#well technically the wifey played 9
sniperct · 2 months
The Great Final Fantasy Playthrough
FF7 FF8 Rebirth FF9 FF1 FF2 FF3 FF4 FF5 FF6 FFX FFX-2 FF12 Strangers in Paradise FF13 FF13-2 FF13 LR FF15 FF Type 0 FF16
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lunealus · 2 years
Give us more Haru lore 👀
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GLADLY but I can't reveal too much bc of spoilers since my GF and I are working on a thing together about the foxxo and her dragon husband uwu we hope to release it very soon. For now I can tell you a bit of her background +  about her.
Haru is from the spirit realm and she comes from a very wealthy and highly respected family. She was born around the Heian Period , Kannin Era (year 1021). She was born as a small fox and couldn't shapeshift properly into a human-like form until she was about 7 years old as she wasn't able to control her abilities and powers let alone figure out how (she was just a child after all), thus making her a late bloomer (in her parent's eyes that is, they always put too much pressure on her and have high expectations).
Now having 9 tails, Haru has better control over her powers and has many abilities such as: Multiplying herself - At most she can make 9 clones of herself. She leaves one clone at home to keep watch over the house while she is working with her husband, Norio.
Fox familiars - Haru can hear and see everything through her fox familiars, wherever they are she will hear and see all. She is everywhere, yet nowhere. Her familiars are very useful in the type of work she does at night (assassin). During the day she assists her husband (who is a CEO) with work and often times he likes to steal one of her familiars cuz they are sooo cute and technically her. His wifey is just soooo cute and fluffy you know.
Shapeshifting / Transformation - She can turn into either a small fox, medium fox or an even larger size; larger than a house even. She can also transform into the opposite sex or a small child, usually to trick others. Haru often likes to transform as her husband just for fun. When she transforms as other people the only way you can tell she isn't legit is when you see a sakura birthmark on her forehead.
Illusion Manipulation / Dream Manipulation - Pretty much speaks for itself I think. Haru can make illusions seem so real and trap you within it that you might not ever come to reality. She revels in breaking others' mentality for fun or when one dares cross her. Foxes love to play tricks after all and she is very petty, she will not be the bigger person if someone messes with her. She is the epitome of r/pettyrevenge. Definitely don't do weed before encountering her.
And much more.
Haru may seem scary,,, but ,,well,,, she really is. She is mischievous, cryptic and loves to manipulate others for her own gain. To see one squirm underneath her gaze brings her delight but she is harmless if you show her respect and treat her kindly, she will treat you the same in return. Hell, maybe even give her offerings in food, like strawberry daifuku, fried tofu or even a hamburger and she might give you her protection. But absolutely do not betray her trust.
Around her husband she is just so affectionate and cheerful towards him. She even has a bit of a silly side such as pouncing into the snow when no one is looking and has a habit of snatching her hubby's belongings so she can be chased by him. Those fox instincts you know. Nyoom.
Thank you so much! I'm sorry this got long > < I just love my kon kon girl so much.
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lost-combustion · 4 years
can be used for rp   &   non-rp blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen   !
1. FIRST NAME:           Stephanie, but call me Bishy <3
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF:            If you were to walk into my apartment, you’d find medieval weaponry hanging up on the walls all over the place. I also was always compared to Iron Man, only because my entire left arm is almost all metal.
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON:             Their eyes are the first thing I look at. When I saw my wife first, I looked at her eyes and just. Yes. The next observation I really look at is the smile. Each smile holds part of their personality. Then I tend to notice their height. Luckily for me, my wifey is taller than me. <3 
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF:               Ooooof. If I had to choose just ONE dish, I would have to choose Lemon Pepper fish. While I love sushi, and Alfredo, the lemon pepper fish is absolutely amazing and I finally learned how to make it myself. So I won’t starve if my wife leaves for a night or two. xD
5. A FOOD YOU HATE:               Spinach. Just. Yuck.
6. GUILTY PLEASURE:              Okay so I have a few guilty pleasures. First and foremost is making characters with character creators in games. I just love making them. I also have a huge guilty pleasure for shipping. I’m actually going to copy a statement that someone else made because they describe it incredibly well. 
I love healthy ships and unhealthy ships (but like, don’t glorify them. Recognize they are unhealthy and should not be idealized for RL) I just love love, and I love the butterflies and coyness and excited uncertain that leads up to the very first time a ship admits their feelings most of all.
             But yeah. More guilty pleasures. I also love editing screenshots of characters. I love playing around with the colors and shadows. 
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN:           Pajama pants. It’s rare for me to sleep with a top on, only because my wife is a massive heater and I’ll overheat if I wear too much.
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS:              Hah, well I’m married soooo. In October it’ll be 2 years, but we’ve been together for almost 5 years. Longest relationship I’ve ever had! <3 We have our difficulties, yes, but we work through it and keep on trucking.
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE:               If I could go back, I’d tell my boss to fuck off and stay in Texas with my dad for an additional 3 weeks. That was really the last time I got to spend time with my dad, seeing as the next time I saw him, he passed away. 
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON:             I didn’t grow up around affection. So it took a long time for me to open up and actually showcase affection to people willingly. I’m finally getting better at it though! I want to say yes, I am an affectionate person, but I still struggle at times on whether it’s appropriate or not.
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN:             This will forever be “Sweeney Todd”. I absolutely adore that movie. Or any of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” just because of the aesthetic.
12. FAVORITE BOOK:            Oh gosh. This is extremely hard to choose, only because I love reading. Call of Cthulhu, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones; anything from Stephen King; I read anything and everything, so choosing one as a favorite is nearly impossible.
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]:            Ooooof. I have too many to share. So like, it’s a very toxic ship, but Tsumi ( @tivtastic) and Syat’a are a huge toxic ship that I cannot wait to dive into. Another good ship that I’m kinda adoring is the friendship between Shoto ( @chooseyourmuse) with Astrid. Their closeness just brings me massive feels, and I adore them. Okay, so that’s only two. Let me think. I also am really interested to see the development between Denki ( @persona-de-interes) with Astrid.
           Oh! Another super big ship of mine is Caspian with Roselyn ( @sky-gryphon) on discord. Their raw connection just. Mmph. I love it. I also am really in love with the connection between Colette and Zegnes ( @sky-gryphon) on discord as well. While she’s this big bad predator, he’s so soft towards her and I just. He makes her feel things, which results in me feeling wonderful things for them. Now another- OH MY GOSH HOW COULD I FORGET.  
           How could I ever forget Arron ( @-tiviani-)??? He with ANYONE of my kids. FUCKING ANYONE. Give me that GORY SHIP. So fricken toxic, but YESSSS. 
             EDIT: HOW COULD I FORGET THIS ADORABLE SHIP. OMG SOMEONE HIT ME FOR FORGETTING. Jupiter with Niel ( @softvorenoms). LEGIT GUYS. This ship is SO SUPER ADORABLE. Every time I think of canon relationships for Jupy, I immediately think of Niel. When I finally sit down to write the actual books for Jupiter and her siblings, Niel will either show up in it somewhere or be mentioned. Because these two. <3 <3 <3
15. PIE OR CAKE:           Pie! <3
16. FAVORITE SCENT:                I’m more towards vanilla, but I also am really liking cinnamon (even if I can’t say the damn word)
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH:              Ooooof! Hmm. Okay, so I don’t really keep tabs on celebrity life, so give me a moment to really think. The actress that plays as Scarlet Witch. Yep, she’s real pretty. I also really adore Felicia Day. She’s just perfection. Then there’s Tom Hiddleston. He’s gorgeous. 
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO:          Mm... Probably Italy ( seeing as I’m Italian and have yet to see where my family came from ) or Scotland ( because who doesn’t love their accent?? )
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT:              Technically, I’m classified as an “Extroverted Introvert”, but I just like to call myself an Introvert and leave it at that.
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY:             Hah! I don’t think I scare easily, but I jump super easily.
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID:               Android
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES:               ...Do I play video games?? OOOOOF. Yes, lmao! I bounce between PS4 and PC. From Mortal Kombat, Dragon Age series, FFXIV, and soooo many others; I play pretty much anything. 
23. DREAM JOB:                 I’m actually doing my dream job! I work at a museum; I’m a tour guide. I adore learning new things, and retelling history to others. 
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS:               I would first and foremost pay off any dept that my wife has. Then I’d put half of my cash to the side for saving. The rest would be put into paying off my wife’s vehicle (since mine is already paid off) and helping us settle down in an actual house somewhere we want to live for good. Currently we’re living in an apartment, and it’s comfortable yes, but it’s not forever. 
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE:            A fictional character I hate? Hmm. Oh, oh! I know so many others really adore this character and find him “oh so attractive”, but I cannot stand Zenos yae Galvus from ffxiv. Just no. I can’t. At all.
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER:                I used to be big into Inuyasha. In fact, that was the first fandom I actually got into! But I’m not into it any more, only because finding tons of people that still want to write that fandom is almost impossible. Shout out to @nioiidamaa for pulling me back into the fandom because they write AMAZING.
STOLEN FROM:  @bagwormmulti TAGGING:  everyone that I already tagged in earlier, soooo @chooseyourmuse, @persona-de-interes, @sky-gryphon, @tivtastic, @nioiidamaa, @softvorenoms. I also welcome anyone else! If you do it and you weren’t tagged, you’re tagged now!! :D
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alistairlowes · 5 years
i got tagged by @dreamy-slytherin & @isak-florenzi & my wifey megan @casdroid thank you!! 💛✨🌠
1. Are you named after someone? no but i think my mom was going for that whole christian name thing so technically i’m named after a saint
2. When was the last time you cried? a week ago because i got overwhelmed by stress
3. Do you have any kids? no lmao
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? ofc not 
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? general presence i suppose. i think i can somewhat "read" people well based on few interactions
6. What’s your eye colour? brown
7. Scary movie or happy ending? happy ending
8. Special talents? i'm great at multitasking
9. Where were you born? croatia
10. What are your hobbies? drawing, writing, reading, making videos... coming up with ideas but then doing nothing with them
11. Do you have any pets? yes i have a dog, two cats and a bird
12. What sports do you/have you played? i played few when i was younger but i don't enjoy any anymore
13. How tall are you? 162cm
14. Favourite subject in school? i liked english. in college i dig any culture classes i have
15. Dream job? i wish i could work for animation studio but you need talent for that so realistically i’d settle for being a professor or something in a field of criminal sociology
i feel like 80% my dash has done this so ignore it if you did but i tag: @lesbianflorenzi @dracovmalfoy @biancasusername @kornrosen @rainbowonice @j4nn4s
no pressure tho
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hardcore-like-eezo · 6 years
A little bit ‘bout me
…at the prompting of @ooachilliaoo​, thanks for tagging me! :)
And I’ll tag @lilithleelynn​, @cactuarkitty​, @minunatcatea​, @normandy-sr-221​, @anxious-potato-with-attitude​, @mysticfeline​, @talizorahs​, @digitallyrhi​, @princessofmilkyway​, and @samfishers​ if you feel like posting a little about yourself too (no obligation!)
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 10 blogs
Nicknames: Sam, plus I’ve been called Sammy, Samwise, Samwell, and Samsonsite (I’m good with just about any variation on “Sam”)
Gender/pronouns: He/him
Star sign: Taurus
Height: 6ft (1.83m)
Time: 21:30 (9:30pm), Pacific time zone
Birthday: May 12th
Favorite bands: Kind of an odd mix here…I’ll say Coheed and Cambria, The Decemberists, MS MR, KMFDM, Paramore, Duran Duran, and I also spend a lot of time listening to video game and movie OSTs
Favorite solo artist(s): Not sure how many of these count, since some of them have consistent backup bands, but all the same…Janelle Monáe, La Roux, mitch murder, Tycho, Ludovico Einaudi, and Weird Al (from elementary school to the present :D)
Song stuck in your head: currently…Last Chance on the Stairway - Duran Duran (I’ve been on an 80s kick for a while now)
Last Movie You Watched: An American in Paris (‘cause everyone should watch Gene Kelly dance at some point)
Last Show?: Well, in the theater it was Hamilton, concert was the SF Symphony playing An American in Paris (hence the movie above), rock concert was OK Go, and TV show was Jane the Virgin
Why did you create your blog?: To follow all the Mass Effect fandom goodness, and in the long term, so I also have another place for these completed ME fanfic drafts I’ve promised myself to post in 2018…
What do you post?: 99% Mass Effect content, and Star Wars makes it way in every now and then
Last thing you googled?: The difference between a postface and an afterword…’cause I obsess over technical literary details when it comes to my own writing :p
Other blogs: AO3 - http://archiveofourown.org/users/hardcore_like_eezo, FF.net - https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7977660/hardcore-like-eezo (see above…no fics posted yet, coming this year to an AO3/FF near you)
I follow: 60 blogs
Followers: Ima baby blog with 17 beautiful followers!
Average hours of sleep: 6 on a work night, 8-9 on the weekends
Lucky number: 13 (defiantly giving superstition the bird, a funny thing to say about a “lucky number,” I know)
Instruments: Piano and saxophone
What are you wearing?: Gray sweats, “the cake is a lie” t-shirt, and socks that say “worst gift ever” (Xmas gift from my parents, lol)
Dream job?: Writer, or completely unrelated, an astronaut.  I did legit apply to NASA’s last round of astronaut hires…along with 18,500 other applicants, so I wasn’t too hard on myself when I didn’t make the cut, haha
Dream trip?: Italy
Favorite food?: Lasagna (see previous answer, ahhhhhh Italian food)
Significant other?: Wifey
Last book I read: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?  Also working my way through Dangerous Visions
Top 3 fictional universes: Mass Effect, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings.  And Doctor Who gets an honorable mention
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redrackham87 · 7 years
92 Truths
Rules: Write 92 truths about yourself, then tag 25 people
I was tagged by @se-feliz-be-happy !! :D Wow, THIS IS A LOT. Here we go! :D
[1] Drinks: tea and Coke Cola and water (literally three, sitting beside my hands right now. this is how I roll.) [2] Telephone call: the drug store calling for not me XD [3] Text message: M [4] Song you heard:  “some nights” by fun [5] What do you think?: about what?
[6] How do you do it? how do I do what? (i’m missing something, aren’t i?) [7] He has cheated on: no? [8] He kissed someone and lamented: i do not understand this whole section of questions. XD [9] How do you do? how do you do [10] Depressed: i get down but i get up again (yes i did just do that) [11] Got drunk and thrown up: it has happened once ever and now i can’t have a certain drink without gagging XD
[12] red! [13] blue!  [14] hmm... green or purple or silver?
[15] made new friends: yes, and i’m not even exagerrating when i say, they’ve changed my life <3  [16] fallen for love: i started watching teen wolf and saw stiles, so yes [17] laughed until you cried: lawd yes. often!  [18] discovered that someone was talking about you: yes! but it was good things, so i got all warm anf fuzzy. <3 [19] met someone who changed you: see #15 [20] discovered who your real friends are: ???  [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: if you think i’m kissing anyone outside of dreamland, and especially anyone from my real life, you know nothing, jon snow XD
[22] How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: i barely, barely use FB, but most - i cleaned it out several years back to people i’ve actually met/keep semi-in touch with. i keep in touch with like, 10% of that by this point, but oh well. XD [23] Do you have any pets? well, not myself, technically, but i’m living with dogs, so YES [24] Do you want to change your name: naw. i sometimes think about having a different one, but mine is just fine. [25] What did you do for your last birthday? a most excellently chill girls night
[26] What time did you wake up? wake up or get up? XD it was before 10, let’s say.  [27] What were you doing at midnight last night? driving home [28] Name something you can not wait for: MEETING JEREMY RENNER  [29] When was the last time you saw your mother? january :( (and not july) [30] What is one thing that you wish you could change in your life: employment would be nice [31] What are you listening to right now: “come away to the water” by adam levine and friends from the hunger games soundtrack   [32] Have you ever spoken to a person named Tom: yes. i miss him. [33] Something that is getting on your nerves: WHY IS HAVE THEY NOT VOTED SANDRA OFF. I SWEAR IF SHE WINS SURVIVOR A THIRD TIME -  [34] most visited website: google (also probs youtube, twitter) [35] elemental: i like water!
[36] high school: i attended one, yes [37] school: hogwarts obviously [38] Hair Color: dark blondeish   [39] long or short hair: currenlty more short [40] Do you have a crush on someone: have you seen my tumblr? it’s almost entirely people i’m crushing on XD [41] What do you like about yourself: i try to always finish what i start  [42] piercings: yes! ears [43] Type of blood: i have no idea [44] nickname: red, bess, kr [45] marital status: cute (aka fictionally married to dean winchester)
[46] Zodiac sign: gemini [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav television program: lost, supernatural, survivor, grimm, parks & rec, better off ted - you should know by now i will never pick just one  [49] Tattoos: nope! [50] right or left hand: my left hand is inept
[51] Surgery: nope!  [52] piercing: we did this question! oh - ears. that’s it. XD [53] Best friend: T or “wifey” or - i’m not picking just one [54] sport: HAHAHAH SPORTS [55] vacation: um... i s’pose christmas last year? it was holidays. actual out of the country vacation? like... 5 years ago?! idek.  [56] pair of coaches: what is this question.
[57] eat: just had a yogurt! [58] drinking: tea and coke and water. still. [59] I’m about to: make myself stop watching chopped and screwing on tumblr and get writing because i have not all day  [60] Listening to: 8tracks mixes! [61] waiting: for the washer to finish so i can stick on a new load  [62] do you want: a healthy bank account XD  [63] Getting married: oh to a real person? someday absolutely! [64] career: haha career (theoretically: graphic design)
[65] hugs or kisses: is there a third non-touching option XD  [66] lips or eyes: oh lawd, eyes [67] shorter or taller: taller because then you don’t need to ask random strangers to help you get things off the top shelf in the grocery stores XD [68] major or minor: i assume we’re talking about constellations - i don’t have a preference between ursa major or ursa minor. they’re both pretty. XD [69] romantic or spontaneous: yes.  [70] good arms or good stomach: well, since my first thought was sam winchester exercising, i’m going with arms and back, mmm. (this right here)  [71] sensitive or strong: who says i can’t have both? [72] connection or connection: yes?  [73] troublemaker or hesitant: no?
[74] kissed a stranger?: once and it was awkward as heck *shudder* [75] did you drink strong liquor ?: what, like ever? yes. [76] lost glasses / contact lenses? i don’t wear glasses, but i constantly lose and break sunglasses. so it’s probably really good i don’t wear glasses. [77] rejected someone?: yes :/  [78] had sex on the first date?: nooooooo no no no. no.  [79] break someone’s heart?: i hope not, but probably [80] Your heart was broken?: yes [81] been arrested?: no! [82] cried when someone died?: yes.  [83] Falling for a friend?: kinda, but i was like 14, so eh. it never was a thing. 
[84] Yourself ?: some days, yes. some days, very no. if i’m being super honest, this is a very constant battle for me. :/  [85] miracles?: YES, with all my heart. [86] love at first sight?: see: dean winchester (no but for serious: for some people, yes!) [87] Father Christmas?: define. ;) [88] Kiss on the first date?: not for me, no.  [89] Angels?: yes
[90] name of the current best friend: we did this question! somewhere up there ^ [91] Eye color: green or blue or greenish brown blue with yellow depending on the day (i’m not even joking)  [92] Favorite movie: PRINCESS BRIDE, avengers, pride & prejudice, walter mitty, man from uncle, star wars, back to the - I’M NOT PICKING JUST ONE
tagging: THIS IS A LOT. XD whoever wants to play! go! do it! (but also: @rhea-silverkeys , @thatgypsyfangirl , @brianoftheforest , if you wanna!)
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apsbicepstraining · 6 years
Richie Porte’s horror crash reminders questions of Tour de France organisers | Kieran Pender
HTAG 1 TTIt’s the most important point meal of the working day and no breakfast is accomplish without a heaping helping of eggs.HETAG 1 TT
Whether they’re clambered, over easy, dippy, or even poached, eggs are frequently the first real generator of protein many of us put into our organizations. But when it comes to reaching “egg-cellent” eggs, my cooking skills never fail to let me down. If I’m not inadvertently cracking eggshells into my family’s nutrient, then I’m struggling the notorious egg flip that I know damn well is going to leave me feeling thwarted. Since my cook skills could use some toil, perhaps this eggy master could learn me a occasion or two.
HTAG 2 TTCheck out a few of our favorite eggy creations below! HETAG 2 TT
Read more: http :// www.viralnova.com
Rather than resolving for a typical conference finale, ASO opted for the stages fourth technical descent and a finish in Chambry
On Sunday morning European meter, Gemma Porte tweeted: Day of wander for me so simply instructive[ Tour de France] messages/ updates wanted. Nothing to activate the wifey nerves satisfy! She may have allured fate. Various hours later, her husband Richie Porte discontinued his campaign for the 2017 Tour de France yellow t-shirt with a repelling crash on theatre nines final descent.
After an fascinating climb up Mont du Chat near the Swiss frontier, during which Porte threatened to ride away from primary rival Chris Froome on several occasions, the Australian inaugurated a long downhill area. Travelling at over 70 kilometres per hour on mute superhighways, Porte failed hold approaching a stoop and momentarily travelled off the bitumen. His beating body careened back across the road and into a stone look, where Porte collided with the bicycle of Irishman Daniel Martin. The later diagnosis of shoulder and pelvis ruptures are magical. This crash could have caused far worse.
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Tour de France: Porte and Thomas retire in stunning stagecoach video highlightings
The BMC Racing Team rulers premature exit from the 104 th publication of Le Tour repeats the hardship to befall Porte on two previous opportunities in France. Razzing for Team Sky in 2014, the withdrawal of then-colleague Froome contributed Porte his first given an opportunity to challenge for the illustrious yellow t-shirt. But “hes been” struck down by pneumonia, eventually finishing an inglorious 23 rd .
Two years later, during his first season with BMC, Porte suffered a puncture on an early stage of the Tour. He never recovered from the two minutes misplaced, and while Porte ultimately administered an admirable fifth overall, his best-ever achievement at the hasten offered little consolation. That was saddening it was better suffers, he told Guardian Australia six months later.
2017 was set to be Portes year. The climber had been in foreboding early season species, prevailing the Tour Down Under and finishing second at the Critrium du Dauphin. BMC had declared their intention to go all in at the Tour de France, and while Froome had a 39 second guide prior to Sundays stage, the long superhighway to Paris presented plenty of opportunities for Porte. Now, a fourth yellow jersey for Froome seems a foregone conclusion.
With Portes recovery expected to require at least a month off the bike, his season is all but over. The Tasmanian has insufficient time to regain race fitness before the final Grand Tour of the season, the Vuelta a Espaa, while neither the Giro di Lombardia nor nature road championships in Norway will tempt Porte. Just like last year, when his campaign was ended in August by a clang at the Olympic Game, a long off-season awaits.
Questions must be asked of race organisers Amaury Sports Organisation( ASO) for including a treacherous final swoop after one of the toughest climbing theatres in recent Tour history. Rather than terminating for a usual elevation climax, ASO opted for the stages fourth technical ancestry and a finish in Chambry. Porte was one of 11 riders to fall during the day, with Froomes lieutenant Geraint Thomas likewise sustaining a race-ending shoulder injury. Martin, who accomplished the stage despite disintegrating into Porte, offered guarded criticism of ASO afterwards. I guess the organizer got what they craved, said here Quick-Step Floors rider. Cycling is an inherently dangerous boast, but this was just gratuitous.
If there is any silver lining in Sundays incidents, it is that eventual Tour de France success for Porte would taste that much sweeter. The 32 -year-old has overcome misery before: his progression from Launceston lifeguard to the World Tour is nothing short of startling. While Porte has previously accentuated that nobody enjoys easy itinerary into professional cycling, his street to the surface has been more challenging than most.
Porte is not the only Australia to digest misfortune on cyclings grandest theatre. Cadel Evans twice finished second at the Tour de France, and ruptured his elbow at the 2010 edition on the same stage as he briefly took the yellow jersey. Stuart OGrady wore the coveted light-green sprinters jersey into Paris in 2001, simply to lose it on the final day.
For Evans at least, tragedy at the Tour de France had a joyous purposing. As he inaugurates the road to recovery, Porte can only hope for the same. If the 2018 yellow jersey has the Australians mention on it, his crash on Mont du Chat will be exactly another turn in his narrative-defying career.
The post Richie Porte’s horror crash reminders questions of Tour de France organisers | Kieran Pender appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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