#well fav (this time is tomu's time lol)
cherrykamado · 2 years
writing selfship thingies to mon laferte my greatly beloved<3
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satancopilotsmytardis · 4 months
Yes I stayed up late reading Insects and Pyre until I fell asleep with my phone on my face and woke up early to finish the fic. And OMG IT'S SO GOOD. It's interesting to read Dabi wanting to do what's right even when he wants something else so strongly, knowing that he would canonically choose to take his revenge and do whatever he needed to do to get there. I had to remind myself a few times that he's not a villain in this story lol. I also noticed how you said sutures instead of staples in this fic, probably because he wasn’t on the run and had access to proper medical attention instead of having to staple his seams together himself or go to an underground doctor for it.
I already LOVE the idea of Moth! Tomura before reading the fic, but him as a god as well? OBSESSED. It's sad how he's been locked away on his own land for centuries by people who stole what belonged to him. Ngl I wouldn't have minded if he did end up killing everybody in his forest (except Dabi ofc) and took back what was his. And the fact that he gave up after so long was so sad :(. Poor baby just wanted his land back but instead settled for making his cave as similar to what he used to have as possible.
Tomu had been alone for most of 300 years and fell in love with Dabi in just a week. And Dabi, isolated even when he was in his village and who had never loved anyone romantically, absolutely fell in love with the god who treated him better than anyone had in a decade.
Even though Tomura stopped Dabi from feeding the runestone and trapping him for another year, still let him choose whether he wanted to sacrifice himself and save his village or not. Since he had been watching Dabi since the start, I think he understood him enough to know what he truly wanted, and that it wasn’t to die for the people who had treated him unkindly all his life, especially Endeavor. He wanted to save Dabi just as much as he wanted to free himself and was willing to hold back his revenge just so that Dabi could escape with Rei and Fuyumi. The way he was so desperate for him not to sacrifice himself was so bittersweet and I think I died a little when Dabi kept asking him to stop because he knew that he couldn't do it himself.
Istg I wanted to kill Endeavor when he stabbed Dabi when he tried to burn the plant. I mean I kind of expected it (since nothing ever goes my poor baby's way), but I was still pissed and was so glad that he got to kill his father in the end. But him burning his arm off probably wasn't the best thing to ever happen to him, though.
The way Tomu was so scared of losing Dabi is honestly heartbreaking. Poor baby has been alone for so long and has had all his land stolen from him and was terrified of losing the one he loved too. It wasn’t a huge surprise when he made Dabi immortal. Him giving up his vengeance showed just how much he cared about Dabi. He chose to save him even if it meant forgiving the ones who kept him trapped for centuries. Dabi was definitely in love with him after that. He has never had anyone love and care about him so much in so long that getting so much of it after a decade probably had him hooked immediately.
Why did Dabi grow wings after becoming immortal though? I figured that it was because it was Tomura who gave him immortality but it wasn’t said that he had the fur around his neck or the antennas. I’m also curious how you would picture Tomu’s actual God form? It’s mentioned that gods take on and mimic forms of animals, but I wonder what his godly one would be like, and also Dabi’s?
Anyway, this is such a precious fic and it’s totally going into my bookmarks folder. I’m definitely going to cherish it and read it again soon. My fav scene is obv when Tomu stopped Dabi from touching the stone. The Firefly’s tears broke my heart and the scene’s just so emotional but adorable all at the same time. Another masterpiece!! <3
Ah, thank you so much! Though I hope you catch up on the missing sleep! I'm so glad that so many different aspects of the story spoke to you! 🖤
As for Dabi's final appearance, the wings are an aspect of godhood. All gods in this world have wings in some form or another to show their divinity. Dabi's took on the appearance of a firefly's (hence the lack of moth ruff) because that's the form Tomura was thinking of when he bestowed him with his aspect. However, Dabi's body and his magic were still tied more used to being mortal, since that's the form he's held all his life, and that just tried to restore him as much as it could to the way he was before. He managed to fix his missing arm in his sleep, and over the years if he wants to he will be able to grow back his skin and take away his scars as well as change the appearance of his wings, but he probably won't much, his lover is already accepting of his appearance, that's gonna help him accept it a lot more too
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