kaiyonohime · 2 years
A Sherry Tenney and WAFA warning update
If you are unaware of who Sherry Tenney is, I have pinned a post here.  But, in short, Sherry Tenney is a scam artist in the fiber arts community that takes money and almost never ships out product.  What little she does ship out is covered in feces and infested with various forms of vermin, including moths and ants.  Her, and several accomplices, also target and damage and destroy small fiber sellers online.  She is also extremely aggressive and has threatened to both shoot and sue people, and brags about the guns she has.  She is under investigation from the Pennsylvania Attorney General.  She has stolen, to date, $15,000+ USD from customers.  This is not counting the amount of money she has stolen from suppliers.
Lawsuit update: to the surprise of no one, no, I have still not been served any papers even though she has threatened to sue me personally.  I guess that’s what happens when you ask a chicken to do everything for you.  Shit just doesn’t get done.
Sherry Tenney, currently known as Sherry Tennay, has renamed her main FaceBook sellers group from ‘Tenneys Fibers and raw wool buyers group’ to ‘Wool and Fiber artists supplies buyers group and silks too’.  She has done this in an attempt to draw in new victims that may mistake her group for the WAFA group on FaceBook.  WAFA stands for ‘Wool and Fiber Artists’.  
Unfortunately it’s a little more underhanded than that.  One of the main parts of Sherry’s scheme over the years has been to purposefully destroy other small fiber sellers.  What she, and multiple accomplices, will do is infiltrate a group on FaceBook, message buyers there telling them Sherry will sell better for much cheaper, and then continuously report the group until it is removed from FaceBook.  Sellers have reported 60%+ losses from Sherry’s actions, with some going out of business as well.
Sherry is not only now targeting WAFA and WAFA members, at least one WAFA admin is one of Sherry’s accomplices and is working from the inside to help destroy WAFA and financially harm sellers that use WAFA.  WAFA is a compromised group that is being targeted the same way Sherry destroyed other groups.
If you use WAFA, or know anyone that does, please pass on this warning.  Any seller that they see or are approached by should be researched by looking them up on the Fiber Transaction Board.  The FTB has banned Sherry, and all of her socks and accomplices, from the FTB after several incidents she caused.  Sherry has enough red flags to her name on the FTB to put a communist march in China to shame.
So, as always, please be careful who you buy fiber from online.  Unfortunately there are scam artists out there that only aim to harm the fiber arts community.  And, of course, please avoid any physical contact with Sherry.  She is to be considered armed and dangerous at all times.  She is currently threatening to attend Rhinebeck Wool Festival.  If you see her at the festival avoid her at all costs, just turn and walk away.  She is dangerous, do not confront her.
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Important Sherry Tenney update
So, for those of you who haven’t been following the saga of trying to stop the scam artist Sherry Tenney (who sells out of Pennsylvania, though claims to live in Maryland), I have outlined everything in a pinned post here.
Over the past week Sherry has changed the name of her farm to McCullough in an attempt to hide and lure in new victims, and now Sherry has changed her name on FaceBook (where she does most of her scamming) to ‘Sherry Tennay’.
It is not unusual for her to change her name on FaceBook in an attempt to look like a different seller.  In the past she has gone by Vondorp Sherry, Sherry Vondorp, Lee Giltay, Sara Rudacille, Sherry Lee Price, and Sherry Tenney Giltay.  These names are all combinations of past legal names she has from past marriages, the names of relatives via past marriages, or the names of ancestors.  Her legal name, as of now, is Sherry Tenney.
There are also now screenshots of her confirming that she uses sock puppet accounts under the names ‘Sara Rudacille’ and ‘Lee Giltay’ to spy on people and to destroy small businesses.  We also have confirmation from a small business via screenshot of Sherry asking people to do this and succeeding.  I will put the screenshots below the break.  
Sherry has also decided to use tags to try to create a false monopoly on a specific wool breed.  She always misspells ‘Wensleydale’ as ‘Wensyledale’.  It should be said that none of her sheep are purebreeds, and she has allowed multiple breeds to interbreed without caution for years, so her sheep are simply mixed.  Sherry is currently attempt to sell her lambs.  If you live in her area, or know anyone that lives in her area that may purchase her lambs, please be advised that they are interbred and inbred, and there have been disease outbreaks on her farms this year.  Make sure they insist on a licenses vet inspecting them.  She has been known to sell sick animals to people without informing them.
Sherry has also reiterated that she plans to attend Rhinebeck Wool Festival.  So I will say this again, DO NOT APPROACH HER.  Avoid her at all costs.  She is a desperate woman who is known to lash out.  She has made multiple threats to shoot and kill people in the past few months, as well as bragging about being armed with a glock, an AK, and a shotgun.  She has made posts about fighting demons, and has commented that she thinks that anyone that says anything negative about her must be possessed by a demon.  So, I cannot stress this enough, avoid her at all costs!  If you see her I would advise turning around and leaving or going in the opposite direction.  No one wants to see anyone hurt by Sherry because her scam is falling apart.  Please be safe.
Here are the screenshots.  One is long, but they’re not particularly triggering.  There is mentions of the facts of Sherry’s threats of violence that I have warned people about.  One of the threats is Sherry’s ongoing favorite threat that she is going to bring everyone that exposes her scam to court and sue us all.  To date myself (who she has personally threatened), and all others have received no paperwork.  It is a bluff.
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Warning about seller connected to Sherry Tenney
Time for a weekly update.  For those who don’t know who Sherry Tenney is and why I’m putting out warnings about her, I have conveniently pinned a detailed post here.  But, in short, she is a fiber seller in Pennsylvania that is currently being investigated by the Attorney General.  She has stolen USD $15,000+ from people.  She takes orders but rarely ships out orders.  The orders that she does ship out are infested with moths.  
Tenney, currently going by the name Sherry Tennay on FaceBook where she does most of her ‘sales’, has also specifically renamed her sales page to look like WAFA.  She has been selling to members of WAFA via pm (against WAFA group rules), and people who have bought from her via WAFA have had moth infested fiber shipped to them.  WAFA, at this time, allows her to continue to be a part of their group and to sell to members via pm.  WAFA will not allow anything to be posted about Sherry Tenney, especially any warnings, at this time either.  WAFA is protecting Sherry Tenney.
Unfortunately it has come to light this week that a hand dyer uses Sherry Tenney as one of her yarn suppliers.  This week she bought some undyed lace yarn that Sherry has been storing with the infested fiber on her porch (Sherry stores her fiber outside on the porch), with the intention of dyeing it and selling it.  
The dyeing process does not work to get rid of moth infestations.  So any fiber that this dyer is selling must now be considered moth infested.  It is unfortunate, but it has been confirmed by one of the dyers friends that the dyer is aware of the situation with Sherry and does not care.  It can only be assumed that the dyers entire inventory is moth infested at this time.
The dyer’s name is Elizabeth Nicole Washburn.  So, if you have purchased yarn from her in the past you must quarantine and treat it for moths.  If you have considered buying yarn from her, or plan to in the future, please be aware that there is a high risk of moth infestation.
Please be careful where you buy fiber online, there are some nasty scam artists out there these days.  And, whenever possible, please be careful who you buy hand dyed yarn and fiber from.  Most dyers are very diligent about making sure they have an amazing product without issue for sale, but there are those out there that are not as careful and who will use substandard, moth infested sources like Sherry Tenney instead of clean sources.
Pictures confirming that Elizabeth Nicole Washburn uses Sherry Tenney as a supplier below the cut.
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