volucerrubidus · 2 years
Who's your favourite? (for truth meme)
10 Truths II Accepting II Remaining: 9
Tim hums. "My favorite what? Just, at all?" He swallows. "I don't... uh..."
His eyes dart to the side, and the truth spills out almost as if it's been drawn from him involuntarily. "My favorite brother is Jason; my favorite sister is Cass. My favorite Titans member is Kon, and my favorite parental figure is Alfred. My favorite rogue is Prudence Wood."
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@wellplighted continued from here
From the day Puss met Cedric, which was a couple of weeks ago, he knew something was suspicious about him, aside from his looks. Whenever Cedric and Sofia would cross paths, Puss noticed that the sorcerer was very interested in the princess's amulet for some reason. Whatever the reason may be, it cannot be good, so the cat knew he had to get to the bottom of this.
On the day of Sofia's birthday, Puss was determined to make sure it goes perfectly by any means necessary. And that meant confronting the royal sorcerer. The cat had a feeling that Cedric would brush him off the moment he stepped into his workshop, but he wasn't about to just leave.
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"Do not play games with me, Señor Cedric." The birthday party wasn't for a couple of hours, so Puss knew Cedric could take a break for a few minutes. "You cannot expect me to let you be after I know that you are planning something that has to do with Princess Sofia's amulet." That last statement had to give Cedric the reason why Puss was there. He was onto him.
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flashgotthis · 2 years
@wellplighted​ x
The night before had been long and grueling and while he could have had just raced home and fallen into his bed, Wally had been entirely out of fuel and...well...food at home. Still, accepting Bruce’s offer to stay and get some food from him as well hadn’t been easy to accept, simply because Wally hated mooching off of people.
The amount of food he needed was insane and sure, Bruce could afford it but it was the principle...
In the end, Wally had had accepted, which was why he woke up earlier than he had intended. His powers kept him from feeling too run over but his stomach complained at him to finally, please, get some food into his system.
Wally got out of bed, sporting his boxers and an oversized shirt that he had borrowed from the closet to make his way out of the room and to the kitchen only to stop. Maybe it would be better to check on Bruce, the night hadn’t been hard on only him.
He carefully made his way over to Bruce’s bedroom and gently knocked on the door before putting his head into the room after opening the door somewhat, his hair sticking in every direction. “Bruce are you-...what?”
Wally even blinked a few times, just to see if he was seeing right. Did Bruce get bigger?!
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crimefightrmoved · 2 years
Also short for Battholomew, batven.., batthius..
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zodiac--muses · 2 years
Starter for: @wellplighted with Mia & Nathan
Mia’s small, easy to miss. Even though she was 14, she was small for her age. Someone people would often over look, and she tried to keep it that way. Keeping her head down, and avoiding bumping into anyone. It was also easier that way to nick some food. Never anything big, mostly just small snacks.
She was hiding in the park now. Tucked away. And solemnly munching on the small bag of trailmix she gotten. Which is why she was so surprised to see someone else there. A boy it looked like, not much older than her probably. Mia stares at him for a long moment, before quietly speaking up, “Hey? Are you okay?”
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bitchheroine · 2 years
@wellplighted​ | summer themed starter for Akriel <3 
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It’s one of the first proper, hot days of the season. The sun is beaming down, and Meg enjoys it from the comfort of her beach chair. Feeling a bit like a cat, basking...
And then a familiar presence approaches, making her smirk. “Been a while, Angel...am I in trouble? Usually you come and find me when I’ve done some hellish misdemeanour.” She jokes, gesturing to the chair next to hers. “Unless you’d rather join me. It’s a beautiful day, and I have a cooler full of drinks.”
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cflight · 2 years
"Soft. Slow.” She is embarrassed by how forward the question is. And more so, to how her cheeks reddened, flushed with heat. She is not ashamed of such things, but Erika is her friend. Perhaps the only one she has ever had. If she were to draw the line… “I want something that lingers. Not chaste.” (Niamh!)
Send me an ask describing how your muse would kiss mine! | accepting
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Sweat dripped down their brow, feeling their face grow hotter by the minute. They'd never had assumed Niamh felt that way-- but maybe that had just meant they'd been completely oblivious all the while.
Ekira's hoof reaches up to rub the back of their neck, gaze slowly turning towards the ground. Niamh is their friend. One of many. And if they were to draw the line... "I-- wouldn't mind that one bit."
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cfmanymuses · 2 years
[ PAMPER ] sender does receiver’s makeup (Annelie for Dayanessa!)
To the people of Thedas, Skyhold was known simply as the seat of the Inquisition, the military force cobbled together to fight off the threats of darkspawn and Corypheus. To Daynasa, it was simply home away from her clan. As a scout under Harding's watchful eye, she spent plenty of time away from Skyhold's walls, making maps and slowing down the red templars whenever she could.
Her troop had returned to Skyhold fairly recently, to rest and regain their strength before their next mission, and she was making the most of her time at base. She'd found herself a comfortable little nook in the tower library, and was reading one of Varric's books. Every now and then, she'd let out an amused chuckle, or a gasp at the more scandalous parts of the story. "Tethras, you didn't!" she whispered, eyes glued to her book. She was so engrossed in the story, she didn't hear the person coming towards her, until they stopped and softly cleared their throat.
"Oh, sorry, did I disturb you? I-I don't get a lot of time to read things that aren't related to our job." Daynasa looked up from her book, only vaguely recognising the woman standing before her. "Miss Annelie? What a surprise, I thought you were in Orlais." Her voice lifted in a questioning tone, and she placed her book to the side and gestured for the other to sit with her. Annelie didn't seem to feel like sitting, as she cupped the young elf's chin in her hand, lightly brushing her thumb over the light green branches of the vallaslin on her cheekbones.
"M-Miss Annelie?" Daynasa stuttered, unsure of what the other woman wanted, when she felt a soft touch at the corner of her eye. As soon as she closed it, there was a very faint pressure on it, moving in soft strokes across the very sensitive skin. Daynasa knew not to struggle, but the urge was there, as well as the laughter that bubbled to the surface. "Miss Annelie, please, that tickles!"
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snake-eyes-11 · 2 years
Send me ✨ or SPARKLE and I'll tell you at least one thing I like most about you, your blog, your portrayal, your muse. || accepting || @wellplighted
I was so excited when I first found your blog. I loved Young Dracula as a kid, especially the Count, and to see that version being portrayed in roleplay just had me internally screaming!!
I really enjoy Oogie's interactions with the Count, too. You have his voice down pretty much perfectly, so I can completely imagine these two characters having a side-by-side conversation which is such a cool thing.
When we've spoken OOC, you're always so enthusiastic about writing and learning about characters which is really nice, and you genuinely seem like a lovely person.
I should take a look at your other muses, too, so we can interact more!
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daedaluscried · 3 years
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“ O-oh... So... So sorry. “ Just looking at the man sent her heart sinking into her stomach. How lonely they must have been. How absolutely distraught. She pressed a clawed hand to her chest before bowing her head.
“ How Ari help today? “
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daringtosing · 2 years
@wellplighted​ liked for a starter <3 [for Persimmon :3c]
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“Well I don’t know what it is, but it sure is cool.”
It was a whisk, but she wasn’t sure what to call it. They used different utensils for such goals in the ocean. Something made of hard coral, and it had a different shape than this thing, though it served the same purpose for those seeking to bake a sweet seaweed cake. The mermaid plays around with the strange object, before looking thoughtfully towards they who were in her presence.
“What do you think it is? Some kind of spinny thing!”
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lettherebemonsters · 2 years
“Well, that’s just rude. Us fantasy weirdos have unions y’know.” (Dovetail for Eiling djdjdn he’s lying but ok)
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" Yeah, well, I prefer cold hard science. That's how I got this body. Science, baby!"
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nerdybirdboy · 2 years
cont. from [x] with @wellplighted
Robin raised his hands a little, showing that he didn’t intend to hurt her, at least not unless she attacked him. “I know things can suck around here, but don’t do anything that will make things worse. Let me help you instead.” Or rather let them help her, since Bruce was the one who had the contacts that could help her. Tim didn’t know the exact circumstances going on, but he had seen enough ‘lost souls’ to recognise one. And by that he meant someone who’s life had been turned upside down and now might not know what to do.
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volucerrubidus · 2 years
“Terrific. Let’s bring down the government.” (Bruce! He is joking.. maybe)
Pride (2014) Starters II Accepting Through Pride Month!
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"B, I would love literally nothing more. Please tell me you’re serious. I really wanna be a nuisance at city hall today.” 
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psychosprey · 2 years
What is one memory they wish they could forget but can’t?
Seeing his mother's hospitalization at the hands of the Joker, easily. I've rebooted this blog, and hiatused this character for longer than I'd care to admit (see also: blog started circa 2012, if I recall) and through it all, he has loved, and lost people. He has taken lives and he struggles with mental health like it's a religion. Prior to the reboot he had met at least one version of every one of his idols, and a number of rogues, only rarely on a good foot. But watching the one woman he owed everything to, a woman who did everything she could to help the city they called home, with every meager means she had. A woman who not only believed in the best of humanity, and had transcended adversity, clawing her way through hell just for what she little she had- just to have her dream and life's work ripped away from her in seconds; to spend months in the hospital, and grow colder, tired, disheartened by one act of random cruelty. Medically, she died of heart failure; but the day Debra and Adrian Peltiers died was when she decided to visit the bank. And she took h I often like to joke about Adrian being a mix of the Big Bird Three; Dick, Jason, and Tim (see also, Robin Reject) but it's not quite as simple as that. He wasn't the prodigal son of an acrobatic troupe, struck down by tragedy. He certainly wasn't a homeless abuse victim stealing tires just to find a bite to eat and betrayed by his own mother. And by no means was he an affluent boy-genius detective, able to figure out the Batfamily off of one YouTube clip and blackmail Batman. All he was, was the son of a nurse, who was in the wrong place at the wrong time; a boy who might not have had much, but he had hope, and love, and a will to do right by his world, only to watch it shatter around him, left to cut his fingers on the broken pieces. Adrian is what happens when One Bad Day grows up. The Osprey is the Robin that never was.
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cflight · 2 years
"Don't laugh! I'm stuck in the tree!" (Niamh!)
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“I ain’t laughin’!” Ekira insisted between muffled giggles, giving an exasperated shake of their head. Weren’t they the one who told her, specifically, not to climb it?
Or maybe they were in fact, the one who encouraged her to do so.
Still attempting to suppress their laughter, Ekira grabbed hold of the trunk, slowly making their way up the tree. “Okay, okay, hold on! I’ll try an’ getcha down.”
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