#well you see danganronpa is the horniest game ever
kaitobromota · 4 months
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Connections Review Part 2
This isn’t your average Love Hotel Event, this is an ADVANCED Love Hotel Event
Here we go people, we have returned and now it’s time for the next part of the review of Connections! Last time was quickly reviewing stuff that didn’t warrant its own part and all the time travelling discoveries into the Ultimate Seer Mikako, she is the Ultimate Seer now, not the Ultimate Exorcist, and some interesting visions. And in this part, we cover the stuff that everyone likes to talk about which is Harems! Whether it be Cuddle Puddle, Hotel Akane or Makoto’s currently unnamed Harem. Point is this Blog is a goldmine for Poly relationships and let the looovvveee spread! So, time for some fluffy reviews~
I’ll start with the only established harem at this point in time which is the Cuddle Puddle! Hotel Akane is planned for but still in development and we don’t even know if Makoto will be willing to go for a harem. So, the big major event which happens here is Hajime fixing the issues with Hiyoko’s family. She has serious issues with her grandmother as she forbids her from seeing her parents, and while Hiyoko can’t give a rat’s arse about her mother, she very much cares about her father, and as heir of her clan, Hiyoko has to marry a man of suitable status which Hajime doesn’t fulfil. So, with Izumi summoning Hiyoko back home to have a talk, Hajime joins her in order to try and get the racist boomer to approve of their relationship, and allow Hiyoko to see her parents, or her father to be more precise. This was a welcome relief mission because having fought two serial killers, busted a human trafficking ring and about to fight a cult, just talking to a racist problematic member of one of his girlfriend’s family is a very light mission for Hajime. Plus, because we all don’t like boomers having a boomer being called out for their racist and out of touch ways is catharsis at best. It helps that not all of the Sannoji family is completely terrible as Monoko and Teru, relatives of Hiyoko were more open minded, and agreed with Hiyoko and Hajime’s sentiments and if they weren’t there, I don’t think the meeting with Izumi would have gone well.
Thankfully, Hajime & Hiyoko, with the help of Momoko and Teru, were able to get Izumi to bless their relationship and since Sannoijis marry young, as soon as Hiyoko graduates, or ‘graduates’ because remember Hopes Peak Academy will only remain open for as long as Junko lurks and as soon as she’s defeated, Nikei’s article on why Hope’s Peak Academy is twisted and corrupted will be put up and the school won’t last long, she wants to marry Hajime. This brings up a legal problem with the Cuddle Puddle as Poly relationships are illegal in Japan, in fact I think they’re illegal in a lot of countries. Novoselic which is Sonia’s kingdom its legal, but Sonia can’t ask for everyone to uproot their lives and move there. The temporary solution is for everyone not named Sonia and Gundham to legally change their last name to Hinata, Hajime marries Hiyoko and when Kiyotaka becomes Prime Minister and he legalizes Poly Marriage, marry the other girls then. That’s a long-term solution though.
As for the rest of the Cuddle Puddle, they are bonding well. Gundham got a bit of focus on this Arc and I’m glad for it. The biggest issues with the Cuddle Puddle as it is very Hajime-centric but we don’t see how the girls interact with each other or even Gundham as he’s the other male in the harem as well. Gundham himself doesn’t get many interactions aside from Hajime and Sonia, so seeing him open up to Hibiki about his past and she comforting his worries about Storm is heart-warming. I always knew that Hibiki had a strong liking for Gundham as even back during the Concert Arc when Sonia and Gundham met the Otonokoji twins on their independent mission to find the ‘stalker’ of them, Hibiki took a liking to Gundham’s Chuunibyou nature almost immediately, and given all the growth that Hibiki has gone through since then, she is now in a position to comfort others much like how she was comforted by them. Gundham’s backstory is the usual brand of familial outcast and a devoted mother who gave her life into Gundham that too many people in the Quantum Crew have. Kodaka did say one of the pillars of being a Danganronpa character is having a broken family and it shows.
While the Cuddle Puddle got some development, it won’t be the only harem this blog has so let’s look at the founding of a new one, which is Hotel Akane. It’s an unofficial rule that the protagonists of the Killing Games get their own harems, but Sora doesn’t want a harem as she is content with having a relationship with just Yoruko so she transferred her ‘harem rights’ to Akane, who being one of the horniest members of the cast, is more then happy for that. Akane is seeing Ayame at the moment but they haven’t officially started dating yet, its still in the friendship phase at the moment. This will develop into romance at some point though, but Akane is considerate enough to go things at a gradual pace. Yuki makes his first appearance in this arc as well as he shops at the new supermarket that Akane is working for, and we get to see Sora’s conflict over Yuki. Due to Sora’s purpose in the Killing Game, being created to protect Yuki until Mikado could break him, she is worried as she doesn’t know how much of her affection for Yuki is of her free will or due to the protocols that Mikado programmed into her. Akane reassures her that her love for Yuki is of free will as when Sora broke free from Mikado’s programming shackles, her first act was to protect Yuki from Mikado, and the two did genuinely bond over the course of the Killing Game. As such Akane meeting and potentially getting romantically involved with Yuki is A-OK in Sora’s books. But of course, that’s not the relationship you guys care about. You care about Servant’s Column AKA the relationship between Akane and Nikei. And quite a lot of progress was made there as we get to see how conflicted our poor reporter is. Due to Nikei’s highly disturbing backstory, he is unsure on what his sexual ordination is. The other Voids know where they swing but Nikei despite his best efforts doesn’t know what his type is. This isn’t a situation that is going to be resolved quickly as victims of sexual abuse do struggle with sexual identity and I could see a situation when Nikei winds up being asexual as a result of the whole thing. We know that Nikei has a habit on crushing on anyone who is remotely kind to him, something I relate to on a personal level, and that he’s okay with PDAs, but anything sexual is completely off limits to him as it would give Nikei traumatic flashbacks to his past. Given the strong likelihood of Miaya getting involved next arc, he really needs to speak to her as she could help him with getting to gripes with his past and sexual identity and allow himself to heal. And Nikei does need to learn how to be comfortable with himself before he can be okay with entering a relationship with Akane.
And now for the last harem and the only one without a name and that is Makoto’s harem. Thing is though, this is the harem I’m the most on the fence about. Because���is it going to exist? Cuddle Puddle are a thing, Hotel Akane is going to be a thing, but Makoto hasn’t made any noises about wanting to get into relationships with other girls, he’s may just be content having a relationship with Iroha. Granted he hasn’t even met the other girls who would be part of his harem and he won’t for a while so maybe attitudes change once the other girls become aware of him and he starts talking to them. The big event regarding this is that Makoto Naegi’s Worst Day ever happens during this Arc, which is the highly elaborate chain of events which leads to Makoto entering Hope’s Peak. I won’t talk much about this; it goes like it does in canon and just read it up online if you want details. Iroha wants to help Makoto during this but due to the enormous butterfly effects resulting from it, no interference can be done and it’s probably the only time we allow the Ankle Effect to make its noises. The results shows that the Ankle Effect isn’t an inherently evil force, it just wants history to stay the same. Unfortunately, history is tainted and the world would end if it is prevented so the Quantum Crew do have to meddle. The one thing Iroha CAN do with Makoto on his worst day ever is to comfort him and make his night memorable for all the right reasons. He is going to be a character though who would become more centric to the plot as soon as Junko enters the scene…unless things happen and he gets in sooner. I could see Makoto getting tangled up with dealing with Mikado as he has some association with the Voids now, and I think Makoto will NOT sit ideally if Mikado tries to mess with the Voids. As for Storm…I dunno.
And that’s all the harem developments, Hajime resolves Hiyoko’s family issues, Gundham exists in the Cuddle Puddle, Sora has Yuki identity problems, Nikei really needs as much hugs as possible and Makoto has an awful day, but he gets to be in line to being the hero of civilization and makes out with Iroha so all is good! At this point I would normally make my rankings but then a certain Motherfucker decided to get more screen time and thus he needs his own part. When we come back, I will discuss the most problematic part of the Arc, which is Maverick Storm. Until then byeeeee! - Review Anon
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radramblog · 3 years
Tier list of tier list (groups)
When one starts to run out of time and ideas, things tend to get a little weird. They get awkward. Add in certain individuals egging you on, and this is how you get one of my sillier ideas.
Essentially, when you boot up Tiermaker, there’s a bunch of default categories staring you in the face. The trending tab of a shite website, basically. And im here to judge the populous for their poor life choices. And the fact that its very clearly U.S.-biased.
Time to roll up my sleeves, get my hipster cred in order, and get to work.
Now, unfortunately, such a tierlist does not properly exist, and I lack the time and interest to actually create one, so this is more of an arbitrary ranking. If you just bring up the main page, it’ll be obvious the fuckery I’m working with. We will be lacking a visual aid if you do not, I’m afraid.
Probably the hardest part of this is picking my bottom pick. Of the 9 categories available here, there are more than a few stinkers. However, I think I’m going to have to give it to NFL, or National Football League for the non-seppos in the room. Not only is it just kind of a shitty sport, being basically rugby/gridiron without the teeth, easily the most boring game of ball I’ve ever seen (and ive watched Cricket before), but it’s also completely redundant on this list, as we’ll see. So it’s a combination of pointlessness and shiteness, one we’ll see a full two more times on this list.
Speaking of, eighth place goes to the Genshin Impact spot. Now, I haven’t played this game, and I don’t know that much about it. What I do know is that it is gacha trash with a bajillion waifus with some of the horniest art this side of Fate- and I don’t have that huge a problem with horny in general but it’s in the uncomfortable anime horny where it’s questionably ethical and might actually be pedophilia. But apparently the game is pretty okay, and I suppose it’s kinda gotten beyond the “just a fad” stage at this point, so I guess that makes it better than NFL.
Our final redundant pick and therefore number 7 on this list by default is the NBA. That two American sports- actually, not just sports, specific sports leagues, get their own spots on this frontpage is frankly depressing. Y’all can do better. This in and of itself is evidence of the USA’s oversaturation in the culture of the English-speaking world, let alone the internet. It’s just frustrating the way they’re overrepresented compared to the comparable population of, well, everywhere else. I guess they do have the most people of any anglophonic nation, but it’s a frustrating thing to see. Where’s my New Zealand rep coming from?
…where was I. NBA? Eh it’s fine I guess, can’t wait for Space Jam 2.
At number 6 we have Sports in general. Look, it aint for me, and I assume this is the cluster that houses all the other American sports as well. NBL, NASCAR, NHL, ETC. Maybe if we didn’t have all those issues with representation I’d be more into this category, but I don’t see any AFL lists reaching the frontpage, so.
Actually, without the USA stuff holding the line, it’d all just be fucking soccer, wouldn’t it. I can’t escape that fucking sport. Fine, it can stay.
Next, perfectly at the centre of this list, we have the kinda not really a category, which is to say, the top of the page, “tiermaker user videos” section. Largely because I don’t know how these work- do people submit them to the site, or does the site farm Youtube for videos with their content and upload it? The former is a little cringy, the latter is probably an issue. Either way, I used to not really respect this kind of content, until I started, uh, writing them myself, and at the end of the day it’s basically just what I’m doing here but with video and audio and editing and shit. They’re probably putting more effort in here than I am, huh.
I’m going to go ahead and put the spicy take here with Video Games. Don’t get me wrong, ya boi loves a good video game, I cannot fucking stop writing about them as frequent readers of this blog will be aware. But every time I boot up this site I have to see the number 3 Featured Video Games entry,  fucking Freddy Fazbear’s face staring back at me. Also number one on there being Danganronpa reminds me of that franchise being very much a guilty pleasure of mine, and one that has gotten popular and thereby cringy enough for me to cringe a little every time I see it.
Speaking of things I’ve written too much about, uhh, food I guess. I wouldn’t be fair of me to put the Food/Drink category any lower considering I have abused it for content at least a couple times. And ya boi does enjoy a food or drink or two. I don’t think that’s a controversial opinion to have, or rather, it probably shouldn’t be. I think we’re all on the side of food good, aside from the anorexics in the room. Shoutout to y’all, you have it rough.
Our second to last and final categories are frankly interchangeable. Music, or Movies/TV. Audio versus Video. Spotify versus Netflix. The Beatles versus The Beatles (the animated series). I dunno, at this point I’ve run out of things to say, shit to type. We’re sitting at 950 words as of the word as in this sentence, and there is a very distracting member of one of these categories playing approximately 3 metres to my right. Which I suppose makes that one win in the end. Whichever one of those it is, you decide.
And on that bombshell, bye.
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