#i love butter love this little guy i wish him the best of luck
hqmillioncorn · 1 year
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Lalapril 4/3: Affection
“There he goes again! He’s so in love! As if lightning struck him from above! I LoOOooOve you my hero~! You are my trUuUE LooOoveeeE~! Butter won’t you stop your silly dreaming please?!”
Butter took in a long and heavy sigh.
The foyer was completely empty except for him and Cinnamon who was sitting silently on the coffee table in front of him, munching on a regular sized strawberry wafer cookie. 
She had been watching Butter as he did his moping thing, hoping that he would be able to snap himself out of his funk on his own.
Cinnamon was sure that Butter’s current mood was the result of what happened when everyone had left from Limsa Lominsa. She hadn’t seen it herself but Butter made sure to tell her and Pancake that Babycorn had waved him off personally from the boat.
As if that hadn’t been enough Babycorn had also apparently told Butter something along the lines of, ‘Take care! I’ll miss you Butter!’ It was specifically being called by name that sent Butter cartwheeling off the docks while giggling.
Having to be fished out of the ocean aside, Cinnamon expected Butter to be in an even better mood than usual for at least the next few weeks.
Instead, he collapsed into a pile of sadness the moment he stepped back into the mansion.
Since then, Butter had been sighing to himself in different parts of the house. Pancake assumed it was just his usual romantic yearning and left him on his own to hang out with Linnet and the others.
Cinnamon stayed behind (not because she didn’t have anyone to hang out with or anything!) and watched Butter brood around the mansion. At some point Butter had grabbed the blue rose Babycorn had given him and twirled it around by the stem in one hand while also wistfully staring out a window.
Cinnamon couldn't believe it had come to this.
She set her regular sized wafer cookie down and flew over to where Butter sat.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this but could you be any less in love?” Cinnamon feared that the next thing after this would be Butter going to stand at the docks every morning just in case Babycorn came back that day.
“...Huh?” Butter looked up at her, “Sorry Cinnamon. I’m just…” There was another looooong sigh from him and Cinnamon could feel her mental fortitude breaking down.
Cinnamon flew in a circle around Butter’s head, playfully tapping him on the forehead. “Hellooo?! You should be happy that Babycorn said goodbye to you!! She didn’t say goodbye to anyone else!”
Granted many of those that Babycorn would call her good friends were actually going on the trip with her so there would be no need for her to wave goodbye to them but that was besides the point.
“I am happy!” Butter blushed, a dumb smile on his face, “Like super duper happy…”
“Then what’s going on?” Cinnamon was literally out of ideas of what could be going on with him.
“I’m just thinking…What if Babycorn isn’t into guys like me?”
“Guys like…you?” Cinnamon was a little lost.
“You know!” 
Cinnamon looked him up and down. “No I don’t know.” She raised one of her sleeves up to her chin to think. “Do you mean she doesn’t like guys with pointy hair? That would make her kind of a hypocrite. Since her hair is plenty pointy.”
“Noooo! I’m not talking about my hair!”
Though Butter had said that it still didn’t stop him from tugging on one of the spikiest parts of his hair.
“That’s not what I meant…I meant…”  Butter let out another lovesick sigh while still tugging at his hair spike, “I meant-I’m pretty short aren’t I?”
Cinnamon’s wings froze in shock for a few seconds.”Whaaaaat?? No! Of course you’re not short I mean-! Look at you! You’re taller than me!”
“That’s true but…” Butter sat back down on the couch, putting the blue rose back into its vase. “I might be taller than you but it doesn’t really matter unless I’m taller than Hildibrand.”
Butter probably hadn’t really noticed it but the way he had said the inspector's name had carried a lot more venom to it than Cinnamon, let alone anybody else, had heard his voice carry.
He let out another long sigh. “...Or as cool as him. Or stronger than him. Or more handsome than him……” Butter kept on listing more and more traits that Babycorn had told him about Hildibrand over the years. As every time Babycorn had come back from an adventure with the Inspector she would rush over to Butter with all the details.
Cinnamon couldn’t bear to watch this anymore. Something had to be done.
“Wait here! I’ll be back in a bit!!” Cinnamon waved her sleeve at Butter to get his attention.
Then, in a flash Cinnamon had flown away and then flown back. She was carrying a large sheet of paper. Its weight was clearly causing Cinnamon some distress, judging from the way she was quickly flying lower and lower to the ground. So Butter swooped in from the couch to give her some much needed help she would never admit she needed. 
After regaining the composure she never lost (allegedly) Cinnamon flew in between Butter and the paper, sitting herself down on his left hand.
“What you’re looking at right now, my dear Butter, is the handiwork of me and Pancake’s hard work!” Cinnamon smirked and stayed confidently silent while Butter looked at the piece of paper in his hands. 
What he was holding looked to be some sort of chart with several names and drawings of people.
Most of them were people that Butter recognized.
He also recognized Pancake’s writing right away and it was clear that this project must have been done more than a few years ago. Butter knew that she had recently started writing her letters with a bit more flair than she used to. 
Butter would have to compliment Pancake on her improvement next time he saw her.
Butter’s good mood came to a dead halt when he recognized Hildibrand’s face on the chart. His face made a sort of grimace that Cinnamon instantly caught on to. Hildibrand was about the only thing that made Butter upset nowadays.
Not even his own neglectful parents got this much of a rise out of him.
“Don’t worry your little lovesick heart Butter! Hildibrand is the reason me and Pancake made this chart!”
“You made it for him?!” Butter sounded distraught.
“Wha-?  No!!” Cinnamon angrily flapped her wings, they glowed a little bit more red than usual. “We made this to combat anyone that got in the way of you finally dating Babycorn!!”
“Oh!” Butter was almost speechless. “That’s really sweet of you two…”
“See over here?” Cinnamon flew over and pointed at a quickly drawn picture of Raya-o-Senna. “There was a rumor that Babycorn had a little thing for her once. So we wrote down that while it could work she’s a pretty low level threat because they don’t see each other too often.”
“What what-?”  
Butter caught sight of a drawing of Hildibrand, because of course he would be on here. Why wouldn’t he be?
“Why does it say ‘will be eliminated’ under this drawing of Hildibrand?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Under him was a picture of Emmanellain. “This guy we filed under low level too. He might be rich and from what I hear-charismatic. But he’s nothing to worry about! Since he’s from Ishgard.”
Butter’s face lit up. “Is it because Babycorn doesn’t like the cold?!” 
“Exactly!!” Cinnamon crossed her arms, “Look at you Mr. Babycorn expert. You got it even worse than I thought.”
Butter looked away and blushed. “That’s not…! Everyone knows that! She makes sure everyone knows so that she can pack her favorite yellow sweater that pushes her cheeks up and makes her hair look a little fluffier from the back!”
Cinnamon raised an eyebrow at him.
Butter waved his arms up and down. “It’s true everyone knows thaaaat!!!”
“No they don’t Butter!” Cinnamon flew over and grabbed the top of the chart and slightly wiggled it. She was, in fact, trying to severely shake it but with her size she only managed a slight wiggle. “Trust us! Me and Pancake did our research and NONE of the people here are a good enough match for Babycorn!”
“You just have to learn to have more confidence in yourself!” Cinnamon flew around him in a circle, “You got all the makings of a perfect Babycorn boyfriend! The chart says so! The science says so!!”
“I-I mean if you say so!”
He didn’t have the heart to tell either Pancake or Cinnamon that in the end it all really depended on what Babycorn would choose for herself. Even if he was perfect for her. According to love experts Pancake and Cinnamon at least.
Of course Butter would be heartbroken if she chose someone else, but in the end all he really wanted was for Babycorn to be happy. For her to live her very best life with the person she loved the most.
Even now Butter could still see Babycorn’s little lopsided smile looking back at him.
Waving back at him.
He sighed, with a smile.
“I’ll wait patiently for her and I’ll never stop loving her no matter what happens.”
While Butter was distracted looking longingly out into the distance he didn’t notice how Cinnamon rolled up the chart into a large tube of paper until it was smacking him on the back of the head.
“Ow?!” Butter held up both of his hands to the back of his head and looked behind him. Cinnamon was flying in place and barring her surprisingly sharp teeth right at him.
“What did I just say?! I told you! Don’t wait! You take the initiative!!”
Butter blushed a deep red. “...But it’s embarrassing…” When the topic of confessing to Babycorn ever crossed his mind his speech became nothing more than an alphabet soup of words.
“You’re going to have to figure it out eventually…” Suddenly Cinnamon looked like she had an idea. Specifically her wings stopped flapping and she got a mischievous grin on her face. “I’ve got it!!!”
Butter, ever the supportive friend, could almost never catch up to Cinnamon’s true intentions.“What’s up?” he asked.
“Once Babycorn and the others come back! That’s when you’ll make your move!”
“Imagine it Butter!” She flew in close enough to his face and grabbed at his coat with her sleeves. “They’re all back from their long trip, a loooong boat ride back home. Babycorn starts to get off the boat-!” Cinnamon flew back and took some invisible steps off of an invisible boat.
“She looks around to get her bearings…When BAM!!”
“Bam??” Butter had no idea where Cinnamon was going with this.
“Bam! You’re there Butter! With your best clothes! A bouquet of flowers in hand!! Then before anyone knows what’s going on-! You ask Babycorn out on a date!!”
“WHAT?!” Butter blushed and his face felt the warmest it had felt since they left Limsa Lominsa that morning. “I-I-I c-can’t do that!!”
“Not right now you can’t!”
“Everyone said they would be gone for a while right?” Specifically Cinnamon remembered that Lunya said they would be gone for an undetermined amount of time. Which Cinnamon had personally translated as ‘a long time’ of course. “That gives you enough time to get ready!”
“I-I mean I don’t know…!”
Cinnamon interrupted Butter before he could say anything else. “This is it Butter! It’s now or never!” It was almost certainly not, now or never, as Cinnamon suspected but she was willing to say anything to give Butter that extra push.
Butter closed his eyes and sat in silence for far longer than Cinnamon expected him to.
“Okay!” He nodded, “I’ll do it! I’ll ask Babycorn out when she comes back home!!”
Cinnamon couldn’t even begin to contain her excitement, she must have done a dozen loops in the air at that very second from the sheer amount of happiness she was feeling at that moment. “Yesssssss!!!” She couldn’t wait to tell Pancake about this!!
“Butter! You are going to ask her out perfectly! Nothing will go wrong!!”
Butter laughed awkwardly, he was beginning to regret his abrupt decision already. Though a part of him was also metaphorically doing loops in the air out of excitement. Especially if Babycorn’s answer would be ‘yes.’
“If you say so…”
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waterloggedsoliloquy · 11 months
mutual 1: sorry the update for my webcomic this week is a bit late! i really had to rush it so it prolly looks really sloppy lol [some of the most sophisticated comic art ive ever seen]
mutual 2: call me uterine lining the way astarions cervix got me bleeding profusely
mutual 3: do you think nanowrimo will give me a posthumous pity publishing deal if i mention it in my suicide note
mutual 4: okay fine i finally started revolutionary girl utena
mutual 5: does columbo know the service he did for butch lesbians. for all of us
mutual 6: wish you were here [blurry picture set of conifer woods in early autumn evening, taken as if frantically running down a winding trail]
mutual 4: im pretty hardy i dont need the trigger list but thanks for looking out for me guys
mutual 7: good morning lovelies another day the wizard tried to best me and another day i successfully locked him in the spare bathroom lol hope u like drinking shampoo fucker
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mutual 8: here is a zip of every yuri manga scan i have and here is a backup in case i get dcma'd. the himejoshi lifestyle will never die
mutual 9: i wish i could go back in time to the shinzo abe assassination and ask to hold the doohickey
mutual 10: here's my essay on how wanting to be loved is the same as wanting to be eaten. three paragraphs in you'll find out that this is 100% tied to an obscure beauty and the beast manga i've been reading lately and how much i want to fuck the beast
mutual 4: oh thats why there was the trigger list.
mutual 12: why do i have to defend my thesis to people i dont even respect. im not dickriding you just give me the degree
mutual 13: its just me and this scab ive picked into my scalp against the world
mutual 14: my little dragon got glazed and is ready to go into the kiln! everyone wish him good luck!
mutual 3: nvm i am a beautiful genius. perhaps the most beautiful genius of all
mutual 15: i think we should give david lynch rpgmaker and whatever happens happens
mutual 16: kpeyboaatrds brpokem gpuys
mutual 17: also heres my work in progress glossary of mixtec words! i still have a long way to go but i love being able to preserve my roots even in this small way
mutual 4: i just finished the black rose arc. question: what
mutual 18: i need emet-selch to be my wife
mutual 19: i need glados to be my husband
mutual 20: visited the ocean today!!! <3 beach pics!!! there is a darkness growing within me
mutual 21: the forms for my legal name change came in. pls vote in this poll of what my middle name should be: Dill Pickle (Dickle for short), Optimus Prime, Tumblr User Gorgonicteratologist, Smeve
mutual 22: just finished my 100th book of the year! this weeks read was the uses of enchantment by the psychologist bruno bettelheim,
mutual 23: reeses penis butter cups lol
mutual 4: i need to hunt akio for sport
mutual 24: oouugghhrgh. hot. dog.
mutual 25: your favorite character or fictional other would want you to brush your teeth and wash your face so you're well rested and wake up feeling refreshed! make them proud!
mutual 26: being a delivery driver isnt the worst job ive ever had but i do keep wondering what itd be like to drive off into the wild blue yonder one day and not come back
mutual 27: weird dog? [phone picture of critically endangered stork]
mutual 28: i think the two phone line polls in front of my house are having a lovers tryst. no way to prove it tho
mutual 4: WHAT
mutual 29: while you bitches are balduring your gates or finalling those fantasies im doing what a REAL gamer does. playing a b tier rpg that came out in 2004 for the 18th time
mutual 30: ^ real. hamtaro ham ham heartbreak is a masterpiece of interactive art. im not even going to call it a video game at this point
mutual 31: can you help me pick which drawing looks better: 34% overlay or 36% soft light?
mutual 32: new video essay out. its called disability in video game narratives: final fantasy 14's most reliable fault. i churned the script out over an all-nighter and my mic crapped out halfway through but by god i did it
mutual 33: my new zine bundle is out! if you buy it you also get a discount on all my game jam games! i really cant wait for you to play them!
mutual 4: yall should watch revolutionary girl utena
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Seasons of Med: Season 2 and Seasons of PD: Season 4: Necessities, Love, & Care (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister! Imagine)
Your age: 15
Jay's age: 29
Will's age: 31
You were currently sitting at the library, trying to figure out how you'd get food for dinner. It was January and you had run out of your Christmas money two weeks ago and you had burned through your money from helping with kettle corn at the beginning of December. Right now you were SOL: Shit outta luck.
Your mind wandered back to the last day you had helped working the kettle corn stand when it was a dreary late October day.
"We have kettle corn, caramel corn, cheddar, Chicago style, and a few other flavors," you explained to a customer. She picked up a medium bag of caramel corn. "That one?"
"Yes, dear. Me and my husband love this stuff," the old lady said.
"I'm sure. It's really good! It'll be six dollars." She pulled out a five and two ones. "I'll be right back with your change."
"Oh, no, keep the change, dear. Thank you for the popcorn."
"You're welcome. Have a nice day."
"Y/N," Emma said to you. "Can you grab me a lemonade from the cooler?"
"Just one?"
"Yup, just one."
You grabbed it from the cooler and were about to pass it to her when you saw who her customers were: Jay and Erin.
"Y/N?" Jay asked. "What are you doing here?"
"Working," you answered quickly. "Little bit of extra money never hurt anybody. The real question is, what are you doing here? I know Erin hates being outside when the weather is crappy."
"It's because he's annoying when he whines and begs to do something, so I figured it was just best to give in," Erin answered.
Jay rolled his eyes. "God, I can't win with either of you. Why do you always gang up on me?"
"Because, Halstead, us girls gotta stick together," Erin laughed.
"Okay, okay, fine. Y/N, what popcorn should I get?"
"First of all, it's kettle corn," you corrected. "And, I suggest the cheddar. Or, if you want a combination of both salty and sweet, then get the Chicago style. It's cheddar and caramel."
"Me and Erin like sweet, but I know you. You like cheddar. And you'll pick out the cheddar pieces when you're at my apartment, so I'll get the Chicago style."
"Or," Erin started as she picked up a large bag of caramel and a large bag of cheddar, "We could get this big bag of caramel, and then you could have this bag at your apartment for Y/N. That way the flavors aren't touching."
"Erin Lindsay and not liking her food touching. Fine, we'll take what Erin suggested and one lemonade."
"One or two straw holes?" Emma asked, picking up the lid-punching tool.
"One's fine," Jay answered.
"They swap enough spit as it is," you whispered to Emma, causing her to laugh.
"What'd she say?" Jay asked.
"I can't tell you. It's a secret."
He huffed. "Fine. Keeping secrets from your big brother? That's cold Y/N, that's cold."
"So you're saying you never kept secrets from Will?" Erin asked.
"I have the right to remain silent."
"Exactly," Erin said. "How much does he owe you?"
"Excuse me? I didn't know I'd be the one paying for all of this."
"You were the one who dragged me outside, so yes, you are paying, Halstead. Now, get your card ready."
Jay rolled his eyes and pulled out his wallet. "How much?"
You did the math in your head. "$23."
"Emma, can you check her math?" Jay asked and you rolled your eyes in his lack of faith in you.
"$10 for the cheddar and $8 for the caramel makes $18...plus $5 for the lemonade...yup $23."
You handed him the card reader. "And now it's just going to ask you a few questions," you told him after his card went through.
Without allowing him to read it all the way through, Erin hit the tip and no receipt buttons. "Hey!" Jay exclaimed.
"Don't blame me! You were the one who wanted me to come out here!" She turned to you and took the bag of kettle corn as Jay picked up the 32 oz lemonade. "Thanks, Y/N!"
"No problem! Just make sure he doesn't buy any more paintings of motorcycles!"
Man, how you wished you could work that job right now because it was only for a few hours on the weekends. But, it was winter now, so there were no street fairs, farmers markets, or festivals going on. Because of this, your money had run out. You'd have to do what you'd have to get yourself some food, even if it would leave you with a guilty conscience.
With that in mind, you got up and left the library.
"Pop's been complaining of chest pain and refuses to go to the hospital," Jay told his older brother as he walked through the front door and into the living room.
"Of course he did," Will grumbled. Then, he turned to his father. "This won't take long. Unless it's bad. Then you'll have to come with me and actually go to the hospital this time."
"You can't force me to do anything," he argued as he watched his oldest son open up his medical bag.
"Just let him do his job. He knows what he's doing," Jay agreed with Will. Then, he remembered something. "Where's Y/N?"
"At school."
"At school? At 5 pm?" Jay asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Sometimes she stays after school and does homework. She's always home before it gets too late so I don't ask."
It's not like Jay and Will could have known this, though. Yes, you would talk and they're obviously there for you because they're your brothers, but your dad's parenting skills--or lack thereof--hadn't ever come up. You'd get together with your brothers once a week, but it was usually at one of your brothers' places. They rarely came inside your and your dad's place.
"All units, we have reports of a robbery at 3020 East Main Street. Assistance requested," Jay's radio stated.
Jay looked to Will, silently asking if it was okay for him to take it. "I've got it from here."
"Thanks, man," Jay said, clapping Will on the back and leaving the house.
He drove to the small corner market that had made the call. It was only a block away from where you and your dad lived, but despite it usually being somewhat slow, today it was even slower. There was only one car parked in the lot, so Jay was confused as to who would even rob this place.
He put on his vest and walked into the store. "Got a call about a robbery," he said to the store manager as he entered.
"Yes, right over here."
He led Jay over to where a girl was sitting on a stool, tears rolling down her face. She held a box of pasta, a loaf of bread, and a small jar of peanut butter. Her coat was unzipped, revealing the tampons and pads she had stuffed inside her coat after she had ripped open the box.
"Y/N?" Jay asked in disbelief. "What are you doing? What were you even thinking?"
"I- I'm sorry," you sniffled.
Then he turned to the store manager. "You called the cops on a fifteen-year-old girl for grabbing what looks to me like necessities?"
"I've let her go the past two times when she needed things, but today she didn't have the money, so I couldn't let it slide."
Jay threw $30 in the man's hand. "There. Now it's all paid for." He turned to you and took the loaf of bread. "C'mon."
You followed him out of the store, waiting to be yelled at as you entered his truck, but it didn't come. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he handed you the bread. "Why? Why did you do this?"
"There- There's barely any food in the house. I was just hungry."
Jay looked you up and down. He hadn't been really looking for changes in weight like he told Natalie he would do six months ago. He kept it up for a few months and then winter came around and it was hard to tell because of bulky jackets and sweaters. But, now that he actually looked at your face and hands in an investigative manner, it was clear as day: You had lost even more weight.
"And the other stuff?" he asked.
"Dad won't buy them for me. Says that they're too expensive and to just use something else. He said that if he had had a son he wouldn't have to worry about it, like it's my fault. Usually, I take some from school, but I ran out and I needed them."
"And the food?" Jay asked as he started driving back to his childhood home.
"I get breakfast and lunch at school, but I have to eat dinner at home. And on weekends I just skip meals and eat breakfast and dinner."
"What? What about Dad?"
"He gets takeout or he goes to the bar and isn't home until late."
Jay sighed as he pulled into the driveway. "Go pack a bag, kid. You're staying at my place until further notice."
"Really? I thought you guys forgot about me?"
"We could never forget about you. It's just, work has been busy for both of us. So, sorry if these last few times we've all been together for dinner have seemed a little rushed. Now, go inside and grab your stuff while I have a chat with Will and Dad."
"Dad, Will," Jay said after you had run upstairs and they were sitting on the couch. "I need to talk to you. In the kitchen."
"Really, Jay. Why can't it be here?" your dad grumbled. "First he--" He pointed to Will. "Wants to take me to the hospital because he said I have a valve issue and now I can't even have a conversation with my sons while sitting down?"
"Just get up, dammit!"
The three entered the kitchen and sat down, but Jay stayed standing. "Jay, what's going on?" Will asked.
Instead of answering his older brother, Jay just opened the fridge. There was a half drank gallon of milk, a jar of grape jelly, and a can of pasta sauce, along with other condiments, and a lone egg sat on a shelf. "This? This is what you expect your daughter to eat? I caught her stealing from a store just so she could get food and tampons!"
"Well, I'm not gonna pay for it."
"Excuse you?" Will exclaimed, eyebrows raised in surprise. "What do you mean you're not paying for it? She's your daughter, isn't she? Then you have a legal responsibility to feed her, make sure she has shelter, clothes, and goes to school!"
"She can go get a job."
"She is fucking fifteen!" Jay yelled. "She doesn't need to be worrying about where her next meal is coming from! She's supposed to be worrying about getting a good grade on a math test or if that boy likes her or not, but not that!"
"She needs to learn to grow up someday. And she won't if you boys baby her like you always do whenever you see her."
"Baby her?" Will yelled, disgusted. "She's a kid. She needs to be babied sometimes. She needs fucking food and a nice home to come home to, not whatever the hell you think this is."
"It hasn't been a home since your mother died."
"Yeah, we gathered that," Jay scoffed. "But you don't have to take it out on her."
"Jay," your small voice said from the doorway into the kitchen. All three men looked over to you, your backpack on your back, a duffle bag slung over your shoulder, and your favorite blanket wadded up in your hands so that you could carry it without it dragging on the ground.
"Ready to go?" Jay asked, his voice immediately softening.
"Uh, yeah," you answered, unsure of how your dad would react.
"What do you mean ready to go?" Pat Halstead asked, standing up from where he had been previously sitting at the table. "She's not going anywhere!"
Will rushed over to you, placing a hand on your shoulder while Jay stalked over to be face to face with your dad. "She is coming with me until further notice. You're lucky I don't arrest your ass for child neglect!"
"You wouldn't do that to your own father!"
Jay pulled the cuffs out of his back pocket. "Oh yeah? Try me."
He sat back down and Jay turned to you. "Here, let me take that." You handed him your duffle bag and followed him and Will outside.
"Jay, I gotta go. I gotta get Dad to Med to get the valve fixed. And, I said one hour out of the hospital tops and it's been two."
Jay closed the truck door once you were safely inside with all your stuff. "Good luck trying to get Dad to go the hospital," he scoffed. "Get going. Don't give Goodwin another reason to fire your stupid ass."
"I'll call an ambulance if I have to." Then, Will smacked Jay upside the head.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"You know what it was for. And, I'm your older brother, it's my job."
"I'm your older brother, it's my job," Jay mocked. "But, in all seriousness, do me a favor and make sure Y/N's all caught up on her immune- immune--"
"Immunizations?" Will laughed.
"Yeah, those."
"I'll do that. And if she's not, I'll give them to her tonight when I come over to your place after my shift is done...which will be in like two hours...depending on how much of a pain in the ass he is to get in the hospital."
Jay nodded, and then got in the truck, both of you making your way to his place.
"I'm gonna go take a shower," Jay said after you had put your stuff down by the couch. "You have homework?"
"Yeah," you looked down, not wanting to even try and struggle through your homework...or have Jay sign the slip that said that you failed your last test.
Jay smiled. "I'll help you with it when I'm out of the shower, okay, kid?"
"How'd you know--"
"That is the universal facial expression of I need help, but I don't know how to ask for it. I'll be ten minutes tops."
And so, you tried to struggle through your homework for ten minutes. But, you ended up working and reworking the stupid algebra problem. Why did math need letters anyway?
"Okay, I'm back," Jay said as he pulled a chair out to sit next to you. "What are you workin' on?"
"Can you sign this first?" you asked, sliding the yellow paper over to him along with the pen. You hoped he'd just sign it blind, but as you saw his eyes skimming the page, you knew that wouldn't happen.
"Did you try your best?" he asked as he slid the piece of paper back to you after signing it.
"What? Yeah, of course, I did."
"Okay, then we'll figure something out. Now, how about we eat some dinner? I've got pizza in the freezer. That okay?"
"That's great," you answered.
Jay got the pizza in the oven while you went and changed into your pajamas. You decided it was in your best interest to have Will help you with your math homework.
"Ah! The man of the hour!" Jay exclaimed as he pulled out the pizza and Will entered the house.
You immediately noticed the red bag he was carrying over his shoulder and the two king-sized Twix bars.
"Why do you have your medical bag?" you asked.
"How did you know this was my medical bag?"
"I'm not stupid, Will."
"Okay, so you're all caught up on your shots, but I need to do a blood draw because I need to see if you're deficient in any vitamins and minerals. Have you been eating enough fruits and veggies?" he asked.
"Probably not as much as I should," you admitted. "They're too expensive unless I get the canned kind and I don't like those unless it's canned peaches. I'm sorry."
"It's okay, Short Stack. None of this is your fault. You hear me? None of it. I just need to take the blood and then get it sent to the lab to see if you need to get any specific pills to get your vitamin and mineral levels up."
"Okay. Does it hurt?" you asked. You knew what a shot felt like, but you'd never had your blood drawn before, so you didn't know what it felt like to have a needle in your arm for a long time, taking blood. You knew what it felt like to have an IV in from when you passed out at the movie theater, but you didn't know if this needle would be the same size or bigger.
"You just feel a slight pinch at the beginning."
"Like getting a shot?"
"Like getting a shot," he confirmed.
"Hey, I was thinking," Jay started as he reappeared from the kitchen area, "what if we have celery and carrots with ranch for dinner, too? You know, like when we eat chicken wings at restaurants and they bring you some veggies, except we'll have ours with pizza."
"Okay," you agreed. "I like ranch."
"So does everyone in the midwest," Will joked.
"What's the medical bag for?" Jay asked. "She needs shots? And, what's with the Twix bars?"
"No, I'm drawing her blood to see if she's deficient in anything. And, there's one Twix bar for her and one for you because we all know how you feel about needles, Jay."
Jay rolled his eyes. "We doing this before we eat?"
"Yes. And, I need you to answer some questions for me, Y/N. These are strictly doctor protocol questions, okay? You don't need to be embarrassed about any of the answers."
You nodded.
"Okay," Will started, "When did you last eat? Just need to write it down for fasting glucose levels."
"Um, lunch at school, so around noon."
"So, six-hour fast," Will scribbled down on a piece of paper. "Next one, are you sexually active?"
"It's just standard protocol, just in case I need to test for STDs."
"No, I am not. Next question."
"Okay, last one: When was your last period?"
"You've got to be kidding me. I'm not pregnant, I haven't had sex!"
Will chuckled. "It's not for that. Sometimes when people are deficient in vitamins and minerals, they can lose their period for months at a time, signaling that their body isn't healthy. The medical term is amenorrhea." But, what he wanted to say was that when girls are underweight, this can also happen. And, from seeing how baggy your sweatshirt and jeans were on you, he assumed that you'd lost ten pounds since last going to the doctor when you passed out in the movie theater parking lot, making your weight loss a grand total of 25 pounds, which would qualify you as being underweight.
"Oh. I started today."
"Okay, good to know. Any changes in length or heaviness of menstruation?"
"I swear, I'd rather have Natalie or April be asking me these questions," you grumbled. "But, yes, it's a lot lighter and it went from me having my periods for five days to two days. Can we please stop talking about this now?"
"Yeah, we're all done. Sorry about that, but it's protocol."
"Says the guy who's drawing my blood at Jay's apartment instead of in a hospital, where it should be done."
"Hey, I've worked in much worse conditions than this in Sudan. How much water did you drink today?"
"A lot."
"Okay, good." Will started to unzip his medical bag. He passed a Twix bar to Jay. "Here, eat this and focus on it so you don't focus on the needles and then freak out."
Jay rolled his eyes, but took the candy bar and unwrapped it.
"Do I get one?" you asked.
"Once I draw your blood, yes, the other one is for you. Now, right or left arm?"
You held out your left arm and Will moved to the other side of you so he had a better angle. He sanitized his hands and then snapped on a pair of gloves.
"So, what do you do?" you asked. "I've never had my blood drawn before."
"I just tie off your arm so that I can get the veins to show a bit better, wipe down the spot with an antiseptic wipe, stick the needle in, and then wait for the vial to fill up."
"That's it?"
"That's it. Can you make a fist with your left hand for me?"
You did as Will told you and then he tied a band around your bicep and started touching the inside of your elbow, trying to get some veins to show. He furrowed his eyebrows and moved down your arm, rubbing your forearm and then going back up to the crook of your elbow and gently pressing there.
"What's wrong?" you asked.
"You just have really small veins is all. I could take the blood from the big vein in your forearm, but I don't really want to do that one since it's so big. Can you squeeze your fist tighter for me?" You did as he said while he kept pressing on the crook of your elbow. "There we go. Got one. Now, turn and look at Jay while I get the needle ready."
You looked at Jay and tried not to laugh. "You okay?"
"Me? I should be asking you that," he replied. "You're the one who's about to get stabbed with a needle."
"It's just that you got some sweat on your forehead. You look nervous."
"They're needles. They're tiny little sharp metal objects and if one breaks off--"
"Jay, respectfully," Will started, cutting off his brother, "shut the hell up, so you don't scare my patient. You might just want to look away instead of watching me. Then you might feel fine." Then, he turned back to you. "Okay, Y/N, keep looking at Jay. Close your eyes if you want to. You're going to feel a small pinch."
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. Then, you squeezed your eyes shut tightly and grit your teeth, trying not to yell out as the needle pierced your skin.
"Hard part's done," Will said. You nodded, still keeping your eyes closed.
"That was not a small pinch," you retorted about a minute later.
You opened your eyes and watched as the blood flowed from your vein into the small tube that was hooked up to the needle.
"I thought you hated blood," Jay pointed out. "And here you are, watching the entire process."
"I'm fine when it's my blood if it's not a huge, deep cut," you explained. "It's other people's blood I don't like."
"Well, that takes any job in the medical field off your career choices," Will said.
You sat there for a few more minutes, waiting for the vial to fill up. Will pressed on your arm, close to the needle, to see if more would come out. "This vein is really small," he said.
You watched as the blood coming into the tube started becoming slower and slower, in what looked to be bubbles.
"Just a little more," Will muttered.
You started taking deeper breaths as you felt sweat start to bead on your forehead.
"Okay, let's see how much this gave me." He pressed his thumb above where the needle was and you turned back to Jay as he removed the needle.
Then, he got the blood into the vial. "Bad news," he started, "I might need to take more. Let's see how much extra there is." He put the extra into another, smaller vial. "Yeah, this one clotted too, so bad news, we need more."
You nodded and closed your eyes, feeling your face get hot and starting to feel lightheaded. You pinched the bridge of your nose, willing this uncomfortable feeling to go away.
"You doing okay?" Will asked.
"Yeah," you answered.
"Okay, I'm gonna do your right arm this time." You held your right arm out to him. "Make a fist for me." You did as he told you and he tied the blue band around your bicep.
But, you were getting even dizzier. "Actually, can I get some water? I feel dizzy."
"Course," Will said. "Jay, can you get her some water and juice if you have any?"
"Apple juice good?"
"That's fine," you answered.
Will untied the band from your bicep. "We're just going to wait a few minutes until you feel less dizzy before I take more blood, okay?"
You nodded and took the water from Jay when he came back.
"Let's have the juice after I finish," Will suggested after a few minutes had passed and you finished the water. "Feeling better, Short Stack?"
"Yeah, let's get this over with." Your forehead was still a bit sweaty, but you were a lot less dizzy.
Will repeated the same process as the last arm and it went a lot faster. Turns out he picked a bit bigger vein in the crook of your elbow of this arm than he did the other one.
"And, we're done," Will said as he capped the vial.
He handed you the juice. "Thanks," you said. "That was not fun."
"I bet. At least you didn't pass out. I've had a few patients do that when I went through my clinicals. That's why normally when someone gets their blood drawn, they sit in this chair where something is flipped down in front of them so they don't fall out of the chair just in case they pass out."
"Jay, do you pass out?" you asked.
He scoffed. "No. I don't even get dizzy. My body doesn't react like that."
"He just breaks out into a sweat whenever he sees needles," Will whispered, loud enough for Jay to hear.
"Hey! I heard that! Take one more jab at me and you won't be getting any pizza, Will. I mean it!"
Will held his hands up in a mock surrender while you finished up your juice. Then, Will started to pack up his medical stuff and Jay brought the pizza and veggies and ranch out, along with plates of course.
You ate your pizza while Will helped you with your math homework. Once you finished two slices of pizza and some celery and ranch, you said that you were done.
"You sure?" Jay asked. "You can have as much as you want."
"I'm good. Gotta save some for tomorrow." Your eyes widened as you realized what you had just said. "I'm gonna go take a shower. It's been a long day."
"Okay, clean towels are in the cabinet in the bathroom where they always are," Jay said, trying not to react to what you had just said even though he knew exactly what you were doing.
You were rationing food.
"Fuck," Jay said as he put his head in his hands when he knew you were in the bathroom and out of earshot.
"What? What did she mean by gotta save some for tomorrow?" Will asked.
"She's rationing it. I used to do it in Afghanistan. Save some of my MRE and put it in my pack to eat the next day if I was on a long trek and we knew we wouldn't get back to base. It would be cold and usually disgusting, but I'd choke it down because it was calories and I needed fuel to be sharp in case we came in contact with combatants."
"Poor kid. At least we had Mom."
Jay nodded. "What happened with Dad at the hospital?"
"Had to have a mitral valve replacement because his wasn't working properly. Told him over and over to get his checked regularly, but he didn't because he's stubborn. He went for the non-surgical option first, but then there were complications, so Rhodes performed surgery. He's fine."
"That's good... I guess." Jay glanced around and he saw your duffle bag sitting outside the bathroom door. You had grabbed your clothes to bring them into the bathroom and left your open duffle bag by the door.
Jay stood up and started walking towards it.
"What are you doing?" Will hissed.
"I need to see if she's got anything else in there that will help prove neglect. I'm assuming it needs to be proved...I only know criminal court cases, don't know much about family court cases."
"What do you mean family court? You're going to fight Dad to be able to take care of her?"
"Yeah, I'll fight to be her legal guardian. Unless you want to do it. My loan went through for a new apartment, which has two bedrooms, so I figured I might be better suited."
"Go ahead. You'd probably have a better chance anyway because you were around more when I was in New York."
Jay nodded and started to dig around your duffle bag. He chuckled and pulled out your Build-A-Bear. "She still sleeps with Beary," he said as he held up the stuffed bear. "Probably doesn't change his clothes anymore because she's too old for that, but he's in pajamas."
"Remember that military uniform you got for her bear? Mom said she barely took Beary out of that because she missed you so much."
"Yeah, and if she wouldn't have dropped him at the airport, I might not have met Mouse."
The two fell into a comfortable silence as he continued to dig through your bag. He got to a big zip-lock bag full of pieces of fabric that were stained light reds and browns.
"Will, c'mere," Jay said, waving him over. Will squatted down next to Jay. "You know what this is?"
Will sighed. "Unfortunately, yes. I saw a lot of this when I worked in Sudan."
"Well, what is it?"
"So, when girls don't have access or money to buy feminine hygiene products, they'll use scraps of fabric and wash them. Looks to me like she cut up some, um, she cut up some underwear and then used them as make-shift pads. If they aren't taken care of properly, she could end up with an infection. And, if she tried to use them as tampons instead of pads, it could lead to TSS, which stands for Toxic Shock Syndrome."
"We're gonna have to talk to her about this now, aren't we?"
"Unfortunately, yeah. She's not gonna be happy you dug through her stuff, so I'll let you explain why you were going through it. And, if she used them as tampons, I want her to get a pelvic exam, just to make sure she didn't get any infections. Much more likely to get an infection from tampons than pads."
Jay nodded. He hated having the current conversation and knew he was going to hate the next one even more, but he knew he had to do these things if he wanted to petition the court for legal guardianship.
Jay picked up your duffle bag and brought it to the living room and he set the zip-lock bag full of pieces of fabric on top.
"I can't believe we missed this," Will said. "I mean, we're both trained in how to spot abuse and we couldn't even spot it in our little sister."
"There weren't outright signs," Jay said. "No bruising, limping, cuts, burns, nothing like that. And, it's winter, it's easy to hide the weight loss. But, I still agree with you. If we would've spotted it earlier, we could've gotten her out of there."
"I'm pretty sure she's officially underweight now."
Jay ran a hand through his hair and then stood back up. "I'm gonna go put clean sheets on my bed. I'll let Y/N take it tonight so that we can keep talking out here when she goes to sleep."
"Good idea."
A few minutes later, Jay was back on the couch next to Will and you walked out of the bathroom, wearing a baggy t-shirt and some sweatpants that you had to keep pulling up because they were too big on you now, and a pair of fuzzy socks. You were cold all the time now and wanted your hoodie out of your duffle and wanted to put your dirty clothes in there, but when you looked down to the spot where you thought you had put it, it wasn't there.
"Guys?" you asked. "Have you seen my bag?"
You walked over to the kitchen table where your blanket was sitting on the chairs and wrapped that around yourself instead.
You furrowed your eyebrows as you saw your brothers on the couch, your duffle bag in front of them on the floor, and on top, your bag of ripped-up, old underwear that you used as pads when you didn't have any.
"You went through my stuff?" you asked, starting to become angry.
"Y/N," Jay started, "I know you're mad and it was me who went through it and not Will, so don't be mad at him, be mad at me. But, I went through it to see if anything was in there that could help me get you out of dad's house. Permanently."
"You- You want to have custody of me?" you asked.
A small smile appeared on Jay's lips and he nodded. "It wouldn't be considered custody because I'm not your biological parent, it would be considered guardianship, but yes, I want you to stay with me. And, my loan went through for a new apartment, so you'd have your own room and everything."
Jay looked at Will, not wanting to be the one to start this conversation. And, he figured Will would be the best one to start it because he was a doctor.
"Y/N, we need to ask you about these." Will motioned to the zip-lock bag on top of your stuff.
You sat in the loveseat across from them and looked down at your feet.
"It's okay, you're not in trouble," Will continued. "We just want to know how you used them in case you need to get a pelvic exam to check for infections in that area."
Your lip began to tremble as tears started to roll down your cheeks. "I used them as pads," you said quietly. "Dad wouldn't buy me any and I stopped getting them from school because I thought they'd suspect something was wrong if I- if I kept taking them."
"One more question," Will said softly. "I just need to know in case we need to take you in for this. I know you said you used them as pads, but did you ever try and use them as tampons?"
"No. I only used them as pads," you whispered. "I was scared to use them as tampons." You looked up at your brothers, who both had tears in their eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," you rushed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner I was just--" You let out a wail and Jay got up and knelt in front of you.
"Hey, hey, none of this is your fault. Do you hear me? Absolutely none of this is on you. It's all on Dad. Every single bit of it. You are not the one to blame."
You launched yourself into his arms, crying out every emotion you had felt these past few months: anger, frustration, fear, sadness, it was all coming out now.
And, Jay just held you and let you cry it out because that was what your guys' mom used to do for him. And, he knew it worked.
Twenty minutes later, your wails were just quiet whimpers and you pushed yourself back up onto the loveseat, where Will had moved to the spot next to you. He wrapped an arm around you and you leaned into him, craving the comfort that had been denied to you for so long.
"You still have that Twix bar?" you asked.
"All that crying made you hungry, didn't it, Short Stack?" Will asked as Jay got up to retrieve the candy bar from the table.
You nodded.
"Thank you," you said when Jay handed you the Twix bar. You unwrapped it and broke it into the two sticks. "You guys want any?" They both shook their heads: they knew you needed to get as many calories in you as possible.
Jay sighed, he might as well get this hard conversation over with you tonight as well. "Y/N, you can eat as much as you want. I won't say anything about you eating too much, okay?"
You looked up from your candy bar. "You won't call me a burden because I'm eating your food? Like Dad did?"
"He said that?" Will asked, giving Jay a look that read when I see him next, I can't be held accountable for my actions.
"Yeah. One time there were some leftovers he had gotten from a bar and I was so hungry and it was the middle of the night, so I took them out and heated them up. The microwave timer must've woken him up because he came out just as I was about to start eating and then he yelled at me for eating his food and called me a burden."
"Well, we don't think that. Neither Will nor me think that," Jay told you. "And you can eat as much as you want."
You yawned as you crumpled up your Twix wrapper.
"Tired?" Will asked.
"Yeah," you mumbled.
"It's been a long day," Jay said. "You can take my bed."
"Jay, it's your apartment, I can't--"
"Y/N, this isn't up for discussion. I already put clean sheets on the bed for you."
"Is- Is there a fan in your room? I can't sleep without white noise."
"There is. You want me and Will to tuck you in?"
"I'm too old for that." You stood up and Will did, too. "Jay, can you hand me Beary? He should be in my duffle."
"Here you go, kid."
You took your bear and held him loosely in your arm. Then, you enveloped Jay in a hug and did the same for Will.
"I love you guys."
"We love you, too," Will said.
"Now get to sleep. You've still got school in the morning. I'll be here when you wake up."
"Dad sometimes wouldn't be home when I woke up for school. He'd be at a friend's house sleeping off a hangover from the night before or just sleeping."
Jay furrowed his eyebrows. "Doesn't he have to work?"
"He does work, but only a few days a week. The other days, he stays out really late and then comes home either drunk or hungover."
"I see," Jay stated. "Well I won't be doing that, I can promise you that."
"I know. You aren't like Dad. Neither of you are." You yawned again. "I'm going to bed, goodnight."
A few minutes later, you were out like a light and Will was still at Jay's apartment.
"So, Abby called me the other day," Will started. "She's looking for you. Says she's in town for a few days and wants to meet up."
"Oh yeah? She say why?" Jay asked, wondering why his ex-wife--who was the result of a blackout drunk wedding in Vegas, a thing that lasted only 24 hours tops--was in Chicago and was looking for him of all people.
"She said you two are still married."
Jay threw his head back against the couch and closed his eyes. "You have got to be fucking kidding me."
"Morning," Jay said as he stood at the stove flipping some eggs. "Sleep good?"
"I slept really good. Didn't even hear you wake up."
"Fan did the trick then?"
You nodded and grabbed a mug from the cupboard and went to start pouring yourself a cup of coffee.
"Nuh-uh," Jay chirped, putting his hand on the handle of the coffee pot as well.
"Why not? I drank it at Dad's."
Jay raised an eyebrow. "You drank coffee at Dad's?"
"Yeah, on the weekends sometimes that would be my breakfast because it curbs my appetite and there wasn't a lot to eat."
Jay sighed. "Well, you'll have enough to eat here, I can promise you that. And, coffee stunts your growth."
"Jay," you groaned. "I haven't grown since sixth grade."
"Okay, well, then you don't want to become dependent on it at such an early age, then. Come talk to me when you're a legal adult or in college."
"Fine." You let go of the coffee pot and put the mug back in the cupboard.
"You can have juice though." The toast in the toaster popped up and Jay placed the toast on a plate and then put a slice of cheese on each piece and then an egg on top. He also put a small bowl of strawberries next to it. "I'm gonna go get dressed while you eat. And then, once you're ready, I'll take you to school."
"Okay, thanks, Jay."
"You're welcome, kiddo."
You rolled your eyes at the nickname and then went to the fridge to get the apple juice. When you opened the fridge, you saw a brown paper bag with your name on it. Curiosity got the best of you, so you took it out and looked at the contents while you ate your breakfast.
Inside was a ham and Colby jack cheese sandwich with lettuce, pickles, mustard, and mayonnaise, an apple, a coconut-flavored Greek yogurt, celery with peanut butter, and a chocolate chip granola bar. There were also two dollars at the bottom of the bag paperclipped together with a sticky note stuck to the top.
For chocolate milk. ~Jay was what the note read.
Tears sprung to your eyes as you continued to eat your breakfast. You don't remember the last time you brought a lunch to school; you'd always get your lunch for free at school. When you got the paper from school about the free/reduced lunch because teachers noticed you didn't have much to eat, you waited until your dad was hungover and it was early in the morning, and handed him a pen and he signed the paper blindly. And, that's how you got lunch and breakfast at school without any cost to you or your dad.
"Hey, I can just brush my teeth at the kitchen sink if you want the bathroom--" He cut himself off when he saw the tears in your eyes. "What's wrong?"
"You- You made me lunch?" you asked as you turned to face him.
He smiled. "Of course I did. I know how bad cafeteria food can be. And, if it tastes good, it's usually not very good for you."
"Thank you," you said as you wiped a tear away that had rolled down your cheek.
"Aww, hey, don't cry, don't cry. It's okay. You're safe now. You don't need to worry about where your next meal will come from. And, I'm going to petition a judge for legal guardianship in a few days. I just have to have a few conversations with some lawyers."
"Does this mean you have to move? I don't want to kick you out of your apartment."
Jay dismissed that with a wave. "I already put in a loan application for a new apartment. Two bedrooms. Really nice."
"Can you tell me about it? While I finish eating my strawberries."
Jay nodded and sat down in the chair across from you. "It's a two-bedroom, washer, dryer. But, I know you don't care about those things. There's underground parking. It's got a gym, a whole club level, with like a coffee lounge, and all this other stuff."
"That sounds really nice."
"Yeah, it is a pretty nice building. Coffee lounge would be perfect for you to get your homework done if you don't feel like staying in the apartment."
"I thought you said I couldn't drink coffee?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I meant the caffeine in the coffee. Decaf coffee and lattes and tea lattes, that's a different story. I'm sure they have pastries there, too."
"Never pegged you for a coffee snob," you joked.
"You learn a lot about coffee and about a person when you have to get your entire unit coffee. I'll let you in on a little secret: Ruzek's coffee order is the most complicated."
"Really. Now, go finish getting ready. Don't want you being late for school."
"Hey, Er, can you meet me at the diner we usually go to?" Jay asked his girlfriend over the phone after he had dropped you off at school.
"Yeah, no problem. Give me fifteen minutes. We haven't caught a case yet, but we should keep our radios on just in case. Everything okay?"
"It's a long story. I'll explain everything in person, okay?"
"Okay," Erin answered skeptically. "I'll see you in a few."
Fifteen minutes later on the dot, Erin walked into the little diner and spotted Jay sitting in the corner booth.
"Alright, what's going on?" she asked after she had ordered her food and some coffee. "You sounded really stressed on the phone."
Jay sighed. "I'm going to fight for legal guardianship of Y/N."
"What? Why? What happened?" Erin asked as she widened her eyes.
"Our dad, he uh, he hasn't really been the greatest. Not keeping food in the house, calling her a burden when she tries to eat some of his food, not buying her products for you know...girl stuff. She's probably lost like 25 pounds since the end of last school year. And, I know that doesn't sound like a lot with the amount of time that's passed, but she's underweight. Will drew some of her blood last night to see if she's deficient in some vitamins or minerals."
"My God."
"Yeah, so, I know we were going to move into your place together, but I need another bedroom and my loan went through at that place I told you about, so I'm going to put an offer in there. You could always move in with me if you want, but I don't know if it would be a good idea for that to happen right away. I just want to get Y/N healthy again. I'm sorry."
"Jay, I get it. She's family. Do you know how you're going to go about this? Did you talk to Voight about taking any time off to sort this out?"
"Not yet. But, I think I'm going to call Antonio and see if he can help me out with getting a meeting with ASA Stone. I know he works criminal cases, but he's gotta know some stuff about family court cases. So, I figured he might be able to help me with this whole process."
"Good idea. If you need any help, just say the word and I'll be there."
Jay smiled. "Thanks, Er." He didn't want to have the conversation he was about to have, but he knew he had to tell her. "There's uh, there's one more thing I need to tell you."
"Okay, what is it?"
"About eight years ago, I was married."
"Excuse me, what? You were married and you didn't tell me?"
Jay knew this was a bad idea...which was why he hadn't wanted to tell Erin, but now that he wasn't officially divorced for whatever reason, he knew needed to tell her. "Just let me explain."
"Yes, please do," Erin sneered.
"Her name's Abby. She ran Cultural Support during my last tour in Kandahar. About a year after I came home, I saw her at a funeral in Vegas. Was... was a guy in our unit, he had redeployed, and, um, he didn't... Um, I was, like, blacking out most nights, and we were both pretty shook up. And, um, we got married." He chuckled at the thought of his twenty-one-year-old self thinking that marriage was a good idea. "It was, like, a 24-hour thing, it was a total joke, and it is long over."
Erin just stared at him, as he waited to be chewed out by her. "Jay, you married this girl. And you never told me, and you were never gonna tell me," was all she said.
"I know. And, I'm sorry. But, I'm meeting up with her in a few days to sign the documents that I thought I'd signed because she's getting married and we need to make the divorce official...even though, in my mind, it's been official for eight years.
"Er, please don't hate me, but with everything going on, with me trying to get guardianship of Y/N and me finding out that I'm somehow still married--"
"You want us to take a break?" Erin asked, finishing his sentence for him.
Jay nodded. "I'm sorry. I just don't think I can juggle a relationship with all this other stuff. And, it's not fair to you."
Erin swallowed. "Well, just tell me if you need any help with Y/N. I'll always be there for you. Relationship or partnership, I'll always have your six."
"And I'll always have yours."
Erin's phone buzzed on the table and she picked it up. "It's Voight. We caught a case."
Jay laid some bills on the table. "Then let's go."
"Got the results of Y/N's bloodwork back," Will told Jay over the phone while he had a quick break for lunch...even though it was four o'clock in the afternoon. But, that's the thing about the medical field: breaks are never regular.
"And? Any deficiencies?" Jay asked, walking into his bedroom as you were at the table doing homework and he didn't want to distract you.
"Yes, two actually. Iron and riboflavin. The low iron explains why her periods have become shorter and lighter, but that can also be attributed to how small she is now."
"How do we go about this then?"
"I'll send you a list of foods that have levels high iron and riboflavin. Oh, riboflavin's found in vitamin B by the way."
"Okay, care to tell me what iron and riboflavin do? I know iron helps with hemoglobin and red blood cells, but I have no idea what riboflavin does."
"You're right about iron. I'm shocked. Or, what do the kids say these days? I'm shook."
"I swear to God, please never use that phrase again. And, I know what iron does because I paid attention in high school nutrition class, thank you very much."
"If I remember correctly, I helped you with most of the homework in that class."
"Whatever, you helped me. Now, tell me about riboflavin."
"So, riboflavin just helps convert food into energy and is needed for healthy skin, hair, blood, and a healthy brain." Jay could hear a beeping in the background on Will's end. "Gotta go. I'll send you that list of foods right now, though."
"Thanks, man."
You looked up as Jay came back into the kitchen. "Everything okay?" you asked.
Jay pulled out a chair and sat across from you. "So, I just got off the phone with Will. He got the results from your bloodwork back."
"Is it bad? Am I dying?" You set your pencil down, bracing yourself for bad news.
"No," Jay chuckled, "you're not dying. You just don't have enough iron and riboflavin, which is a specific B vitamin. Will sent me a list of foods that have high levels of those in them. You up for some grocery shopping? We can also grab some multivitamins that have those in them, too, just to help your levels stabilize faster."
"Okay, we can go now. I'm due for a break."
"So, some foods that contain riboflavin include milk, eggs, cheese, yogurt, meats, green leafy vegetables, and riboflavin enriched grains and cereals," Jay read off his phone.
"I've had a lot of those today already," you pointed out. "Eggs and cheese with breakfast. I had that yogurt for a snack at school, and I had meat and cheese on my sandwich and I had chocolate milk with my lunch at school."
That was just standard, Jay thought. He wondered what you ate when you were at your Dad's. And, he knew that if he wanted to obtain guardianship of you, he'd need to know these things.
"What did you eat at Dad's?" Jay probed.
"I mean, I barely made it to school on time most mornings because I was trying to be quiet so I didn't wake Dad, which made me move slower when getting ready. So, I'd usually just grab a small thing of dry cereal when I got to school and eat it in my first class. I never checked to see if it was one of the enriched ones. I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologize. There's no way you could've known. Now, what did you usually have for lunch at school?"
"I always tried to get veggies with my lunch, but most of the veggies were the gross canned ones, like canned corn or green beans. I don't like those. Sometimes, they'd have little salads as a side and I'd get those. Sometimes they'd have yogurt parfaits and I'd get those. But, I'd usually go for the pre-made subs, because at least those would have veggies on them...even if it was just lettuce and pickles. I'd usually try to get an apple or banana as my side, too." You paused. "If I was getting meat and cheese from the sub and milk from my chocolate milk, then how am I deficient in this?"
"It's probably because the meat and cheese schools use is so heavily processed that there are little to no vitamins left in it," Jay answered.
"And you know this how?"
"As you get older, you acquire a lot of knowledge and one of those things is that the more processed a food is, the fewer vitamins and minerals are preserved...and I watch a lot of The Food that Built America on the History channel."
"Oh, okay. What foods are on that show?"
"Usually it's about fast food. One episode I watched last week was about ice cream and popsicles and how they came to be in America. Pretty interesting."
"Can we watch an episode tonight? That show sounds good."
"Of course." He paused in front of the fresh produce. "Take your pick. But, just make sure you get some leafy greens for the riboflavin and some fruit and other green veggies for iron."
You picked up a few things such as more apples, a bag of Clementines, bananas, spinach, carrots, and celery, and then, you shocked your brother as you picked up a bag of kale.
"Kale?" he asked. "Didn't know you liked it."
You shrugged. "I heard it tastes kind of like spinach. And, I saw a recipe on Pinterest for a salad that has kale, lemon juice, and dates. Is it okay if we try that?"
"You know, I think that would be the perfect side for dinner tonight. I'll add lemon juice and dates to the list."
"I didn't grab too many fruits and veggies, right?" you asked, not wanting to waste food or your brother's hard-earned money. "I- I can put some back if you want me to."
"Nope, it's all good. We can always freeze the bananas if they go bad for smoothies or banana bread. And, we can always turn the apples into apple sauce. Spinach and kale freeze well, too and you can't even taste them if we put them in smoothies."
"How do you know this stuff?" you asked.
"I used to watch Mom cook a lot when I was little. And, when I moved out on my own, she gave me a copy of a cookbook she always used. Said the recipes at the beginning of the book were simple enough that I wouldn't burn my apartment down."
You laughed at the thought of your mom scolding Jay if his apartment got ruined from his cooking. "Do you still have it?" you asked. "The cookbook, I mean."
"I do."
"Can we make something out of it tonight?"
"You know, I think that's a great idea." He pursed his lips. "How about Mom's chicken pot pie? I think I have some frozen peas and corn in the freezer and we can use the carrots we just grabbed in it, too."
"That sounds really good. Thank you."
"You don't have to thank me." Jay paused. He figured now would be as good a time as any to tell you. "Uh, do you remember the day that we got ice cream and went and played soccer with Ben when you were little? The night that Mom went into the hospital?"
You nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat at the memory of that day.
"Well, she told me to take care of you. There's no way I would break a promise to Mom."
"She said that?"
"It's like she knew something was going to happen."
"Mom was a smart lady. Will had to have gotten it from somewhere and he sure didn't get it from Dad."
You laughed. "Hey, you're smart, too. Just not sciency smart. You're more puzzle smart because you put the pieces together of who committed a crime." Jay laughed at your description of his job. "Oh, is the recipe for Mom's garlic mashed potatoes in that cookbook?"
"It is. Want those as a side along with the salad you mentioned?"
"Yes, please...if it's not a problem."
"They're super simple and quick to make." He scribbled on a piece of notebook paper that he had written down a few groceries on, like the salad ingredients you had mentioned. "Alright, potatoes, a rotisserie chicken, and pastry dough have all been added to the list."
"I'll be back later tonight, no later than midnight," Jay told you two days later on Sunday night. "I know it's not ideal because you have school in the morning, but try and get some sleep while I'm gone, okay?"
"I'm used to being home alone at night, Jay." You shrugged. "I'll be fine."
"I know, it's just that not something I want you to get used to. Feel free to eat anything you want, cook anything you want. As long as you don't burn down the house, I don't care what you make. Oh, and remember to take your multivitamin before bed."
You rolled your eyes. "I'm fifteen, not five. Now, get going. Don't want you to be late to meet that lawyer."
"Love you. I'll be back by midnight. Lock the door behind me."
"I will. Love you, too."
With that, Jay left his apartment to go meet with ASA Stone and you locked the door behind him as he told you.
"So, Antonio told me you have some custody questions," Peter Stone said once he closed the door of his office.
"That's right," Jay replied as he took a seat in front of Stone's desk and turned his phone completely off and Stone took a seat in his chair behind his desk.
"Didn't know you had a kid, Halstead."
"No, I don't actually," Jay chuckled. "I have a kid sister. Name's Y/N and she's fifteen."
"Okay, and why do you want guardianship then?"
"When me and Will, my older brother, were kids, our dad kinda checked out on parenting us when we hit our mid-teens. But, we had our mom around, so it was okay. I went over there the other day because my dad was having some heart issues and I called Will. When I was there, I got a call of a robbery and it was Y/N. She was stealing food from a corner store because our dad wasn't feeding her," Jay explained.
"I see. So, other than her word and her stealing food, do you have any proof of this?"
"I know I should've called DCFS before letting her stay with me, but I couldn't let her stay there a minute longer, Peter. She's lost like 25 pounds in the past six months and she's deficient in both iron and vitamin B."
"Okay, what we have to do is petition for guardianship in front of a judge. I can help you with the documents and I can even represent you at the hearing if you want."
"Wow, yeah, that'd be great. Thank you."
"Anything else you want to tell me about your dad? Any physical or emotional abuse?"
"Not technically, but there is something else." And then Jay launched into all the information you had told him two days ago.
"Okay. And, you know your dad could theoretically press kidnapping charges against you because you took his kid without his permission?"
"I do. But he was basically starving her. No jury would find me guilty."
"I'm not going to argue with you about that one because I agree with you."
"So, do you think I have a chance of getting guardianship over Y/N?"
"In theory, yes. But, most judges like to keep the child with their biological parents. But, seeing as Y/N's fifteen, she does get some say in who she stays with," Stone explained. "When we have a custody or guardianship battle, we use the child's best interest standard. This means that you must prove that you are capable of providing food, clothing, housing, medical care, and a stable home life for Y/N. There will be one or two home visits before appearing before a judge, just to let you know."
"I'm aware of that. And, I just put an offer in on a new apartment with two bedrooms this morning and they're pretty quick in responding, so I should know in the next few days whether or not I got it."
"That's a good start. And you are financially stable to raise her until she turns eighteen, so three more years?"
"I am."
"Alright, let's start on those documents then. Unless you have any more questions for me?"
"I do actually. I, uh, I just found out that I'm technically still married. Something about me not signing the divorce papers even though I specifically remember signing them? And, before you ask, me and this girl served together, we were both twenty-one, going through rough patches and it was a Vegas wedding eight years ago. Lasted no more than twenty-four hours."
"It's really good that you told me this because any good lawyer would find that out when you file for guardianship. It's possible that she didn't co-sign the divorce papers. If that's the reason, I can help you draw up new divorce papers right now."
"Really? You'd help me with that?"
"Of course. A friend of Antonio's is a friend of mine," Stone said as he started typing on his computer. "So, what you can do is you can file for a no-fault divorce."
"You're gonna have to be specific, Stone. I know a bit of criminal law because I've had to testify in criminal cases, but like I said, I don't know family or civil law," Jay said.
"What a no-fault divorce is, Jay, is that you don't have to prove that either of you did anything wrong to get a divorce. All you have to do is state that your marriage is unsalvageable and continue filing for divorce."
"That's it? What if she doesn't sign it?"
"The divorce papers will be served to, uh...what's this girl's name again?" Stone asked.
"Abby. The divorce papers will be served to Abby and she has twenty days to file her response with the court. If she doesn't, then the court rules it as an uncontested divorce and then you're officially divorced."
"Me and Abby are meeting up to talk about all this tonight. But, can we just fill out paperwork for this no-fault divorce just in case things don't go as planned? I just really need to get guardianship of Y/N. The least amount of problems, the better."
"Of course. And if everything goes well with her tonight, then just give me a call and I'll shred the documents."
"Alright, just tell me where to sign."
"Wilson is running through the showers wearing nothing but a Kevlar vest, right?" Jay reminisced on the good parts of his Ranger days with Abby at a bar around 8:30 that night after his meeting with Peter Stone.
"Well, the lieutenant said, all outdoor activities to be conducted in body armor." Jay laughed at Abby's rendition of their lieutenant's voice. "Do you remember, he had his girlfriend's name tattooed on his ass?"
Jay set his empty drink down on the bar. "Did he tell you that was his girlfriend? That was his dog's name," Jay laughed.
"That actually makes more sense," Abby said. "I could go for another one of these."
"I, um, I shouldn't."
"Gotta get back to the barracks?"
"No, I uh gotta get back to my little sister, actually. I'm looking after her at the moment. It's a long story. Do you have the papers?"
"I, uh, I don't have them."
"It's just, I never told you. Even that crazy day we got married, I never told you that I loved you, Jay. It didn't feel right. But, I loved you, Jay. I do love you."
Jay sighed. "Abby, you deserve everything good. I'm just not the guy that's gonna give that to you." He brushed her hair to the side and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
After putting some money on the bar to pay for the drinks and tip the bartender, he left the bar. Guess he was going to need these no-fault divorce documents, anyway.
He was almost to his car when he heard someone calling his name. And, it was a voice he knew all too well.
"Erin?" he shouted as she came closer. "What are you doing here?"
"Would it kill you to turn on your phone? You need to get to the district. Now."
"What? Why? What's wrong?"
She got in his passenger seat. "Just drive. I'll explain on the way."
You were sitting on Jay's bed reading a book when you heard a knock on the door.
Slowly, you got off his bed and made your way out of his room. You took a knife out of the knife block, but you hoped you wouldn't need to use it. Jay would've told you if someone was planning on stopping over. And, if it was Will, he would've given you a heads-up.
The knocking got louder and more aggressive. "Jayson! Open this door! I have the right to see my daughter!"
With the knife still in hand, you backed up and then, once on the carpet, ran back into Jay's room and quietly shut the door and locked it. You pulled out your phone and tried Jay. It went straight to voicemail. The pounding was getting louder. You tried Will. It went straight to voicemail because he was on shift. You thought you heard your dad starting to kick the door now instead of just pounding on it with his fists. You tried the last person you thought could help.
"Y/N?" Erin asked as she answered her phone and paused the tv show she was watching.
"Erin," you whispered. "I'm scared. I need help."
"You need help? Can you tell me why?"
"My dad, he's- he's here. He's looking for me." You heard a crash.
"Jay? Y/N? I know one of you is in here!"
"I- I think he just broke down the apartment door. Please help."
"Okay, okay, here's what you're going to do. I want you to hide somewhere and I'm going to call a patrol car over there right now. You're going to turn your phone on silent and I'm going to call you right back," she told you.
"Okay," you whispered as quietly as you could.
"I'll call you back in one minute tops."
You moved as quietly as you could with the knife and your phone still in your hands and opened Jay's closet door. You buried yourself behind the two garment bags that contained Jay's police blues and his military dress uniform, hoping against hope that your dad wouldn't find you.
Your phone lit up and it was Erin. You answered.
"Y/N, the officers will be there soon. I don't want you to talk. Just know that I'm on the phone with you."
At the same time, as she was talking to you over speakerphone, she was texting the team. She assumed you couldn't reach Jay or Will since you had called her. She told them what was happening and that a few of them needed to get to the district because they needed to find Jay's location. She also told Voight to get ahold of Sharon Goodwin so she could notify Will of what was currently happening.
"Chicago PD! Put your hands where we can see them!" you heard from your hiding place.
"See?" Erin said. "I told you that you'd be okay. I told them that you were hiding, so if someone opens the door, it's just an officer."
Just after she said that the closet door opened.
You squeaked.
"It's okay. You're safe," the officer said. "We're just going to take you down to the district. You're safe."
You peeked out from your hiding place and you saw the blues of the officers. You slowly made your way out and followed the officer out to the patrol car, the one that didn't house your dad for a breaking and entering charge at the moment.
"Where is she?" Jay yelled as he entered the district.
Platt just pointed to the bench next to one of the offices where you were sitting, staring at the floor, with a police jacket draped over your shoulders.
He sunk to his knees in front of you. "Are you hurt? Did Dad hurt you? Did he put his hands on you in any way?"
You shook your head.
"Oh thank God."
"I was so scared," you whispered. "When you and Will didn't answer, I thought he was gonna get me."
"I'm sorry. I turned off my phone when I talked to ASA Stone, and I forgot to turn it back on. I'm so sorry. C'mere."
You all but fell off the bench and into Jay's arms. "Is he going to jail? I don't want him going to jail."
"He was drunk out of his mind. I can ask not to press charges, though."
"Please. He needs help."
Although Jay didn't say it, he knew you were right. Jails and prisons didn't rehabilitate, they just taught criminals how to be better criminals. He knew that his dad needed rehab, a twelve-step program, anything.
"Okay, I won't press charges. But, I think we're gonna need to stay with Will for the night because our door's broken. What do you say we run home and grab some clothes to bring to Will's? And, since Dad will be here for a little longer, we can run to his house and get more of your stuff. Sound like a plan?"
"Can we get Dairy Queen on the way to Will's?"
"We sure can."
"I- I don't think any of these dresses will fit me anymore. They look way too big," you said to Jay as the two of you unpacked a bunch of your stuff in the guest room of Jay's new apartment. You wanted to think of it as the guest room for now instead of calling it your room just in case Jay wasn't awarded guardianship. You didn't want to get too attached.
Jay sighed. He figured you were right. He would see if Erin could take you, but their relationship was on the backburner right now. And, Erin had some stuff with Bunny she had to work out after she had brought her that pearl bracelet and said that she might be leaving Chicago. So, now wasn't really the right time for him to be bugging Erin about going shopping with you. And, he couldn't ask Kim because she was taking some furlough after finding her sister brutally sodomized after a night out.
He thought about asking Will if Nina could come, but he didn't think that those two were too happy with each other at the moment since Will hadn't told Nina about their dad being in the hospital and she had to find out from Natalie. Not Will's greatest moment.
He racked his brain for more women he knew.
Then it hit him: Gabby.
Yes, they had briefly dated, but that was five years ago. She was married now and his feelings for her were completely gone. They were civil with each other when they saw each other in the field and would chat when Gabby showed up at the district to pick up Eva or Diego.
"How about you try a few on after we finish unpacking, and then if none of them really fit, I can give Gabby a call and see if she'll take you shopping while I work on unpacking the rest of the house," Jay suggested.
"Okay. Will's gonna be over after his shift to help though, right?" you asked.
"He better be. He said he would. If he doesn't come, he better have a really good excuse."
"You can't unpack the kitchen without me," you told him.
"Why not?"
"I can't have you putting the glasses and other stuff on high shelves because I wanna reach them without having to climb on the counter."
"Okay, fine. I'll keep your short little height in mind while I unpack." He paused. "Do you want to get those fancy word stickers for your room for one of the walls?"
"Decals? And, it's not my room yet."
"Listen, after that stunt Dad pulled at my old apartment, Stone is 99.9% positive that I'll be granted guardianship. We just have to jump through all the hoops first."
"Like the home checks?"
"Like the home checks," he confirmed.
"What do I say in court?" you asked a few minutes later as you were putting the pillows on your freshly made bed.
"You just tell the truth," he answered.
"Will you be in there with me?"
"No, I won't. Stone said that usually in these cases you talk to the judge by yourself so that you can't be intimidated by either of the people who are fighting for custody or guardianship."
"So you won't be there? Will won't be there?"
"Will will be out in the hall and I will be in a different room. I'll be in like a witness room, where they make witnesses of a crime wait so that their testimony isn't swayed by what the other people are saying on the stand. But, me and Dad will be in the courtroom at the same time, just so I can see what he'll be saying."
"And, I'll be in there then, too?"
"What kind of questions do they ask me?"
"Stone said that since you're older, you get a say in who you stay with, so they'll ask you questions like who've you known the longest, who you feel safest with, who you want to live with, etc."
"Will they ask me questions about Dad? Like how he didn't give me food and how he broke into your apartment?" you asked.
"They will," Jay confirmed. "But, Stone will be in there for those questions just in case he needs to object to something."
"So the only time I'll be alone with the judge is when they're asking me the first few questions? Like who I feel safest with?"
"Exactly. Now, do you need help putting these books on the top shelf of your bookshelf?"
"Hey, how was your day?" Jay asked as he came home from work that afternoon. It was a shock that he was home by 5 pm, but you had a big day tomorrow. Not only was tomorrow Friday, it was the day you and Jay had to go to court to see if he would be awarded guardianship of you.
"We've got a problem," you stated.
"Um, I can try to help you with it, but let me go put my gun away first."
While he was doing that, you pulled out the slip of paper and the note that Gretchen Cunningham had written, saying that she wouldn't allow you to make up the test you would be missing because you had to go to court.
"Alright, what's the problem?" Jay asked as he walked into the kitchen.
"Cunningham. She's the problem...as always."
You handed him the papers and he read them over. "Yeah, this isn't going to fly. She doesn't need a judge's signature to allow you to take the test. I'll talk to the school tomorrow morning when I call to tell them you'll be absent."
"I hate her," you groaned. "She's so mean. And, I know what you're gonna say. You have to deal with people you don't like. But, she lost one of my assignments and told me I didn't turn it in and couldn't re-do it!"
"Well did you?" Jay asked. "Turn it in, I mean."
He put his hands up in a sign of surrender. "I'm just saying, could be your fault."
"Yes, I turned in the stupid assignment. And, she paired me up with the stupidest kid in the class and told me to do well on this assignment because he needed a good grade to pass. It's not my fault he's failing! Don't put his grade on me, lady!"
"And she wouldn't let you re-do it?"
"Nope. But it's fine. I'm still getting an A. That might change if she doesn't let me take this test, though."
"It's like deja-vu from my freshman year all over again. Why doesn't she retire already? She's like 100."
"Or they could fire her," you quipped. "Or I could switch classes."
"I'll see what I can do. Who's the other history teacher?"
"Um, Miss Hedge."
"Hedge? As in Jayne Hedge?"
"Yeah, it's actually her. Why? Do you know her?"
"Yes he does," Will said as he entered Jay's apartment. "In fact, they went to freshman snowcoming together."
"How did you even get in here?" Jay asked, turning around to look at his older brother.
"For a cop, you're not that smart. You didn't lock the door behind you."
"I don't lock my door when I'm still awake. And, seriously? You just had to tell Y/N that, didn't you?"
"You guys can't just leave me hanging now. Tell me the story!"
"Fine," Jay grumbled and Will just laughed and sat down at the table, too. "I met her at school, obviously. She was on the freshman basketball team and I had winter weight training for the soccer team. I thought she was pretty and she was really smart, too. And, I knew that a bunch of the girls went to get Taco Bell after practice, so me and some of my friends decided to go, too."
"There used to be a Taco Bell close to school?" you asked. If there was, you'd never seen it before.
"It got torn down just after I graduated," Jay answered. "Anyway, we went to Taco Bell and I started talking to her and we talked a lot after practice. I'd walk her home sometimes. Then, I asked her to snowcoming and she said yes."
"So, why'd you guys break up? I know you dated Allie in high school."
"We realized we were better off as friends." Jay shrugged.
"And he realized he liked Allie more," Will added.
"Yeah, that too."
Will set a big bag of takeout on the table.
"Seriously?" Jay asked. "I thought we weren't going to do this that much anymore so we can get Y/N's vitamin and mineral levels stabilized."
"I'm sure she'd appreciate the break from your mundane meals," Will said. "And, I got us all side salads to go with the burgers instead of fries, so calm down." Jay gave him a look. "Fine, I got the side salads along with the fries. But, they're made out of potatoes, so they're technically a vegetable."
"For a doctor, you don't know much about nutrition, do you? And, my meals are not mundane."
"Dude, you'd have chicken, spaghetti, or grilled cheese every night."
"Not every night, just a lot of nights when I'd get home from the district late. I'll have you know me and Y/N have been making really good diners lately. Wanna tell Will what we made last night for dinner, Short Stack?"
"We made this really good pasta. We used Orzo, which looks like rice, but it's pasta. And we made a sauce out of tomatoes, onions, and orange juice. It was supposed to be lemon juice, but Jay didn't have any. We put chicken sausage in it for protein...and spices of course," you told Will.
"That actually sounds really good. Wow, Jay cooking every night, not something I expected."
"I like it," you said. "And, he lets me play whatever music I want when we cook."
Will rolled his eyes. You had Jay so wrapped around your finger that he'd do almost anything for you. Will didn't think he himself was that bad, but deep down, he knew he'd do anything for you, too...despite not being in Chicago as long as Jay had been.
"So I got a call from Stone this morning," Jay said around 11:30 that night when he and Will were sitting on the couch, each nursing a beer.
Will set his beer down on the coffee table in front of him. "And?"
"And, as of yesterday at midnight, I am officially divorced from Abby. Turns out, they served her the papers and, since she didn't sign them and it had been twenty days, it turned into an uncontested, no-fault divorce."
"Congrats, man. Might've been eight years too late, but you're a free man now."
"Amen to that. And it came at just the right time."
"Yeah," Will agreed. "You nervous for tomorrow?"
"Not really. More nervous for Y/N than anything. I've testified in criminal cases, so I kinda know how this goes, but she hasn't. And, before me and Dad go in to plead our cases, she has to talk to the judge all by herself. I just wish one of us could be in there with her."
Will nodded. "Know what they're going to ask you?"
"I know what Stone's going to ask me because we prepped, but I have no idea what Dad's lawyer is going to ask me. Pretty sure he's got just a public defender, though. Hopefully, that works in my favor."
"Not always, man," Will disagreed. "The public defenders who do these cases only do these cases. They've had a lot of practice."
"You really know how to make me feel better, thanks," Jay replied sarcastically.
"Rather have you hear it from me before the case than someone else after. Are you going to get cross-examined?"
"Probably. Don't know what they're going to ask me though because it's a cross. Stone set up some sample questions for me to answer with him to practice, but I'm going in blind. I'm used to it though because I've testified before. But, this feels like my biggest case."
"Because it probably is."
"Are you talking about tomorrow?" you asked as you quietly padded across the floor towards the living room.
"Y/N? What are you doing up? It's almost midnight," Jay pointed out.
"I- I know. But I couldn't sleep. I'm scared. What if I have to go back to Dad's? What if they find neither of you fit and I have to go into foster care?"
Jay patted the empty spot on the couch next to him and you sat down. "We just have to trust the system. That's all we can do."
"I know, but I can't sleep. And I'm so tired."
"I have an idea," Jay started and stood up, "stay here."
"I'm gonna go look for some melatonin," Will said after a few minutes of you two just sitting in silence. "I think Jay still has some for nights that he can't sleep."
Will was still rummaging around Jay's cabinets when Jay came back with a big black box with some cords and a cardboard box balanced against his hip.
"The hell is that?" You quickly covered your mouth when you realized you had sworn. "Sorry."
"It's okay. And, to answer your question, this is VCR. And, I have a bunch of videotapes in this box." He turned from you to face the kitchen, where Will was still opening and closing cabinets. "Will? What are you doing?"
"Looking for melatonin for Y/N. You got any?"
"First of all, it's so late that if you give it to her now, she'll sleep through her alarm and we can't be late for court tomorrow. And, second of all, I keep it in the medicine cabinet in my bathroom."
Will closed the cabinet and made his way back to the couch to sit next to you as Jay started to hook up the VCR to the tv. "Uh, Jay," Will began, "you know it's a little late for a movie right? And, I should get going in like half an hour?"
"We're not watching a movie. I recorded a bunch of the Blackhawks playoff games on one of these and I thought Y/N'd like to watch the 2010 Stanely Cup final series against the Flyers. Or, we could watch the final series against the Bruins when they won the cup last year."
"Let's watch the 2010 one," you said. "I don't think I watched it because I wasn't into watching hockey as much as I am now."
"And you have Jay to thank for that," Will pointed out.
"You can record things on there? Like an old-school DVR?" you asked.
"God, now I feel old," Will groaned. "Wait until she learns about floppy disks."
"Floppy what now?"
"Nevermind. Only 80s-90s kids would get it."
"We get it. You guys are millennials."
"Got it!" Jay exclaimed as he popped the videotape into the VCR and it started playing. "Now, shut up so we can relive this, Will."
You fell asleep before you even reached the end of the first period.
You rubbed your eyes and then looked around you to notice that you were still on the couch. You craned your neck to see the time on the oven on the other side of the open concept kitchen and living room and saw that it was 5:45 am. Jay was at the gym now. And, you knew you wouldn't be able to fall back asleep because you were already starting to worry about the rest of the day. You had to be in court at 8:30 and had to be talking to a judge at 9:00, the judge that would determine who you would be living with, which would inevitably determine your future.
God, you were thinking just like the teachers talked about the SATs, how if you didn't get a good grade on that standardized test that your future would be ruined.
You stood up and stretched and then went back to your room to grab the book you were currently reading. Then, you turned on a few lamps and grabbed a yogurt and fruit from the fridge, along with a glass of orange juice. After wrapping yourself in a blanket, you started to eat and read, hoping that that would keep your mind from wandering and worrying at least until Jay got back from the gym.
Half an hour later, Jay unlocked the apartment door and walked inside, confused as to why you were awake. It was only 6:15 and he had told you just to be up by 6:45.
"What are you doing awake, Short Stack?" he asked as he grabbed a banana from the bowl on the counter.
"I woke up at about 5:45 and I couldn't fall asleep. I'm sorry."
"Nothing to worry about. I just want you as well-rested for today as possible. You have your dress all ready? Know what shoes you're going to wear?"
"Jay," you whined. "I picked all of that out last night because you told me to."
"Just didn't want you to have to rush. I can turn the game back on for you so you can watch it until you have to start getting ready?"
You nodded and Jay came over and fiddled with the tv and the remote, going back to the middle of the first period where he thought you had fallen asleep.
"Okay, I'm gonna take a shower. Will said he'll be here around 7:45. Oh, and you can take that history test when you get back on Monday, in Miss Hedge's class."
You smiled. "Okay." Then, you turned your attention back to the hockey game.
You widened your eyes as you stood in the second bathroom getting ready. You had gotten dressed (into a navy blue, lacey dress that ended just above the knee that you had bought with Gabby a few days ago), washed your face, brushed your teeth, did your makeup, but now you were cursing yourself for being so stupid. You had no way of doing your hair. You didn't have a straightener here. And, your typical ponytail or bun wasn't going to cut it for court.
"Jay!" you yelled as you exited the bathroom and knocked on his bedroom door.
He opened it as he was tying his tie. "Yeah? Everything okay?"
"I don't have a straightener! I can't do my hair and if I wear my hair like I usually do then it will look bad on you and--"
"Hey, hey, calm down. We've still got over 45 minutes before we have to leave. I'll give Gabby a call and see if she's not on shift and can let you borrow hers."
You sighed the biggest sigh of relief. "Thank you."
Five minutes later, Jay knocked on the bathroom door as you were brushing your hair. "Gabby will be here in ten."
"Oh thank God."
"Thank you!" you exclaimed ten minutes later as you opened the door, revealing Gabby with her hair straightener. And, behind her, was Casey.
"No problem. Just tell me if you're not used to it and need help."
You took it from her. "No, I should be good. Thanks, though. C'mon in. I'm pretty sure Jay's around here somewhere."
They came into the apartment while you ran off to find Jay.
You knocked on his bedroom once more and he opened it, this time completely ready for the day. "Gabby and Casey are here," you told him.
"Casey's here?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Yeah. I think he just came with Gabby."
"Okay. Go fix your hair. I'll go talk to them."
Twenty minutes later, you were finished and slipping your shoes on when you heard a knock on the apartment door. "I got it, Y/N!" Jay yelled.
Well, I hoped you would because you're closer to the door than me, you thought to yourself.
Jay opened the door, and since it was exactly 7:45, he was expecting to just see Will. But, what he saw both shocked him and made him want to cry from appreciation at the same time.
Standing next to Will was Natalie and behind them was all of Intelligence and Trudy Platt and Mouch, all of Squad 3 and Truck 81 (minus Casey because he was inside), Sylvie Brett, Chief Boden, April, Maggie, Dr. Rhodes, Dr. Charles, Reese, and Noah.
"You're all here for the court case?" Jay asked, stunned.
"Well, Natalie has to testify about Y/N's deficiencies and weight loss, but yeah. It's better if the court sees that the person trying to get guardianship has a ton of support. So, I figured I'd call in reinforcements...even though I'm pretty sure my big personality is enough."
Jay rolled his eyes. "Your big ego maybe." He paused, not knowing how he was going to fit everyone in his apartment even if it was bigger than his last one. "However many of you guys can fit inside, can come in. Um, some of you might just need to meet us at the courthouse--"
"Jay, they just came now so you could see how many people were behind you. They're just gonna meet you there. Except for me. I'm driving you two." Jay furrowed his eyebrows. They didn't talk about this. "I'll explain later."
"Gabby," you said as you walked out of the bathroom. "Can you--" you stopped as you saw everyone outside Jay's apartment.
"They're all here for you and Jay," Gabby explained as she stood up. "And, you can't cry because it'll smear your makeup, so hold back the tears."
You nodded as you held them back. "Can you, uh, check the back of my hair to make sure I got it all straight?" you asked.
"Two spots are still a bit wavy. Let's go fix it so you can get going."
A few minutes later, Gabby had fixed your hair and everyone besides Will and Jay had left and were on their way to the courthouse. You slipped on a pair of black ballet flats and your coat.
Will had explained that the reason he was driving was that if Jay didn't get guardianship, he didn't want him driving in such a distressed state. Will had worked on so many patients who were in car accidents due to their emotional state and he didn't want Jay to be one of them.
"Ready?" Jay asked you.
"As ready as I'll ever be," you said as you wiped your sweaty palms on your dress.
"All you have to do is tell the truth."
You thought you'd be comfortable inside a courtroom because of the crime dramas you'd seen. But, standing inside one was very different from watching a fictional tv show.
No one but you, the judge, the court reporter, Peter Stone, and your dad's lawyer could be in the room for this next part, so everyone was either in a witness room or waiting outside in the hallway for the go-ahead to be let in. You would be allowed to be in the courtroom while they were talking to Jay and your dad, but they wouldn't be able to be in the room when you talked to the judge...for obvious reasons, such as influencing what you would say.
"All rise."
You stood up next to Stone as the judge, who you now knew as Judge Callahan, entered the room.
Once you sat down, you were called to the stand. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?" you were asked as you placed your hand on the Bible.
"I do," you answered.
"Alright, please allow Miss Halstead on the witness stand," Judge Callahan said. "Now, I'm just going to ask you a few questions. All you have to do is answer them. Do you understand?"
"Yes, I understand."
"Okay, first question: Has your father, Pat Halstead, ever hit you or physically abused you in any way?"
"No," you answered.
"Has he ever neglected to give you necessities, such as food, water, clothing, or shelter?"
"Can you please elaborate?"
You did. You explained how your dad never had food in the house and would yell at you and call you a burden if you tried to eat his leftovers.
"Is it true that your father tried to break into your brother's house to get you?" Judge Callahan asked.
"Who do you feel safest with?"
"My brother, Jay Halstead."
"Who would you prefer to live with?"
"Jay Halstead."
Jay sat on the witness stand. He had answered all of Stone's questions, including all of the questions about him finding you stealing, what you had been using for pads, and what he had been told that you had been eating at your dad's house. Natalie had testified about your physical well-being, weight loss, and iron and riboflavin deficiencies. But now, it was time for Jay's cross-examination. And, he sure as hell didn't expect this next question to be asked.
"Mr. Halstead," your dad's lawyer began, "you previously said, and I quote, that your dad clocked out on parenting you and your older brother, Will, when you were in your teens, around when you started high school. Can you elaborate on that?"
"Objection!" Stone yelled. "Relevance?"
"Speaks to a pattern."
"I'll allow it," Judge Callahan said. "Please answer the question, Mr. Halstead."
Jay nodded. "He clocked out on parenting me and Will because he said that were essentially grown men at this point in our lives, we didn't need him cheering us on or him helping us. He didn't come to a single one of my soccer games in high school. And, if by some miracle we went out for ice cream or something just me, my brother, and my dad, he wouldn't pay for ours. Said we were old enough to pay for ourselves.
"But, we had our mom. She came to all our games and school events. She made us breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If she wasn't there, I don't know what would've happened to me and Will. My dad didn't even want me to go into the military and didn't want Will to go to medical school. He said a real man went right to work. The only time I felt loved by him in all my teenage years was when I left for the military. It was like because he knew I might die over there that he figured he'd say he loved me one last time."
"Redirect, your honor," Stone said. Judge Callahan nodded at Stone. "You said that your mom made you and your brother lunch. Are you doing that for Y/N?"
"Objection! Relevance?"
"Speaks to Mr. Halstead's abilities as a parent."
"I'll allow it. Please answer the question."
"I actually do," Jay answered. "I make her a packed lunch to bring to school every day and I'm sure to add foods high in iron and riboflavin to help those levels stabilize quicker. The first time I packed her a lunch, she actually cried because she hadn't gotten a lunch from home in so long."
"Thank you."
"Mr. Halstead," your dad's lawyer started, "you were previously deployed overseas in Afghanistan for two tours of duty. While I thank you for your service, is it possible that you could have PTSD and hurt Y/N in the middle of the night?"
"I would never hurt her!"
"While you are fully conscious, maybe. But, while you are in a sleep-addled state, isn't it possible that you might think that the person waking you up is an enemy soldier and not your little sister?"
Jay sighed. No one knew this about him, not you, not Will, not his dad. No one. And now all of his family and closest friends were going to know since they were in the courtroom watching this entire thing unfold.
"I am on Prazosin for nightmares caused by my PTSD," Jay answered.
"And how long have you been on this medication?"
"For about two years."
"And this has helped you manage your nightmares?"
"Yes, very much so."
"No further questions."
"Jesus, Jay," Will said after you had watched your dad's testimony on why he should get to keep you. It was the usual: how he was your father, so, therefore, he deserved to keep taking care of you and it's what your mother would've wanted...despite her telling Jay to keep you safe before she died. They already had the responding officers testify about the break-in, so he couldn't deny that and he was under oath, so if anyone found out he lied, then your dad would be held in contempt.
"I'm sorry I never told you, man," Jay said. "I just, I thought of it as weak that I couldn't deal with my own shit." He grimaced when he realized he had sworn around you. "Sorry, Y/N."
"It's okay. I hear that stuff at school."
"I'm just upset you didn't tell me they were getting that bad, Jay," Will lamented. "I know I wasn't there for you a lot after Mom died, but I'm here now."
Jay nodded, and Will knew he didn't want to talk about the topic anymore. You looked through the little window into the courtroom and saw that the judge was coming back from her chambers.
"Guys, I think she's made a decision," you said nervously.
"Whatever happens, me and Jay will be there for you," Will promised.
All you could do at this point was nod, as a lump was forming in your throat from all your nerves.
Jay led you back into the courtroom and you sat at the front, between Jay and Will. You wiped your sweaty palms on your dress and Jay gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
Judge Callahan stood up.
"By using the child's best interest standard of who can provide food, clothing, housing, education, medical care, and a stable home life for Y/N Halstead, I declare Mr. Jay Halstead the legal guardian of Y/N Halstead."
You could've sworn that you stopped breathing the second she said Jay's first name. You were so overwhelmed that you just turned to him and started crying as he wrapped an arm around you while he listened to the judge state your dad's visitation rights.
But, you didn't hear any of that. The only phrase that kept repeating in your head was I declare Mr. Jay Halstead the legal guardian of Y/N Halstead over and over again.
Now, you knew that you'd always have the necessities when you lived with Jay. You wouldn't have to worry about where your next meal was going to come from or if your dad would be out until 3 am drinking. You wouldn't have to worry about having access to tampons or pads and not be embarrassed anymore to ask for some from school if you forgot to put any in your backpack that day. But most of all, you knew that you would be loved and cared for.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Did I make anyone cry with this one??? The blood draw scenario was actually based on when I had to go and get my blood drawn the other day and thought I was going to pass out, which is why that scene was so long. Anyway, thank you again for reading, and please reblog/like and comment and tell me what you think! As always, if you want to be added to my taglist, just tell me and I’ll add you!
taglist: @theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies @brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07 @thexplosivegirl @dreamingwithlens @xoxmariaxox @onechicago18 @iamasimpingh0e
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Reality Check - Chapter 1
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Well.  I mentioned an idea. You guys seemed to like it.  Who am I to deny you guys what you want?  It’s only just beginning.  Keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times.  If you don’t, you could be sucked into the reality too.  
Summary: Y/N and Wanda were very close after returning in 2023.  The two bonded over the loss of their partners.  It wasn’t enough to keep Wanda grounded after she found Vision’s body though, and Wanda wants the best for her friend.  Unfortunately for Y/N, this means she’s going to be thrown into a reality she wasn’t expecting.  
You woke up the sound of birds chirping and the sun blazing into your room from the window.  The bed was warm from the sunlight, but you weren’t focused on that.  Your head was pounding, as if the birds were more like freight trains going through a station.  You couldn’t even remember when you went to sleep last night.  Were you drinking the night before?  
Actually, why does your room seem bigger than it was?  The alcohol must’ve played with your mind more than you realized.  You shook the thoughts out as you heard a light knock on the door.  
“Come in,” You called out to the mystery person.  The door opened with a small creak, and the person revealed themselves.  
It was Loki. 
He was dressed in a suit, carrying a tray that had several plates and a glass on it.  One plate contained eggs and sausage, another had toast with butter on it, and next to it, an apple.  (What color was it?  Why couldn’t you tell?) The glass had water, and finally, there was a small vase next to that containing a single tulip.  
“Loki,” You smiled lightly.  You quickly sat up in bed as he walked over, a small smile on his face.  
“Good morning, love.  I figured I would offer you a little breakfast before I left for work.”  He placed the tray down on your lap gently.  He sat down next to you for a moment, admiring your features.  
You laughed a little at how romantic he could be.  “You’re too sweet to me sometimes.  Almost as sweet as this apple is,” You stated as you quickly grabbed the apple, tossing it in the air, and then taking a bite out of it once you caught it again.  You grinned at him as you heard something behind you.  It almost sounded like laughter.  
“I could never.  I just want to show you how much I love you,” He kissed the top of your head.  You stared at him lovingly for a moment as you pondered a thought.  
“I don’t think I’ll ever understand how we got this far.” 
“Me neither,” He laid a hand on your cheek, kissing your head once more.  “Well, I should leave before I’m late.  Mr. Hart will have my head if I’m late again.”  He chuckled. 
You nodded and said goodbye to Loki as he made his way towards the door.  For a brief moment pain panged your chest.  A sadness that you couldn’t pinpoint.  It was like your heart felt that everything would be over as soon as Loki left, but you couldn’t understand why.  
“Oh, and darling, don’t forget about visiting our new neighbors.  Agnes said they just moved in a few days ago.  Perhaps we can show them around the neighborhood one day.”  
“New neighbors?  Well, I’ll pay them a visit after I finish this wonderful breakfast!” 
After Loki left and you finished eating, you placed the dishes in the sink and went to get dressed.  You found countless dresses and not a single seemingly comfortable outfit in your closet.  You finally settled on a dress with a sweetheart neckline.  It went down right past your knees and it was sleeveless.  It looked the most comfortable out of the bunch at least.  
You finally headed outside, where you were greeted with a clear sky and several neighbors outside, mowing their lawns or leaving for work.  You smiled and waved to many of them.  Herb, your next door neighbor, waved back, forgetting that he was mowing.  Just as you were about to warn him, he mowed over a rubber ball that was in the way, causing pieces to fly everywhere.  You giggled lightly and shook your head.  
It wasn’t hard to find the new neighbors’ house as it still had a box or two on the deck. You quickly walked over and knocked on the door.  “Just one moment!” You heard a voice call out from the house.  Her voice sounded so familiar to you, yet you couldn’t pinpoint who it could’ve been.  
The woman opened the door with a bright smile.  Just as she was about to greet you, her smile faltered.  She recognized you immediately.  She shook the thoughts out of her head.  “Good afternoon!”  She said. 
“Howdy neighbor!  I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood!”  You responded.  You didn’t know what you wanted to do.  Something seemed off about the woman.  
“Why thank you!” She exclaimed.  “Please, come on in, I’m Wanda.” She smiled. 
You walked into the home, admiring how well-kept it was already for someone who just moved in.  “I’m (Y/N)!  It’s a pleasure to meet you.  What brings you here to Westview?” 
“Oh, well my husband and I decided it was time to settle down and we thought Westview was the perfect place.”  
“How wonderful!  Where’s your husband if I may ask?” You asked, sitting down on the couch.  
Wanda sat down next to you, moving a magazine that was still on the cushion.  Agnes must’ve been here already.   “Oh, he just went to work!  His name is Vision,” She smiled.  
“Aw, and how long have you guys been together?”  You asked.  For a split second it seemed like Wanda was confused.  
“Well, let’s just say it seems like time flies by and I can’t keep track of it.” She giggled.  You smiled lightly at her response.  “What about you?  Do you have a husband?” 
“Yes, Loki,” You shook your head at the thought of him.  “It’s been a bumpy road to get to the place we’re at, but I love him and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
“And how long have you two been together?” 
You thought about it for a moment.  You couldn’t answer it honestly.  “I don’t quite know.  We got married recently, though I couldn’t tell you the precise date.  It seems like I’m the same way, I just can’t keep track of time!”   The two of you laughed politely. 
It led into a further conversation between the two of you, where you discovered that her anniversary is tonight and she was planning something special.  You wished her the best of luck as you left, going back home.  You had to get dinner ready for when Loki came home at least.  
The walk back home seemed odd.  The sun was shining, a few of your neighbors were outside walking their pets or going to run errands, but everything seemed... Fake.  Like it was all just an act to you.  The smiles on everyone’s faces were exaggerated, as if they were doing it just to prove to you that they’re happy.  
The strangest thing happened when you passed by someone and accidentally knocked into their shoulder.  You turned around quickly to apologize when you noticed their eyes were an emerald green.  The color was so bright and that’s when it hit you: No other color seemed nearly as bright. 
You apologized to him as he smiled and waved it off.  He began to walk away as you watched him.  You didn’t turn back until he turned the corner, out of your sight.  
The day passed by rather quickly and Loki came home, giving you a kiss on the cheek as soon as he walked in.  “Hello, darling,” He said sweetly. 
“Hi honey, how was your day?” You asked, cutting a potato up to put in the stew you were making for dinner.  He wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his head on your shoulder, watching you cut it.  
“Boring.  The same old boss with the same old paperwork.  Although there was a new guy in the department.  Vision.  Is he the new neighbor by chance?” 
“He must be!  I met his wife when I went over, Wanda.  Oh she’s a sweetheart.  It’s their anniversary tonight, but I think we should invite them over for dinner one day.” 
“That sounds like a marvelous idea.” He smiled.  You smiled back at him, but it seemed odd.  He knew something was wrong after that. 
“Darling?  You seem off.  Is something wrong?” 
“No, not at all.  Well, maybe... Okay, yes!  Something seems wrong.”  Once again you heard canned laughter in the back of your head.  You shook the thought out of your head.  
Loki took his hand in yours, placing the knife down, spinning you around.  “What’s wrong?” He asked, tilting your chin up to look him in the eyes.  
“I was walking home today and I bumped into someone.  I’ve never seen him before, and you should’ve seen his eyes!  They were green!  Such a bright green.”  
“Now, don’t go gushing about another man’s eyes or else I’ll get jealous,” He playfully glared.  You smiled at the joke and rolled your eyes. 
“Still, Loki.  Something seemed wrong.  They were just... Unusually bright.  And I’ve seen everyone here.  There’s something... Normal about everyone.  He didn’t seem normal in the slightest bit.” 
“Well, I know this may seem shocking to you, but we do have visitors every once in a while.”
You grabbed a piece of potato on the cutting board and flicked it to him lightly, making him pull away a little and laugh.  “I’m just saying, don’t think too hard about it.  You’ll give yourself a migraine that way.” 
“You’re right, you’re right.”  You sighed.  
“Everything is quite alright.” 
--------H̸̼͍̹̣͉͑̽̉ͅe̸͉̺̮͊̆l̸̬͕̙̖̤͉̦̗̉͆͑̿͋̈́l̵̢̬̟͇͇̰̠̤̼̺̺̯͉͋͑̈́̅ơ̵̧̛̰͉̠͔̯̾̅͌̈́̉͒̉͛͛̆?̵̨̟̻̼̲͉͚̫͖̭̦̲́̃͗̍̈́̽̓̐̋̔́̿ ̶̧̤̮̼̘̫̫͉́̈́̏̎̍͑̄̂̾̈̚ ̷͓͉̞͔̲͎̫̫͙͂̋̈́̑͜ͅC̶̨̛̐̓͑̂͌̚̚ͅͅȁ̸̘͇̟̻͆̚n̸̛̝͖̥̟̤̦͌̑̉͑̋̋̈́̔̇͐̕̕ ̶̝̹̭̰̰͚̭̩̭̭̳̈́y̶̡̩̼̑̀̆o̵̘̜̫̽̌͛̈́̅͛̋͂͋͠ų̸͈̂͗̔̆̉͑̔͑̿̃͑̚͝ ̷̢̫͔̞̰͉̦̱͙͓͉̀̊͛͜ͅh̷̼̱͚̗̭͎̳͔͕̒̇̌͆̔̐̽͋͜͜͜͝e̴̼̍̓ą̸͕̩͔͍̱͉͚̻͓̇̆̃̅̔̇̈ͅr̴̡̛̫̭̪̭̤̯̺̖̜̯̫̈̾̋͝ ̴̛̪͊̌͒͛̔̐̈́̊̏̿͝m̷̨̢̠̲̫̗̤̜̍̐̇͐̆̐̋̕ě̷̡̙̫̟̬͙͙͙̲͚̞̅̒̽?̴̧̻̠͉̩̥̒̓̀̅̀̊̿͒͑͠ͅ ̸͔̳̺͂̓̓́͛̾͜---------
“What have you seen from her side of the show?” 
“It’s all just like Wanda’s.  She’s trapped.” 
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beclynn-herondale · 3 years
Similarities that I see between Jace and Céline
(these are just my thoughts. Press read more to see them.)
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↑ this chaotic energy. You think he got it from Stephen? Nah.
Her anxiety reminds me of Jace's. And like their thought process was similar in ways.
They both struggled with belonging.
Céline corrected Robert when he said "Just like a warlock. Always for sale."
And Céline was like "Always on sale."
Again Jace energy.
Céline knew Amatis, Stephen's wife. At least, she knew enough. Amatis was sharp-tongued and stuck up. She was opinionated, argumentative, stubborn, and not even that pretty. There were also rumors that she still secretly associated with her werewolf brother. Céline didn't much care about that—she had nothing against Downworlders. But she had plenty against Amatis, who obviously didn't appreciate what she had. Stephen needed someone who would admire him, agree with him, support him. Someone like Céline. If only she could make him see that for himself.
Jace's smile was as bland as buttered toast. "Go on, go after him. Pat his head and tell him he's still your super special little guy. Isn't that what you want to do?"
But he couldn't look at Simon without wanting to kill someone.
“And even back then, in that stupid coffee shop. When I saw you sitting on the couch with Simon, even then that felt wrong to me—i should have been the one sitting with you. The one that made you laugh like that. I couldn't get rid of that feeling. That it should have been me.”
↑ Their bitterness, anger, jealousy, and envy towards the person who had the person they wanted and in general has the same energy in my opinion.
They both were angry and jealous of people who had it better or they considered to be good—Like, that was why Jace hated Simon so much at first, because Simon was everything Jace thought he'd never get to be, he just didn't realize it.—And Céline was angry of the kids in the academy who had loving parents and good childhoods, and weren't damaged like she was—they both were angry because somebody was someone or had something they thought they'd never get to be or have. (In Céline's case she never actually got it, not really.)
They both like to wander around when upset.
They both aren't too fond of the Silent Brothers. And I think that has to do with their head being full of certain things they don't want others to know, and the Silent Brothers speak in your mind, almost like they're reading your thoughts.
They're both observant, which could be from growing up in abusive and toxic environments but could also just be they're observant people.
They both can tell when someone is off. We see this when Céline sees through Valentine's mask. Jace often saw through the lies of people in TMI and still does.
And the both hate being pitied. Like it angers them when people pity them, we see that with Jace quite often in TMI, but we see it when Dominique says this: “Every Downworlder in Paris knows about poor Céline Montclaire, wandering the city like a murderous little Éponine. We all feel a little sorry for you.”
And then Céline thought this: Céline lived with a steady, secret simmer of rage, but now she felt it boiling over.
↑ Again, the above reminds me of Jace. He lived with anger that he kept under control but would boil over when triggered.
They're both sensitive. And get hurt easily.
“I wish I could be more like you,” she admitted.
In what sense?
“You know, just shut off my feelings? Feel nothing. For anybody.”
There was a long pause, and she wondered if she had offended him. Was that even possible? Finally, his cool, steady voice spoke.
This is a wish you should dispense with. Feeling is what makes us human. Even the most difficult feelings. Perhaps especially those. Love, loss, longing—this is what it means to truly be alive.
“I think—my father was sorry he had a parabatai,” he said. “Now I have to go live with a man my father was sorry about. I don't want to be weak, I don't want to be sorry. I want to be the best.”
If you pretend to feel nothing, the pretense may become true, said Jem. That would be a pity.
↑ They both wished to feel nothing, and had Jem tell them that wasn't as great as they thought. But they both still desperately wanted to not feel.
When she was a child, her parents had often refused her iratzes after training sessions, especially when her injuries were caused by her own mistakes. Let the pain remind you to do better next time, they told her. All these years later she was still making the same mistakes.
“No! it's better for your parents not to know it happened at all. It was just bad luck that one of them got me. I'm a good fighter,” Jonathan protested sharply.
“It's my fault I got hurt,” said Jonathan. “I know excuses are for incompetents. It won't happen again.”
↑ this bit on making mistakes, or when getting hurt.
Céline always carried a misericord blade.
↑ Reminds me of someone else who always carries blades.
They both were aware of the consequences of putting a rune on someone that they weren't 100% sure were Nephilim, and it was different circumstances but they did it anyway. Jace gave Clary her first rune and Céline gave Rosemary her first rune (I think).
More furious at her own instinct for mercy. After all, her parents had never shown any to her. Her parents had done their best to teach her that mercy was weakness, and cruelty was strength.
Jonathan said the word "weakness" with horror. Jem wondered what a man who had drilled a boy to fight like that might have considered weakness.
↑ Mercy, kindness, gentleness, etc. Was taught as weakness to them both growing up.
They both hate being predictable. Kinda like when Rosemary knew Céline would keep her secret. Céline hated that she knew that. Remember in CoA when everyone was guessing that Jace said no to Valentine, and he hated it.
They both never really felt like they were ever a kid. Because again, the environment they grew up in forced them to grow up faster than they should have. Which is why Jace didn't think of himself as one when he threw himself into battle.
like Jace I don't think Céline liked to upset the balance of things, meaning they don't pry and don't pressure. Which often gets them labeled as "not too bright" or "unobservant" they're both observant, they just don't say it out-loud. Jace is definitely like this, but I see Céline as this too. Stephen said she always needed to be told what to do, but I don't think it was that exactly, I think she just didn't like to upset things. Which growing up in an abusive and toxic environment does that. But I think it's also just part of who they are.
That sweet and obedient daughter of the provençal countryside. They knew how devoted she was to her parents. Such a dutiful daughter.
↑ Valentine often called Jace his obedient son. I see Jace in this part as well. Sebastian called him Valentine's "sweet boy."
She could close the door on the past, start again. She could choose a life without pain, without suffering or fear.
But who would she be without pain?
This also reminds me of Jace. Obviously he did end up choosing to walk away from Valentine. But there are times he doubted, because in reality he himself didn't know who he was without the pain he'd experienced, without his past with Valentine. And they both believed that the pain and suffering had made them stronger. Jace later knows that isn't true, but I see the similarity there.
They're both said to have vulnerability about them that made you wan to protect them. To keep them safe. Jocelyn said you couldn't really hate Céline, and I think it's kinda the same with Jace.
Both of them refused to ask for help. Thinking they could do it all on their own.
Céline could tell how much it hurt—and how determined the woman was to reveal no pain. She knelt by her side. Rosemary flinched away. “Let me see—I can help."
“Tell me what happened first.” She tried to yank her wrist back, but his grip was incredibly strong. “I can help you.” — this is in Clary's pov.
↑ Their willingness to help the pretty stranger they didn't know.
They both often felt they didn't have a choice in some things.
They both felt achingly alone at some point. And very much misunderstood.
The thought of losing the only family they ever had scared them, and they were willing to do anything to keep them. Even if in Céline's case hers wasn't that real.
They were both said to be beautiful, and breakable. Fragile almost. These were Jocelyn's words. That beautiful things were easily broken.
They both grew up denied of love and care.
Céline had low self esteem in a lot of areas. We often see Jace as the confident character who doesn't have insecurities or low self-esteem. but he does. Jace didn't like himself, his looks don't play a part here, he didn't like himself. He actually didn't feel good enough or worth much, that's why he made so many superiority jokes, because he truly didn't feel good enough but had to make everyone believe he did. Céline didn't feel good enough either, but she tried not to let it show.
Their childhood gave them bad coping mechanisms and suicidal tendencies. They both self harmed in ways, believing that pain made you stronger is one of them.
We often look over the fact that while some of Jace's mental struggles did come from the trauma of his childhood and growing up around war, that he was already at a high risk with a mother who experienced similar things. Because if you have a parent who has mental illness the offspring are at higher risk of developing one. And his childhood didn't help with that.
And we know what they both truly wanted was to be loved and safe. Really. Jace always thought he wanted to fight all the time, but by the end of tmi he realized he just truly wanted to be happy and left alone, he just wanted Clary and his family. Céline wanted that too, but she never got it.
You all realize they would understand each other, right? Like if Cassie ever did something where they somehow met, Céline would understand Jace and he would understand her.
Céline would have never raised Jace with anything but love and care. She would have made sure he never knew a childhood like hers. But he did. He ended up knowing what that was like. And it would have broken her even more to know that.
But she would probably stab Valentine in the face, which I'd like to see.
Friendly reminder that Jace looks like her around the eyes (no I won't shut up about this.)
There's probably more but until we learn more we won't know. Just remember he may be a Herondale but Céline is also there.
@khaleesiofalicante I tagged you 😎
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333sth · 3 years
dove. (frankie morales)
chapter ii. previous. series masterlist.
pairing: frankie morales x ofc (’dove’) no use of y/n
warnings: ptsd/military service, violence, injury detail, language, angsty.
summary: santi’s hunch is no longer a hunch, but only will knows how close they are to finding frankie’s girl. 
rating: mature wc: 1.8k 
When a strong hand had clamped around her shoulder, Dove’s instinct was to break it. It wasn’t menacing; they were just waiting at the bar to be served.
A burly, middle-aged man was towering beside her, clutching a beer bottle that looked miniature in his thick grasp. His arms, still holding the shadow of what was once impressive muscle, were littered with military tattoos. Dove could spot a stick-and-poke from a mile off.
“I recognise that,” He gestures to her neck, where a small Delta Force tattoo was usually disguised by her long hair. “You ex-forces? Delta?” 
She wanted to kick herself. The sticky atmosphere had gotten the better of her and she’d thrown her hair into a ponytail without thinking.
“Yeah, but that isn’t exactly public knowledge ‘round here.” She murmurs. 
Across the room, Roni throws her head back in exaggerated laughter. A group of men, who looked barely out of their teen years, had come over to make some desperate attempts at getting laid. Dove had excused herself to buy the next round after one of them had cracked a mortifying joke about liking older women.
“That’s understandable.” The man held out his hand, which she took hesitantly. “My name’s Mark, I just retired out here. Served for twenty three years.” He chuckled gruffly, his voice thick from cigarettes. “I got jack shit to show for it, mind you.”
“Tell me about it.” She laughs, but she doesn’t offer her name. 
Mark notices as the conversation lulls. “I trained with a guy who made Delta. Santiago Garcia - we called him Pope, ‘cause he just had that way about him. You probably knew him.”
Dove swallows, chest lurching. “Sounds familiar… You know how it is though, the nicknames all blur into one eventually.”
That’s a lie, you never forget your teammates’ names. Mark knows it and so does Dove. Thankfully, he doesn’t push a conversation she clearly doesn’t want to have, and raises his bottle to her.
“Well, it was nice to meet you anyway. Enjoy yourself out here.”
“You too, Mark.” She tries to smile, but her lips press into a thin line that probably looks more like a grimace.
Mark had called Santiago the following day, the alcohol-blurred memory peaking his interest once he remembered his old friend’s plea a few months back. He’d asked around for any heads-up if any ex-Delta women around their age popped up. Mark had thought the man was delusional when he’d heard. If she was Delta Force, she wouldn’t be found unless she wanted to be. 
Apparently, he was wrong. Maybe even the best of the best got rusty after a while.
The town Dove had been spotted in was questionable to Santiago. It was too cosmopolitan for a woman who was starting over. However, after a onceover on a map of Mexico, Santi spotted its smaller neighbour. He’d never heard of it, which meant it must be the place. Small population, right on the coast, with enough amenities and business to get by without any trouble.
“And, man, she had a wicked scar on her throat. Sort of shit you’d only see on a Delta.” Mark had added, with a chuckle. “I can’t imagine that ain’t your girl.”
‘Dove isn’t my girl,’ Santi wanted to bite back instinctually. He bit his tongue, and instead offered, “It sounds like her. I can’t thank you enough, brother.”
Santiago only told Will what he knew about Dove. He had the mind to retain that information no matter what this trip threw at them. Plus, he trusted him with his life, plus a couple other lives that came to mind. Call it insurance, if things went south.
Plus, Will didn’t have Tom’s mouth, or twisted morality. Tom was more than willing to accept that Dove would miss out on their prospective fortune, that the ‘hunch’ would have to wait until Lorea was dealt with. Santiago knew his brothers well enough to know Benny would throw a hissy fit if they knew where Dove was and she wasn’t included. She’d spent enough time stitching up their war-torn skin and shoving them out of bullets to deserve a cut.
So, Pope told a little white lie. They had a stop in Mexico to meet with a contact. 
Frankie had murmured, “Better be worth it, stuck in this shitty car with you fuckers for ten hours.” 
Santiago resisted the urge to agree. God, he hoped it would be worth it too. He hoped he wasn’t driving them into a dead end, a bluff on Mark’s part. Or even worse, invading Dove’s beautiful new life without them. That would destroy everything; Dove, the boys, Frankie. What if she had settled down? What if he pulled into that idyllic beach bar she wanted and she’s there, a baby with the same brilliant eyes balanced on her hip? She was never sure about kids. A vivid mental picture of the wrong diamond, glistening on her ring finger in the afternoon sun, and the wrong man pecking her lips, made Santi physically wince. 
Fish would never forgive him. Will and Benny would never forgive him. He’d never forgive himself. 
It was a long, apprehensive drive. Santi’s eyes were drying, squinting against the headlights that occasionally glared past them. His jaw had been clenched for the last few hours as his anxiety grew, nothing but open road to stare at while he contemplated over and over as to whether it was the right decision. It didn’t help that Frankie never really slept like the others did on the move. While the other boys passed out, Frankie’s soft eyes continued scanning the scene flying past the window. It was like he stayed awake to watch Pope’s back, as if they were still in combat, or as an unspoken act of kindness to keep him company. 
Really, Frankie was a terrible sleeper. Santi remembered that from the early days, before he and Dove gave it up and became an item. He was the last to drift off and first to wake up, always restless. Once Dove started tip-toeing over to his cot in the night, he became the worst snorer in the division. Always splayed on his front, one arm tossed over Dove’s waist and the other under his pillow. She’d kick him in the night so he’d roll over and shut up, but it never lasted long. 
One night, Benny had enough, and groaned to Dove, “Put us out of our fuckin’ misery and smother him with your pillow, for the love of God.”
Dove had snapped back, “Fuck off, Benny, just ‘cause you aren’t getting any of the action doesn’t mean you have to get all bitter.”
“I’ve told you guys - I’m more than willing to join in-”
“Ben.” Frankie grumbled into her shoulder. It was gruff with sleep but still menacing enough to make the hairs on Dove’s arms stand on end.
Before a pillow smacked into his head, Benny guffawed, “Oh, so he is alive after all.”
Wringing a soft rag for polishing glasses between her fingertips, Dove descends the wooden steps at the entrance of the bar. The last huddle of regulars holler behind her, wrapping up their weekend drinks as the evening creeps closer to the early hours; Dove always notices the time when moths start colliding with the lanterns.
Roni rises from a crouch on the ground, dropping a paintbrush into a can with a clatter. “See, your own little touch!” 
The wooden panels that constructed the side of the bar, usually concealed by a stack of cardboard beer boxes, is decorated with little doves. Despite studying criminology, mainly for the satisfaction of her parents, Roni loved painting and insisted on brightening the exterior of their beach shack.
Dove cracks a half-smile. “It’s lovely, Ron. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” She beams, throwing the half-empty cans into the nearby bins. She pauses, glancing hesitantly at the older woman over her shoulder,  “Dove’s not your real name, right?”
“No, no. Nickname from when I was nursing overseas.” Dove chuckles, before adding, “Feels more like my real name than my Christian one nowadays.”
Roni passes Dove on the steps as she returns to the bar, “It suits you. You’re always graceful, but… you’re fucking fast.”
Dove laughs with her, ignoring the familiar clench in her chest. It’s exactly what Frankie used to say. The difference is Roni notices when she almost drops a glass, or her tray of drinks starts to wobble, and Dove is there to catch it with such fluidity Roni never saw her coming. Even the way Dove’s knife slices through fruit like each piece is a slab of melted butter. Frankie witnessed the extreme of that, the stealth and grace that usually ensured the enemy was dead before the others had even thought to raise their guns. Still, he admired her the same way Roni was right now. It was like awe.
It’s probably because he loved her effortlessly, every single aspect of her being without a glimmer of doubt or judgement. And now he wasn’t here.
The group of regulars stumbling down the steps break Dove from her thoughts, chortling and wishing her goodnight. One of the older men turns and jerks his thumb towards the road, “You might wanna tell them you’re closing, bonita.”
Before the road becomes the sand, there is a small, dusty wasteland that doubles as a makeshift car park. A vehicle is parked, glaring headlights facing towards the ocean and forming peculiar, alien-like beams in the dark. She’s definitely getting rusty; she’d barely registered the idling truck.
“I’ll sort ‘em out, Miguel, don’t you worry.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt it,” He jokes, waving to her. “Buenos noches, Dove.”
Military habits are practically impossible to shake, and immediately, Dove’s mind launches into overdrive. She raises her hand above her eyes, squinting against the blinding white LEDs in an attempt to make out a registration plate or even a recognisable model. Her mind is fine-tuned to memorise; most of the locals’ cars are already catalogued in her memory, but this isn’t one of them.
Maybe they’re tourists, ready to push their luck with the opening times. That’s the reasonable side of Dove’s mind. The irrational, dark edges whisper, ‘What if someone found you?’ By someone, it means someone bad. Someone she wronged during her service, an enemy or straggler that got away. Even a civilian that might have been caught in the crossfire. She thought about those ghosts often. Hell, some of them she could still name. When she can’t sleep, sometimes she lists them, pictures their faces if she can recall them, just in case they ever came back.
She inhales a sharp gust of ocean air through her nostrils, welcoming the clarity that spreads through her mind. Parting her lips (the lips Frankie always teased were in a permanent pout), she released the breath slowly, trying to relax the stressed scrunch in her features.
“Your face is gonna get stuck like that someday.”
The voice is familiar. A deep, breathy chuckle, barrel-toned and gravelly. It sounds like home.
taglist: @mishasminion360
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jadedxrealityw · 3 years
-Truth Or Dare- Pansy Parkinson x Female Reader
   Kody: Happy Lesbian Visibility Day!
   Movie/Show: Harry Potter 
   House and Year:  Slytherin / 7th year
   Request: Good morning/night! Hope you’re having a lovely day and make sure to drink water ! Can you write a Pansy x Fem!reader where they’re playing truth or dare and get dared to makeout in front of the people they’re playing with 
   Possible Triggers / Warnings: cursing, makeout, slytherin’s being dumbasses, if you don’t like girls kissing unfollow me please, 
   slytherin’s were considered the most poised and proper house since most came from wealthy pure-blood families who acted like they were born with a stick up there ass. To everyone else the house of Slytherin was also the rudest people alive.
   those people have never been in your friend group clearly. 
   it was true, most of you came from wealth, but you also had shitty, racist, probably homophobic parents. It was the main thing that brought you together, the fact no one else knew what you had to go through just so you weren’t written out of an will or disowned. 
   it sounded shallow to most outsiders, but you needed the money to start your own life and finally be free to do what you want without the constant reminder from your parents about how to act, what to wear, who to hang out with, how to be a proper lady and all that bullshit. It was suffocating.
   enough of the emotional shit. It was a godsend that school year’s at Hogwarts were as long as they were because it meant you had all the time in the world to hangout with your best friends. Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, and Pansy Parkinson. 
   Draco was the biggest hot head you knew and easily offended, but he also had a big heart under all that angst. When he attached to someone it was impossible to get rid of him. He clung onto all of you like a lifeline and even if he’s a little overbearing you loved him all the same. 
   Blaise was a calm collected fellow, very sarcastic and condescending sometimes. He talked so proper you couldn’t tell if he was insulting you really. Like Draco he also had a big heart, but would never ever show it unless you was with with Theo and to Theo only.
   speaking of Nott. Theo was the ultimate loner avoided all of you for your first year of Hogwarts, then he met Blaise and they connected very well. You all thought it was funny when Theo would be all quiet around you and suddenly light up like a star when Blaise walked into the room.
   he was like that with all of you now though
   and Pansy. She was the embodiment of ‘fuck you and your mom’ kind of person. She took no ones shit and you admired her for that. She was also a giant flirt towards you and only you. Compliment your looks, body, anything really. You thought of it as a joke t first and casually flirted back.
   you suppose Pansy saw that as an invitation to try something more. She’d randomly place her hand somewhere on you and trace random shapes in agonizing slow patterns. A tease at it’s finest. There were also the sides of her you found comforting. 
   you were always prone to panic attacks, something that developed from your parents nonetheless. She would always cradle your face and make sure you were breathing just fine or slip you chocolate frogs randomly because she knew you liked sweets. 
   she was your best friend, but with time your feelings changed and every little thing she did set fire through you like no other. Your heart would start beating so fast you were afraid she would hear it if she got to close. Sometimes you wished she did
   unbeknownst to you Draco, Blaise, and Theo all knew both you and Pansy liked each other and were both pussyfooting around your feelings. Pansy always thought she wasn’t good enough for you and you on the other hand thought that she just didn’t like you like that at all.
   the boy’s were adamant to see you two together
   every other friday night all of you would crowd into Pansy’s room to have a sleepover- well you stopped calling it that after fourth year because Blaise said it was to immature for your guy’s age. He shut up real quick after Pansy said he wasn’t invited then. 
   each of you had your sacred tasks bestowed upon you if you wanted to be allowed entry to the dark cave that was Pansy Parkinson’s private dorm. Draco was in charge of getting butterbeer, Theo got sweets, Blaise had to collect extra pillows and blankets for you all to sleep on.
   and you and Pansy would watch idly as they ran round for said things. 
   “Finally, only took you three an hour” Pansy taunted as the three Slytherin boys walked through the door “Your not the one sneaking butterbeer into the dorms at two in the morning you lazy ass” Draco snapped back, holding the case of glass bottles in his hand. 
   Theo set the basket of sweets on Pansy’s trunk that was at the foot of her bed so he could help Blaise set up the blankets on the floor “Yeah shove off” she waves her hand before falling back onto the bed “Where’s Y/n? Is she not coming? She’s okay right?” BLaise asked, looking around the room.
   Pansy had to hold back a fit of laughter “She’s in the bathroom changing. Your dad is showing by the way” she snickers. Blaise scoffs and goes back to putting down the pillows.  “Why does she need to change?” Theo spoke up, taking a seat on a pillow.
   a grin made its way to Pansy’s face “Spilled some water on her clothes- she spilled water on her clothes” she quickly corrects herself. Draco narrows his eyes and looks at Blaise who gives him a knowing look. “Right” Draco says, knowing full well what happened. 
   the bathroom door opened and Pansy sat up quickly. You walked out, running a hand through your hair as the Slytherin girl eyed you up and down, unable to hide her grin at her shorts and matching black shirt on your body. “Hey Sexy” Pansy sends you a wink. 
   you have learned to tone down your emotions around her, but still- “Hey” you reply simply nad go over to sit at the foot of the bed “Sorry for the wait” you say and they shake their heads “It’s fine, want some butterbeer?” Draco asked and you nod rapidly. 
   Draco begins to distribute the butterbeer amongst you all and that's when the chatting started. Pansy sat behind you and wrapped her arms around your waste, one hand holding her bottle of butter beer and the other wrapped tightly around you. 
   at one point she slid her hand up your shirt, stopping at your belly button to rub the cold metal of her ring along your skin. It made you choke on your butterbeer a bit and cough up “Are you alright?” Blaise asked and you nodded quickly, pointing to your throat “Went down the wrong pipe”
   Blaise seemed to believe your answer or faked it well because he went back to talking to Theo.
   an hour later
   you all had pretty much devoured most of the sweets and were out of topics to talk about though Pansy could continue to insult Draco’s hair until her dying breath. “I’m fucking bored” Pansy whined, laying her head on your shoulder. Y/n.Exe has stopped working.
   “Not my damn problem” Draco retorts, popping a flavour bean into his mouth. You exhale, shaking your head. Weren’t your friends just the nicest people alive. “Good thing i didn’t fucking ask you then huh Malfoy!?” Pansy shouts. Blaise copies your previous actions and sighs.
   he reached up to rub his temples “May we not yell for the sake of my head and Theo’s” he says. Pansy was about to go in one Blaise when you spoke up “Yah, your yelling in my ears Pans” Draco shot her a smirk, knowing she wouldn’t yell after that. 
   Pansy flips him off with a grin “Sit and spin on it” she mouths to him and he just shoots her a glare “We could play truth to dare, heard a couple Hufflepuff girls talking about it. They said it was fun” Theo cut in, looking at his hands. Blaise’s face scrunched up a bit t the idea, but he didn’t say anything. 
   “Yes- your mine bitch” Pansy lets out a maniacal laugh as she points at Draco who looked more weirded out then scared “I’ll play since Theo is, what about you Y/n?” Blaise questioned. You shrug your shoulders “Sure, i’m always down to try things once”
   Pansy’s face lights up “Thank you babes. Now who goes first?” she asked. Blaise lifted his wand nd tapped the empty Butterbeer bottle, causing it to levitate “Pansy, spin it” he says. She shrugs and reaches over your shoulder to spin the bottle. 
   it took a couple seconds before it landed on the Slytherin prince himself. Draco scoffed, rolling his eyes “Fuck my life” he muttered as Pansy gave him a sickenly sweet smile “Draco, truth or dare prick” she said, keeping her wide smile. Draco looked like he was weighing his options in his mind. 
   “What house did you want to be in when you were ten?” She asked. What a weird question. Draco’s face darkened s if he had seen a boggart, before he scowled “You fucking bitch” he seethed making you snicker a bit as well as Theo. “Say it~” she says in a sing song voice. 
   “Fine!” he shouts and takes a deep breath, crossing his arms like an angry child “I wanted to be in Gryffindor, like Harry Potter” the room was silent for a moment as you all stared at him blankly “Loser” Pansy laughs and he throws his arms in the air. 
   “I hate you”
   “Okay cool it Gryffindor” BLaise interjected, making all of you snicker. Draco narrowed his eyes at his mate “Your laughing now Zabini, just wait until i get you and your fucked” he threatens, but Blaise doesn’t have an reaction “Right...good luck with that”
   Draco spins the bottle and you all watch as it spins around for a couple seconds until it stops on the one and only Blaise Zabini “Well shit” he says with a deadpan look. Pansy gasped and covered her mouth “I can’t believe dad just cursed in front of us” she mutters to you, making you smile. 
   “Truth or dare Zabini?” Draco asked, a evil smirk on his face. Sometimes you forgot you were surrounded by Slytherin’s and your friends were assholes. “Dare since i’m not a pussy unlike my fellow housemates” Blaise grins, making Draco shake his head. 
   “Tell Theo you love him...in front of us”
   now Blaise wasn’t one for PDA and neither was Theo, probably one of the reasons they fit so well together. Draco was a dick for this one “I choose truth” he said instantly. You look at Theo who’s half smile turned into a grin. What was he planning? His face drops to a frown and he looks at Blaise.
   “You don’t love me?” he asked, his lip quivering a bit. What in the? All of you looked at Theo as Blaise stared at his boyfriend in shock “What?! No of course i do!” Blaise protests, but Theo doesn’t break from his character “Then say it” he persits. 
   all of you were stunned into silence, even loud mouth Pansy. Blaise looked like he was going to breakdown, which was an interesting look on his face actually “I- uh- what? I-” ne sputters, not knowing how to answer. Theo looks down at his lap “It’s fine i get it” he replies.
   he starts to sniffle, to make Blaise think he was crying which seemed to push - him over the edge. He grabs Theo’s face and makes him look at him “Oh my- i love you Theo. I’m in love with you. What has gotten into you?” he asked rapidly. Theo finally breaks and gives him a tired smile. 
   “I love you too. Who’s next?” he says, breaking away from Blaise who looked like he just went through all five stages of grief and is deciding to go through it all a second time. “Damn- that's tough” Pansy says, breaking the tension “Fuck you” Blaise snaps instantly making you all go wide eyed.
   you guys needed a dad swear jar
   Blaise huffs and spins the bottle, his usual smile with bad intentions coming back to his face once it lands on Pansy, who just sighs, mumbling some curses under her breath “Pans, truth or dare?” he asked. Pansy eyed him with a glare before smiling “Dare” she says. 
   you knew it was a bad idea
   “I dare you to make out with Y/n” he said casually, causing you to choke on your butterbeer “Excuse me!?” you interject “I didn’t laugh at you!” he shrugs his shoulders “Your just collateral damage Y/n, very sorry” he says. but you knew he wasn’t.
   “This is bullshit” you mutter, though the thought was making your heartbeat against your chest. Pansy shrugs nonchalantly before using her hand to tilt your head up so you were looking t the ceiling. This way she could reach you since she was sat behind you.
   Pansy leans down and plants her lips onto yours, leaving you shocked. You lose your grip of your butterbeer, causing it to fall, but Theo catches it. Pansy Parkinson was kissing you, the girl you fell in love with. This wasn’t a teasing touch or flirty comment. It was the real thing.
   and you loved it
   you reach up to put your hand on the nape of her neck to pull her in for  deeper kiss, feeling her grin against your lips. As you both got more heated the boys slowly left the room, leaving you two alone to do whatever the hell really. Good thing too, because it was only going to go further. 
   Pany’s free hand reaches up to wrap round your neck, not squeezing, but just gripping firmly to keep you in place. Fuck. Her tongue ran along your bottom lip and you opened your mouth slightly for her to slip her tongue in and connect it with yours.
   you always forget she has tongue ring
   it was nice to latch onto, hearing Pansy moan into your mouth was an added plus as well. You guessed Pansy was fed up with the current position because she pulled away and pushed you roughly back onto the bed, pulling your legs so you were closer to her.
   she leaned down, hovering over you “I should probably tell you i’m in love with you before anything else happens” hse spoke, a wide smile spreading across her face “Why?” you asked. “because- answer the question Y/n, do you love me too?” she spoke, you could tell she was getting anxious. 
   “Of course i love you. I have for a long time” you say, matching her smile “You're telling me i could have been kissing you like this sooner?” she asked with a small pout. You reach up and loop your arms around her neck “Then let’s not waste anymore time then huh?”
   Pansy grins before kissing you again. 
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   @the--queen-of-hell @sonbelleame @dracosathenaeum @spaceconstellationss @marrymetheonott 
   Kody: How come every Pansy fic i write so far is just really horny? Anyways, i haven’t slept yet and peace!
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hops-hunny · 4 years
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 3k
Request: “Can u write a songfic for Fred Weasley based on alarm by Anne Marie? It's ok if u don't want to”
Summary: Based off the song Alarm by Ann Marie aka Fred learns that karma is a bitch
Warnings: cheating, swearing, mentions of sex, small amounts of angst
A/N: I’m sorry this took so long! I whipped this up finally so I hope you enjoy it! I did add a bit extra in the end but otherwise, I did base it off of the song.
You lay here with me, you're shuttin' down
I smell her on ya, I'm focused now
I know what's goin' on in your head, yeah
I know what's happened here in our bed, yeah
(Y/n) lay in bed, deep in her thoughts as Fred wrapped one arm around her using the other to pull the cover up over their exposed bodies. Fred fell asleep rather quickly while (Y/n) dodged the call from sleep. Her thoughts were consuming her. It had all started last week when she found a pair of underwear hanging from Fred’s bed that certainly were not hers. They were much too small and well, she didn’t remember bringing any thongs to Hogwarts with her. And tonight, while he was busy deep inside of her, she was busy deep in her thoughts from the sickly, sweet smell of caramel candies and the stuffy scent of the Ravenclaw common room that was embedded in the pillows that surrounded her head.
Your phone is buzzin', so pick it up
I know she callin', so what the fuck?
I should've known a cheat stays a cheater
So here we are
While (Y/n) was a bright and kind soul filled with optimism and humanity, she wasn’t fucking stupid as much as Fred seemed to think she was. She had started seeing signs way before the more obvious ones. She noticed the first time when he was receiving an influx of owl messages. In the great hall, common room, quidditch practice. Fred had simply brushed it off by saying “Oh it’s just George, love, nothing to worry about.” and at first, she had bought it. She believed his lies, giving him the benefit of the doubt. That was until she got paired with George for an assignment in which he sent his owl to give her a time and place.
 So she waited for the perfect opportunity. While in Fred’s dorm, waiting for him to arrive back from quidditch practice, that same owl from before swooped in dropping a letter on his bed. She was not naturally a nosy person, she wouldn’t want anyone snooping through her things so why should she snoop through his? But, the hearts that littered the outside of the letter got the best of her. (Y/n) looked around the room, making sure she wouldn’t be interrupted, before carely unfolding the letter. 
‘Were we meeting tonight? I couldn’t remember. Either way, I’m wearing that cute little red number under my uniform and as usual, you know where to find me. Take care until then darling, 
Xoxo Marie SinClair’
The girl sat there for a bit, a tornado of emotions brewing inside of her. She wasn’t surprised to say the least. She should’ve known that dirty bastard hadn’t changed. The whole reason she had never accepted any of his advances before was because of his reputation. Everyone at Hogwarts knew of the appetite of the unsatisfiable beast that was Fred Weasley. He couldn’t keep it in his pants if his life depended on it. He got who he wanted, when he wanted and that was just the way it was. 
However, with her, Fred acted differently. He didn’t go for his usual tactics and ways. It was Yule Ball when they had gotten together. She had been crying in the courtyard because her date abandoned her at the last minute. Everyone knew the two were going together so when she arrived and saw him on the arm of some other girl, it drew a lot of unwanted attention. She silenced her crying slightly as she looked up at the sound of footsteps approaching. 
She looked up finding Fred standing there, causing her to roll her eyes.
“Go away, Weasley. I have no time for your usual antics so if that’s what this is, you can simply fuck off.” she snapped, uncharacteristically of her. Even Fred found himself a bit taken back but it didn’t stop him from approaching her. He kneeled before her, grabbing her hands as he looked at her. He took the handkerchief out of his pocket, dabbing her face carefully to get rid of the tears but to also not ruin her makeup.
“You know, what he did was fucking scuzzy. I think he’s a bloody prick for that, abandoning such a beautiful girl. You didn’t deserve that. But, you can’t let him get the best of you! You dressed up all nice and lovely for Yule. We can’t just let that go to waste can we?” He said. (Y/n) looked up at Fred quizzically. She thought about what he said for a moment.
“But, I can’t just go back in there alone. They’ll just look at me even more!”
“You won’t be alone, I’ll be right there with you, every step of the way.” He stood up before holding his hand out to the girl. She pondered it for a second before smiling, taking his hand to go back in and give that bastard of a date a piece of her mind. 
Even then she had been skeptical and looking back, she wished she could go back and change what had happened. She was brought out of her head from a sickly sweet smell of caramel candies and stuffy rooms radiating from the letter. That was the first time she had encountered the smell but even then, she knew it wouldn’t be the last.
And there goes the alarm ringin' in my head
Like somebody said, “Don't you trust him, no”
Text in from his ex, what did you expect?
Now you're lyin' here knowin' where he goes
The next morning, (Y/n) snuck out of Fred’s dorm, knowing she couldn’t handle everything on her own. All the warning signs and evidence ringing loudly in her head like an alarm. She walked through the halls, absentmindedly as she searched for her two dearest friends, Hermione and Ginny. She found them laughing about something in the commons as she sat down. She gave them a tired smile as she looked at them.
“Is everything alright darling? You look quite disturbed.” Hermione said as she held her friends hand looking at her. (Y/n) went to speak before choking on her words. She couldn’t hold it up anymore, she began to cry. She spilled out everything that happened, all the evidence. The letters, perfume, even the underwear. They both held the girl, stroking her back softly as they listened to her.
“But I don’t know, I don’t know. Maybe I’m overreacting? Surely there’s a way to explain this.” the (y/h/h) girl sniffled, looking up at her friends.
“Honey, letters from his ex? The underwear? Love, the signs are all there.” Hermione said in a calm tone, holding her friend as she began to break down again.
“I’ll kill him! The bastard. Letters from his ex? God, I wanted to have faith that this time, now that he had a fucking good one he’d treat her right. But, what did we expect? Dogs will always be bloody dogs. Wait till I tell mum!” Ginny exclaimed, pacing around as she spoke. Her raised tone of voice had gotten the attention of one of the twins’ friends causing him to walk over.
“Who are we on about, Fred? No way that Fred could’ve done that. He’s been uh, helping me study recently! Even yesterday night we were together! No way for him to have time to be shagging other girls. Don’t you trust him?” Dean said, softening his voice near the end as he kneeled before her. (Y/n) looked up at him, (e/c) eyes glaring into the brown ones before her. She had had it. She was fed up with all the he said she said bull. 
“You’re gonna fucking stand here, and lie to my face? Clearly you know where he keeps running off to. But you know what? To answer your question, no. Fuck no I don’t trust him!” the (h/c) girl seethed out through gritted teeth before storming out of the common room. Everyone stood there, a pregnant silence covering the room. Hermione and Ginny stood there, shocked but proud that the usually complacent and quiet girl had stood up for herself.
Now he got that itch, yeah, karma is a bitch, yeah
Same way that they come, that's the way they go
Now he got that itch, yeah, rewindin' the picture
There goes the alarm and the sirens go
There goes the alarm
After what went down in the common room that day, the news had obviously reached Fred extremely fast. He had shown up at her door, with flowers as he tried to form an apology and explanation, stumbling over his words. She stood there, staring at him with a stone like expression which worsened his words. While he was mid apology, (Y/n) had simply taken the flowers before turning around and slamming the door in his face, not even bothering to say anything.
The (y/h/h) girl had grown a lot since then, and everyone could tell. They all had expected her to be torn to bits, crying her days away in her dorm but they couldn’t be far from the truth. When Hermione and Ginny had come to (Y/n)’s room the next morning to go to the great hall like they usually did, their mouths were agape and their eyes grew wide. She had done her makeup, skin glowing the light reflecting off the gloss on her lips. Her hair appeared to look a lot healthier than usual too, skirt hiked a bit more than usual. She had grown tired of hiding on the sidelines She’d show him just exactly what karma had in store for him.
(Y/n) walked into the great hall, her dearest friends at side as usual, guys and girls alike greeting you as you walked to your spot at the table. She began to butter her toast, looking at Ginny who was holding in a fit of giggles. “Care to share?” the (h/c) haired girl said.
Ginny leaned in. “Well, I heard from a few of the girls in Fred’s year that he’s been having some rather unusual...sensations going on. So, he went to Madam Pomfrey and she asked him if he had been sleeping with anyone new and he obviously said yeah and well...she gave him a bottle of potion and told him good luck! Bloody hell, (Y/n/n) he’s got some kind of itch going on! You dodged a bullet with that one.” She said right on queue as Fred came in, scratching at his crotch region. (Y/n) and Hermione both gasped at the same time, covering your mouths trying your best not to laugh. 
George walked in shortly after, not wanting to be seen with his idiot of a twin. Fred began walking towards the Ravenclaw table, going in for a kiss to the girl he had been seeing. She stuck up her hand in between them before scooting closer to the bloke next to her who wrapped his arm around her, glaring at the Gryffindor boy. He had a defeated look on his face as he walked over to Dean, taking a seat next to him. The (y/h/h) girl couldn’t take it anymore, she began to laugh uncontrollably as her friends joined in.
“Karma really is a bitch, innit she?”
I saw it comin', I let it go
My girls will tell me, "I told you so"
But I was so intrigued by your style, boy
Always been a sucker for a wild boy
I'm better than this, I know my worth
I might be gettin' what I deserve
But I ain't stickin' 'round for the re-run
What's done is done
(Y/n)’s life had improved even more than before. She never cared about her status or popularity, but it was hard to ignore the attention she was receiving. Most of it was positive but some were negatives, spreading rumors that were quickly shut down. Even though the thought of Fred never crossed the girl’s mind, with all the things she kept hearing from people, it was very clear she was the only thing on his mind.
“I swear (Y/n/n)! I’ve heard from around five different people now that he’s been planning something! All I’m saying is you better be prepared for when he approaches.” Hermione said. (Y/n) scoffed, shaking her head. It wasn’t that the idea was unbelievable. She knew it was something that could very well happen but she didn’t want it to. ‘Fred would have some fucking nerve thinking he deserves some kind of reconciliation after what happened’ she thought to herself as they continued to walk. That was until she heard..
“Oi! Oi! (Y/n) wait up! (Y/n)! (Y/n)!” she froze in her spot, turning around with an eye roll. She looked up at the tall boy, eyes piercing into them. He went to open his mouth to speak again but she held her hand up causing him to stop.
“You know Fred, before I would’ve actually taken the time to consider what you have to say. And you know what? I would be lying if I said I didn’t love you. I always loved how different we were. I was, well, quiet, more reserved and you were my fantasy. You were this wild, unruly boy that no one could tame, no one until me. But you know, now I know why fantasies are called fantasies. Because they’re too fucking good to be true.” She spoke calmly as bystanders pretended to not be listening although some did stop to see what would go down. “Honestly, I truly want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Without your foolishness, I would’ve never realized my worth. And while all the other girls here may fall at your feet, I personally won’t be sticking around for a rerun. So I kindly leave you with, fuck off. What’s done is fucking done.” She said, looking up at the boy whose face was full of a mix of emotions. Sorrow. Regret. Longing. She flashed a fake smile before nudging Hermione signaling for her to follow.
Hermione stood there for a moment before walking up to Fred, smacking him across the face. “You have some nerve, you insolent pig!” (Y/n) dragged her off knowing that the Gryffindor would keep going if she could but for the sake of her, the people around them, and Gryffindor’s house points she didn’t let her.
Bang bang, two-shots fired
Man down, one fool, one liar
Ring ring, trust gone missin'
House on fire, house on fire
Bang bang, two-shots fired
Man down, one fool, one liar
Ring ring, trust gone missin'
House on fire
(Y/n) didn’t know, but there had been a guy watching from afar since this fiasco began. He had watched her grow and blossom, gaining the attention of many men, no not men, boys who thought they were worthy of the work of art that was (Y/n). Out of respect, he hadn’t made a move just yet, knowing the girl would probably want her space. He thought she was amazing. He loved how she was so kind and sweet, spreading optimism anywhere, but never let anyone walk all over her. He loved how she looked when she was concentrating on her studies. But after watching what just went down? He knew he had to make a move. It was now or never.
“Hey, (L/n). Can I talk to you for a second?” (Y/n) turned around at the feeling of a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to be met with a somewhat familiar pair of brown eyes. Her and Blaise were never really friends. Sure, they talked occasionally, working with each other in potions sometimes. He was friends with Draco but was never openly rude as his best friend. She always saw him as the boy’s voice of reason. He was smart, well spoken, and undeniably attractive. She smiled at him.
“Blaise Zabini? To what do I owe the pleasure?” she asked, watching as he scanned her up and down before meeting his eyes. Hermione nudged her, giving a knowing look before she began to walk off leaving the pair to have a moment alone.
“Well, I’ve been watching you and that dimwitted Weasley boy from a far. I just thought maybe you were tired of dealing with boys and was ready to deal with, well, a real man.” He said, a confident smirk as he took a step closer. He smelled heavenly, like expensive cologne and a smoky smell she couldn’t quite place. “Which is why I was wondering if you’d give me the pleasure of accompanying you to Hogsmeade this week. I was thinking maybe I could take you shopping, then to that little bookstore I know you like, and then if you’re feeling me, dinner? My treat of course.” He said, placing a delicate kiss on her hand. She was taken back to say the least. Sure, she had suitors approach her since her and Fred split, but none of them had done so in such a way as Blaise had. None of them had the confidence or flair.
“You know what Zabini? I think I’d love that very much. Swing by my dorm beforehand. I prefer when they’re early.” 
“Great, it’s a date then! Come with me to Quidditch practice? I’d love to show you off.” He said, holding out his hand. As she grabbed it, her heart fluttering in the distance someone else’s heart was crumbling. 
Fred felt like an utter fool and idiot as the gorgeous girl got more and more distant as the pair moved down the hall. He felt like his heart had a bullet in it and he was left to bleed. He had lost the best woman who would ever enter his life. He felt a tear drop down his face as his heart clenched.
“Come on mate, give it up. I told you to slow down but you thought you were hot shit. Let her live her life, you clearly already lived yours.” George said as he began to lead Fred the opposite way.
There goes the alarm
If you wanna be added to my tagslist, please make sure to shoot me a message or ask specifying who for!
Tagslist: @sarcasticallywitty15​
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emospritelet · 3 years
Heatstroke - chapter 23/24
I was planning on this being the final chapter, but it got away from me, so it's the penultimate chapter instead :)
Last time, Gold and Lacey banged :D
Word count: 3,721
Gold made her dinner, fillet steak with a sauce made from beef stock, red wine and rosemary, alongside soft, creamy mashed potatoes and carrots glazed with butter. They drank wine with it, rich and red, and afterwards carried the dessert upstairs to bed, where they took turns spooning dark chocolate mousse and raspberries into their mouths until their lips were sticky and sweet. Gold watched as Lacey sucked the last of the chocolate mousse from her spoon and dropped it into the glass dish with a contented sigh.
“That,” she said. “Was pretty bloody amazing. You can definitely cook.”
“Thank you.”
He set the dish on the nightstand, handing her a glass of wine, and Lacey wriggled, sitting up against the pillows as she took it. Darcy had curled up at the end of the bed with his tail over his nose, and Lacey gestured at him with a foot.
“You do realise now he’s been up here, he’s probably gonna spend as much time sleeping in your bed as he does mine,” she said, and Gold grinned.
“I don’t mind that too much,” he said. “Maybe he’ll keep the mice away.”
“No sign of that so far,” she remarked. “Not that I’ve seen any mice. Only rats.”
“You’ve seen rats around here?” he asked, surprised, and she shrugged.
“I saw one the day I moved in,” she said. “Standing on his hind legs, bold as brass. Not the best welcome gift, to be honest.”
“I don’t suppose it was.”
“Yeah, Darcy came to get me to chase it off,” she said casually. “So if you’re hoping he’ll deal with any vermin that turn up, you’re out of luck. Turns out he’s a coward.”
Gold laughed.
“Well, he’s a very handsome coward,” he said. “If we get a rodent problem I can always deal with it another way. I can’t say I’ve seen any rats here, though.”
“I guess it might have wandered in from the forest,” she acknowledged. “I was worried there might be a nest of the little buggers, but I haven’t seen any since then. It was definitely male, though. All big balls and unimpressive cock.”
Gold blinked as a feeling of déjà vu washed over him.
“Really?” he asked neutrally.
“Yeah.” She wriggled onto her side, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Have you ever seen a rat’s balls? They’re huge!”
“I can’t say I’ve looked all that closely,” he said, and licked his lips. “Uh - you said his - other equipment - was somewhat lacking.”
“Yeah. Minuscule.” She held up her little finger. “Still, I guess they manage okay, right?”
“Right,” he said, and hesitated. “And this was the day you moved in?”
“As I was carrying my stuff in.”
“Uh-huh.” He sucked his teeth, nodding slowly. “You - didn’t happen to mention this to Miss Lucas in the bar that night, did you?”
“Huh.” Lacey pursed her lips, a vague expression on her face. “Yeah, I did. Why?”
Gold sighed heavily.
“Because I might have thought you were talking about me.”
Lacey stared at him for a moment, mouth slightly open, then burst out laughing. It bubbled out of her, washing over him as her eyes sparkled with mirth, and he felt a little of his awkwardness melt away.
“You thought I was telling Ruby about what you were packing?” she giggled, and he shrugged.
“Let’s just say I overheard your conversation and made some assumptions.”
“Yeah, well, that’s what you get for eavesdropping,” she said, and pushed up on her elbow. “Wish you hadn’t?”
“Yes,” he admitted.
“Good.” She planted a kiss on his cheek. “Because your assumptions were shit.”
“That happens more often than you might think,” he said, and she giggled again.
“Oh, but I’m definitely telling Ruby about your junk now,” she said, and winked at him. “She did ask for a blow by blow description if you and I ever got up to anything.”
“In that case.” Gold put down his wine. “I’d better give you lots to talk about.”
Lacey stretched, eyes closed, mouth widening in a grin as she felt the press of hot flesh against her own. She was nestled in soft sheets, Gold’s arm around her waist and his cool breath on the back of her neck, making her shudder in pleasure. Morning light was shining through a tiny gap in the curtains, sending a shaft of golden dawn across the bed and making the pink walls glow. The bed smelled of musk and sex and the faintest hint of his cologne, and she wriggled, turning in his arms to kiss his chest. At the touch of her lips he inhaled sharply, body stiffening as he woke, and she heard a contented rumble from deep in his chest as his arms went around her.
“Morning,” she said, and sucked at his nipple.
Gold jerked, snickering, and tugged her close against him so that she had to kiss back up his chest to get some air. He pushed her onto her back, one hand sliding down over her hip to squeeze her rear as his mouth found her ear.
“Morning,” he murmured, and Lacey moaned as he sucked at her throat. His hand strayed to her hip again, sliding along the crease at the top of her thigh, and she caught his fingers in hers before he could reach between her legs.
“Really interested in where your mind’s going,” she said. “But I need the bathroom. And coffee, to be honest.”
Gold pulled back immediately, rolling onto his side, and she slipped from the bed, drawing on his discarded shirt. He was watching her with a sleepy-eyed grin, his hair dishevelled and a day’s growth of stubble on his cheeks. It made her want to crawl straight back in bed with him.
“I guess I’ll make the coffee, then,” he said. “You want some breakfast?”
Lacey sighed.
“Does that mean getting up?”
“Doesn’t have to.”
“Well, alright then.”
She winked at him, making his grin widen, and trotted off to the bathroom.
When she returned he had already gone downstairs, and she poked around on his dresser for a hairbrush, dragging it through her curls and teasing out the knots that had formed over several hours of the best sex she’d ever had. Gold had stamina. He was also extremely generous, and wanted to please her, which was a first in her experience. She could see herself falling deeply in love with the guy if she wasn’t too careful, and was surprised to find that the idea didn’t bother her. Glancing in the mirror she shook out her hair and set down the hairbrush, sending her reflection a satisfied grin. Apparently Ruby was right. I do want more than hot crazy sex. Although the hot crazy sex is amazing.
She padded downstairs, following the sound of him clattering around in the kitchen. The scent of coffee was drifting towards her, and she took a seat at the kitchen table, watching Gold in his silk robe as he made scrambled eggs and spooned it onto hot buttered toast.
“Hot sex, great coffee and a delicious breakfast,” she remarked, as he set a plate in front of her. “How is it you’ve been single for so long?”
Gold chuckled, sliding into the chair opposite.
“My son would say it’s because I’m completely dense and have no idea when someone is interested,” he said.
“Well, he’s not wrong about that,” said Lacey, making him grin. “Although I guess I shouldn’t really tease you about it. Pot, kettle, and all that.”
He grinned at her, eyes gleaming, and she felt herself fall in love with him a little more. She turned to her breakfast to stop herself blushing with the thrill of it. The eggs were soft and buttery, seasoned to perfection, and she made a noise of approval and cut a piece of toast, pushing it into the growing pool of melted butter and popping it into her mouth. Gold was watching her over the rim of his coffee cup, and she took a sip of her own and set down her cup.
“Any chance we can finish that interview today?” she asked. “I had other questions to ask and you kind of distracted me with orgasms.”
He smirked.
“I have to open the shop at some point,” he said. “Can it wait until later?”
Lacey pursed her lips, trying to hide her smile.
“You want me to come over tonight, is that what you’re saying?”
“You’re the one that wants to interview me,” he said, one eyebrow flicking. “Maybe I’d be more inclined to open up if we were more - intimate.”
His voice had dropped to a low purr, and Lacey squeezed her thighs together.
“Okay, but no distracting me this time!” she ordered, gesturing with a fork. “I have to get some stuff on tape I can actually use! I don’t want Sidney weaselling out of this pay rise he promised.”
Gold pressed a hand to his heart with a wounded expression, and she wrinkled her nose at him. He turned back to his breakfast, a tiny grin on his face.
“I suppose he’ll have you covering the mayoral election,” he said, and Lacey nodded, chewing and swallowing.
“There’s gonna be a debate next week.”
“Really?” Gold pulled a face. “So maybe that’s why I’m starting to hear whispers against Regina.”
“Whispers?” Lacey sat up. “What are they saying?”
Gold took a drink of coffee, setting the cup back down and sucking at his teeth a little.
“The rumour,” he said, “is that money has gone missing from the accounts. Not a huge amount, perhaps a few thousand dollars, but enough to trigger an investigation. The whispering I’ve heard is that it’s the Mayor herself getting greedy. Trying to maintain a lifestyle she can’t afford on the back of hard-working townsfolk.”
“That can’t be true,” she said in disbelief. “It’s election year. There’s no way the Mayor would risk her position, right?”
“Regina and I have certainly had our differences,” he agreed, “but I don’t believe for one second that she’s been stealing town funds.”
“Me neither,” said Lacey. “I think it’s Zelena stirring shit.”
Gold gave her a slanted grin, cutting a piece of toast.
“And where’s your proof of that?”
“Don’t have it yet,” she admitted. “But a friend of mine gave me some info on her New York dealings that makes all this sound kind of familiar. Given what you told me last night, I think we can guess that there’s a personal element as far as Zelena’s concerned.”
“So what’s your plan?” he asked.
“I guess we could tell Regina what she’s up to,” said Lacey. “Give her a chance to stop Zelena.”
“It’ll just look like dirty politics if it’s Regina against her rival,” he said, and she nodded in agreement.
“Okay, how about this?” she said. “We tell Zelena what we know. Maybe it’ll make her stop scheming and leave town.”
“And if it doesn’t?”
“Then we go to the town,” said Lacey. “Let them all know what she’s up to.”
“Difficult to do that without evidence,” he said, and she shrugged.
“Maybe we’ll get a confession.”
“You think she’s going to reveal her diabolical plan to you in some sort of tell-all interview?” he asked, with a grin, and she sent him a flat look, reaching for her coffee.
“Not in a million years,” she said. “She can’t stand me.”
She took a sip of her coffee, setting down her cup.
“But she might tell you,” she added.
Gold drummed his fingers slowly on the counter top, eyes fixed on the shop door. The clock on the wall opposite showed that it was nine-thirty, and he was expecting a visitor. Right on time, the door opened, the bell above jingling as Zelena stepped into the shop, a predatory smile on her face. She strode towards him with purpose, and Gold eyed her with a flat stare as she leaned on the counter, pushing her face towards him as though hoping for a kiss of greeting.
“Mr Gold,” she said, in a breathy voice. “I can’t tell you how thrilled I was when you said you wanted to discuss my election campaign.”
“Well, before you get too excited,” he said. “I want to talk to you about these rumours against the Mayor.”
“Rumours?” She tried to look puzzled, but it was unconvincing.
“The ridiculous talk of her embezzling town funds.”
Zelena gasped, hand to heart.
“She’s been stealing from the town?” she said, in a hushed voice. “Well. About time someone else took over, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Don’t play games with me,” said Gold, in a bored tone. “You know she didn’t do it.”
“That’ll be for the investigation to determine,” she said smoothly.
“Which you’re hoping will overshadow the campaign and leave you the victor.”
“If the people of this town decide they want me rather than her, who am I to deny them?”
Gold sighed heavily, pushing back from the counter and walking around it. Zelena turned to face him, and he grounded the cane between his feet.
“I know what you’re doing,” he said. “I’m a little unclear as to why.”
“I’m running for Mayor,” she said, showing her teeth in a somewhat manic smile. “As I said, it’s all about wanting to help the town. Family values, that sort of thing.”
“Really?” said Gold. “That’s interesting. Especially as the current Mayor is your half-sister. Perhaps those family values only stretch so far, hmm?”
Zelena’s mouth fell open, eyes wide with shock, and he bit back a smirk.
“Interesting how differently your lives turned out, isn’t it?” he went on. “You raised in England by your adoptive parents, Regina over here with your birth mother. I suppose that must sting, being abandoned. As I understand it, she left you at the kids’ home in Boston with a note saying she had to give herself her best life and she couldn’t do that with a baby.”
Zelena’s eyes widened further, her jaw tightening.
“How the hell do you know that?” she demanded. “Who told you?”
“I have my sources,” he said. “Which I obviously won’t reveal.”
“That slut of a reporter’s been poking her nose in where it doesn’t belong and then selling to the highest bidder, I suppose,” she said bitterly, and he felt his fist clench around the handle of his cane.
“If you mean Miss French,” he said evenly. “Then no. My information predates her arrival in Storybrooke.”
Zelena drew herself up, brushing her hands against her skirts as though ridding herself of something unpleasant.
“Well,” she said. “My tragic history is none of anyone’s business.”
“It’s my business when you try to use it to take over my town.”
“Your town?” she said, letting out a humourless laugh. “Did you become Mayor when I wasn’t looking?”
Gold smiled coldly.
“Regina may have the title of Mayor,” he said. “But I’m the one with the power around here, and I’d prefer to keep it that way. Disruption, disputes – family drama – it hurts the bottom line.”
Zelena took a step closer, licking her lips. It was repellent, but he made himself meet her eyes.
“Well, if you could see your way to supporting my campaign,” she said throatily. “I’m sure we could - work something out. Help each other, so to speak. Perhaps we can discuss it over dinner.”
She reached out to touch his chest, and Gold stepped back smoothly, resisting the urge to swat her hand away.
“I try not to get involved in politics.”
Zelena looked as though she’d bitten a lemon.
“And yet,” she said. “Here you are. Getting in my way.”
“I know where I am with Regina,” he said. “She may be a little hard-headed at times, but she has fairly good judgement, and a genuine concern for her citizens. You have neither.”
“Perhaps I’m just untested.”
“Perhaps you’re unstable.”
She clenched her jaw, her eyes flashing.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re incredibly rude?”
“Usually I get ‘heartless’,” said Gold. “I like to think I’m merely a good judge of character.”
“And you judge the Mayor’s character to be better than mine?”
“I imagine most of this town does,” he said calmly, and Zelena sniffed.
“In case you haven’t noticed, most of the residents of this town are incredibly stupid,” she said. “Small-minded. Stuck in the past and terrified of change. It didn’t take much effort on my part to find bad feelings towards the Mayor.”
“Which you’ve no doubt been exploiting.”
“Well, that’s politics,” she said airily. “Can I help it if the townsfolk have had a difficult year and I remind them that while they struggle to pay their bills, Regina Mills and that wife of hers are lounging around doing heaven knows what on the taxpayer dime?”
“What is it you think they’re doing?” asked Gold, puzzled. “Mallory is a lawyer. Regina is the Mayor. They both earn a respectable living and I’m fairly sure neither one of them is lounging around.”
“Respectable?” she said, raising an eyebrow. “Well, that’s not the concern I’ve heard from some of the townsfolk. There’s talk of some seedy club that’s been approved by the Mayor to open next month. Queens of Darkness, or something?”
“Yes,” said Gold patiently. “It’s a gay bar. So?”
“From what I hear there is deep concern amongst the townsfolk about the image of Storybrooke,” she said. “I’m told it could attract all kinds of perverts to the town. Think of the poor children.”
Gold stared at her, then burst out laughing.
“Are you expecting to challenge Regina on some sort of morality grounds?” he asked. “Good luck with that. No one but a tiny, bigoted minority cares that she’s a lesbian. If you think you can win with their votes alone, you’re wasting your time.”
“I think the family values crowd is more numerous than you might believe,” she said. “Something tells me I’m on the right track. Outrage is so easily manipulated and weaponized, don’t you agree?”
Gold stared at her for a moment.
“So you don’t care about being Mayor at all,” he said. “You just want to take it away from Regina.”
Zelena smirked
“Can you imagine the look on her face?” she asked. “Because I have a little scene in my head that I’m hoping will play out on election day. I’m announced as the winner in a landslide victory, the simpletons that voted for me erupt with cheers, and she runs out of the town hall crying.”
“Clearly you don’t know her very well,” remarked Gold. “Why do this? You don’t want this position, you clearly don’t give a flying fuck about any of the townsfolk, why go to so much trouble to take it from Regina?”
Zelena rounded on him, nostrils flaring.
“Because she deserves it!” she hissed. “Because she had everything that was supposed to be mine! Because she was given the world on a silver platter and even that’s not enough for her!”
Gold shook his head.
“You’re saying that like any of this is Regina’s fault,” he said. “She can’t help it if your mother abandoned you. If you have to take your anger out on someone, surely your mother is the place to start?”
“Well, I can’t very well talk to her about it, she’s dead!”
“Then let it go,” said Gold patiently. “Stop blaming your sister for the two of you having a terrible parent.”
“This life should have been mine!” said Zelena, eyes flashing. “She doesn’t deserve any of this!”
“My thoughts exactly,” he said dryly. “You won’t beat her, you know. The town has supported Regina for years because she does a good job. They won’t simply choose you because you bat your eyelashes at them.”
“Well, maybe they’d prefer a Mayor who isn’t corrupt,” she said. “I think you’ll be surprised at what the townsfolk might want, when the truth is presented to them.”
Perhaps so, he thought. Aloud he said: “You know as well as I do that there’s no truth to the corruption rumours.”
Zelena smiled brightly.
“Do I?”
“Yes,” he said evenly. “So unless you’ve planted a bunch of phoney evidence, this vendetta of yours is doomed.”
Zelena had pursed her lips at his words, and he wanted to shake her.
“You’re telling me you have planted evidence?”
“I didn’t say that.”
Gold sighed heavily.
“I don’t even know why I’m trying to help you,” he said, almost to himself. “Why don’t you just leave town? Go and live your life and stop worrying about what you think you’re entitled to.”
“I will destroy her happiness!” spat Zelena. “If it’s the last thing I do!”
She whirled away, red curls tossing, and stomped towards the door.
“If you try to bring her down,” he called, making her pause. “I’ll stop you.”
Zelena swivelled slowly on her toes to face him, a smirk twisting her lips.
“Oh, really?”
“Really,” he said. “I’ve taken time out of my busy day to try to make you see sense, but I can just as easily talk to the entire town.”
She laughed at that, eyes gleaming with mirth.
“The reclusive Mr Gold, whom the entire town distrusts, is going to convince them that their beloved charity queen is really a fraudster with an axe to grind?”
“Yes,” he said simply.
She looked him up and down briefly, pursing her lips, and took a step forward.
“Go ahead and try, then,” she said. “You’ve no proof.”
Gold held her gaze for a moment, then nodded.
“You’re right,” he said. “I don’t.”
Zelena nodded in satisfaction.
“In that case, I think we’re done, don’t you?” she said. “Unless you want to take me up on that offer of dinner, of course.”
“I think not,” he said coldly, and she sniffed.
“Your loss,” she said, and flounced off, the bell above the door jingling on her way out.
Gold stared after her, shaking his head, and heard the click of heels on the floor behind him.
“Well.” Lacey’s voice made him turn. “That was interesting.”
She was leaning in the doorway, the curtain to the back room draping the curve of her hip, and he smiled.
“Did you get it?” he asked, and she held up her camera.
“Every word.”
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Harrisco 11&17
You got it! (Sorry it took so long to get to this.)
* * * Cisco didn't even flinch this time as a screwdriver whipped past his workstation and stuck into the wall, Harry's following growl of frustration echoing directly after. Mostly because he was used to Harry throwing things by now, and he felt Harry's pain at the moment. They'd been trying to figure out the best way to stop a meta, Andrew Rue, who could manipulate his physical structure to pretty much become invisible. The guy was after Harry. Or more like Thawne, the other Harrison Wells, whatever. Barry'd had his ass handed to him twice now. And Cisco's actual ass was still sore from his own encounter. (Getting thrown off a second-story balcony and somehow how landing ass-first into the roof of a car was really the only good luck they'd had, now that he considered it.) "Screw it. Let's blow it up and call it a day." Harry's stern and frustrated voice did catch Cisco's attention this time. But that had more to do with what he said and not the fact he'd spoken. Cisco popped his head slightly above the level of his monitor and looked across the room to see Harry standing in front of the reflective net they were attempting (and thus far failing) to make work. "Harry," Cisco's voice was chastising, like speaking to a child. It made Harry's shoulders tense as he turned, hands still on his hips as he glared at Cisco through the rims of his glasses. "We are not blowing up the only thing we have that can potentially stop Invisi-man." "Stop it. Stop calling him that. It's a terrible name." The tall man dropped his hands and motioned to the net. "It's not working, Ramon. We can't calibrate it. His ability to shift spectrums is too advanced. We need to come up with a better idea." Cisco sighed heavily, if not a bit dramatically, and stood up stiffly, trying to ignore the ache that went through each thigh, cheek, and his lower back before moving around the console toward the brooding Harry and the not-working net. "Well, if you'd stop trying to tweak this thing manually and actually work on the equations like we agreed on-"
"You're the one who can't stand for more than ten minutes at a time, you can't work on the-"
"I can't sit for long, either, Harry." He crossed his arms, "You act like it's my fault my a-... that I got hurt." "Hurt." Harry said flatly, then reached up and pulled his glasses off. "You're lucky all that happened to you was a bruised ass. You could've been killed, all because-" Harry's suddenly cut-off tone had been frustrated with the hint of sarcasm they always used with one another, but there was something else in his eyes. The glare wasn't entirely frustrated. In fact, it verged more on worried? Huh. "No, it's not your fault. It's mine." Harry pushed past him, putting his glasses back on as he went, heading for the single door to the tiny lab. "Woah, wait, what?" Cisco blinked and dropped his arms, turning and quickly hurrying after the grumpy-cat scientist, grabbing him by the elbow just as he got into the hallway. "Why would you say it's your fault?" Harry didn't answer at first, standing still where Cisco had stopped him. Then he looked down at Cisco with the quietest, most tender expression he had ever seen the man turn toward him. "Rue is after me. Because he thinks I'm Thawne. How is this," he motioned to Cisco with his free hand, "Not my fault?"
"Is that the real reason you've been throwing stuff all day?" Cisco asked softly, a slow smile forming on his lips. "How many times have you reminded us that you're not Thawne? How many times have I had to remind you that you're not responsible for the chaos your face comes with?" He quipped lightly. Harry frowned heavily at him. "I'll keep doing it, by the way. I'll keep reminding you." "Why?" Harry demanded, that familiar rasp to his voice filling the space between them. Cisco chuckled a little, then just reached up and grabbed the back of Harry's head, pulling him down till their mouths met. He loved kissing Harry. Never tired of it. It had been addictive the first time, and would be for the millionth time. They'd only started their crazy relationship about four months ago, but damn if Cisco wasn't hooked. Harry was the yin to his yang. The peanut butter to his jelly. The criss to his cross. Couldn't have one without the other, not anymore. The fact that he got to see and feel all the soft, tender, gentle parts of Harry that no one else saw, down to his battered but honestly kind of beautiful heart, meant everything to Cisco. But that also meant living with all the angry, grumpy, self-loathing tendencies that were a very big part of Harry's psyche.
"I think the 'why' would be apparent to you by now. But I'll spell it out for you, again, if you want." Cisco held onto the bluer than blue gaze he'd also become addicted to. Harry's hands had molded to Cisco's sides sometime during the kiss, and hadn't moved. Harry shook his head slightly, though he seemed more at ease, soft humor sparkling in his gaze. "I love you, too, jackass." That made Cisco smile back, big and bright right before he kissed Harry again for good measure. Then they went back to the lab and got back to work, though sitting side by side this time, working on the equations in almost companionable silence. Harry, however, still held that air of agitation. Of worry. Cisco wanted to ease it away entirely.
Then an idea popped into his head. And he fought the urge to smile at himself.
With a quick click of his mouse and run-through of his fingers on the keyboard in front of him, he pinged a message to Harry's phone. It made the tall man freeze in place for a moment before sighing and rifling the phone out of his pocket.
'Did you just come out of the oven? Cause you're HOT.' Harry just stared at the message on his phone, blinked, then turned his whole seat to stare straight at Cisco who refused to look at him, fighting the urge to giggle like a maniac. Then he began typing again.
"Ramon, don't." Aaaand ping. The muscles in Harry's jaw strained and he visibly heaved a breath before looking down at his phone again.
'Are you a parking ticket? Because you've got FINE written all over you.'
'Do you play soccer? Cause you're a keeper!'
'Are you French? Cause Eiffel for you.'
Harry pressed something on his phone, then shut off the screen, nearly shoving it back into his pocket before turning to his console without a word and beginning to furiously type something.
Wait... that wasn't Harry's phone. Cisco reached into his own pocket.
'If your ass isn't hurting anymore, I will gladly rectify that.'
Cisco blinked, swallowed, turning slightly wide eyes toward Harry, who was watching him, waiting patiently, face a complete blank.
"Are you being serious?" Cisco half-whispered. Harry just raised a brow. "I wish that sarcasm was available as a font, cause I can't tell if you're joking or not." Harry leaned forward, meeting Cisco nearly face to face, grabbing his phone out of his hands and setting it aside without breaking eye contact.
"I'm always serious, Ramon." He said easily. Cisco felt every inch of his skin light up at the words and proximity of Harry. And he inhaled sharply, turning away to bring the equations back up onto his monitor.
"Invisi-man is getting caught, RIGHT NOW!" he practically slammed his fingers into the keyboard. And Harry laughed. Hard.
Sometimes, Harry forgot that the metas here weren't his fault. That he couldn't protect everyone. And Cisco had no problem reminding him that he wasn't the one to blame.
Sometimes, Cisco could still learn a thing or two from Harry. Like there was something to be said for not having any subtlety.
They eventually managed to get the net to work.
Andrew Rue, aka Invisi-man, was down for the count by the end of the night. And Harry kept very good to his word about... eh-hem... things.
There would always be some sort of danger, some meta in the mix who had it out for one of them. But as Cisco relaxed happily naked in Harry's decidedly wonderful arms in the bed they shared, he had a feeling it was this crazy relationship that would keep him going through all of it.
"Hey Harry," Cisco smiled a little, resting his head a little more comfortably on Harry's shoulder as the taller man slid his fingers up and down Cisco's spine in the dark.
"If you were a TransFormer, you'd be Optimus Fine."
Harry sighed, loud and obnoxious, making Cisco's head rise and fall where it lay. He couldn't help it, he started giggling like a monster. And Harry tightened both arms around him.
"No more cheesy ass pick-up lines, Ramon. You already got me. And I'm not going anywhere."
Damn straight.
As the quiet settled in around them, however, Cisco kept coming up with cheesy one-liners. He kept them to himself. And as the weeks went on, he continued to torture Harry with them. The tall man took it in stride with endless humor in his eyes and a decidedly sarcastic exchange. And every now and then, Harry would remind Cisco that he loved him, despite Cisco's 'utterly incomprehensible ability to annoy the ever-loving shit out of him.'
It made Cisco want to invent a sarcastic font, for no other reason than to keep it going every day. Part of him knew Harry would hate it. But the rest of him knew Harry would never pass up the chance to see Cisco smile or laugh. And that would be worth every glare, every clench of Harry's jaw, every opportunity Harry would take to make Cisco beyond flustered.
Because Cisco loved that jackass right back.
He had a very wonderful feeling that he always would.
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peterxwade24 · 3 years
Safety Found in Red Sleeves
Chapter 9
I know it's been nearly four months (just five days shy of four months) and I apologize for that.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy.
Thana watched as all of the patrons of the Iceberg Lounge turned to look as they entered. She knew they weren’t the usual crowd, seeing as how Adrien had on a fanny pack, but since they all had red, or some shade of pink, sleeves Uncle Ozzy would let them in.
“I’m sorry. Do I-” Oswald Cobblepott was, fundamentally, a good man. He would never turn away a child in need and he remembered the children he gave shelter to, so imagine his surprise when the person standing in his place of business was none other than the girl who’d managed to burrow under his skin and earn a special nickname. “Chick? Is that- are you- you’re really here?”
Thana let out a laugh and rushed at the man, throwing her arms around his neck before letting out a louder laugh. “I’m taller than you Uncle Ozzy!”
Oswald laughed before his gaze drifted back to the rest of the teens gathered just inside his place of business. “Chick, as much as I love seeing you, who’re they?”
“Oh!” Thana pulled away from Oswald before turning to her friends. “Well, the tall boy with black hair and frosted tips is Kim, the blonde girl is Chloé, the guy with short brown hair is Nino, the other blond is Adrien, and the short sporty girl is Alix. They’re friends I made in Paris, with my mother’s cousin.”
Oswald smiled and waved. “I see my niece has given you a heads up on the dress code around here.”
Kim nodded, a smile on his face. “Mèo con’s always reminding us that we have to wear red when we’re in Gotham, says she’ll ditch us if we don’t.”
Nino snorted before his eyes drifted over to the turntables. “Do you mind if I?”
Oswald smiled and nodded. “Go ahead, you can’t be any worse than my usual guy.”
Nino drifted over to the turntables and began playing some music.
Chloé strode over to the duo, a smile on her face. “It’s so nice to finally meet Fragolina’s Uncle Ozzy.”
“You must be the one my Chick won’t stop saying reminds her of the second Robin.” There was a twinkle in his eye as he pulled Thana close.
Adrien and Alix followed Kim over to the trio, where Kim draped an arm around Chloé’s shoulders. “That’s a possibility.”
Thana and her friends, accompanied by Thana’s Uncles Ed and Jon, toured Gotham. Thana made sure to show her friends around, showing them shortcuts to use to get around if they ever get separated from Madame Bustier. Eventually, the group came to an overgrown looking park.
“Uncle Ed, Uncle Jon. I’m going to show them around, and if we run into her introduce them. If we don’t, could one of you text her to let her know where they’re staying so we can do the introductions there?”
“Of course Mini Todd.” Her Uncle Jon nodded and wrapped an arm around Ed, who smiled softly at the act before nodding as well.
“And we’ll keep an eye out for You-Know-Who. He seems to think that you will come crawling back any day now.” Her Uncle Ed rolled his eyes.
“Thank you both so much.” Thana pressed kisses to their cheeks and smiled. “If we ever come across him, I’ll send an SOS to the group chat and then beat his ass.”
Jon and Ed pressed kisses to her cheeks and smiled. “Be safe.”
“With Aunt Pam? Always.” Thana turned towards the park and took a breath, smelling the local flowers and feeling better than she had since she’d been removed from the streets.
Thana led her friends around the park, pointing out all of the Poison Ivy original plants and warning her friends to stay away from them since they hadn’t built up an immunity to the toxin within the plants, with a smile on her face. “Aunt Pam always has a new plant that she’s making, and she’s been sorta kinda courting my Aunt Harley since she first saw her, although Aunt Harley used to be with this abusive asshole. I do wonder what happened to Aunt Harley’s daughter, I know she said she was with her sister but still.”
“Who?” Adrien asked, his hand hovering dangerously over a hybrid Venus Flytrap and Trumpet Pitcher plant, as he looked back at the group.
Adrien’s hand was saved by a wall of Boston ivy that shot up out of the ground. A loud scoff could be heard just beyond the plants before a beautiful head of red hair appeared through the leaves. “Didn’t your parents ever teach you not to touch wild plants?”
Thana smiled and allowed Kim to pull her into his side. “Are all of your relatives ridiculously attractive people?”
“You’ve met my Ma’s cousin,” Thana shrugged and settled more firmly against his side, “and Jervis Tetch is a rotten man, he’s rotten to the core.” Thana’s head rested against Kim’s chest, her ear close to his heart, as she forced thoughts about her birth father out of her head. “My Uncles and Aunts have this friend, Harvey Dent, who’s a little disfigured. He was in this really bad accident a while back and his face is a little hard to look at. He’s kind of nice, never really been mean to me specifically. I think he’s kinda cool though, he’s got a whole schtick about truth and luck.”
Kim nodded, his eyes flitting over the rest of their friends. Kim had never really had a big friend group, not until Thana joined their class, and then suddenly Kim was always around other people, had a shadow who was nearly as protective of him as his Mẹ was, and suddenly his fledgling crush was one of his best friends. Kim would probably always be thankful that Thana showed up when she did. Without Thana, Kim probably would have always been just a dumb jock who fell for some perfect princess. Kim knew his Mè was as thankful as he was that Thana had shown up in their lives, that Thana had stayed after she learned about the skeletons in their closets.
Kim looked at Thana, and he could see how much lighter she was here in what was the darkest city Kim had ever stepped foot in compared to back home. He could only hope that no matter where she went after Lycee, she would keep in contact with him and his Mè.
Thana and her friends left Robinson Park just before dinner that evening, her Uncles Jon and Ed escorting them back to the hotel when Thana’s friends went in for the night. Thana, however, followed her friends in and ate a meal with the class before ducking out of the hotel to go spend the night on the streets.
Thana refused to spend any more time in that building than absolutely necessary. She could still feel the cold lead encased in steel as it pierced her abdomen.
Thana hunkered down in an old spot, one she knew like the back of her hand, and could only hope that she would be safe here. She could only hope that she wouldn’t catch a cold while she slept on the streets.
Thana’s friends, however, slept fitfully that night in their comfortable beds in the hotel. Their thoughts filled with worry about Thana on the streets.
Jason puttered around the kitchen, his feet encased in his slippers, and let out a yawn. He looked at the counter and noticed the already full coffee pot. He glanced around the room and frowned when he didn’t see anything before the sound of the TV reached him a moment later. “Duke?”
Duke’s head popped up over the back of the couch and he gave Jason a sheepish smile. “Yeah?”
Jason let out a breath and his whole body sagged for a moment. “Just had to make sure. Little twitchy after our late night visitor last night.”
“Who stopped by last night?” Duke stood up off of the floor and walked into the kitchen, sitting down on one of the counters like Tim, Steph and Cass had started doing.
Jason set his coffee mug (which read “World’s Greatest Dad” in a similar red to his helmet) down on the counter with a little more force than necessary. “The Bat.” Jason turned to the fridge to pull out the coffee creamer, but frowned when the only creamer left was the Southern Butter Pecan Pie flavour. He simply reached past and grabbed the milk to add to his coffee instead of creamer. “He wanted to know why I’d ‘taken you as well’. Because he sees you all as things to be taken and not children to be taken care of.”
Jason pressed a kiss to Steph and Cass’ foreheads before hitching Damian further up on his hip. “I’ll be back later. I just need to take Damian to finish introducing him to his aunt’s aunts and uncles. Unless of course, you two wish to join us.”
Steph looked at Cass and shrugged. “Timmy’s got work. I think Bart is out running around.”
Cass nodded before mussing up her hair and frowning at her sister in question.
“Kon might be in Kansas, I think he mentioned going to visit Clark’s parents. Cassie is hanging out with Donna, getting advice most likely. Cissie is spending the day with Oliver.” Steph slung an arm around Cass’ shoulders and smiled. “Give us a few minutes to get dressed and then we’ll join you.”
Jason nodded, a small smile on his face. “Of course. Take all the time you need.”
Steph and Cass disappeared into the room they had officially claimed, coming out a few minutes later in coordinated outfits.
Steph walked out wearing a dark purple crop top with black shorts and a black sweater tied around her waist. Her hair was pulled back into a low ponytail and a pair of black sunglasses, easily recognized as Kon’s, sat atop her head.
Cass, who walked out just a step behind Steph, wore a black t-shirt under a black and yellow flannel paired with black high-waisted jeans. Her hair was freely flowing around her shoulders while her wrists sported scrunchies she’d pilfered from Cassie and Cissie.
Jason shook his head at his sisters, Cass who was just a scant six months older than he was but acted so much younger and Steph who was just a few months older than Tim, and smiled. “Any particular reason for the attire today?”
“Just felt like coordinating.” Steph smiled at Jason and slung an arm around Cass. “Well, what are we waiting for?”
Jason led the way into the Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane, his sisters just behind him and Damian clinging to him like he was the only thing keeping him attached to the planet.
“So, not to question your sanity or anything but, why are we here?” Stephanie’s voice was filled with trepidation and Cass’ arm was wrapped around Steph’s in an act of comfort for both girls.
“One of Thana’s uncles is here right now. He’ll be out soon. Do not compare him to the guy who killed me.” Jason smiled at the guards on duty and continued into the building.
The person at the front desk, a young individual of indeterminate gender with short brown hair and brown eyes, looked up from the clipboard in front of them and deadpanned. “Name of the patient you’re here to see?”
“Jerome Valeska. He should be expecting me, Jason Todd.” Jason smiled and shifted slightly so Damian’s face was more comfortably buried in his neck. “My son and sisters will also be joining us today.”
The receptionist nodded and jotted down the details relayed to them. “Identification?”
Jason handed over his identification card while Steph and Cass pulled out their driver’s licenses. “My son is only nine and only has a passport, will that work?”
The receptionist nodded and smiled. “A passport will work.”
Jason pulled Damian’s passport out of his pocket and handed it over. “We’ll come back to collect those when we’re finished visiting.”
“Have a good visit.”
“Thank you.” Jason smiled and led the way back into the rehabilitation center, his sisters sticking close to his back with their free hands clinging to the back of his shirt just over where Damian’s leg rested, passing the cells filled with the more humane residents of the asylum. Jason paid them no mind, having grown used to their hooting and hollering as he passed on his previous visits.
The little four person group of the family finally reached the rehabilitation center and were let in by one of the orderlies, a bulkier individual dressed in teal scrubs. They all gave the orderly a smile and a nod as they passed into the room.
Jerome was sitting at a table with blank sheets of paper mixed in with sheets of paper filled with writing, and as soon as Jason could read what was on the paper he could see that the pages were filled with apologies and plans to become a better person if for no one other than his favourite niece and her wellbeing. Jerome looked up when Jason started to cast a shadow across his paper. “Hey buddy. You’re standing in my- Jason! What a surprise!”
Jason’s face grew soft, a smile on his face and pulled out the chair next to Jerome to sit down in. Damian was settled into Jason’s lap while Steph and Cass sat down in the chairs next to Jason’s. “How are you today Jerome?”
“I’ve been better.” Jerome had been better, before his parents and his uncle died, before his twin fell apart and brought him down with him. Jerome had been happy in the circus, performing with his family for crowds of people who adored their act, and then everything changed.
“Jerome, I’d like you to meet my son. Damian al Ghul-Todd, nephew of your niece Thana Todd, as well as my sisters, Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown.”
“Oh come on Jace. Why’d you have to use last names?” Steph pouted and punched Jason’s upper arm.
“Because now that Uncle Jerome knows of your parentage he’ll be less likely to toss anything you say aside.” Jason smiled as Jerome spoke about himself in the third person.
“What he said.” Jason let out a chuckle. Damian frowned at the lack of attention he was receiving and simply headbutted Jason in the chin. “Yes, yes, we know you’re here Kutlat Saghira. I’m sorry that we’re not paying attention to you.”
Damian pouted and puffed out his cheeks. “Baba, not here.”
Jason smiled at his son, knowing that he was safe in his arms. “I love you my Little Nugget.”
“Baba!” Damian frowned and looked towards the table, effectively ignoring the four other people at the table.
Steph and Cass watched the moment between father and son, sharing only a look before looking back at the duo.
Jerome watched as his niece’s brother smiled at his child, glad that he got to see it but all he really wanted was to see Thana.
“She’s in the city.” Jason’s voice was quiet, barely heard over the lull of the rest of the patients in the center. “She’s in the city and she, she got so big Jerome. She has a really good group of friends. You’d be proud of her.”
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a-simple-imagine · 4 years
Run Away With Me
Synopsis: Every moment shared with Charlie Weasley is an adventure all it’s own. How you wish to spend every moment together and all it takes is to run away. 
Pairing: Charlie Weasley x fem!reader
Words: 6.3k+
A/N - Every year I post a story on my birthday and today’s the day I turn a year older. Usually these stories are pretty sad but this year I wrote something a little softer so here is my birthday present for you guys, I hope you enjoy it. 
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1. A Stolen Kiss
A bright-eyed and clueless young student, excited to be attending a school of magic. Nobody else in your family had magic so it was a big surprise when you received a letter alongside a weird lady who looked like she just stepped out of the early 1920s. Sat between your parents, the older woman explained the entire situation much to your excitement and your parents' confusion.
 Diagon alley had been your first experience of all things magical; it had been like stepping into another world instead of just any old street in London. There were book shops lined with all kinds of books, some were bigger than your head while others were tiny. A shop that sold weird and kinda gross jars full of who knows what. There was a place that only sold brooms but according to the list you had read like a hundred times, first years weren't allowed their own brooms. You spent what felt like a lifetime at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions getting fitted for robes. Your parents were utterly fascinated by all the different styles and kept asking questions that made the experience so much longer than it really needed to be. You'd never had a pet before, but after a lot of begging they let you pick out a cat; he was a small Persian cat. Not quite a kitten but not quite fully grown. Checking off each item as you went along, you were exhausted by the end of it. There was even enough time for a trip to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour where you had enjoyed a cone of strawberries and cream with sprinkles on top. All that was left on your list was a wand. Peeling gold letters rested over the door of a shop that read: Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C. Stepping inside it was a tiny little store with no costumers. Thousands of narrow boxes lined the walls all the way up to the ceiling. It didn't take long for the weird old man to give you a wand that felt warm in your hand. Unlike the other disasters that came at the result of you waving various wands, a stream of red and gold sparks shoot out the end of this one like a mini firework. The wand chooses the wizard whatever the hell that meant. All ready and packed for Hogwarts, you were really giddy to go. Your mother cried as she waved you off to boarding school but you couldn't sit still. The train ride took hours and it was a little lonely considering you didn't know anyone but as soon as you entered the castle you knew it was exactly where you were meant to be. The building was massive and practically oozed magic and mystery through each brick. The pictures, much to your surprise, were moving on their own. Hogwarts had four houses and each student had to sit on a tall stool, put on a funny talking hat which would decide ultimately where they belong.
The very first friend you made was Nymphadora Tonks but only because she was in all of your classes and by some twist of fate you always ended up seated together. She was a sweet girl with pink hair and a talent for mischief. There was never a dull moment with you two. Then there was Charlie Weasley. Ever since that brisk day in October when he had ridden in clumsily on his white horse to save the day, the two of you had been the best of friends. You were still getting used to all your different classes. Potions class, however, was proving the most difficult. Too many ingredients and types to get used to. Not to mention Snape was just... mean. The task had been to prepare a simple Wiggenweld Potion; a powerful healing potion that can be used to heal injuries, or reverse the effects of a Sleeping Draught. The book was open on the desk as you carefully followed the instructions until.... poof. All the confidence you'd gained since arriving disappeared as Snape scolded you in front of everyone for messing up. Charlie had swooped in to take the blame landing himself in late-night detention. On the other hand, you got to leave with your tail between your legs and a few house points shaved off the total. And yet even his small act of kindness wasn't enough to capture your affection at least not at first. For the little version of yourself was infatuated with another Weasley. An older Weasley.
The nerves of a handful of students could be felt by anyone sat in the great hall for breakfast. Tonks is sat beside you running butter over a piece of toast. Stifling a yawn, Charlie takes a seat across from the two of you sporting a jumper of Gryffindor red and gold.
"Good morning," You flash your cheeriest, half-asleep smile bringing your spoon of Cheeri Owls to your lips. "Nervous?"
"A little," He was looking especially pale today suggesting he was more than just a little.
"You should be," Tonks perks up. "It's only the last game of the season and all hope rides on the seeker,"
"No pressure then," Charlie huffs out a dull laugh. The boy excelled in his position as the Gryffindor seeker but there was no way to determine how he'd play today when he was carrying the hopes and dreams of his teammates and entire house.
"You should eat something," You suggest, pushing a bowl of assorted fruit forward. There was little you could to make him feel better except take his spot but that wasn't allowed. You also probably wouldn't be that good. "Might make you feel better?"
"I'm too nervous to eat," He insisted but he still took an apple; rolling the red fruit between his palms.
"Win or lose you're still number one in our heart, right Tonks?" Elbowing her gently, you shovel another spoonful of 'O' shapes into your mouth.
"Sure," she shrugs. "If you want we can jinx the other team's seeker? I've been practising."
"Or... how much time do we have? I can get one of the older students to brew some Felix Felicis." You play along. "Nothing like a little liquid luck to win a game."
"You both know that's not allowed," Charlie took a large bite of his apple.
"When has Tonks ever cared about rules," Sometimes you wish she did care, you probably wouldn't have ended up in detention so many times alongside her.
"Thanks but no," he took another bite. "We have to win fair and square."
The conversation drifted from nerves to lost spells and planned practical jokes. Charlie seemed to relax a little the more he spoke. Maybe all he needed was a distraction to cheer him up.
"We need to take a trip to Hogsmeade" Tonk announces. "I'm out of dungbombs."
"Urgh- you and that silly joke shop." You can't help but roll your eyes but it was all good-natured. Despite hardly ever buying anything yourself, you spent an awful lot of time at Zonko's infamous little joke shop. "I could do with a trip outside the castle though. You should come too Charlie and maybe... you could ask Bill if he wants to come?"
"You're still gushing over Bill," Now it was Tonks turn to elbow you playfully, her lips curling up into a tantalising smirk.
"I do not gush over him," you state firmly, brows knitting together in a frown. You didn't appreciate being made fun. Bill was older, wiser and always made time to show you kindness. He made your little heart flutter whenever you saw him and Tonks took every opportunity to tease you about it. "I just thought It'd be nice is all. Wouldn't you agree, Charlie?"
"If you want him to come, ask him yourself." He responds, taking a large gulp of his juice.
"She won't because she has a crush."
"I don't have a crush Nymphadora- stop it," It was infinitely more embarrassing talking about this with Charlie sat at the table. "Don't ask him then, I don't care."
"Yes you do," Placing her arm around your shoulder, she pulls you into her side. "Because you're in love-"
"I am not!" You snap, pushing out of her grip.
"I'll see you guys later." The two of you share a look as Charlie disappears without another word. It was probably just pregame nerves.
"You know what? I think I'll get some frogspawn soap too and put it in the prefects' bathroom." Typical Tonks.
You'd come to learn through your time at Hogwarts that Quidditch was the most popular sport among wizards. And each house had their own team who compete for a trophy and bragging rights. Today was the final game thankfully. Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. Apparently, it came down to these two a lot. As the Gryffindor team filter out of the changing rooms, you slip inside to find Charlie sitting on a little bench.
"Guess who?" You sing-song, slapping your hands over his eyes but only briefly. He turns to look at you with an almost sour expression.
"What are you doing here?"
"I came to support you," you reply soft, offering a smile he couldn't even see as he turned away.
"You're not supposed to be in here," Had you done something to upset him? Surely not. This was the first time you were seeing him since breakfast so there hadn't been a moment for you to mess things up and yet, his voice held an icy chill.
"Guess Tonks is rubbing off on me?" You jest, looking around the room. It was empty apart from you two. Bags and clothes scattered across benches or half shoved into lockers. A chalkboard stood in the corner with drawings you couldn't understand. "I just wanted to see how you were doing before the big game, is all. We were worried about you."
"You were worried about me," He repeats slowly, looking up at you. "I thought you hated quidditch."
"I still do," Your shoulders rise in a little shrug. "It's silly. Doesn't matter how hard the team works or how many goals it's pretty much all decided by how good the seeker is so why even have goals?"
"Score enough goals before the snitch is caught and anyone could win," He perks up. "You just don't understand how good and exciting it is."
Your lips curl up in appreciation for Charlie Weasley and his love for quidditch. It didn't possess the sparkle that came along when he talks about dragons but it was still nice to see him liven up. "Then go out there and show me how exciting it is,"
You stand under the spotlight of his gaze as he seemingly takes in your choice of attire; wearing the Gryffindor colours with pride to show your support. You even let Tonks paint your face after she promised not to draw genitalia. "Do you really think we're gonna win? What if I mess up and everyone hates me?"
"Then you mess up and everyone hates you," You shrug a little. "But that's not gonna happen and you know why?" His head shakes slowly. "It's because you're the best seeker at this school Charles Weasley." You place your hands on either side of his shoulders. "And I believe in you."
"How does that help me?" With your index finger under his chin, you force him to meet your eyes.
"Because I'm never wrong."
"That doesn't sound right." He tries to look away but you stop him.
"But it is," You offer a reassuring smile; one full of determination. "You've got this Charlie. So come on before you miss the game entirely."
The cheers outside were seemingly growing louder by the second. With a deep breath, Charlie stands up, grabbing his broom. "You're staying to watch, right?"
"Of course. Tonks is up in the stands too." Taking his hand, you lead the way out of the tent. "Consider us your good luck charms." Charlie brings the both of you to an abrupt stop before you even reach the opening of the tent, pulling you back to him. "What's up?"
The peppering of freckles that covered Charlie's face was even more vibrant against the rose pink blush. You squeeze his hand a little hoping it makes him feel better. And then it happens. The crowd grows silent in your ear but only for a moment as Charlie's surprisingly soft lips crash clumsily against yours. "For good luck," his whispers; his hand slipping from yours as he leaves you dumbfounded.
"He okay?" Tonks asks as you return from your trip.
"Yeah... still nervous," You reply, sitting down beside her. "It's his first big game after all."
"Are you okay?" The crowd erupts into cheers as the Gryffindor team flys in first. You're almost too embarrassed to look for Charlie; worried about what you might find so you keep your head down. "You look like you've just seen a troll or something?"
"Mhmm," you hum, forcing yourself to watch the Slytherin team as they enter. Why had Charlie kissed you? Did it mean he liked you or was he just messing around? Your head swirled with possibilities.
"You want a sweet?" Your friend offers as the game finally starts. It takes you a second to register but you smile, reaching into the little bag she was holding only to come to a stop.
"They're not gonna burn my tongue off or something are they?"
"No," Her chuckle sounded a little too innocent but you trust her for some reason. Taking a piece of confectionery out of the paper bag.
"Charlie... kissed me." You announce, throwing the sweet into you mouth; face scrunching up when they turn out to be sour. Ten points to Slytherin as they take the lead.
"He what?"
"He... kissed me."
2. Together
Who was Bill Weasley but a distant playground crush after that day. And your time of classrooms and magic lessons came swiftly to an end; how bittersweet it felt to leave a place you loved dearly. A once naive little girl stepping into the unknown now called the Wizarding World Home. Now you would go on to be a healer which was simply a magical doctor although your parents strongly disagreed with the comparison. However proud they were of you there would always be some part of them that wished you had chosen to become a lawyer or 'real' doctor.
Bathed in the warm embrace of the setting sun, you ponder the tranquility in a bed of green grass. The youngest Weasley lay beside you, struggling to keep still as often children do. She was similar to her brother in that way who now paced back and forth a mere few steps away. The invitation had been for dinner but you arrived a little early. The burrow was always such a welcoming place like stepping into a home you used to live in many moons ago; it was cosy and warm and there was no doubt that many lived there. You found your house to be almost the opposite, it always looked like nobody lived there. Immaculate. Polished. Cold.
"Will you stop pacing, you're making me nervous." You call out to your boyfriend, opening your eyes only to squint at the bright light. "What's wrong with you?"
Charlie comes to a stop as you sit up; Ginny mimics you in sitting up but the boy's eyes stay on you. The longer he stared, the more the pit in your stomach grew; what exactly hid behind his blank expression. He normally possessed such a playful warmth but it seemed to have vanished as of late. Plucking a stray purple flower, you enclose it in the palm of your hands. "You know I love dragons right?"
"Of course," Since meeting him, he had probably managed to slip dragons into every conversation you had ever had. It was at a point where you knew far more about dragons than you ever really cared to know. Many found his obsession annoying because that's what he so obviously was, obsessed but you found it enticing. Charming, even. Opening up your hand, a small butterfly with deep plum-purple wings flutters into the air and onto a giggly Ginny's nose. The innocent glee of a child; how those days were gone for you. "What's that got to do with anything?"
"Promise you won't be mad?" It would be foolish to make such a promise when there was no way to guarantee your reaction. Whatever it was must be bad, if he was this worried. Your shoulders rise a little then fall.
"I make no such promises- just tell me."
Charlie took a breath that travelled on the wind to your ears before he blurted out.  "I'm moving to Romania."
"Okay," Is your first reaction while your brain tries to make sense of something it didn't want to hear. "Wait- what?"
"Charlie is moving away to work with big scary dragons," Ginny announces playfully, baring her little hands like claws.
The once small pit grew into a mighty black hole of uncertainty and sadness that threatened to swallow you whole. There had been conversations shared between friends of Charlie wanting to move away to a foreign land, just to finally see a dragon but you had never taken it at face value. Always so convinced it was but a dream rather like those of when you were little and you wished to be a vampire. Technically back then you didn't know they actually existed but still, even now it was never going to come true. Eyes cast upon the second eldest Weasley, he kicks up the grass with his hands buried in the pockets of his pants. "It's the nearest Dragon reserve."
That was something you already knew but it didn't make the decision, at least in your eyes, any less confusing. Instead, it prompted water to well up in your eyes for this was something that affected not only him and his family but your life too. "I... I don't know what to say,"
"Hey Ginny, can you go check if dinner's ready yet?"
"No- why can't you do it?" The bark behind her words was very in character for the fiesty young Weasley. Blinking away the tears, you plaster on the best smile you can muster.
"If you go check on dinner I promise we can play a game later, okay? Exploding snap maybe?"
"Really?" She eyes you suspicious probably because it was a promise you had broken before. Not always for the right reasons but this time it was genuine. Charlie clearly wanted this to be a private conversation or perhaps he was just saving you for the inevitable moment where she asks why you're crying. Ginny scrambles to feet when you nod and skips off towards the gravity-defying house. It still amazed you that the building hadn't fallen yet. Rising to your feet you brush yourself off.
"You know I want nothing more than to work with Dragons and this is the only way I can do that," There was no mistaking the serious tone that came along with his words. It didn't matter what you said there was no changing his mind but you wouldn't do that anyway. It seemed cruel to even try to get him to give up on something so precious and you would never want to do that to him. "I have an opportunity to do something I love and I won't waste it to get some boring job at the ministry."
"I don't expect you too..." You wanted nothing more than to tell him to stay; beg him even. You were fighting against the selfish little devil that was stabbing you in the heart. It was a dull, deep pain in your chest. You wanted Charlie to follow his dreams, you just never expected them to not include you. "It's just a lot to take in."
"I know," The red-headed boy walks ever so slowly over to you, taking both hands in his. His hands had always felt a little rough ever since Hogwarts. You used to complain back then and insist he needed to moisturise but over time you had grown fond of the familiarity. How you wished this tender moment could last forever because it very well might be your last. You're caught off guard when he yanks you forward. You stumble into his chest where he wraps his arms around you like the big teddy bear he was. You breathe in every inch of him like it was the last time. The intoxicating aroma of an early walk in the woods; that fresh earthy smell that really makes you appreciate where you are. You could almost picture the pine trees.
"I feel like I'm losing you," Your words but a whisper, lost on the breeze.
"You're not," His grip around you tightens and suddenly your in the air, spinning around. "You could never get rid of me that easily.
"Charlie," You fight back a smile as you return to the ground; burying your face in the nook of his neck. "What's gonna happen to us?"
"About that-"
"Because I don't know if I can do the whole long-distance thing? So do we break up?" The tears threaten to fall once again as you pull back to get a good look at him. You never wanted to forget the emerald of his eyes or each and every freckle that called his body home. The unusual scare that adorned his eyebrow that was always amusing to look at. If that was his true purpose to break up with you then there would be no stopping the tears when they finally burst through the damn.
"No, I-"
"Because that's a little mean Charlie, you could have at least waited until after dinner. Should have done it first actua-"
You words become mumbled by the palm of his hand which he's placed over your mouth like a seal of protection. "Shush for a minute."
It's hard to resist so you simply don't; sticking your tongue you deliberately lick the palm of his hand but it seems to not phase him whatsoever.
"I'm not breaking up with you, silly," You meet his gaze. "I was kind of thinking you could come with me?"
Reaching up, you yank his hand away. "To Romania?  You've got to be joking."
"Why not?"
Did you even know how to answer that? There were so many reasons why one should not just up and leave to go live in a completely different country with the boy they dated through high school. "I can't just up and leave my family- my mum will be devastated."
"I'll talk to her about it," Charlie hums softly, placing a delicate kiss upon your forehead. "Your mum loves me and she wants you to be happy."
"Dinner's Ready," For such a small girl, Ginny had one big mouth. There was no mistaking her call. However, this whole situation now felt a little... off. Could you even sit through dinner without it all becoming weird?
"We're coming," Charlie yells back; offering up his hand which you reluctantly take and he leads the way back to the house. "You want to be a healer right? You could do that in Romania."
"I guess," You weren't exactly worried about not finding a job.
"You don't have to decide right now," He tells you before you have a chance to speak up again. "Just think about it. I mean the invitation is there and for what it's worth, I'd really like you to come."  
3. Creeping doubts
It took a lot of convincing but despite everything you decided to follow Charlie into the Unknown. Your parents weren't thrilled with the decision but they respected it; they were just worried about what would happen if something went wrong. And as their only child, they would obviously miss you. A lot of time was spent at the burrow that summer before moving to Romania; you were beginning to feel like an honorary Weasley only with the experience of having been a muggle for the first eleven years of your life. It was but a three-hour flight to Romania and your mother had sobbed at the airport. It made you think back to your first time stepping onto the Hogwarts express, leaving your parents behind to go to a magical boarding school in Scotland. It was a peculiar thought but a nice one. One you wished to cherish. Now in a foreign land with no support system behind you other than a boy you had been dating for years, you were ready for a new adventure. And there was officially no doubt in your mind that you would do just about anything for Charlie Weasley.
"It's not much," Charlie sets his suitcase down on the table. "Best I could do, for now, I'm afraid."
"It's fine," It was an old apartment in a building full of what you assumed were muggles. There was a small living room area with an ugly pea-coloured couch nestled against one wall. Beside it was a small coffee table and on the other side of the room was a TV, you weren't convinced actually worked. Then there was the kitchen which was attached to the living room. It had a fridge, a cooker and some cupboards. The only other room was a bedroom that literally only housed a bed in at the moment, then there was a door that leads on to the bathroom. It definitely wasn't much but a crappy apartment was just part of the experience, right? At least that's what you were telling yourself. "it'll feel like home soon enough," You had everything you needed to make this place feel like home right in your suitcase; oh the joys of magic. Patting yourself down, you search for the key to easy unpacking. "Uh... have you seen my wand?"
His head shakes and wears an amused grin. "You remembered to bring it right?"
"Yes," you huff. "I was gonna unpack," Falling back against the wall, you slide down onto the floor which you imagine hasn't been cleaned in a while considering the dust. "It's gonna take so long without my wand- which may actually be in the suitcase now that I think about it."
"Did you forget I'm a wizard too?"
"You do it then," You drop your head back against the wall. "I'm starving."
"actually have you seen my wand?"
You giggle to yourself "You're an idiot,"
"Hey- you lost your wand too." His shadow lingers over you as he comes to join you against the wall. Taking up a seat beside you, your head falls to rest against his shoulder.  
"Can we get pizza? I saw some of those leaflets when we came in so we could order some?"
"Whatever you want, my love."
As time ticks on the pizza box is left discarded in the kitchen as the two of you retire for the night. Who knew not actually unpacking but simply thinking about it while eating pizza on the dirty ground could be so much work. You struggle to hold back a yawn as you snuggle up to him trying to absorb as much of his body heat as you can. All that lay across the two of you were a blanket and this building was next exactly the warmest. "Do you think we'll be okay? "You ponder aloud; it was a question that had been on your mind since agreeing to follow him to Romania. For not many people stay together with their high school loves. What if things fall apart now that you're in the 'real' world? What if this was all just a huge mistake?
"What do you mean?" Always such a simple boy; you wonder how he deals with his anxieties. Did he actually not know what you meant or was he merely putting on a brave face? A once proud Gryffindor suggested that he always looked to be brave above anything else.
"Do you think we'll be okay?" You repeat as if that somehow answers his question but it must have done something because even in the darkness you can just tell he's smiling.
"You worry way too much." Charlie laughs.
"You don't worry enough,"
He lays a kiss upon the top of your head, his hand moving up and down your arm. "It used to be the other way around."
"I was young and reckless back then. "How you missed the days where you ran around the halls of Hogwarts with reckless abandon. Well, not entirely reckless that was more Tonks but things had definitely felt simpler back then.
"You're still young and reckless now, I just have to hear you stress about it afterwards." Charlie taunts, pinching your arm. You recoil at the sharp pain.
"Being in Romania doesn't change anything," He expresses; his voice sounding louder in the quiet darkness. "I loved you back home and I still love you now. I'm really glad you decided to come with me."
Hoping to distract yourself from every worrying thought that clouded your brain you decide it's time to change the subject. "Are you nervous about tomorrow?"
"Getting to work with Dragons all day every day? that's like dream come true."
"A dangerous one," Dragons were perhaps the most vicious creatures around other than humans. As captivating as they were and as much as charlie adored them, you couldn't help but worry about his safety. It seemed no matter the topic this evening you'd find a way to stress yourself out.
"I'll be fine, I'll have you there to patch me up," That he will for you had taken on the role as a healer willing to help out with all the injuries that inevitably come from dealing with dragons. You wouldn't admit it but you weren't quite convinced you were up to the task; you had never actually dealt with dragon-related injuries so this was like diving headfirst into the ocean when you only just learned how to swim in a training pool. "and if not- well, we had a good run."
"Don't joke about that," Nuzzling against his chest, you finally let your eyes close. Today was the start of forever with the one and only Charles Weasley and here he was joking about his ultimate demise.
4. The perfect day
It's peculiar how life can just fall into place. Your odd little world of dragons and leaky apartment buildings just became the norm. You had come to love your work at the reserve, Dragons were actually incredibly cool up close. Not to mention getting to see Charlie work with them after years of never shutting up about them was truly a sight to behold. Every day, it was like taking an excited little boy to his first day of school. His eyes simply lit up whenever he was at work although it was hard explaining his injuries to the neighbours when they were being nosey. You also had to be careful when using magic since you were basically living with muggles and it would be a headache if they ever found out.
With your site blocked by a thin piece of fabric, Charlie guides you carefully forward with his hands skillfully placed upon your arms to steer. This was the first day off the two of you have shared in a long time. Little information was given about your destination other than it being a surprise. With Charlie that could mean just about anything which wasn't always a good thing but you trusted him enough to believe he wasn't leading you into a dragon's den or something. A gentle breeze nipped at the skin of your neck and the ground felt soft under your feet. The gentle singing of a symphony of birds filled the air and the sun beamed down with remarkable easy. All this suggested you were somewhere withdrawn in nature. Charlie had always been one for the great outdoors. There were countless times you had found him sneaking in or out of the forbidden forest back at school.
"Am I going to like this surprise?" You inquire; your anxiety building with each step. You would much prefer to simply know what was going on rather than experience some dramatic reveal especially today of all days. Every year the boy seems to forget that he agreed not to make a big deal.
"I sure hope so," You practically slam into him as she comes to an unexpected standstill. "Because I don't think I can return it."
"Return what? Oh god- can I take my blindfold off?"
As the flimsy fabric skims the length of your face to settle loosely around your neck, your eyes take a minute to adapt. You don't know quite what you were expecting but this was not it. Before you stands a small cottage surrounded by nothing but a wide-open field full of a rainbow of wildflowers. It was a beautiful little house with as much charm and beauty you'd expect from a place out in what seems like the middle of nowhere. It could be described as the perfect place to settle down.
"Surprise!" He was redder than a cherry tomato when he stepped into view. Both arms in the air as a sign of celebration but you were just rather... confused? Whose house was this and why had he brought you all the way out here?
"I don't get it?"
"We've been here for a while now so I thought we should get our own place or like, a better place. One where we don't have to worry about anyone else." His confidence appeared to develop with each word but his face was still powdered in a deep shade of pink. S this was your house? He'd decided to up and move without even consulting you? "So I got us a little cottage in the middle of nowhere. It kinda reminds me of the burrow only, y'know, smaller."
"It's ours?" His excitement is clear on his face and he quickly takes your hand. Pulling you along with him. "And that's not all."
"There's more?" Surely a whole house was enough. You were quite proud of Charlie for picking such a beautiful little place. Come summertime, you could already see yourself sitting among the flowers painting little pictures. You also wouldn't have to worry about muggles. Coming up on the front door, your boyfriend delivers you a little golden key. And with just a tiny degree of fear about what could be on the other side you unlock it. Much to your astonishment and disappointment, nothing is behind the door except the hallway leading inside. Charlie enters first and even as you follow, you half expect someone to jump out.
"I know I agreed not to make a big deal but how could I not?" He opens a door at the end of the hallway that leads to the kitchen. It's not a massive space but it's assuredly not small either, the whole place was already furnished but you recognise the surprise was truly what sat on the table. It was a two-tier cake covered in blue frosting including the words Happy Birthday scrawled across the top followed by your name.
"You... baked?"
"Mum sent it actually," Charlie chortled lightly as he wanders up behind you. Tossing a package of red with multicoloured polka-dots onto the table. "Sent this along too. Reckon it's a jumper or something."
"That was nice of her," You weren't sure of how to react to it all. Birthdays had never really been your thing but you appreciated that Mrs. Weasley had gone out of her way to make you something special.
"And from me..." He trails off and the sound of tiny tracks echo off the walls attended by an adorable yelp. Up to your feet slides an ash grey puppy who was more legs than anything else. It had bright blue eyes and floppy ears.
"You got me a dog?"
"I got us a dog- thought we needed a pet around here. I debated getting a crup but that'd be a disaster if your parents ever decide to visit." Crups were notorious for their dislike of muggles. You never understood why but he was right in his decision. The gesture was sweet but rather odd all things considered but still you smile. It was hard to be mad at something so cute and you weren't just talking about the dog. The puppy sits at your feet, wagging its little tail a mile a minute. There was no denying how adorable it was and at least it wasn't a dragon. Or a murtlap for that matter, those things were ugly. "You don't seem happy... do you not like him? I can take him back?" Kneeling, your hand drifts over the soft fur of the puppy's head. In response, the dog jumps up in an attempt to lick at your face. Your smile grows as you try to get away. "I think he likes you."
"What's his name?"
"Whatever you want? He's a Great Dane by the way." The puppy had calmed down a little and you stare as you ponder the perfect name for an ash grey Great Dane. "How about... Arlo?"
"Mhmm," You hum standing up straight. "And I'm plenty happy if not a little overwhelmed. You know how I feel when it comes to my birthday."
"I do," He nods casually. His palms snake around your waist drawing you flush against him "But I never want you to forget that someone cares about you- that I care about you so bloody much."
"I know you do," You give him a quick peck on the lips. "And I'm thankful for that and for all of this."
"Arlo is the perfect name, Happy Birthday" Your lips connect in a beautifully slow embrace that fills your body with warmth and as he pulls away, his forehead comes to rest against yours.  The dog barking as it explores the kitchen. "I'm just so grateful that you decided to run away with me."
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cher-writes · 4 years
Ethereal | Vladek Klimov x Reader (18+)
Read part 2
Word count: 4.6k
CW: Smut, NSFW, Wound, Blood
A/N: I know it's hella long but it irks me to make two people have sex when it doesn't make sense for them to do so. Hopefully you'll enjoy.
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It was an exceptionally cold day. Not that it was never not cold in your little northern town. But even among the cold ones, that day felt a bit too cold to you. You were feeling lazy from the very moment you woke up, but after leaving your warm comforter the cold bit into your skin like a snake, even though you had the heater on. 'I gotta get this heater checked’ you thought as you opened up the blinds to look outside. Surprisingly it was neither snowing nor much cloudy. You could almost make out the sun behind the wispy clouds. This cold but almost sunny day lit you up with an amazing idea. You called in sick to your work without wasting any time. Quickly gulping down some leftovers and grabbing your meticulously packed little bag for this exact occasion you were on your way. Hoping none would see you was a terrible stretch of luck cause in that town, everyone knew everyone and everyone saw everything. You were confident you could lie your way out of trouble if you got in any so you didn't quite care anyway. You had only thought in your mind, The hot spring.
The hot water welcomed your skin like an old lover. As you hoped, the water soothed every aching and sore muscle in your body. The spring was empty as usual. The town people weren't quite fond of taking a bath there, unlike you, who even after being born and brought up there couldn't quite get over the euphoric feeling of bathing in a hot spring in the freezing cold weather. Sometimes you wondered if god made a mistake cause you clearly were meant to be in a more warm climate. The cold and the mundane nature of this place got under your skin way too often. Although there were some weird and unexplainable events occurring recently that left the town in quite an unrest. You knew some stuff but honestly you couldn't differentiate the truth from the rumors so you preferred to keep your distance. Anyway you didn't wanna think about that, all you wanted to do was to float in the tranquil hot water, tune everything out with the ecstatic feeling and you could do that forever.
Unfortunately, your forever was interrupted rather quickly as you felt waves behind you. You turned around only to be greeted with a man's face you've never seen before. And working at the local convenience store, it was unlikely you haven't come across almost everyone living in that godforsaken place. He was adrift a bit too close, and you were taken aback, visibly.
“Sorry, I thought you were someone else, didn't mean to scare you” he blurted out sensing your shock and possible discomfort.
“I-It's fine. I just wasn't expecting anyone to be around” you replied. you could see his piercing green eyes even through the steam and they were gorgeous, to say the least. There was this intensity in them that you've never seen in anyone's eyes before.
You could feel yourself staring. So as to snap yourself out of it and to break the uncomfortable silence you quickly spoke up, “You aren't from around here!”. You meant to ask but it came out as a statement somehow, his intense eyes were messing with your tongue.
“Hah! No. I'm not.” he said ever so calmly. You could make out his face clearly from the steam now, and it was angelic. His slick neck and collarbone glistened in the warm water, now at more of a distance from you than before. Yet to you it felt like he was almost pressing against your skin. It made you uncomfortable, in a sensual way. But you played it cool, you had to play it cool. You weren't the type to flirt with unknown people let alone feel this way for a complete stranger that you met like 30 seconds ago. But it was a fact that you never came across a stranger that looked like him. You couldn't really blame yourself for feeling like that. You shook off your body's fervent reaction to him and said, “I see. We don't really get any tourists around here, especially during these months. Are you visiting someone?”
“Not really. I'm here to fulfill my duty.” he said, the words rolling out his tongue like butter. You've always adored that accent, rarely you heard it around there.
You understood he probably wasn't interested in explaining anything further and you quite weren't in the state to ask anything either. Your mind was getting hazy. There was a considerable amount of distance between the two of you but his presence felt electrifying. The tension, you felt, was excruciating yet exciting. He on the other hand, seemed extremely and unusually composed. Even smirking, ever so slightly
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You were starting to realize there was something unnatural about this man, your head now completely fuzzy and that was your cue to leave. You dipped in the water and swam away without saying anything else. You didn't look back when you got out of the water. When you parked your car in front of your house 15 min later, you were panting.
It had been a few days since you saw him. Yet you couldn't get him out of your head. You saw his intense gaze at the back of your lid everytime you closed them. There were things happening around you but you were out of it. You felt faded everywhere you went. It was as if he took a part of you with him. It was so dumb when you thought about it, you were with him for like 2 minutes at best, yet he rubbed off on you so badly that you couldn't stop thinking of him. And sometimes you caught yourself wishing you met him again, maybe feel his skin this time. You wanted it to happen so much yet you were afraid of it happening, no, you were terrified. Cause if you felt his skin once, touched him even for a moment, you would lose control over all your motor function. Feeling this hot and bothered for someone you didn't even know the name of, left you quite ashamed.
That evening when you came home from your disturbingly tedious job, you weren't expecting for your wish to come true and that too to such an extent.
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You walked straight to your kitchen to pour yourself some rosé cause it was Saturday and you had nothing better to do. You preferred the high of alcohol more than whatever you've been feeling for the last few days. It was way better to be actually drunk. You heard some rustling behind you as you were emptying the first glass. You didn't pay it any mind. As you were pouring yourself the second glass you heard footsteps, that sent you on alert mode. When you turned around, ever so slowly, you saw the guy in glasses. Standing, rather leaning against the door frame, with his left hand pressing against the side of his stomach. You were out of everything these past few days that's for sure but you still heard about him. Panic struck you quicker than the alcohol could. ‘How did he get in?’ you thought then immediately answered you own question by cursing yourself for not properly locking the door, the want to get drunk as quick as possible came back to bite you in the ass. But beating yourself up for that wouldn't help now, the danger was already in. With your back against the counter you started fumbling around with your hands in the back looking for something sharp, anything but the only thing you found was the bottle of rosé and the half poured glass. You cursed yourself again and understood that luck wasn't on your side so you decided to run for your life cause you didn't wanna die yet. But your body froze in place and nothing you could do would help it move. Fear took over your being like a frostbite. All of this happened only in the matter of a few seconds. You were now standing there, glaring at him with wide terrified eyes, preparing yourself for the bitter embrace of death. He was standing there still, crouched a bit, till then. Seeing you stop moving, he laggardly took off his glasses and the mask and threw it aside. Your eyes darted towards the accessories as they fell on the floor with a soft thump. It was only then that you noticed he was bleeding all over your floor. When your eyes came back up to see his now bare face, your body went numb and blood flooded the back of your neck like a tsunami at the sight. It was him.
Nothing was making sense to you. Right then probably the alcohol kicked in cause you started feeling tipsy and was starting to doubt if all of that was just a mere hallucination. You were starting to spiral in your absurd thoughts when he spoke up, his voice sharp from the visible pain he was in, “w-will you help-p me p-please?”
Hearing his aching voice something went off in you. The fact that he was the guy in glasses, the dangerous demon people kept talking about, completely washed away from your immediate memory. You rushed over to him and held him by his shoulder to walk him to your bedroom. You helped him out of his coat and the clothings underneath. He inhaled sharply when the t-shirt brushed against the side of his stomach as he was taking it off. It was then that you could see the wound. It was ghastly and bleeding still. You gasped at the sight of it. You blurted out, “How did you get this?”
He didn't answer your question, rather went on to say, “it's a...um.. grazed bullet wound”. His voice strained from the agony.
“W-we need to go to the hospital, what if the bullet is inside!”, you said as your fingers were ghosting over the wound, your teeth clenched. You were growing more and more worried with every passing moment.
“Look at me”, he said firmly with his tired voice and you did, he was looking more human now. Still as unreal as that day, but somehow more human. ‘It's probably all the blood’, you thought to yourself.
“I can't go to the hospital, you understand? You have to help me however you can right here, yeah?” he had this expression, this strange mix of pleading and pain on his face as he said that and nodded slowly. You nodded back in return like an old partner in crime would. After carefully sitting him down on the bed and giving him one of your T-shirts that was just lying around to press over the wound, you practically ran over to your bathroom to get your first aid box. You came back equally hurried. He was slouching in pain. One hand pressing the t-shirt over his wound, other one supporting his body weight on the bed.
You laid him down slowly and then sat beside him. He hissed as you took off the now bloody t-shirt and exposed the wound again. You started cleaning the wound with an antiseptic liquid and you could feel his body shudder under your touch from the pangs of the liquid.
“I think it needs stitches” you looked up and said. He looked fatigued but still more beautiful than any human you've ever seen.
“Can you do it?” he managed to say, with labored breathing.
“I-i learnt it in highschool. I have the supplies but I don't know. It may hurt. I still think we should go to the hos-”
“Do it.” he cut you off quite abruptly. And as if under a spell, you complied.
Halfway through the process, you looked up to see him staring at you. His eyes sent a chill down your spine. The intensity was now setting in, he was half naked, almost under you, you were touching his warm skin and he was staring at you, like that. You couldn't bear the tension so you decided to speak up. Besides the questions were bubbling under the surface for quite a while now.
“How did you find my place?” you asked, and genuinely wanted to know.
-“Freya told me. She was curious to know with whom I confused her with.”
- “How do you know Freya?”
- “I do.”
- “and she told you my name too?”
- “Yes, (Y/N). She indeed did”
Your hand hitched a bit hearing your name roll off his tongue like that. You weren't prepared. He hissed at the sudden sharp pain.
- “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.” you apologized quickly. He didn't say anything. For a while you went quiet but the questions started pouring in again.
- “So why didn't you go to Freya's? You're clearly her guest. Why come to me?”
- “There were police at her place.”
And at that sentence, everything came back to you like a flood.
“Who are you? What's with you and the glasses? And what is this demon people keep talking about? What the hell is this bullet wound and how did you get it? Why are you on the run from the police? Did you kill someone?”, in one singular breath you asked. Your hands stopped working at his wound. The fear was slowly creeping in again.
He looked at you blankly for a little while and then chuckled. It caught you off guard and you couldn't but relax a bit.
“You ask an awfully lot of questions to someone who is getting stitches on his stomach, don't you think?” he said in a strained but adoring voice.
You felt a bit humiliated and looked down to continue your work.
After a while, he let out a sigh and said, “I'm a Shaman. I came to save this town. From a demon who possesses people and slowly becomes them.”
Whatever he said didn't quite make sense to you but there was something so religious about the way he spoke, something so otherworldly about him that you believed him without a shadow of a doubt. You realized he didn't answer all your questions either and honestly you didn't need him to. You believed every word from of his mouth like it's the word of the lord. And at that point, if he said you were the demon, you would have believed him. Maybe that's what compelled you to ask the next question, “Am I the demon?”
- “No. Never. The demon wouldn't touch someone like you.”
Again it didn't make sense to you what he meant, but you felt it and you believed him. He was growing visibly weary so you decided not to ask him anything further. And when you were done stitching, he was fast asleep. You bandaged up the wound, turned off the lights and left him be.
You made your way to the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of rosé. Your brain was banging against your skull, whatever happened from the evening truly felt like a fever dream. The man that you've been thinking about for the entire week and the man who this town thinks is a demon was fast asleep in your bedroom, it wasn't setting quite right in your brain. You drained the bottle, hoping you'd wake up from this. But instead you started feeling terribly exhausted. You wanted to just lie down on the floor and pass out right there but you deserved more than the hardwood floor after what happened that evening. Now if it was any other day, you would have slept on the couch but something about him was so magnetic that you couldn't keep yourself away from him. You stumbled your way to your bedroom and collapsed on the bean bag opposite to the bed. He was sleeping peacefully like a child. And looking at him, you too fell asleep with an empty bottle in your hand.
When you woke up, everything was blurry. Your headache hit your head before your vision did. As everything came into focus you saw him kneeling in front you, looking at you with his burning green eyes. The sun was coming in through the window above your head and it's glorious yellow glow bathed him. He looked like an ancient greek statue. However little humane he felt yesterday vanished just like that. With his soft lush curls draping over the face, he looked ethereal, kind but regal. You kept staring at him and couldn't quite speak. Whether it was the effect of his beauty or the hangover, you didn't know.
“You're awake” he said in a mellow soothing voice. He sounded much more lively than yesterday. He was still wearing only his pants. His body looked like it was carved out of a stone under the fuzzy sunlight.
You tried to say ‘hmm’ but made somewhat of a weird raspy sound. He didn't seem bothered by it.
“How's your wound?” you asked as you were trying to sit up properly.
“Better. Thanks to you.” he gave you a cordial smile. Something about that smile made you feel so safe even though a literal stranger was in your house at 6 in the morning.
-“um- do you want some coffee?”
-“No, you've already done enough, I think I should leave now”, he said as he looked at you with those mesmerizing green eyes. “Thank you (Y/N), I really appreciate your kindness”.
You didn't know what it was. Whether it was the way your name fell from his lips or the idea of him leaving and you not being able to see him again that sent a mix of anxiety and urgency down your body. You leaned in from the bean bag and crashed your lips onto his. Holding onto his shoulder for dear life, you pushed his body backwards with all your weight. You kept kissing him as if trying to devour him as quickly as possible. Running out of breath, when you pulled out, he had his back against the bed and you were half crawling half kneeling over his now stretched out legs. The position was almost as awkward as the situation. He looked at you with a startled expression, mouth slightly agape. You were just as appalled by your sudden inappropriate action.
“I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I should have asked. That was so inappropriate. I'm really so-” you blabbered on, flustered and ashamed of your actions.
“It's okay. I like you (Y/N)”, he cut you off and said with a soft loving voice, almost like you'd coo to a baby.
“B-but you don't even know me!”, the confusion in your voice was more than apparent. You looked at him wide eyed, hoping he would explain. Cause if he didn't, you wouldn't have the mental strength to ask him again after hearing what he just said.
“I don't need to know people like you all do” he spoke, the sunlight falling on him still making him look heavenly. “There's...There's a deeper knowing within me about people. From the place above and beyond. I knew you before, I know you now and I'd know you after this place too. I know you more than even you do perhaps. And I like you in all my knowing.”
His words felt like honey in your ears, his voice and accent made you feel light-headed. Or was it the hangover again? You couldn't tell. You didn't know. None of anything he said registered in your brain. Baffled, you just gawked at him, frozen in your uncomfortable posture.
Sensing your astonishment, he cupped your face with his hands and brushed your cheeks with his thumbs, with a smile that you were sure could cure you from all your illness. Under his touch you melted. It felt like electricity was running up and down your body. At this moment, you truly believed, he wasn't from this world.
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Every bone in your body wanted to possess him.
And so you did. Kissing him with all the force you could muster. You crawled your way over his body, then straddling him. He kissed you back although more softly compared to your burning urgency. Your hands wandered into his soft hair, tugging and pulling. You were getting sloppy but you didn't take a moment off, you felt like if you did he might just slip off from under you like sand. Or you might wake up from this very vivid dream. You couldn't take any chances, you had to make the most of whatever it was, real or imagined. You were grinding against him slowly but aggressively. Your clothed chest rubbed against his bare skin. As his tongue mingled with yours, he tasted heavenly, like nothing you've tasted before. Your hands wandered all over his neck, shoulders and arms. You were trying to touch and feel everything that he was, he still didn't feel real to you. In your fervid bliss, you mistakenly pressed against his bandaged wound making him hiss out in pain against your mouth. Your ardent movements came to a halt as he slowly pulled away, saliva dripping from the side of his mouth, his lips glistened in the yellow sunlight.
“Go a bit easy on me, yeah?” he pleaded, his doe eyes piercing your soul. At that moment if he stabbed you in your heart, you'd die happy. But you wanted to please him, make up for whatever hurt you caused him. So you kissed him again, this time feebly. His mouth, the side of his mouth, jaw bone, neck, collarbone, you kept showering him with careful kisses, licks and bites all over his upper body. He was brushing his hands lovingly on your back. It felt like this was the moment you've been waiting for your whole life, you were quite sure you wouldn't exist afterwards. When you were done bathing every inch of his upper body with your lips you looked up to see his face. His affectionate gaze was sending warm ripples down your stomach. You felt his hardness against you and you knew what you wanted to do. You started kissing your way down towards his crotch, and after a bit of fumbling, you slid his pants off of him. There he was in all his glory. Without wasting a second, you took his cock in your mouth completely, as far as you could. His breath hitched at your sudden action. You glided your mouth up and down while your tongue went in circular motion around his length. If he was the god there then you were his one true devotee and you wanted to worship him, please him like your life depended on it. You heard him grunt softly and that made you soak through your panties. You could feel his body tense up, his breathing starting to get more and more rushed. You would finish him off like that if it weren't for his hands reaching down to cup your face and pull you up back on top of him. None of you were talking but it felt like you were communicating with him more than you've done with anybody before. He took your top off in a languid motion, followed by your bra. Your bare skin flush against his, like your body was on fire.
He eyed you up and down slowly, and uttered “you're beautiful”. You wished you could reply and say something but you were too out of your mind to do so. You only kissed him in return. After another fervent make out session, you pulled away, breathless. You were starting to get needy again as you felt your stomach slowly tightening up. He then pushed his back upwards in a clumsy way and sat up on the edge of the bed. You looked up to him and he looked celestial. At this point you weren't thinking anymore, everything you were doing was purely instinctual. He reached his right hand out to you and you took it. With one fluent motion he pulled you up and pinned you on the bed. He was now on top of you, staring down. You could see a glimpse of hunger in his eyes but his kind smile felt otherwise. It was him now who bathed your body with kisses. He lovingly took one of your nipples in his mouth and stroked the other one with his hand. With his warm tongue working on your nipple and his soft curls tickling your breast, you were quite sure you were in heaven. But you were getting impatient and you wanted to feel him inside of you. Unknowingly to you, your hips went up to grind against him as you whined sensually. He looked up at you and chuckled softly. You felt your cheeks warm up from embarrassment. But he complied with your will and helped you out of your pants and underwear. Now there was nothing between the two of you. He came up to face you as he positioned himself at your entrance. Your body felt like it would turn to dust at any moment. Your vision was hazy but you could swear his angelic beauty lit up the whole room. You felt like you were drowning in his eyes. But your reverie broke as he entered your body, filling you in. You wrapped your legs around his hips and your arms around him. Your back arched up like a cat as he quickly found a rhythm and started hitting the right spot. Waves of pure bliss started to take over your whole body as your core started building up. You were a moaning mess under him, and his grunts felt like music to your ears. He was navigating the boat and you were just riding. He picked up the pace and became more and more aggressive. You could feel him smothering your cheeks, neck and breast with kisses. But honestly you couldn't tell anymore, you could only feel the waves rising and the tension building. Building and building and with a final hit, it all came undone. You came crashing down a mountain top but it felt euphoric. Your eyes rolled back somewhere into my skull. You could feel his tongue in your mouth, as his thrusts became more and more sloppy until it finally halted. He buried his face into the crook of your neck, and you could feel his warm fluid fill your insides.
When you opened your eyes, you were a panting and sweating mess. He pulled out of you slowly and rolled over to your side. He was equally as messy as you were. You turned on your side to face him. He was smiling at you coyly and in that moment it felt like you've known him for eternity. He was practically gleaming in the afterglow. As you were slowly coming down from the high a very embarrassing realization hit you. You didn't know his name. You just fucked someone you didn't even know the name of. You were becoming red with shame and he noticed.
“What's wrong?”, his voice filled with genuine concern. You were seriously considering if you should ask him that at this point. But you did,
-“I- um... what's your name?”
-“Vladek” he said softly and in that moment he looked so beautiful that you were afraid you'd go blind. Yet in his beauty there was this delicacy, this vulnerability. For some reason you felt like he didn't have much time left on his hands. As if he had to go back from where he came. He looked too vulnerable for this world and you had a very bad feeling.
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chelsfic · 4 years
Leftovers - Part 12/12 - Nandor the Relentless x Female Reader Fanfic
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For Previous Parts: WWDITS Masterlist
Summary: The reader shares her last night alive with her new family.
A/N: I realized as I was writing this that this whole fic could really be read as an elongated metaphor for my falling in love with this show and this fandom. I hope you guys like this ending and aren’t disappointed. 
Warnings: Angst, Emotions, Crack humor, Turning into a vampire
It’s an hour after sunset and you can hear your housemates stirring. You’re still lying in bed. The ceiling overhead is cracked and peeling in places. You suppose this probably won’t be your bedroom for much longer. Nandor will want you to move into his crypt. Will you have your own coffin? Or will he want to keep sharing? How does one even purchase a coffin for...personal use?
You know you’re stalling. Nandor is being uncharacteristically patient, but he won’t wait all night. You’re not afraid. Okay, you’re afraid. But, you’d be stupid not to be. You saw Guillermo during his transition. He looked like hell for about three whole days. But you know Nandor will take care of you. Well, strike that. You know Nandor will try to take care of you and if he fails, Nadja and Guillermo will be there. 
The night you met...the night you almost became a meal...was your birthday. So much has happened since then. You’ve been kept prisoner, fed upon, attacked, hurt. You’ve also fallen in love with every vampire in this crazy house, even Colin Robinson, bless his heart. Nandor and his bizarre mix of vicious lust and achingly sweet softness has somehow pulled you into this world, into a place you’ve always belonged without even knowing it. So, yeah, you’re afraid. But the idea of not spending every night for the rest of eternity surrounded by these beautiful, damaged, stupid idiots is even more frightening.
A knock comes at your door and Nadja’s voice trills, “Hello, human? May I come in?”
You roll onto your side and sit up, dangling your bare legs over the edge of the bed. You’re wearing one of your few dresses because...well, because you’re going to die tonight and shouldn’t you dress up a little?
Nadja slips inside looking resplendent and deadly as always. She gives you a sympathetic smile and comes to sit next to you.
“Feeling a little nervous about our unholy transition, are we?” she ducks her head and gives you that mama-vampire-knows-best look of hers.
You lean your shoulder into hers, taking comfort in her presence.
“Maybe a little…” you admit. “I’m not having second thoughts or anything it’s just…”
“A little spooky wooky, yes?” Nadja supplies. She wraps her arm around your back and pulls you closer. “Don’t concern your head off, darling. I don’t know if you realize this but I am considered a bit of an expert. I’ve turned many, many humans in my time. Including my dear Laszlo. I’ll make sure Nandor does not slip up and accidentally make you into a zombie monstrosity like my poor Topher.”
You rear back and stare at Nadja with horror stricken eyes, “That’s a possibility!??”
Nadja chuckles and tweaks your nose, “I am giving you sarcasm! To lighten the mood! It’s working, yes?”
You let out a long-suffering sigh that hiccups into nervous laughter.
“I love you, Nadja,” you say with sudden, overwhelming emotion. You dive forward and wrap your arms around her in a fierce hug.
Nadja is stricken for a moment and she pats your back gingerly, “That’s...very nice. You think you want to come downstairs now? Because Nandor is being a real donkey dick down there waiting for you, but his balls are too shriveled to come up here and get you himself.”
You laugh and pull back from the hug, wiping tears from your eyes, “Yeah, let’s go. I’m ready.”
“What’s crack-a-lackin’?”
Nandor looks supremely put out when everyone yells something different as you walk through the door to the fancy room. Does no one listen to him? They had an agreed upon plan! He scowls at at the other vampires, especially fucking Colin Robinson, before sweeping over toward you and taking you from Nadja’s arm.
“Welcome to your Death Day Party! Do you like it?” Nandor looks down at you with those wide, sparkling eyes that make you forget he’s a centuries old blood-sucking fiend who once conquered nations and slaughtered thousands. 
You take in your surroundings with a look of wonder. There’s a giant glitter banner hanging above the fireplace that reads “Congratulations on your Dark Awakening.” You recognize it as Nandor’s handiwork at once. Also, Guillermo has obviously been to Party City because everyone is wearing pointed birthday hats with little Dracula emojis all over them and the whole room is absolutely covered in crepe paper. 
“It’s...so cute!” you squeal, grabbing him around the middle in an enthusiastic hug. This is...just want you needed. A little goofy, human levity before stepping off the edge of the unknown. Your eyes continue wandering over the room until they fall upon a long table set up against the wall. “Oh...my g--gahhhh--is that mac and cheese?”
The table is covered in dish after dish of all your favorite comfort foods. Macaroni and cheese, pizza, lasagna. Apple pie, blueberry pie, cherry pie! There’s a whole giant bowl of Reese’s peanut butter cups. You pull away from Nandor and dash across the room, launching yourself into Guillermo’s arms.
“You’re the sweetest monster I’ve ever known!” you cry, doing your best to squeeze the unlife out of him.
Guillermo laughs, “Listen, you’re going to be puking for days either way. You might as well have one last chance to enjoy human food.”
You roll your eyes, “Thanks for the reminder, Memo.”
“Alrighty!” Nandor is suddenly picking you up from behind and plucking you out of Guillermo’s arms. “That’s enough of that. Why don’t you have some of this--” he turns his head away from you and gags “--yummy food and then we’ll listen to some human musical arrangements that Nadja and Laszlo have prepared.”
Nandor hovers at your side, watching with a wrinkled nose as you pile food onto your plate. You’ve barely made a dent in the impressive spread and you’re feeling guilty about the waste when Colin Robinson ambles up.
“So, nervous about Nandor draining all your blood and killing you tonight?” he asks breezily.
You ignore the question and instead ask one of your own, “Hey, you think you can bring some of the leftovers into your office tomorrow? I’d hate to waste all this…”
Colin’s face lights with a maniacal grin, “Barbara’s on a diet...Yeah...this will be perfect!”
You settle onto one of the couches, sandwiched between Guillermo and Nandor. Both vampires look vaguely nauseated as you tuck into your food, but they’re holding it together.
Laszlo stands up with Nadja and starts strumming a guitar as he addresses everyone, “When I first met our human I assumed she’d soon be fertilizing my vulva garden--”
Nadja slaps his arm and Nandor hisses indignantly.
“But! But!” Laszlo continues, bowing with a flourish in your direction. “I came to realize that this particular human was something special. I decided to accept her into the fold. Mostly because she kept Nandor off my back and also my wife threatened to maim my testicles if I ate her…
“So, here we are, human. The last night of your life and we’ve got just one thing to say…”
The couple launches into a screeching, cloying rendition of “(I’ve had) The Time of my Life” from the Dirty Dancing soundtrack (blatantly stolen from Laszlo’s catalogue of compositions). Your face is frozen in horrified laughter and you flick your gaze to Guillermo’s to see that he’s covering his mouth to stifle his own laughs. On your other side, Nandor is clapping along and bobbing his head with the music. Yup, this is your tribe.
The party goes on for another couple hours. Laszlo and Nadja perform several more “hits” before finishing up with “The Girl in the Village with the Very Small Foot.” Nadja’s singing voice is still ringing in your ears when Nandor bends down to whisper, “It’s time, my human.”
The levity of the party has done a lot to calm your nerves, but you can’t help the sudden grip of anxiety around your throat at his words. You look up, falling, once again, into the fathomless depths of his lovely, dark eyes and you think, That’s what this is. You’re going to live in that deep, dark beauty from now on. There’s nothing scary about that. 
You both stand up to leave and say your goodbyes. Laszlo and Colin wish you luck. Guillermo hugs you and presses several quick kisses to your cheeks as Nandor murmurs warningly, “Watch it!”
When he releases you, you’re suddenly engulfed in the arms of a crying Nadja.
“I do love you, you magnificent, ruthless baby!” she sobs. “Nandor, if you fuck this up I’m going to make a hat out of your asshole.”
You laugh into her shoulder and Nandor complains, “Yeesh! Alright, calm down, Nadja!”
By the time you’ve pried yourself from Nadja’s grip you’ve joined her in crying and your face is soaked. Who knew vampires could be so sentimental?
Nandor grimaces in distaste as he brings his hands up to wipe away the tears.
Nandor’s crypt looks just as it always does. No crepe paper or glitter in sight. Just the warm glow of candles, the rich red and gold accents of the decor, and the solid familiar bulk of the coffin where you’ve spent so many nights wrapped in his protective embrace. He leads you over to the chaise lounge and you both sit, fidgeting nervously and darting shy glances at one another.
Nandor plucks at the fabric of your dress, “This is nice.”
You smile faintly, “Thanks, I--I thought maybe I should dress up for the occasion. Is that stupid? I guess it’ll just get stained…”
“No,” Nandor cuts in, looking earnest and serious. “No, I’ll be careful.”
You nod and fall silent again. The knowledge of what you’re about to do seems to hang like a thick curtain between you. The easy intimacy that you’ve shared is strained with the gravity of what is to come. Nandor finally huffs out an exasperated sigh and pulls you into his lap. At first you think he’s just going to bite the bullet, so to speak, and dig into your neck at once. But instead he grabs your face and pulls you into a searing, all-consuming kiss. 
He tangles his fingers in your hair, pushing his tongue into your mouth with a low groan. You stroke your hands down the long column of his throat, running them across his broad shoulders and down his back. How this man--this perfectly imperfect, wonderfully fragile, fierce warrior man--has come to choose you, you can’t begin to understand. For countless other human souls, catching the eye of Nandor the Relentless has meant grim misfortune. For you, finding yourself the prey of a murderous vampire is the best thing that’s ever happened in your life. 
Except maybe being MVP at last year’s championship bout.
Nandor’s lips fall away and he looks up at you, panting heavily with his hair mussed and tangled. His gaze flicks down to your exposed throat and you see him swallow in anticipation. He reaches for something on an end table and shows you the stainless steel travel mug containing his blood. You take it from him noting the strip of masking tape on the lid with Nandor’s elegant scrawl--his name and the date.
You snort, setting the container down on the cushions beside you and looking back up at Nandor.
“Prepare yourself, my mortal,” he growls, fangs elongating and eyes flashing with a predatory gleam. 
You turn your head, baring your neck for your vampire boyfriend, and answering lightly, “I have a name, you know.”
A/N: Hey, thank you so so so much to everyone who read and supported this fic from the beginning! Your comments and encouragement mean the world to me!
@festering-queen, @kandomeresbitch, @strangestdiary, @glitterportrait, @scuzmunkie, @redwoodshadows, @sarasxe, @rileyomalley 
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daredevil-1910 · 3 years
"Sir, are you telling me that this official document with information that hasn't only been given to me but other kids as well, is wrong" I cannot believe how hard it is to get information around here
"I'm telling you kid, there is no platform under 9 3/4" once again this guy chooses to not help, me what’s wrong with him.
"I honestly can't believe the incompetence some pe-"
"Benjamin Doyle, get over here and stop talking to the nice man like that” my mother cut me off, and gave the useless man a smile.
I slumped my way back to my mother’s side, pushing my trolley all the way back to where my mother was waiting with my sister.
“How many times am I going to tell you to not argue with strangers”
“Well I just don’t understand why he won’t tell me where the platform is” as I was expressing my point to my mother, I found a boy with dark hair and glasses, his trolley had similar things to mine, maybe he knows.
I approach the boy and smile at him, extending my hand
“Hello there, my name is Benjamin Doyle”
“Hello, I’m Harry Potter” he shook my hand and smiled back at me
“Say, you wouldn’t know how to get to Platform 9 ¾ would you, the guards and guides around here haven’t been much help.”
“I actually came here to ask you the same thing, it’s also my first time at Hogwarts” from the corner of my eye I see my mother approaching me
“Hi, hey Ben, there’s a woman with some kids over there, they look like they are from Hogwarts too, maybe she can help” she points at a woman with red hair walking next to other kids with red hair.
“Come on Harry, maybe they know” we all rushed together towards the red headed family who were standing next to a column with the number ten and nine on each side.
“Come on Percy, you first” she signaled for the oldest looking boy towards the column, but isn’t he going to, he’s going to crash into the wall
“What are they doing?” As I'm asking Harry, we saw the boy run towards the column and into it!
“Fred, you next” she pointed to another one of the boys behind her
“Harry, we have to ask her how they are doing that” my mom looked down at me and pushed us both to go ask.
“Excuse me, could you tell us how to…?” Harry was the first to speak up and the woman quickly came up to us
“How to get on to the platform? Not to worry, boys, It's Ron’s first time as well” she said between chuckles.
I looked behind me where a boy our age smiled brightly at us.
“All you gotta do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10, best do it at a bit of a run if you’re nervous” yup, I wasn’t crazy, that really happened.
Harry was the first of us to go, he ran straight towards the wall without stopping. My mom did the same
“I’ll see you when you cross the wall” she ran holding my sisters hand
It was my turn up next, but I was hesitant, what if I can’t get through the wall.
“don’t worry dear, you’ll be ok” she placed her hand on my back and gave me a little nudge
“Good luck” the little girl said almost silently then she rushed back behind her mother and gave me a shy smile.
I ran straight through the wall, but it didn’t feel like I was going through a wall. It just felt like running forward in an empty room, I looked back, and I couldn’t see anyone on the other side.
I looked around and found my mom talking to harry not so far from me, so I rushed to them
“Hey, I’ll see you inside” Harry Rushed off, and that’s when I finally noticed the train. When I read Hogwarts express, it took my breath away, this is really happening. I can’t believe it
“Honey, it’s time to go” I turned around and saw my mom, her eyes a bit teary and a smile on her face.
She gave me a tight hug and kissed my forehead
“I love you baby, remember what we talked about, write to me whenever you can give Luca the letter, he’ll find his way home ok”
I nodded and started to walk towards the train.
Once inside I looked through every booth looking for Harry, I found him alone in one booth looking out the window.
“Hey, mind if I sit here”
“Me too, everywhere is full” Ron spoke up from behind me
“Not at all” Harry motioned for the seats in front of him, and we both took a seat. I sat next to Harry and Ron sat in front of us.
“I’m Ron by the way, Ron Weasley”
“Benjamin Doyle, most people call me Ben though”
“I’m Harry Potter” Ron’s eyes grew wide
“So is it true, I mean, do you really have the” he started to point at his forehead
“The scar?” a scar, don’t really think I saw a scar on Harry earlier.
“Oh, yeah!” he pushed his bangs away from his face revealing a thunder looking scar.
“Wicked” we said it at the same time which made the three of us start laughing.
“Anything of the trolley dears” An old lady stopped in front of out booth with a cart full of candy
Ron pulled out a bag with something I didn’t really know what it was, but it looked gross
“We'll take the lot” Harry pulled out a few coins he had inside his pocket and gave them to the old lady, he bought the entire cart.
“So, Ben, is your family a wizard family?” Ron asked biting a piece of chocolate
“Well, my mother isn’t a witch, and I didn’t really know my father, he died on a car accident when I was small” I picked up a what I thought was a jellybean, but it tasted awful
“I’m so sorry.” Harry patted my shoulder
“it’s ok, my mother tells me stories about him all the time, sometimes it even feels like he is with me” I shrugged my shoulders and kept eating from the candy that was in front of me.
“This is scabbers, By the way. Pathetic, isn’t he?” Ron directs his view to his rat, sitting on his lap with a box on its head
“Just a little bit” harry answered
“Come on, don’t say that I’m sure he is actually great” I tried to hold back a laugh
“Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow, want to see” he asked us.
“I actually don’t think that’s a good idea”
“Its fine, completely harmless” he grabs his wand and opens his mouth to begin the spell, but a girl with quite messy hair interrupted him
“Have any of you seen a toad, a boy named Neville’s lost one”
“no” we all said in unison
“Oh, are you doing magic? let’s see then” she stood there, and I don’t know why but her tone may be annoying me a little
Ron cleared his throat “Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow. Turn this stupid fat rat yellow” of course nothing happened
After a few hours in the train ride, we got to know each other, the girl’s name is Hermione Granger, we got into a small argument over some spells but nothing major, it was fun to argue with someone in the same wavelength as me, it was also funny seeing Ron and Harry confused over what we were doing.
When we finally got off the train, we were escorted by a tall man to some boats that took us to the actual school. When I saw Hogwarts, I was amazed at the sheer size of it. It was so much more amazing than I could have ever thought.
Once inside everyone was huddled up together. One of the professors stood on top of the stairs waiting for us.
“Welcome to Hogwarts, in just a moment you will get through these doors, but before you can join your classmates you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you are here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule-breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup. The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily” She walked off into the room. I looked back at Ron and Harry who were standing next to me, I couldn’t tell which one of us was more excited.
“It’s true then, what they’re saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts” a blonde boy started talking to Harry, he didn’t seem that likeable. What I still don’t get is how do all these people know who Harry is.
“This is Crabbe and Goyle. And I’m Malfoy. Draco Malfoy” Ron snorted from behind me and harry
“You think my name is funny do you, I don’t suppose I need to ask yours, red hair and a hand-me-down robe, you must be a Weasley. You’ll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don’t want to go making friends with the wrong sort, I can help you there” he extends his hand, but Harry pushes it away
“I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks” before I could say anything, the same professor from before came back and tapped Malfoy with a scroll
“We are ready for you now, follow me” we followed her into the giant dining hall Infront of us. Once again, I got my breath taken away from me the ceiling looks like the night sky
I walked in next to Hermione behind Ron and Harry.
“It’s not real, the ceiling. It’s just bewitched to look like the night sky” Me and Hermione say it at the same time, I laughed but she glared at me. I remembered that from reading something in dragon alley I don’t remember what though
“All right, will you wait along here please?” the professor pointed along the steps in front of her
“Now before we begin, Professor Dumbledore, will like to say a few words” I looked past the professor and at an old man who stood up behind her
“I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce. The first years, please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you that the third-floor corridor on the right side is out of bounds to anyone that does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you” well that’s a way to bring a mood down.
“When I call your name, you will come forth. I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses” I wonder how the hat is going to sort us.
“Hermione Granger” she goes off, muttering to herself
“Mental, that one, I’m telling you” He leans over towards us now standing behind us
“Gryffindor!” the hat yelled, and everyone cheered.
The night went on, the hat sorting everyone into their houses, some people took longer than others, and some were almost instantaneous. Right now, it was Harry’s turn. The hat seemed to have more problems with Harry, muttering of two itself quietly.
“Gryffindor” it finally yelled.
“Benjamin Doyle” oh my god, it’s my turn, I quickly got up the steps, and sat down, the Professor which I have gone to know by Ron is Professor McGonagall placed the hat on my head
“Hmm… Quite passionate, private, argumentative and stubborn. Brave, headstrong, loyal. I would say Slytherin, but you lack ambition and cunning, Gryffindor!” oh my god what a relief I thought I was going to have to go to Slytherin.
I quickly shuffled on to the Gryffindor table.
“All three of us sorted in the same house, wicked” Ron exclaimed with excitement.
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omgrachwrites · 4 years
Tell a Tale of You and Me - Chapter Seventeen
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: You knew that making a bet with Sirius Black was like making a deal with the devil but you just couldn’t help yourself. You had never been a heavenly woman.
Warnings: fluff if you squint, angst, Jily being adorable, Lily being the amazing mum friend
Words: 2168
Disclaimer: This gif doesn’t belong to me!
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this part and I am once again apologising for the angst! Please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all very much! xxx
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Chapter Seventeen
Lily looked at you like you had gone mad – and perhaps you had – as she nervously fiddled with the napkin on her lap, her green eyes were ablaze with worry. Your heart pounded in your chest, you had asked Sirius to meet you by The Whomping Willow after breakfast because you had to talk to him about something important. You could hear the blood pounding in your own ears, so loud that drowned out the loud noise of The Great Hall.
All of your friends thought that you had gone mad and to be quite honest, you couldn’t blame them but you had to do this. No matter what the cost, it was something that had to be done. Lily sighed as she put her piece of buttered toast down and she narrowed her eyes at you.
“Are you sure about this, Y/N? What if things go sour, won’t you regret it?”
It had been something that you had been going over repeatedly in your head, you had weighed up all the pros and cons, and you were certain that this was what you wanted, “I’ve thought about it long and hard, Lils. Even if it goes wrong, I won’t regret it. If I don’t do this it will kill me with the not knowing,” you forced a nervous smile as you checked your watch, “I should get going.”
Lily nodded as she gave you a tight hug, “good luck Y/N, and be careful,” you smiled at Lily before you quickly walked into The Entrance Hall, bumping into Regulus in the process.
“Hi, Y/N, where are you running off to so early?” he teased and you smiled up at him guiltily, feeling completely awful.
“Nowhere in particular,” you lied before getting an idea, Regulus was such a nice boy and you hated what you were doing to him. What you were going to do to him. You cupped his cheek and you stood up on your tiptoes to kiss him full on the lips. He hesitated slightly before he wrapped a hand in your hair and he kissed you back. The swipe of his tongue was far gentler than Sirius’ but you preferred Sirius’ fiery hot kisses, and with that thought you pulled away.
Regulus’ eyes were glazed over and his lips were slightly swollen and he licked them nervously, “what was that for?” he chuckled breathlessly, “I’m not complaining but it was just….unexpected.”
You merely smiled at the handsome boy as you kissed his cheek softly. What else could you do? “Goodbye Regulus,” you whispered, smiling at him before walking out onto the grounds.
Sirius was already waiting for you, looking effortlessly gorgeous with his long curly hair blowing in the wind and you longed to run your fingers through it. He was wearing his favourite dragon hide jacket that made him look like the lead singer from some muggle punk band. Sirius grinned cheekily at you as you approached him but you noticed that it didn’t reach his eyes or make them crinkle.
“We need to talk,” you both said it at the same time. Sirius chuckled as he cupped your chin between two long fingers and he pressed a lingering kiss to your lips, “ladies first,” he smiled and you almost melted on the spot, as cliché as that sounded.
You took a deep breath, gaining your courage as you wrapped your arms around his neck, toying with the ends of his hair, “these past couple of months have been amazing with you, with you I feel like me. The me that I want to be. But, being with you in secret isn’t enough, I know that it was my idea but it’s not enough anymore. I want to be with you, completely and utterly, let’s run away together, forget about everything and just go. I don’t want to marry your brother, I’ll tell everybody that the wedding is off; all I want to do is be with you. I love you Sirius.”
Sirius’ eyes widened and for a split second you saw the vulnerability in his eyes before they turned uncharacteristically hard as he moved away from you, “no, don’t do that. Don’t call off the wedding, Y/N you should go through with it, just like you always planned to.”
“Why?” you whispered, your heart was suddenly filled with dread, you didn’t like where this was going. You had told him you loved him and he hadn’t said it back.
“Because this is wrong, us being together,” those were the words that sent a bullet straight to your heart and you sucked in a long and shaky breath, “you’re engaged to my brother, my little brother and we’re sneaking around behind his back. Don’t you see? I’m supposed to look out for him, not betray him.”
Tears filled your eyes, you wished that they wouldn’t. You had had the courage to tell him that you loved him. How could he break up with you and throw it back in your face like that?
“What are you saying?” you sniffled, wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your robes.
“I’m saying that this needs to come to an end, this thing between us. I mean we only agreed that this would be temporary right?”
You scoffed as you shook your head, you couldn’t believe the absolute drivel that was spewing from his mouth, “yeah until it wasn’t! Don’t forget, it was you who wanted to start all this in the first place!”
Sirius shrugged and he looked exactly like boy he had always been, before you let him into your heart, you couldn’t believe that you actually thought there was a different side to him, he’d always be the same. You had been such an idiot, “It’s not fair on Regulus, I don’t want a relationship that’s built on lies,” like a coward he refused to look you in the eye.
“Well, what about me?” the tears were falling freely now but you didn’t care. You just didn’t understand why he was saying this to you. Did he want you to hate him?
“You’re a girl Y/N, there are plenty of those at Hogwarts and I’ve been neglecting them, you belong with my brother, he actually really cares about you. Why don’t you run on back to him?”
Fury replaced your sadness like a fire, where did he get the nerve to speak to you like that? Before you could stop yourself, you reached out and slapped him across the face. What was worse was the fact that you didn’t even feel bad. Sirius looked at you completely shocked as he rubbed his cheek. You were so angry that you didn’t even see the hurt in his eyes, “fuck you Sirius, you’re always going to be alone and I feel sorry for you,” he winced at your words but you didn’t care.
You flounced away in a flurry of tears, stomping through the grass as salty tears ran over your cheeks and lips. You ran to the common room and up to the dormitories so fast that you were sure that it must have been a world record. You cocooned yourself beneath the duvet and didn’t move until Lily came into the room and cautiously stroked your hair just like a mother would as she sat on the edge of your bed.
“What happened sweetie?” she asked and you sniffled the skin beneath your eyes were sore from crying but it seemed like you had cried out all your tears.
“I don’t want to talk about it, is that okay?” you mumbled, peeking up at her from beneath the duvet.
She nodded understandingly as she kissed your forehead, smoothing your hair back, “of course that’s okay angel, try and get some sleep. I’m sure that this whole situation will look much better after a good sleep. I’ll be right here until you fall asleep.”
You nodded, you hated feeling this way but you supposed that you ought to feel this way after Sirius had been a complete arsehole. You were so grateful that you had an amazing friend like Lily and true to her word; she stayed with you until you fell asleep.
Lily sighed as she walked down the steps and sat next to James on the couch, resting her head against one of his broad shoulders, she was so worried about you.
“How is she?” James asked as he closed the book he was reading.
Lily bit her bottom lip as she drew circles into her boyfriend’s chest, “she looks absolutely heartbroken James and she won’t tell me what’s wrong. For the first time, where Y/N is concerned, I don’t know what to do.”
“Oh Lily-flower,” James sighed as he pulled her into his chest tighter, kissing the top of her head, “I’m sure that everything will work itself out in the end. But I don’t think it’s our place to interfere even if they are our best friends. Though, Sirius did look very upset when I saw him before.”
“What are we going to do James?” Lily sighed as tears filled her eyes, it seemed hopeless.
It had been about three weeks since Sirius had called things off with Y/N and it was killing him more every day. Y/N had told him that she loved him and all he wanted to do was grab the beautiful girl and kiss her, and tell her that he loved her too. But he couldn’t, he couldn’t hurt his little brother, not when he knew that Regulus loved her too.
Y/N had recently been walking down the corridor hand in hand with Regulus and there was an easy beautiful smile on her face. They were official now, they were officially going out. Sirius was hiding his true feelings by doing what he did best, and that was sleeping with random girls. Remus had tried to talk him out of it but it didn’t work, somehow the random girls made Sirius feel better, he just pretended that they were Y/N.
He currently had a Ravenclaw girl named Maya backed into the stone wall, he was shamelessly flirting with her and she seemed to be really into it, “Sirius Orion Black! We need to talk!” an angry voice filled the corridor and when Sirius turned around he discovered that it was Lily and he’d never seen her so angry. Maya giggled nervously and kissed his cheek before sauntering off down the hallway.
Lily stomped towards him and he almost cowered away, “we need to talk about Y/N and what went down between the two of you,” her cheeks were red and she placed her hands on her hips.
Sirius sighed as he dragged a hand through his mane of tangled hair, he didn’t want to talk about Y/N. It hurt too much, “I don’t want to talk about it,” Sirius mumbled and Lily tossed her head angrily.
“I don’t care Sirius! Y/N is my best friend and no matter how much I hate to admit it, you’re my friend too and you’ve both been miserable for weeks. Now are you going to tell me what happened or do I have to jinx it out of you?”
Sirius chuckled a little at Lily’s fire and he suddenly felt his eyes go misty, Lily’s face softened ever so slightly, “she told me that she loved me and she told me that she wanted to be with me and I broke up with her,” he sniffed, rubbing the heel of his hand against his eyes.
A muscle fluttered in Lily’s jaw and her nostrils flared, “why? Why would you do that? That is so selfish Sirius! You’ve successfully ruined both of your lives!”
“Merlin, Lily! I know, I wasn’t planning on ending it but then I found out that Regulus is in love with her and he’s my baby brother. I can’t hurt him; I’m always supposed to look out for him. I love Y/N, I love her so much that it’s hard to breath and every time I see her, it’s like I’m looking at my future, but that’s not right. She’s Regulus’ future and he deserves her.”
“Oh Sirius,” she sighed and placed a gentle hand on his arm, it was such a nice change of pace, normally they were at each other’s throats.
“Things are how they should be,” Sirius shrugged as he felt tears prick at his eyes, “the prodigal son gets the beautiful and amazing woman. While the family disappointment is destined to be alone, slaking his lust on random women. I just didn’t expect it to hurt so much.”
Lily’s eyes filled with tears and she sniffled before lunging forward and pulling Sirius into a hug. Sirius let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in as he wrapped his arms around Lily and hugged her back. He let himself be hugged; he didn’t know how much he needed it. With his friend’s support he knew that he would somehow get through this.
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