mihpareswrites · 2 years
Feel Better pt 1/?
Been playing a lot of Hades recently so I wanted to write something for it.
Reader is gn, a minor god of decay, decomposition, grief, pests, and graveyards. Basically what happens after death but in the mortal realm plus disease and stuff.
This part is more of an intro/prologue but ya know. gotta start somewhere. Second part should be out soon
This all started with a few simple pomegranates. They were bruised and cut, a few ants and mice had stolen some seeds. You didn't really care. You came around to collect them, as they'd been left for you like most rotten food was. Any other god would be offended, but you didn't mind. It was your fault after all. Besides, it beats wasting food.
But these were no ordinary pomegranates, and you were not in an everyday place. In fact if you weren't so stubborn you never would have found it. It was like it was hiding something.
And it was.
As you entered, looking around for your fruit, you spotted them. A kind, older looking woman, a concerned look on her face. She held a basket of fresh produce, which she had grown herself if the gardens thriving around her cottage were to be believed. She was speaking to a young man, much younger than her but in someway very similar, his presence at least.
You knew who she was, and though you had no idea who the boy was you had several guesses.
"Persephone." You called out. It was almost a question, testing to see if this was real. She turned to you startled, then paled. The boy turned as well giving you a better look at his face. His black hair framed his features nicely, mostly of note his mismatched red and green eyes. The same green as hers. He was pretty, a figure fit for a warrior. He must have been, with the finely crafted sword sitting on his shoulder. You looked down and saw his feet were burning the grass. Beside the hem of Persephone's dress was one of the broken pomegranates. The other was on a table next to the cottage.
"Y/N, I... how did you find me? I thought Nyx had hidden me where no one could possibly..." she trailed off, muttering and worrying.
"Well my dear, you know how my friends are." You said crouching down and holding your hand out. A mouse popped out of the hard shell, covered in seeds. It ran over to you, squeaking excitedly and settled in your palm. She followed the trail and cursed herself.
"Meant to throw that in the river."
"Mother, who is this?" The boy asked, staring incredulously at the situation infront of him. Ah, his mother. She sighed and shifted the weight of the basket on her hip.
"Zagreus. This is Y/N, one of the Olympians. Y/N, this is my son, Zagreus." She sighed while explaining which made you laugh.
"You must be who Athena was talking about last time I was up there. She seemed awfully worried about you..."
"So, you're one of my cousins?" His tone was excited, like a puppy or a child. It almost made you want to lie.
"Afraid not, no. I used to be a nymph, and through a complicated series of events I'm sure would bore you, the Olympians made me one of there own. But I know your family well, if you have questions." You both smiled at each other, before Zagreus clutched his chest and groaned.
"Ah, apologies Y/N... I'll have to ask you some other time..." Persephone ran to her son as he began to collapse, helping him stumble to the river where he promptly collapsed and disappeared. She stood slowly, pointedly not turning to face you.
"I trust I can count on your discretion, my dear friend." Letting her have a bit of air, you picked up the fruit that brought you here, brushing it off. All this trouble...
"Of course, your secrets are safe with me. I must ask however... it seems like such an interesting story." She turned back, smiling but wiping at her eyes.
"Thank you, and yes, all shall be explained but... you're not going to eat that. I swear child you need to expect more with your offerings." You sheepishly grinned at her and set it in your bag for later.
"Come on in. I've a long story to tell you."
"Blood and- urgh" The prince groaned, shaking the remaining residue of the Styx off of him.
It was frustrating, he had been up there a few times now. He never had enough time to talk with his mother, a cruelty worse than anything his father could think up.
Hypnos woke up with a start, grabbing hold of his list as he did.
"Ha, wow.. says here you made it all the way to the surface! You're getting quite good at that you know. Now if only you could stop dying!" Zagreus rolled his eyes, smiling a bit at the sleepy gods antics.
"Yes, I imagine that could be quite helpful, I'll work on that." Hypnos barked out a laugh and he made his way towards Achilles. The warrior could usually be found in the same place, nearby his father's chambers, today being no different.
"Sir. I was wondering something." The prince began, unsure of how to phrase his questions.
"That's a dangerous thing, especially for you. What's on your mind lad?" The shade softly spoke.
"Do you know of a god by the name of Y/N? I uh, may or may not have seen them at my mother's cottage..." at his words the shades expression became slightly alarmed.
"Goodness lad, is she alright? Is she sick?"
"What, no, my mother isn't sick. I don’t think, she seems fine." Achilles shifted his weight, thinking deeply about something Zagreus couldn't guess.
"I certainly hope so. Listen, Y/N is the god the men and I used to pray to to get over sickness, to let wounds heal well, and to let our dead remain undisturbed. At a touch of their hand all of the wood of a ship would rot, they sent a massive wave of locust through and destroyed all of the Trojans food. They may not be a major figure in the pantheon but they are terrifying nonetheless. I am thankful they were on our side but..." this surprised Zagreus. You had seemed so nice and calm. He just nodded and hummed, hoping to find more information about you. He turned to dash back to his room, before spotting Thanatos. Surely he would know more, he often visited the mortals to collect souls. Perhaps he'd run into them.
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mihpareswrites · 2 years
Hi! Could I request Beffica with a trans S/O (she/they pronouns) who confesses to her? I haven’t beaten Bugsnax yet so no spoilers please-
Warning, like one swear word
This was kinda short, but I hope you like it!
To anyone else it was frustratingly obvious. Beffica was not that hard to read, and though you were off catching snax most of the time it was obvious you spent the majority of your free time hanging out with her. Nobody would complain though, being around you meant she stopped breaking into people's houses to snoop. She rarely even bothered Filbo anymore.
Except for the past few days...
"Listen, you're over-thinking this Beff, she's gonna love this." The pink grumpus in question was pacing around her hut, occationally stopping and staring at the photos on her bed. Filbo had no clue why she came to him for help, but now he was stuck.
"No, you don't get it, it has to be perfect! Maybe if I put this one first, this one of her at the party, and then- no that's stupid. Ugh come on squeeb, help me out!"
Beffica was putting together a photo album. It was kind of adorable to see her so passionately working to make it look perfect, make the pictures have a nice flow and story. On the back cover was a note asking you out.
" Well uh, if you want my input.. I'd go with chronological order. Ya know, from when you first met them." Beffica thought a moment and sighed.
"I should have thought of that..."
Both grumpuses looked up when a soft knock came from the side of the hut.
"Hey Beffica, do you have a second?" You asked, walking in. You had a large bouquet in your arms, and were smiling warmly.
"Hehe, guess I wasn't the only one getting some help. Wambus and Tiffany practically shoved this into my hands. Told me to go and ask you out already." Beffica blushed and fiddled with her locket.
"Ha, yeah, crazy..."
"So... Beffica Winklesnoot. I want to tell you that I really like you, and ask if you'd like to go out with me?" She took the flowers aside and pulled you in for a hug.
"Yes. I'd like that a lot."
As Filbo left to give you two some privacy, he noticed a certain popstar up at Cromdomart.
"Pay up darling, I told you they'd be the one to confess."
"Ah shut your yap you dang smartass."
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mihpareswrites · 2 years
hello !! I'd like to request something with Floofty and Beffica (separately pls!) x Reader? maybe stargazing or something :D thank you !!
This is?? adorable ?? Thank you for this I rarely write just straight up fluff but this was fun! I went a little overboard but I love these guys so yeah :)
Similarly to how they view dancing, they don't see much point in stargazing
At least not at first
They grow to like it, it's a nice break from their work and it gives them a chance to feel closer with you.
They will go into the history of how ancient grumpuses used to navigate with the stars, or certain constellations and their myths
If you try and get them to wish on a shooting star they're going to call it pointless because it's just a a rock hurdling through the universe that you happened to see. Secretly they do make a wish though.
"And, as the story goes, the gods decided he should be immortalized among the stars. It's a bit dramatic for my taste, personally I think Orileon they could have left it with all the plays and poems written for him. That is if any of it is real." They finished up a long ramble about the myth of an ancient hero just as you finished setting up. You spread out a nice blanket and set out a basket of non bug related food. You sit cross-legged and wait for them to join, it takes a bit longer to find a comfortable position due to the missing limb.
"Even if it's not, you are a great story teller." They smile at you as they settle down.
"I was quite fascinated with astronomy as a child. Snorpington was as well. I grew out of it eventually, but I remember quite a bit." You turned your gaze back up to the sky, leaning your head up on Floofty's shoulder. They clear their throat, trying not to get flustered.
A new group of stars caught your eye. You point over to it.
"Is that a constellation?" They adjust their glasses.
"Ah, yes. Good eye. That is Euridesmos and Orphenom. You may have heard of them before, a very famous love story..."
She is taking pictures the whole time. Cool stars? Got em. Nice candid shot of you. You bet. Blurry picture of some snax trying to steal your food. Most definitely
But seriously when she isn't pointing her camera everywhere she likes laying her head on you lap and looking up at the sky.
Play with her hair? Play with her hair.
She feels like she can actually relax around you. Jokes that you're ruining her cool reputation but she honestly doesn't care. You could be the dorkiest squeeb out there but she loves you dang it
Will totally wish on shooting stars, but be all secrety and smug cause 'if you say it out loud it won't come true'
"I can't believe that hunnabee stole a noodle. Can those things even eat?" You stared back and forth between Beffica, who was readjusting her camera from getting a shot, back to the plate of spaghetti next to you that was just robbed.
"I mean, they make noises, but I don't see a mouth. Maybe it's building a nest?" She suggests. Setting her camera down carefully, she scoots closer to you and lays across your legs. Like clockwork you begin threading you fingers through her hair, giggling quietly at her little purrs.
"Doesn't seem like a good building material to me. Guess I just don't understand the mind of a snack." She smacks your arm lightly with her paw, but is smiling anyway. You both look up to the night sky, beautiful stars and a full moon shining down.
"Would you still love me if I were a snack?" She asks, which makes you laugh again.
"Of course babe... unless you were a fryder. Too many legs for my liking."
Lol, bugsnax names are weird. Interesting to try and come up with though
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mihpareswrites · 3 years
updated for readability + updated fandoms list
Hello, welcome to the blog! Call me Mihpares, or Mipha. I use they/them pronouns, and though I won't share my exact age I am over 18.
This is a multifandom writing blog. Just for fun lol.
Rules under the cut
I write for:
Homestuck Undertale and Deltarune Hades Sally Face Obey Me! Shall We Date? Twisted Wonderland FNaF Security Breach Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc and Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Hustle Cat Smile For Me Dead By Daylight My Hero Academia
Bubba Sawyer/Thomas Hewitt - Texas Chainsaw Massacre Billy Loomis and Stu Macher - Scream Lester, Vincent, and Bo Sinclair - House of Wax David, Paul, Dwayne, and Marko - The Lost Boys Carrie White - Carrie Jennifer Check - Jennifer's Body
These are subject to change, so sorry if I no longer write for a fandom you wanted to ask for
I only write x reader, no character x character except poly relationships with the reader.
I do write smut with adult characters. Only adult characters. My only rules with smut are no pedophilia, no incest, no graphic depictions of birth, no scat or vomit, no zoos (yes they are different from furries. I have furry friends and they are very cool (and yes I have gotten a request for this stuff on a previous blog, blegh. I just wanna make sure it never happens again, sorry for the bluntness but I want to set clear boundaries))
Simple enough right?
As far as other non smut requests, I'm up for anything! Be sure to specify if you want specific pronouns or certain descriptions for y/n. I do ask that you please limit headcanons to 3 characters. I can do more but they will start to be less descriptive haha
I'll also do matchups! Be as descriptive as possible!
If you ever need me to tag something just go ahead and ask! I'll try and get anything too triggering since there will be some darker subjects, but just let me know if I missed something!
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