#went to a concert so loud once my ears literally bled
symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
A lot of people headcanon hoh!Steve and I love it, but you know who should definitely have at least minor hearing loss?
Dude is a metalhead and a musician himself. You know he listens to his music as loud as physically possible, and he'd be spending a great deal of time nearby an amp. I doubt if protecting his hearing would even be on his mind.
It starts off small so its easy to miss. He's constantly asking people to repeat themselves, and there’s a not zero chance he just misses someone talking to him entirely. I also headcanon him as ADHD so as the hearing problem worsens it drags with it some audio processing errors. He can't hear quite well enough to know 100% of the time what people are saying to him for sure, starts lip reading to bridge the gap without thinking much of it. It leads to some pretty funny misinterpretations, but he can play that off easy.
Its when it starts getting to the point of not being able to keep up that he actually gets worries enough to want to do something about it.
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cherchez-la-femmme · 7 years
Fire With Fire pt. 2
One more dive into the subtle (but obvious) world of Charmer. 
She was making her way to the hotel room, her head still throbbing from the epic Amaranthe concert she’s just seen, and all the beer, and the endorphin surge from their own show just a few hours back. The guys decided to stay longer, but she felt that she’s had enough for today; of both beers and excitement. Besides, she could really use a few extra hours of sleep, at least this once. 
She walked out of the festival grounds to the hotel, greeting a few familiar faces along the way, and being cheerfully greeted by some unfamiliar ones in return, despite her pink hoodie drawn deep in her face. It was dark, and a very advanced hour as well, and yet some of the people managed to recognize her petite frame anyway. “Hey! Merel!” She turned her head in a natural reflex upon hearing her name. A bunch of big, bearded, long-haired guys made their way to her, spilling their beer on the way. “You really kicked ass tonight! Man, I wish there were more badass chicks like you. Come have a drink with us, girl.” She shook her head with a smile and avoided the massive arm, trying to catch her around her shoulders. “I went all out there for you guys, bedtime now. Thanks thoug. Here,” she took some free beer tokens out of her pocket and handed them out to them, before they started protesting against her refusal. “On the badass chick,” she said, gave them a thumbs up and walked off at the sound of cheerful laughter and some ‘Fucking marry me!’.
One of the things she adored about the metal community is that the people in it were always unbelievably friendly. Although she always felt like a child among all those impressive bearded men and breathtakingly beautiful women, it was a very loved and treasured child at best. She had that feeling back when she was at school, in her first band, but also alongside of all the big people with the big names that she's been playing with recently. Still, this encounter made her think back at how cool it used to be when she’d still come to festivals as a mere visitor, instead as one of the headliners. It was different back then, much more time and energy for chilling, and drinking, and getting trashed, but also much less awesomeness. She had no complaints what so ever, but she did miss the anonymous fun that ended with the VIP armband and the (mostly) free beer.
Her line of thought was interrupted as she finally arrived to the hotel lobby, and saw Charlotte sitting at the far end of the now already a very quiet bar, clearly deep in thought over her notebook and a cup of tea. Merel was already tired as hell, and not exactly sober, but after a not very long moment of contemplation, she decided to join her, after all. Merel came crashing down on the bar stool next to her, put both her arms on the table and laid her head on them, facing Charlotte, who looked up and gave her a wide smile. “Had fun?” “If by fun you mean beer, then yes, lots.” “Is that right? Then please don’t breathe on me.” Merel chuckled. “So this is how you come up with inspiration for your lyrics?” Charlotte laughed, and rubbed the end of her nose with her fingers. “Might be. I am actually working on some new stuff right now.” “Ooh,” Merel perked up on her chair, moving closer and trying to sneak a peek of what the singer was writing, “let me see.” But Charlotte promptly closed her notebook and poked her index finger into Merel’s shoulder, pushing her away. “Curious little puppy, aren’t you? It’s not done yet. Besides, you really look like you could use some sleep, missy.” Merel frowned, but didn’t protest when Charlotte stood up, and gestured her to come upstairs. She got up and followed the taller woman into the elevator. As the door closed, it became completely silent. Wasn’t there supposed to be some kind of an elevator music? Just as Merel wanted to say her thought out loud, she heard Charlotte's voice sing silently.
“I’ve built a hundred thousand walls To keep my heart from harm I’ve lived in the shadow of my solitude Safe and sound, I stood my ground.
But then you came And I became The huntress and the prey
The hundred thousand walls I built I climbed until I bled Just to see you smile at me To take me to your bed.”
Merel watched Charlotte sing. She had her eyes closed, and didn’t stumble once. She has obviously put a lot of effort in this already. Just when Merel wanted to say something, the door opened, Charlotte opened her eyes and nodded at her. “Come on.” Once again, Merel followed. The singing still sounded in her ears. She couldn’t stop herself from thinking that there was something different about this song. Something just didn’t feel right… Or maybe it felt just exactly right. Or maybe it was just the alcohol doing the thinking. They came to the doors of their rooms that were right next to each other. Merel looked at Charlotte expectantly, but she was busy figuring out the opening mechanism. “Why can’t they just use keys? What is wrong with keys? Who thought of opening doors with cards, seriously,” she was muttering to herself. “Hey, Charlie,” Merel said, coming closer and taking the chip card from her hands, “it was a beautiful song. I love it.” She opened the door for her, and returned the card. “I am glad you like it, drunkie,” Charlotte responded softly, and gave Merel a kiss on her head. “Goodnight.” “Night,” Merel responded and made her way to her own room.
But then you came And I became The huntress and the prey
Charlotte’s voice sounded in her head as she fell, fully clothed, face down on the bed.
Charlotte was sitting in the middle of a messy bed, only half dressed, her laptop being the only source of dim, yellow light in the room. Earlier on stage today, when Merel sang her part of the song, Charlotte could literally feel the kiss of the muse. In fact, it felt like a whole lot more than just a kiss. It felt deeper. Dirtier, And much more daring. She could feel it like a lightning bolt coming through her body. And that was also the reason why she left the festival so early, and why she spent the whole evening writing, high on green tea and inspiration. All of a sudden, a silent knock on the door disturbed her wild streams of thoughts. She looked up, and then back down. She was certainly not dressed properly to accept any visitors, so she grabbed a bathrobe on her way to the door. As soon as she opened the door, Merel squeezed herself through and walked into her room without a word. Charlotte turned around and walked after her with raised eyebrows, locking the door. Merel jumped on the bed and made herself comfortable among the messy sheets. She looked so natural in there, Charlotte’s heart shivered. “Show me more,” she said, hugging a pillow. “Well, I can take this bathrobe off-“ “No, jesus,” Merel exclaimed, “please spare me. I want to hear more of the song.” Charlotte sat down on the edge of the bed and let out a deep sigh. “I told you it’s not finished yet.” “But you just sang it to me in the elevator. Sounded finished to me.” “Maybe you sound finished to me,” Charlotte teased and poked Merel in the ribs. She giggled, but the spark in her eyes didn’t cease. She knew she’s gonna have to show her more, whether she likes it or not. She should never have started this… “Okay, okay.” Charlotte sat herself comfortably next to Merel, laid her head back and closed her eyes. At first, she just took a couple of deep breaths. Like in a yoga practice. Four in, hold for two, four out, hold for two, repeat. When her heart calmed, she started humming the new melody.
“You said I was your sun, your moon You called me your black star But I never knew just what you want, Never learned who you are.
You lit my flame, And I became The huntress and the prey
You’re always there, right by mi side, And yet you’re never here, And I keep building my walls And tearing them down, Just to drown in my own loneliness, Over and over again.
I killed my flame, And we became The hunters and the prey”
Charlotte opened her eyes and looked down at Merel. She met a pair of big, teary eyes. All Charlotte heard was the sound of her own shaky breath. But before she could say something to break the silence, a cracked voice sounded from beneath the pillow: “Is… Is this song about me?”
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