#went full ratatouille flashback
shannananan · 8 months
you know those hyper specific candles that are like "the smell of grandmother's kitchen when you are a wee child and the innocence of youth hasn't shattered yet" and you go yes, candle, you are correct.
I just made chamomile tea with echinacea extract for my cold and took a whiff and my brain immediately transported me to "the smell of being in Grade 4 and reading a Dear Canada book for your spring book report that you definitely forgot about until the week it is due."
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thegeminisage · 6 months
i'm 'tell me what it was like in 2014' anon and can i just say. i am so honored by the time and care you put into that answer. WOW. it was such a delight to read and kind of vicariously experience. i'm 18 now so i was 9 when winter soldier came out, needless to say it was not really on my radar. But i've always been interested in those kind of golden tumblr age fandoms (doing destiel from 2020-2022 was like. the best experience of my lifeeee) and even like in middle school i was scrolling through pinterest screenshots of avengers incorrect quotes etc. that creative generativeness and collective celebration seems like. such a utopia honestly. what you described, and the cultural context of it being the mid 2010s and how media and politics and the internet wereback then seems so perfectly aligned. i'm happy you got to experience something so special! re: not easily conquered. i read it a few years ago just because of how renowned it was and. well you KNOW. and anyway the crazy fucking whiplash i got from realizing the supernatural blogger i followed later was EMILY??. the fandom's interest in history and culture is also especially beautiful to me. i will literally never see the winged victory the same way again. ik people always say fics written 2012-2015 have crack in them but stucky was on another level. people were doing literal highbrow analysis and art..that banana fic. i have i love you like rlb saved on my notes app from like 2018 when i was in middle school. the dedication and like crazy amount of work that went into the fandom is just out of this world to me. like i'd give my soul to be there honestly.. you just dont get things like that anymore. again thank you so so much for your wonderful long answer, and like honestly. if i ever pursue some project on fandom history i might ask to interview you or sth. but anyway, suffice it to say: i really really wish i could have gotten to see it first hand, but thank goodness i can still go back and read fic and look at fanart and. thank you it's been long long time by helen forrest. and i''m so glad people who were active online then are still on tumblr to talk about it all
hi sorry it took me a minute to reply i was doing accursed ten year rewatch of Movie. i have an extended reply.
you should listen to this...someone sent this to my friend and it unlocked memories i didn't knew i had
much like rlb, which was insane of you to remember, because i sure didn't. dropped that on the groupchat earlier and got to gleefully watch the horror of memories unlocked unfold on their faces
also so true about destiel tumblr. sustained madness. i romanticized stucky tumblr a little in my answer bc of nostalgia like i wasn't also making mortal enemies at the same time (i sometimes spot the urls of people who made me mad back then and have a ratatouille flashback) i was making those lifelong friends BUT you're not missing anything major bc the destiel madness FAR exceeded the stucky madness. there was just so much more mania to it.
when i was in high school i had the enduring desire to have been born in the 60s so i could be a hippie full time. i thought their clothes and anti-establishment attitudes were groovy. i feel like this is you about mid-2010s tumblr and i absolutely love that for you.
that said, you may not get movies like cap2 anymore but you will certainly get fandoms like it...i recently got into trek and reading spockanalia and all their vintage fic from the 60s and 70s and 80s and seeing in some ways how spock shock is so similar to destiel madness (and THEY didn't even have the internet) has taught me that the girlies gender neutral have been out here and primed to go insane from day one and that as long as there are mentally ill teens and 20-somethings who like media there will always be people who go insane about the media. they will grow into the 30-somethings and 40-somethings and higher that write the good fic and sell the smutty fanzines under the tables at cons. there will never be another tos or cap2 or nov 5 but certainly there will always be SOMETHING to go joyfully nuts about on the internet. the tricky part is just finding ur people
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attiredpan · 2 years
✨Ghost OC’s✨
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Jackie Creed
•Roof crawler. Most of the time during rituals, she’s up in the rafters/roof turfs like a fucking spider. Scared the ever unblessed shit out of Terzo.
•Will not hesitate to clock someone regardless of context.
•Pyrotechnics/Lighting = free therapy by her math.
•Same goes for getting adopted by the two separate anti-popes.
•ADHD/Autism Haver.
•Gay, just so fucking gay.
•Will weaponize any inanimate object she can find in some manner (specifically looking at the censer)
•Spillways, Witch Image, and He Is cause trauma.
•Raven/Crow stuck in Human Form™️
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Crescent | Moon Ghoul
•Also gay as shit.
•Right horn was broken due to falling down the stairs on her first day at the Monastery.
•If Tim Burton Movies™️ we’re a person.
•Her and Dewdrop share half a brain cell, if that, and it’s Not. Good. At. All.
•Can you say Emotionally Constipated™️? Cause I don’t think you’re supposed to drop off the face of the planet when you find out the person you like likes you back.
•Instrumental Maintenance/Lighting. Takes over for Jackie during Mummy Dust cause she always takes her breaks then to “talk to someone”. At this point, Jackie hasn’t divulged who this someone is.
•The person who always somehow gets lost in the store.
•Zombie Queen vibes, cause she and Jackie saw The Adams Family once respectively and both their standards of giving/receiving in relationships went in the obvious way of “MUTUAL WORSHIP”.
•Cried while watching the childhood flashback scene of Ratatouille.
•That cliche about the full moon making people crazy? It’s true in her case and the Monastery has to go into a lockdown stronger than the worlds combined military forces whenever it happens.
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quartings · 4 years
College Adventures Special Episode IV: Interview with Brad Bird!
The director behind Iron Giant, Ratatouille, both Incredibles movies and Mission Impossible 4, plus the amazing voice actor of Edna Mode!
I was lucky enough to get to hear him talk about some of the secrets behind a lot of his films!
The Iron Giant (The coffee scene, animated by Chris Sauve):
Brad grew up with very mild-mannered parents and didn’t get to experience coffee until adulthood.
That coffee scene was written to show that Hogarth is desperate to fit in and wants to be an adult- Also to provide exposition quickly and humorously.
The voice actor didn’t actually go that fast- they edited the voicelines closer together.
Brad really wanted the fight scene of the Iron Giant vs the army to be bigger, but it would require a lot of changes- there was a submarine and bombs and everything! (Mark Andrews from Special Episode 2 was put in charge of that)
The Incredibles (Bob and Helen argument scene, animated by John Kahrs of Paperman.) and The Incredibles 2:
The first scene sent to Pixar for approval. Unfortunately, it made the executives nervous because they felt Bob was being abusive to Helen. Brad loved the writing and wanted to keep it, and realised that he only needed to make Helen stretch over Bob at the end to show an equal power dynamic. After making that one change, Pixar approved the scene.
Brad often disagreed with Pixar’s then-sentiment at the time of just making storyboards minimalist and simple. He wanted to play around with as many camera angles, minor movements, and expressions as he could. It really impressed Steve Jobs!
IMPORTANT: Storyboards are more important to refine, because it’s cheaper to fix a mistake in storyboarding than it is to fix a mistake in animation!!
Origins of Edna Mode! Brad noticed on tour that every country has their own “Edna”- aka, a snooty and perfectionist fashion designer. The core idea was a small person with a massive influence and designer genius, big enough to stand out against the huge supers she worked with. As such, countries with a BIG designer voice (and historically- erm- “imposing” personalities) Germany and Japan were chosen, and Edna was made German+Japanese as a result.
Brad did script readings for Bob, Syndrome, and Edna. His performance and availability were what compelled Pixar to keep him for Edna.
In both films, Brad wanted to make sure the heroes’ weren’t perfect. They can miss and trip, and if they do it too much, they can get pretty hurt. Making characters fallible and mortal makes the audience more excited and invested. (Eg Bob getting cut in his first fight with the Omnidroid)
“How the characters look in Incredibles 2 is how we wanted them to look back in Incredibles 1, we’re very thankful to technology for that”
Ratatouille (Anton Ego’s flashback):
Next time you watch it, pay attention to how many shots focus on the Ratatouille itself to showcase its importance.
The dish is a big thing in France, but not in the USA- How do we make Americans understand how good it can be? They designed it in a shape that looks more universally delicious, more than your average stew.
In the original Gusteau-lives draft, the life-changing flashback was for Gusteau himself, to snap him out of his depression. It was about to be scrapped when it was changed to the dead-Gusteau version, but animator Correia Yoccu (? Sorry, I don’t know if that’s spelled right) reminded Brad to give that scene to Anton instead.
Brad is the one who suggested Ghost Gusteau. Pixar execs thought he went nuts when he presented that idea.
They wanted to make Anton Ego’s disbelief at Remy’s identity feel legit and real to reconcile how crazy the movie premise was.
Brad is one of the few directors whose micromanaging actually works (moving things around by 1 frame) Most of them time he wants his actors and animators to give their own takes- he already writes and directs, he doesn’t want any more bias because he already has a full view of the characters in his mind.
The philosophy behind the world of Ratatouille: Cooks are givers, rats are takers. That’s why Remy feels so isolated at the start.
Mission Impossible:
Removing the frame before impact in action scenes helps because stuntmen brace themselves and pull punches in that moment.
“No two stories come into being the same way” Sometimes endings are written first, sometimes beginnings, and sometimes the title is the spark of inspiration! You discover the theme of the story on your own the more you write subconsciously.
Once you realise the theme, go back into your first draft and make it a bit clearer!
“Unlike in 3D, you can’t pretend to be better than you are in 2D animation” Work on being able to DRAW, even if you’re going into 3D. Especially perspective drawing and anatomy.
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wazafam · 4 years
There’s already an ocean of theories surrounding Pixar movies, and despite being movies made for children, adults can’t help but speculate over the incredible amounts of hidden details found in the animated films.
RELATED: Every Pixar Movie Ranked From Worst To Best
The Pixar Theory might be the most infamous, combed through, and almost flawless movie theory in history, but many have taken it upon themselves to delve deeper for more. Some of them are more likely than others, but all of them are based on some grounds of thorough research, and regardless of how believable they are, most of them are mind blowing.
10 Unbelievable: Nemo Died At The Beginning Of The Movie
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One Redditor’s theory that Nemo dies at the beginning of the movie derives from the fish’s name. In the dictionary, Nemo means “nobody,” which led to speculation about the beginning of the movie. The theory goes that when all but one of Marlin’s eggs were lost in a barracuda attack, which was originally supposed to be gradually revealed through flashbacks, that one egg left over was just in his imagination and everything that happens after is just a coping mechanism for his grief. Though it’s an interesting theory, the only thing to go off is Nemo’s name.
9 Probably True: The Whereabouts Of Andy’s Dad
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In Toy Story, there has always been speculation around Andy’s father, as he’s never seen but it’s never mentioned where he is. He could very well just be off-screen or his parents could be divorced, but nobody’s to know. However, one Reddit user argues that Andy’s feather actually passed away. The argument is backed up by the fact that all of Andy’s toys are strong adult male figures, which insinuates that father figure is missing in his life and he’s trying to fill that void.
8 Unbelievable: Monsters University Isn’t A Proper Prequel
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Monsters University isn’t exactly the most beloved Pixar movie, as there are so many continuity errors in the monsters world between the original movie and the sequel, but this theory ties up all of those errors in to a theory that almost makes sense.
RELATED: Every Cancelled Pixar Movie (& How The Sequels Changed)
The theory goes that MU is actually a movie within the Monsters world about Mike and Sully that was released after Monsters Inc. The movie was made to increase positive PR for Monsters Inc. after the abduction scandal. It is again another brilliant theory, but there is no indication to this being the truth, and there’s no reason why Pixar would ever do such a thing, even if it does explain some startling plot holes.
7 Probably True: Riley Is Queer/Non-Binary
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Pixar knocked it out of the park with Inside Out, and it’s one of the most mature and thought-provoking movies in their canon of films. But because the film is so full of depth and fairly ambiguous, it has led to a wealth of theories, with one of the most interesting of them all being the idea that Riley is non-binary. Given the fact that she is the only person that is shown in this world that has a mix of female and male emotions, as the others shown (like her Mom and Dad) have either all-male or all-female emotions (or at least, emotions that present as male or female), it makes total sense.
6 Unbelievable: WALL-E Is The Villain
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It’s so hard to imagine WALL-E as the villain because he’s just so cute, but this theory paints him in such a light. The way this user sees it, Earth is nothing but a planet full of trash in the movie, which is true, and what’s left of the human race resides on a spaceship where they can practically do whatever they like, and though they’re getting overweight and lazy, they seem to enjoy it. Better yet, there’s absolutely no discrimination and no war whatsoever. So when WALL-E comes along to “save” them, he’s essentially pulling them out of their safe haven.
5 Probably True: Riley’s Father Is A Credit Card Thief
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Another theory makes a different, but very likely, point about Inside Out. It’s no secret that Riley’s parents are struggling financially, as they downsize houses at the very beginning of the movie, but there’s evidence that suggests her father was up to some dodgy stuff to offset those struggles.
RELATED: Toy Story Movies Ranked Worst To Best
In Riley’s mothers purse, it says her name is K. Ann Anderson, but her name in the movie is Jill Anderson. That first name is the name of Bonnie’s mother in the Toy Story series, and in one of Riley’s memory orbs, it shows that her and Bonnie both went to Sunnyside Daycare, which leads to the very possibility that the family are stealing from other parents.
4 Unbelievable: A Bug’s Life Is Basically An Allegory For The Industrial Revolution
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In one Redditor’s theory, they explain that the way ants were able to take out the grasshoppers with ingenuity and scientific inventions poses a massive threat. The theory suggests that the ants will use those inventions to harvest food quicker and grow too large too quick, especially as they don’t have to cater food to grasshoppers anymore. They will then become so technologically advanced and overtake other islands.
It’s a fun way of thinking about how the events in the movie could be a catalyst for what might happen in the future, but it’s completely unrelated to the film. Not only that, but grasshoppers aren’t the only creatures on the food chain higher up than ants. There are still birds, which are predators, and of course, possibly the most harmful to ants more than any, human beings.
3 Probably True: Gusteau Is Also Controlled By A Rat
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Fans might be waiting for a Disney+ spin-off series of Ratatouille, but until that ever happens, there’s still a lot to unravel in the movie. As it’s revealed later in the film that Linguini, a terrible chef who becomes great when aided by a rat hiding under his chef hat, is in actual fact the son of one of Paris’ best chefs, Gusteau, it has influenced this realistic theory. The theory suggests that Gusteau also has a rat under his chef’s hat, and the ability to have this magical engagement with rats is genetic. And it’s so plausible that other fans were even waiting for that to be the big reveal at the end of the movie.
2 Unbelievable: Lotso Is An Evil Version Of Woody
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When it comes to Pixar, Lotso is the closest it gets to the embodiment of evil, and that’s why he’s the best animated villain of the decade. Another Redditor posits that Woody would have turned out a lot like Lotso if he was abandoned, as he came pretty close on several occasions. The user argues the fact that they are both born leaders and they are borderline obsessive about their children. But though Woody has shown signs of anger and hostility in the past, he has also expressed his love of his toy friends so many times, and has even gone to extreme lengths to save them.
1 Probably True: The Toys Were Never Alive
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In what could compete with the ultimate Pixar Theory for being the most possible with so many facts to back it up, this theory goes that the toys were never alive and the movies that audiences have watched are games made up by either Andy or Bonnie with the toys. It makes perfect sense, especially considering that after all this time, Andy never once caught they toys acting like humans, and they were really bad at hiding it. After all, the clue is in the name; it’s a toy story.
RELATED: 5 Reasons Why Toy Story 4 Was A Great Ending (& 5 Why Toy Story 3 Is Still Better)
5 Pixar Reddit Fan Theories That Are Unbelievable (& 5 That Are Probably True) from https://ift.tt/3fd6VEv
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