#welcome to posting silo hours
ripplestitchskein · 3 months
I will never understand the “Me sharing my anti opinion in the main tags is more important than other’s enjoyment”. Mindset
It’s very much showing up at a party where everyone is having a good time, not liking the theme and then standing in the center of the room screaming about how much you hate it.
The person I confronted this morning about it was basically “I am allowed” and “You can keep scrolling” and “it’s just one post”.
People are allowed to be an asshole in a variety of ways everyday, the choice to not be is what makes the difference.
I can keep scrolling, of course I can, but the point of using the tag is that I’m scrolling through what I wanted to see. I specifically chose to scroll through that tag to see it. By putting your anti shit in it people have no way to escape an opinion they specifically chose to not see. It’s a pretty good consent metaphor, people consented to one thing, they declare that consent by using a tag to indicate that’s what they want. Now someone is deliberately ignoring that and forcing themselves into a space they are not welcome or wanted. Tags are a boundary, and part of a social contract you are choosing to ignore, for what?
It’s just one post. But it’s not? It’s multiple a day. You are contributing to an overarching problem. So while we are just trying to see speculations and theories and fun art and angsty head canons about what we’re enjoying we have multiple people a day coming in for no other reason than to ruin that enjoyment.
You are of course welcome to your opinion, and sharing it, but there are tags so that people who enjoy anti and critical content and want to be heard can enjoy it and be heard, and there are tags where people who enjoy pro content and want to find likeminded people can enjoy it and find their people. It’s the entire reason Tumblr is a great community building space and superior in my opinion to other social platforms.
Tumblr is not Twitter or Instagram, the tag system allows people to curate their experience so they don’t have to see content they don’t want to. That’s what the tags are for, so they can enjoy themselves and not be siloed or forced to find people through endless hours of scrolling thorough things they don’t care about. You don’t get more engagement by rage farming on Tumblr. There is no benefit to doing so. It is an entirely malicious action.
It’s not in anyway equivalent in seriousness but if you wouldn’t post triggering content in a trigger warning tag why would you post anti content in a pro tag? They are the same base behavior.
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In the AU where unicron is optimus father what would happen if the kids were harmed or in a dangerous situation thanks to unicron resulting in the response of the optimus and the rest of the autobots
More pain for my lovely boy. This is going to be complete angst so to make sure Prime gets some comfort eventually, I am going to make an additional two parts for this in different posts.
A Father's Wrath
After months of watching Optimus be ignored and feared by his own team, the bots Optimus had come to see as family, Unicron grew angered. The chaos god understood their initial fear, but as he watched his only creation wallow and slowly fall to loneliness, his patience wore thin. This was his son, his glorious creation who had lowered himself to protect and care for Primus's lesser spawn, and now said spawn were rejecting that kindness. It was despicable.
The chaos god tried to reign in his anger for Optimus's sake. If nothing else the human vermin that had taken up residence on his frame were there to support his wayward creation. But days turned to weeks, and weeks into months until at last Unicron could take it no longer. One day after Optimus had struggled in vain to try and speak to any of his team only to be promptly ignored, Unicron at last snapped.
In a fit of rage, Unicron transferred power over to his creation unknowingly, causing Optimus to once again fall to the ground in agony as his frame rearranged itself to make up for the surplus of power. It was unintentional on Unicron's part, but as Optimus flailed and screamed, the waves of power emanating from him struck the children and the team. The team grew ill, most purging on the spot as Optimus pulled himself together and stood on shaky pedes, his spark once again exposed. But the children... they did not fare nearly as well.
They collapsed and convulsed. Jack became violently ill, throwing up as blood leaked from his eyes and ears. Miko started having a seizure that very nearly stopped her breathing altogether. And Rafael screamed and clawed at his face as the worst migraine he had ever gotten assaulted him. Before Optimus could do anything, Fowler was called in and the children were taken away for immediate hospitalization. The team left in Vehicle mode and parked in the hospital parking lot to keep a general optic on the children for fear that they might die while Optimus remained at base.
Left completely and utterly alone, Optimus cried. His frame once again shattered so thoroughly could not shed tears even if he tried, but the mixed dark and normal energon that leaked from his armor was enough of a testament to his grief. Otherworldly cries and wails echoed throughout the abandoned missile silo for hours as Optimus wept, hating himself and everything he was in that moment. The Matrix thrummed within him, trying to calm him and comfort its chosen bearer in its own odd way, but Optimus only composed himself nearly a day after being left alone to drown in his guilt. By the time the team came back, Optimus was no longer crying, but he was frantic for answers.
Optimus: The children, are they well?
Ratchet: *refusing to look at him*...
Optimus: Please, tell me their conditions!
Ratchet: *turning to leave* ...
Optimus: *grabbing his arm to keep him still* I can endure this silence no longer! Tell me what has befallen the children!
Ratchet: *snarling and ripping his arm away* They live, no thanks to you.
Optimus: Ratchet-
Ratchet: Save it! If this incident has proven anything, it is that you are dangerous, too dangerous to be kept near.
Optimus: Wait!
Ratchet: We are done. Take what you need and leave. You are no longer welcome here.
Optimus: Please don't do this-!
Ratchet: LEAVE!
The dooming declaration hung in the air as Optimus stopped dead in his tracks, the blazing motes of light that served as his optics flickering and wavering. His outstretched servo shook and his exposed spark pulsed in shock and horror. He looked at the rest of the team, desperate for it to be some cruel joke or perhaps a mistake. But as he met the fierce gazes of each of his former team, he knew the truth.
They feared him, and they wanted him gone.
The only one who didn't meet his pleading gaze was Bumblebee who instead opted to look away, unable to watch as Optimus was sent away. The Prime shook and energon leaked from his frame in his own version of tears as he sputtered in vain. However after a moment of silence, Optimus shuddered, turned away, and began gathering the few items he would take with him. He did not want to strip his family of anything important, after all, they still had a war to win. So all the Prime took was the few personal accessories he brought with him to earth, a singular first aid kit, and a whetstone for his in built blades.
He looked back pleadingly one last time as the ground bridge was fired up and prepared to send him halfway across the country. But as he was met with only cold and frigid glares by most, he tore his gaze away and said only one sentence before stepping through.
Optimus: If this is what you wish of me, I will honor it... but let it be known that I never intended for this to happen.
Optimus: ...
Optimus: I'm sorry.
He stepped through and the groundbridge closed behind him the moment he was out of sight. As soon as Optimus was gone, the team sighed collectively, not out of relief like they expected to, but out of grief for what they had done. But despite those feelings, they did not call Optimus back and instead each took time to themselves to think over the matter.
Arcee had been the one to hate Optimus most adamantly after the reveal, but as she lay in her berth, she found herself sorrowful. Optimus had been nothing but kind to her, caring for her and showing her the utmost sympathy and respect after the losses of her partners. He never yelled, he never harmed her, and he even willingly took hits for her more times than she could count. He was Unicron's creation, but he was the kindest mech she had ever met. She hated to admit it, but laying there after he left, she cried and tried to tell herself that it was for the best.
Bulkhead and Wheeljack were both very torn when it came to the matter of Optimus. Both respected him and looked up to him, even after the reveal they wanted to serve under him as they always had. After all, wreckers don't judge a mech so long as he does good. But with how dangerous he had proven to be, in their minds they could not afford to accept the risk that he posed, not when the children were in their care. As much as they loathed sending their Prime away, to them it was only right. It was what good wreckers would do...
Ratchet despised himself the moment he saw the look on Optimus's face after he ordered him to leave. He wished more than anything to take back those words, but his spark... his spark screamed in terror whenever his old friend looked at him. The sight of Optimus's blazing form and the feeling of his sickening spark waves washing over him were engraved into his memory. He couldn't look at Optimus the same way, not after all he had seen since Unicron's near awakening. He wanted to believe that what he was doing was right, that he was sending away a monster that had posed as Cybertronian like some sleeper agent for millions of years. But the pain in Optimus's glowing optics... it made Ratchet regret.
No monster could have looked so betrayed and so very broken at being sent away.
As for Bumblebee? He was left in a state of internal conflict. Much like Ratchet, he was terrified of his Sire's true form and nature, but like Arcee, he couldn't just ignore the fact that he had only ever been met with love and care from Optimus. The Prime had raised him, taken care of him, fought for him, and never once done a thing to harm him. Bumblebee wanted to think that he was cutting off a parasite or getting rid of a spy when he blocked off his bond with Optimus. But as he watched his Sire leave the base for what was likely the last time, Bumblebee felt empty and more alone than every before.
He had betrayed his Sire on every level and his spark knew it...
The children were not allowed back to base for over a week afterward as they recovered. Thankfully they did not suffer any serious damage and healed quickly. But upon entering base for the first time since the incident and seeing Bumblebee issuing orders instead of Optimus, they grew concerned. Immediately they tried to ask what had happened in their absence only to be met with silence from Fowler and June. Even when they turned to the team for answers, the bots simply dodged their questions, eventually up and lying by saying that Optimus was taking a few days to himself because he felt guilty.
The children were suspicious as pit, especially once they noticed the lack of avatars from Unicron and the mysterious disappearance of Optimus's plants, but they accepted it. The reasoning seemed plausible with Optimus's personality... so they waited.
Every day after school the children asked about Optimus. Bulkhead and Wheeljack only met their queries with guilty gazes and did their best to dodge the question. Arcee outright told the children to leave her alone every time they tried to talk with her about the absent Prime, only further rousing their suspicions. Ratchet straight up wouldn't even look at the children and tended to wander off muttering something whenever they tried going to him. And so lastly, after an additional week of prodding and begging for answers, Bumblebee stepped up as leader and gave them.
Jack: Where's Optimus? I know you said he was taking some time off, but it's been nearly two weeks!
Miko: It isn't like him!
Rafael: Optimus is always working and never takes breaks. Did something happen to him?
Bumblebee: ...
Rafael: Bee?
Bumblebee: For your safety, Optimus Prime has been stripped of his badge and exiled for harming innocents, associating with the enemy, and traitorous behavior.
The children: What!?!
The children were distraught but could do nothing once the truth was revealed. They could only make a fuss and give the team the silent treatment in retribution. The team did not take Optimus's absence and the children's reactions well... and neither did the Prime even with the distance between them.
Optimus set up camp in his alt-mode once his frame had healed from the power burst. He hid out in an old garage on some farmstead where a human male and his daughter lived. He stayed undercover for nearly a week in his alt-mode, both to allow his frame to recover and to wallow. He was absolutely spark broken at being sent away and most of his time in alt-mode was spent lamenting his losses.
But the Matrix has never been one to allow its bearer to remain inactive for long, and it swiftly pushed Optimus to move, to do something. As such Optimus resolved himself and left his makeshift base of operations with one goal in mind.
He would continue to fight for his Autobots, weather they wanted him to or not.
Unicron tried to reach out to his creation multiple times during the whole fiasco, but Optimus ignored him, angry at his father for destroying the delicate balance he had forged with his team. As such Optimus went at his work alone, using his remaining access to Autobot codes and signatures to track down his old team to assist where he could.
He would not stand idly by, not while Megatron still lurked.
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kp777 · 4 months
By Jessica Corbett
Common Dreams
June 3, 2024
"We have an opportunity for 18 months to organize, to take out the oil and gas industry," said one environmental leader during a Sanders Institute event in Vermont.
"Now is the time to go for the jugular. Now is the time to kill the fossil fuel industry, because we don't have another chance at survival after this."
That's what Jamie Minden, senior director of global organizing for the youth-led group Zero Hour, told the audience Saturday during The Sanders Institute Gathering, in Burlington, Vermont. The three-day event featured panel discussions on various topics and a few screenings, including the trailer for The Welcome Table, Josh Fox's forthcoming documentary about climate refugees.
"In order to win, we need to go on the offensive," said Minden, "because defense has not been working."
Playing offense against the incredibly powerful and well-funded fossil fuel industry requires growing the movement and seizing political opportunities to implement lifesaving policies, according to experts and organizers who participated in a series of panels focused on the climate crisis.
One of those opportunities that campaigners are already gearing up for is the January 2025 expiration of tax cuts signed into law in December 2017 by then-President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for the November election.
Speaking alongside Minden on the livestreamed panel, Friends of the Earth (FOE) president Erich Pica described the looming fight as a "Tax Super Bowl" that will take place shortly before the next president is sworn in. The climate movement is organizing aggressively to show just how much U.S. consumers and taxpayers are being ripped off by the greed of the fossil fuel giants that enjoy massive federal subsidies and enormous tax breaks despite the "eye-popping" profits they post year after year.
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"We know that there will be a tax bill that, if it is not passed, will end up increasing taxes on all individual Americans. And so we have an opportunity for 18 months to organize, to take out the oil and gas industry," Pica said.
Trump in April made a reported quid pro quo offer to fossil fuel executives: Pour just $1 billion into his current campaign, and he will repeal climate policies implemented under Democratic President Joe Biden, who is seeking reelection.
Pica pointed out that Big Oil—which has benefited from federal tax breaks since the Revenue Act of 1913—could profit handsomely by taking Trump up on his offer, if the Republican returns to the White House. In an analysis published last month, FOE Action found that the industry fueling the climate emergency could see an estimated $110 billion in tax breaks alone if Republicans get their way.
Throughout the weekend, multiple panelists highlighted the End Polluter Welfare Act recently reintroduced by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)—whose wife Jane O'Meara Sanders and son Dave Driscoll co-founded the Sanders Institute. The legislation aims to close tax loopholes and end corporate handouts to the fossil fuel industry, and the sponsors estimate it would save American taxpayers up to $170 billion over a decade.
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The bill's reintroduction last month was "an important step," said Joseph Geevarghese, executive director of Our Revolution, an organization that grew out of the senator's 2016 presidential campaign. "The thing is, we need a movement and a strategic opportunity to be able to get that policy over the finish line."
Some panelists argued that the moment is now, but the movement must expand beyond what Rev. Lennox Yearwood, president and CEO of the Hip Hop Caucus, said is, "at this time, a siloed, segregated, progressive climate movement."
Americans are not only "dying because of the climate crisis" but also paying fossil fuel companies "to kill us," Yearwood told the audience. "Their business plan literally means a death sentence for our communities."
"The issue on taxation," he explained, "allows us to once again broaden our movement, allows us to go to Republicans, go to Democrats, to go to Independents, and go across this country... and say simply: 'Your tax dollars are going to go to those who are rich and are killing our communities. Do you want that?'"
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Another way to grow the movement is to include communities—especially those historically represented in politics by Big Oil beneficiaries—in the global green transition.
On the Gathering's opening night, which was also livestreamed, Sierra Club executive director Ben Jealous, also a Sanders Institute fellow, spoke about recently visiting a plant where workers make solar panels in the district of far-right Congresswoman Majorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), a major Trump ally.
While touring the Hanwha Qcells solar facility in Dalton, Jealous asked about a wall of drawings and paintings. He learned that they were created for Earth Day last year by children of the employees, who were asked to portray "how they see their parents working at this factory."
"In maybe the most, arguably the most conservative congressional district in America," workers' children "portrayed their parents as heroes saving the planet," he said. "The kids in that district get that we need solar panels, get that we got to work together to save this planet. There's reason to be hopeful."
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The plant's South Korean company has been able to grow because of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) that congressional Democrats passed and Biden signed in 2022. While members of the climate movement have long framed the law as a flawed but still historic package in terms of tackling the planetary emergency, with the general election mere months away, speakers at the Gathering stressed the need to showcase such progress to voters nationwide.
"We really do have to take those moments when something happens and claim it. And partly that means in this election being willing to say how important that IRA was," said panelist and Sanders Institute fellow Bill McKibben, who founded Third Act, which organizes elders for climate advocacy.
"Was it perfect? Not even close… but it was in some other sense, remarkable," he continued. "We've got to actually talk about that enough that people understand it. And truthfully, we don't… Certainly, the Democratic Party does not a good job of talking about those things in those ways."
Also pointing to the Georgia solar plant, McKibben added that "one of the things that's really brilliant about the IRA is that the bulk of the money is going to red state America to do this work, which is not something that we're used to anymore in our country... people being willing to do anything other than support their own supporters. And it's a remarkable possibility for a kind of political healing going forward."
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No matter the outcomes of the upcoming U.S. congressional and presidential elections, climate campaigners are committed to the fight against fossil fuels. As Pica put it, "I think we have to wage the fight regardless."
"The oil and gas industry has been operating with impunity for over a hundred years," the FOE leader said. "They're crushing our politics, they're polluting the climate, and they're getting away with it."
"We discovered during the Inflation Reduction Act fight, when there was a real effort to repeal the oil and gas subsidies, that they expended a lot of political capital to keep those subsidies in place," he noted. "The fact that we can wage a campaign that forces the oil and gas industry to expend political capital to maintain their largesse from the federal government, regardless of if we win or we lose, is a winning strategy for us."
"'Cause that means they're not trying to repeal the stuff in the Inflation Reduction Act. That means that they're not trying to work on reducing… their corporate taxes," he explained. Like Minden, Pica wants the climate movement to make the fossil fuel industry finally play defense.
The End Polluter Welfare Act "is the organizing vehicle," Pica said. "We've gotta get support behind it. We've gotta get members of Congress on it. We've gotta get community activists out there in the streets."
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The organizers battling Big Oil underscored the urgency, emphasizing that not only are the Trump tax cuts set to expire soon, but also communities across the country and around the world are already enduring the effects of a hotter planet—including rising sea levels, more destructive storms, extreme temperatures, devastating floods, and raging wildfires.
"A hundred years from now really matters. But also what's going on today and in the next five years really matters," said Minden. "I think within the next five years… our world's gonna be pretty unrecognizable in many ways."
The 21-year-old climate campaigner told the Gathering's audience—full of academics, advocates, policymakers, and more—that "whether you're here working in healthcare or income inequality or labor, the reality is that this issue is about to become a part of your work, if it's not already."
"I know we all have our own fights. I know everyone here is working on things that are really, really important. But if we don't all go out on this fight, if we don't all go out on climate, we're gonna get taken out," she warned. "It's a matter of survival."
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webzguruservices · 8 months
Exploring the Latest Trends in Devops for 2024
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Welcome to the future of DevOps! As we leap ahead into 2024, it’s time to uncover the latest trends that are revolutionizing the world of development and operations. In this blog post, we will embark on an exciting journey through groundbreaking innovations, game-changing methodologies, and cutting-edge technologies that are reshaping how organizations build and deploy software. Get ready to explore the forefront of DevOps as we dive headfirst into what lies ahead in this dynamic industry – fasten your seatbelts because this is a ride you won’t want to miss!
Introduction to DevOps
DevOps stands for Development and Operations, it is a software development approach that combines the processes of software development (Dev) with IT operations (Ops). It is a culture, philosophy, and set of practices that emphasizes collaboration between software developers and IT operations professionals. It aims to improve the speed, quality, and reliability of software delivery by breaking down barriers between teams and promoting automation and continuous integration.
In recent years, DevOps has gained immense popularity in the tech industry due to its ability to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and deliver high-quality products at a faster pace. This has led many organizations to adopt this methodology as a way to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced digital world.
The origins of DevOps can be traced back to 2008 when Patrick Debois coined the term while organizing a conference on Agile infrastructure. However, the concept was first introduced by Andrew Clay Shafer during his presentation at the Agile 2008 conference.
Initially, DevOps was seen as an extension of the Agile methodology, but over time it has evolved into its own unique approach. It draws inspiration from various other methodologies such as Lean management, agile project management, and systems thinking.
Why is DevOps important?
1.Streamlining the Development Process: DevOps is important because it allows for a more streamlined and efficient development process. In traditional software development, there are often silos between different teams such as developers, testers, and operations. This can lead to communication barriers and delays in the development cycle. With DevOps, these teams work closely together throughout the entire development process, resulting in faster delivery of high-quality software.
2. Improved Collaboration: One of the key principles of DevOps is collaboration between different teams and departments. By breaking down silos and promoting cross-functional teamwork, DevOps fosters a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing. This not only improves productivity but also leads to better decision-making and problem-solving as different perspectives are considered.
3. Faster Time-to-Market: In today’s fast-paced business environment, time is of the essence when it comes to delivering new products or features to customers. With DevOps practices such as continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD), organizations can shorten their release cycles significantly. This means that new features or updates can be delivered to customers in a matter of days or even hours instead of weeks or months.
Current trends in DevOps
1. Current Shift Towards Automation: One of the most significant trends in DevOps is the increasing focus on automation. With the rise of Agile methodologies and continuous delivery practices, organizations are realizing the importance of automating their software development and deployment processes. This trend is driven by the need for faster and more efficient delivery of software products to meet customer demands. Automation not only speeds up the development process but also improves its reliability, reduces errors, and minimizes manual intervention.
2. Embracing Cloud Computing: The adoption of cloud computing has transformed how organizations develop, test, deploy, and manage their applications. The shift towards cloud-based infrastructure has enabled teams to collaborate seamlessly across different locations and time zones. Moreover, it provides a scalable and flexible environment for DevOps teams to experiment with new technologies without significant investments in hardware or infrastructure.
3. Microservices Architecture: Microservices architecture is gaining popularity as it allows organizations to build complex applications using smaller independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled separately. This modular approach enables teams to work independently on different services without disrupting each other’s work. It also makes troubleshooting easier as issues can be isolated to specific services rather than affecting the entire application.
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– Automation and AI integration
Automation has been a key aspect of DevOps since its inception, allowing for faster and more efficient software delivery. However, with the growing advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), there has been an increasing interest in integrating AI into the DevOps process.
AI technology can automate a variety of tasks such as testing, monitoring, and deployment processes that are traditionally performed manually by DevOps engineers. By automating these tasks, AI helps to reduce the risk of human error and enables teams to focus on more complex and critical tasks.
One of the primary benefits of integrating AI into DevOps is improved efficiency. With AI-powered automation, repetitive tasks can be completed faster and with greater accuracy. This allows for quicker release cycles and reduces time-to-market for products. Additionally, automated testing using AI can significantly improve code quality by identifying bugs and vulnerabilities early on in the development process.
Another advantage of incorporating AI into DevOps is increased scalability. As organizations grow and their software systems become larger and more complex, managing them manually becomes increasingly challenging. By leveraging AI technology, companies can automate scale-up activities such as server provisioning or load balancing to accommodate changing demands without any manual intervention.
Moreover, it is worth noting that automation through AI also helps to enhance collaboration between different teams involved in the DevOps process. With automated workflows in place, developers, testers, operations teams, and other stakeholders can work together seamlessly by sharing real-time information about project progress.
– Microservices architecture
Microservices architecture is a software development approach that has been gaining popularity in the world of DevOps. It involves breaking down a large, monolithic application into smaller, independent services that can be deployed and managed separately. These individual services communicate with each other through well-defined APIs, allowing for more flexibility and scalability.
The concept of microservices can be traced back to the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach, but it differs in its implementation. While SOA focuses on creating large, reusable components, microservices are designed to be smaller, self-contained units that can perform specific functions.
One of the key benefits of using microservices architecture is improved agility. By decoupling different parts of an application into separate services, developers can make changes and updates to one service without impacting others. This allows for faster deployment cycles and quicker time-to-market for new features and updates.
Another advantage of microservices is scalability. As each service is independent, it can be scaled up or down based on demand without affecting the entire application. This makes it easier to handle high traffic volumes and ensures smooth performance even during peak usage periods.
Moreover, microservices also promote better fault tolerance as failures in one service do not bring down the entire system. With proper monitoring and error handling mechanisms in place, any issues within a particular service can be isolated and resolved quickly without affecting other parts of the application.
– Cloud-native development
Cloud-native development is a relatively new approach to software development that has gained significant popularity in the world of DevOps. It is an evolution of traditional application development methods, where applications are built and run on local servers or dedicated hardware. Cloud-native development takes advantage of the scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness of cloud computing to create and deploy applications.
The traditional software development process involves building applications for specific infrastructure environments, such as physical servers or virtual machines. This creates challenges when it comes to scaling, deploying, and maintaining the application as it grows in size and complexity. Cloud-native development addresses these challenges by designing applications specifically for deployment in a cloud environment.
One of the key principles of cloud-native development is microservices architecture. Microservices are small, independent services that work together to form a larger application. These services can be easily deployed and scaled independently from each other, allowing for more flexibility in managing the overall application.
Another essential aspect of cloud-native development is containerization. Containers provide a lightweight and portable way to package an application along with all its dependencies into a single unit that can be easily moved between different environments. This allows developers to build once and deploy anywhere without having to worry about compatibility issues.
– Containerization and orchestration
Containerization and orchestration are two key components of modern DevOps practices. In this section, we will dive deeper into what containerization and orchestration are, why they are important in the world of DevOps, and how they can be implemented in your organization.
1. Containerization: Containerization is the process of packaging an application along with all its dependencies into a lightweight, portable unit called a container. This allows for easy deployment across different environments without any conflicts or compatibility issues. Containers provide a standardized environment for applications to run on, making them highly scalable and efficient.
One of the main advantages of containerization is that it enables developers to build once and deploy anywhere. This means that the code can be developed on one machine and then deployed to multiple environments without any changes needed. It eliminates the common problem of “it works on my machine” by ensuring consistency across all environments.
Containers also promote a microservices architecture where applications are broken down into smaller, independent services that communicate with each other through APIs. This allows for easier maintenance, scalability, and faster development cycles.
Moreover, containers offer better resource utilization as multiple containers can run on a single server without interfering with each other’s functionality. This makes them more cost-effective compared to traditional virtual machines.
2. Orchestration: Orchestration refers to the management and coordination of multiple containers within an application or service architecture. It automates tasks such as deployment, scaling, monitoring, networking, and load balancing for containers. Orchestration tools like Kubernetes and Docker Swarm allow for efficient management of containerized applications by automatically deploying, scaling, and balancing workloads across a cluster of servers. They also provide self-healing capabilities, where if a container fails, it is automatically replaced with a new one.
DevOps teams use orchestration to automate the entire deployment process and ensure consistency and reliability in their applications. It also enables them to quickly scale their applications based on demand without any manual intervention.
In addition to managing containers, orchestration tools also provide features for monitoring and logging, making it easier to troubleshoot issues and ensure the health of the application.
Containerization and orchestration together create a highly efficient and scalable environment for DevOps practices. They help reduce deployment times, increase productivity, enhance collaboration between teams, and improve overall software quality.
In conclusion, containerization and orchestration have become essential components in modern DevOps practices. They enable organizations to develop, deploy, and manage software applications at scale with higher efficiency and reliability. As businesses continue to adopt DevOps methodologies, containerization and orchestration will play an increasingly important role in their success.
– Shift towards security and compliance
The rise of DevOps has revolutionized the way organizations develop, deploy, and manage software applications. With its focus on collaboration, automation, and continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), DevOps has enabled companies to release high-quality software at a faster pace. However, as technology evolves and security threats continue to increase in frequency and complexity, there has been a significant shift towards incorporating security and compliance into the DevOps process.
In today’s digital landscape where data breaches are becoming more prevalent, organizations cannot afford to overlook security measures in their software development cycle. This is especially crucial for those dealing with sensitive customer information or operating in highly regulated industries such as healthcare or finance. As a result, there has been a growing emphasis on integrating security practices into the DevOps workflow.
One of the key trends driving this shift towards security is the adoption of “DevSecOps” – an approach that integrates security into every stage of the DevOps pipeline. This means implementing automated security checks throughout the development process rather than waiting until after deployment to address potential vulnerabilities. By doing so, developers can identify and fix issues early on before they become bigger problems down the line.
Another important aspect of this trend is compliance. Organizations must adhere to various regulations and standards concerning data protection, privacy, and ethical use of technology. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in hefty fines or damage to reputation. As such, it has become imperative for businesses to incorporate compliance measures into their DevOps practices.
– Collaboration and communication tools
Collaboration and communication are key components of a successful DevOps team. In today’s fast-paced digital world, it is essential for software development teams to have efficient tools that enable them to collaborate effectively and communicate seamlessly with each other, regardless of their physical location. In this section, we will explore some of the latest trends in collaboration and communication tools that are being used by DevOps teams.
1. ChatOps ChatOps is a popular trend in the world of DevOps that combines chat applications with automation tools. It allows team members to perform various tasks such as deploying code, running tests, or checking server status directly from their chat interface. This eliminates the need for switching between multiple tools and enhances collaboration among team members as they can work together in real-time using chat commands.
2. Virtual Collaboration Platforms With remote work becoming increasingly prevalent, virtual collaboration platforms have become an essential tool for DevOps teams. These platforms provide a central hub where team members can collaborate on projects, share documents and ideas, track progress, and communicate through text or video conferencing. Some popular examples of virtual collaboration platforms include Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Zoom.
3. Shared Code Repositories Code repositories are crucial for any software development process as they allow team members to store and access code efficiently. However, traditional code repositories limit collaboration as only one person can work on a file at a time.
Predictions for 2024
The year 2024 is only a few years away, but it’s never too early to start making predictions about the future of DevOps. As this rapidly evolving field continues to gain momentum and shape the way organizations operate, it’s important to stay ahead of the trends and anticipate what may be in store for us in the next few years. So without further ado, here are some predictions for 2024 that will likely impact the world of DevOps.
1. Increased Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration: With advancements in technology, we can expect to see an increase in automation tools that will further streamline processes and reduce manual workloads. This will not only save time and effort but also improve efficiency and accuracy. Additionally, AI integration with DevOps practices will help identify patterns and make data-driven decisions for faster problem-solving.
2. Continued Shift Towards Cloud-Native Technologies: The adoption of cloud-native technologies has been on the rise in recent years, and this trend is expected to continue into 2024 as more organizations realize its benefits such as scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. This shift towards cloud-native infrastructure will also drive the need for more advanced monitoring tools that can handle large-scale applications.
– Continued growth of automation and AI capabilities
As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, the use of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent in the world of DevOps. In fact, according to a report by Gartner, by 2025, 70% of organizations will have embraced AI for some aspect of their business operations.
One of the main reasons for this growth in automation and AI capabilities is the need for faster and more efficient software development processes. With traditional methods, developers would spend hours writing code and manually testing it before deploying it to production. However, with automation tools and AI algorithms, these tasks can now be completed in a fraction of the time.
Automation in DevOps involves using scripts or tools to automate various stages of the software development lifecycle (SDLC), including coding, testing, deployment, monitoring, and maintenance. This not only speeds up the process but also reduces human error and ensures consistency in deployments.
On the other hand, AI capabilities bring intelligent decision-making into DevOps processes. Through machine learning algorithms and predictive analytics, AI can analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns and make informed decisions on how to optimize processes for better efficiency. This allows teams to quickly identify bottlenecks or potential issues that may arise during development or deployment.
– Increased adoption of serverless computing
Serverless computing, also known as Function-as-a-Service (FaaS), has been gaining traction in the world of DevOps. With its ability to simplify and streamline the deployment and management of applications, it has become a popular choice among developers. In this section, we will delve deeper into the concept of serverless computing and explore how it is being adopted in DevOps practices.
Serverless computing is a cloud computing model where developers can build and run applications without having to manage or provision servers. In this model, developers only need to focus on writing code for their application logic, while the underlying infrastructure is managed by the cloud service provider.
The traditional approach to building and deploying applications requires developers to manage servers, configure them, monitor their performance, and ensure their scalability. This process can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, taking away valuable time that could be spent on developing innovative features for the application.
With serverless computing, this burden is lifted from developers’ shoulders as they do not have to worry about managing servers. Instead, they can focus solely on writing code for their application’s core functionality.
– Emergence of new tools and technologies
In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the emergence of new tools and technologies has become a constant factor in the world of DevOps. This ever-changing nature of technology poses both challenges and opportunities for DevOps teams. In this section, we will explore some of the latest trends in DevOps tools and technologies that are shaping the future of software development and deployment.
1. Automation: Automation is at the core of DevOps practices, allowing teams to streamline their processes and increase efficiency. With the rise of technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), automation has taken on a whole new level in DevOps. AI-powered tools can now analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and automate tasks such as testing, monitoring, and deployment with minimal human intervention.
2. Containerization: The use of containers in software development is not a new concept, but it has gained significant traction in recent years thanks to its compatibility with cloud-based environments. Containers provide a lightweight alternative to traditional virtual machines (VMs) by isolating applications from their underlying infrastructure. This allows for easier portability across different environments and faster deployment times.
3. Microservices architecture: Microservices architecture is gaining popularity as an approach to building complex applications by breaking them down into smaller independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. This decoupling allows for better flexibility, scalability, and resilience compared to monolithic architectures.
It is evident that DevOps has become an integral part of the software development process, with its continuous integration and delivery approach leading to faster and more efficient deployment of applications. The recent trends in DevOps have further amplified its impact on the industry, making it a must-have for organizations looking to stay ahead in the competitive market.
The adoption of cloud-based technologies has been one of the major trends in DevOps, as it allows for greater scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness in managing infrastructure. With more businesses moving towards cloud-based solutions, DevOps teams are expected to have a deeper understanding of cloud environments and tools such as Kubernetes for containerization.
Another trend that is gaining popularity in the DevOps world is automation. Automation not only speeds up processes but also reduces human error, allowing teams to focus on higher-value tasks. In addition to automating code deployment and testing, there has been a rise in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for automating various aspects of software development.
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Automate DevOps Tasks With ChatGPT: Unlocking Efficiency And Productivity
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Welcome to the future of DevOps! Are you tired of spending hours on repetitive and mundane tasks that drain your team’s energy and hinder productivity? Well, we have exciting news for you. Say hello to ChatGPT, the game-changing AI tool that will revolutionize how you automate your DevOps tasks. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the incredible potential of ChatGPT in unlocking efficiency and boosting productivity within your development operations. Get ready to witness a new era where human intelligence meets artificial intelligence – let’s explore how ChatGPT can supercharge your DevOps workflow!
Introduction to ChatGPT and DevOps
In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive business environment, companies are constantly looking for ways to improve their efficiency and productivity. This is especially true in the technology industry where time-to-market can make or break a product’s success. With the increasing adoption of DevOps practices, automation has become an essential component in streamlining the software development process.
ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a new technology that combines natural language processing (NLP) with artificial intelligence (AI) to automate various tasks in the DevOps pipeline. It uses advanced machine learning algorithms to understand human language and respond with relevant information, making it a valuable tool for automating routine tasks in DevOps.
But what exactly is DevOps? In simple terms, it is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) with IT operations (Ops). The goal of DevOps is to foster collaboration between developers and operations teams to deliver high-quality software at a rapid pace. By breaking down silos between these two groups, companies can achieve faster deployment cycles, improved quality control, and increased efficiency.
With ChatGPT, businesses can take their DevOps processes to the next level by automating repetitive tasks such as code reviews, testing, deployment, monitoring, and more. This not only saves time but also reduces human error since machines are less prone to mistakes compared to humans.
One of the key benefits of using ChatGPT in DevOps is its ability to understand
Understanding the Benefits of Automation in DevOps
Automation in DevOps has become a crucial aspect of software development and operations. It involves streamlining processes, automating tasks, and removing manual intervention to increase efficiency and productivity. The implementation of automation in DevOps not only enhances the speed of software delivery but also improves its quality.
There are numerous benefits that organizations can reap by incorporating automation into their DevOps practices. In this section, we will discuss some of the key advantages of automation in DevOps and how ChatGPT can help unlock them.
1. Faster Delivery Time: One of the primary benefits of automation in DevOps is its ability to accelerate the delivery time for software products. By automating various tasks such as testing, deployment, and monitoring, developers can focus on writing code rather than spending hours on manual processes. This allows for quicker identification and resolution of issues, resulting in faster delivery times.
ChatGPT can further enhance this benefit by automating conversations with teammates or stakeholders during the development process. It can quickly generate responses based on past conversations or project requirements, saving valuable time and reducing delays.
2. Improved Quality: Manual processes leave room for human error, which can negatively impact the quality of software products. With automation in place, there is little to no chance for human error as repetitive tasks are handled by machines accurately every time.
Moreover, ChatGPT offers suggestions and corrections during conversations through its natural language processing capabilities. This ensures that there are fewer mistakes or misunderstandings between team members during discussions about code changes or project
The Role of ChatGPT in Automating DevOps Tasks
DevOps (Development and Operations) is a software development approach that focuses on collaboration, communication, integration, and automation between software developers and IT operations teams. The goal of DevOps is to increase efficiency, reduce errors, and accelerate the delivery of high-quality software products. However, with the increasing complexity and speed of software development processes, manual execution of DevOps tasks can become time-consuming and prone to errors.
This is where ChatGPT comes in as a game-changer for automating DevOps tasks. ChatGPT stands for Chat-based Generative Pre-trained Transformer which uses artificial intelligence (AI) to generate human-like text responses based on input provided by users. It leverages natural language processing (NLP) techniques to understand user intent and respond with relevant information or actions.
So how exactly does ChatGPT help automate DevOps tasks? Let’s delve into the role of ChatGPT in automating different aspects of DevOps:
1. Streamlining Communication: One of the key principles of DevOps is effective communication between teams. With traditional methods of communication such as emails or instant messaging platforms, there is always a risk of important information getting lost in long threads or not reaching the intended recipients on time. By integrating ChatGPT into team communication channels like Slack or Microsoft Teams, developers and operations teams can have real-time conversations with AI-powered bots that can quickly provide relevant information without any delay.
2. Automated Troubleshooting: In every software development project, there will be bugs
Step-by-Step Guide on How to Use ChatGPT for DevOps Tasks
Step-by-Step Guide on How to Use ChatGPT for DevOps Tasks
ChatGPT is an innovative tool that combines the power of conversational AI with the efficiency of DevOps. With its natural language processing capabilities, ChatGPT can understand and respond to user inputs in a conversational manner, making it easier for DevOps teams to automate their tasks and increase productivity.
If you are new to using ChatGPT for your DevOps tasks, here is a step-by-step guide to help you get started:
Step 1: Sign Up and Create an Account The first step in using ChatGPT is to sign up and create an account. You can do this by visiting the official website or through their mobile app. Once you have created an account, you will be able to access all the features of ChatGPT.
Step 2: Define Your Project Goals Before diving into using ChatGPT, it is important to clearly define your project goals and identify which tasks you want to automate. This will help you use ChatGPT more effectively and efficiently.
Step 3: Train Your Model ChatGPT uses machine learning algorithms so it can learn from your data and provide accurate responses. To train your model, start by providing some sample conversations related to your project goals. These conversations should include different scenarios that might occur during your DevOps process.
Step 4: Integrate with Your Tools One of the key benefits of using ChatGPT for DevOps
– Setting up your ChatGPT account and workspace
Setting up your ChatGPT account and workspace is the first step towards unlocking the full potential of this powerful tool for automating DevOps tasks. In this section, we will guide you through the process of creating a ChatGPT account and setting up your workspace.
Step 1: Creating a ChatGPT Account To get started with ChatGPT, you will need to create an account on their website. Simply go to the ChatGPT homepage and click on the “Sign Up” button at the top right corner. You will be prompted to enter your email address and choose a password. Make sure to use a strong password that meets their security requirements.
Step 2: Verifying Your Email Address After creating your account, you will receive an email from ChatGPT asking you to verify your email address. Click on the verification link in the email to confirm your account.
Step 3: Logging into Your Account Once your email is verified, go back to the ChatGPT homepage and click on “Log In” at the top right corner. Enter your credentials and click on “Log In” again.
Step 4: Creating Your Workspace Upon logging in, you will be directed to your dashboard. This is where all of your workspaces will be located. A workspace is essentially a virtual environment where you can create, manage and run automation scripts using ChatGPT.
To create a new workspace, click on “New Workspace” in the top left corner of your
– Creating custom commands for common tasks
Creating custom commands for common tasks is a powerful feature of ChatGPT that can greatly enhance efficiency and productivity in the DevOps world. With this functionality, you have the ability to automate repetitive tasks, reduce manual errors and free up time for more important work.
To begin creating custom commands, first navigate to the “Custom Commands” section within ChatGPT’s interface. Here, you will see a list of all existing custom commands as well as an option to create new ones.
When creating a new command, there are several key elements to consider:
1. Trigger phrase: This is the word or phrase that will activate your command. It should be unique and easy to remember. 2. Action: This is the task that you want ChatGPT to perform when the trigger phrase is used. It can be any valid shell command or script. 3. Response: This is what ChatGPT will reply with after successfully executing the action. It can be customized to provide useful information or feedback. 4. Variables: You have the option to add variables within your action and response fields, which allows for dynamic inputs from users when triggering the command.
One of the greatest benefits of creating custom commands is their versatility. They can be used for anything from deploying code changes, running tests, managing databases, or even generating reports.
For example, let’s say you frequently need to deploy code changes across multiple servers every day at specific times. Instead of manually logging into each server and running individual commands, you
– Integrating ChatGPT with your existing tools and processes
Integrating ChatGPT with your existing tools and processes can greatly enhance your DevOps workflow by automating repetitive tasks and increasing efficiency. With its advanced natural language processing capabilities, ChatGPT allows for seamless communication between different tools and systems, making it a valuable addition to any DevOps team.
One of the main benefits of integrating ChatGPT with your existing tools is the elimination of manual tasks. Many DevOps processes involve multiple steps that require human input, such as running tests or deploying code. These tasks can be time-consuming and prone to human error. By leveraging ChatGPT’s automation capabilities, you can streamline these processes and free up your team’s time to focus on more critical tasks.
Moreover, integrating ChatGPT with your existing tools also enables cross-functional collaboration within your team. As a conversational AI platform, ChatGPT can act as a bridge between different teams and departments involved in the development process. This allows for faster communication and decision-making, resulting in a more efficient workflow.
Additionally, integrating ChatGPT with your existing tools allows for better tracking and monitoring of workflows. With its ability to integrate with various monitoring tools, ChatGPT can provide real-time updates on the status of different tasks and processes. This helps teams stay informed about any issues or delays that may arise during deployments or testing phases.
Furthermore, by integrating ChatGPT into your existing processes, you can take advantage of its machine learning capabilities to continuously improve the efficiency of your DevOps workflow.
– Utilizing AI capabilities for advanced automation
Utilizing AI capabilities for advanced automation is one of the key features that makes ChatGPT an innovative and efficient tool for automating DevOps tasks. With the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in ChatGPT, it offers a wide range of capabilities that can significantly improve the efficiency and productivity of your DevOps processes.
One of the main advantages of using AI in ChatGPT is its ability to learn from past conversations and interactions. This means that as you continue to use ChatGPT for your DevOps tasks, it will continuously analyze and understand your patterns, preferences, and workflows. This allows ChatGPT to offer personalized suggestions and recommendations based on your specific needs, saving you time and effort in performing repetitive tasks.
ChatGPT also leverages Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities which enables it to understand human language and respond accordingly. This feature allows team members with little or no technical background to easily communicate their requirements and receive automated responses from ChatGPT. This not only speeds up the process but also reduces the chances of miscommunication between team members.
Moreover, AI-powered automation in ChatGPT enables it to handle complex tasks such as code deployment, testing, monitoring, and troubleshooting without any human intervention. By automating these critical tasks, developers can focus on more creative aspects of their work while ensuring timely delivery with minimal errors.
Another remarkable capability that AI brings to ChatGPT is predictive analysis. By analyzing historical data and trends from previous projects, ChatGPT predicts
Realizing the potential of automation in DevOps tasks is crucial for businesses to stay competitive and efficient in a constantly evolving technological landscape. As companies strive to deliver high-quality software at a faster pace, the need for streamlined processes and automated workflows becomes imperative. This is where ChatGPT comes into play, revolutionizing the way DevOps teams handle their day-to-day tasks.
With ChatGPT, real-time collaboration and communication are made possible through its advanced chatbot capabilities. It allows team members to interact with each other and with the tool itself, making it easier to delegate tasks, monitor progress, and receive updates in real-time.
One major advantage of using ChatGPT for automating DevOps tasks is its ability to integrate with various tools and systems commonly used in software development pipelines. From source code management platforms like GitHub or Bitbucket to continuous integration/delivery (CI/CD) tools like Jenkins or Bamboo, ChatGPT seamlessly integrates with these systems to provide a centralized platform that streamlines communication and task management.
In addition to facilitating smoother communication within teams, ChatGPT also offers intelligent automation features that can significantly reduce manual efforts. For instance, it can automatically trigger certain actions based on predefined rules or input from team members. This eliminates the need for manually monitoring events or dependencies between different tasks.
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thxnews · 1 year
Blinken Addresses UN Security Council Meeting on Ukraine
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The Exact Transcript of the Speech
SECRETARY BLINKEN:  Thank you very much.  Mr. Prime Minister, thank you for focusing the Security Council on this critically important issue.  And Mr. Secretary-General, thank you for the moral clarity that you’ve shown in dealing with Russia’s war against Ukraine. We’re grateful to have been able to welcome President Zelenskyy to this council table, and we thank him.  We thank him for reminding us yesterday, today, and every day what’s at stake in this conflict, not just for Ukraine, not just for Ukrainians, but for all of us. Fellow council members, two weeks ago I was in Yahidne, a small Ukrainian town about two hours north of Kyiv.  Russian forces seized the village in the first days of the invasion.  They went door to door, rounding up residents at gunpoint, marching them to the local elementary school, where Russian soldiers had set up a command post.  Then, soldiers forced more than 300 civilians – mostly women, children, and elderly people – into a basement not fit for human habitation, just a few small rooms, no windows, no circulation, no running water.  The soldiers held residents there for 28 straight days, using them as human shields, before fleeing when Ukrainian defenders arrived to liberate the town. In Yahidne, two residents took me into the basement where they and others had been imprisoned.  My guide said that they were packed together so tightly that they could barely breathe.  There was no room to sit, let alone lie down.  When they cried out to their captors that people were sick and needed medical care, a Russian soldier yelled back, “Let them die.” My guide pointed to two handwritten lists of names on the basement wall.  One was for the villagers that Russian forces had executed, the other for the people who died in the basement.  The oldest victim was 93 years old; the youngest 6 weeks old.  The Russians only allowed the removal of bodies once a day, so children, parents, husbands, and wives were forced to spend hours next to the corpses of their loved ones. I begin here because from the comfortable distance of this chamber, it’s really easy to lose sight of what it’s like for Ukrainian victims of Russian aggression.  This is what happened in just one building, in one community in Ukraine.  There are so many others like it.  In the last week alone, Russia has bombed apartment buildings in Kryvyi Rih; it’s burned down humanitarian aid depots in Lviv.  It’s demolished grain silos in Odesa.  It shelled eight communities in Sumy in a single day. This is what Ukrainian families are living through every day.  It’s what they’ve experienced for 574 days of this full-scale invasion.  It’s what they’ll endure tomorrow, and the day after that, for as long as Russia wages its vicious war, a war that President Putin openly declared from the outset is aimed at erasing Ukraine from the map as a sovereign country and restoring Russia’s lost empire. In this war, there is an aggressor and there is a victim.  One side is attacking the core principles of the UN Charter; the other fights to defend them.  For over a year and half, Russia has shredded the major tenets of the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, international humanitarian law, and flouted one Security Council resolution after another. Let’s review.  First, Russia’s invasion itself violates the central pillar of the UN Charter – respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations.  Second, Russia’s committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine on an almost daily basis.  Third, Russia continues to engage in reckless nuclear saber-rattling, announcing that it’s stationing nuclear weapons in Belarus and continuing to use Europe’s biggest nuclear power plant and its employees as a shield for its aggression, risking catastrophic consequences. Fourth, Russia is weaponizing hunger.  Thanks to the Black Sea Grain Initiative brokered by the secretary-general and Türkiye, approximately 33 million metric tons of grain reached global markets, driving down food prices around the world.  Nearly two-thirds of the wheat exported though that deal went to developing countries.  Not only did Putin pull out of the deal, but Russia is now mining Ukraine’s fields, bombing its ports and rails, burning its silos.  As a result, Ukraine’s wheat exports will likely fall by 2.8 million metric tons this year.  That is the equivalent of 5.5 billion – 5.5 billion – loaves of bread trapped in the world’s breadbasket. Russia, meanwhile, on track for a record year of grain exports.  The hungrier the world is, the more Moscow profits. Fifth, Russia is using Iranian drones to attack Ukrainian civilians, drones that Russia procured from Iran in violation of Security Council Resolution 2231. Finally, just last week, Russia hosted North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.  Putin said that they discussed ways to cooperate militarily.  While Kim pledged the DPRK’s – and I quote – “full and unconditional support,” end quote, for Russia’s war of aggression.  Of course, the transfer of arms between Moscow and Pyongyang would violate multiple resolutions of this council.  It’s hard to imagine a country demonstrating more contempt for the United Nations and all that it stands for – this from a country with a permanent seat on this council. President Putin is betting that if he keeps doubling down on the violence, that if he’s willing to inflict enough suffering on enough people, the world will cave on its principles and Ukraine will stop defending itself.  But Ukrainians are not giving up, for they’ve seen what life would look like if they submit to Russian control.  It’s that basement in Yahidne.  It’s families having their children torn away from them and deported to Russia, children taken away from their parents and deported far away.  It’s the rubble of Mariupol.  It’s the mass graves of Bucha. We are not giving up, either.  Indeed, since we were last here, a growing number of countries have come together to try to forge a different way forward.  In June, over a dozen countries met with Ukraine in Copenhagen to discuss the path toward a just and lasting peace, one that upholds the United Nations Charter and its core principles.  Two months later, more than 40 countries, including many members of this council, carried forward that discussion with Ukraine in Jeddah.  President Zelenskyy has put forward a 10-point plan for such a peace.  President Putin has put forward nothing. Now, some argue that continuing to stand with Ukraine and holding Russia accountable distracts us from addressing other priorities, like confronting the climate crisis, expanding economic opportunity, strengthening health systems.  That is a false choice.  We can and we must do both; we are doing both.  We must work together to tackle the global challenges that are affecting our people, meet the Sustainable Development Goals, invest in a world where all people have an opportunity to reach their full potential. The United States is the world’s leading contributor to these efforts.  And as President Biden told the General Assembly yesterday, we will continue to do more than our share to answer the imperatives of our time.  At the same time, as President Biden has made clear, we must continue to shore up the pillars of peaceful relations among nations, without which we will be unable to achieve any of our goals.  That’s why we must send a clear message, not only to Russia but to all would-be aggressors, that we will stand up – not stand by – when the rules that we all agreed to are being challenged – not only to prevent conflict, instability, and suffering, but to lay the foundation for all that we can do to improve people’s lives in times of peace. I opened by sharing the horrors that I saw in Yahidne.  Let me close by telling you what else I saw that day in Ukraine.  I saw volunteers rebuilding homes that had been razed by Russian bombs, farmers harvesting fields, people reopening businesses, citizens clearing mines and unexploded ordnance, children returning to schools.  In short, I saw a nation rebuilding and reclaiming its future.  That is the right of all members of our United Nations.  That’s what we defend when we stand up for the international order: the right of people not only to survive, but to thrive, to write their own future.  Our people, Ukraine’s people, the people of all nations get to write their own future.  We cannot, we will not let one man write that future for us.  Thank you.   Sources: THX News & US Department of State. Read the full article
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razorblogz · 1 year
Ukraine president visits Poland to thank for support against Russia's invasion
The visit shines a light on Poland's rising international role in a new security order that is emerging after Russia's aggression against Ukraine.
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WARSAW: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his wife were welcomed with military honors in Poland Wednesday at the start of a state visit that is meant as a gesture of thanks to the neighboring nation for its crucial support in Ukraine’s defense against Russia’s invasion.
The visit is a rare foray for Zelenskyy out of Ukraine since Russia unleased the war in February 2022. While it follows visits to the United States, Britain, France and Belgium, it stands out from the others because it was announced in advance without the secrecy of past visits.
It is also unusual that the president is joined by the first lady, Olena Zelenska. Marcin Przydacz, the head of Polish President Andrzej Duda’s foreign policy office, described it as Zelenskyy’s first visit of this kind since the war began.
The visit shines a light on Poland’s rising international role in a new security order that is emerging after Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.
Poland, a member of NATO and the European Union, is modernizing its military with orders of tanks and other equipment from U.S. and South Korean producers, while the United States has also beefed up its military presence in Poland.
Warsaw has been a key ally for Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale invasion last year, also becoming a hub for humanitarian aid and weapons to transit into Ukraine.
Zelenskyy has traveled through Poland on his other trips, but until now had not made Poland the focus of one his trips.
Zelenskyy is to meet with Duda and Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, attend an economic forum focused on the reconstruction of Ukraine and meet some of the Ukrainians who have found refuge in Poland. Poland has been a key destination for Ukrainian refugees, particularly those who want to remain close because they plan to return or want to be able to visit loved ones.
More than 1.5 million Ukrainians have registered with the Polish government since the war began, joining large numbers of Ukrainians who had already arrived in recent years for work. The exact number of Ukrainians present in the country at any given moment is impossible to measure, especially with many going back and forth.
But Zelenskyy’s visit also comes at a delicate time, with Polish farmers growing increasingly angry because Ukrainian grain that has entered Poland has created a glut, causing prices to fall.
The grain is only meant to be stored and transit through Poland to reach international markets in North Africa and the Middle East. But farmers in Poland say the grain is instead staying in Poland, taking up space in silos and entering local markets, causing local prices to fall for the farmers. Romanian and Bulgarian farmers say they are facing the same problem.
Przydacz acknowledged in comments to reporters that the issue has caused tensions and said that would be a topic of the talks on Wednesday.
The anger of the farmers is emerging as a headache for Morawiecki’s government ahead of general elections in the fall, particularly since his conservative ruling party, Law and Justice, gets much of its support in rural areas.
An hour before Duda was to welcome Zelenskyy, Poland’s agriculture minister, Henryk Kowalczyk, who has been the focus of the farmers’ anger, resigned from his post.
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majoris · 11 years
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primroseprime2019 · 3 years
Darkness Rising- Part Two
"Of all the Energon deposits we have located while you were away, Lord Megatron, this one, by far, is the most significant," Starscream boasted to Megatron.
"The drones have been mining without pause during your absence," Echo said, "and have massed quite the stockpile."
"You there! Fetch me a sample," Starscream said. "Starscream, now that I have returned, I shall issue the commands," Megatron said firmly.
"Of course Lord Megatron," Starscream said quickly, "then as your humble servants, shall we ready the space bridge to bring forth the Decepticon army you surely have gathered during your three years in space?"
"My army will come," Megatron said, "my time away has yielded a more... intriguing means of materializing them." He pulled out a bright purple shard, "the solidified form of the matter the Ancient Texts refer to as the Blood of Unicron."
"Unicron the Destroyer?" Echo said, surprised. "But it is said that his blood is the anti-spark," Starscream said.
"Plucked from Cosmic Shores. Gaze upon Dark energon," Megatron said.
"Legend tells that it holds the power to... revive the dead," Echo said with a frown. "We require a cadaver to be certain," Megatron said and he turned to Starscream and Echo, "are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice?"
"Eheh, that won't be necessary, my liege," Starscream said quickly while Echo shook her helm. "If I may, Lord Megatron," Starscream said. He gestured to the body of Cliffjumper as Decepticon drones brought it over on an electronic stretcher.
"Consider it a welcome home present," Starscream said.
"And since you know of our existence, I fear that as of last night, the Decepticons know of yours," Optimus said.
"Got it. We see any strange vehicles, call 9-1-1," Jack said, "can we go now?" "It's not that simple Jack," Paige said quietly.
"Are you insane?" Miko hissed at Jack, "I'm living a dream here in Botswana! And I will not allow you or anyone else to shatter it."
"It is best that you four remain under our watch," Optimus said, much to Miko's excitement and Jack's dismay, "until we can learn more of our enemies' intentions."
"Optimus, with all due respect, the human children are in as much danger here as anywhere," Ratchet said.
"Children?" Jack repeated, offended as Miko, Raf and Paige gave Ratchet offended looks.
"They have no protective shell," Ratchet went on, "if they go underfoot, they will go... squish." He stomped his pede forward to prove a point and the action made Jack and Raf flinch back. Paige chuckled softly.
"Then for the time being, Ratchet, we must watch where we step," Optimus said. Ratchet looked at Paige, "and what is so funny?"
"You wouldn't step on us," Paige said, pointing at the medic, "you're too grouchy to do so." "Excuse me!?" Ratchet exclaimed, making Miko and Raf laugh at the look on the medic's faceplates.
Their laughter was cut short by a loud beeping noise. "What's that?" Jack asked.
"Proximity sensor," Bumblebee said. "Proximity sensor," Raf said, "someone's up top."
Ratchet went to see who it was. "It's Agent Fowler," he said as he saw the helicopter on the roof. Paige looked to Optimus confused, "I thought we were the only humans who knew about you guys."
"Special Agent Fowler is our designated liaison to the outside world," Optimus said, "as he tends to visit when there are... issues. It may be best if you do not meet with him at this time."
Raf and Miko ran to a hiding spot with Jack and Paige following. The elevator opened as Agent Fowler stormed out of it, looking rather peeved. "7 wrecks, 34 fender-benders, a 3-hour traffic jam! And a particular note: numerous reports of a speeding motorcycle of unknown make and a custom black and yellow muscle car!"
Arcee and Bumblebee looked at each other. Paige peeked around the corner before she quickly pulled back, nearly bumping into Jack.
"So anything you'd like to get off your tin chest, Prime?" Agent Fowler demanded. "We have the situation under control, Agent Fowler." Optimus said calmly.
"They're back, aren't they?" Fowler asked. "If you are referring to the Decepticons, we doubt they ever left," Primrose said, "your planet is much too valuable."
"Then it's time to wake up the Pentagon," Fowler said. "Hear me, Agent Fowler," Optimus said sternly, "we are your best- possibly, your only- defense against the Decepticon threat."
"Says you," Fowler huffed. "Hey squishy!" Bulkhead snapped, "did anyone get splattered on that freeway? Team Prime knows when to use force." The Wrecker grabbed a tool and with that, he crushed it, "and how much to use."
"Bulkhead, I needed that!" Ratchet said angrily. "Enough," Optimus said firmly before he looked back at Agent Fowler, "military involvement will only result in catastrophe. Perhaps you can condone widespread human casualties, Agent Fowler. I, however, cannot."
"Then do us both a favor, Prime, and handle this under the radar or I will," Agent Fowler said as he walked back into the elevator and it closed behind him. "Pretty big bearings for a human," Bulkhead huffed.
"Agent Fowler is concerned for his world, Bulkhead," Firestorm said, "as he should be."
"Let us see if the power born from darkness can ignite the spark," Megatron said before he slammed the dark energon shard into Cliffjumper's chestplates.
The red Autobot started to shake as his body started to glow bright purple. When he opened his optics, they weren't sky blue anymore. They were a light amethyst purple and the undead Autobot let out a strangled growl.
He struggled to get free of the metallic straps that were holding him down. The Vehicons nearby aimed their blasters at the undead Autobot when he broke free of his bonds and ran at one of the nearby troops.
He tackled one and started to beat it without mercy.
"Master! That's your plan? Bring Autobots back from the dead to attack us!?" Starscream gasped. "That is no longer an Autobot," Megatron said, "just a mindless beast. It's only instinct is to destroy anything in its path."
The undead Cliffjumper roared and charged at Megatron. Starscream ran to get out of the way as Echo stayed put.
Megatron unsheathed his sword and in mere seconds, he sliced the undead Autobot in half. The Autobot staggered forward before it fell into two pieces and into the mine below.
"There, Starscream, lies the indestructible seed for my army. The ultimate weapon," Megatron said. The upper half of Cliffjumper was clinging to the edge before Megatron kicked it away, sending it falling down onto a lower platform. "Once I learn to control it," he said.
Echo stared down at the platform below with fear and disdain while Starscream smirked.
At the Autobot base, the monitors started to go off. "Blasted earth tech!" Ratchet snapped at the air, "Cliffjumper's life signal popped back online!"
"Who's Cliffjumper?" Miko asked. "How is that possible?" Firestorm asked, shocked.
"It isn't. Another bug; the system's full of them," Ratchet said. "If there's any chance that Cliff's alive," Arcee said, looking to Optimus hopefully.
"Ratchet, prepare sickbay," Optimus said, "we may need it." "Hey!" Miko called out, and the Prime looked back at her.
"What can we do?" She asked eagerly. "Remain with Ratchet," the Prime said.
"Aw," Miko groaned in disappointment, as did Ratchet. The ground bridge opened. "Autobots, roll out," Optimus said as he and the others transformed into their vehicle forms and drove through the bridge. "Be careful," Paige said to herself as she leaned on the railing.
"What just happened?" Jack asked, shocked. "I transported them to the designated coordinates via the ground bridge," Ratchet said.
"What's a ground bridge?" Raf asked, earning a heavy, irritated sigh from the medic.
"A scaled down version of space bridge technology," Ratchet said. "You're stuck here," Jack said, "on Earth."
"With the likes of you, yes," Ratchet said, "but I constructed the ground bridge to enable travel from here to anywhere on your planet."
"Whoa. Does it work for humans?" Raf asked. "Naturally," Ratchet said, rather proudly.
"You mean I could just shoot on over there and visit my parents in Tokyo?" Miko asked the medic. "Within moments," Ratchet said, "in fact, allow me to send you there immediately. All four of you."
"Watch it Ratchet," Miko said sassily. "Sorry we don't fit your standards to the point where we're not like you," Paige said as she looked away. Ratchet frowned, "I never said that."
"You don't need to say it. Your tone shows it," Paige said bitterly. Ignoring the pang of hurt in his spark, Ratchet sighed deeply and he turned back to the monitors.
The ground bridge opened in the Decepticon mine. The Autobots walked out of it. "Energon mine," Bulkhead observed.
"Judging by its scale," Firestorm said, "the Decepticons have been tunneling here for some time." The Autobots hid behind some rocks. The drones continued to mine the energon, not knowing that the Autobots were there.
"Let's find Cliffjumper," Optimus said and the Autobots approached the Decepticon drones. As soon as they did, the drones saw them and started to fire. A drone came towards them with a drill but Bulkhead smashed it.
Arcee and Primrose shot at the drones.
"What is this anyway?" Miko asked as she went to touch a piece of machinery. "Broken. Don't touch," Ratchet said. Miko reached to touch another piece until Ratchet said, "don't touch that either."
"Is there anything we can touch?" Jack asked. Ratchet looked at him before a sound came from the screen. Ratchet looked to see alerts coming up on the screen. "How come you guys are using human computers?" Raf asked.
"It certainly isn't by choice," Ratchet huffed, "it was handed down from previous tenants when we inherited this former missile silo. I make modifications as I see fit." He let out an irritated sigh when more alerts popped up on the screen.
"I think I can fix that," Raf said as he went to pick up his backpack. "Really?" Ratchet scoffed, "you know this is complex technology, don't you? I mean it isn't a child's toy."
"Now try," Raf said once he finished typing into the system. Ratchet looked at the screen as the alerts disappeared in a flash. He looked back at Raf, surprised.
At the Decepticon mine, the Autobots had fought a few more drones before they all transformed into their vehicle forms and drove through the mine. "Maximum overdrive," Optimus advised. The other Autobots sped up at their leader's advice and once they got to their next destination, they transformed into their bipedal forms and hid behind some crates.
Bulkhead whistled in admiration, "quite the operation." Unfortunately, the drones heard him and started to fire at the Autobots.
"You just had to whistle!" Firestorm said to Bulkhead as he fired back at the drones.
"Blood of Unicron, how might I fathom of the depths of your mystery? Become worthy of wielding your astonishing power?" Megatron said to himself as he stood in front of a glass tank that had the dark energon inside.
"Lord Megatron, the Autobots have been detected in the mines," Starscream said as he appeared on a small screen. "Optimus?" Megatron said.
"Indeed," the Seeker nodded. "I need more time to prepare an appropriate reception for my old friend. Ready the ship for departure," Megatron said.
"But the energon I've mined- the Autobots will seize it!" Starscream exclaimed. "Then blow the mines," Megatron snapped.
The Autobots shot at the drones. Something caught Arcee's optic and she looked closer. She saw Cliff's body. "It's Cliff! I have a visual," she said.
"We'll cover you," Primrose said, "go!" Arcee vaulted herself over the boxes she had been using for cover and transformed, racing up a ramp and launching herself high into the ring supports of the lift. She grabbed a beam and landed the ring attached to it. She ran around the ring and launched herself off a different beam, grabbing a thinner ring and swinging herself on top of it. She jumped off that ring onto the lower lip of the platform Cliffjumper was on. She pulled herself over the edge of the platform to him.
Acree gasped at Cliff's half-bodied form leaking energon. She shielded herself from incoming blasts from two drones on a higher platform. The section of platform Cliffjumper was on started to fall. "Cliff!" She yelled. She jumped to his falling body and caught his servo. She pulled him partly up, struggling from the bad leverage, his weight, and the fact that the Cons were still shooting at her.
Optimus and Primrose fired on them and took them out. Arcee shielded her face from some falling rocks. She then looked down at Cliffjumper. "Let's get you home partner." She said but to her shock, when Cliff looked up at her, he started growling at her. Arcee recoiled and he struggled against her, ending up tearing her grip from his servo. She continued reaching for him as he fell down the shaft.
"No!" Primrose shouted. Optimus looked to Arcee who let out a breath of defeat. A laugh got their attention. It was Starscream.
"Prime!" He snapped, "I'd stick around but I'm squeamish." With that, the Seeker dropped an explosive charge at the bottom of the mine before he leapt off the platform, transformed into his aerial form and took off.
"The joint's gonna blow!" Bulkhead shouted. "Autobots, roll out!" Optimus ordered.
Arcee jumped down from the platform as she and the others transformed into their vehicle forms and sped down the mine just as the bomb went off and it exploded, igniting the energon around it and sending a fireball many hundreds of feet in the air over the mine shaft. The explosion was gaining on the Autobots fast.
"Ratchet, bridge us back! Use the arrival coordinates now!" Optimus ordered. The ground bridge opened in front of them. Each Autobot drove into the bridge and into the base. Optimus drove into the base just before the bridge closed, the Prim transforming into his bipedal form and he stopped himself from skidding into the others.
"Whoa," Jack, Miko, Raf and Paige gasped in astonishment. "Cutting it a bit close," Ratchet said, "how about Cliffjumper?"
The Autobots looked away. Miko ran over to the railing, "what was that explosion? Was there a fight? Can I come with next time!?"
"Miko!" Paige hissed. Arcee gave a low growl, "look." "H-hey," Jack said quickly, nervously as he placed his hand on Miko's shoulder, "Miko, let's go see what the Bots hide in their sock drawers."
"Seriously?" Miko asked, raising an eyebrow as she and the boy walked away from the railing.
"Arcee, what did you see?" Optimus asked. Arcee wrapped her arms around herself as she looked away.
"Not Cliff," she said, "at least... not anymore. He was mutated- butchered. S-something from those Con experiments during War." Her optics nearly rolled to the back of her helm and she fell back, leaning on a nearby crate for support.
"Are you okay?" Bumblebee asked, worriedly as he came over to her. "I'm fine, just... dizzy," Arcee said.
"Robots who get dizzy?" Miko said. "Robots with emotions," Raf said. "Robots... who can die," Paige said.
Arcee sat on the crate as Ratchet scanned her. The scan turned red before the medic saw something. "What is this?" He asked as he saw purple substance on Arcee's servo.
"Don't know," Arcee said wearily, "Cliff was covered in it. Leaking it." Ratchet lightly scraped the substance off of Arcee's servo, "go take a decontamination bath. Now."
Firestorm helped Arcee up and the two went over to the decontamination showers.
"Optimus, I hate to interrupt but... no bars," Jack said, holding his phone.
"A security precaution," Optimus said, "the silo walls isolate all radio waves."
"Well if I don't call my mom, like now, I'm pretty sure the cops are going to be out looking for me," Jack said. "Have you broken a law?" Optimus asked.
"It's curfew Optimus," Paige said with a small smile, "it's after 10:00 P.M. and my parents will be worried."
"I better get home too," Raf sighed, "or I'll be grounded for a year." "Earth customs," Optimus said, "I hadn't considered. But the issue of your safety remains." He looked to Bulkhead, "Bulkhead, accompany Miko home."
"Awesome! My host parents will freak!" Miko said excitedly. "And maintain covert surveillance in vehicle form," Optimus said.
"Curbside duty," Bulkhead chuckled, "got it." This earned a groan of disappointment from Miko.
"Bumblebee, you'll watch over Raf," Optimus said. Bumblebee looked to Raf who smiled at him.
Optimus turned to Ratchet, "Ratchet-" "Busy," the medic said, his back to the others. Arcee walked out of the decontamination shower.
"Arcee, you'll accompany Jack," Optimus said. Jack tensed up a little.
Arcee sighed, "still dizzy." Paige giggled, earning a smile from Arcee.
"You're fine, says your physician," Ratchet said. Arcee let out a heavy sigh. Optimus looked to Paige, "Paige, I will accompany you home."
Paige looked up at Optimus and gave a small nod. She fiddled with diamond-shaped necklace that had a red ruby inside of it. The Prime transformed into his vehicle form and she walked over to him. When she climbed into the passenger side of his vehicle form, she closed the door and he drove out of the base and into the streets of Jasper, Nevada.
"Arcee, I'm really sorry for your loss," Jack started tentatively.
"What could you possibly know about loss?" Arcee asked coldly.
"What? You think you're the only one with problems?" Jack retorted, which caused Arcee to transform and to glare at Jack very hard.
"I'm not sure girl trouble counts," Arcee shot back dangerously.
"I'm pretty sure my girl troubles started the night I met you!" Jack scoffed before they saw another car roll up onto the driveway.
"'Cons!" Arcee gasped as she activated her blasters.
"No! Mum!" Jack corrected as he ran out to stall her for as long as he could. Arcee blinked before she transformed back into her vehicle form.
"Jack?" June Darby said as she climbed out of the car.
"Mum! Don't freak! I can explain!" Jack promised his mother.
"Can you?" June asked before approaching the motorcycle, "Jackson Darby, we talked about this." "I know. And-."
"You don't know!" June cut her son off, "I worry about you enough when you're not here. Now I have to worry about you driving a motorcycle?"
"I'm 16! I can't be driving a ten-speed forever!" Jack retorted. "How did you afford this?" June demanded.
"It's used," Jack said, "it's abused, really. Needs a ton of repairs, but the point is I may have been a kid when I bought this, but I'm not anymore. You always tell me to make responsible choices. Well I chose her. And I'll be responsible! I promise."
"Her?" June asked with a slight smile, "I didn't think you'd be bringing girls home just yet." "I'd like to think she brought me," Jack said with a sheepish smile.
"Well I'm glad you finally have a reason to wear your helmet every single time you ride," June said with a soft sigh, "you will take me for a spin every once in a while?"
"We'll see," Jack said as he and his mom went into the house, "she's kinda temperamental."
"Optimus," Paige said as she walked over to the Peterbilt, "you up?"
"I am awake," the Prime said, "is something wrong?" "No," Paige said, "I just can't sleep." She climbed into the Prime's vehicle form and leaned back against the seat.
"My parents are sleep," she said. "I see," Optimus hummed. The silence returned for a few moments.
"I'm sorry about Cliffjumper," Paige said, gripping the hems of her sweater sleeves, "I know- I feel like he and Arcee were partners- they were more than that. And to have that taken away from her... she's hurting." "Paige," Optimus said softly and he was alerted by the soft cries and whimpers.
She was crying. Paige was crying. Guilt and worry filled Optimus' spark. "You're all going through this war... all this pain," Paige whimpered, "I'm sorry I can't do anything. I'm sorry I'm so useless... I'm sorry I'm a nobody-"
"Stop that," Optimus said firmly, "you are not useless. You are not nothing. You are more than that. You are something more. You are strong just like the other children. I know it."
Paige looked at Optimus' steering wheel and she felt the Prime's seatbelt tighten a little in the form of a hug. Paige smiled weakly and she slowly fell asleep to the Prime's warmth.
At the Darby residence, Arcee was revving her engine loudly. Jack opened the door, "shh! Are you crazy? You'll wake my mom!"
"Grab your helmet. It's go time," Arcee said. Jack groaned, "it's Saturday."
"You can watch cartoons back at base with Bumblebee and Primrose," Arcee said.
"Cartoons? I'm sixteen," Jack said with a tired frown. "And Paige is older than you," Arcee said, "leave a note for your mom. She worries."
"You think I don't know that?" Jack asked as he went back inside.
Megatron was still standing before the Dark Energon, studying it, when Starscream entered the room. "I don't think you need worry about further Autobot interference, Master. Not with Optimus gone." Starscream reported arrogantly.
"And what evidence do you possess of this fact?" Megatron challenged.
"I destroyed the mine. As you instructed." Starscream reminded Megatron, who turned and didn't look convinced.
"Optimus is not so easily destroyed." The Decepticon leader stated. "We have millennia worth of battles behind us to prove it." He turned back to studying the Dark Energon.
"Maybe you should take a break, My Lord." Starscream advised. "I worry that too much contact with the Dark Energon might allow its properties to... adversely affect you."
"Or perhaps, Starscream, I have not permitted myself contact enough!" Megatron said before he ripped a shard from the large cluster of Dark Energon and held it up.
"Wait! Lord Megatron, no! Not your spark chamber! You do not know what it will do!" Starscream protested as he realized what his master was planning to do with the shard.
Megatron took no heed of Starscream's warning and stabbed himself directly in the spark chamber. He hunched over in pain, then straitened as a type of seizure overtook him. He screamed as his energon was transformed into Dark Energon and his eyes turned purple.
Ratchet was analyzing the components of the purple substance he had scraped off of Arcee when it began having an ill effect on the femme. It confounded him. Not in all his years as a medic had he seen anything like this. He couldn't even recognize what it was.
"Hmm...the base elements of this...goo are like nothing I've ever encountered." He said to himself as he went over the data his computers had managed to provide. "It must be extremely concentrated to have affected Arcee so rapidly. Unfortunately, complete results are slow-coming without the use of proper diagnostic tools. Thank you very much, Bulkhead." Ratchet rambled as he removed the slide from the hard-drive.
As he did, he unknowingly spilt some of the substance onto the diagnostic tool that Bulkhead broke when Agent Fowler was there. It seeped its way into the very wiring of the machinery and glowed a bright purple for a brief moment before moaning and groaning and standing on its newly acquired legs. But Ratchet didn't notice. With its only instinct to destroy everything in its path, the revived machinery approached the nearest object to destroy.
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thestarkerisobvious · 4 years
Sixteen - The Masked Librarian
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amazing art work by @starker-sorbet​  A snugglefic for @mrstarksbabyy​
1 The Masked Librarian
After his sixteenth birthday, Peter used his birthday money to buy several notebooks and spent the summer filling them up with the facts he had gleaned from Tony, along with the books he had gotten from the libraries.  For fear they would be found, he wrote a lie in bold marker on the covers:  
                                                Novel Ideas:  
                                              Ideas for a Novel
Putting a timeline together with the information he got from Tony was impossible.  Tony was far more concerned with his duties around the farm than who was actually ordering him around.  
Peter’s constant questions finally made it clear – Tony had never been terribly concerned with whom he was serving, as long as he was fed and had a job to do.  Who was the son, nephew or uncle or son-of-the-uncle of whom ultimately did not concern him.  The title of “Master” wasn’t even passed on directly from father to son in every case, although it was, Peter finally ascertained, only given to a male blood relative of the original Post homesteader.  There were other problems, too, with the things Peter was being told.  Tony had no interest in years or wars or anything in American history that Peter could plot along a timeline.  Peter quickly learned there was no point in asking “which war?”  Tony had never understood which wars were which, just that men sometimes left for them.  To Tony, all the wars were “The War.”  To further complicate things, Peter strongly suspected that New York City was referred to as “New Amsterdam” by the Post family long after it was really called something else.
What he could find in the libraries was sparse.  The best he could find was the same stories they had been told when they bought the house: that two Post brothers had come from Germany and married a woman who was related to the royal family in Portugal.  That the boys were always taught German in honor of the patriarchs and the girls Portuguese, for the same reason.  That a Post had been a famous hero in the Civil War until he died by Direct Encounter With A Cannonball.  No other details.
Until the 1920s.  That’s when things got interesting..  The Post Homestead, at one time, had been a type of artist colony, which was to say, the sprawling Post family were famous for inviting artists to live, sometimes for years, as guests in their multi-generation household.    This had started out as a series of artisans hired to tutor the multiple Post daughters.  Over the decades this had become a tiny thriving community.  Mostly painters and sculptors, according to the books, but there were musicians too.  This had caused a conflict between the Post family and the town – for a period of the time the Post Homestead had been bringing in jazz musicians at great expense, much to the delight of the tiny artistic community.  To the town at large, not so much.  (Those of the African American persuasion were welcomed to come and work in Devil’s Hollow, but not “let the sun set” upon them.  The Post Family apparently did not share those same reservations.)
What happened after that was hard to piece together.  Tony wasn’t around to ask, and even if he was, he might not have known the answer.  But the death of Jedediah Post certainly must have been a turning point. 
Or maybe it just seemed that way to Peter because that was the most newsworthy event he could find.  Jedediah Post was a man of considerable wealth, and left a great deal of it to the towns around him, as well as three different museums in New York City.  But none to Devil’s Hollow.  The amount of art the family had amassed was significant, including paintings, sculptures and something called “art deco” which, as far as Peter could tell, involved a lot of very fancy furniture.  The donations were large and it was easy to track down stories about them.  Some of the museums in New York City he had even been to, although he had never seen the art in question (he was more of a Science Exhibit man himself) but some Aunt May had seen. 
The breadth of the donations was breathtaking, but mostly Peter’s research turned up bitterness and resentment.  Jedediah Post had left nothing to the Devil’s Hollow library, nor the museum (there had been one in those days) nor the school.  Apparently After-You-Die Donations had been a local phenomenon in Devil’s Hollow, particularly from the Post family.  That ended, it appeared, with Jedediah. 
Was there a reason?  Did Jed Post attempt to create an artistic community at the Post Homestead, and resent the town’s undue influence on whom he was allowed to invite?  Or did he simply make more friends outside the boundaries of the town than in?  And was that why the sprawling Post family all relocated elsewhere?  Whatever had happened, sometime in between the 1930’s and the 40’s the last Post son was living there completely and utterly by himself. 
Was he hated by the townspeople because he was a hostile misanthrope, or did he become a hostile misanthrope BECAUSE he was hated by the townspeople?   Whatever had happened, the Post estate had gone from a busy, noisy, bustling place to a house with one resident.  
Evan Post.
Evan Post… and Tony.
When Peter wasn’t pouring over his books he was remembering what it was like to be wrapped up in the arms of the thing that lived under the bed.  Which reminded him of his promise to the thing that lived under his bed.  He took long walks daily, getting sunlight and climbing every available surface that looked climbable, doing all those things that he had been promised would make him “healthy.”  Exercise by itself was boring, but the further he could walk the more wildlife he could observe.  The higher he climbed, the same.  Aunt May started to call him “The Spider” as he came home daily reporting all the wildlife he had observed from dizzying heights.  The exercise did him good, it made him hungrier at night and soon he had grown several inches and put on more weight.  He admired himself in the bathroom mirror, he enjoyed standing on the scale.  He was proud of his new body.  
He couldn’t wait to show Tony.
The long walks into the forest and the many hours sitting in trees gave Peter time to think about what life had been like for his friend in the years between Jedediah and Evan Post.  Which led to even weightier thoughts about what life had been like for Tony in the years between life in the monastery and life with the stylite Simeon the Elder.
Primarily, Peter thought about Tony, and what Tony liked to eat.
In the monastery, it appeared Tony and the others (the ones he called “us”) were fed just like guard dogs.  Or more correctly, like hellhounds.  They were fed on cattle and “infernal vapors” and, on rare occasions, people.  All until he was sent to live with Simeon on a pillar where he learned how to feed entirely on feelings.
Peter went over it in his head many times, the things Tony had said about Simeon and his other monk-lover, the one he had left behind without a single thought.  Simeon he had loved, Peter was sure of it.  “I was his beloved,” Tony had said.  (He had also spoken about touching, about pretending to be shy, about needing to be ‘taught.’  Peter tried not to think about that, but he did.  He thought about it a lot.)  
It was true, Tony might have loved Simeon the same way he loved the fields of cattle being raised to feed him, but he loved the man nonetheless.  Spent 12 years with him on a pillar, when he was supposed to be convincing him to return to the monastery.  Protected his ability to ask questions. Took away his hurt and his desire to hurt himself.   Lived on that, and nothing but that, until the day he was forced to kill the man.  That was something he could not control, Peter was certain, any more than he could control being after “sent into the ground.”
The next thing he knew, he was working in the New World.  Was he fed with farm animals, too, working on the farm as he did?  The only thing Peter could think of was the roaring twenties and the artists that lived and created at the Post Homestead.  The layout of the little artist colony was easy to see from his vantage points in the tops of trees or in his hiding place in the empty barn.    Barns, silos, and animal stalls had been razed and almost a dozen cottage-like guest cottages built by Jedediah in his day, only to be raized to their foundations by Evan decades later.  Had Evan despised growing up in that cacophony, unable to find a quiet place to himself, destroying all vestiges of it in his old age?  Or had he treasured that life, growing up in the safety of his title as son of the lord of the manor, removing the artists village when he finally understood he would never see the likes of it again?  Had he hated people as an old man because he had hated people all his life?  Of had he considered the composers, painters and sculptures the ‘normal’ people, and hated the people of Devil’s Holler’ because they were anything but normal?
Even knowing what Evan Post had done, Peter could still sympathies.  He himself had to go to school with boys his age who complained that the “for’ners, n-words and queers” were taking over the country, while he sat in silence and day-dreamed about the day he could go to college in New York City and be surrounded by “for’ners, n-words and queers” again.
Peter tried to picture it, sitting up in a tree and observing the whole of the Post Homestead.  A little village of people, creating, despairing, hoping, disappointing, arguing, loving, scheming, fearing.  And Tony underneath it, grazing on it all.  Tony spoke of feeding from artists after the work was done, or else the work would never get finished.  Did he know it instinctively?  Or did he learn through trial and error?  How much art was never complete because he fed too soon?  It couldn’t have been much, the finished artworks that DID come from the Post Homestead were legion.  Did the artists even know they were feeding Tony their light?  Was it voluntary?  Mandatory?  Tony remembered a grandmother that called him “a musa,” The Muse.  Did they think Tony was the cause of the art that was produced in this place, or did they realize he was simply growing stronger from it?
And where did the money come from?  The Post Homestead was an actual farm, and then one day it wasn’t.  Were the artists all brought here because Jedediah Post was a very rich man, and knew what he wanted to spend his wealth upon art?  Or did Jedediah invest his money into feeding Tony, which in turn made him a very rich man?
And how difficult was it for Tony, feasting on the light of sculptors, painters and controversial Jazz musicians, to learn how to live on nothing but the hate and fear of Evan Post?  What did that turn him into?  Tony readily admitted that he had driven off everyone who had come to live in the Post Homestead before Peter’s family, driving them away because all he wanted to drink was fear.  Couldn’t stop seeking out fear, causing the fear, even when he realized his own greed was driving away his only source of food.
And he had tried to inspire fear in Peter and his little family of three, Peter remembered.  When his quiet family moved into the vast house they decided, that very first night, that there was a good reason why the Post Homestead was considered haunted.  Their quiet country home was anything but quiet. It wasn’t as noisy as their New York City apartment, of course, but still not quiet.  Not only did floors creak and doors slam in empty rooms, but entire wings groaned and floorboards squeaked in the exact rhythm of footsteps.  The wind howled under the porch like an angry monster.  The first night in their new home not a single member of the family slept a wink.
So, naturally, the little family sat at the breakfast table the next and formulated a plan – a research plan.  That very day they set out for the tiny town library, got library cards, and searched out books on architecture.  When the library proved lacking they drove to the next town and did the same.  Soon Peter had a pile of books to read and May and Ben set out to fix up their Still-Quieter-Than-New-York-City farmhouse.  Peter found the books fascinating, had read them to May as she worked in the kitchen or Ben as he worked on the fences, but when those two ran him off he mostly he found himself reading out loud to himself in his room.
And, just like that, the noises quieted down.
The wolves, too, that had howled with alarming frequency when they first arrived (alarming because they had been assured there were no wolves in the woods anymore) dried up the very weekend Peter had come home with an armload of books about canines.  At the time it seemed to Peter that he had superpowers.  Whatever alarming phenomenon their haunted house produced, Peter could make it go away just by researching it.  He joked about it with Aunt May as he read to her about plumbing at the breakfast table (the obvious reason for the growling sounds coming from the basement.)  She called him “The Masked Librarian.” 
Now, he realized, he had been doing something else entirely.  Tony had lived on a diet of fear.  But Peter was only providing Tony with questions, the joy of gaining new information, followed by more information.  The thing Tony called “light.” 
Sometimes Peter wondered if Tony would be happier in a household with more emotional displays – Peter knew that “light” was not simply the positive emotions.  In addition to fear and hate, Tony fed on anger, sorrow and righteous indignation just as well.  But Peter’s little family had certainly put Tony on a strict diet.  May was stubbornly, sometimes grimly, cheerful whereas Uncle Ben raised his voice so very rarely Peter could remember every single instant.  Peter was by far the most emotional of the trio, reading books about pollution that made him cry, about endangered animals and acid rain that made him so angry he felt like punching the walls.  Tony had requested all of those kinds of books, had requested laughter and tears and anger and questions. 
Had requested everything but fear.
He had described Peter as ‘fearless,’ and in many ways that was true.  Maybe Peter had inherited some stubborn, determined optimism from the same ancestor as Aunt May, or maybe he had learned it hanging onto her apron strings.  In any case when he had first discovered that there was a voice talking to him from under his bed, fearlessness and determination had certainly served him well.
But now that the thing that lived under his bed had a name and a backstory, Peter certainly felt some real fears creeping in.
Especially as the season that Tony had told him to wait for came creeping in, a sixteen-year-old Peter was aware of some budding feelings.  His body, he was told, would be changing.  He thought he was prepared for that.  But he was finding, much to his alarm, that his brain was changing too.  Watching the foxes chase rabbits from his perch high in a tree, or watching the owls devour their prey whole from his hiding place in the barn, Peter poked at those fears gingerly, teasing around the edges.
All his life, it seemed, pretending the fear wasn’t real had served him well.   Now he wasn’t so sure.  Normally, when Peter Parker was alarmed by something, he looked it up at the library.  But he wasn’t sure there were any books on this subject.
So he did the only think he could have done, he reviewed it in his brain.  Reviewed everything he knew about Tony.  Everything he knew about the thing that lived under his bed.
As he went over the story in his mind, he found himself with two things that he decided not to label ‘fears’ after all.  He decided it would be more expedient to label them ‘regrets.’
Alright, three.  Maybe four.
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fallenfurther · 4 years
Maintenance man
Post Series 1 Episode 11: Skyhook. This rescue did a lot of damage to two of the Thunderbirds, with Virgil having to be flown home in a limping Thunderbird Two. At least his brothers are willing to come to his rescue. Enjoy!
Brains deflated as he looked at the readings on his monitor. He loved the Tracy boys and maintaining the machines he’d designed was still one of his favourite things to do, but he was only one man. There was some serious electrical damage to Thunderbird Two, Thunderbird One’s engine needed to be checked over just in case the sprites or low oxygen levels had damaged the metal, and then there was the inevitable damage Thunderbird Five had taken. Thunderbird Two would have to be done first as it required most frequently. Brains was always a little on edge when Thunderbird Two was out of action, jumping at every emergency call and hoping the specialised equipment only Two could carry wasn’t needed. Thunderbird One wasn’t the highest priority as he knew there was likely to be very little, if any, damage, but Scott seemed to push her limits more often than Brains liked. A quick check, hopefully before the next rescue, would just settle Brains’ nerves and let him sleep peacefully. Thunderbird Five was the one that worried Brains the most. Although not required directly for rescues, it contained and sustained John Tracy. Space was a dangerous place and John had just pushed the space station beyond her intended purpose. There could be so much unseen and subtle damage that only a good inspection would pick up. He would send a request to Scott to call John down for safety reasons, though they might have to send Alan up to retrieve him. Brains’ didn’t want to risk the space elevator until he had thoroughly checked it. Today it had been tested beyond its design and unlike Langstom Fischler, he cared for safety.
Pulling up the Thunderbirds flight plans and locations, Brains noted both were on their way home. Scott had managed to catch up and overtake Virgil and was due to get home much sooner. With Thunderbird Two’s front landing struts down and all controls being directed through the helipod, there was no way to get the rear two down. Thunderbird Two couldn’t land without snapping the struts. Brains could tell that Gordon was struggling to fly Two with the Pods controls, the erratic path the craft was taking being all the evidence Brains needed, but that also meant it would be even harder for him to land. Wracking his brain, a solution came to mind. Pulling up the island's controls, he set the automated trolley to pull the modules out of storage so that Module Two was in the centre of the vast cavern. A tap on his comm and Scott was floating before him. 
“I’m almost home, Brains.”
“I know. I need you to meet Alan at Module Two when you land. Gordon is in need of s-some assistance.”
A quick motion with his hand, as the low rumble of the swimming pool retracting filled the room, and Scott was replaced with Alan. 
“Alan. I need you to head down to Module Two and prepare two elevator cars.”
“FAB Brains.”
Alan vanished in a flurry of movement and Brains moved to focus on some calculations before relaying the plans to Gordon, and subsequently Virgil, who was currently trapped in the cockpit. 
Scott jogged up to Module Two and headed inside. Alan waved happily from the seat of an elevator car and it didn’t take much thought to know the second one was for him. Alan’s grin contained a hint of mischief, setting off some brotherly alarm bells. Looking up at his car, he shook his head before climbing in. Of course Alan would be in the Master car! Once settled, a glance at his still grinning brother caused a smile to cross his own face. He wouldn’t begrudge Alan his moment today. Scott revved the engine, letting Alan take the lead as they headed out to the runway. It appeared that Alan was following the same instructions as he was, and drove the pod to the coordinates displayed on the dashboard. Here they waited, though Scott made a quick call to the GDF to give them a heads up about the report he was going to be submitting, including a complaint against Fischler Industries. He’d been happy to hear that they were already in the process of revoking his space operations permit. The sound of Thunderbird Two approaching caused Scott to end the call and turn his eyes to the sky. 
Thunderbird Two came into view, her movements looking more like that of a pod that a thunderbird. Sudden worry for his brothers rose from his stomach. He hadn’t realised how badly affected Two had been. He knew that Gordon was flying her from the helipod, making her virtually useless in a rescue setting, but he hadn’t realised how hard it would be to keep her straight. The fact that they had made it home was a relief. It also explained Brains’ plan. The elevator cars were going to become her new landing struts, just as they had tried to do for the Fireflash. At least this time Gordon could come in slowly, though it would still take some teamwork to land Thunderbird Two. Brians and Gordon both popped up before him, though surprisingly it was Brains who spoke first. 
"Okay, I'm going to  instruct Gordon down. Scott, Alan, you two need to be ready to move, but keep the cars in a low gear."
"FAB." Scott replied, noting Alan had spoken the same phrase a second behind him. 
"Okay, guys, this is not going to be the most graceful landing. You better do your best to not scratch her though, Virgil with a broken Two is bad enough."
"Let me worry about Virgil, you just concentrate on not snapping those struts."
Gordon gave Scott a grateful nod, before Brains took over, directing everyone. Gordon got a little frustrated towards the end but he visually deflated once Thunderbird Two was safely down. Scott had been required to move forward a little along with Alan, and the bounce and whump of Thunderbird Two hitting them had been a little unnerving, but the cars held and all was okay. Putting his car into park, he climbed out and waited for Virgil to manually override the underside hatch. A rather relieved Virgil stood on the runway before turning to look at the green behemoth above them with a sigh. 
"It's not that bad, Virgil." Gordon cheered, obviously not worried about retaliation. "It's nothing you and Brains can't fix. At least you don't have Fischler on board!"
They had all heard John's request for rescue, and now Thunderbird Two was safely grounded, they could spare Alan for a quick pick up. 
"Alan, think you could go retrieve Fischler and his crew from Thunderbird 5?"
"Sure Scott!" The excited teenager chimed before running towards Thunderbird There's silo. His younger brother's enthusiasm brought a much needed smile to his face. 
"Come on, Virgil." Scott placed a hand on the man's shoulder, "Let's get changes and grab some food before you tackle her. Let Brains do a diagnostic first."
"Fine." Virgil nodded, allowing Scott to drag him away, though Scott knew he'd be back as soon as he could. Virgil hated it when International Rescue wasn't ready to launch. It made them all edgy, more so when their Thunderbird was the reason for it. 
Brains had packed all the supplies needed into Thunderbird Three. There were a few things that needed replacing, including some of the toughened outer glass. EOS's scans had confirmed Thunderbird Five required a few large repairs alongside some smaller ones John could do. Unfortunately, she found that the satellite's operations were unaffected and thus John stayed in orbit. Brains would have preferred to take Thunderbird Five out of operation temporarily but had to suffice with a later maintenance trip. It'd taken a few days to source the required parts, but Thunderbird Two and One kept him busy. Thunderbird Two had taken just thirty two hours to get ready for launch. There had been so many different aspects to check but with Virgil's constant help they had powered through it. Thunderbird One had taken under a day, and Brains only changed a few components which were due to be replaced in the coming months, saving him a future job. 
Now he was to take Thunderbird Five out of action for at least a day, and John was reluctant. Scott had put his foot down on the matter, but that wouldn't stop John from getting annoyed and grumpy if the work overran. Brains' seat clicked into place in Thunderbird Three and Alan started going through the launch sequence. It'd been a while since Brains' had been in space, much preferring to stay on the ground, particularly the island he now called home. Unfortunately, needs must and no one knew Thunderbird Five quite like its designer. He swallowed as the rumble beneath them began and soon he was in orbit. It had definitely been a while since he'd been in space, gagging and swallowing as space sickness took hold of his stomach. Every time. Every time he had to readjust. Alan continued on as if nothing had changed, guiding the ship towards International Rescue's satellite. Once docked, John welcomed them in, EOS following and watching his every move. EOS was incredible, but there was still something about her that set Brains on edge. He'd spoken to her before and knew she was using the camera to view the world, but in person it was unnerving. 
"Right, one of the outer screens needs replacing. Let's get in with that first as Grandma is available and it means we can be operational again sooner. EOS, I've backed you up, but you'll be offline when Thunderbird Five is powered down." 
"Thank you, John. I shall see you once the repairs are complete. I will start the shutdown protocol once you are aboard Thunderbird Three."
"Thank you, EOS. Sleep tight."
"I do not require sleep, John. I shall simply be powered down."
"It's a turn of phrase, EOS."
Brains watched as John shook his head before pulling on his helmet. The interaction between man and AI was not like anything he had been expecting. Pushing himself back through the airlock, Brains couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive about leaving the shutdown to the AI. 
Brains' collapsed onto the sofa in his apartment with MAX watching his movements eagerly. He was tired, and the four days in space had been enough. They'd managed to get Thunderbird Five fully operational, apart from the space elevator, in a day and a half. Alan's help in passing tools and his ease of movement in zero-G helped immensely, allowing for a shorter down time. Living with EOS for the next two days had been an eye opener. Brains had been glad that she didn't end up following him around as he'd feared she would. She settled down and even helped him out a few times as he set about dismantling and repairing the elevator. Its bearings had taken a beating and although functional, Brains could not guarantee their reliability or function anymore. Fresh parts were given to the mechanism, a good layer of grease was applied and every inch of the cable was inspected and scanned for tears or breaks. To Brains' delight the cable was in perfect condition as the moving parts had taken the brunt on the force when retrieving the weather station. After a few test deployments, including sending down the broken and spare parts he hadn't needed, Brains was the first test subject. As expected, the ride was smooth and uneventful, just the way he liked it. Pleased with his work and happy all the Thunderbirds were in working order, he'd headed to his apartment for some much needed rest. His body was still adjusting to gravity, even a few days in space messed him up, but he was glad to be back Earthside with MAX again.
"We'll get started on that new project tomorrow, MAX."
Brains got familiar bleeps back as a response and a smile crossed his face. A glass of water floated before him and he took it. 
"Thank you, MAX."
Taking a sip his comm bleeped and Gordon floated before him. The man was in his uniform and was scratching his head in a manner that sent worry through Brains. 
"Uurgh...Brains. I think something has gone wrong with Thunderbird Four. You would mind having a look when I get back?"
"Of course, Gordon. W-what's your ETA?"
"Ten minutes, and thanks Brains, you're a lifesaver."
Brains turned to MAX, then back to the glass in his hand. So much for an early night. He drained the glass and headed to his lab, MAX on his heels. He might as well check the readings and get a head start on trying to fix whatever problem Gordon had found.
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realdennysalas-blog · 4 years
My Police Reform Agenda
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Those are the words that are etched into our memory, echoing the sentiment of our founding fathers towards the directive they were embarking on to create a nation free from tyranny. Those rights, restricted by servility towards the English Crown, moved a colony to form a nascent country that abided by these ideals.
Those ideals would form the bedrock of what we tell ourselves and others of what America is and means. We often repeat, ad nauseam, that by sacrifice and hard work, that every citizen — irrespective of race, color, sex, or creed — can reach the highest ideals of Americanism.
That is false.
Our history has been defined by the subjugation of black people. The original sin (stain) of slavery has never been reckoned with. We see it every day. We see it in the objectification of black people characterized as mindless bodies to be used for labor and sacrifice. We see it when our fellow citizens go through extraordinary lengths to avoid passing us on the same sidewalk for fear of their safety. We see it when a man is held down by a knee on his neck, gasping for air, crying out for his mother, no one coming to his aide, his eyes slowly closing as he takes his last breaths in this life.
The history of America has weighed on black Americans with blunt force trauma, that even the slightest flicker of hope, is often ignored and discarded as false vows towards a better future. These actions are often validated by the majority, thus solidifying the pain and frustration that we will never forge a path of true independence.
Those emotions of hopelessness, of specious promises from politicians - from both parties, have led to an eruption of anger and restlessness that have crowded towns and cities across America with a simple message: Enough is enough.
And that message must be heeded.
We can start with police reform. The time is now to implement the policy reforms that are needed to move forward to re-establish trust between our law enforcement officials and our communities.
In New York, we have had a long history of incidents between our police and communities of color that have exacerbated the relationship to the point of malignant mistrust. These reforms, if implemented at the city and state level, can engender a pathway forward that not only heals us but leads to safer streets with greater cooperation from communities that police are there to serve.
The following is no means an exhaustive list, but it’s a start for how we can proceed:
·      Repeal Law 50-a (making disciplinary records of NYPD public) and establish a statewide database of police misconduct complaints against officers. This section within the New York Civil Rights Law has been used as a cudgel against citizens who have sought personnel records of police officers and their possible history of misconduct. (Since passed by New York state)
·      Establish a statewide and citywide database on average response times for crimes in legislative districts. Often, when elected officials have called upon police reforms, we’ve seen response times suffer in distinct legislative districts due to retaliation. This must be tracked, and police precincts who practice these methods will have to be held accountable.
·      Require individual officers to pay for liability insurance. In FY 2018, 14,094 claims and lawsuits against New York City were resolved for $1.0 billion. That’s $1 billion of taxpayer funds that are being stripped away from essential services like education and public health — exhausting the racial inequality in our city — and instead used to pay for malfeasance. Liability insurance premiums and claims can be split by the city and officer, who likely will not have the resources to pay for claims, and leaving injured families unable to collect.
·      Strip the New York Police Department of its authority to issue press credentials and transfer the authority to the Mayor’s office.
·      Elevate false emergency calls to hate crimes with excessive fines if the perpetrator is found to have factored racial or sexual-orientation bias in calling the police against another citizen.
·      Eliminate tear gas from our police’s arsenal. Tear gas is not safe and can cause long-term respiratory issues that make it easier for humans to contract illnesses like COVID-19. Additionally, tear gas is banned in international warfare, but allowed for domestic “riot control” uses. How does that make sense?
·      On the federal level, remove qualified immunity. That statute has protected officers from liability in impeding an individual’s constitutional rights. In one case, officers were found immune to liability when they attempted to steal $225,000 when executing a search warrant.
·      Establish policies that require tamper-proof recordings of all police/civilian interactions, via body cams, that are available to the public. Body cam programs should include regulations that they aren’t used to surveil marginalized communities.
·      Increase the hiring of mental health professionals that ride-along with police addressing health checks. Often, those calls have a violent conclusion because officers are ill-equipped in dealing with citizens with mental health issues. The average officer receives only 8 hours of de-escalation training while receiving 58 hours of firearm training. More training is needed in this field while increasing the number of mental health professionals embedded with police officers.
This list of priorities is where we can start. With a little bit of courage and tenacity, we can implement policies that “bend the arc of the moral universe more towards justice” than we have before. Moreover, our law enforcement officers must hear from us that we appreciate them and need them. They are an indispensable cog in communities across our country, and when police officers carry out their mission of serving and protecting the citizenry, they display the courage and idolization that is often bestowed upon them for their acts of bravery that have saved so many.
We must also acknowledge that our police officers are often called upon to witness some of the worst incidents that humanity has to offer. Those incidents — whether it be child abuse, rape, and murders — affect the mental well-being of our officers. Witnessing those circumstances can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder, and reaching out for assistance to cope with these issues has not been successful.
In New York City, the rate of suicides among NYPD officers is higher than for other residents of our city. And, according to some studies, as many as 34 percent of our officers suffer from symptoms reminiscent of PTSD. PTSD has severe adverse effects that can alter a person’s behavior and well-being. Now imagine the consequences of not addressing those issues when law enforcement officials interact with civilians in a high-stress situation. The result could lead to a fatal event.
To offer support for our law enforcement officials, we need to implement the following:
·      Mandatory Mental Health Check-Ups. Our city has to fund programs that make it mandatory for our police officers to receive help on a schedule designated by their commanding officer to seek assistance from mental health professionals.
·      Substance abuse counseling. Many of our officers have sought substances to cope with the daily rigors of the role they serve. We must get rid of the stigma from within their ranks that question their toughness by seeking help when experiencing a traumatic event on the job.
·      Higher base-pay and establishing a bonus structure for good policing. These are dangerous jobs, and we want to welcome the best and brightest to serve within NYPD’s ranks. We should restructure the salary to include higher wages and a performance-based bonus structure for good policing.
Our city and country are on the cusp of implementing real change to improve the conditions in which we live. Racial equity and justice are not going to solved by effecting these policies, but if we do, we can move forward in addressing the other systems of inequities that have long permeated within our city. Systems that are often addressed as individual silos, well aware that they’re not mutually exclusive or divorced from improvements needed in our education system, or having economic opportunity, but this is where we can begin.
Denny Salas is a 2021 NYC City Council candidate for District 1 in Manhattan. 
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ghostbustershq · 5 years
Ghostbusters: Afterlife - Trailer A Breakdown
“Troy, wondering what you thought about that new Ghostbusters trailer?”
Well, I’ve waited thirty years for this moment. Something tells me that my long-winded and verbose writing sensibilities won’t be able to convey my thoughts in a text message or 140 characters on Twitter. Welcome anyone that I’ve pointed in this direction. I’ve been waiting an awful long time for this. And that’s not to be dismissive of the wonderful experience and entertaining film we received just three short years ago. This is something different. But the same. Something new, but also something familiar. In one word?
Quite a bit to unpack in a trailer revealing the first details on what has otherwise been a very tight-lipped production. Needless to say, the first real look at Jason Reitman’s Ghostbusters: Afterlife blew me away. The direct sequel to Ghostbusters II looks to take some twists and turns, while incorporating the iconography and elements that made the original film and its sequel so popular in the 80’s. To be completely honest, it’s quite difficult to sit here and put into words my reaction to seeing a trailer for a movie I’ve been waiting 30 years to see. Excited doesn’t even begin to describe just how fun and exciting this trailer release has been. Not to mention just how special this film release will be.
But you’re not here for a review or my sentiments, you’re here for a breakdown to the trailer with a few comments and screen grabs.
Let’s do it, eh?
Hitting the Road
Right out of the gate, some stunning cinematography from Eric Steelberg on full-display here as a car full of teenage kids approach what appears to be an old mine elevator at the top of an incredible looking vista. Kids being kids, golden hour in full effect, it’s a lovely first introduction to the world in which this film will inhabit. Finn Wolfhard’s character Trevor answers a pointed question that his family has moved to Summerville because they’re completely broke. To the point that he’s getting a haircut at home by his own mother, Callie (played by Carrie Coon). We’re meeting a family on some hard times, forced to make a hard turn in their lives because of finances.
Grandpa’s “Creepy Old Farmhouse”
The family pulls up to a farmhouse and barn that looks like they’ve both seen better days. A giant barn with a collapsed roof and several silos surround a Gothic looking weather vein riddled house that may as well be out of the Addams Family. Dire circumstances have forced them to move to a family farm inherited from an, as of now, unknown grandfather. Phoebe (played by Mckenna Grace) gets out of the car with a look on her face that says it all. And those eyeglasses… well, we’ve all talked about who those look like they belong to at great length.
Something’s Amiss
Trevor’s tender moment with a new friend (Celeste O’Connor’s still as-of-yet-unrevealed character) is interrupted by the mine elevator they’re sitting on shakes violently and a green glow emanates from the mine below them. All is not picture-perfect Americana in Summerville as we’ve been led to believe. An entity explodes from the mine, escaping into the air and pushing the teenagers back in the process. That glimpse of our paranormal haunting kicks us into the studio and production company logos.
Bron Studios/Bron Media Logo
Interestingly, no Ghost Corps logo attached to the trailer. But there is a newcomer to both the trailer and the teaser poster released on Friday, Bron Studios. A Canadian company, Bron gets a logo right after Sony/Columbia possibly suggesting they’re a financial backer of the film or a large partner in some shape or form. A quick look at iMDB shows that Aaron L. Gilbert of Bron Media has been added as an Executive Producer to the film as well.
Earthquakes and Mr. Grooberson
Here’s our first real taste of how Paul Rudd’s character will factor into the film. He’s intrigued by Summerville’s seismic activities, given the fact that it doesn’t lie on a fault line, nor does it have any of the telltale signs of locations that should be moving and shaking. The protagonist family huddles under a table during a quake where we get a good taste of the film’s humor courtesy of Trevor with a quippy one-liner about the summer that they died under a table. So what is happening? Stay tuned. Also, admittedly I was too distracted by the beautiful lighting in the shot with Trevor to notice the symmetrical book stacking visual gag in the background until others pointed it out. Well played, set dec team. I’d expect there will be visual easter eggs like this throughout the entirety of the film.
Mystery Box Revealed
Following one of the quakes at their new home, Phoebe seemingly finds a loose floorboard and a sliding puzzle that has been left behind by their grandfather to hide the presence of a familiar ghost trap. Which Phoebe takes to school and shows off to her still unnamed friend, played by Logan Kim. The sight of a ghost trap tickles Mr. Grooberson, who connects it with the famed-Ghostbusters who saved New York City back in the 1980’s. The kids have no idea of the existence of ghosts, nor what occurred back in 1984 near Central Park. Grooberson is more than happy to educate them.
Jason Reitman Front and Center
After the ghost trap’s appearance, Jason Reitman (deservedly so) gets a card proclaiming the film coming from him as a writer-director hyphenate. The credit comes over an industrial space with a whole lot of Ridley Scott creep-factor going on. If I had one nit to pick with the trailer, it’s the producer in me that is concerned poor Jason’s credit never resolves with the “R” in Reitman not obstructed by the light blooming in the center of the frame.
A Free-Roaming… Something?
Right after Jason Reitman’s card, comes a panning shot across the same industrial space where a gelatinous blob is in the distance doing something. It’s tough to make out exactly what type of entity we’re looking at here, but it seems to appear (and move) like a microscopic organism or something found at the depths of the sea. Which I quite enjoy. A ghost that looks unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Also worth noting that the movements feel practical - there is weight and almost a rubbery movement to it just like the creature designs from the shop in the 80’s. Love it.
New York Was Like the Walking Dead
Mr. Grooberson shows Phoebe and Logan Kim’s character archival footage from the 1980’s where he remembers seeing the ghost trap utilized as a kid. The Ghostbusters were a phenomenon 35 years ago, but have been forgotten. As history tends to move on and generations aren’t impacted by the events of their elders, they’re learning about who the Ghostbusters were. Phoebe comments that her mother has never spoken of the events that took place in New York and that their father isn’t in the picture.
Of note, these two shots are incredible angles that I don’t believe I’ve seen before. Perhaps the result of Jason Reitman and his post production team digging into the mines and finding the original dailies and negative from the 1984 film for use in Afterlife?
PKE Readings and “Does This Pole Still Work?”
Phoebe seems to have found other Ghostbusting equipment and uses it to trace readings back to a makeshift shed. Presumably a continuation of the scene based on the editing, Phoebe slides down a fire pole (!!!) to a subterranean hidden space. She continues to follow readings on the PKE Meter, finding equipment including the orange piece of machinery taken from the original Ghostbusters at Columbia University, a Betamax recorder in the far distance, an oscilloscope, and a whole lot of fungi growing in jars. The camera pans over sample dishes of spores, molds and fungus collections, (subtly cued with Phoebe talking about picking through the rubble of her grandfather’s life) and then continues past a proton pack in progress of assembly.
Admittedly, this was the first moment in the trailer where I could feel my heart doing backflips. We’re seeing the past through Phoebe’s eyes and everything looks, feels, and sounds like Ghostbusters. I love it. This movie is about discovery, as we’ve heard over and over. To me, it feels a bit like we’re (the viewer - the broader public outside of us fans) are rediscovering our love for what made these movies so popular.
The Shoe Drops
This is where any other trailer would take the opportunity to pepper in the bass drops, kick in the soft-breathy cover version of Ray Parker Jr.’s theme song, or some other overused trope. But Ghostbusters Afterlife takes a pretty bold stance and tries something different. And to me, it really works. When Mr. Grooberson discovers that the ghost trap isn’t a replica and is, in fact a real ghost trap (and may be occupied still), he questions who Phoebe is, as there’s a cut to Phoebe’s hand grazing over a rack of flight suits revealing the name tag, “Spengler” barely having enough time to resolve before a smash to black.
In what is absolutely a stroke of genius of whomever is responsible for this wonderful trailer, Bill Murray’s line for the original movie as Venkman and Stantz share a bottle of Apricot Brandy talking about going into business for themselves takes on a whole new meaning: “Call it fate, call it luck, call it karma. I believe everything happens for a reason,” is said while - - to my ear - - a new rendition of the same Elmer Bernstein cue that plays under the scene swells.
A Certified Genius or an Authentic Wacko
After a “Next Summer” sell card, another beautiful Americana (c/o Calgary) vista of the Shandor Mining Company. Interesting, perhaps Ivo Shandor from the original film fancied himself an entrepreneur at one point before he became an architect? Or perhaps this is a result of his interest in metallurgy mentioned by Stantz? Perhaps he mined his own supplies for projects? Either way, I’m starting to think that Sumeriaville… ahem… sorry… Summerville might be following in a classic trope of some of the best horror stories. A town with an incredibly horrible secret. Warning signs don’t matter to Phoebe and Logan Kim’s character as they trudge ahead.
Hello, Beautiful
Meanwhile, in the narrative of our trailer, Trevor follows in Phoebe’s footsteps into the fields of the farm and finds something of his own: a beautiful (but a little rusty) 1959 Miller-Meteor Cadillac as the ground shakes again, something shatters through a row of school buses seemingly attacking Phoebe, and the town goes into high-alert. Amid the chaos, there’s a striking 20 frames or so of Phoebe staring into a horrifying fire pit of arms - lost souls? Something else? And immediately after that, Mr. Grooberson frantically tries to escape from a snarling beast that slams a foot on the hood of his automobile. Trevor’s Ecto-1 adventure continues as he turns the key and an homage that would make Laszlo Kovacs proud reveals the familiar license plate and front grill emerging from the garage and into the field for a joy ride. The ol’ Ecto has a whole lotta horsepower left in the tank.
Damn Right, This Thing Has a Gunner’s Seat
And that’s when the trailer hits us. What can and should be the most amazing surprise in the trailer (if not unfortunately spoiled for you by a few self-interested rotten apples with horrible cell phone photos) - this isn’t the Ecto we’re familiar with. Perhaps an explanation as to why it’s the ol’ Ecto-1, or maybe the car was always being changed throughout the duration of the Ghostbusters’ longevity, THIS Ectomobile looks to have been heavily modified for field work. Phoebe, with a thrower in her hand, swivels out into an attack position and we’re off to the races. The Ecto-1, with Phoebe in the gunner position, looks to be chasing the microscopic entity seen earlier in the industrial space - though some people have speculated that might be Slimer, I don’t think that’s the case. Either way… Dear Hasbro, take my money now. My goodness, what an awesome set-piece (and toyetic moment) that looks like it will be.
Everything about this movie speaks to me. It’s playing with my nostalgia. It’s also giving us something new and the promise of the next generation discovering the Ghostbusters both on-screen and off. The fact that a main character is named Trevor for some reason immediately made me think of my amazing former boss and now guide to the next generation of comedy Trevor Albert, who was a long-time friend and colleague of Harold Ramis. Phoebe’s an intriguing character and the friendship that we saw Mckenna Grace and Logan Kim develop via social media throughout the course of the production seems to have carried over to their on-screen performances.
Of course, noticeably absent are any of the original cast members. But, as the theme of this trailer and seemingly the movie as a whole is discovery and things slowly unfolding, I can imagine that moment will be saved until the absolute very end of the marketing campaign. If the cast isn’t kept in secret similar to Mark Hamill in The Force Awakens completely. To be completely honest, I don’t want to see another frame until opening day of the film itself. And if this is the only trailer they release, that would be a wonderful mystery box. Particularly for this Ghostbusters podcast host who would have to break another TV spot or trailer down frame by frame. I get the sense that the less we know and see about this movie before the first viewing experience, the better.
But most of all - - the iconography, the designs from Stephen Dane, Michael C. Gross, and so many other artists has carried over successfully and looks authentic. This is no replica, as the trailer blatantly tells us. This is the real deal.
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michaelandy101-blog · 3 years
Come One, Come All! The MozCon Digital 2021 Day One Recap
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/come-one-come-all-the-mozcon-virtual-2021-day-one-recap/
Come One, Come All! The MozCon Digital 2021 Day One Recap
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Our favourite time of the yr is right here! The second ever MozCon Digital kicked off yesterday with attendees from over 35 nations. There have been networking rooms, picture sales space pics, and reside tweets. It nearly felt like we have been again collectively in a single place (simply minus the donuts).
Lack of donuts apart, everybody was tremendous excited to be again at MozCon for an additional action-packed convention. Day one’s audio system introduced their A-game and actually bought individuals pondering.
Already had a number of 🤯 moments at #MozCon and it’s solely Day 1! Can’t await tomorrow. Cheers!
— Kavi Kardos (@therarevos) July 12, 2021
For these of you who might have missed it, or these of you who had a tough time maintaining with this three ring circus, this is a fast recap!
Sarah Hen — Welcome to MozCon
Moz’s fearless chief began MozCon Digital off with a bang! She launched Moz Group, a results of the merger with J2. Then, she introduced two product releases — one in alpha and one in beta! Each will probably be additional defined by Mozzers later within the week.
A giant announcement throughout the opening session at #MozCon right now: “The Moz Group” is now a set of manufacturers and applied sciences for digital entrepreneurs: pic.twitter.com/F62glc6b89
— Rob Ousbey (@RobOusbey) July 12, 2021
Sarah’s introduction concluded with a shifting tribute to Russ Jones. You’ll be able to share your personal recollections with Russ or donate to his household at RememberingRussJones.com. 
Shannon McGuirk — Classes in Surviving the Covid Information Agenda & What it Means for the Way forward for Digital PR
As at all times, Shannon began out sturdy with some radical transparency. She walked us by Aira’s journey by COVID and the way it modified every part. 
I’ve a lot love for @ShannonMcGuirk_‘s uncooked honesty #MozCon 💙 pic.twitter.com/lxo08YJS4K
— Areej AbuAli (@areej_abuali) July 12, 2021
In previous MozCon shows, Shannon has proven us the outreach methods that Aira has relied on for a number of years, however 2020 threw everybody for a loop. Within the first two weeks of lockdown, Aira misplaced 50% of their income. One thing needed to change.
Really, every part needed to change.
We bought perception into Aira’s three-prong, PR future-proofing system that developed in consequence:
Ideation: utilizing the ROR framework of relevancy, opinion, decision
Manufacturing: create confirmed frameworks that may be personalized on your shopper
Promotion: by accessing, speaking, and having perspective
Shannon gave us the nitty gritty of how this method works for Aira, full with precise photographs of their best-performing, always-ready frameworks. Truthfully, it felt like we have been seeing one thing confidential, however we have been right here for it.
Um, I believe @ShannonMcGuirk_ is sharing some *critical* @Ariadigital secrets and techniques right here…
They’ve templates for manufacturing which are wireframed and customizable.
They run TONS of campaigns off of THREE fundamental templates.#MozConpic.twitter.com/6PcZ3lIlee
— Brie E Anderson (@brie_e_anderson) July 12, 2021
Flavilla Fongang — The Science of Buying Habits: The right way to Use it Successfully to Appeal to & Convert Extra Prospects Into Clients
Flavilla was able to prescribe some tactical medication to these seeking to enhance their conversion fee. She jumped proper in with explaining how our brains operate. Ya know, limbic system, neocortex, and reptilian mind? Don’t fear, we didn’t both!
She broke them down because the emotional mind (limbic), rational (neocortex), and combat or flight (reptilian). Then Flavilla requested the massive query: which mind has essentially the most influence on shopping for selections? The reply (which shocked most) was the reptilian mind.
Flavilla took us by six methods the reptilian mind will be stimulated.
Killer slide from @FlavillaFongang#mozconpic.twitter.com/6N5OC5jlOz
— Noah Learner (He/Him) (@noahlearner) July 12, 2021
But it surely wouldn’t be a MozCon presentation with out one thing that may be put into motion right now. Flavilla dropped all types of techniques to check: placing the CTA nearer to the buyer’s image, utilizing the ability of the gaze, tapping into unfavorable emotion, displaying distinction (suppose earlier than and after), and placing a very powerful info first.
We may have listened to Flavilla speak all day lengthy. Listening to her tackle purchaser conduct was a bit like trying right into a glass ball and getting solutions to all of our questions. We are able to’t wait to place it into motion!
Dr. Pete Meyers — Rule Your Rivals: From Information to Motion
At all times a crowd pleaser, Dr. Pete confirmed off a brand new Moz instrument at present in Beta: True Competitor. True Competitor is a mission Moz has been engaged on for the previous couple of years, and this yr it’s lastly able to take the stage! (You’ll be able to request early entry to True Competitor right here.)
Dr. Pete used the brand new instrument to remind us that these we assume to be our rivals generally aren’t truly our competitors in any respect. As an alternative of specializing in who we predict we’re shedding visitors to, we must be centered on who’s stopping us from making money.
There is a huge distinction between who you “think” your competitors is and who you compete with within the SERPs. #MozCon
— Jason Dodge (@dodgejd) July 12, 2021
Utilizing the brand new True Competitor instrument, and some cool search modifiers, Dr. Pete was capable of finding some alternative key phrases to check out.
The method seemed a bit like this:
Use True Competitor to determine potential key phrases
Use search modifiers to search out the rating pages for the competitors
Discover Moz’s present rating content material
Create content material utilizing the same key phrases
Hyperlink to essentially the most up to date and related content material
Get Key phrases, competitor pages, and my greatest piece of content material to compete with: @dr_pete#mozconpic.twitter.com/VFk5beIbvI
— Noah Learner (He/Him) (@noahlearner) July 12, 2021
We knew that Dr. Pete would convey the warmth, but it surely’s protected to say he outdid himself this yr. 
Nice speak by @dr_pete from the #mozcon. Take aways: Do not make assumptions about your rivals Don’t make an enormous novel – give you a plan together with what’s lacking out of your website content material points. Monitor what works/what would not and amend accordingly. @Mozpic.twitter.com/pnUWqeL2vX
— J Turnbull (@SEOJoBlogs) July 12, 2021
Noah Learner — Sport-Altering Methods to Use the Google Search Console API
This primary-time MozCon speaker got here able to play! Straight away, Noah gave us some perspective on the precise limitations of Google Search Console. As most of us know, Search Console solely offers you entry to 1,000 rows. Properly, Noah knew that there was much more knowledge to be seen and began dabbling with the API.
Apparently this led to a 15-hour journey down the GSC rabbit gap, as Noah began engaged on making a customized Google Search Console instrument utilizing Massive Question and Google Information Studio. This instrument, Explorer for Search, has already gotten some buzz from these within the trade.
If you have not seen Search Explorer from @noahlearner and Two Octobers you are lacking out. Native GSC is abysmal compared. #MozCon
— Taylor Murchison (@TaylorMurchison) July 12, 2021
Truthfully, for those who take a look at the Twitter feed for #MozCon, there aren’t a ton of tweets as a result of no one may sustain with him! Noah moved quickly by precisely how he constructed Explorer for Search along with his staff, and the way they’re utilizing it.
Loving this putting distance report @noahlearner is displaying off #Mozconpic.twitter.com/VgUa1CeAcC
— Jordan Choo (@JordanChoo) July 12, 2021
Nearly immediately, Noah and his staff discovered over $300,000 of key phrases that weren’t accessible in Search Console. They did this by constructing in place sorting, high of funnel/ backside of funnel sorting, branded vs. non branded filters, and extra.
We can not wait to play with this and get began with the Search Console API!
Dana DiTomaso — Construct for Search: Fashionable Internet Dev That Places search engine marketing First
A very long time MozCon favourite, Dana DiTomaso placed on her coach’s hat for this yr’s session. Far too usually, we discover ourselves in awkward conditions that require us to scrap all of our work and begin over once more.
“Developers [also] come in way too late […] and come in and say, “oh, I can’t do that” […] or “this isn’t going to work on mobile,” and now it’s important to begin the design over again. @danaditomaso#MozCon
— Melina Beeston (@mkbeesto) July 12, 2021
Dana bumped into this fashion too many instances, so she and her staff got here up with a greater answer. She was able to make us, and our internet dev processes, agile(ish).
She confirmed us her staff’s total course of from presenting key phrase analysis (IN A PIE CHART?!), to utilizing GatherContent to create an internet site blueprint for shoppers, all the way in which to wireframe creation and presentation.
search engine marketing tasks should not be finished in silos.
search engine marketing, UX, Design, Dev, & Content material groups ought to all be concerned early and sometimes(as wanted).
The Agile mission administration methodology is a good framework that makes this simple to do.
Insights from @danaditomaso ‘s speak #mozconpic.twitter.com/Fl5B8ncSG0
— Ọla King (@justolaking) July 12, 2021
At every step, anybody can leap in and see what’s going on and add to the dialog or course of. It’s far much less linear and permits for extra collaboration.
Jackie Chu — Internationalization Errors: The right way to Go World With out Shedding All of Your Site visitors
With a observe report like Jackie’s, it’s arduous to think about not blowing minds. Jackie began by explaining one of the complicated search engine marketing ideas: Hreflang. This clarification led to a couple tactical solutions proper off of the bat:
Outline goal language and nation
Self-canonicalize all URLs
Use constant URL patterns
Truthfully, there have been so many takeaways from this presentation that they have been arduous to maintain observe of. Think about, all of that info on Hreflang alone was within the first 17 slides… and this presentation was 60 slides lengthy!
Nice tip by @jackiecchu about utilizing additional indicators past hreflang to indicate Google which model of your website is focused to which worldwide viewers, similar to linking to that nation’s respective social profiles, or enhancing the NAP to mirror that nation’s data.#mozconpic.twitter.com/2T24euwRyZ
— Lily Ray 😏 (@lilyraynyc) July 12, 2021
You’ll positively wish to revisit this presentation within the video bundle, accessible Friday, to glean all insights doable! 
Cyrus Shepard — Mastering three Click on + Engagement Alerts for Larger Rankings/Site visitors
Cyrus, a long-time MozCon emcee, takes the stage himself this yr to debate how Google might — or might not — use consumer engagement indicators as an enter in rating web sites.
Cyrus began by explaining how 20 years of Google patents describe three various kinds of click on indicators they might measure: first clicks, lengthy clicks, and final clicks. He then walked by a large number of small-scale search engine marketing experiments that tried to affect these click on indicators to see if he may affect rankings.
Among the experiments included:
Optimizing Meta Descriptions in non-traditional methods
Eradicating Title Tag “Boilerplate”
Enhancing the visibility of “Related Articles”
Including FAQs
Do not do it. For the love of God. Do not do it.#[email protected]/hWxCxLlpju
— Brie E Anderson (@brie_e_anderson) July 12, 2021
Lastly, Cyrus shared some case research together with the migration of the Moz Q&A — which concerned over 100,000 URLs — and the way they improved consumer engagement.
What an amazing URL path migration course of and conduction from @Moz‘s search engine marketing staff! Shifting the Q&A piece with some necessary guidelines is one thing, but in addition, in terms of user-generated content material, it is arduous to alter. So @CyrusShepard got here with over 16% success after that. #MozConpic.twitter.com/bIHk8uVHA6
— Roman Adamita (@AdamitaRoman) July 12, 2021
On the finish, Cyrus emphasised that search engine marketing is just not about manipulating numbers, however that “User satisfaction is ranking factor #1.” After watching this presentation, you will positively stroll away with a number of concepts for participating your customer.
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qwertsypage · 4 years
Steel and Sticky Notes Part 1: Alignment
Steel and Sticky Notes Part 1: Alignment
by Dee Rhoda | January 28, 2021 | Blog
The value of any framework – Scrum or otherwise – is very easy to measure. All you have to do is answer one question, “Does it deliver in the real world?” Theories are fun for our analytical minds to toy with, but if they don’t lead to better results they’re just that – mental toys.
This leads us to the growing use of the Scrum framework in the Design and Construction industry. 
More and more companies are implementing Scrum because it is driving the outcomes they seek. Projects are coming in on-time and on-budget or BETTER. They can quickly adapt to changes, overcome obstacles, and remove bottlenecks. The work is more aligned and collaborative. Problems get solved fast and profits and employee satisfaction grow. All these are reasons that early adopters of Scrum in the field of Design and Construction are gaining a market advantage. 
There are, however, those who would like to launch a Scrum implementation but aren’t sure how or even where to start. That is the purpose of this series – to highlight how one early adopter is using Scrum for Design and Construction in the real world. Throughout this series we’ll explore several topics – all told through the lens of a massive project being built now on the Sacramento campus of U.C. Davis Health.
McCarthy and “A Place for Medical Miracles”
Founded in 1864 (a year before the end of the U.S. civil war), McCarthy Building Companies is steeped in history. The Design and Construction industry as a whole is known for specialized, siloed skill sets and strict hierarchies. Yet, McCarthy has earned a reputation for embracing the right kind of change. So when they sent me an invitation to visit one of their large-scale project sites in Sacramento, California earlier this year, I enthusiastically accepted. 
This is a big build. 58,000 square feet of new construction for a state of the art medical facility plus 17,500 square feet of renovations to an adjacent existing facility. The overall contract is worth tens of millions of dollars. 
A sign out front announces that this will be the home of the Ernest E. Tschannen Eye Institute “A place for medical miracles.” This is much more than your corner optometrist office. 
After attending the site safety briefing I meet up with Felipe Engineer-Manriquez, Lean Director at McCarthy (thank you again Felipe!). You’ll hear more from him in future posts.
Felipe walks me out to the job site where a massive steel skeleton now stands. 
Solving for the “Complicated and Complex” of Construction
Modern construction projects are both complicated and complex. A lack of understanding about both can lead to inefficiencies, delays, and cost overruns. Let me explain:
Complicated projects have a lot of pieces and parts that need to fit together to drive a job to done. Think of a 10,000 piece jigsaw puzzle. Or the raw materials needed to build a medical facility plus the skilled workers and laborers who do the work.
Complex projects are those that must pivot and adapt to uncertainty and change. Imagine if the pieces of that same complicated jigsaw puzzle kept shifting every few minutes. These uncertainties can come in many forms in Design and Construction; price increases or scarcity of supplies or workers, unforeseen bottlenecks, even the weather. 
Scrum helps solve both the complicated and the complex. One way it does this is by aligning teams and teams-of-teams on the priority work that needs to be done and makes the progress of that work visible. 
At the McCarthy job site, the company is using a Design-Build approach and Pull Planning.  But Senior Project Engineer Casey Cowan wanted to go further. Cowan has more than 20 years of experience, he has seen a lot of jobs, work, and crews. Cowan knows the value of alignment on a project. 
The site’s construction trailer is proof.  Everyone is welcomed in – and when they enter they see a series of large panels covered in grids and color-coded sticky notes filling a long wall.
It’s a giant, DIY Scrum Board.
Every column represents a workday. Each row a trade. Individual sticky notes represent a piece of work to be done and are placed on the board by the McCarthy team or the subcontractors – that becomes the backlog. 
When work is completed, a diagonal slash is made on the sticky note.  
Once that work is inspected, accepted, and approved a second slash is added for a visualization of work completed & accepted = DONE.  This is how they know the work meets the Acceptance Criteria and Definition of Done. 
  Aligning to Solve A Complex Build
Cowan makes sure the work is visible.  Visible for ALL to see – owner, architects, his crew, and the subcontractors.
But alignment isn’t just about visibility. People need to see how the work fits into the bigger picture. 
This board also helps everyone to see, in real-time, what work is coming up and – perhaps more importantly – what may be stopping the flow of work. 
Every morning, Cowan gathers representation around the board, and he walks through what was done yesterday, what is happening today, and what is planned for tomorrow.  The group discusses their work, dependences, and what may prevent them from moving forward.  In other words, they collaborate and make changes, together, as needed.  
Mind-blowing?  Nope!
 Scrum calls this a Scaled Daily Scrum (SDS). After the event, each subcontractor representative shares the information with the subcontractor teams. 
 Walking this board every day ensures alignment across all teams, trades, and functions.  
There is a plan for the day, every day including how to address what might get in the way of getting work done. Quality inspections can take place collaboratively leading to issues being resolved within hours instead of days.   
I also want to point out the work that Casey Cowan and McCarthy are doing to change the culture that is often experienced on a traditional construction site.  He encourages all members of the project to speak up, be curious and feel safe in doing so. This type of openness and psychological safety is going a long way to increasing individual & team motivation, quality of work, and job site safety. 
Register Now For Our March 18-19 Scrum In Design & Construction Course
This live, interactive, virtual two-day course features a combination of lectures, hands-on exercises, and real-world case studies from successful Design & Construction projects. Students who successfully complete the course and pass the exam will earn their Scrum Inc. Scrum Master
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credential with a Design & Construction endorsement signed by the co-creator of Scrum, Dr. Jeff Sutherland.
Learn More
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ennaraw52 · 4 years
Travel Tips: Golden Nuggets
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Backpackers: What are the most important things/lessons you learned from traveling the world?
Enna Morgan·Updated December 5 Former Faculty at Tsinghua University (清华大学)
Originally Answered: What are the best life lessons you’ve learned from traveling the world?
Pee whenever you see a bathroom, you never know when you will see another one
Almonds are a girl’s (and boy’s) best friend, and is more important than even lipstick (So if you have to make a choice, choose wisely). Regardless of the size of the city you are flying into, never assume that there is a welcome committee waiting for you with a smorgasbord of food…..especially if you are vegetarian.
Always have a bottle of water in your bag, except if you are going through an airport; in Thailand, even the empty bottle seems to be problematic, and size does make a difference!
Hospitals: Life-saving institutions under ordinary circumstances, but death traps when you do not speak the local language.
All over the world people love tourists, until the tourist runs out of money.
Credit cards are your best resources for travel, it saves you the headache of fake currency (especially in Asia), and rescues you from the pickpockets (globally).
Planning on going shopping in China? Here is a valuable bargaining formula: 1/4. Whatever the price you are told, know that you can offer 1/4 and they will still make money off you. One little subtlety though, you have to be prepared to walk away….because that’s when the real bargaining begins!
Around the world, many stores have two price tags: the local price, and the American (UK, Canadian) price. But then some stores reserve the right to have no price tag; it will be adjusted according to your nationality and congeniality.
The rating of tourist destinations is determined by the availability of food, alcohol, and sex (and not necessarily in that order).
Years ago we rated airlines according to their level of comfort, today we rate them by their level of frugality….and we call it economy.
As the earth’s population and the individual’s body size increases, the service and the space in aircrafts decrease at an equal pace, proportionately.
I used to think that a train was a wonderful alternative to air travel, a lovely way to see and experience the country. I have been disabused of that notion. Travel by day, will nauseate you from the unending silos, haystacks, cows and pastures, and the multiple ways that we pollute the earth; night travel will introduce you to the vast spectrum of blackness, and the distant lights of cities that will be impressed upon your mind as just a flash in time. And travel during any time with the less-than-impressive toilets, will….well, let’s just leave that topic for another post. Bottom line, trains are good, but not all groovy!
There was a time, not so long ago, when an airline ticket was an all-inclusive package deal; today your ticket buys you ONLY the right to board the plane (well, even that is litigious, depending on if you are on United Airlines), everything else is non-inclusive: the seat, the food, your luggage, the right to get inebriated, a pillow, a blanket, the space size, the comfort level, and even the view. Very soon we will be taxed on the air quality.
When travelling, anywhere, pack half the crap and twice the money
TIPS: Initially, an abbreviation for, To Improve Promptness, today it means, Taken In Place of Salary. In most places (especially the essential (food and beverage)), tips are not optional, they are either included in the charge, or arduously solicited (Psst! That’s a code phrase for ‘guilt trip”!)
Global travelers should be allowed to hold an international passport card, and allowed to work and reside in every country. Why? We make mortgage payments in the taxes, the foreign surcharge fees, and the special ‘foreigners’ price that we pay as we travel through the country.
Never set your bags in the trunk of a cab, you lose your bargaining tool
Most cab drivers are clueless about the city in which they operate; it seems to be a prerequisite for employment in this occupation. Strangely enough, though, they know all the scenic routes quite well.
All the world knows about GPS, and uses it…..except cab drivers. Hmm!
Red-eye flights are quite economical in the smaller, South Asian countries. But just be sure someone is collecting you at the airport, because if not, then your taxi fare will be perhaps 4 times the cost of your flight, since transportation options will be slim to non-existent.
Hotels and AirBNB owners are more than likely connected with some of the top photo-editors in the country; they can make a shanty-town room look like something out of Architectural Digest.
If you are looking to meet people, and live it up, book a hostel; if you want to experience family life, and embrace the environment, try AirBNB; if your thing is lovely aerial views, fine dining, and a bed and shower, then a hotel is for you; if you yearn for fresh air daily sunshine and sea views, nightly entertainment, and food ad nauseum, a cruise is a-calling; but if you’re looking for a really good night’s sleep, then shut the doors, turn off the phone, and tuck yourself into bed. Stay at home, it is the only guarantee of peace and quiet…..okay, so that may not be accurate if you reside in Southeast Asia!
The best party cruise line is the Carnival Cruise; the best destination line is Holland America Cruise line (they are under the same umbrella company, Carnival Corporation). The best cuisine is in the Caribbean; my favourites being Negril (Jamaica), and Cabarete (The Dominican Republic). And the best experiences you will have in your life, in terms of emotional diversity, taking you from your highest highs to your lowest lows, will be in India.
In Europe you need to check your change; in Asia, you must check the notes; in South America you have to check your pocket; and in general, you should check your attitude, as internationally, there is an undisclosed ‘bitch fee’ that applies to every transaction.
For flights, hotels, and cars, the best deals are online; for everything else, the best deals are made with the person, in the moment, at the location.
Cruisers, know this about bargains: When the boat docks in port, the price tag (of anything) drops dramatically and proportionately, relative to the distance from the cruise boat. Also, the excursions are way cheaper on the shore than on the boat….makes economic sense!
Ferry boats provide a great way to see a city from the inside; except in Indonesia; a ferry boat ride there is a great way to ruin a vacation….or a life, depending on how well you swim!
Curbside check-in is a fantastic invention, and works superbly, globally; except at JFK airport, there they give new meaning to the word “vegetating”!
Rental car companies are in the business of selling insurance, not renting cars. You should know that going into it! Be sure to have your own insurance so that you can check all the ‘decline’ paragraphs on the 10-page contract. FYI: Your credit card covers a portion of rental insurance, check before you check (get it?), or you will be paying twice….or thrice if you’re not too bright.
If you have a connection on an airline, that is one hour or less, and you miss that connection (due to airline delays), the airline is responsible to get you another flight, at no additional cost. If it is an international connection, then it means that customs will be involved, so make sure that there is more than 1.5 hours in-between flights, or you will more than likely miss your connection, and in many cases (transcontinental) there is only one flight daily. And though they are liable (provided that they booked this ticket, and not you), there will be a major tussle for the airline to assume the associated costs, being hotel, meals and transportation.
Checked luggage is not the best place for your valuables, the bag-handlers will steal it; your carry-on is not suitable either, TSA will ‘confiscate’ it; a bank lock-box used to be a viable option, but the government can levy on it; and due to their steady and usurious fee (inflation) a storage facility will incrementally decrease the monetary worth of your valuables. The solution? I’m waiting for one too. So when you find one, market that shit, we are all waiting to buy it!
Do not try to repeat a phenomenal vacation, that is why it is called ‘phenomenal’ – because it is a once in a lifetime experience!
Which brings up the point: Holiday romances are just that – “holiday” romances! They are context-bound, and are designed to work only within those conditions…skinny dipping, romantic sunsets, piña coladas, etc. Don’t expect the romance to transcend reality.
As a global traveler, know that the world economy rests squarely in your able hands, so understand your commitment to, and participation in this delicate ecology. Businesses everywhere understand your love for and commitment to exploring the world, hence the hospitality and service employee’s income is now 20% salary, 20% tip-based, and 60% pilfering. Do your part, live it up so there is not much left in your wallet to steal!
If you are in a foreign country, remember this – you are a foreigner; you are not in control, they are! Adjust your attitude accordingly (oh, wait, did I mention that before? Yeah, well perhaps it needs repeating!), that could determine if you leave the country in an aircraft or a body bag….either way, the locals won’t give one rat’s patootie!
Gee, I hate to leave on such a dour note, so…….buon viaggio!
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Add CommentMegan Cox·March 23, 2018
One note: In the US, there are legal minimums between flight legs. If the airline covers it, their ass is covered. They do not have to rebook or accommodate you for free. They may choose to do so, but are not legally obligated to.
I specifically remember the legal minimum at DFW when arriving fr … (more)Upvote·2Reply
Mrinal Bhattacharya·March 15, 2018
Enna, I loved your post. It wasn’t just entertaining, it was completely relevant and true.
Also, I am completely in love with the style of your writing, the way you hid those little humour nuggets with each statement:
“Most hotels are more than likely connected with some of the top photo-editors in th … (more)Upvote·62Reply
Enna Morgan·March 17, 2018
Hi Mrinal, many thanks for reading, and taking the time to express the little things that brought joy and amusement. I really appreciate the detailed note. Hope that one day our travel paths intersect, then we can have a coffee and a good laugh about all our travel tribulations and anecdotes :)Upvote·16Reply
Mrinal BhattacharyaHey Enna, that will super cool. If you ever plan to visit India, feel free to message me…. I will be happy to assist you in curating the itinerary. If time permits… I would love to join you as well… By the way… Coffee and Conversation sounds perfect.Harry Renords·June 25, 2018
That’s true my dearUpvoteReplyC.J. Heck·August 13, 2018
Well done! I enjoyed your writing and learned a lot, Enna. Thank you!Upvote·2Reply
Enna Morgan·August 16, 2018
You are most welcome, C.J. Thanks for reading….and for the compliment :)Upvote·1Reply
C.J. HeckIt was well deserved, Enna.Robert Craig·August 17, 2018
I especially like this point:
When travelling, anywhere, pack half the crap and twice the money.
Although this point really only seems to apply to Americans in my experience:
Rental car companies are in the business of selling insurance, not renting cars. You should know that going into it! Be sure to … (more)Upvote·3Reply
Enna Morgan·August 18, 2018
Thanks for the comments and likes, Robert
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About the rental insurance, have you checked into airline credit cards? A lot of cards associated with airline companies (for the sky miles) offer various kinds of insurance and rental insurance.
And yes, that paragraph did apply primarily to car rental age … (more)UpvoteReplyRobert CraigI have not! Thanks for the suggestion. Will look into it.Greg Young·March 6, 2018
“Red-eye flights are great in the smaller, South Asian countries, just be sure someone is collecting you at the airport. If not, then your taxi fare will be perhaps 4 times the cost of your flight since transportation options will be slim to non-existent”
so much this.Upvote·3Reply
View More CommentsView 100+ Other Answers to this QuestionAbout the AuthorEnna MorganVeteran. X-Legal Advocate. EducatorEditFormer Faculty at Tsinghua University (清华大学)Studied at University of WashingtonLives in Global Village3.9M content views18.9K this monthTop Writer2018Active in 3 Spaces2,653 Followers
  from Travel Tips: Golden Nuggets
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