natural she made it sound, her voice melodic, purposeful. "You told me to not take it off."
"Fookin' knew I were gunna beh luckeh tonight but the bof of yeh..." Miles said, eyes wandering down Jade's lace lingerie, the pale yellow a beautiful contrast on her bare skin, revealing less than Lana and yet, the excitement was written shamelessly across his face, so much so that he cackled when he saw Alex snap in front of his face.
"Oi" Alex spat, his breath shaking with relief when Jade sat back down and didn't reveal much more than before and he placed his hand back down in its initial position, let it wander slowly up her inner thigh now that the restriction of her skirt was gone but she quickly closed her legs, trapped his hand in between her firm thighs, refusing to let him tease her any further, despite the prominent throbbing sensation between her legs, his possessiveness fuelling her lust as well as the need to capture his full attention.
As soon as she felt him closer again, not just his hands but his entire body, his breath tickling her ear when he spoke, she already found her own game increase in difficulty.
"Jade" he drawled, the depth of his voice thick and promising. "Yeh're fookin' testin' meh." He tried to move his hand but she clamped her own down to wrap her fingers around his wrist, her arm tense.
"I know" she breathed quietly, well-aware that Miles and Lana were preoccupied, she had now shifted to sit on one of his thighs, was trying to keep him at bay, his fingers roaming, lips hidden in the crook of her neck and eliciting quiet sounds from her.
"Dun't yeh pretend, doll..." Alex whispered, pressing a kiss to her sensitive skin just below her ear, a graze of his teeth, his lips irresistible. "I kno' wha' me voice does teh yeh..."
She breathed shakily, needed all her strength to focus on resisting him, watching the game and keep his fingers from where she was most desperate for him. She knew she couldn't control herself for much longer, and she knew exactly what she was doing, already missing what she'd had when he drew his head back, left her teased out of her mind and gagging for more.
With every sip she took from her drink, every time she adjusted her cards, smiled to herself or licked her lips, Alex's attention was drawn further from the game and more towards her, and he knew she was trying to tease him, knew initially that half of the appeal of the game for her had been to be victorious over him, be it in the game or convincing him, but he was practically eating out of the palm of her hand now, watching her every move, growing more desperate by the second, hardly noticing when Lana kicked off her heels and Miles got rid of his rings and chain, possibly to drag the game out further as it could only mean that while not wearing shoes as well, he was most likely not wearing anything under his tracksuit bottoms.
His concentration was merely affected when it was Jade's turn to take something off and it was a long gaze of tease, resistance, back and forth until she kicked off her heels reluctantly, and he sucked in a breath when the most promising selection of cards arranged itself in his hands and while he knew that Jade was too intelligent for her facial expression to match the game, he could tell that this was certainly going to be a round that played out in his favour so he instantly exchanged his best card for an unknown one, keeping up pretenses and revealing the worst set of the round, a smile of satisfaction on his lips when Jade won the round instead.
"Oh, fookin'ell..." he muttered, realising what it meant for him and he started unbuttoning his shirt slowly, knowing that he would have been more bothered by Jade taking off either item of underwear than him exposing his chest and back.
"Most of us 'ave seen" Miles smirked, licking his lips. "Oh, ya kno' we should 'ave asked James and Maffew teh join too!" He pouted.
The smile on Jade's face about his comment and the satisfaction over the knowledge that Alexander had most likely lost the round purposely was overshadowed by a glimpse of his back when she turned to him and she stopped him, put her hand on his shoulder to keep his shirt sleeve right where it was, taking a deep breath to swallow her pride, risking for his comfort to be the subject to an endless amount of teasing, but she knew that it would only work if she put herself into the situation, and if he would finally give her what she'd been excited for all day long, it had double the worth. "Don't bother" she said, sighing. "I think I'm too tired."
She could see the irriation on each of the others' faces but she stood her ground, reached to do Alexander's shirt back up and then stood to hold his jacket out for him, helped him slip inside as he swayed a little while stepping into his shoes, avoiding Kane's as well as Lana's gaze who had now torn from each other to her.
"Bella" Miles pouted. "Nobodeh's lost yet."
Jade pulled her skirt back on, and once she stood in her heels, she looked at him slowly. "You win, Kane" she said. "Said yourself you're lucky and with Lana here tonight, you can only win." She gave him a pointed look, knew he'd probably read her motivation the second she'd acted and she finished the contents of her glass before walking around the table to kiss Kane's cheeks, then let Lana pull her into a quick hug, relaxing when she gave a gentle squeeze of Jade's shoulder.
She was back by Alexander's side in no time and as much as he looked puzzled, the satisfaction and relief on his face prevailed, after his farewell to Kane he needn't be asked twice to lead Jade out of the apartment and flanked by Helders and Cook, down to the car, afraid that as suddenly as she had made the decision, she would once again change her mind.
Only when the doors of the car fell shut, Helders and Cook sat separate from them, did Alexander look her in the eye, his arm locked around her and pressing her possessively to his side once again, his fingers grazing the side of her cheek until he cupped her face to turn her head to look back at him. "Jade."
She swallowed, setting herself up for an unbearable tease, for the mockery, taunting, but before she could even develop the worst case scenario in her head, his lips were on hers, a searing kiss taking her breath away and her mind as far as away as she'd wanted and she didn't find it in herself to do anything but melt into him, his lips warm and hungry and he tasted irresistible, left her wanting more when he drew back and only challenged her control more with the deep, thick sound of his voice.
"Yeh undermined me authoriteh back there."
She pouted, licking her lips and watching him with wide eyes. "Mmmm, you shouldn't let me do that" she teased, attempting while she still could. "You're the fucking boss."
He swallowed hard, taken off guard, a deep exhale and as much as her words fuelled his need to ruin her, to show her how right she was after she'd coaxed him into so many things once again, he couldn't help himself, the way she'd understood what he needed before he even had himself was worth nothing less than his praise and grattitude to demostrate his wonder. "Fook, pupa..."
She purred when his hand moved slowly to wrap around her throat, the intensity of his eyes had her heart racing. "What, baby?" She whispered, begging him for more with her eyes silently.
He could hardly find the words, but couldn't let her wait until they got home, needed to take his time at the same time as he needed to appreciate her now, overwhelmed still with how lucky he was, that she wanted him and for him to get his way, knew how important it was and put it over her own greed for dominance, didn't need much to have him all figured out and it blended with everything that he admired with her, and the smile on her face was encouraging, left him unable to keep quiet any longer, couldn't bear holding anything back because he simply refused to ever let her go. "Il mio cuore..."
She pressed her lips together, melting into him and unable to draw her gaze from his, unable to say anything else, hanging onto his lips helplessly, anticipating the depth of his voice wrapped around another set of words that would have her do anything he wanted.
"Non posso vivere senza di te."
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Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2018
Der Tag heute war eigentlich ganz schön, wir hatte Wandertag und waren mit der ganzen Klasse im Kletterpark. Wir wanderten eine Stund nach Hamsberg- da ist der- gewandert, waren 3 Stunden da und sind wieder eine stunde zurückgegangen. Zuerst bin ich zwei Parcours mit Lene (eine meiner 3 besten Freundinnen, beschwert sich über alles, kann super gut zeichnen, hat eine echt tolle Figur und versteht steht sich auf Freizeiten immer super mit allen. Und Klamottenmäßig besitzt sie fast nur Harry Potter-Merch), Lana (meine andere beste Freundin, super gute Schülerin- Klassenbeste-,weiß nie was sie fühltund wohnt am Arsch der Welt- ich mein 3 Busse pro Tag! Ach, und sie ist im Vergleich z.b. zu mir mit vielen befreundet) und Flynn (ein echt guter Kumpel von mir, auch ein super Schüler obwohl er die erste übersprungen hat, wir nerven uns immer absichtlich gegenseitig mit allem möglichen, aber denkt ja nicht da läuft was zwischen uns, nein-einfach nein) gekletterten danach den schwersten nur noch mit Lana, denn Lene hat ein bisschen Höhenangst.
 Der letzte war aber wirklich richtig schwer und es haben sich relativ viele abseilen lassen. Meine Hände tun jetzt auch weh, weil ich ein paar mal abgerutscht bin und ich glaube ich hab morgen MuskelKater in den Oberarmen- ist aber nicht nicht schlimm, denn morgen ist Sportfest und ich hab meine ma irgendwie dazu gebracht , dass ich krank machen darf.Okay also danach konnte ich nicht mehr und wir haben uns zu den anderen aus unserer Klasse gesetzt, wo ich festgestellt hab, das meine Flasche ein bisschen ausgelaufen ist und mein Franz-Buch etwas nass geworden ist, welches ich dann. auf den Tisch zum trocknen legte. Ich hab mir noch nen Donut gekauft, und dann haben wir ein Klassenfoto gemacht, als wir dann gehen wollten hätte ich fast das Französisch-Buch vergessen, zum Glück hat Linus ( ein super stiller, aber lieber Typ, der die schlechtesten Witz macht und es weiß) mir es nachgebracht. Oh, ich muss noch vom Hinweg erzählen, ich bin nämlich ein kurzes Stück mit Lukas (der Nerd in unserer Klasse, liebt Star Trek, ist manchmal etwas aggressiv und schnippisch anderen gegenüber, kann aber auch richtig nett sein) gegangen und der hat Doctor Who angefangen und mag es, endlich jemand mit dem ich über die Serie reden kann und der meine Anspielungen und so über Doctor Who versteht. 
Okay ich war beim Rückweg, also wir waren nicht die einzige Klasse, die im Kletterpark war, die “d” war auch da und ein paar aus der “d” sind mit uns zusammen zurück gegangen z.B. Henry (super süß also im Sinne von sehr nett, er ist ein Kumpel von Leif, deshalb kenne ich ihn nicht wirklich gut, aber ich mag ihn echt gern). Mit ihm hab ich auch den ganzen Rückweg geredet-mir wird gerade bewusst das ne ganze Stunde echt lange ist- mal war auch Dana (meine noch andere beste Freundin, die immer viel zu wenig Schlaf hat und bei der man immer das Gefühl hat das sie sauer auf einen ist, sie ist sehr musikalisch und kreativ)dabei, mal Lene oder Flynn. Ich hab echt viel erzählt, über alles mögliche,er recht wenig, ich hoffe das war okay für ihn. 
Ich bin noch mit Dana nach Hause, bzw. in meinem Fall zur Nachhilfe, die ich nicht wirklich nötig hab, gegangen und ich hab ihr halt erzählt, dass ich Henry voll süß/nett finde und sie hat gesagt, dass wir beide voll gut zusammen passen würden und sie fand das er mir die ganze Zeit voll süß zugehört hat und so, irgendwie hab ich mich richtig darüber gefreut, ich will mich nicht verlieben, nicht jetzt wo ich fast über Alex (ein Typ aus der 9(b) in den ich mich verliebt hab, lange Geschichte vielleicht wann anders wenn’s wen interessiert, normal hübsch, normal sympathisch, etwas seltsam) hinweg bin, obwohl wenn ich mich verlieben müsste Henry sicher nicht der schlechteste wäre (;
Okay also nach der Nachhilfe wollte ich eigentlich mit Freunden ins Schwimmbad gehen, aber das haben wir doch nicht gemacht, weil zu wenige Zeit hatten, also bin ich nach Hause gegangen und hab da dann Iron Man 2 angefangen. Um 9 nach 4 hat mir Dana geschrieben, ob ich noch zu dem 2nd Hemd und Hose Markt Vorbereitungs Treffen kommen würde, da ich schon 9 min zu spät war, hab ich nur noch meine Schuhe -ohne Socken- angezogen und bin losgerannt, weshalb ich auch nur 4min später da war. Ich bin in der Gruppe, die sich um Plakate und so kümmert (das ist alles für die Firmung), aber wir haben nichts wichtiges gemacht -wir dürfen nicht mal die Plakate und Flyer selbst gestalten! Und danach hab ich nur noch den Film fertig geschaut und schreibe jetzt schon ne ganze Weile. Ach, eben hab ich noch kurz mit Lana telefoniert sie wollte noch was erzählen. Gute Nacht, ich bin echt müde.      
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magnus-girl77 · 4 years
*dich anschau und den Kopf schief leg* du bist neu, oder? Wie heißt du?
Ich bin Lana *sanft lächel und mich hinknie* so tut es denn weh?
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