#wenny king
orphiclovers · 1 month
Despite my jokes that Secretive Plotter watches streams all day while pining and doesn't talk to anyone other than himself, he...does actually do a lot off-screen and has a pretty wide social circle, it just has very little overlap with Kim Dokja's.
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For example, he's pretty chummy with the Wenny King here. WK talks to the Secretive Plotter in a very friendly way, says "why didn't you just ask us for help" and freely speculates on SP's feelings and motivations. It sounds like he's trying to ingratiate himself and get on SP's good side actually - lots of lowkey sucking up. "I wanted to see what kind of person would even YOU would like/sacrifice fingers for" "no matter your identity" - as if he's obviously a big deal. Grumbling and laughing - it's giving a coworker who tries way too hard to be friendly to get a promotion.
SP is sort of cold and standoffish but that's not out of the ordinary. He still responds so he can't be that bothered by the overfamiliarity.
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Then, he's also passing notes with Metatron. Metatron doesn't seem to like him a lot but he's relying on him for information about the future - they have some sort of deal here and probably meet regularly.
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It's not clear if they've talked before but Sakyamuni knows his identity and takes his actions into account for his plans. Actually, and this is really funny, Sakyamuni sicced the hounds on SP once, so maybe they have some sort of beef.
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These two are one scene apart. Coincidence? ...Maybe.
So, he talks to people not from N'gai forest, they're just the highest of the higher ups - the Wenny King, current leader of Eden Metatron and possiblt owner of reincarnation island Sakyamuni - probably because they know about the 'end' before anyone else (even if they're trying to get even more out of SP, as in Metatron's case) and are also uhh powerful enough to survive an encounter with an Outer God.
Mostly they interact for shady deals and plots with hidden motives on all sides, but for beings as powerful as them I think that's par for course. Doesn't mean they're not friendly to each other sometimes, even if they're not 'friends'.
Also, all Outer Gods know of him generally, like Devourer of Dreams who tells Kim Dokja info about him for the first time. He has a lot of faith in SP and tells Kim Dokja to trust him.
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Normal incarnations like the Recorders of Fear did an interview (??) with SP once, no idea how they arranged it, maybe he was bored that day. They did not make it out of it in one piece because Secretive Plotter's presence drove them crazy.
So! That's a short look in all the people SP talks to that aren't widely discussed. Maybe I've forgotten some, lmk. He's not as much of a hermit as it seems lol.
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shwizles · 3 months
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Because this story is only for that one reader.
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ORV Quotes Tournament Round 1
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Plain text under the cut:
Ch 512: The Oldest Dream, I: The Wenny King wished to shout out so desperately. To shout out, please look this way. Please, I'm right here. Please, look at me just once. And then, 'that' slowly shifted its head. However, by the time its gaze reached where the Wenny King was, the latter was no longer existing in that place.
Ch 492: Omniscient Author's Viewpoint, VI: Han Sooyoung watched the incoming wave of the stars and muttered out. "Even in places you didn't bother to look, we managed to eke out a living.”
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lee-hakhyun · 1 year
chomping at the bit. the story of the worldline before wos,,,,,, the world before yjh sent 41!sys back,,,,, holy cow
I KNOWW and i didn't even think about it before but it makes so much sense.. of course there would be worldlines before the disaster of floods existed worldlines that kim dokja didn't read about
i tried to visualize what i think the timeline is currently
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it's. really confusing to try and figure this out i'm not exactly sure if the 41st turn is the same in both timelines, but kim dokja did read about the 41st turn sending sys back and yjh not having memories of the 41st round,,
lee hakhyun brings up the footprints in the snow garden dream he had, and how when it split one half suddenly cut off
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could it be because the round is still ongoing? or did yjh really tell the truth when he said the 41st turn would be the last..? what happened to the yoo joonghyuk that wasn't in ways of survival?
also, while i was rereading some of orv i came across this
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i feel like this could be something important secretive plotter gave up his own name and became sp, and 41 changed himself to the the man detached from his companion's deaths we heard about from kim dokja there is soo much going on i really need to reread orv,, i have a pretty good memory of everything in the side story currently because i spend hours on each chapter but i need to do a really thorough read of orv sometime
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amethiosspouse · 5 months
what the slut is going on in my brain
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theofficialuriel · 28 days
I had a dream that would work so well as a fanfic but idk which ship I should use. atp I’m considering doing a Wenny King x Fourth Wall fic 😭
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mhaynoot · 1 year
rereading orv and i just keep thinking about the dokkaebi and bihyung and how they start as these strange beings and storytellers and how they turn human in the end and:
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what is the dokkaebi? they are a streamer, the vehicle in which constellations can glimpse and read the lives of incarnation - they are the storyteller.
we are led to (justifiably) hate and despise the dokkaebi throughout the novel. it is an almost universal sentiment; kdj hates the dokkaebi, even some dokkaebi hate dokkaebi, the wenny hate the dokkaebi, the incarnations hate them. the constellation use them but do not love them. some are wicked, some are not. some are paul and some are bihyung. they are the beginning of tragedy, the horsemen of the apocalypse, and yet they are the bringer of the story, the beginning of end but nevertheless still the beginning. they are as powerful and powerless as the story they are weaving.
in the end, kdj still hates them, destroys the star stream, and kills all those great dokkaebis who incarnate and push him into the enemy of the story. and yet he mourns for bihyung's death and yet he embraces biyoo. and yet loves his dokkaebi daughter who becomes the dokkaebi king, the promise he had given her other father.
in the end, bihyung was a storyteller and he loved a certain story. and his story, his ■■, was sacrifice for this story we love.
does this negate the harm the dokkaebi have wrought with their storytelling? perhaps not. but do you hate hsy?
she who doomed the millions for one reader. she who endured the tragedy, perfected an ending, and then started it all over again for the sake of one lonely boy. the world for the life of one soul. does that make her evil? to the ones that died, to the ones who endured suffering and pain, to herself and kimcom. to kdj and to the reader who she saved and doomed? to herself who she cast into hell itself with her pen? would anyone ever blame her? for she is the beginning of pain and the beginning of salvation. she is the most powerful and powerless being ever.
author, story teller, god of the world. when you write tragedy, do you think the characters will blame you for saving yourself? for trying to save someone else? or do they reach out to you, and press your pen down and say: use us and doom the world for love.
hsy, author, god of the world, and someone who couldn't even save one reader.
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hashbrowne08 · 3 months
Hey guys just finished the novel and am now into the epilogue,
Before this becomes spoilerry let me just say
He just dumped his trauma on 49 and kept all of the memories from his favourite novel
Thanks to his dumbassery kimcom now has to regress AGAIN (I know 49 would start degrade whether or not hsy had stabbed but still)
Also don't think I didn't notice how kdj has a "very high understanding" of hsy from 1863
Also again JAEHWAN? What the fuck, i know shingshong wrote both of them but still wtf
Also the 0th regression was really sweet like he grew old And heewon was there thanks to kdj
I read the ending on a plane so I wasn't able to mention this while reading
Because like there is plenty I didn't mention
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aomitois · 4 months
okay random question but what are your top 3 fave orv characters, outside of yoohankim?
yhk isn't actually my top 3! i rb a lot abt them bc they're fandom favorites so there's a lot of content 🙏🙏
my favorite the blorbo ever my wet cat my plushie I'd soak and throw on the wall is, in fact, kdj 😔🤟 but after that, it gets really blurry!! I'm crazy attached to all of kimcom, but not only the main 10-13 ppl that fandom usually counts, but the extended version that includes also various allies.
from the characters that already are quite popular, i think I'm most fond of Huiwon and Uriel 🥹❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ MY BELOVEDS 😭😭😭😭 and a tortured meowmeow Plotter, I'm straight up obsessed 💥🫶
from more of always forgotten characters, i really like Goryeo's First Sword, Han Donghoon (the computer kid), Min Jiwon (the beauty king), Aileen and Mark from Revolutionary arc.
from villains, Metatron, Agares, Michael, Dokkaebi King and Wenny King fascinate me the most. I don't like them but i wanna study them under miscroscope and would love to see metas about them and their relations to themselves and narrative 🤟
thanks for asking!!! 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️
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kadextra · 4 months
more reading orv
spoilers ^—^
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I remain emotionally damaged from the 73rd demon king arc a few days ago… channeled my pain into drawing dokja :’D
and today started reading onwards!
I adore the worldbuilding of the horizon outside the scenario. seoul is just gone, now it exists as part of a desolate ecosystem just doing its own thing even if nobody is there to witness it. so incredibly lonely but still with lots of moving pieces- wenny man, cleaners, fragments… really cool. sense of scale in fictional universes my beloved. personally I imagine the place looking all in greyscale
plus the demon realm as a steampunk industrial city????? yet with a hierarchy of nobles and barons? never seen this take before that’s creative I can’t wait to see more about how it all works
and augh the story disintegrating has been described in such a chilling terrifying way I’ve been hanging onto every line so scared for dokja 😭 but at least his life was saved from the worst of it by the fourth wall
their banter is fun :3
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also bihyung is a real one
gonna read a bit more tonight
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steventhusiast · 2 years
snippet from a steddie as single dads fic i am writing! this part is heavily based on/inspired by the bluey episode cafe. Eddie’s daughter is called Arwen (duh) and Steve’s daughter is called Sam (short for Samantha). They’re both 6 years old and Steve and Eddie are in their late 20s.
“I’m Arwen. But all my friends call me Wenny so you should call me that! What’s your name?” The girl did a little twirl in her tutu as she spoke, and poked at the pile of wood chips Sam had collected.
“I’m Sam. Your name is so cool!” Sam went back to collecting wood chips after saying that, seeming unsatisfied with the small pile on the ledge.
“Daddy says it comes from a book he likes. What are you playing?”
“Cafe! Do you wanna work there with me?”
“These can be the food. Cakes and pastries.”
Steve smiled at the ease at which Sam made friends. He missed that about being a child, especially since most of his earlier friendships at school fell through after the friends grew up to be total dickheads.
“Who’s gonna be our customer?” Arwen asked after a moment of the girls standing there, and they both looked equally stumped for an answer momentarily, until-
“Dad! Can you be our customer?” They both called out, smiling widely at the two men.
“Course, kiddo.” Steve said, and walked over to the small structure the girls pointed to as their table.
“Sure, Wenny.” The man smiled, closing his book and placing it down on the bench to join Steve.
They both sat awkwardly, legs bent right up to their chests from how low they were sitting, and waited for the two girls came over to them.
“Name’s Steve, by the way.” Steve said to fill the silence, and the other man smiled slightly at the slightly awkward tone of voice.
“Eddie.” The no-longer-mystery man responded. Steve opened his mouth to attempt to continue their slightly stilted conversation, curious about the patches sewn into Eddie’s denim vest, but was interrupted by Arwen and Sam running over to them.
“We work at a cafe, and you are our customers-” Sam started to explain, not seeming uncomfortable or scared of the new man at all.
“And you’re friends!” Arwen chimed in, and Steve and Eddie made eye contact for a second before shrugging.
“I’ll have one latte please.” Eddie requested with a smile, but Arwen frowned and leaned toward her dad.
“We only have cakes and pastries, so you have to order that.”
The man nodded seriously at her words, and pretended to think, flipping through an imaginary menu.
“Right, of course. I’ll get one chocolate cupcake then, please.” He looked at Steve after speaking, and leaned over slightly with a hand shielding his face to stage whisper to him, “You should get one too, they’re really good.”
“Ooh, okay. I’ll get a chocolate cupcake too.” Steve said, blinking harshly to shrug off the intensity of Eddie’s face being that close to his all of a sudden. The proximity had made him slightly nervous, but he couldn’t pinpoint why. Eddie was still basically a stranger, he supposed.
“That’ll be ten dollars.” Sam announced, and Steve reached into his pocket to find his imaginary money, only to be told, “Sorry, we don’t take air-coins here.”
“What?!” Steve gasped. He and Sam always used air-coins.
“It’s alright, man. I brought cash.” Eddie assured, and reached down to pick up a small pile of leaves to give to Sam.
“Your order will be out soon!”
And with that, the two girls ran off to go ‘make’ their food, and Steve and Eddie were left to sit there quietly.
“So-“ “We-“ Both men tried to talk at once after a few moments of silence, and then laughed as they spoke over each other.
“You go.” Steve offered.
“Was gonna ask if you folks were new to the neighbourhood. Me and Wen come here practically every morning and have never seen you.” Eddie said with a shrug, the question coming out like a statement.
“Yeah, had to move out of Loch Nora.” Steve admitted, and tapped his fingers on the table briefly.
“Loch Nora? Didn’t know I was dining with a king today!” Eddie gasped out the location name, bringing up a hand to his chest dramatically. Steve just rolled his eyes at the man.
“It’s hardly dining if the-“ He raised his voice to call toward the girls as they re-arranged their wood chip pile, “-staff don’t give us our order!”
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pttucker · 11 months
"There is no need to go this far," said the kkoma Yoo Joonghyuk number [999] riding on my shoulder. "The deal with the Wenny King is as absolute as they come. If you do this, then you will definitely…" "I won't die, so don't worry. By the way, are you planning to come with me?" [999] formed an unhappy expression after hearing my question. "As per our agreement, I'm tasked with monitoring you. It'd become troublesome for us if you get in touch with the members of < Kim Dokja's Company > and come up with an underhanded scheme." "But, I even did the existence pledge, saying that I won't contact them… Seriously, you Yoo Joonghyuks can be too much sometimes."
I remember back when I thought that Sangah pulled Joonghyuk into the Library what’d it be like for Dokja to just have a constant stream of “very helpful” inputs from Joonghyuk and now we’re actually getting it! And it’s even better than Library Joonghyuk because we get to see him with his tiny little sword and his tiny little coat and his tiny little scowl.
And it really is like Joonghyuk to not even trust an existence pledge, isn’t it? ESPECIALLY when it comes to Kim Dokja. Better to just stick by his side and watch him.
Nevermind that Dokja has absolutely pulled schemes with Joonghyuk standing right next to him…
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lee-hakhyun · 6 months
That'd be funny if the demon of the horizon (demon who sold 41st SYS) was Cheon Inho
making that bastard even MORE evil lmao and that would make cheon inho... the wenny king?!
where is that guy anyway.. i'm sure he'll show up eventually considering the whole deal thing
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ravs6709 · 5 months
Tbh I didn't remember getting tm about either loki or the wenny king so getting to that reveal was just me going ?????????
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orviposition · 1 year
What trope would you put Joongdok in?
i honestly think that when it comes to joongdok it would be much easier if i answered with the tropes i WOULDNT put them in 😭😭
oh boy here i go! let's start with two of the most obvious first:
1. matching outfits with opposite color schemes, and 2. opposites (leo & aquarius) attract (<- attract as in lowkey bordering in codependency)
yin & yang - not only are joongdok aesthetically yin&yang but narratively too (i mentioned in a previous ask that they're sky & earth too)
star-crossed - (if you believe in orv's sad ending)
life (and death) companions - is probably a trope on its own considering the meaning of the title. not only does it mean (i ran the term through a thesaurus so yall don't have to 👍🏻👍🏻) "a romantic partner with whom one is exceptionally or uniquely compatible or has a special connection" but the synonyms are also of the romantic variety ranging from (but not limited to) life partner, best friend, soulmate, spouse, true love, one's promised, significant other, love of one's life, beloved, heart's desire etc (long story short, pretty sick tbh. no wonder kr dudebros threw a fit in singshong's comment section over it. i get it) and what makes it infinitely funnier is that it started as crack being treated seriously 😭😭😭😭
anyway, continuing where i left off, Soulmates - kdj is the reason yjh exists. yjh is the reason kdj lives. (hsy wrote both of them in a way that they became each other's salvation hence their position of reader-protagonist gets switched in the epilogue and both of them have admitted that reading about the other's story has saved their lives)
everyone ships them/everyone can see it - uriel, gabriel, ljh, hsy, jhw, lsh, anna croft, persephone/hades (the third eligible candidate to marry kdj was yjh and you will never be able to convince me otherwise. also if you have an answer other than yjh ur wrong), yma (if webtoon dares not to draw the "oppa looks happy when thinking about that ahjussi" you'll see me on the news) the wenny king. heck even gong pildu, upon some consideration and by method of elimination, deduced that theres no way kdj has enough rizz to pull neither ysa nor hsy therefore who was left to be the one who helped kdj birth his "child" (kidified sp) ??? yjh obv 😭😭 and why would he question the possibilities of mpreg when hmo is right there anyway. heck hmo even told kdj that he should try it.
when one is hurt/dying/dead, the other rages, panics, is extremely distressed - (maybe there's a shorter way to say this like "who did this to you" but joongdok have ascended past cheesy romances 😝) disaster of flood arc, aftermath of dark castle, the fight with surya, 1863, aftermath of sp's kidnapping etc
hates everyone but you - sure yjh doesnt hate All constellations but he for sure hates all demon kings. (mini fun fact about me, up until joongdok rebranded my brain, i didnt like this trope)
aloof x low self-esteem = both emotionally constipated 🙄🙄
derogatory term becomes a term of endearment - fool/sunfish (bastard)
bickering like a married couple - is this a trope? well it is now
denial of attraction/closeness - just two men who most definitely never lie when it comes to their feelings
identity theft - without malicious intent (i hope!! *stares at all the atrocities kdj has committed using yjh's name*)
masterchef x disaster in the kitchen - very, very, very simplified version of the trope. wouldnt call kdj a disaster but definitely a worse cook than yjh (subtrope would be [pro-gamer x game tester])
famous x fan - lol "famous"
annoying x annoyed - (kdj: breathes. yjh: ugh drop dead. kdj: drops dead. yjh: wait no-💢)
A thinks B will be happy without him / B doesn't know how (doesn't want) to live without A - 51kdj seeing 49kdj leave with yjh and the others, thinking that he and yjh will set on a journey together to find tls123 / museum fight
will sacrifice everyone/everything for the other - *cracks knuckles* when 41st sys tries to give yjh a 2nd chance to save himself and his old companions and all he had to do was say that kdj isn't his companion. when kdj admits that 1863rd hsy's plan to see the ending of the scenarios is smart and well-thought out but because that world doesn't need yjh he doesn't cooperate. (side story spoilers below, but when you think about it long enough the side story came to be because yjh spread orv to lhh's worldline. all the deaths happening because yjh needs to collect a fragment of kdj's soul from that world)
speaking of lhh, reincarnation - now hear me out. not your typical reincarnation but bcs we know that 49kdj's wish was to reincarnate into someone that doesn't have anything to do with kimcom -> subtrope: doesn't want to be found / is found
amnesia - 0 is also not your typical amnesiac
god x god's favorite
age gap - theyre both the same age and simultaneously have age gap(s) make of that what you will
important symbol - (object) pocket watch
glucose guardian - listen!! listen!! sp/kdj and 0/51 exist okay
harem - sorry i couldnt help it
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rusquared · 1 year
now that i think of it... the LAYERS of unreliable narrator in orv. it's not just that we are witnessing the memories hsy and kimcom could salvage and include in the story (and the bare mentions of the 1865th round...). and it's not just that dokja's narration of WoS and his own life is very selective. but even the structure of the world itself, the probability, is at the whims of the imagination of a young child.
it's why some things like the wenny king are tossed aside. he never gets his resolution because OD simply doesn't care about him. as expansive and beautiful as orv is, it also shows us that there are many stories that cannot all be done justice to. is the rest of the task ours?
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