#welcome home is the first fandom in which i'm “relevant” !
arikihalloween · 9 months
hi, how are you today. What fandoms are you in?
Also I noticed you followed my ask blog:3
Hello ! Doing fine and you ? Class have started again so content for Stitcher and Keeper will slow down
I've been in many fandoms ! The only one I'm active in so far is Welcome Home, but I also used to make content for the Undertale, Warriors cats and Wings of fire communities ( although I wasn't a popular artist lmao) !
Some of my other fandoms are Deltarune, Fnaf, Wakfu, Beastars, Okegom, Witch's Heart, ATLA, Mlp, and Tara Duncan maybe ? (although I'm not active in any of those (also I left the warriors cats and okegom fandoms))
I never was much of a fandom content creator before WH, it was mostly my ocs ! But I like to engage with fandom content and that's also why I followed your ask blog ! I wanna see where it will go :3
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princemick · 5 months
GOOD EVENING (for european standard time) EVERYONE AND WELCOME TO!!
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the results of the f1blr survey (if you dont care about the graphic or the most mentioned blogs here's a direct link to the form results!
if u want to leave now all I wanna do is to encourage you to take 10 minutes of ur time rn to send a kind lil message to ur fav blogs to keep the vibes going n I hope ur day is wonderful! <3
now for the most mentioned blogs which also counts as a short blog rec post according to the 73 people who answered this form!
(for clarity, I choose to remove myself from all these replies because I think it's incredibly biased and so not relevant or interesting to mention myself)
@penaltyboxboxbox with give or take 23 mentions!
@storm3326 with give or take 13 mentions!
@ilikecarsandlike4people with give or take 13 mentions!
@yesloulou with give or take 12 mentions!
@argentinagp with give or take 9 mentions!
@userhamilton and @arturleclerc who both got give or take 7 mentions!
@argentinagp with give or take 18 mentions!
and then there were a lot of different people mentioned most of which about 2/3 times so here's all of those:
@queerbenched @alpinelogy @livetogether--diealone @formulaonedirection
there were...lets say the most answers came form this category, most of the people mentioned were in there 2 times so here's a bunch of blogs that were all mentioned around 5-3 times!
@officialmood @bejwled @toastandvegemite @yekoc @effervescentdragon @hourcat @hungriestheidi @veryspecificfantasies
@vegasgrandprix with give or take 7 mentions!
@karlmarxverstappen with give or take 6 mentions!
@raceweek and @race-weekwith give or take 4 mentions I think but I wouldn't be surprised if people forgot the dah so here they are together <3
and lastly, here are some replies to the share with the class question that I personally really liked!
"I love F1 even if it’s “boring”! Watching cars go 300km and hour is always fun even if the winner is always the same . For me, there’s always been Seb winning, and then Lewis winning and now Max, so it’s fun! Plus there’s always so much tea and all drivers are hilarious and I’m so fond of them! And the history is so cool!!!! And I count all the wdc champions before sleeping instead of sheeps! All I need are ferrari bedsheets, and I’m done I’m 22 how did I get to this point?"
"I've been so thankful for the support f1blr has extended to me, and it's a fandom I really feel at home in, so I'm so happy to get a chance to shout out some of the wonderful and talented people in this fandom with me! Such a fantastic idea."
"I am legit so grateful we have so many creative and brilliant people in f1blr, it makes my enjoyment of the sport I've loved for so many years that much better"
"i’ve only been on f1blr since the summer but i’ve felt soooo welcomed and made so many nice friends <333 love u guys"
"I’m so bad at remembering names but all of you have made my first year on f1blr a lovely experience!"
"Keep doing what you love! Stay safe, enjoy life, and be happy. I love you all!!! 🫶🏻"
"Looking forward to spending the '24 season with this amazing community!!"
and so so many more kind responses! thank you to everyone who participated it was really nice to see this and watch us come together for a lil pls do keep spreading the love and send out some asks to your fav blogs!!
and thats all for now, goodnight and until next time!
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fifi-afterhours · 1 year
Telephones and Their Possible Connection with the Audience
So some time ago l was scrolling through @/partycoffin’s blog as one does when you fall into the fandom hole of welcome home, and I wanted to do a little speculation post about telephones and this picture:
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Or more specifically, Eddie's and Howdy's ones, and their different rotary dialers.
[Supposed tiny post turned into long theory ramble below cut!]
(I have checked that this was made on 4 December, 2022, so I think this could be speculated on!)
As we can see, not only are the phone types different (with theirs presumably being portable), the numbers used for dialing are replaced with colours instead. Now, a simple explanation could be made that the colours simply replace the numbers, but that's not the case:
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(I know they're not buttons, but let's just use that as a placeholder name for now-)
Neither of them seems to match with the 10 buttons needed for a a normal rotary dial, so the only explanation I could think of is that each colour corresponds with a neighbor.
@softestvine made a post about this before, and if you take a look at the guestbook signatures, the missing purple button on Eddie's phone makes sense since purple should represent him, and therefore his phone number in a sense.
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The real question is why would Howdy have his own phone number. Maybe an extra set of hands means he owns two phones? Or maybe it's normal to have your own contacts to ring yourself up, and Eddie is actually the odd one out? For that I'm not sure.
Continuing on, there's also the curious addition of a black button, which doesn't seem to connect to any neighbor at all. My first thought was that it could be related to Home, but considering that it communicates through onomatopoeia that even Wally couldn't understand sometimes, I feel like it's doubtful that it's meant to be for Home. (though I'm not saying that it's impossible, just unlikely for now).
Which leads to the second theory: it's to represent us, the audience, the viewers of the show. My speculation is that there was a segment on the show that would involve the characters calling or receiving a phone call from a fan of the show, similar to how irl children shows that includes audience participation will show off fanworks in their episodes. (the closest example I could think of is Blue's Clues right now since my sister used to watch that).
Admittedly this feels like a stretch, but phones seem to be important to the show in some manner. In some old posts, we have audio of what prank calls to some of the characters are like, and although they're definitely not relevant to the work now, it's interesting to note that the concept of a way to communicate with the puppets exists.
Another thing is that on one of the secret pages of the website, you're sent to this page:
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An error page that shows altered text and a phone gif instead of the one with Home. Perhaps I am looking too much into this, but compared to the other hidden links, why would this one take us to an error page first, albeit a different one?
Some people have pointed it out here that if you inspect the phone gif, it says "It's for you". When you click on it, you're taken to a page called 'duet' where Wally is singing to Home.
Don't you think it's coincidental that the only page with an audio file was only found through a phone? And why is the page called 'duet' when Home only responds after Wally finished his song? That's because the duet isn't sung by Wally and Home, it's supposed to be sung by Wally and you. By clicking on the phone, you're answering Wally's call, hence the "It's for you" file name.
My conclusion is that the phones were used to talk to the audience back when the show is running, and now Wally is using them to try to reach out to us.
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magellanicclouds · 1 month
Halo - An Essay: regarding waste management systems and devices for MJOLNIR armoured Spartans It has been a hectic sort of few weeks. Between work and getting sick again (for the fourth time already this year thanks to my crewmates who can't remember it's their duty to stay home when they're ill) I've been on the outs. I haven't had the energy for much, but I'm usually a pretty active person, so this has kind of made me loopy? Which feels like as good a time as any to talk at length about the concept of catheterizing Spartans for waste management in MJOLNIR.
Let me explain.
This Silly Post crossed my dash recently and I fully understand it is meant as lighthearted fun - we have fun here. But it also dragged out some strong thoughts I've had haunting in the back of my mind about this for years because I'm super normal about Halo, and have time on my hands and the right amount of sleep deprivation and medication on board. So I wrote 3500 words about it. And about Karen Traviss, who is pretty knotted up in this conversation, since she's the one who decided to start it back in 2011.
To preface, I'm not an expert, but I have worked in emergency medicine for 25 years, and been a fan of Halo for almost as long. I've had more of a lukewarm relationship with it the last decade or so if I'm being honest, but it will always have a home in my heart; I just think letting it under my skin like that in the first place may have made me feral and prone to biting. Thankfully, I can always happily rotate Fred in my mind until the heat-death of the universe, so that's nice. Anyway, full disclosure: the essay below contains discussion about medical devices, physical trauma, and I am sharing quite a lot of personal negativity about the Kilo-5 trilogy and Karen Traviss. That said, if you'd like to sit in on the length of what I'm about to yell into the sky about all this, you can find it under the cut. I love you.
Welcome to my dissertation.
Section 1 - The Relevant Background:
Equipping Spartans with urinary catheters weeded itself into the Halo universe in the 2011 book Halo: Glasslands, during a conversation between Spartan II Naomi-010 and ODST Mal Geffen. Glasslands was the first in Karen Traviss's Kilo-5 trilogy, and she is both the originator of this, and the only official Halo author or source to have used catheters specifically since. Some context: I don't personally like these books, or their author, or even her reasoning for why she chose to add this. My personal preference doesn't make something 'bad', and I'm not out to hurt any feelings. Kilo-5 isn't a total wash for me, there are some characters and ideas that I'd of otherwise loved to have seen explored through the lens of a different author, but these books felt smothered under Traviss's habit of always injecting her very loud personal voice into the narrative fabric. I think this is something that's fine to do in an original series, but doesn't really belong in an established third party IP. She bangs on about so much of her own narrow worldview and self-assured prejudices across the trilogy that still discussing them today creates division in the fandom, and sadly did a lot of lasting damage to a couple characters. But for the topic here, the dialogue that started all this cath chat came from Naomi-010, having idle conversation with Mal who asks her about bathroom breaks. “I’m catheterized. Another reason why that machine has to be so precisely calibrated. This suit plugs into me in a lot of places.” 'The Machine' she's referring to is a Brokkr assembly, which was introduced to the lore as a large mechanical armature used to get Spartans in and out of MJOLNIR. You can see them in action in cinematics from Halo 4 (+Spartan Ops) and 5.
One single mention, and it was big news. Traviss was naturally interviewed about it because of course she was - people can't help themselves but forget an entire novel and tunnel vision on 'but how pee pee?', and her answer has always irritated me. It's not in what she says, so much as what 'what she says' means in her voice. Traviss didn't answer it directly, but instead talked about how she likes to get into character's heads by addressing the mundane necessity of things that often go overlooked to expand a sense of familiarity with the character and their world. Sounds super reasonable, I know, but don't give her too much credit - that's not a quote. It's just me paraphrasing and honestly I was pretty generous in my wording. Probably because I agree! What bugs me about it, is if you've ever read literally any interview with her, or her personal musings about her writing process, you know there's a bit of an 'honesty' issue there. She's somebody who feels perfectly comfortable ignoring established character voices, traits, or histories to satisfy whatever roles she's reinvented for them, and too many others wind up as mouthpieces. How much are you really challenging yourself in finding characters' voices when most of them are just yours? And the part about familiarity with their world? I giggled a little. She doesn't care about their world, or their aesthetics, or their technology, or their medicine. Because she didn't care about Halo while writing these, and she's not vague about admitting that. It's a matter of pride for her to purposefully refuse to research those things, in the same way she disregarded Star Wars and Gears of War - she doesn't consider the effort to be a valuable part of her process. So instead she'll skim the foundation, gather some recognizable names, pick her targets, and trusts that her personal experiences combined with an outsider perspective will generate better content to seamlessly overwrite what existed. Cool, Karen. Annoying, but why bring all that up? We're here to talk about catheters, right? Well, the fandom for the most part begin and end their assessment of the dialogue at urinary catheters, but the whole quote implies so much more than that - "This suit plugs into me in a lot of places." We're not just dealing with a cath, but apparently with multiple additional external-to-invasive connections. Reader, this dialogue is a plinth to Traviss's bizarre refusal to research not only the franchises she's contracted to write in, but also just into the basic function and hazards of existing concepts that she wants to introduce, and all because she's convinced herself she's done learning about the world. Choosing to ignore the creative freedom of limitless potential in a future of technology that would be basically magic to us today, and instead degrade 529 years of advancement is certainly a take, but it's even more ridiculous to do it with a subject (The Spartan Programme) that is considered to be the peak of advancement in that future's setting. That's clownery, just like her alleged commitment to adjusting her perspective to suit a universe's world.
I want to close out this section with a question: Why is it that writers in the Halo space - both fan and official - cling so tightly to current-day modern concepts as if they'd still be perfectly relevant in 500+ years? Music, for example, apparently suffered a multi-century stagnation in lots of published and fanmade Halo media. Though my partner made a strong counterpoint about this to be fair: we still listen to music composed by Mozart. So there's an argument to be made there. Medicine though. There is way less latitude to embrace the classics there. It's been shown across several games, novels, and films to be sufficiently advanced well beyond anything we're currently capable of or even understand, so why undermine that and choose to drag it centuries backward? For clarity, I am not talking about what might be standard in the public or private sectors, nor the enduring things that'd be used by the public and military alike, like sterile dressings, syringes, supplemental oxygen equipment. Those are the Basics and they will be relevant to us indefinitely. But I'm talking about the UNSC. I'm talking about ONI R&D. I'm talking about Section Three. Retrograding tech and failing to address a necessity that applies to every living person in the Super Soldier Wizardry department makes my mouth flatten into a tight little line.
Section Two - Caths, and why this whole thing got written:
Indwelling urinary catheters, both urethral and suprapubic. There's a laundry list of problems here, but I've distilled it down to the three biggest when suggesting they'd have any safe practical application in Spartans: Care. Activity. Damage. There is unreasonable expectations of care and maintenance for caths with regards to people who can be on operations isolated for months at a time with no support of any kind and are often limited to carrying only what can be kept on their person. The level of extreme physical activity Spartans engage in on any perfectly normal day whether deployed or not is unfit for the stability and safety of a cath. And damage; obvious enough, but with this one I'll be taking a huge emphasis on concussive forces - explosions. Something Spartans are subjected to a lot. I'll be using the height of modern-day catheter quality as a baseline for this, since that's what Traviss felt was sufficient. Regarding Urethral vs Suprapubic, Traviss doesn't specify by name, but Naomi's comment in full reads to me that she's only catheterized temporarily while armoured, hence the assembly needing to be so finely calibrated. Foley caths are temporary urethral caths that would only supplement the urinary process while a person was armoured. Suprapubic caths however are surgically placed devices. They do need routine tube replacement to keep them clean, but unlike the Foley that just serves as an aide measure for an otherwise fully functioning bladder, suprapubic caths are usually placed in people with congenital bladder disfunction, or who've suffered injury or disease that left the bladder in poor health or failure. This type of access will always require a tube in place and this would be the exclusive method of urination - in or out of armour. My Big Three Concerns fit both types similarly, though there is some additional risks associated with urethral caths that I'll cover.
Care: Caring for an invasive cath is a not insignificant effort. They're prone to blockage, kinking, and bacterial growth. They're so frequently responsible for UTIs and kidney stones that these complications are just considered the Standard Fair for having a cath. Their need to be frequently replaced because of their penchant for bacterial growth is the kicker here - whole floral colonies sprout up in caths and can eek their way out into the body through compromised tissue and wreck havoc. They have no self-cleaning mechanism, and steadily deteriorate. Changing and replacing an indwelling cath is a procedure that requires additional supplies that'd have to be carried, and needs to be done in a practiced and clean setting; preferably medical. Granted, there are people who manage the removal and insertion of their own caths at home, but they still need to ensure a clean and safe environment while they do this. A Spartan could never be guaranteed that, nor would it even be wise to consider the vulnerability of removing so much armour to handle it. Modern day caths are recommended to be replaced every 30 days or so, with some models able to be in place for a few months at a time, but that's with constant daily care and cleaning; something that'd be unreasonable for a Spartan to maintain while entrenched who knows where for who knows how long, and without access to replacement medical supplies. Those endurance times between replacements are geared for the average public person who leads an average public life and care for their cath as directed and don't get into fist fights with Sangheili. Needless to say, the endurance time for the same device in a Spartan who leads a wildly different lifestyle probably cuts those times down to a third.
Activity: Modern day caths are designed to offer people the most utility and versatility possible. Both models are available for people who are bed-bound or have extremely limited mobility, as well as for those who are mobile, independent, and live out average lives. With regards to the latter, suprapubics are somewhat more common, if for no other reason than to reduce the Foley's higher risks of induction injury, but modern urethral caths also allow for regular movement and activity with a more reduced chance of becoming dislodged or damaged than they would have had a couple decades ago. But when I say regular activity, I mean going on a walk. Shopping for groceries. Doing basic house chores. Even light exercise and sexual activity can be managed with physician advisement and the appropriate precautions taken. Anytime a Spartan was fielded they'd have to be all the more overly-cautious about Movements Outside of Their Control during confrontations, maneuvers, ambush, environmental or vehicular incidents. Even when things go well there'd be too much risk involved. That said, traumatic decatheterizations happen more frequently than anyone would like, and I'm talking about regular old Joe Everybody. I respond to no less than a dozen of these incidents a year. Both types of catheter are held in place by a bulb balloon that's inflated from a port with around 10-30ccs of saline after the tube enters the bladder (30ccs would be more appropriate for better security of the line). Before removing a cath, the saline is removed to deflate the balloon and the tube is guided out - with a Foley cath, that means being guided out of the urethra. When a Foley cath is traumatically removed, the saline filled balloon - which is like five times wider in diameter than the average 6mm urethra - does a pretty devastating amount of damage on it's way out, penis or vagina; though a penile urethra has significantly more length to damage, and the penile meatus very typically is torn. These incidents run high risk of bladder hematoma as well, which requires urgent surgical intervention. The very worst traumatic decatheterizations I've responded to were all penile and had trauma to external tissue. Ever microwaved a hotdog a little too long?
Damage: How often are Spartans subjected to explosive and other concussive forces? Silly question - answer: a lot and often and unavoidable. And we know they still feel the powerful feedback. Despite shields and dampeners and a self-moderating gel layer, strong inertial forces are still felt through the suits. Across multiple novels we're given details about near misses and blasts, accelerated or uncontrolled falls, rattling their teeth, hampering their vision, hearing, or balance; they've been rendered unconscious and suffered internal injuries. The fact that most of these events don't flat out kill them is a credit to their armour and augmentations. For reference - when a person experiences explosive or concussive force from a distance enough to avoid separation of limbs, bisection, etc, the totality of their injuries can't and won't be seen externally. How they present on the outside is just the tippy tip of the iceburg - it's what's happened to them internally that you need to be concerned about. Cracked or fractured bones, torn musculature, arterial shearing, hollow organ rupture, cardiac and brain tissue bleed, to name some common ones, and this kind of trauma extends to all implanted devices as well. For example, rods and nails and other structural aids or replacements are much more resilient than your organic tissues, and can dislodge when tissues tear or rupture, damaging anything in their way like shrapnel. The fragile little balloon of a catheter will shatter when subjected to even relatively minor explosive force, so to even consider for a moment that this would be a viable piece of equipment for people intended to routinely be involved in explosive environments is beyond willful negligence. That there wouldn't be a better solution to the question of waste management - a necessity for literally all human people who make up the entirety of the Spartan branch, with the infinite funding of ONI R&D seems so stupid to me that I… well, that I wrote this. Because, friends - participating in active warfare is not cath-safe. The kinds of physical demands and forces on Spartan bodies are not cath-safe. The risks will never outweigh the benefits to this. Even while sealed in powered armour and a skinsuit tech layer, the very thought of Section Three engineers or Halsey or anyone involved in the development of MJOLNIR dismissing the glaring obvious failure of Spartans having any kind of externalized invasive devices is so unreasonably negligent that it could only be the brainchild of an author who's convinced that these characters are all actually just psuedo-intelligent government boogiemen who aren't as capable as they claim to be. But No. They are that capable, and they are that intelligent and the fact that they have a bottomless budget and deeply flexible ethics is literally what makes them so dangerous.
So if we have to address this, how do we do it? Apparently there was always an official answer for this. Former Franchise Development Director, creator of the Master Chief**, and extremely racist asshole Frank O'Connor weighed in on this in the same interview, where he almost immediate rejected and denied Traviss's catheterization claim and says that 'this sort of stuff' was the kind of thing he and the other creative heads at Bungie/343i talked and planned about all the time. So how does this work then, because we're invested now. According to 'ol Frankie's elegant input: they just pee freely into the suit. That's it. For clarity, he's talking about the skinsuit and not the MJOLNIR interior proper. He goes on to say that connectivity between body and MJOLNIR at all levels is fully noninvasive, but precise, and that it doesn't matter what kind of body output a Spartan introduces into the suit interior, because a hygienic valve system (??) will scrub it continually and collect all matter for recycling and reintroduction via capillary action powered by movement. It's not clear in what layers or intermediaries these mechanisms occupy, he doesn't break it down more than that. But that's the answer, and it did exist back when Traviss was penning Kilo-5.
Is this answer better than haphazardly plugging extension cords from actual organ systems into MJOLNIR interior? Yes. Like, leagues better by comparison, but also I still think it sucks. To me anyway. It's flat out gross as hell, which definitely fits the personal brand of a man who proudly overfed his cat and called himself "Stinkles", but also it just doesn't strike me as the kind of design strategy ONI would pursue for any of their assets. Beside it just being 100% torn from Dune's stillsuits, it's also missing that special brand of proprietary Section Three je ne sais quoi. There's layers upon layers of too-specialized equipment installed into these people for everything else, why skip this? A body function that should have been Point 3 on a 50 point list of 'stuff to manage'. Also though? It's a lot of freedom. This is just another easy opportunity to add yet another layer of dependence. Spartans are expensive equipment. It doesn't do to give them any fewer reasons to think they can ever walk away.
So anyway, I figured I'd take a crack at it. I came up with this while editing the last two paragraphs: [Waste management] - a fully internalized collection and processing device - lets say a cybernetic implantation - that entirely replaces the bladder. It has bio-organic lumens that interconnect it to the GI and Hepatic organs. The implant assists in accelerating the processing of gathering and refining waste materials with the help of nanobots that identify and redirect waste along the lumens of each system, plus they keep the implant clean and free of bad flora. All twice-processed waste gets refined a lot quicker and any water by-product of the process is refined and redistributed back to the organs along the lumens. None of the refined water is removed from the body for drinking, because that's an unnecessary step; it's already inside. (Drinking water would be the responsibility of a suit system more likely - like, sweat leeching in the skinsuit; refine, filtrate, purify, collect into a reservoir, and jettison the excess sodium. ) There is no 'extraction of other viable nutrient' from the remainder, it's been twice identified as waste. It gets catabolized and consumed by the nanobots as a fuel source, and no externalized waste is created at all while the Spartan is geared up. The implant doesn't always run like this - it only engages this way when the Spartan is wearing MJOLNIR, and when they're not, it just works like an out-of-the-box bladder. The intermittence of usage lets the organic organs truck along as usual, preventing risk of atrophy, and the Spartan can just use a bathroom like everyone else. I'm not a bioengineer, but I do like sci fi and I think all that sounds like something that'd be possible in this sandbox. And that's the real fun of it, isn't it? There's no way anyone today can anticipate what sort of gadgetry might be available 500+ years from now, especially in a fictional universe that includes military tech hybridized with reverse engineered alien tech.
I think it's fascinating when writers and artists shake loose and really grab the reins, and I love seeing the fruit of that labour in this particular tumblr community so often. We're not a huge Halo circle, but we're a passionate one, and if this essay leaves you with nothing else, I hope it will at least remind you to Go For It when you're writing your next fic or drawing your next piece, or composing, or sewing, or printing, or anything!
In Conclusion: Rest easy, friends.
Despite Traviss's word and even books that went to print, the official canon is that Spartans are not catheterized. If that's a bummer for anyone, canon can't stop you from writing whatever you want, but I do hope maybe you'll remember my reasoning for why it might not be the best idea? At least not for armoured Spartans. A Spartan, but they're laid up in hospital? Any non-Spartan personnel? Maybe you're writing in the public sector, a colony world or vessel? Sure - I'll bet caths are still plenty widely used. Why not? They're a blissfully simple and useful effective piece of equipment. It's just all about adjusting and adapting for practicality. Medical science, like any technology, adapts and evolves infinitely as we learn and discover new things. Treatments or drug algorithms I'd of used just last year have already undergone changes, and protocols are amended constantly. It's why a person 'practices' medicine; why a scientist is always a student. If questions like this or similar really need answering in your next work, remember: Give yourself the credit you deserve, and embrace the spirit of invention. Let my Cyber Bladder, by Sparklets be the candle in the window for you!
You may all retrieve your keys from the bowl and unsilence your phones. Stay safe and please text me when you get home. Thank you. ' u ' **Addendum: Former Bungie Creative Art Director Marcus Lehto is in fact the person who is most associated with the creation of the Master Chief.**
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kassycreations · 3 months
Sally Starlet and the Moon (A Welcome Home Theory)
Welcome Home has invaded my every waking thought and as a result, I've been thinking about a lot of things. One of these things being Home's thespian; Sally Starlet.
Sally is apparently one of the characters the fandom has headcannoned and theorized to be self aware along with Wally and now Eddie. I didn't know this but now it's one of the many, many things I think about. I understand it completely, the character whose character revolves around being an actress and needing to follow a script and things like that. Personally, I like to imagine all the Neighbors are self-aware and it works like a scale or something. But, that's not what I'm talking about right now. Let's talk about Sally and her big head!
In Ms. Starlet's character bio, it mentions how she needs two or more puppeteers to operate her head. This is because her head was much larger than the other puppets. This is not elaborated on why this was necessary, so that could only mean one thing; the reason is plot relevant!
I've never really seen anyone question why Sally needed multiple people to puppet her and, I can see why. There's really not that much incentive to question why that'd be the case. Aside from the Halloween story book record, Sally doesn't do much to stand out storywise which makes sense, we are still in the prologue after all. That is until you pay close attention to her and realize... she's always facing the audience.
Take a look at these screenshots of Sally from the commercial compliation
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Notice anything?
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Anything at all?
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She's always facing us. This is a theater thing I learned in my theater arts class; when on stage, you must always be facing your audience. They can't view you from the side, they always have to see your face. For Sally, this makes sense. She's into theater, she's an actress so why wouldn't she do this? Why wouldn't she face her audience? I'll tell you why! She shouldn't know she has an audience.
Not only does this add onto the self aware Sally theory, but, this is also where my theory came from.
We all know what Sally's house looks like, right?
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It was a Sun and Moon on it which looks slightly similar to Sally's face; red nose, rosy cheeks and blue eyeshadow. It's just that the blue eye shadow is on the moon side. Obviously, this is supposed to be Sally's face. However we don't get to see the moon side of it. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist, though.
My theory with Sally as to why her head is so big, why she needed multiple people to puppeteer, and why she always faces the audience is because she has a moon on the back of her head. Her head was so big because it needed to fit essentially another prop. She always faces the audience not only because of that one theater rule I mentioned but because we as the audience aren't allowed to see the moon side yet. Spoilers, basically. It's like how she's gatekeeping the guestbook submissions because we're not supposed to use them yet.
Side Note; I like how all the characters that are aware currently are all on the guestbook page. Barnaby is somewhere in the middle of not being aware and being aware though so I don't know if he counts.
Another thing I like to think that sort of adds to the theory is color theory. Orange is Sally's favorite color and the one she as well as the sun sometimes is associated with. Blue is the opposite of orange as well is often associated with the moon.
The idea of Sally having another face on the back of her head is really interesting to think about. Mostly because of the ideas of how would the other Neighbors react to it. Like, were they all scared slightly when they first saw it? How long would it have taken them to adapt?
But, anyway, tell me what you think about this theory and if you have any theories about Ms. Sally Starlet.
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tavyliasin · 5 months
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Welcome to Tavylia Sin's Tumblr
This is your guide to my content and links to all of my most relevant posts and content! Please peruse at your leisure~
I'm going to keep updated links here to my posts, sorted by topic, which honestly it's 50% just for me so I stop forgetting what I've done! Please be aware that most of my content is unsuitable for minors, but I will be marking posts as SFW or NSFW as well as even those 18+ may prefer to filter content which is completely valid, so I'd like to give you that choice. Please use the titles to skim down to what you're looking for! The list in order of appearance: - Abdirak Cameo for Chronic Pain Pals - Essays and Fandom Discussions - Community Posts and Events - AO3 FanFic Directory and About Me - Character Comfort Shorts - Drabbles and Short Fics on Tumblr - Full Chapter FanFic on Tumblr - Ask Box Responses - Other Posts/Misc Side Blogs If you'd prefer reblogs of the works grouped into types: @atavsguide has all of the ongoing longfic ATG, A Tav's Guide. @tavyliaonlyfics is home to all other fanfic and one shots. @tavyliasinessays hosts the essays and thought pieces. @sins-of-the-dragon will house any Dragon Age posts I make (less common but I love DA too) @lostplotbunniesbg3 is a place to send all of your loose fic ideas to find new homes, or to find new ideas to write your own fics.
The Declan/Abdirak Cameo for Everyone Who Suffers Chronic Pain (SFW)
This one was crowd funded by a few Abdirak fans, who tend to have a deeper understanding of pain. Please feel free to share this post to anyone who might need to hear it.
Essays and Discussions Around Characters and Fandom
These are all deeper examinations on characters, story, fandom, and the ways we connect to those characters~
The Abdirak Essay - Fandom, Pain, and Loviatar's Love (Some Mild NSFW References)
A discussion around how Abdirak helps us to relate to pain, chronic pain, and each other, with a vague discussion around why pain can be pleasurable in kink.
Raphael - Archduke of Asexuals (Mostly SFW)
A look at how Raphael is actually a potential representative of Asexuality in the game, and how those under the Asexual umbrella relate to him - and each other - through this representation.
Villain-Fucker Angst Hours aka The Appeal of Raphael and Villains in General (Some NSFW References)
A general examination of the appeal of villains as romance options, with a focus on Raphael in particular.
The Highs and Lows of Being A Fandom Creative (SFW)
How our moods and confidence levels follow the same cycle, from starting a new work, to posting it, to feedback, and how to deal with those low points when a lack of feedback feels too painful to bear. Not BG3 exclusive, covers all kinds of creative things in any fandom.
Body Positivity and Representation in BG3 and Fandom (SFW)
A discussion - very much open to other experiences and backgrounds - around the importance of representation and the positivity that can be found in fan creations and in the game itself.
Tagging and Censoring FanWorks (NSFW)
A look at what kinds of content needs tagging and why we tag content in the first place. Also a brief discussion on censoring topics.
Curating Fandom Experience Online (Mostly SFW)
An overview of the online spaces we have access to for fandom, and how we can best look out for ourselves and each other when using them.
Beta Reading Guide for Readers and Writers (SFW)
A guide for new beta readers and writers to seek and give useful feedback in order to make fic writing the best it can be.
Community Posts and Events
This is where you'll find events that I am hosting, or have hosted in the past.
Discord Server I own and run the creative focused fandom server: The House of Hopeful Sinners - see link post for details
Advice on setting up a Discord Server for Fandom (Based on HOHS layout and tools)
Active No Active Events
Past Events and Collections
April Foolishness - Comedy Smut Event (NSFW) Baldur's Date Collection NSFW (NSFW) Baldur's Date Collection SFW (SFW) TaValentine's Day Collection (NSFW) GaleCord - Gale-ntines Collection (NSFW)
GaleCord Secret Santa Collection (NFSW)
Baldur's Date Open Creative Challenge! Artists, Writers, Creators of All Kinds! (18+ Only) (But there is an SFW side of the event)
AO3 FanFic Directory & About The Author
This has a whole lot about me, what I do, and what I aim to write, but if you'd just like the Works Directory then these are the links you need Each directory contains links to the individual works on AO3 as well as a brief summary of the piece and word count.
Carrd - Main Page and Contacts (General links and info) Carrd - Ongoing Series Directory (ATG and Scent of Cinnamon) Carrd - One Shot Directory (Standalone Stories)
Character Comfort Shorts
Short fanfiction pieces designed to feel comforting to a reader in some way or another. Some are specific to pains (eg, Migraine) but others are more general for any suffering (physical or psychological). They're generally written in 2nd person (you/your pronouns) and are gender neutral.
Abdirak - Migraine Comfort Yurgir - Migraine Comfort Tav - General Comfort, with Audio Multi-Character Comfort Drabbles (Astarion, Halsin, Abdirak, Raphael, Haarlep, bonus from Tavylia)
Please feel free to make requests for these in my ask box, and I will add more as I write more too.
Drabbles and Short Fics on Tumblr
A selection of short fanfic pieces, each of these is the full piece on Tumblr.
Raphael and/or Haarlep Brat Raphael and Haarlep (NSFW) Haarlep x Non-Gendered Reader/Writer (Mild NSFW) Haarlep x f!Tav x Brat Raphael (NSFW) "Raphael is Bad in Bed" Raphael x f!Tav (NSFW) Haarlep x Raphael x f!Tav (NSFW) Haarlep x Non-Gendered Writer 2 (2nd Person, mild NSFW) Haarlep Won't Let Lia Sleep (SFW, mostly.) Raphael is a Party Favour (NSFW) Raphael and Haarlep on Fiendmas Eve (NSFW) Raphael and Haarlep Drabbles (NSFW) Haarlep x m!OC Soft Drabble (Mild NSFW) Dom and Sub Raphael (NSFW) Falling for You - Soft Raphael/Haarlep (Mild NSFW) Forbidden Papers - Raphael/Haarlep (Mild NSFW) Devil Gets His Due - DomBottom Raphael/m!Tav (NSFW) Haarlep Angst Short - The Price Of You (Mild NSFW) Raph/Haarl Angst Short - All That We Hide (NSFW) Haarlep x GN Tav - Speak of the Devil... (NSFW)
Gale Dom!Gale x f!Tav (NSFW) Dom Professor Gale x AFAB Reader (2nd Person, NSFW) Dom!Gale x Non-Gendered Reader (Mild NSFW) Dom!Gale x Non-Gendered Reader 2 (Mild NSFW) Switch!Professor Gale x Non-Gendered Assistant (NSFW) God!Gale Angst (Mostly SFW)
Halsin Halsin x Reader (2nd Person Short, Not Gendered, SFW) Dom!Halsin x f!Tav (NSFW) Halsin x GN Reader - Flu Comfort (SFW)
Others Volo x Tav (Cursed, NSFW, Non-Gendered Tav) Shadowheart x AFAB NonBinary Tav (NSFW) Daggers and Gods, Shadowheart x Lae'zel (mild NSFW) Drabble Selection Assorted Characters (NSFW) Durgetash Trans Gortash x NonBinary Durge (NSFW) Gortash x m!Tav (NSFW)
These pieces are often warmups, and sometimes from prompts. I use them as a fun exercise to get going before working on longer chapter pieces.
Full Chapter FanFiction on Tumblr
Complete FanFics available to read in their entirety on Tumblr, no need to go to any external links! Series titles are links to the AO3 collections for the series, individual works chapters link only to those works.
ATG Chapters are reposted on @atavsguide Nothing else is on that side blog just FULL chapters of ATG so I won't list them here too.
The Book Of Loviatar
This series centres on Abdirak and He Who Was. It started as a single one shot that got out of hand, and became so much more. This is the heavy BDSM series so please do not go in expecting only some cuffs and a light whipping. Every chapter has the CWs.
Pain and Penance (NSFW) Suffering and Serenity (NSFW) Agony and Adoration (NSFW)
The Scent of Cinnamon
A series focusing on the relationship between Raphael and Haarlep from the time they first met up to the events of the game.
The Scent of Cinnamon Tumblr Masterlist (NSFW)
Coming Soon
BG3 FicFeb Challenges (some SFW some NSFW)
Daily writing prompts, posted on AO3 and on my main Tumblr here. I will make a link summary compilation post later to go here~
One Shot Fics
A Feast Fit For A Fiend (NSFW) Raphael, Haarlep, and Tav
Iron Flowers Never Wilt (SFW) Barcus Wroot and Zevlor
Above Him, Down Below (NSFW) Yurgir and Gender Neutral Reader
All We Cannot Have (Mostly SFW) Halsin x f!Tav, Angst/Emotional
The Meaning of Pain (Mostly SFW) Wyll and Abdirak discuss pain's purposes.
Learning to Dance on Hot Coals (NSFW) Wyll x Haarlep
More Coming Soon
Ask Box Responses
A collection of responses to things that have landed in my Ask inbox! Please feel free to send some in if you like~
NSFW Alphabet - Raphael and Haarlep (NSFW, Obviously) Raphael and Haarlep Works (Nov 2023, NSFW) Raphael and Haarlep Turn On/Offs (NSFW) Raphael, Haarlep, and Jealousy (Headcanons, NSFW) Raphael and Haarlep Modern AU (Headcanons, NSFW) Why isn't Raphael at The Druid Camp (Headcanons, SFW) Raphael Jealous of Tav and Yurgir? (NSFW) Raphael Jealous of Tav and Yurgir? Pt2 (NSFW)
I'll try to get to these relatively quickly if I can!
Other Posts
Headcanons and Misc that don't fit anywhere else~
Tavylia's Raphael/Haarlep Headcanons (NSFW) Fandom Positivity Discussion (SFW) Cerudinae's Art of The Halloween Special (NSFW) Prequel Sample and Haarlep's "True" Form (Mild NSFW) Festive Cards from the BG3 Characters (Mild NSFW) Raphael and Haarlep Lia Fic Links Jan 2024 (NSFW) Tavylia's Top Ten Writing Tunes (SFW) Lia's New PFP by JuicieBox (SFW) Haarlep vs Harleep - A Silly Look At Spelling (SFW)
So there's a nice little mix of things, and more will be added! I didn't link every reblog or short post, just the more interesting ones.
This list will be pinned and updated with new posts to keep a good log because Lia has such bad memory she can't remember half of what she has written or where~
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hero-in-waiting · 8 months
20 questions game
thanks very much for tagging me @wonkyelk and @esteefee
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,290,753, which averages to 15k a fic which tracks for me
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stargate Atlantis, primarily, currently Top Gun has a hold on me. Daredevil, 911
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
oh poor atlas, the worlds a beast of a burden
five dates that don't work out for buck and one that does
How To Romance An Astrophysicist
A Family Affair
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do my best and usually fail. I get stuck in my own head about it, and then have bursts of YES I CAN. I really need to go back and finish it.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Honestly Hold A Stranger, my Nancy/John fic? Idk. I don't tend to do sad endings bc im a little baby
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All? Maybe? Atlas has independent Atlantis so that's always a perk.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten one or two here or there. I'm a delete and forget kinda girl
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Sometimes! If I feel like it or it fits the scene.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I love a good crossover. Right now I'm posting a 911/Pacific Rim fusion, and I wrote a Old Guard/SGA crossover that I love.
The craziest would have to be my Battleship/The Sentinel AU
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Doubt it
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Don't think so but anyones welcome to!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Nope, but I'd always be down to try.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
McShep, i love them so much.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have a 123k time travel fic that i adore but the 123k, in retrospect, feels like a solid foundation and it probabaly needs to be split up and like have 200k more added and its just....SO MUCH
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I do really really good plots, that are different and unique
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I sometimes think my dialogue can come across as Same between characters and it's something I'm working on. Also, pacing sometimes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't mind it, I just...I feel like if its plot relevant and it's something the reader needs to know then it can get a little dicey?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter way back in like 2003 on Livejournal
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I'm really proud of Impetus forever. It's just so well done in my opinion.
I also really fucking love my Betray The Moon series bc i threaded the plot through 4 different stories. And also love what I did with the magic. in that series.
Guide You Home forever.
Reboot was super super fun
The Doctor and the Sheppard bc I made John a Pegasus native and I think I made it work!
tagging: anyone who wants it bc i think a lot of people have already done this
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itz-scira55 · 3 months
[ welcome, please read before following!!! ]
☆ hey hiya, my name is of course Scira but you can call me Sci, Ira, or Leni! (which ever's the easiest for ya :D) she/they, indigenous and gemini with a special fondness for space aesthetics (mainly stars and galaxies but also things like astronomy as well), meaningful storytelling in art, and post-punk darkwave.
this here's my first tumblr blog since 2015 and currently home to my shenanigans, mainly my art and fanfictions but also a few of my other interests as well.
i s'pose you could say i'm a 'lil old-fashioned, having grown up right alongside tumblr in the dinosaur days of the internet (2010-2018). ^^; i'm neurodivergent, a little more on the private side, and my social skills aren't the best, but do know that i try my absolute hardest and that i appreciate all of y'all for being patient with me!
in terms of fandoms, i'm multi, with some of my major ones being kinda old and/or obscure:
~ Titanfall/Apex Legends
~ Overwatch
~ Red Dead Revolver/Redemption
~ Avatar (yes the blue people lol)
~ Transformers
~ Outlast
~ Sailor Moon
~ Gojira/Godzilla
~ Steven Universe
~ Naruto (...it's complicated ok?)
~ Pokémon
~ My Hero Academia
~ She-Ra And The Princesses Of Power
~ Horror (mostly games and movies)
i will take the opportunity real quick to warn you guys that i plan on posting mostly OC and OC/Canon stuff, so if that's not your tea than this might not be the place for you and that's alright! i don't personally believe in cringe culture and at the end of the day, i come here to relax with my blorbos and have fun, hopefully you understand.
another warning, while i'm at it;
i tend to delve into alot of edgier and more profound themes with my work, whether that be my art, my characters, my writing, or my media analyses. as such, i like to explore various AU's and come up with a bajillion headcanons for my favorite characters. sometimes, these concepts may involve gore or body horror to tell certain stories. i don't shy away from those things but i do try my best to respect them as plot devices or symbolism when possible.
i'm currently trying my best to be active on most social media platforms but i am kinda rusty and am mainly just trying to get into the business of actually sharing my art for the first time since highschool haha feel free to offer me any kind of feedback on how i can improve or just pop in to say hello! if you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read through everything! it's nice to meet you, hopefully you enjoy your stay~! ☆
Xbox Gamertag: itz sciraaa (active on most days)
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