#well i mean  almost  BUTAMNNYWAY
hqmillioncorn · 1 year
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Lalapril 4/3: Affection
“There he goes again! He’s so in love! As if lightning struck him from above! I LoOOooOve you my hero~! You are my trUuUE LooOoveeeE~! Butter won’t you stop your silly dreaming please?!”
Butter took in a long and heavy sigh.
The foyer was completely empty except for him and Cinnamon who was sitting silently on the coffee table in front of him, munching on a regular sized strawberry wafer cookie. 
She had been watching Butter as he did his moping thing, hoping that he would be able to snap himself out of his funk on his own.
Cinnamon was sure that Butter’s current mood was the result of what happened when everyone had left from Limsa Lominsa. She hadn’t seen it herself but Butter made sure to tell her and Pancake that Babycorn had waved him off personally from the boat.
As if that hadn’t been enough Babycorn had also apparently told Butter something along the lines of, ‘Take care! I’ll miss you Butter!’ It was specifically being called by name that sent Butter cartwheeling off the docks while giggling.
Having to be fished out of the ocean aside, Cinnamon expected Butter to be in an even better mood than usual for at least the next few weeks.
Instead, he collapsed into a pile of sadness the moment he stepped back into the mansion.
Since then, Butter had been sighing to himself in different parts of the house. Pancake assumed it was just his usual romantic yearning and left him on his own to hang out with Linnet and the others.
Cinnamon stayed behind (not because she didn’t have anyone to hang out with or anything!) and watched Butter brood around the mansion. At some point Butter had grabbed the blue rose Babycorn had given him and twirled it around by the stem in one hand while also wistfully staring out a window.
Cinnamon couldn't believe it had come to this.
She set her regular sized wafer cookie down and flew over to where Butter sat.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this but could you be any less in love?” Cinnamon feared that the next thing after this would be Butter going to stand at the docks every morning just in case Babycorn came back that day.
“...Huh?” Butter looked up at her, “Sorry Cinnamon. I’m just…” There was another looooong sigh from him and Cinnamon could feel her mental fortitude breaking down.
Cinnamon flew in a circle around Butter’s head, playfully tapping him on the forehead. “Hellooo?! You should be happy that Babycorn said goodbye to you!! She didn’t say goodbye to anyone else!”
Granted many of those that Babycorn would call her good friends were actually going on the trip with her so there would be no need for her to wave goodbye to them but that was besides the point.
“I am happy!” Butter blushed, a dumb smile on his face, “Like super duper happy…”
“Then what’s going on?” Cinnamon was literally out of ideas of what could be going on with him.
“I’m just thinking…What if Babycorn isn’t into guys like me?”
“Guys like…you?” Cinnamon was a little lost.
“You know!” 
Cinnamon looked him up and down. “No I don’t know.” She raised one of her sleeves up to her chin to think. “Do you mean she doesn’t like guys with pointy hair? That would make her kind of a hypocrite. Since her hair is plenty pointy.”
“Noooo! I’m not talking about my hair!”
Though Butter had said that it still didn’t stop him from tugging on one of the spikiest parts of his hair.
“That’s not what I meant…I meant…”  Butter let out another lovesick sigh while still tugging at his hair spike, “I meant-I’m pretty short aren’t I?”
Cinnamon’s wings froze in shock for a few seconds.”Whaaaaat?? No! Of course you’re not short I mean-! Look at you! You’re taller than me!”
“That’s true but…” Butter sat back down on the couch, putting the blue rose back into its vase. “I might be taller than you but it doesn’t really matter unless I’m taller than Hildibrand.”
Butter probably hadn’t really noticed it but the way he had said the inspector's name had carried a lot more venom to it than Cinnamon, let alone anybody else, had heard his voice carry.
He let out another long sigh. “...Or as cool as him. Or stronger than him. Or more handsome than him……” Butter kept on listing more and more traits that Babycorn had told him about Hildibrand over the years. As every time Babycorn had come back from an adventure with the Inspector she would rush over to Butter with all the details.
Cinnamon couldn’t bear to watch this anymore. Something had to be done.
“Wait here! I’ll be back in a bit!!” Cinnamon waved her sleeve at Butter to get his attention.
Then, in a flash Cinnamon had flown away and then flown back. She was carrying a large sheet of paper. Its weight was clearly causing Cinnamon some distress, judging from the way she was quickly flying lower and lower to the ground. So Butter swooped in from the couch to give her some much needed help she would never admit she needed. 
After regaining the composure she never lost (allegedly) Cinnamon flew in between Butter and the paper, sitting herself down on his left hand.
“What you’re looking at right now, my dear Butter, is the handiwork of me and Pancake’s hard work!” Cinnamon smirked and stayed confidently silent while Butter looked at the piece of paper in his hands. 
What he was holding looked to be some sort of chart with several names and drawings of people.
Most of them were people that Butter recognized.
He also recognized Pancake’s writing right away and it was clear that this project must have been done more than a few years ago. Butter knew that she had recently started writing her letters with a bit more flair than she used to. 
Butter would have to compliment Pancake on her improvement next time he saw her.
Butter’s good mood came to a dead halt when he recognized Hildibrand’s face on the chart. His face made a sort of grimace that Cinnamon instantly caught on to. Hildibrand was about the only thing that made Butter upset nowadays.
Not even his own neglectful parents got this much of a rise out of him.
“Don’t worry your little lovesick heart Butter! Hildibrand is the reason me and Pancake made this chart!”
“You made it for him?!” Butter sounded distraught.
“Wha-?  No!!” Cinnamon angrily flapped her wings, they glowed a little bit more red than usual. “We made this to combat anyone that got in the way of you finally dating Babycorn!!”
“Oh!” Butter was almost speechless. “That’s really sweet of you two…”
“See over here?” Cinnamon flew over and pointed at a quickly drawn picture of Raya-o-Senna. “There was a rumor that Babycorn had a little thing for her once. So we wrote down that while it could work she’s a pretty low level threat because they don’t see each other too often.”
“What what-?”  
Butter caught sight of a drawing of Hildibrand, because of course he would be on here. Why wouldn’t he be?
“Why does it say ‘will be eliminated’ under this drawing of Hildibrand?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Under him was a picture of Emmanellain. “This guy we filed under low level too. He might be rich and from what I hear-charismatic. But he’s nothing to worry about! Since he’s from Ishgard.”
Butter’s face lit up. “Is it because Babycorn doesn’t like the cold?!” 
“Exactly!!” Cinnamon crossed her arms, “Look at you Mr. Babycorn expert. You got it even worse than I thought.”
Butter looked away and blushed. “That’s not…! Everyone knows that! She makes sure everyone knows so that she can pack her favorite yellow sweater that pushes her cheeks up and makes her hair look a little fluffier from the back!”
Cinnamon raised an eyebrow at him.
Butter waved his arms up and down. “It’s true everyone knows thaaaat!!!”
“No they don’t Butter!” Cinnamon flew over and grabbed the top of the chart and slightly wiggled it. She was, in fact, trying to severely shake it but with her size she only managed a slight wiggle. “Trust us! Me and Pancake did our research and NONE of the people here are a good enough match for Babycorn!”
“You just have to learn to have more confidence in yourself!” Cinnamon flew around him in a circle, “You got all the makings of a perfect Babycorn boyfriend! The chart says so! The science says so!!”
“I-I mean if you say so!”
He didn’t have the heart to tell either Pancake or Cinnamon that in the end it all really depended on what Babycorn would choose for herself. Even if he was perfect for her. According to love experts Pancake and Cinnamon at least.
Of course Butter would be heartbroken if she chose someone else, but in the end all he really wanted was for Babycorn to be happy. For her to live her very best life with the person she loved the most.
Even now Butter could still see Babycorn’s little lopsided smile looking back at him.
Waving back at him.
He sighed, with a smile.
“I’ll wait patiently for her and I’ll never stop loving her no matter what happens.”
While Butter was distracted looking longingly out into the distance he didn’t notice how Cinnamon rolled up the chart into a large tube of paper until it was smacking him on the back of the head.
“Ow?!” Butter held up both of his hands to the back of his head and looked behind him. Cinnamon was flying in place and barring her surprisingly sharp teeth right at him.
“What did I just say?! I told you! Don’t wait! You take the initiative!!”
Butter blushed a deep red. “...But it’s embarrassing…” When the topic of confessing to Babycorn ever crossed his mind his speech became nothing more than an alphabet soup of words.
“You’re going to have to figure it out eventually…” Suddenly Cinnamon looked like she had an idea. Specifically her wings stopped flapping and she got a mischievous grin on her face. “I’ve got it!!!”
Butter, ever the supportive friend, could almost never catch up to Cinnamon’s true intentions.“What’s up?” he asked.
“Once Babycorn and the others come back! That’s when you’ll make your move!”
“Imagine it Butter!” She flew in close enough to his face and grabbed at his coat with her sleeves. “They’re all back from their long trip, a loooong boat ride back home. Babycorn starts to get off the boat-!” Cinnamon flew back and took some invisible steps off of an invisible boat.
“She looks around to get her bearings…When BAM!!”
“Bam??” Butter had no idea where Cinnamon was going with this.
“Bam! You’re there Butter! With your best clothes! A bouquet of flowers in hand!! Then before anyone knows what’s going on-! You ask Babycorn out on a date!!”
“WHAT?!” Butter blushed and his face felt the warmest it had felt since they left Limsa Lominsa that morning. “I-I-I c-can’t do that!!”
“Not right now you can’t!”
“Everyone said they would be gone for a while right?” Specifically Cinnamon remembered that Lunya said they would be gone for an undetermined amount of time. Which Cinnamon had personally translated as ‘a long time’ of course. “That gives you enough time to get ready!”
“I-I mean I don’t know…!”
Cinnamon interrupted Butter before he could say anything else. “This is it Butter! It’s now or never!” It was almost certainly not, now or never, as Cinnamon suspected but she was willing to say anything to give Butter that extra push.
Butter closed his eyes and sat in silence for far longer than Cinnamon expected him to.
“Okay!” He nodded, “I’ll do it! I’ll ask Babycorn out when she comes back home!!”
Cinnamon couldn’t even begin to contain her excitement, she must have done a dozen loops in the air at that very second from the sheer amount of happiness she was feeling at that moment. “Yesssssss!!!” She couldn’t wait to tell Pancake about this!!
“Butter! You are going to ask her out perfectly! Nothing will go wrong!!”
Butter laughed awkwardly, he was beginning to regret his abrupt decision already. Though a part of him was also metaphorically doing loops in the air out of excitement. Especially if Babycorn’s answer would be ‘yes.’
“If you say so…”
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