#wei yanwan? possibly...
pommegranatte · 5 years
Nothing is more disappointing than when the main female character is “tough girl who is always mean and straight to the point and also sarcastic!” I’m so bored with that trope. Just...let her be nice...or if she IS gonna be mean don’t make that be her one and only defining feature. What I’m trying to say is: 2B is the perfect mean female lead character.
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mydaylight · 4 years
While trying to find information about Empress Xiaoyichun, I’ve stumbled across a lot of articles claiming that she couldn’t possibly be a good person because “she insisted on becoming Huang guifei even though she was from a humble background” and even going as far as to claim that she betrayed Step Empress Nara. I’d really like to know where they get all this information from because as it is it seems that people just watched Ruyi and hated Wei Yanwan and now they have decided to project that fictional characterization on the historical person. Ruyi was a great show, that was also littered with historical inaccuracies, and I wish people weren’t ready to take everything the show said as granted.
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