eriebasin · 11 months
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A beautifully made and very wearable c1950 bracelet with faceted links in 18K yellow gold. Made by Carlo Weingrill, an Italian jewelry firm founded in 1879, known for manufacturing for Bulgari, Tiffany, and Cartier. Heavy-duty hollow construction in solid 18K yellow gold. A lovely deep reddish patina has developed over time. Weighs 43.0 grams.
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aishavass · 1 year
"Purchasing this global Machine Screw Jacks market study may give customers insightful knowledge of
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casadomusico · 5 years
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Nosso cliente Moisés veio de São Paulo para buscar a Tuba Weingrill e Nirschl WNTU1C! Deus abençoe! 🙂 #Weingrill #Weril #Tuba #Tubista #Tubistas #OrquestraCcb #CasaDoMusico https://www.instagram.com/p/BxuntWbljq9/?igshid=1dj8ycca5zg53
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scarlettjane22 · 2 years
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Photo by Neide Weingrill
For The Love Of Horses
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immanuelfruhmann · 7 years
The Gasthaus Weingrill in Friesach near Graz is a great Austrian Inn and Restaurant, featuring also rooms to stay overnight. You can sit in the nice patio under trees and in close contact with nature. The staff is friendly and the food is delicious. The food they serve here at the Gasthaus Weingrill is authentic Austrian food at its best, and comes in large portions. Here you can truly feel the “Styrian Comfort” – as I want to put it – a special atmosphere in the sense of rustic and traditional good food coming served with a good feeling. We had a yummy Goulash, a Saures Rindfleisch (typical Austrian sliced beef in vinegar), a Cappuccino and a Stanitzel, an Austrian speciality.
But see for yourself:
The Goulash
The Stanitzel with fruits and lots of cream and chocolate sauce, an Austrian speciality
The Cappuccino
You can also sit at the wall of the Gasthaus Weingrill, upstairs are the rooms
The patio in its full dimension
The entry of the Gasthaus Weingrill
And here you have the slide show:
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The Bottom Line: The Gasthaus Weingrill, located in the Semriacher Straße 5, in 8114, Friesach bei Graz, Austria, is a great Inn & Restaurant, features rooms, a nice patio, and delicious authentic Austrian food.
From Friesach with Love! Dr. Dr. Immanuel Fruhmann
Gasthaus Weingrill – A Nice Austrian Inn in Friesach near Graz The Gasthaus Weingrill in Friesach near Graz is a great Austrian Inn and Restaurant, featuring also rooms to stay overnight.
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adezer · 6 years
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Roswitha Weingrill
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dogsarawesome · 6 years
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Photo by Jörg Weingrill
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boudhabar · 7 years
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by neide weingrill 
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Musical Popular Brasileiro estreia, em São Paulo, dia 2 de março, no Teatro das Artes
Musical Popular Brasileiro estreia, em São Paulo, dia 2 de março, no Teatro das Artes
Dirigido por Jarbas Homem de Mello, com Adriana Lessa e Erico Brás como protagonistas, o espetáculo celebra a música popular brasileira com muito humor e ao estilo do teatro de revista.
Musical tem patrocínio exclusivo da BB Seguros
Com direção artística de Jarbas Homem de Mello, direção musical e arranjos de Miguel Briamonte e direção de movimentos e coreografias de Kátia Barros, o espetáculo MPB – Musical Popular Brasileiro estreia no dia 2 de março (sexta-feira), no Teatro das Artes, no Shopping Eldorado, em São Paulo. Idealizado por Renata Ferraz e Silvio Ferraz, o espetáculo tem texto inédito de Enéas Carlos Pereira e Edu Salemi e traz como protagonistas Adriana Lessa (no papel de Suzete Campos, uma grande atriz de musicais) e Érico Brás (Jura, como o anjo), além de Reiner Tenente (Gero, o anjo), Giulia Nadruz (Clara), Dagoberto Feliz (Nogueira) e Marcelo Góes (Dino) para encabeçar o elenco.
O texto conta a história de uma filial brasileira de uma empresa multinacional na expectativa da visita de seus investidores estrangeiros ao país. Para impressionar os gringos e estimulá-los a investir ainda mais na nossa “terra brasilis”, a empresa decide preparar um grande espetáculo musical mostrando aquilo que, acreditam eles, o Brasil tem de melhor: sua música e sua gente.
“Ao invés de escolher uma época ou estilo da música popular brasileira a enfocar, surgiu a ideia de fazer um espetáculo atemporal que contasse com os grandes sucessos da MPB – com a música, o humor e os arquétipos que permeiam o universo da cultura popular do brasileiro – permitindo que os espectadores cantem junto”, conta o diretor Jarbas Homem de Mello.
As coisas se complicam quando o diretor do espetáculo (Marcelo Góes) – um sujeito para lá de estressado – tem um piripaque dias antes da estreia e da chegada dos investidores. Entre a vida e a morte, o diretor vai parar às portas do céu e lá encontra dois anjos caídos (Jura e Gero, interpretados por Érico Brás e Reiner Tenente), fugidos do Inferno, que tentam a qualquer custo um lugarzinho no Paraíso. Os dois propõem ao diretor ajudá-lo a voltar à Terra. Em troca, ele precisa montar um grande espetáculo musical para impressionar o Altíssimo e assim garantir o lugar dos dois malandros no Céu.
Como elenco do musical, os dois prometem estrelas da MPB que já foram dessa para melhor. Enquanto isso, na Terra, a assistente de direção Clara (Giulia Nadruz), tenta a qualquer custo colocar o espetáculo da empresa de pé. Mas assim na Terra como no Céu, as coisas não andam como deveriam. As confusões se multiplicam e – apenas com a intervenção de alguém totalmente inesperado – é que o trem volta outra vez aos trilhos.
“Acredito que a metalinguagem enriquece o texto, principalmente no caso do Musical Popular Brasileiro que trabalhamos com elementos de uma linguagem teatral popular, o humor e o teatro de revista, e para tanto, o recurso de um espetáculo dentro do próprio espetáculo nos auxilia na autoironia, ou seja, na capacidade de rirmos de nós mesmos”, explica um dos autores Enéas Carlos Pereira.
O espetáculo tem cenografia e adereços de Marco Lima, iluminação de Fran Barros, figurinos de Fábio Namatame, visagismo de Dicko Lorenzo, direção de produção de Charles Geraldi e realização da ViaCultura. O patrocínio é da BB Seguros.
Personagens principais
Adriana Lessa – Suzete Campos
Érico Brás – Jura
Danilo de Moura – Stand-in do Jura
Giulia Nadruz – Clara
Reiner Tenente – Gero
Marcelo Góes – Dino
Dagoberto Feliz – Nogueira
Carol Tanganini
Leilane Teles
Mariana Barros
Mariana Gallindo
Nina Sato
Vivian Albuquerque
Daniel Cabral
Davi Tostes
Eduardo Leão
Guilherme Leal
Leandro Naiss
Oscar Fabião
Carol Weingrill – Maestrina e Teclados
Raphael Coelho – Percussão
Renato Farias – Trombone
João Lenhari – Trompete e Flugelhorn
Rodolfo Schwenger – Teclados
Jorge Ervolino – Guitarra e Violão
Luciano Lobato – Bateria
Amilcar Lobosco – Sax Tenor, Sax Alto, Flauta e Clarineta
Peter Mesquita – Contrabaixo
Texto: Enéas Carlos Pereira e Edu Salemi
Concepção Geral e Direção: Jarbas Homem De Mello
Direção Musical e Arranjos: Miguel Briamonte
Direção de Movimentos e Coreografia: Kátia Barros
Cenografia e Adereços: Marco Lima
Iluminação: Fran Barros
Figurinos: Fabio Namatame
Visagismo: Dicko Lorenzo
Design de Som: Tocko Michelazzo
Assistente de Direção: Alex Riegel
Preparação Vocal e Maestrina: Carol Weingrill
Direção de Produção: Charles Geraldi
Produção Executiva: Fábio Hilst
Produção e Realização: ViaCultura – Renata Ferraz e Silvio Ferraz
Assessoria de Imprensa: InPress Porter Novelli
Fotos: João Caldas
Designer Gráfico: Vicka Suarez
Patrocínio: BB Seguros
Filial brasileira de uma empresa multinacional recebe a visita de investidores estrangeiros. Para impressionar os gringos, a empresa prepara um grande espetáculo com canções da MPB dirigido por um antigo diretor de musicais. Às vésperas da estreia o diretor tem um piripaque e vai parar às portas do Céu, entre a vida e a morte. Lá, ele encontra dois anjos caídos, fugidos do inferno, que lhe garantem o retorno à Terra. Em troca o diretor terá que montar – em tempo recorde – um espetáculo musical com as estrelas da MPB que foram dessa para melhor. A partir daí, assim na Terra como no Céu, tudo vira uma grande confusão que se resolve apenas com uma intervenção para lá de inesperada.
MPB Musical Popular Brasileiro
Temporada: de 2 de março a 15 de julho
Horário: quinta e sábado, às 21h, sextas-feiras, às 21h30, e domingo, às 20h
Local: Teatro das Artes – Shopping Eldorado, Avenida Rebouças, 3970 – 3º piso, loja 409
Duração: 1h45
Ingressos: de 50 a 100 reais
Venda de ingressos: Bilheteria do Teatro das Artes ou pelo site www.tudus.com.br
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menjewelryizr · 4 years
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/*-+ 18K Carlo Weingrill Squared Lapis Lazuli Men's Cuff Links Yellow Gold *96 https://ift.tt/3avuy52
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whileiamdying · 6 years
REFERÊNCIAS - SOBRE O BANHEIRO FEMININO NO SENADO O plenário do Senado só teve *seu banheiro feminino inaugurado depois de mais de 55 anos de existência!* Apesar de as mulheres serem maioria na população brasileira, segundo o IBGE, elas ainda são minoria no Senado. Atualmente, as 12 senadoras em atividade representam menos de 15% dos parlamentares. *Mundialmente*, o Brasil ocupa a 155ª posição entre 189 países em relação a presença de mulheres em cargos políticos. Vanessa Grazziotin (PCdoB-AM): “Não é um banheiro que vai mudar toda a situação, mas o fato de não ter um banheiro no plenário é um indicativo de que a Casa não foi preparada para as mulheres” (G1). CHEQUE VOCÊ MESMO: https://bit.ly/2NTZNiO FICHA TÉCNICA Roteiro: Jout Jout e Lígia Stocche Barbosa Fotografia e câmera: Caio Franco Direção de produção: Liz Tibau Pesquisa: Lígia Stocche Barbosa e Ana Carolina Evangelista Som direto: Letícia Yabá Preparação de Cena: Bellas Direção de arte e cenografia: Luana Castilho Contrarregra: Maria Leite Fontes Assistente de arte: Thaina Castilho Edição e montagem: Ricardo Moura Consultores: Heitor Augusto, Isabel Meunier, Ana Navarrete, Lira Alli Agradecimentos: Nina Weingrill, Énois - Escola de Jornalismo, Talíria Petrone, Marcell Carrasco, Caio Nigro, José Marcelo Zacchi e Marize Tolezano Maquiagem: Não teve Figurino: Acervo pessoal Hair stylist: Jout Jout Trilha Sonora: Blue Dot Sessions – Waltz Opus Posthume
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evoldir · 8 years
Conference: Zurich.PolygenicAdaptation.Aug28-Sep1
A Summer School and a Symposium will take place this summer in Zurich calling for students and scientists keen to learn and discuss about the most recent theory, methods and applications to detect the genomic signal of polygenic adaptation and understanding the role of epistasis in evolution. The invited speakers include, Prof Nick Barton (IST Austria, Austria) Dr. Jeremy Berg (Columbia University, USA) Prof Örjan Carlborg (Uppsala University, Sweden) Dr. Josephine Daub (University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain) Prof. Frederic Guillaume (University of Zurich, Switzerland) Prof. Thomas Hansen (University of Oslo, Norway) Prof Joachim Hermisson (University of Vienna, Austria) Prof Sergey Kryazhimskiy (University of California San Diego, USA) Prof. John Mckay (Colorado State University, USA) Dr. Josh Payne (University of Zurich, Switzerland) Prof. Peter Visscher (Institute for Molecular Bioscience, Queensland, Australia) Prof. Sam Yeaman (University of Calgary, Canada) For more information visit the event websites: Summer School on "Integrated methods to detect polygenic adaptation from genomic data" 28 Aug - 30 Aug 2017, WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland http://bit.ly/2mPVO6F Symposium on the "Genomics of polygenic adaptation and the role of epistasis in evolution" 31 Aug - 1 Sep 2017, ETH Zentrum, Zurich, Switzerland http://bit.ly/2loS5Qp Informal inquiries may be addressed to Katalin Csillery at [email protected] Looking forward to seeing you this summer! The organising committee: Dr Katalin Csillery (ETH Zurich & WSL Birmensdorf) Prof Dr Frederic Guillaume (University of Zurich) Dr Felix Gugerli (WSL Birmensdorf) Dr Christian Rellstab (WSL Birmensdorf) Dr Alejandra Rodriguez-Verdugo (ETH Zurich) Dr. Tony Weingril (University of Zurich) Prof Dr Alex Widmer (ETH Zurich) Dr. Debra Zuppinger-Dingley (University of Zurich) Katalin Csillery via Gmail
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olhar-escrito · 5 years
Documento: Cara do mundo
“São Paulo tem uma população de mais de 340 mil imigrantes – praticamente a mesma quantidade de habitantes de um país como a Islândia. Uma cidade perfeita para entrar em contato com gente de todas as partes do mundo. Pensando nisso, jovens das periferias da cidade, estudantes da Escola de Jornalismo da Énois, mergulharam no cotidiano de imigrantes e refugiados para conhecer suas histórias, sonhos e a relação com São Paulo. O resultado da exploração virou um filme, o documentário “Cara do Mundo”, que fala sobre como o contato com realidades diferentes nos fazem questionar nossa própria história.”
                               (Énois Agência de Jornalismo, os idealizadores do projeto)
Duração: 55 minutos.
Lançamento: 2018
Produção: Énois Inteligência Jovem e 3FilmGroup.TV
Direção: Raphael Erichsen com Camila Izidio, Carolina Serrano, Agnis Freitas, Ariane Assunção, Evelyn Oliveira, Tiago Luan, Maryane Silva, Vinícius Cordeiro.
Argumento: Simone Cunha
Produção executiva: Clarice laus, Amanda Rahra, Nina Weingrill e Raphael Erichsen
Direção de fotografia: Vinícius Colé
Som Direto: Eduardo Alves
Edição: Rodrigo T. Marques e Eduardo Consonni (Complo.tv)
Trilha Sonora original: Philipe Fargnoli
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reise-reisen-blog · 6 years
www.reise.reisenKulinarisches Erlebnis im Reduce Gesundheitsresort Bad Tatzmannsdorf v.r. Siegfried Kröpfl, Karin Weingrill, Franz Nicka, Leo Knöbl, Maximilian Novak (Bildquelle: @ Pavel Laurencik) Ein Wochenende mit wertvollen Impulsen, feiner Kulinarik und kombiniert mit erholsamen Thermengenuss erlebten die 10 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer des ausgebuchten Vegan Cooking Weekends von 23. bis 25. März 2018 im REDUCE GESUNDHEITSRESORT HOTEL […] Der Beitrag VEGAN COOKING MIT HAUBENKOCH SIEGFRIED KRÖPFL erschien zuerst auf reise.reisen. http://dlvr.it/QTwvsz reise-shop.reisen
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scarlettjane22 · 2 years
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by Neide Weingrill
Equestria BR
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
How caffeine is stripped from coffee—and what that means for your health
The most common way to extract caffeine from coffee is using a chemical solvent methylene chloride.
But, the amount of methylene chloride in decaf coffee too small to be a health risk.
More research is needed to determine whether decaf or regular coffee is a healthier choice overall.
In the early 1900s, according to coffee lore, German coffee merchant Ludwig Roselius discovered decaf by accident after a shipment of coffee beans was soaked in seawater during transit, naturally extracting some of the caffeine.
A few years later, Roselius patented the first commercially successful means of decaffeinating coffee. But instead of just salt water, his method also used a more potent chemical solvent called benzene to finish the job.
We now know that when inhaled, even in small amounts, benzene can cause drowsiness, dizziness, and headaches, as well as eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation. Over the long term and in high doses, benzene has been linked to cancer, blood disorders, and fetal development issues in pregnant women.
It's no wonder the new type of brew—which later relied on other similarly toxic solvents—got a bad rap.
Today, coffee manufacturers have switched to safer decaffeination methods, though many still use potent chemicals to strip away caffeine. Meanwhile, researchers have wondered whether any of coffee's healthful compounds are lost along with the caffeine.
So is decaf healthy? We talked to experts including William D. Ristenpart, Ph.D., a professor of chemical engineering at the University of California, Davis, and director of the UC Davis Coffee Center, to figure out what we really know.
How decaffeination works
There are three key methods for removing caffeine from regular coffee beans: The most common uses a chemical solvent, another uses liquid carbon dioxide (CO2), and the last simply uses water.
All take green, unroasted coffee beans, soak or steam them until the caffeine is dissolved or their pores are opened, and then extract the caffeine.
While the CO2 and water methods are considered chemical-free, the solvent method relies on synthetic chemicals such as ethyl acetate (naturally found in some fruits) and methylene chloride (commonly used in industrial applications such as in adhesives, paints, and pharmaceuticals).
The Swiss Water Process tends to produce the most flavorful coffee, Ristenpart says, because it's good at removing caffeine and without stripping other flavorful compounds from the beans. But it's also more expensive and difficult to produce at scale. For this reason, Ristenpart says, you'll typically find it used on higher-end coffees, such as Blue Bottle. (See our coffee ratings for the best beans.)
None of these methods scrubs the bean of caffeine completely. While the Food and Drug Administration requires that at least 97% of caffeine be removed, some decaffeinated coffees can still contain between 3 and 12 mg of caffeine per cup.
Does decaffeinated coffee have risks?
While experts agree that the Swiss Water Process and liquid carbon dioxide don't introduce any health risks, methylene chloride is controversial in some coffee circles.
When inhaled in small doses it can cause coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. At higher doses, it can cause headache, confusion, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and fatigue, and has been found to cause liver and lung cancer in animals.
In 1999, however, the FDA concluded that the trace amounts you get in decaf coffee are too minuscule to affect your health. The agency strictly limits its presence to no more than 10 parts per million, or 0.001 percent, of the final product.
Jörg Weingrill/Flickr
Coffee producers will sometimes say that beans decaffeinated with ethyl acetate are "naturally decaffeinated" because the compound is naturally found in some produce. But as with methylene chloride, the ethyl acetate is typically produced synthetically and carries some risks at high doses.
The bottom line, Ristenpart says, is that the solvents used in the decaffeination process today are much safer than they used to be, and they are generally found on beans only in trace amounts.
Which decaf should you choose?
Experts say you shouldn't be concerned about the chemicals used in the decaffeination process. But if you are looking to minimize your exposure, you might want to know which decaffeination method was used on a particular bag.
This may be more challenging to find out than you think, Ristenpart says, because there are no specific labeling rules that require disclosing exactly how coffee was decaffeinated.
"If consumers want to be sure that synthetic solvents weren't used to decaffeinate, they should look for the organic seal," says Charlotte Vallaeys, Consumer Reports' senior policy analyst and food-label expert. That seal prohibits not only pesticides, but chemical solvents during processing, too.
If your beans are not organic, ask your supplier which method was used, either in person if you're buying local or over the phone. If it used the solvent process, there are probably trace amounts of chemical residue on the beans.
Is decaffeinated coffee as healthy as regular?
Because decaffeination itself is generally considered safe, the bigger question is whether decaf has the same health benefits as regular coffee.
This is a tough question to answer, says Angela M. Zivkovic, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the department of nutrition at the University of California, Davis, and we don't yet have a firm answer.
A 2014 meta-analysis published in the journal Diabetes Care and led by researchers from Harvard found that those who drank six cups of coffee per day had a 33% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who drank no coffee. The reduced risk was seen for both decaf and regular coffee.
Another study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2008 found that coffee-drinking in general was not associated with a higher risk of dying from any cause, and even further, those who drank decaf were slightly less likely than those who drank regular to die from any cause.
Zivkovic says, however, that we should interpret such results with caution because "it is very possible and likely that people who choose decaf are also making other 'healthy' lifestyle choices."
In short, though some studies suggest that decaffeinated coffee is linked to health benefits, more research is needed.
Is decaffeinated coffee for you?
We still don't know whether it's the caffeine, or one of the thousands of other biologically active compounds and antioxidants (which decaf seems to have, too, albeit at slightly lower levels), that may be responsible for coffee's many health perks.
What's really clear, however, is that for people who experience insomnia, irritability, headaches, nausea, anxiety, jitters, and increased blood pressure after drinking too much caffeine, switching to decaf may be a healthy option, says Edward Giovannucci, M.D., Ph.D., a researcher and professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
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