#plus I grew up with a parent in a band and that did NOT help
symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
A lot of people headcanon hoh!Steve and I love it, but you know who should definitely have at least minor hearing loss?
Dude is a metalhead and a musician himself. You know he listens to his music as loud as physically possible, and he'd be spending a great deal of time nearby an amp. I doubt if protecting his hearing would even be on his mind.
It starts off small so its easy to miss. He's constantly asking people to repeat themselves, and there’s a not zero chance he just misses someone talking to him entirely. I also headcanon him as ADHD so as the hearing problem worsens it drags with it some audio processing errors. He can't hear quite well enough to know 100% of the time what people are saying to him for sure, starts lip reading to bridge the gap without thinking much of it. It leads to some pretty funny misinterpretations, but he can play that off easy.
Its when it starts getting to the point of not being able to keep up that he actually gets worries enough to want to do something about it.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Take It Out On Me Part 9 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: Idk where this came from but it hella flowed from my angsty brain. Enjoy :) There is a phone conversation in this one. Steve's will be in red.
Warnings: Daddy Steve and Sir Eddie and all that implies (I regret nothing!), Smut, angst, with a dash of fluff, degrading and spanking, reader gets hurt and ends up going to the ER (not because of anything they did! They would never hurt her like that.) Injury is mentioned in detail (bleeding and stitches), I think that's all.
Word Count: 5792
“Hey Maze.”
Your best friend grins at Steve and Eddie as they sit beside her on the bleachers in the rival school gym. The girls Hawkins basketball team had made it to finals and unbeknown to you the boys had made it a priority to be there especially Eddie who postponed Corroded Coffins band practice to come watch you. 
It had taken some time but Masie eventually grew fond of both boys even coming out with you guys to the movies or dinner at the diner in town. After the game began, she couldn’t help but laugh when the metalhead would clap when everyone else did with a vacant expression in his eyes. 
“Do you have any idea what’s going on?”
“No. I just know Y/N is playing and the ball goes in the hoop.”
“Eh. That’s enough.”, Steve grinned as he nudged his friend with his shoulder. 
Hawkins was ahead in score and after every quarter the opposing team seemed to get more and more aggressive. One of the girls seemed to always be on you the same way Billy had with Steve. 
“I’m going to murder this girl if she touches her again.”, Masie growled.
It happened so fast even you barely had time to register it. One minute you were running up the court, the next an elbow was colliding with your face, knocking you hard to the ground. When you didn’t get back up before a whistle even blew Eddie and Steve were on the court. 
The sound of sneakers skidded to your side. “Y/N?! Honey, I need you to look at me, ok?”, Steve lifted your head as Eddie slid his jacket behind it. Your coach knelt beside him as she spoke on the phone with emergency services. “Y/N! Come on, babe.”
“…Fuck me, that hurt…” You try to reach for your head but your limbs feel heavy. 
“No, hey, no. Don’t move, ok? How are you feeling?”
“Heavy…but that could be because I am.” They laugh as you flash them a tiny smile.
“Well, at least your making jokes.” Steve’s eyes meet Eddie’s as he brushes your hair back to expose where you were bleeding. Your head turned slightly towards Masie who was kneeling by your side as your eyes began to tear up. 
“I’m scared.”
The guys hated this. They had never felt so helpless and it was killing them. 
EMS arrived and started treating you before pulling you onto the stretcher. 
“Sweetheart, we’ll meet you at the hospital, okay?!”, Eddie called after you as they began wheeling you away. 
You grinned as all three of them walked into your room while the nurse was putting a bandage over the stitches near your temple. 
“If you ever scare me like that again, I’ll kill you.” Masie practically pushed the lady out of her way as she hugged you. 
“Oh, look at that. She’s definitely on some good drugs.”, Eddie grins. 
“Yeah, seven stitches and a lot of morphine later.”, the nurse giggled. “She’s going to be feeling it tomorrow though.” She collected her mess, exiting the room, and Masie followed her out saying she had to find a phone to call her parents letting them know she would be late coming home. 
Eddie came up to your side, gently gripping your cheeks as he kissed your forehead. It was honestly the softest thing you had ever experienced with him, making you want to collapse into his chest.
“Are you okay?”
“I…can’t really feel anything…but I think so.”, you smile. 
Steve’s hand slides into your own. “You did good out there tonight. So good in fact that bitch had to take you out completely.” He grinned as you lazily laughed. “Is this a pattern for you? Bleeding and getting into fights.”, he teased. 
“Oh yeah. On graduation, I’ll get my “fuck bitches up” girl scout badge.”, you slurred as the medicine really began kicking in. “Thank you both…for being here.”
Eddie ran his hand through your hair behind your head right as the hospital door flew open again. 
���Sweetheart! Are you okay?!” 
Eddie and Steve immediately pulled back as your mom came in and tugged you into her arms. 
“Yeah, mama. I’m fine—”
“What happened?!”
“Why are you two here?”, you dad asks sizing up the boys with his eyes. 
“We’re, um, her friends.”
“No. Masie is her friend. She’s never mentioned you especially you.”, he points at Eddie. 
“Dad, please… they are my friends.”
“Hm. We’ll talk about that when you are feeling better. You two can leave now.”
The metalhead’s fists clenched in defiance at the way your dad commanded him. Even worse, you were hurt and they didn’t want to leave you, making them feel helpless all over again. 
“Come on, Ed. Let’s…let’s head back. Y/N, call us later, okay?”
You nodded as you watched them hesitate, dragging their feet as they finally leave. 
“Shit. You guys are in for it now. Her parents are about to make this a lot harder for you.” Masie smiled at them with empathy before entering the room as they left.
Masie wasn’t joking around with her statement. They tried to call you but they were always met with a busy signal. You missed the next few days of school and your friend said that your parents kept checking in on you at night so they couldn’t sneak in again. 
It had been three days since they had seen your face or heard your voice and their anger began to leak through in their every day. Steve got in trouble for snapping at one of his teachers and Eddie tried to clear his mind with a new D & D campaign but he couldn’t focus long enough to get anything together. 
At 2am on a school night, the metalhead found himself glaring into the void, cigarette loosely hanging from his lips as he strummed his guitar when his phone ringing jostled him back to reality.
“Yeah, what.”, he answered angrily. 
“Baby? Hey, hey.” He moved his instrument to the side as he removed the cigarette and balanced it in a nearby ashtray. “Hey. Are you okay?”
“Yes, Sir. I’m fine. Am I bothering you?”
“No, sweetheart, you’re never bothering me. Do you want me to get, Steve?” He quickly puts you on hold as he dials the man’s number.
“Yeah?”, he grumbles sleepily. 
Without saying a word, Eddie pulls him through. “He’s here, Y/N.”
Steve’s eyes shot open at the sound of your little voice. “Honey? Jesus fucking Christ, it’s good to hear your voice. Are you alright?”
“I’m so sorry for disappearing. My parents were worried because I got hurt and then quizzed me about you both. My dad saw you both touching me in the hospital and he pitched a fit. He said I wasn’t allowed to talk to you guys. This is the first time in the last few days I haven’t had them looming over me.”
“We can worry about all that later. What matters to us is how your head is.”
“It still hurts but not as bad as that first morning. It was awful. I…I just wanted you two to hold me and tell me everything would be ok…”
“Hey, hey now, baby girl. Everything IS ok. When are you coming back to school?”
“Tomorrow afternoon. I have an appointment with the doctor in the morning so I should be back by lunch.” Your sniffles filled their receivers. “Are you two alright? I heard Daddy got in trouble.”
“Yeah, Steve got feisty with one of his teachers.”, Eddie chuckled. 
“I don’t like feeling out of control…”, Steve exhaled heavily. 
 “We were just worried about you, princess. It’s our job to take care of you.” You’re end suddenly disconnected and with that you were gone again. “Ugh! Fuck this bullshit.”, Eddie growled as he picked up his cigarette again.
“Thanks for calling me, Munson. Fuck, I can’t wait for tomorrow. I need to see her face.”
Steve leans against one of the poles outside while Eddie paces during their lunch period in the front parking lot as they wait for you. 
“Where the hell is she?”
Steve shrugs, checking his watch for the millionth time. 
“God damnit! I fucking hate this!”
“Eddie, relax, dude.”
“Don’t tell me to relax, Harrington. I know you feel the same way. I fucking hate this helpless feeling. This is WORSE than when she was in New York. At least then we knew she would call us to tell us she was ok. Now when she actually fucking needs us, there’s nothing we can do?!”
“Eddie?” Their heads whip around to the sound of your voice. “What’s wrong? Why are you both out here?”
For over three days, this is what the metalhead had been waiting for, you in front of him, but seeing you now had him frozen in place. You had a different type of bandage covering your wound than the last time they saw you at the hospital. Your eye just below it was a light shade of purple as it slowly began fading. 
The mixture of feelings coursing through your own body had you stuck as well. You noticed it before they turned around; the erratic energy surrounding them as they waited. You felt it to; the helplessness of not being able to even call them and hear them comfort you. While you rested you often thought about how they behaved at the gym to the hospital. Steve’s panicked tone as he held you commanding you to keep your eyes open. The fear in Eddie’s eyes and the gentle touches when he brushed your hair back as you spoke to them. 
You also couldn’t help but be a little self-conscious of the injury itself. It looked (and felt) a lot worse those first couple of days to the point where even blinking had you wincing. It was beginning to heal though and the doctor said soon they would be able to take out the stitches. You had so many other unorthodox questions you wanted to ask but didn’t know how. For example, with the current state of your injury, could you still be held down and fucked senseless by two handsome men? 
Seeing them now you kind of wish you had because not only did they seem like they had things they needed to release but you desperately wanted them to because you needed it to. You needed them to take out the frustration of the last few days on you because you needed to let it go as well. 
Eddie’s palm ran through your hair down to the side of your cheek. “I-I didn’t realize she hit you that hard. Are you—does it—”
“Not as bad, no. I didn’t either but they are taking the stitches out Friday and he said I can even start playing again by next week. Not much point now…the season is pretty much over.”, you chuckle. “Why are you guys out here? I was sitting with Masie waiting for you.”
“You said you’d be back by lunch so we were waiting for you to park. We… oh fuck this.” Steve’s hand shot to grab the back of your neck, pulling your lips to his. His kisses couldn’t be described any other way besides hungry. When he pulled away, he placed his forehead on yours careful not to hurt you. “We don’t like feeling out of control…”
“I’m sorry, Daddy. I tried, I swear, but—”
“No. You were bleeding in our arms. You were scared and there was nothing we could do about it in that moment. Then you were all alone… we couldn’t get to you…”
Eddie tugged lightly on your arm and you fell into his chest. “We felt helpless… It’s nothing you did. I just keep thinking about you in the hospital with those big, sad eyes and we left you.”
“No, hey, no.” You lean back looking up at him. “You didn’t leave me by choice. I know that.” Following Steve’s lead, you reach for his chin and tilt his lips to yours.
The sound of the bell forces you both apart. “I’m not sure if it’s my head or what but that sound is way more fucking grating.” You grin as they laugh, the beautiful noise shooting straight to your heart. 
The rest of the week was a different kind of hell. Everyone kept staring at your face as you walked by, some even asking for the gory details. Masie being the ever-present best friend made sure to shoo them as far away as she could before looping her arm in yours and walking you to class. 
It was wonderful being able to see the guys again but your parents were still hovering over you not even allowing you to go to Masie’s house after school if you asked. Eddie and Steve started behaving a bit differently as well. Friday you finally got your stitches out and by that following Monday you were feeling a lot better. The cut was still visible of course but the bruising and swelling had subsided greatly. 
Even though you couldn’t go to their house, you at least expected them to utilize the time at school like they had previously but they didn’t. It was almost like they were afraid to touch you. 
“Mom, please. I need to get out of the house! I’m much better, let me hang out with Masie.”
Your parents glanced at each other from their place on the couch. “Just Masie?”
“Of course—”
“You know I don’t want you hanging out with that freaky Munson kid or the Harrington boy especially if they are associated.”
“I know, dad.” You tried to hold in your growl as he insulted them. 
“Fine. Are you going to spend the night?”
They nodded when you asked if you could and you excitedly ran to your car as you headed for Eddie’s trailer.
“Hello there.” A tall, older man opened the door for you gesturing for you to come in. “I assume you’re here for Eddie. He’s…” The metalhead came into view when he saw you from his room. “…right there. I’m Wayne, his uncle. Are you Y/N?”
“Hi, I am. It’s nice to finally meet you.”, you beam. 
“Likewise. I’ve heard some great things about you.” He grins down at you before turning to collect some things from the couch and tugging on his hat. “Alright, Ed. I’m off to work. Don’t burn anything down.”
“Yeah, yeah.”, Eddie waves after him nonchalantly. “I see the wardens set you free.”
“They did. I thought the three of us could spend some time together.” You coyly run your hand down his shirted chest as you smile. To your dismay, he lightly grabs your wrists and places it on your side. 
“That sounds like fun. Steve is on his way right now, actually. We were going to smoke and listen to some music.”
“Oh…um…ok. I’m not intruding or anything, am I?”
“No, sweetheart, no. Go sit on my bed and I’ll be right there.”
“Yes, Sir.”
He paused then, glancing to the floor before flashing you a half-hearted smile. 
Did…Did I do something wrong? Why he is being like this? Maybe Steve will help.
After doing what he suggested, you looked out to his bedroom window to see the boy smoking on his front steps. A few moments go by before a BMW slowly pulls up to the trailer. His eyebrows furrow in confusion when he sees your car and they both have what seems like a heated conversation. Eddie tosses the cigarette in the dirt, dusting off his shorts before they come inside. 
“Hey, honey. Nice to see you out of your prison.”
You softly smile as you rise to hug him but something’s off. Steve usually wraps his arms tightly around you, pressing your head to this chest as you inhale him. This time his arms encircled you for all of five seconds before letting you go. 
“Are you both mad at me?”
“No, baby. Why would we be mad at you?”, Eddie asks as he sits on the floor and reaches for his black tin lunch box. 
“You’re just acting weird… less…like you were before.”
“I have no idea what that means.”, Steve chuckles. As he sits at the end of the bed, you notice his shoulders tense. Neither of them seemed relaxed at all. 
“Oh? You have no idea? Hm. That’s cool. Maybe Billy Hargrove may know.” You gaze shifts between them, gauging their reaction hoping to get any at all that wasn’t whatever they were displaying now. Eddie froze as Steve’s breathing became a bit more erratic but neither responded to you verbally. “Really? Nothing to say? Misters I-take-what-I-want and call-me-by-my-titles have absolutely nothing to say to me?!”
Eddie moved everything to the side as he listened to you speak. Steve still hadn’t really looked at you so you took it upon yourself, reaching for his chin and turning him to face you. His hand roughly reached for your wrist but instead of acting on your action…he let you go.
“Wow.”, you huffed. “Never thought I’d see the day when the freak and the king became bitches yet here we are. What was it, hm? Is it because I made you guys feel something other than lust? Or are you just afraid to live up to your names because I got hurt. I assure you both I just cracked my head open yet I have more fire than either of you this past week!”
You shook your head, rising to your feet and heading towards the front door. A hand abruptly grabbed your arm and spun you back towards the hallway. “Go.”, Eddie pointed towards his bedroom. “NOW!” He shouted into your face causing you to jump as you turned and quickly did as he asked. 
He brought a chair from the living room and placed it in the middle of his bedroom. “Sit.”
As you took your seat, he sat across from you beside Steve whose eyes were clouded over with rage. 
“I always love when you get angry like you just did. It really gives me insight into how you see us and this relationship.” Eddie’s tone was light but his tense body language betrayed him as he lit a cigarette. “We feel things for you other than lust every fucking day but the helplessness was new. This kind of helpless anyway. The kind that makes you want to do whatever you have to…to make sure the person you care about is ok.”
“But I guess that was all for nothing since we don’t care about you. We just want to fuck you. It’s just Daddy, Sir, and Baby, right?”, Steve glared at you. “It’s just titles, sex, and money… Even if that’s the case, we still wouldn’t have played with you because you were hurt.”, he snickers before he continues. “Can’t really play with a toy when it’s damaged.”
Your eyes start to water at his words but you fold your arms and regain your composure as you sit up straighter. You’re not going to show them your pain. 
“Hurts, doesn’t it? Being referred to like that.” Eddie takes a drag from his cigarette and blows smoke in your direction. “Imagine how it makes us feel when you constantly say things like that. That just because you belong to us all we’re capable of is having sexual feelings for you. That we don’t think about you every god damn day and wonder how you are.”
“If you’re alright…did she eat? Did she get enough sleep since stays up till 2am doing her homework? Are Tommy and Carol leaving her alone because she already has enough on her plate with things at home and school…”
“When is she going to spend the night again because my pillow doesn’t smell like her anymore? Why is the clock moving so fucking slow? I just want it to be lunch so I can hear her laugh across the lunchroom. Is it the end of the day so I can wrap my arms around her before we walk her to her car.”
You wiped the stray tear that escaped as they continued. 
“Those feelings were amplified by ten when we couldn’t reach you. I know she’s in pain but I can’t…hold her. I can’t tell her everything is okay. I can’t fucking kiss her and take care of her like we should.” Eddie squishes his cigarette and lights another. “I hope…I hope she doesn’t think that we’re fine without her.”
Steve glances at him as the boy looks down at the floor. “Because we weren’t… Y/N, when you didn’t get back up and you were struggling to even open your eyes… it scared the hell out of me; out of us.”
“Is that why you won’t touch me?”, you ask.
“Yes and no.”
Eddie blows smoke in your direction again. “Yes because it scared us and no because… fuck it, Harrington. I don’t know how else to say it so I’m just going to. Sweetheart, we have a lot of fucking buildup of emotions from everything that happened and the feeling of not having control. We know that Miss I-like-to-be-used would allow us to release some of that energy but, baby, we…can’t promise we’d be gentle.”
“And with your injury we aren’t sure what you can handle… and we know that if we touch you we, we may never stop so…”
“Then don’t.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, their answer to your question turning you on. “Please… I need it just as bad as you do.”
They hear it to; the neediness in your tone pleading with them. Their cocks twitch in their pants as you squirm in your chair. 
“Maybe when you’ve fully healed, baby.”
“I’m fine, Daddy. I promise. The stitches are out and it doesn’t even hurt anymore. Please…”
“No.” Eddie didn’t say that with any kind of confidence so you knew you getting through.
Standing from your chair, you kicked off your jeans before taking a seat again making sure to leave your legs wide open. 
“But, Sir, I need you. I need you to make me cum.” Your fingers dip under the fabric of your underwear as you run them through your folds. 
“Seem like you’re doing just fine. I’m not sure what a couple of bitches like us could do, right Stevie?”
Steve was losing his resolve; he wasn’t as strong as Eddie. It had been a couple of weeks since he tasted you and all he wanted to do was bury his face between your legs. 
“I’m sorry for being rude to you. I just…it hurt me that you didn’t want to touch me.”
“Hey. It’s not that we didn’t want to—”
“I know, Sir. I know. You were looking out for me. Thank you for always being so good to me.” Your eyes met his as your fingers slide into your entrance. “Fuck… please. Your fingers are so much bigger than mine.”
His eyes narrowed in your direction. “Did you just interrupt me?”
A cocky grin spread across your face. “Yes, Sir, I did.”
Eddie snapped his fingers and motioned for you to stand in front of them. You did as you were told, shivering when his hands finally made contact with your skin as he lifted off your shirt and slid down your panties. 
“Kneel.”, he commands as he points towards the floor. 
They weren’t sure if you could tell but they were struggling so hard to keep their composure. Seeing you like this, on your knees in front of them as you looked up with those big, beautiful, needy eyes, was torture in it of itself. 
Steve’s palm reached out to touch your face as his thumb traced your lingering wound. Your check turned into his touch as you delicately kissed the pads of his fingers. 
“I’m ok, Daddy. I promise. I wouldn’t lie to you…to either of you.”
Eddie’s foot suddenly slid between your legs. “Why don’t you finish what you were doing, princess? Make yourself cum.”
You hesitated slightly, wrapping your arms around his calf as your started to grind your hips, whining when you couldn’t seem to get enough friction. 
“Need something bigger, pretty girl? I like we spoiled her, Stevie.” He chuckles as his hands grip your biceps pulling you onto the bed on top of him. You bit your bottom lip to stifle the moan as he took off his shirt and tossed it to the floor. “Up, up.” He called as he patted his tummy. 
Eddie quirked his eyebrow as if to say you can continue and a whimper left your chest as you slowly began grinding your pussy against him. He grinned as he placed his arms behind his head, watching you. 
“Harrington, you should really come up here. The view is quite nice.”
“I don’t mind what I’m seeing back here.” Steve’s palm lightly came down on your ass eliciting a soft moan. You could tell he was testing the waters so you offered some encouragement of your own. 
“Jesus, Daddy. I like that.”
This time Eddie spanked you a bit harder. “Say it correctly.”
“I—mmm—I like Daddy spanking me.”
“Yeah, you do. I can feel you fucking dripping.”
Balancing on his chest, you rub your hips harder against him, his happy trail tickling you in the best possible way. The sound of the boy’s moan underneath you gave you pause as your eyes fluttered open and met his.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“I…I’m not hurting you…right?” It takes Eddie a moment and a cursory glance towards his friend to realize what you mean. His palms grip either side of your face as he brings you closer to his own. 
“Grind.”, he commands. You hesitate before continuing, gripping his wrist for leverage. “Look at me, Y/N. Stop worrying about your body. You should be more concerned about this…”, his thumb glides over your forehead before coming down to caress your stomach. “…than this. You trust us, right?”
“Yes, Sir. I trust you and Daddy.”
He smiles as you correctly answer his question. “Good girl, princess. We know not only how to take care of you but ourselves. If I couldn’t handle a beautiful girl like you rubbing her pretty little pussy on top of me, I would never have put you in that position. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
“Yes, Sir, I understand…fuck me.” Your body trembles above him as you cum, the hair on his stomach now coated with you. “Please…please, use me.”, you beg. “I know you both went through a lot these past few days. I did to. I missed you so much. Please…”
Eddie gestured for you to get off him, standing to remove his shorts and boxers. As you waited, a now naked Steve patted the mattress, signaling for you to lay down on your back next to him.
“Tap twice to get my attention, ok?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
His fingers smoothed your hair back as he sat up on his knees and pressed the tip of his mushroom head to your lips. “Open.” Steve placed his cock between your mouth, guiding it in and out with an obnoxious pop before fully settling in. 
The bed shook underneath you as Eddie placed himself between your legs, holding your thighs open for a good view as he spit into your cunt. After lifting your leg over his shoulder, he sheathed himself inside of your core, your eyes rolling back at the feeling. 
He wasn’t ruthless but he definitely wasn’t gentle as he jackhammered his hips into yours. Steve held the back of your head as he pumped into your mouth, biting his lips as both men pushed themselves deeper into you. 
“That’s it, babe. Taking me and Steve like the good fucking slut you are. Fuck, I missed this fucking pussy.” His thumb came down to play with your clit and you mewled as you jerked your head away from Steve. 
“Fuck! Yes, Sir. Please…”
“Yeah? Is that the spot, sweetheart?” 
The other boy wrapped his hand around your throat, lightly squeezing as Eddie slammed into you. Steve’s lips came down to meet yours as you panted against them as you came. The metalhead aggressively placed his hands on your ass, holding you as tightly to him as he could get before roughly thrusting his seed inside of you.
The boys head hung as he tried to catch his breath, his hair blocking his face from your view. His arm slowly rose, wrapping around your thigh as his palm rested on your mound. A tiny gasp left your lips as his thumb casually began flicking your clit again. 
“So sensitive…”, he grinned. “I bet I can make you cum again by just doing this without moving my cock.”
“It’s not hurting you?”, Steve chuckled making Eddie’s grin stretch further along his gorgeous face. 
“A little.” He licks his lips as his eyes remain on himself inside of you and his thumb moving against you. “But, again, Harrington, the view is worth it. F-fuck. She’s just fucking pulling me in.”
Eddie grunts as his face scrunches together, slowly pulling halfway out before your pussy tightens around him and he slides back in. Your eyes roll and close as he moves faster against you bundle of nerves, your hand blindly reaching for Steve’s cheek so you can feel his lips. 
His tongue sloppily glides along yours as his fingers delicately brush your hair away from your face. You pulled away, moaning as the sound of slick filled the room. 
“There you go, honey. Let go and just cum. Don’t think about anything else except the way Eddie feels touching you. God, baby girl, I can’t wait to be inside of you. After you cum on my cock I’m going to cum in this pretty mouth. Do you want that?”
“Y-yes, Daddy. Please.”
“God damn it…”, Eddie mewled, your cunt squeezing him like a vice as you cum. 
Steve kisses your forehead before he and the metalhead switch places. After lifting you up and leaning his back against the headboard, he positions you on top of him so you were facing away with your legs bent at the knee on either side of him. Unsure of what you should be doing, he guided you with his hands, raising your hips and bringing you down gradually on to his dick. 
“That’s my good girl. Fuck. L-lean forward, baby, and balance on your hands.”
You followed his instructions, pushing on to your hands and using them for leverage as you bounced your hips against his own. Eddie sat on his knees in front of you, his hands cupping your face as he kissed your lips.
“How does he feel, sweetheart?”
“Mmm—so good.”
“Yeah? Funny. I thought you said you had some aggression you wanted to get out to. Doesn’t seem like you’re fucking him that way.”
You whimper as you roll your waist, Steve’s hand coming down to smack your ass.
“Come on, Y/N. I know you can do better than that.”, Eddie coos.
“Fuck, yes, honey.” The other man grunts from behind as your lower half hits his as hard and fast as you can go. 
“I know, baby. I know.” Eddie tangles his fingers into your hair as he presses your face to his shoulder while Steve begins thrusting upwards to meet your actions with aggressive motions of his own. 
Crying out, your body shutters as you tumble of the edge.
“Good…good girl, babe. Shit…come…come put those beautiful lips…on my cock.”, he panted. 
His friend released his hold on you as you slid off his lap and adjusted yourself so you could take him in your mouth. Steve held you still as he pumped into until you felt his spend hit the back of your throat. You quickly bobbed your head, utilizing your tongue to grab every last drop you could before swallowing him down. 
You collapsed on to your back trying to catch your breath until a hand slid behind your head lifting it up till your lips touched glass. 
“Drink this, sweetheart.” As soon as the water hit your tastebuds, your hand reached for the cup and chugged the rest of its contents. “Good, baby. Let’s go take a shower really quick, ok?”
You nod as you allow him to take your hand and lead you to his bathroom before preparing the shower. Standing silently in your bliss, you allow him to clean you. 
Eddie is startled slightly when your arms wrap around him and you nuzzle into his chest. He smiles as he holds you to him. 
“I’m glad you’re okay. It’s been a while since I was…panicked like that. When we couldn’t be there for you, I felt like I failed you.”
“No, Sir. Please, don’t think like that. I know my parents made it harder with how they reacted. Maybe after we graduate, we can look for a place together. That way you know I’m safe.”
“You’d want that?”
You lean back, meeting his eyes. “Of course. I’m yours. I’d love to be able to see you guys every day. I mean, we can talk about it. You and Steve don’t have to say yes or no right now.”
Eddie’s phone blares angerly on his bed side table making Steve cringe into your shoulder and pull you tighter to his chest. The metalhead groaned as the hand you had resting on his back slid off as he rolled over to stop the God awful noise from continuing. 
“Yeah?!...Hey Wayne…Yeah, she’s still here and Harrington to.”
He presses the phone to his chest and without opening his eyes, addresses you both. “My uncle is on his way home and wants to know if we want anything from the diner for breakfast.”
“He doesn’t have to do that.”, you answer groggily. 
“Yeah, Wayne. My girlfriend says she would like eggs and bacon with some coffee and we’ll have the same. Thanks, man.”
Eddie places the device back down and rolls over on his side facing you. 
“You said girlfriend…”
“Jesus H Christ.”, the boy sighs before opening his eyes to meet your glowing ones. “Do you not want to be?”
“No…I mean yes…I mean…”
Steve chuckles behind you. “You’re cute when you’re flustered.”
“Am I your girlfriend to?”
“I kinda thought that obvious with the speech we gave you last night.” 
Excitedly, you plant a kiss on each of them as they groan playfully. “Now, boyfriends, I think we should at least put clothes on before Eddie’s uncle comes home and asks some really awkward questions.”
@manda-panda-monium @sherrylyn628 @local-stoner-bitch
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@chelebelletx @shayeddie @emmalee-01 @anaibis
@wroteclassicaly @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
@siriuslysmoking @raptorbait529 @miarosso
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morn1e · 6 days
kind of grew a spine. here r marnie hcs that r not rly new but compiled into a single post.will maybe make a pt2 if i remember any more
- full name is maureen montgomery😁 normally has always been referred 2 as maureen/reen by family&by surname @ work. marnie is exclusively a nickname that dude calls her by. @ 1st realllyyyy did not like that bcuz he solely called her that bcuz he knew that would get under her skin but in the end got used 2 it&would not have it any other way <:)
- grew up in maryland&studied med school+residency in boston, massachusetts. currently lives in paradise. sole reason moved there is bcuz the busy life in boston+exhausting residency really did her in&just hit rock bottom which made her move across the country bcuz what other choice did she have?
- have not rly figured out the timeline yet but she is a double doctor; both having a medical degree&phd in biochemistry \o/. works in general surgery these days. very mary sue but whole idea 4 marnie is an individual who was a gifted child who was very ambitious&motivated 2 b the best but like icarus flew too close 2 the sun where her wax wings melted&got stuck in burnout&just. not caring anymore
- she has always been very cold&non caring in nature but pretends 2 b nice so ppl do not come 4 her ass unnecessarily+it is generally easier 2 attract more flies w honey than with vinegar when it comes 2 getting what u want
- has a younger sister who has 2 kids&is living w parents back in maryland. mom was/is a stay @ home mom/butcher&dad is a horse doctor. her home life was genuinely very well&loving but bcuz marnie is a piece of shit she is rather disconnected from her family bcuz in personality she&the rest of the family r polar opposite&she could never relate 2 them. she does not hate either of them but is not also close 2 them. they r just there.is maybe somewhat closer 2 her dad bcuz he is also not very talkative or cheerful like her.
- kind of known already but just very nonchalant. very chill but w a serious tone. sarcastic. fights w words than get physical. if any of this makes sense. idk how 2 properly explain it sorry but her demeanour is really like house from house md i guess. that it my best explanation.sorry
- speaks in a soft kinda quiet voice bcuz there is no purpose in speaking loud or whatever or some shit
- has a bonsai tree :) surprisingly it is doing well bcuz she genuinely takes good care of it(+dude helps out against his own will)
- the scar on her shoulder is from the time her younger sister shot her w their dads hunting rifle bcuz marnie did not let her sister take her doll when they were kids😁
- never has long/painted nails bcuz she mostly chews them off&has 2 keep short nails bcuz of her profession. but also she does not give a shit in painting them
- fav dessert is chocolate pudding :)
-fav alcoholic drink is smth like beer mostly but generally drinks abt anything. also rly enjoys sparkling wine on special occasions
-has very weird kinda fucked up eating habits.like prefers cold food over hot&eats toast only when it is super burnt&puts in milk 1st b4 cereal&eats fries w no sauce& shit like that. but fav comfort food is tomato soup w grilled cheese:)
- drives(more like owns bcuz in paradise cars r basically useless) a 1979 cadillac le cabriolet that she got as a gift 4 finishing med school+her phd
- generally will listen 2 anything bcuz she does not rly have a fav genre or whatever. but her fav band is underworld&the “2nd toughest in the infants” specifically is her fave
- she is genuinely a very skilled&great surgeon but not really good as a doctor when it comes 2 talking 2 patients. she is not 1 who would deny tests/prescriptions etc bcuz she could care less but her cold very honest demeanour is not really liked in patients. plus she does Not like talking 2 ppl 4 too long
- is always 20 steps ahead bcuz oohh so gigachad so mary sue but also bcuz every1 in paradise is stupid as shit so forging prescriptions is childs play 2 her now. forges prescriptions 4 dude so he can get his migraine meds bcuz she genuinely wants him 2 feel better bcuz from a doctors position she gets how painful that sort of pain is.&ermmm do not tell any1 it is also bcuz she cares 4 him. anything 4 her low value man
- is sadly forced 2 work in the free clinic sometimes😢 genuinely hates this task but it can b amusing sometimes
- alongside that also has a small group of interns/residents under her wing which always aggravates her bcuz she feels like a fuckign babysitter
- despite being a bitch is generally nice 2 kids :) esp child patients @ the clinic or in surgery. she is not 1 who would baby them w talking in a baby voice or belittle them or whatever but would treat them as just. human. besides they r just kids. u cannot b mean 2 kids. most of the time kids r easier&more fun 2 interact w than grown ass adults @ the hospital
- always sleeps in a pose like how pharaohs r buried in. hands @ chest&on her back. weird ass guy idk
- feels neutral towards animals but champ is her dear little friend:) if nobody got marnie she knows champ got her o7
- despite all the posts i make abt her being mean 2 dude she genuinely loves him a lot&finds him very attractive. she cares a lot 4 him. he is her person. marnie has a thing 4 very tall men being tall herself.it is not everyday u meet a 6’8” man. this felt so wrong 2 type out but all of this is (sadly) true
- 1st kept dude around bcuz he brought thrill into her monotone boring life&the sex was awesome, stayed w him bcuz he is her person♡
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invisibleraven · 3 months
kissing on a ferris wheel and Flynn/Reggie?
Flynn fixes her braids once more as she hears the beep of Reggie's horn in the driveway. She's sure her mother is scowling about him not coming to the door, but she also knew that she would never be allowed to go if he did.
It's not that her parents disapprove of her dating, but she knows they would look down on Reggie being from Silver Lake and a broken home. Plus she knows they worry about her being out with a white boy, even if it's accepted more now, people still judge and hate.
It's a changing world, and her parents are terrified of it-while Flynn wants to rush into it.
Thus she shouts out a farewell and barrels into Reggie's truck, greeting him with a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "Hi sweetness."
"Hi hun," he smiled at her-that crooked grin that made her melt. "Ready to go?"
She nodded, buckling her seatbelt. "You still haven't told me where you're taking me-should I be scandalized?"
"Definitely not," he chuckled, turning the radio on, letting the big band music fill the cab as he took off.
They didn't have to catch up much-they had shared classes the day before, even if Flynn could have slept through Algebra she found it so boring, and Reggie could care less about Home Ec. But they helped each other out, which is how they had become friends and then more after a math study session ended in kisses rather than equations.
Soon enough, Flynn could see where they were headed, a smile bursting forth on her face. "The fair?"
"Thought you might like it," Reggie smirked, parking his truck in the lot which was somewhat crowded. "Hope it's okay."
"Win me a bear and we'll see," she teased, hopping out of the truck, taking his hand and pulling him towards the ticket booth.
Flynn loved the fair-the way the air smelled of sugars and fats, full of music and noise. The crowd of people playing games and going on rides, full of merriment and joy.
Reggie squired her around, taking in the booths of prizes until he found one he was reasonably sure he could win-throwing balls at milk bottles. He had been playing softball for years, so he had a decent arm.
He won her a bear as promised-a small one with a teal coloured bowtie that she adored, hugging it tight.
"You gonna win me something now?" he asked, taking her free arm, escorting her around.
"I'm not as good with throwing stuff," she admitted. "But I can buy you a candy apple."
"Even better."
They shared sweet treats, people watching as they did, before deciding on a few rides. The swings were fun, even they made Flynn a little dizzy, but that just gave her an excuse to cling to Reggie a little tighter when they got off.
They indulged in a few more rides and games, nabbing some more food as the day grew longer.
"Soon be time to get you home," Reggie stated with regret.
"Can we do one more ride before then?" Flynn pleaded.
Reggie nodded, directing them towards the Ferris Wheel-his favourite, and even if Flynn wasn't as big of a fan of heights, she indulged him. The seats swayed a little as they ascended, making her uneasy, but his hand in hers made it easier to bear.
"Look," he said, pointing at the area surrounding them.
Flynn gasped at the view, able to see the city in the distance, the lights coming on as the sun sunk in the horizon. "It's beautiful."
"So are you," Reggie remarked, pulling her in for a lingering kiss that made Flynn's toes curl. She could care less that she was missing the view or about the shaking of the ride.
All she knew was how good it felt to be here with Reggie, locking lips and feel so safe and happy.
They broke apart, shame faced as the amused carny running the ride urged them off. They ran off with burning cheeks, giggles ringing out as they got to Reggie's truck, Flynn pleased at getting caught up in the moment-who cares what anyone else thought?
"Home now," she stated, hugging her bear tight, sadly watching the fair disappear in the rear views, the radio playing softly in the background.
"Did you have fun though?"
"I had the best time," she assured Reggie. "I can't wait until our next date."
"Dunno how I'm gonna top this one though," Reggie chuckled, pulling up to her house.
She touched the door handle, hesitating, and biting her lip. "Will you walk me to the door?"
"Really?" he asked, unable to hold back his surprise. "What about your folks?"
"I want them to meet the person who makes me so happy," Flynn replied. "No more sneaking around."
Reggie beamed at that, hopping out to get her door-like the gentleman he was, and offered her an arm. "You sure?"
Flynn slid her hand into the crook of his elbow, look at the fluttering curtains, and stood taller. "Of you? Always."
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artimace · 28 days
I woke up yesterday with a bit of postdrome lingering from a three-day migraine that kicked in as I was traveling home from my parents' house in Florida. I was low energy: even moving a single load of laundry to the dryer exhausted me enough to need an hour-long lie down, because I needed to save my spoons.
I needed my spoons because my wife talked me into buying tickets to Green Day's show in Milwaukee despite the hour plus drive there and back (she can't drive) and my steadily increasing leeriness of buying concert tickets after a few too many went unused because a migraine hit day-of.
The Saviors tour had three openers (including the Linda Lindas who have grown so so much in just the year since we saw them open for Paramore). Green Day's set alone includes the entirety of Dookie and American Idiot because the albums are turning 30 and 20 respectively. My guys, the last concert I attended I was still recovering from my knee surgery (I grew extra bones and had to have them removed so they would stop getting in the way of the joint function). We sat in the ADA section (I was using a cane and was struggling to stand for very long at the time) and left after the opener because I got a migraine and my wife started to get overwhelmed (we got the tickets mainly for the opener, but had been excited to see the main act as well).
This time? Reader, I was on my feet for almost three hours straight during Green Day's set. I had to be strategic and sit through the openers, I had to sit down sometimes when I didn't want to because my feet (not my hip! not my knee!) were hurting too much. But I stood, and I danced, and I sang and screamed and cheered, when two years ago I had to sit through the entirety of Florence and the Machine, and cried because I couldn't stand, couldn't see because I couldn't stand (and hadn't booked ADA because, when I got the tickets, I wasn't using a cane yet). It was particularly painful because I couldn't help but remember the last time I saw her in 2016, when I danced my way through the show. My body still hurts (my back definitely reminded me that I'm in my thirties when we got back to the car), but I did it. I was able to stand for the show, and I didn't have to leave early because of a migraine, and I got to go on a fun date with my wife to see one of the bands that formed my whole ass personality when I was in middle school. This, on a day when I was feeling that, after three days of migraine and retreating to bed to constantly rest despite my many obligations, I didn't like the person my chronic illness was making me be.
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pennielane · 1 year
Another Hey Jude story - sorry if this is getting boring.
I love the song, but I do so mainly for two reasons.
1) singing that song with Paul 80‘000 other people in a stadium is actually the most religious experience I‘ve ever had and I grew up religious.
And 2) and this is the big one:
Before I was born my mum and dad and their group of friends (plus most of my dad‘s siblings and their spouses) created this music band group thing. Some played instruments, the others were the singers. And I just remember growing up with them coming back together every now and then and reminiscing but also listening to and watching video footage of them. And they did sing ‚Hey Jude‘ as a surprise at my parents wedding (among other things). And my uncle had the solo bit at the end where Paul just absolutely goes crazy. And it is one of the most talked about memories in our family, despite us kids only knowing about it from the wedding video. It‘s referenced all the time and the song is getting sung quite often when a few of the former members get together. On my uncle‘s birthday for example everyone started singing Hey Jude first and then we all just transitioned into Give Peace A Chance. I just can‘t help but love it.
Please keep sending me your Hey Jude stories I love these!!
I would love to be in an 80,000 person stadium with everyone singing the song at the top of their lungs. I think I would die from joy.
And part 2 is just adorable. I love how it became such an integral part of your family lore. Paul would be tearing up hearing your story!
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raging-violets · 1 year
Meet Cute  // KendallxRiley // Big Time Rush
A/N: So I realized that I’ve written Riley in two different ways the last few years; the angst driven one with her parents dead and the other lighthearted driven one when her parents are alive. But unless you pay attention to the things I write in different fandoms, you wouldn’t really see how they’re the same character but there are fundemental things about her personality that are different with and without the influence of her parents. So, I decided to write two quick scenes to show y’all!
The first version is where her parents are dead, the second is where they’re alive. This is set around Big Time Audition.
Tag List:  @partiallypearl​ @witchofinterest​ @mystic-scripture​ @darknightfrombeyond​ @arrthurpendragon​ ​
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Version 1
Kendall pushed open the door to the costume closet with light trepidation. Was there going to be more leather all over the place? Or was it going to be an explosion of red, white, and blue with tassels? Either way, he hoped Gustavo got the message that the boys weren’t going to be easily controlled. Then again, Griffin’s assistants—Obdul and Jessica—seemed to be as crazy as Griffin were and thought they were good ideas. (Though he figured, being around Griffin in any capacity of time was enough to drive anyone insane).
“Hello?” He called.
“You’re late!”
The voice came from behind a set of racks that sat in the middle of the floor. Kendall walked over and peered around it, finding a girl teenage girl his age sitting on the floor with a pencil in her mouth an da clipboard on her lap. She looked up at him, eyelashes fluttering behind the long black hair with red streaks that hung straight around her shoulders and back.
“Raleigh?” He asked.
She pulled the pencil from her mouth and said flatly, “It’s Riley. And you’re late.”
“Sorry.” He held out his hand to help her up, brought it back to his side when she stood on her own. “I just…”
“I would be too if I had to wear what you lot did when Griffin was in here,” she continued as if he hadn’t spoken. Once on her feet, she set her clipboard aside and shook his hand. She tilted her head, turning his hand aside. “You play guitar?”
It took a second for him to recognize the change in subject. “Yeah, how could you tell?”
“Callouses,” she replied plainly. “It’s all over your hands, mate.” She slid her hands into the back pockets of her jeans, shifted her weight as she cocked her hip. Looked him up and down, the hint of a smirk coming to her face. “Plus, I reckon you don’t seem the type to be in a boy band.”
“Is that a good or a bad thing?”
“I’m trying to figure that out,” she replied honestly. “Also, you’re pretty brave for wanting to work with Gustavo Rocque. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but he can be a little…”
“I was going to say ‘completely mental’ but that works, yeah?”
“That…probably does work better. It’s really accurate.” Kendall nodded. “And, how many times do you get the chance to try to make music with some of your best friends?” Her eyebrows rose. “Opportunities like this come once in a lifetime,” he said, answering her question. “How could I pass it up?”
“Don’t you have a background in hockey?” Riley folded her arms, studying him. He looked at her curiously. “You have to do your research on anyone you’re going to work with,” she said as explanation. “Hockey, huh?”
“Hockey’s my life,” Kendall said. “I grew up playing it. I can’t imagine not being on the ice…it’s like home to me.” He suddenly felt a pang in his chest, of anxiety. Had he made the right decision? To give everything up and go all the way to California to try and see if they could be a music group? A success? But he also couldn’t sit back and have his best friend be berated and told that he had ‘no talent’ when James had all the talent in the world and then some. “But there’s always time for it. There’s always an off-season.”
“Sounds like me and surfing,” Riley said after a second with a light nod. “I never planned on being in a band, I just want to be in the water.”
“Right!” Kendall’s anxiety washed away with her words. Finally, someone who understood. “The feeling of the stick in your hands, the reverberation of the slapshot you just took, the rush of getting that slapshot into the top corner of the net as it slides by the goalie? Facing off against the line of defenders while you try to make a breakaway for the last goal of the game. Washing out all blood—and sometimes mucus—stains from your jersey but not washing out the memories.”
“Whatever you say, Hockey-Head,” Riley quipped after a second of silence. “You’re lucky you’re cute or else I’m sure that would turn off a lot of people, yeah?” She looked at him suspiciously. “You do have all your teeth, right?”
“Yes, I have all my teeth,” Kendall said with a roll of his eyes. He pursed his lips and made a show of tapping his two front teeth with his fingertips. Then started to smile and play a beat with the tapping from his fingertips. “Hey, maybe Griffin would be happy with something like that?”
Riley sighed, placing a hand on her hip. The other rested on the arm of the couch, supporting her weight. “Something tells me you’re going to be very annoying,” Despite her words, she had a small smile on her face.
Kendall smiled back.
Version 2
Kendall hesitantly stepped into the costume closet. He pressed his hand against the door and pressed it open, expecting to see even more red, white, and blue apparel all over the place. Either that or the massive amounts of leather he and his friends had been forced to squeeze into. His legs still had the rash that even his mom’s best lotions couldn’t cure.
The idea of being dressed in any of those outfits again was enough to have Kendall turn tail and run. But James would never forgive him, especially not after Griffin decided to take a chance on them and sign them after three days of hard work. Logan would’ve ranted at him the statistics of the time, blood, sweat, and tears they would have wasted. And Carlos…he wouldn’t have cared much; everything was an adventure to him.
But he’d never backed away from a challenge and he wanted to prove Gustavo and Griffin wrong. Still, he found himself trembling as he entered the costume closet for the fifth time in the last few days. He found a teenage girl about his age scribbling on a clipboard.
“Raleigh?” he asked, using the name Gustavo had given them.
She lifted her head, brushing her black hair from her blue eyes. A strand of dyed red fell back into her face, and she tucked it behind her ears along with her low pigtails. “Actually, it’s Riley.”
“Oh.” Kendall blinked, suddenly at a loss for words. Partially from embarrassment at having gotten her name wrong—though he should’ve known that Gustavo wouldn’t have gotten anyone’s names right considering he and his friends had almost immediately been reduced to ‘dogs’—and partially because he was stunned from her smile. Was that an accent? “I’m sorry.”
“I’m not,” she replied with ease.
Kendall felt his cheeks burn as he smiled. “I’m Kendall.”
“I know who you are.” She stuck out her hand with a warm smile. He took it, eyebrows widening when he felt the firmness of her handshake. Then they lowered in confusion when she turned his hand over and ran her fingers from his palm to his fingertips. She lifted her head, blue eyes widening in excitement. “You play the guitar?”
“Yeah.” He brought his hand back, momentarily surprised. “How could you tell?”
“A bloke like you doesn’t seem like they’d be in a boyband, yeah?” She lazily waved her hand, moving back through the costume closet to grab a rack of clothes he assumed were for him. Judging by the flannels and skate shoes he saw sitting on it. “Doesn’t really seem like your thing.”
Kendall watched her as she moved, silently wondering if that was a good or a bad thing. Being in a boyband wasn’t his thing, they were going to be a singing group. There was a difference. Still, he found himself smiling at her comment.
Noticing the silence, Riley chuckled quietly and said, “The callouses on your fingers are a dead giveaway, mate.” She rested her arms on the top of the rack and gently rocked back and forth. “So, what made you agree to work with Gustavo? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but he can be a little…”
“I was going to say ‘crazy’ but…” she shrugged. “Your word is correct.”
Kendall laughed. “Opportunities like this come once in a lifetime,” he said, answering her question. “How could I pass it up?”
“Easily, considering you were slated to become a big hockey star.” She smiled gently when his eyes narrowed. They’d only just met; how could she have possibly known that? “One thing to learn about the industry, everyone is in everyone’s business and it’s only a matter of time until it reaches the public. Whatever you don’t want people to know…I hope you’ve got it under wraps.” She brushed her hair back from her face. “For me it’s only a matter of seconds until something I try to hide gets to my managers. Then again, my mum and dad are my managers.” She paused. “Hockey, huh?”
“Hockey is my dream,” Kendall admitted. He suddenly felt a pang in his chest, of anxiety. Had he made the right decision? To give everything up and go all the way to California to try and see if they could be a music group? A success? But he also couldn’t sit back and have his best friend be berated and told that he had ‘no talent’ when James had all the talent in the world and then some. “I want to play center for the Wild.” He shrugged. “Or the Maple Leafs.”
“Dreaming big.”
“Yeah. But I couldn’t take this opportunity away from James. He’s my best bud, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. There’s always time for hockey, there’s always an off-season.”
“Whatever you say, Hockey-Head,” Riley quipped. She pushed herself away from the rack of clothes and smiled demurely. “I think Gustavo and Griffin may regret hiring with you lot. But, you plan on sticking around, yeah?”
“As far as this takes us.”
She folded her arms. “Ace!” Her eyes dipped over him and for a moment, he felt like he was being X-Rayed. Her smirk-smile widened. “I think this’ll be fun.”
Kendall found himself smiling back.
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estellamiraiauthor · 1 year
The Stars May Rise and Fall: The Annotated Re-read (Chapter 25)
Chapter 25 is another long-ish chapter with multiple scenes, but it’s also pretty straightforward so there’s not a TON to comment on?
As always, spoilers (including spoilers for chapters beyond this one) under the cut!
The first major thing that happens here is that Teru quits his job. This is partly a sign that the band is doing well, but the amount of success they have at this point still isn’t enough to live on. It’s more of a sign that he’s secure enough in his relationship with Rei—which is still where most of his money is coming from.
Then we have the band’s first show without Kiyomi, and Minori and Seika both recruit some temporary roadies to help out: Minori’s brother Keisuke, and Seika’s boyfriend Sung-Min. Up to this point, the rest of the band had assumed Seika was single because he likes to joke about all the beautiful boys he likes… but that’s really a defense mechanism too, and we learn here that he’s actually in a committed, long-term relationship with someone who’s not even into visual kei and isn’t flamboyant at all. I’ve mentioned this before too, and I don’t know if you’d even get the significance if you didn’t live in Japan (ESPECIALLY at the time), but it was also very intentional that his long-term partner is Korean, and we can assume they’ve possibly had a few little hurdles in their cross-culture relationship as well… in other words, Seika really isn’t the superficial flirt he pretends to be at all.
Minori also shows up looking like absolute shit, which is never directly explained, but I think he was probably up all night the night before arguing with his family, before finally agreeing to quit the band after the show. His brother showing up to help us probably also because HE feels guilty… more on that in a bit.
This is the first time we’ve really had a full description of a concert in awhile, and the main purpose of this scene is to show the reader how much Teru has grown since the LAST concert scene. He’s comfortable on stage now, and the crowd reacts well… a far cry from where he started.
But after announcing the new album and playing a song from it, to a positive response, Minori calls the whole band, plus Sung-Min and Rei, to an izakaya and tells them that he plans to quit.
I don’t really know if I REGRET what I did here, but if I ever have the chance to make that hypothetical anime adaptation, I think I’d probably pick a more obviously urgent reason for Minori to quit. He quits to take over his family business, which is a pretty common reason in Japan, which is still a pretty patriarchal society where the firstborn son can be expected to carry on the family trade… it’s not unrealistic, but it would’ve been more urgent, I think, if one of his parents was sick or he’d gotten a girlfriend pregnant or something. “The family business isn’t doing so well” is a VALID reason, but it’s not as URGENT as it could’ve been for story purposes?
Anyway. Teru and Rei have very different reactions to this… while Teru sees it as a major blow and possibly the end of the band, Rei seems to view it as a minor annoyance. Teru asks him if he would’ve replaced Saki, and Rei says there would’ve been no need, because Saki chose his music over his family.
I talked previously about class differences and about how, while there’s a WEALTH gap between Teru and Rei, it’s not really a CLASS gap. They both grew up in middle-class families… Teru in the 80s and 90s and Rei in the 60s and 70s, and Rei’s family was a little more strictly traditional than Teru’s was, but it wasn’t a TOTALLY different upbringing. Saki, on the other hand, was Rich with a capital R. His parents BOUGHT him an apartment so he could go to law school in Tokyo; he came from Very Old Money, and it PISSES HIS PARENTS OFF to no end that he chose to pursue music and to be with Rei instead of leading the life they wanted for him. Leaving the apartment and all the money that was in his name to Rei was one last giant Fuck You to his parents… and to Rei, anything less than that isn’t something he can really understand. To Rei, music trumps family every time, and if Minori doesn’t share those values, Rei’s fine with cutting him off and finding someone else.
Teru talks a little about his family here, and why he chose a stage name that has nothing to do with his real name. In real life, I chose Teru’s name because I really like that kanji (輝) but my husband told me really early on that he didn’t want to use it for our kids’ names, so I used it for my book baby instead. It’s almost a throwaway scene, but after that conversation, Teru goes to the convenience store and buys a phone card to call his family in Niigata. Of course, it’s 3am and he realizes that and hangs up before anyone can pick up… but I think he cares more about his family than he really lets on. If I ever write that sequel, it’s going to deal with both Teru’s and Rei’s relationships with their families, and navigating a somewhat “forbidden” relationship in the public eye.
In the last, very short, scene of this chapter, Rei asks Teru if he would give up music for him. It’s been established previously that Rei’s questions often have “correct” answers; even when he seems to be asking Teru’s opinion, it can be a kind of test. Teru says yes, he would absolutely give up his music for Rei if necessary, but first he’d do what he could to make sure they could keep doing it together. This is absolutely the Wrong Answer, as far as Rei is concerned. Combined with his ongoing worries about his own health and mobility, Teru has now told his directly that he, Rei, as a person, is a higher priority than the music… and for Rei, that’s absolutely not acceptable. I think he just doesn’t see himself as having much value or DESERVING to have much value as a person… but he’s extremely vain about his music, and if Teru’s feelings for his as a person outweigh his obligation to perform his music? That’s another point to tip the scale in the direction of Rei eventually leaving.
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piratewithvigor · 2 years
Ranking The Home Alone Movies, But My Explanations Are Overly Detailed
#6- Home Alone 4: Taking Back The House (2002)
HOW DARE ANYONE PLAY FOLLY THAT THIS LITTLE NITWIT IS OUR BELOVED KEVIN? Who could have thought this was a good idea? They stole Kevin, they divorced his parents, they divorced Harry and Marv and gave Marv a wife who could flunk recess. And not in the "haha idiot" way but in the way that you just know she grew up to drink bleach instead of getting a vaccine. The plot is ridiculous, the Kevin is a brat, the traps have no creativity, there's fewer than 4 minutes of actual trap goodness, and KEVIN ISN'T EVEN HOME ALONE. There's house staff out the wazoo! This Kevin has a house chock-full of the most insane gadgets that would put an Alexa to shame and the best he can come up with is a dumbwaiter crush? A pot to the head? A fallen bookshelf? This is supposedly the same Kevin and Marv from 1 and 2, but Marv gets tricked by fake feet under the bed? Plus 2 siblings just got completely written out. Where's Jeff? Where's Linnie? They could have made this a silly little Disney straight-to-video romp, but instead they had to slap the Home Alone name on it because they knew no one in their right minds would ever sit and watch more than half of this piece of shit otherwise. This is no beloved holiday classic. This is the story of a spoiled brat who just is straight-up cruel to the poor butler. No imagination, no joy. He's living with his Dad who is historically the far worse parent just because Dad's got a sugar mama. Horrifyingly bad.
#5- Home Alone: The Holiday Heist (2012)
First off, points are already gone because I hate the name of the kid. I'm sorry to all Finns out there, but that's how it goes for me.
But on legit notes, it also has to be noted that Finn also isn't actually home alone. His sister is in the basement. Trapped and unable to help him, but still just in the basement. Speaking of her, whoever wrote this dialogue has such glaring "only child" syndrome, it's pathetic. Also, these kids are so bratty and spoiled, they make me sick. Finn's "friend who teaches the meaning of Christmas" is just this other child who has no personality other than snow because he lives in Maine
AND WHY THE FUCK DO THEY LIVE IN MAINE? I don't care if a Home Alone is set somewhere other than Chicago. Spices things up. But the kid has to live in Chicago. They just sent them to Maine so the kids have reason to be bitchy to their parents who are just trying their best, even if their best is pretty shit.
Now the robbers. This Home Alone did something kind of different. Every other band of robbers have connections to each other. Married couples, partners in crime, what have you. But this one has them being complete strangers, which is good for offering conflict besides "one is smart and one is stupid". They even got Malcolm McDowell's creepy ass to play one of them. And he plays creepy really well.
Creepy is a theme no other Home Alone uses and it gives a good explanation for some of the stupid choices these robbers make. When you think shit's haunted, you make worse decisions. Especially regarding the traps
And there really aren't many traps. But the ones that are there are in fact pretty creative. Pool ball slingshot to the ass and snowblower shooting wooden balls are both excellent uses of the environment. But so many of them depend entirely on the robbers standing still and not moving. Who doesn't at least put up their arms to protect their face from a lot of projectiles? (It was at least a funny shot on the garage door, I'll give them that) But why the fuck is Jessica not moving from the incredibly stationary snow ball throwing device? Like, by hand, sure, get pelted. But with a machine that aims at one place only? Gimme a fuckin break.
The brightest spot of this movie is the poor dude who's playing video games all the time. Without him, Finn would have no creative potential. The scene where he tried to call the Mom was something no other Home Alone can offer and they'll never be able to duplicate.
#4- Home Sweet Home Alone (2021)
Yeah all the film bros hated on this one endlessly when it came out a year ago but it deserves this spot and I'll tell you why. This Home Alone twists the script. These robbers aren't evil. They're genuinely down on their luck and trying to get back something that was stolen from them. They're not greedy; they're trying everything they can to save their house. Max is a bit of a prick, but he's not really spoiled either. He's just overwhelmed by the stress of moving to a new country and having to share his living space with all his cousins and his parents are far too stressed to pay attention to him at all. I dare anyone to be that age and not be a bit of a prick in those circumstances.
This is the first Home Alone in over 20 years that has that beautiful "every detail matters" and minimal plot hole feeling that makes this series special. Why would the cops not come when Max calls? Because the cop who was just there is Buzz and he gets prank called by Kevin every single year. Why do the robbers assume Max isn't actually home alone? Cause the Alexa was set to German as a prank and they see him with the old lady at church.
That's a detail I seriously love. They're concerned parents who take Max in when they find out he was legit left home alone. Max thought he was in danger of being kidnapped. He wouldn't have set all the traps if he knew the truth. Everything was a misunderstanding and was well-written so that it would still work in the 2020s.
What's more is these robbers aren't stupid, they're just genuinely baffled by everything that's happening because there's no logical reason to expect any of it. They're desperate and frazzled and being shot by modified nerf darts. This was a kid who knew and used his environment to his advantage. Kids don't have a ton of legit toys that aren't just electronics, especially if he just moved, so he planned out every step, every move they'd make. He actually made a plan like the brilliant kids of yore, Alex and OG Kevin. Was this a perfect Home Alone? No, but by God, it's about as close as they could possibly get in the 21st century
#3- Home Alone 3 (1997)
Fuck everyone who doesn't think this is an absolutely brilliant way to follow up OG Kevin. I can understand how in 97, people had the highest hopes for this movie and were let down, but it needs to be watched on its own merits.
First off, Alex is a delightful child. He's not a brat. He's not stupid. He's not spoiled. He's sick and he's frustrated. Every moment where he's a little bratty is because people are blaming him for something that could have been avoided if they'd just believed him. Also, he's brilliant. They establish that he builds machines and has a knowledge of mechanics and science in order to build some of the most technically masterful traps.
Traps that are used on a perfect follow-up to Harry and Marv. How can you follow up two smart-but-foolish robbers? With four who are professional, internationally wanted criminals (I'd like to mention Beaupre is lowkey daddy). These robbers aren't stupid. They make sound, logical decisions. Except they're up against a kid who lives in far too big a house with far too many dangerous toys. The only bad decisions they make are when they're not thinking clearly. The first trap each one of them face involves electrocution or head trauma. Slightly poor decisions are permitted when you've had a trunk of books and a set of weights dropped on your head
These siblings play their parts perfectly. Bitchy older sister and bastard older brother. All the precocious child ever really needs. They sibling in the most realistic way out of all 6 movies. But you know what the kids should always have? Pets. The tarantula was a good start in 1, but having a parrot and a mouse as sidekicks who can assist with traps but aren't people? Perfect choices. I truly think this movie could have been beloved on its own merits, but unfortunately, it's part of a 6-part series that people have very high emotional connections to
#2- Home Alone (1990)
This is a controversial decision, I know, but hear me out.
Obviously OG Kevin is the peak of precocious child. He's the standard. He's pristine. Harry and Marv are the peak of the robbers. Kate is the best mom and Buzz is a heavily iconic sibling. The only sibling anyone ever remembers.
So with all this nostalgic perfection, why doesn't it take the top? I'll tell you dear reader: the character progression
At the beginning of Home Alone, Kevin is frozen at the idea of packing his suitcase. He stuns everyone by being able to buy milk. And his traps reflect that. Yes, he's got the heated doorknob and the falling iron and the cut rope from the treehouse and the blowtorch to the head and the ornaments underfoot and the paint cans, but you know what else he's got? Slippery steps. The big ol danger, slippery steps. Glued clingwrap and feathers blown by a fan. He's got scattered cars, tripwires and tar. It's good stuff, creative stuff, but it isn't the best he can do. The traps are what people love Home Alone for and it isn't the best that can be done.
But it is very close. John Candy gives it some mega bonus points.
#1- Home Alone 2: Lost In New York (1992)
The absolute thought and character progression that had to go into this movie is what makes it perfect. In every rewatch I've done, the only plot hole is the length of the recording Kevin makes of Uncle Frank in the shower (the age doesn't count. I've come to the conclusion that Kevin has a birthday shortly after Christmas and called himself 10 because when you're a few weeks away from a birthday at that age, you round up).
Okay, so obviously Kevin couldn't just sleep through the chaos a second time. He's got his ticket and everything is okay. He makes it to the airport. Yes, he got separated in a bit of a weird way, but you show me any 10-year-old who doesn't think needing batteries is crucial when your gizmo is out of batteries. What's more, he genuinely didn't know he was lost. He saw a man who looked exactly like his dad who also ran the entire way. If Kevin knew he was lost, he would have told someone. But he was just far enough back that no one questioned him. And then he dropped his ticket. If he goes on the plane and sees his Dad and they're in a 767, he's gonna assume that if one is there, the whole family is there. Of course he didn't hear the plane announcement going to New York, there was an annoying guy speaking at him in a language he didn't understand, so he put on his headphones. Anyone today would do the same.
When he gets to the hotel, a smidgen of suspension of disbelief has to happen with the booking of the room, but it's established that no one at the Plaza is too bright. The brilliance of having Tim Curry be a part of a secondary group of villains for Kevin is unmatched. No other Home Alone has two groups of villains.
AND it cannot be overstated that this is the Home Alone where "Merry Christmas, you filthy animal" comes from. Everyone assumes it comes from 1, but it DOESN'T.
So, leaving the hotel on the run, Kevin runs RIGHT into Harry and Marv. Of course he does. Because now they know each other. They know his style and he knows theirs. They know to go to the loading bay to cut him off and he knows to record them.
God, the crowning jewel of this movie is the traps. Now, not only does Kevin have experience from the first movie to draw on (he knows what did and didn't work and how to improve to stay one step ahead), but he also has a house he can destroy and an endless array of tools and renovation supplies. A little more suspension of disbelief has to happen with the opening of bricks to the head, but there is nothing not perfect about that scene. The acting on Daniel Stern's part is perfection.
The rest of the traps are just as glorious. You can see the forethought in each and every moment. Harry avoids the front door and doors in general out of fear of being burned again. He tries for the window first and can't see the slime. When he hears Kevin running behind the door, he doesn't think to check too heavily for traps in the heat of the moment. Marv's dizzy from 4 bricks to the head and likely doesn't have much peripheral vision skills, so after staples to the ass, dick and nose, it's only logical he may not see the hole in front of him. In the dim lights of the basement and lack of peripherals, the slime could have easily just been a wet floor. Hitting the paint cans was just a bonus. As was the gorgeously-screamed electrocution (they knew the tarantula scream was his finest moment in 1 and needed to milk that cow)
Now the blowtorch to the head. The first of the repeated traps. No snow this time and no water in the sink. Kevin knows he's going to need water, so kerosene in the toilet is a perfect example of his foresight. He knows the two robbers' greatest desire is to kill him, so whenever they need leading to a trap, he leads. He saws the ladder and audibly directs them to the stairs. At this point, Marv's been hit with 4 bricks, a shelf of paint cans, electrocuted to unconsciousness and a 100lb bag of plaster. A sane man would have died to save himself the agony. But this is Marv Merchants and he is not a sane man. He doesn't remember the paint cans immediately, but he knows enough to play along with them. They're both lucid enough to wait for 2 cans, but damaged enough to forget that Kevin's grown more devious too. The double castiron pipe hit brings me joy every time I see it. The only thing that brings me more joy is the tool chest.
From that point, murder is their top priority, beyond all else. They're not thinking things through. Not because they're idiots, but because they're brain damaged to hell and back. That's why they climb down the kerosene rope, fall 30 feet and get 15 cans of varnish dropped on them.
It's sheer dumb luck that they grab Kevin and even better luck that Scottish Bird Lady is there, but neither of those are unreasonable things to happen.
In short, everything makes sense in Home Alone 2. People are stressed and ignorant and brain damaged, but everything that made Home Alone work is taken and improved upon in the perfect sequel
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godlygreta · 3 years
i never stopped loving you | j. kiszka
title | i never stopped loving you
summary | jake and y/n have known each other since grade school, they’ve been neighbors forever. a bit of romance ensues, but ends fairly quickly when complications arise while the boys are touring. a trip home from college ends in a slightly drunk confession.
warnings | some mature themes (bit of sex, but not explicitly), swearing, slight angst
word count | 2.5k+
author’s note | hi! this is the first thing i’ve written for any of the boys, so i hope you enjoy. i’ve written for other bands before, so writing isn’t new to me, but writing for greta is.
“I never stopped loving you.”
It slipped out. It didn’t mean to come out. Jake didn’t necessarily want it to come out. They say drunk words are sober thoughts, right? At the same time, who trusts the words of a drunk person? Usually it’s just brushed off as babbling, but Y/N couldn’t ignore what Jake said. Especially because she couldn’t blame it on not hearing him. There was no music playing outside the bar. The music was faint enough that anything Jake had said was heard.
High school was rough for Y/N with hormones mixed in with academics, horny teenage boys at every turn. Y/N wasn’t even interested in dating, not due to the fact that nobody was necessarily interested in her, but because she was too focused on her studies to even give a damn. School dances were a nice break from academics. There was a shift, though, when one boy in particular would start to really pay attention to her.
Jake Kiszka was charismatic in every sense of the word. Him and his twin brother, Josh, were always the two sweetest, yet most famous troublemakers in all of Frankenmuth High School. It got even worse when their younger brother, Sam, ended up in high school with them as a freshman. Jake had girls wrapped around his finger from the moment he had gotten a haircut. His hair was a lot shorter than before and barely even touched his forehead. Y/N didn’t really give a damn. To her, he was still Jake Kiszka, neighbor.
Their parents were friends and always hungout on the weekends. Y/N’s family had a cabin on the lake which they always vacationed at and occasionally would bring Jake’s family with. One particular summer, they stayed there for a week between the summer of sophomore and junior year. The summer’s were always hot, but this week in particular was hotter than the other summer’s before. “It feels like the Devil’s asshole out here.”
“I know, Mary, but that’s the exact reason we chose to come here this week. The kids can swim in the lake, it’s a lot cooler in the water than on the grass.” Y/N’s dad spoke, returning the conversation from her mother. He gave her a quick kiss on the side of the head and returned to unpacking the car. Y/N and the boys had already gone into the house and picked their rooms. The boys shared one, and Y/N got one of the spare bedrooms. 
Dinner was made as soon as everyone was settled in. Everyone sat around the dining table, laughing and eating as they did almost every weekend. “You excited for Junior year, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I’m sort of nervous about taking the SAT and ACT. I’ve been studying when I’m not working at the shop.” She picked at some asparagus on her plate as she answered Mrs. Kiszka’s  question. Jake and Josh weren’t entirely ecstatic about it, it didn’t really matter to either of them. Music was their passion and that was never going to change.
Smores after dinner was a tradition that started when they were all really little, barely old enough to eat them. The fire was lit by Mr. Kiszka and Mr. Y/L/N. Jake, Sam and Josh had always played music while the rest of them made their smores. Y/N always made extras for the boys for when they were done playing music. Whenever they had no idea what to play, Y/N always knew the answer. Running out of songs to play, though, was a rarity in itself. The Kiszka’s knew so much about their sound, nothing was in their way of playing songs that fit it. However, every once in a blue moon they would ask their friend what she would like to hear. “C’mon now. You should know I’m a sucker for The Beatles.”
Y/N could recognize the sound of Blackbird the second it started playing. She had only listened to it eight million times that summer. She hummed lightly along as they played. Everyone clapped as soon as their song was over, the boys immediately delving into their smores. Y/N had finally taken a seat next to Josh when she was finished making their smores for them. Once their parents had gone inside, though, Y/N and the twins dipped into their parents' cooler of beer.
Neither of the sets of parents cared, they knew their kids would be safe and unharmed if they drank at the cabin. Jokes were told and stories of the past school year were discussed, as well as the future. A topic so vast for high schoolers. “I still can’t decide between a lawyer and an art teacher.”
“You’ve always been great at arguing,” Josh joked, “Practically got fuckin’ Lindsey McNeil out of that suspension.”
“It wasn’t fair. All she did was stand up for herself and what she believed in, plus that teacher is fucking creepy and everyone knows it.” Everybody laughed, the beer in everyone’s hands was getting a little warmer with every minute that passed by. Everyone filtered out one by one. Sam went in first, followed by Ronnie (she was slightly upset about coming, having made other plans with friends for the hot weather), and then Josh followed, leaving behind Jake and Y/N.
“Did you want to go inside yet or stay out here for a bit longer?” The silence beforehand hadn’t been awkward for the pair. “Cause I was thinking of going swimming for a bit.”
“I’ll join you, we haven’t swam yet today.”
The sand leading into the lake was met with a bit of rocks. It was picturesque under the moonlight. The pair discarded their clothing, leaving their underwear and got into the water. The coolness of the water sent goosebumps along her skin, leaving no piece without some. Jake followed in behind her, coming up next to her before completely dipping under the water. He popped back up and shook his head.
“You know,” Y/N started, “I think you’d look really good with longer hair.”
“You think?”
“Yeah. You should grow it out.” She swiped his hair out of the way and giggled a bit. “You’ll still never be prettier than I am.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, darling.”
The rest of the summer followed with light flirting and spending lots of time together. Junior year came around and nothing changed a bit. Prom was spent with the Kiszka family, Josh driving the three of you, as well as Josh’s date. The dance was lame, the songs were overplayed pop music, which Y/N secretly had a bit of a soft spot for. She would never tell that to Jake, though.
The pair ended up back at Y/N’s house, giggling all the way up to her room. He went into the bathroom to take his suit off, using one of Y/N’s hangers to make sure it wouldn’t wrinkle. However, Y/N was still having issues. She couldn’t manage to undo the zipper by herself, waiting for Jake to come back into the room to do it for her. He came back in, saw her still in her dress. “Need my help?”
“My zipper -- I can’t reach it.”
“I can do it,” he whispered, knowing Y/N’s parents were asleep. His hands were warm against her back, undoing her zipper slowly. The moonlight coming in from the window felt like that hot summer night at the cabin. He slid the straps down her shoulders, his mouth slightly agape. How could someone look so beautiful and delicate at the same time?
She turned around, her body facing Jake’s. He stuttered, telling her he could leave and he was honestly about to. Until he felt her hand grab his wrist. “Don’t go.”
He nodded his head, helping her get the rest of the way out of her dress. She stepped closer to him and put her hands on his chest. She could feel how fast his heart was beating. She had a hard time meeting his gaze, nervous of him not feeling the same way she had been. “You looked really good tonight.”
“Me? Everybody was staring at you the whole time, Y/N,” he spoke, one hand finding their way to her waist, the other pulling on her chin to force eye contact. “You looked absolutely breathtaking.”
There was a split second where both of them second guessed themselves. But it was over when Y/N pressed her lips lightly against Jake’s. It was such a feathery light touch, it almost felt like she wasn’t even kissing him. She pulled away slowly, her eyes closed, not really knowing what to do next. She didn’t have to figure it out though, Jake’s lips returned to hers with more pressure.
His hands had found their rightful place on her back, bringing her closer to him. Hers found their way into his hair. It felt so natural - the need for each other grew stronger with each passing minute. His mouth never wanted to leave hers, it felt as though her lips were coated in fucking drugs the way they were so addicting. He couldn’t get enough. “Do you want to..?”
“Yes, please.” It came out so needy - desperate. Y/N didn’t even care about how that presented itself to Jake. She just wanted to be even closer to him than she already was. And she got to be right where she wanted to be.
Her bed was more comfy than Jake had previously remembered. Or maybe that was because they were here under different circumstances, not just studying algebra because Jake wasn’t quite getting it. All he knew was that he wasn’t ever going to forget it. He wanted this moment to replay forever and ever. Not because he was just some horny teenager, but because holy fuck, this had just been some random thought - a daydream, almost. But this was real. This was happening.
A tangled mess they were when climaxing. “I love you,” came out as barely above a whisper. It took Y/N a half of a second to register what he was really saying before it finally hit her. She didn’t feel as if she had to say it back, if anything, he should realize that she loved him too.
“I could honestly stay here forever and stare at you until the end of time.”
“So do it. We’ve got all the time in the world.”
They didn’t though. And it wasn’t that simple. Complications arose after that night. Everything got messy and trying to tie in a relationship while the band was traveling and on the road became increasingly difficult, especially when Y/N went to college.
She came home to Frankenmuth while she was off for the summer. Her mother and father missed her a great deal and the first weekend home was spent in the Kiszka’s backyard, the boys excluded. It was weird to be at their house and not see them littered around anywhere. Ronnie was full of stories though, telling Y/N about previous times the boys have come home from touring and the memories they brought back with him.
It was painful to hear, but she was so incredibly proud of everything they had accomplished and done. Every once in a while, Y/N had checked up on their band's Instagram account. When she was really nervous — having a hard time not worrying about them — she texted Josh or Danny. Neither of them were ever going to say anything to Jake or mention it to Sam.
The two families decided to get together and have dinner at a local bar. The boys were still away, they weren’t scheduled to come back to Michigan for at least another month and a half. Ronnie and Y/N spent most of their time talking about future plans for the upcoming weeks while their parents discuss their weekend plans — what to have for dinner and who’s house to have dinner at. Time had passed quickly and before they knew it, it was 10pm.
The parents had left, leaving Ronnie and Y/N at the bar by themselves. At least, that was until the boys walked in.
Ronnie smiled widely, hugging her brothers but then proceeding to punch them for surprising her and not just telling her. Josh and Danny hugged Y/N first, Sam leading after. Jake didn’t hug Y/N. It stung a bit. It made sense though. The last time they talked — it ended in an argument which was the resulting cause of their breakup.
A few drinks were downed, a couple shots thrown in there as well. Y/N figured it was time to throw the towel in. She couldn’t handle the awkward glances and forced conversation on their part. She grabbed her jacket off the back of her chair and put it on as she said goodbye to everyone. “Boys, lovely to see you again. I’m sure I’ll see you this weekend.”
She wasn’t going to. She was gonna avoid them at all costs. Come up with a lie — say she had the flu or something. Her mother would believe her either way, as well as understand where she was coming from with her avoidance. Her mother was there for her while she cried her eyes out.
She didn’t notice when Jake had followed her out. She didn’t notice him calling her name. The only thing she could notice was the tears falling down her cheeks, wiping them as soon as she felt them.
“I never stopped loving you.”
It slipped out. It didn’t mean to come out. Jake didn’t necessarily want it to come out. They say drunk words are sober thoughts, right? At the same time, who trusts the words of a drunk person? Usually it’s just brushed off as babbling, but Y/N couldn’t ignore what Jake said. Especially because she couldn’t blame it on not hearing him. There was no music playing outside the bar. The music was faint enough that anything Jake had said was heard.
“When we broke up,” he started. “I was a wreck. I was immature. It could’ve worked out - it would’ve worked out if I wasn’t such a child about everything.”
“Jake —“
“No, Y/N, I need to say this now. I’m a little drunk so I actually have the balls to say everything I want to. It was stupid to break up over something as menial as distance. The things I feel for you are so intense it scares the fuck out of me. I was so afraid of being gone all the time. You deserved someone who could be there to help you study for midterms. I was always in another state and sometimes another country. I wasn’t… there to be able to help you through anything. Everything’s different now, though.”
She sighed, not entirely sure on what to do with the information that was thrown at her. She was sober enough to remember the conversation tomorrow, but not nearly drunk enough to be able to deal with it tonight. “Do you wanna just come home with me? Talk about this tomorrow morning when we’re both sober.”
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
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go big or go home
this was a request from @kk2016
Hi!! could you write about being pregnant with Harry but no one knew so you guys show up to the Grammys together and everyone can see your baby bump through your dress?
here is the link to the dress you’re wearing. I have no idea if this is a good option, I’m terrible with fashion :) but I thought it was cute! If you hate it, definitely just imagine something else :)
warnings: pregnancy
word count: 2.8k
It wasn't exactly hard to hide a pregnancy during a pandemic. You barely left the house, and if you did, you weren't recognized. The one time you and Harry had been spotted, you had only been 4 months along and were wearing an oversized sweater. So it was safe to say this baby was your family's little secret.
Harry knew, of course. He had been the first person to know (after Anne and the doctor who confirmed the pregnancy). You had got around to telling the rest of your families after the first trimester was over. The "inner circle," as you liked to call it, were the few people who were aware. This consisted of your parents, Anne, Gemma, Harry's band, Jeff and Glenne. That was it. Neither of you were wild on the idea of Harry's entire fanbase knowing, so you kept it under wraps as best you could.
Which, once again, wasn't hard to do. You didn't even have to go out for groceries; they could be delivered. You could buy everything for the nursery online and have it sent directly to your front doorstep. You and Harry had stayed inside for the better part of the past seven months.
However, there was one event coming up that you absolutely refused miss out on. The Grammys. At first, Harry thought you should stay home. He was worried you would get sick, and how it might affect the baby. He was worried about his fans finding out. He was worried he wouldn't win and he would have to see your disappointed face right next to him.
Of course, you were not about to let this happen. You assured him you wouldn't get within six feet of anyone besides him. You wouldn't shake anyone's hand or hug anyone. You would wear two masks, if it would make him feel safer. You would shower in hand sanitizer. You really didn't care what you had to do; you were not going to miss this night.
"Harry, I swear to God, if you keep giving me that terrified look..."
"I'm sorry!" He exclaimed, dragging a hand over his face. "I'm allowed to be a little apprehensive. This really isn't a good idea, I think it might be best if you just stay home. I just-"
"Absolutely not," you spun around, placing your hands on your hips. "I'm going to be there, in person, so I can watch my husband become a Grammy winner."
"You can watch from here!" He argued. "Plus, that way, you don't have to walk around all night. I know your feet have been bugging you, and-"
"Don't use this pregnancy against me!" You threw your head back, taking a deep breath.
"I'm sorry, I'm not," he said, stepping closer and resting his hands on your belly. "I just want you to be safe. You and our little girl."
"I know," you brought up your hand to brush along his cheekbone. "And we will be. I'm not going to get close to anyone. I'm not going to touch anything. I'm going to have two masks on the entire night. Harry, there won't be anyone safer than me this whole night. I promise."
"I just..."
When he didn't finish his sentence, you leaned in to meet his eyes. "What are you really worried about?"
"Lots of things," he murmured. "Besides the literal plague? I'm worried about people finding out and being cruel. I don't want to deal with that, and I don't ever want you to be exposed to it. I'm worried something bad will happen, and it'll be all my fault for letting you come along. And... I'm worried you'll be disappointed if I don't win." His last sentence was so quiet you barely heard it, but it still made your heart ache.
"Baby..." You said quietly, your voice sad. You ignored his other two worries for now, because this one was clearly the most important to deal with. “You think I'll be disappointed in you?"
He nodded, looking at his hands on you instead of meeting your eyes. "Everything I do, it's all for you. You and her. What if it's not enough? What if I fail?"
"Harry," you kept your hands on his face, directing him to look at you. "I will never, ever be disappointed in you. You are amazing, in everything you do. Understand? I personally think you will be a three time Grammy winner at the end of the night-" he grinned at this- "But even if you're not, I will still be so incredibly proud of you. I will always, always be proud of you, and I will always love you. Okay?"
He didn't move, but you used your grip on his face to nod his head up and down. His smile grew bigger, and he grabbed your wrist gently. He turned his head to kiss your palm, sighing softly before he pulled away.
"I love you so much," he said, his voice filled with admiration. "How do you do that?"
"Do what?"
"Make me feel better. You always know exactly what to say."
You shrugged with a small smile. "I'm just amazing, I think."
"I think so too."
You were sitting on the couch, dressed in your normal quarantine clothing. Hoodies. Sweatpants for him, leggings for you. Why would you get dressed up for a virtual acceptance ceremony?
You bounced excitedly as they announced "Adore You" as one of the nominations for best music video. Harry smiled when you gripped his arm.
"I don't have a good feeling about this," he admitted.
"Well, you're just a ray of sunshine today," you huffed. "Here it comes!"
"And the Grammy goes to... Beyoncé, Blue Ivy, and WizKid."
You slumped back slightly, patting his arm.
He laughed lightly at your reaction. "She deserves it."
You nodded. "Not to be mean to you, but yeah, she definitely does."
As the hours wore on, you could tell Harry was getting more nervous.
"It's just- it's my first performance in a while. What if it's not good?"
"Harry," you grabbed his face again. "It will be amazing. Yes?"
Again, he didn't respond. Again, you had to physically move his head up and down in a nod. Again, this made him laugh. It was a small gesture, but you could tell it helped calm him down at least a little bit.
"There's one thing we haven't talked about," he pulled away from you, going through his drawers to find his socks.
"What's that?"
"Your outfit."
You shook your head. "I already picked my dress." You pulled out the garment bag, unzipping it to show him. It was fairly simple; you didn't want to overshadow him on his big day.
He smiled. "It's beautiful."
You nodded. "We're going to look so hot together."
"Couple of the year, I think."
"We might break the internet. Seriously. You're wearing a leather jacket with no shirt and I'm pregnant. Twitter is going to explode."
He laughed again, pulling you into his arms. "Are you sure you're ok with everyone knowing? It might not be good, people's reactions can be really-"
"You do realize they will have to find out at some time, right? You can't exactly hide a child forever."
"I know," he sighed. "I just like living in our little bubble, where it's only me and you who know."
"And your mom. And Gemma. And my parents. And Sarah, and Mitch, and Adam, and Ny, and Charlotte, and Jeff and-"
"Alright, alright, you've made your point," he chuckled. "But you know what I mean."
"I do," you nodded. "And I'm ok with people knowing. Besides, it'll blow over soon. I can just stay off socials until it does."
Harry sighed again. "I wish you didn't have to. I wish people would just..."
"Treat people with kindness," you grinned. "Maybe they don't know. Maybe you should tell them to do that sometime."
He rolled his eyes playfully, pulling away from you. "You're funny."
"Hilarious, I know."
"I have to get ready," he sighed. "One last try- are you sure you don't want to stay home?"
"Not a chance," you smiled. "Now shoo so I can get dressed."
His hands were shaking as he opened the door of his dressing room. You gripped his arm tighter, trying to remind him you were here for him.
"Everything's going to be ok," you said softly.
He nodded, but his hands still shook.
"I'll be right offstage, you can look at me if you get nervous," you reminded him. "This might not be the time, but I'm, like, really excited to see you perform."
"Yeah?" He gave a small smile.
You nodded. "It's been a while since I've been able to see that. And you look... very nice in this outfit."
"Very nice, huh?" He laughed. "What a compliment."
"I do have a way with words," you grinned.
"Always," he leaned his forehead against yours. "Now what was it you said earlier? Shoo, so I can get dressed."
"I'll be just offstage," you reminded him one last time, blowing him a kiss as you stepped out of the room.
You couldn't take your eyes off him for the entire performance. He was worried for no reason, because he was incredible. He was born to do this, you could tell.
You cheered louder than anyone else when he finished, earning a cheeky smile from him. As soon as he could get away, he ran over to you and enveloped you in his arms.
"I told you you'd be amazing," you whispered.
He nodded, wearing the biggest smile you'd seen in days. "Couldn't have done it without you."
"I didn't do anything," you laughed.
"No, I couldn't have done it without your moral support," he clarified.
"Right, moral support," you nodded seriously before breaking into a smile again. "But really, that was amazing. You're perfect."
"That's all you, love," he returned the compliment, turning back around to watch Billie performing. He kept his arm around you, though. The camera panned to you a few times during the different performances, and you knew by this point the viewers at home had seen your bump. Your dress wasn't very tight fitting, but you were almost 8 months along. You were sure social media was exploding by now.
You didn't have to worry about that though, not yet at least. You had a few more hours of calm.
Harry's nerves had apparently returned once you got to the table. His hand was gripping yours even tighter than before and his leg bounced constantly. You placed your hand on his thigh, trying to calm his frantic movements. His eyes went to yours, and you could tell he was smiling under his mask.
"It will be fine," you reminded him. "Everything will be ok. You already did the hard part, remember?"
He nodded, taking in a deep breath. "Right. And soon, we can go home, and sit on the couch, and eat ice cream."
"Exactly," you smiled. "And I can get back in my leggings and not get dressed again for the next 6 months."
He laughed at this, and his grip on your hand loosened. He still kept hold of you, but you could tell he wasn't so nervous anymore.
"Ok, shh, they're announcing it now," you said excitedly.
Harry looked down, apparently seized with nerves again.
"And the Grammy goes to... Watermelon Sugar, Harry Styles."
His eyes went wide, and your face split into a giant grin. He reached his arm out to grab yours, almost like he didn't believe what had just happened.
He pulled his mask off, standing up. He took your hand, gesturing for you to stand too, so of course you obliged. He pulled you against him, and you could feel how fast his heart was beating. When he pulled away, you smiled up at him.
"I knew you would win," you said softly, still beaming. "Now go!" You gave his shoulder a gentle push toward the stage.
"Wow, um..." He blew out a breath, looking at you before he spoke again. "To everyone who made this record with me, thank you so much. This was the first song we wrote after my first album came out, during a day off in Nashville, and I just want to say thanks to Tom, Tyler, Mitch, and everyone... Rob Stringer, and everyone at Colombia, my manager Jeffery, who has always nudged me to be better and never pushed me, thank you so much. I feel very grateful to be here, thank you. All of these songs are fucking massive, so thank you so much, I feel very honored to be here among all of you, so thank you so much. And I want to say-" he looked at you again, a smile of adoration crossing his face. "Most importantly, thank you to my wife. Y/N, I love you more than anything else on this planet, and I couldn't have done any of this without you. You make it all possible, so... thank you to the light of my life, and of course our daughter." His eyes went wide at the last sentence, like he hadn't planned to say that. He looked around nervously before he quickly made his way back to his seat.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say that, it slipped out-"
You shook your head, taking his hand. "It's ok, don't worry about it," you smiled. "I'm so proud of you."
He put his mask back on, but it didn't hide the happiness on his face.
Once everything was over and you had both climbed into the car to go home, it seemed to really hit him.
"I won a Grammy," he said in disbelief, looking down at the award in his hands.
"You won a Grammy," you repeated with a big smile on your face. "Grammy winner Harry Styles."
"Yeah," he looked back up at you, his eyes still wide. "That's... insane."
You nodded. "And very impressive. And I'm so proud of you."
He smiled, scooting closer so he could put his arm around you. "Grammy winner Harry Styles... and his amazing wife."
"And their amazing daughter," you added, placing his other hand over your stomach. "Feel that? She's been kicking all night. She's excited for you."
He grinned, before his face dropped back into one of concern. "Are you sure you're ok with what I said? I really didn't mean to, I just got caught up, it-"
"Baby," you stopped him. "I promise, it's ok. Besides, everyone knew the minute I walked in there."
"Right," he nodded. "Has your phone been blowing up?"
You shrugged. "I turned it off. Should we check?"
"I'm a little nervous," he admitted.
"I'm gonna do it." You fished your phone out of your purse, eyes widening when you saw how many notifications you had. From every possible app. Congratulations texts, excited DMs, missed calls, and then there were the mentions. There were well over a hundred on your lockscreen alone.
You cleared all of them, deciding to open Twitter and see how bad it was. You were very pleasantly surprised.
"harry's daughter" was #1 on the trending page, and "harry in leather" was right behind it. Clicking on the first one, you found several GIFs of the terrified look on Harry's face when he accidentally made the announcement. You smiled, but scrolled further. Hundreds of fans were typing in all caps, apparently very excited that Harry was going to be a father.
"You're right, we broke the internet," he grinned, looking through his own timeline. "I've seen my bare chest more in the last five minutes than my entire life before this."
"What a power couple we are," you laughed. "We got the top two trending spots."
"What an accomplishment," he joked.
You scrolled for a few more minutes, still yet to see a negative message. "You were worried for nothing, babe. They're all very excited for us."
"I see that," he grinned. "They've also named our baby for us, and somehow know her zodiac sign."
"Oh, wonderful," you laughed. "But really, it could have been worse."
"Definitely," he nodded. "Well, that's one way to announce a pregnancy. On live TV in front of the entire nation."
"Yeah, you know, go big or go home."
Closing Twitter, you moved on to Instagram. You gasped when you saw the first picture on your feed. "Sarah posted her bump! Now we can be baby buddies in public, not just in secret."
Harry smiled, turning off his phone and pulling you closer to him.
"omg, baby buddies :)" you commented. Within seconds, Sarah had liked the comment and replied with "they will be best friends😊"
With that, you turned off your own device and leaned into his side. "What a good night. Aren't you glad I came with you?"
"I am," he admitted. "Very glad. Thanks for being stubborn."
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tropes-and-tales · 3 years
My Best Friend’s Girl, Part Three
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Characters:  Santiago “Pope” Garcia and F!Reader
WC:  4788
Other Pieces:  This is part of a series, which can be found here.
CW:  Language, pining, angst, backstory.  Drug use (pot, aka jazz cabbage), so 18+ only.
Pope doesn’t see you right away when he lands in Florida.  He’s picked up at the airport by Frankie, and Pope grins to see his old friend, his hair out of reg and curling against his collar.  Frankie looks a little tired, a little older, but who the hell isn’t?
They drive to Frankie’s house, a cute little Spanish colonial that isn’t too far from where his parents live.  Sara greets them at the door, and she welcomes Pope, and everything seems fine.
At first.
The first day is just Pope sleeping off his jet lag and the crushing fatigue that seems to plague him anymore, and he notices nothing out of the ordinary.  When he wakes in the late afternoon, he finds himself alone in the house, so he prowls from room to room, casing the place, sussing out his friend’s life as a married civilian.  There’s a note on the kitchen table for him, that he should text Frankie when he wakes up because he and Sara are out running errands.
Instead, Pope calls you.  You pick up on the third ring, and you sound out of breath.
“Sorry,” he says.  “Did I interrupt something?”
“Just taking down wallpaper,” you reply.  “It’s miserable work.”
“You need help?”
You laugh at that.  “Always, Pope, but you’re on vacation.  How was your flight?”
The two of you exchange small talk, and Pope steers the conversation back around to what he really wants to talk about:  when he’s going to see you.
“Well, I think Frankie and Sara are going to my mom and stepdad’s holiday party.  They always do it up big, and the Morales are sort of secondary hosts.  I assumed Frankie would bring you along as a plus-one.”
Pope bites back the sigh; he wants to see you one-on-one, not in a crowd.  Frankie still doesn’t know that you and Pope are friendly now, and while it shouldn’t matter, it feels just a little off, like he should have asked for permission or cleared it somehow.  Which is stupid, really.
“When is this party?”
“Day after tomorrow,” you answer.  “You should come.  It’s a tragic comedy, watching my mother play pretend perfect family, and besides, if things get awkward, I can show you my old bedroom and you can laugh at my middle school photos.”
That makes Pope sit up and reconsider the possibilities:  sure, he’ll have to come clean to Frankie, which shouldn’t matter, but he’ll also be granted access to your inner world growing up.  Embarrassing school photos, posters of boy bands…Pope tries to picture it.
Besides, what guy could resist the fantasy of seeing where his dream girl grew up?  Isn’t that a common fantasy, the one where the guy sneaks into his girl’s bedroom?
“I’ll be there,” he finally says.
Pope tries to talk to Frankie.  Really, he does.  He wants to air out all the secrets he’s kept – that he’s friendly with you, that he saw you in Mexico, maybe even mention how he feels about you – but a stubborn part of him holds it all back.  Why does Frankie even deserve to know?  Why can’t Pope keep this one, special thing for himself?
Practically, there’s never a good time in the next few days anyway.  Pope discovers all too quickly that the chipper welcome he received isn’t the reality of Frankie’s life.
It starts that night, after Pope talks to you.  He is just on the cusp of sleep when he hears Frankie and Sara.  At first, it sounds like talking but then voices start to raise.
“You never – “ he hears Sara say, but he can’t make out the rest of it.  He can hear Frankie’s response, but the words are garbled and low.
It goes on and on until a door slams, an engine in the driveway turns over, and headlights splash across Pope’s wall as someone – Frankie?  Sara? – leaves.
In the morning, he doesn’t mention it, and neither do they.
The next day, there’s a definite chill in the air, and Pope gets a hint about what it’s source may be.
Sara seems to want to go somewhere for the holidays.  Her family is from South Carolina, but she wants to go to St. Kitts.  She has friends that celebrate Christmas there, and if she can’t go to St. Kitts because it’s too expensive, she wants a long trip to Miami.
Pope overhears all of this by accident, of course.  Frankie is out in the driveway, changing the oil in his car, and Pope is lying down with a headache.  Sara is in another part of the house, on her phone with a friend, but she must be near a vent because Pope can hear her words perfectly coming out of his vent.
“Merry Christmas to me,” she says to the person on the other end of the line.  “Stuck in the sticks with a bunch of lame assholes.”
Pope wonders if Sara considers her husband to be a lame asshole too, or if that’s just reserved for Frankie’s family and friends.
Then it’s the day of the party, and Pope pushes all of his speculations about Frankie’s marriage aside:  he finally gets to see you.
The day crawls by.  Crawls.  He’s spent his fair share of long hours killing time, especially in Special Ops, but this is something else.  Not only is he anxious for the evening to arrive, but he has to try and hide that anxiety from Frankie.  
He fails utterly.
“You seem keyed up,” Frankie notices.  “Everything alright?”
Pope huffs out a breath and hews as close to the truth as he dares, in that moment.  “I won’t really know anyone there other than you and Sara.”  A beat.  “And Bean.”
Something passes across Frankie’s face at the mention of your name, some expression that Pope can’t place.  “Yeah, she’ll be there.”
Pope peers closer at his friend, and he considers the overheard fight from the night before.  “You and Bean…you patch everything up?”
Frankie shrugs at that.  “I guess.  Yes.  No, not really.  We…see each other and grab a coffee sometimes, but it’s not the same.”
“Maybe she’s just backing off because you’re married now, Fish.  Maybe she thinks Sara should be your friend instead of her.”
Frankie cocks his head at Pope and stares at him for a moment.  “You know, Bean told me almost exactly the same thing.”
Early evening finally arrives, and the three of them pile into Sara’s car for the short drive over to your childhood home.
“We always go early to help set up,” Frankie explains.  “It’s sort of my mom and Bean’s mom, their annual thing.”
Sara snorts at that from her place in the driver’s seat, and that earns her a sharp look from Frankie, but no one says anything.
They arrive and park on the street, and Pope’s hands are almost fucking trembling, and he used to carry guns and shoot with the surest, steadiest hand around.  He follows Frankie and Sara up the walk, up the steps, and into your childhood home, and there you are in the middle of a goddamned Christmas explosion right in your living room.
There’s lights and garlands of pine and two elaborately decorated trees on either end of the room, and there’s Nat King Cole crooning on the stereo, but Pope can only look at you.  You’re a vision in dark jeans and a short-sleeved sweater that makes you look like home.  At their entrance, you look up, and Pope swears that when your eyes settle on him, your entire face lights up.
But you don’t come over and greet them right away.  Pope inches over towards you but your mother – decked out in a green velvet dress – is standing beside you and reading you a preemptive riot act.  He catches the tail end of it.
“…best behavior,” she warns you, and you shoot Pope a beleaguered look past your mother’s pointing finger.  “If you act up, you’re out of here, and I won’t even feel bad about it.”
“Yes, mom,” you reply mechanically, but then you push past her to hug Pope, and you even make a little squeal of delight that draws eyes as you wrap your arms around his neck, lay a loud kiss on his cheek, and proclaim that Christmas has come early.
People notice.  Your mom watches the scene, and a few others that Pope doesn’t know watch as well.
Frankie notices.  Pope glances over at him, and he notes the furrows in his friends brow, the way his eyes are going from you to Pope and back again.
You don’t seem to notice Frankie staring – you give him a nod and a wave, but your old friend doesn’t get the welcome that Pope does.  You do notice your mom staring, so you grab Pope’s hand and drag him through the house, to the back porch and into your back yard.  There’s a little gazebo there, and you and Pope settle onto the bench.
“Sorry you had to see me get my usual tongue-lashing,” you say a little ruefully.  “My mom and I have a difficult relationship.”
Pope nudges your shoulder.  “Well, my mom is probably in the Caribbean somewhere playing shuffleboard with women twice her age.  So, welcome to the club.”
“How’s your vacation so far?  Happy to be back in the states?”
He answers as honestly as he can without seeming like a sad asshole.  He’s happy to be back, sure, but it just makes him feel more unmoored, more unsettled, spending the holidays in his army buddy’s guest room.
You read the situation exactly right, but you misunderstand the source.  “I’m sorry that things didn’t work out with Marta, Pope,” and for a moment, Pope completely forgets about his imaginary girlfriend.
“It’s okay.”
“Here.”  You wriggle in your seat, reach into a pocket and fish out a packet of something.  “If you want to partake, of course.  I can’t get through family events without them, anymore.”
In the dying light, Pope can just make out what they are – edibles.  Gummies, from the looks of them.
“No pressure, of course.  This isn’t an after-school special, and you can just say no and still be cool, okay?”
Your tone is playful and it makes him grin to hear that he’s cool to you.  He nudges you again.  “So this is who you are?  You a stoner now?  You smoke a bowl and listen to ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ with the lights off?”
Your tone shifts to what Pope calls your “academic” voice, a little all-knowing and completely adorable.  “First of all, Santiago, these are medical edibles.  I have a known, documented, long-standing struggle with anxiety and insomnia. Second, I don’t smoke the stuff because I have tender virgin lungs.  Third…well, stoned is the only way to get through these events.  Facing my mother sober is a sure route to madness.”
“I like it when you call me Santiago,” he admits.  “You always say it like I’m in trouble.”
“You aren’t in trouble,” you retort, shoving him back lightly.  “You are trouble.”
It’s honest-to-god flirting, and Pope refuses to drop the thread forming between you, so he reaches out and takes a gummy from your outstretched hand.  Together, you each throw back the piece of laced candy, and shit doesn’t really start until later, when it’s hitting you both.
Pope’s drug of choice was always alcohol, and even that wasn’t very reckless.  He hates the feeling of being drunk, and harder drugs were almost always off the table once he joined the army, so all the cool stories of buddies doing lines of cocaine or dropping acid or getting stoned passed him right by.
He had one moment with pot in high school, someone brought weed brownies to a party, but it didn’t affect him at all beyond a dry mouth.
Those medical-grade gummies?  Those fucking hit him.
You both go inside because the food is being laid out, and people are arriving, and you separate for a while to mingle.  Pope finds Sara and Frankie, and he says hello to Frankie’s parents again, and everyone is talking boring small talk.  
Pope searches for you in the room – loses sight of you – finds you again.  The pot is already hitting him at that point, but he doesn’t realize it…and he doesn’t notice Frankie noticing the way Pope’s eyes are glued to you.  Frankie is on the scent now, he knows something is up, but Pope feels relaxed, loose, and doesn’t notice.  
Pope feels good.  Not just because he’s with you again, but the pot seems to calm every anxious, dark thought that rolls though his head nowadays.  He hasn’t felt like this since he was a kid.
The absolute worst part of spending the holidays with other people are the awkward, earnest traditions they have.  He knew a kid in school whose family sang “Happy Birthday” to Jesus before opening Christmas presents.  He dated a girl once whose family stayed up late on Christmas Eve and drank disgusting homemade wine that tasted like vinegar.  
Your family is no different.  This is one of those parties where everyone circles up before they eat.  They go around the room and name the good things that happened to them that year, name the things they love and are grateful for.  
Pope is starting to feel even better, lighter and looser, but he’s sober enough to fumble through his response – he’s grateful for his new civilian job, and for good friends, and his eyes find yours at that last part.
Then everyone else goes – boring shit.  Your mom is thankful for her new car, for fuck’s sake, and your stepdad is grateful for some deep-sea fishing event he attended earlier in the year, and Pope realizes that your family fucking sucks after all.  That’s what they’re happy for?  A new sedan and a fishing trip?
Mrs. Morales is happy for her family, for her daughter-in-law, and Pope watches you as she speaks.  You’re feeling the pot too, he can tell, and it’s as if you and him are connected because you arch an eyebrow at him, and he feels like he can read your mind in that moment.
Frankie mumbles something about Sara, new love or whatever, maybe he says love growing deeper, and when Sara names a good thing that happened to her that year, she skips over any single moment she spent with Frankie and says, “I was really happy when I went to a club in Miami with my friends and met Pitbull.”
It makes Pope laugh, a single dry bark of laughter that he tries to cover by coughing, and the entire room turns and stares at him.
Then it’s your turn, and if Pope thought you were a charming weirdo full of random facts when you’re sober….Christ almighty, does weed ramp it all up to a thousand.
“I’m grateful for my ancestors,” you say.  “For mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam, and even further back, for the cyanobacteria which gave oxygen to our planet, for the first creature to crawl onto land – “
You probably have more to say, but your mom darts over and clamps a hand over your mouth, hisses something at you until you nod against her hold.  When she releases her hand, you add in a tone of mock-contrition, “I’m grateful for family, who have your back no matter what.”  The sarcasm is dripping, and Pope can sense the underlying tension which isn’t even underlying anymore – it’s out in the open.  What is the story there?
Your stepdad, the deep-sea fisherman like some lame middle-class Hemingway protagonist, breaks the tense moment by clapping his hands and announcing that dinner is served, and then the music is turned back up.
Pope waits for the room to clear a little, and he makes his way over to you.  “You’re trouble too, Bean.  Not just me.”
You giggle, and it makes Pope’s heart feel like its floating in his ribcage like a balloon.  “Do you have my new name yet?”  You reach and out punch him lightly on the arm.  “I hate being Bean.  I’m ready to be someone new.”
“I have a few.  You can pick.”
You make a gimmie gesture with your hands.  “Let’s have ‘em then, Garcia.”
“Okay.”  He rolls his head on his neck, feels that satisfying crack.  “Sunny.”
That makes you scowl.  “Sounds like a dog’s name.”
“Okay.  Blaze.”
“Like a trail blaze?  No, that’s even worse.  C’mon, Pope.”
“Siren.  No?  Elektra.  Thunder.  Turbo.”  He rattles off a bunch of names until it dawns on you, and you turn and punch him again, your face twisted in indignation as Pope laughs.  
“You didn’t even try!” you cry.  “You’re just naming American Gladiators!”
“Okay, okay.”  He swallows hard, and his mouth is suddenly dry as the desert.  “How about querida?”  Beyond the loose-limbed pot feeling, he feels a panic pushing up in him:  it’s only a pet name because he couldn’t really give you the ones he wanted, he can’t call you mi alma or mi amor…
Your scrunch your face in thought, and then nod.  “That one’s okay.  Spanish.  I can go with that.  Doesn’t it mean sweetheart anyway?  You already call me that sometimes.”
It’s too close, you’re too close to guessing right, and the panic is bubbling up in him so he pulls the kill-switch and jokes with you.  “I could call you Electric Slide, instead,” and that earns him a third punch, and the fact doesn’t escape his notice that you are far touchier with him than you’ve ever been before.
“That song is about a vibrator.”
Pope snorts.  “Yeah, you told me that fun fact.  But I looked it up, and that’s just an urban legend.”
“It isn’t!”  
“Yeah, yeah.”  He hooks an arm around your shoulders, steers you into the dining room where the food is laid out, buffet-style.  “I bet you know a guy who knows a guy who died from eating Mentos with Coke too.”
“There was a couple in my class who were murdered by an escaped serial killer with a hook for a hand, too.”
“You’re such a smartass,” Pope says.
“You love it,” you reply.
You and Pope are the last ones through the food line, and there’s nowhere to sit, so you return to the gazebo.
“It’s better out here anyway,” you sigh.  “As much as my mom complains, she loves the drama of having a crazy daughter.  Gets her a lot of sympathy.  If I stayed inside, she’d just get me stirred up until I snap.  It’s our annual tradition, me ruining Christmas, her harvesting the pity for the rest of the year from her friends.”
Pope balances his plate on his knee and turns to face you.  “Querida, you aren’t crazy.  You’re one of the sanest people I know.”
“Nah,” you shake your head.  “You don’t know me that well.”
That stings, even if you didn’t mean it to.  “Frankie knows you,” he blurts out.  “He never said you were crazy.”
“Frankie doesn’t know me that well either, I guess.”
You’re both still stoned, and you chat in a meandering way while you eat.  Pope ends up spilling his guts in a way he hadn’t wanted to:  he tells you about his insomnia and how much he hates his job, how he feels unsettled and unsure of what to do next –
You listen to all of it, murmuring words of encouragement, and as Pope rambles, he grows steadily more aware not just of you, but of your body:  the heat of your bare arm brushing against his, your steady breathing, the careful way you chew your food.  You’re a little restless, you tap your feet in some pattern he doesn’t recognize, but you hit his foot every so often, which makes you sway away from him for a beat before you sway right back.
He watches you as he talks, and the words are spilling out without much thought because all he can focus on suddenly is your face – your slightly-red eyes, your mouth.  Fuck, your mouth – he’s thought about that part of you so much, imagined what it would be like to kiss you, to see your mouth on him, to see your mouth slack as he did things to you, the sounds you might make –
He wants to lean forward and kiss you, the moment is too perfect to pass up, but his thoughts feel slippery.  He can’t catch just one to focus on before it slips out of his fingers, but the one that keeps cycling through his head is this:  you’re stoned, she’s stoned…don’t take advantage of the situation.
So he doesn’t kiss you.  He only spills his guts about his lonely, unhappy life as you listen.
Pope is given a view of what your relationship with your mother is like.  
It’s near the end of the night.  No one has left yet, but the mood in the room feels like the party is about to break up.  You and Pope are back inside, standing near Frankie and Sara and the elder Morales, and Pope notes how you stand apart a bit, how you refuse to really engage.  Mrs. Morales is making oblique small talk about babies, and your eyes are a little glassy as you stare ahead at nothing in particular.
Then your mother strolls over.
She’d just get me stirred up until I snap is what you told Pope as you ate outside, and that’s exactly what he witnesses: your mother sauntering over to the group, listening for a moment to Mrs. Morales hint at her desire for grandchildren.
Then she turns to you.  Fusses with you, as Pope has seen other mothers do with young children – she tugs at the hem of your sweater, brushes a bit of hair out of your face, makes a backhanded comment about how you actually wore mascara, that you actually made an effort this time –
Pope watches your face, and your eyes lose their glassy quality as you clench your jaw.  He swears he can hear your teeth creaking at the pressure.
“I tried to look nice for the party, mom.”
Your mother pulls a wounded look.  “I said you look nice.”
You huff out a terse breath through your nose, making your nostrils flare a little.  “No, you said I actually made an effort, and you used that tone – “
“I did not have a tone.”
“ – to imply that I never make an effort usually, that I’m just your fuck-up of a daughter – “
“Your language, please, this is a party – “
“Oh, this is the party.  Yes, I know.”  You glance around the room.  “People come to the annual Christmas party for the ham rolls, the festive atmosphere, and the screaming match between poor Beth and her crazy daughter, and all the ladies at book club will be aghast with concern until, what?  At least June?  And then you can switch back to the usual old story until we’re ready for Christmas again.”
That makes the group explode into action:  Mrs. Morales clucking her tongue sadly, Sara biting back a vicious-looking grin, your mother daubing at the corners of her eyes in the worst bit of acting Pope has ever seen.  
Frankie murmurs your name and reaches out, maybe to lay a steadying hand on your arm, maybe that’s been his role for a while now.  But you jerk away at the last minute and don’t let him touch you, and you pivot on your heel before turning back to them.
“Let’s just skip the next part, okay?  I’ll just leave.”  You step back to face the entirety of the partygoers and recite, “I’m sorry for disturbing your lovely party, as usual.  Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a blessed fucking Yule to all.”  
Then you give a mocking little curtsey and march out the door without a backward glance.
Pope takes half a step towards you, has the thought to go after you, but Frankie put his hand on his arm and holds him back.  “Don’t,” his friend murmurs, and Pope knows he’s too out of his depth to do any good anyway.
Pope is rapidly sobering up now, and he tries to get Frankie to explain it on the short drive home.
“Bean and her mom just don’t get along,” is all he says, and his words are clipped with a terse edge.  “Sometimes mother and daughters don’t get along.”
Sara laughs at that, and she turns in her seat to look at Pope.  “It’s an annual thing, the two of them fighting.  The party last year, the two of them got into a screaming match that - ”
Frankie makes a noise in the back of his throat and gives Sara a stern shake of his head, which makes her pout and turn back around in her seat, leaving the sentence unfinished.
That night, laying wide awake with his thoughts racing, Pope hears another fight between Frankie and Sara.  He can’t make most of it out, but he hears your name at one point, and it ends just as before:  slammed door, headlights across his wall, and someone driving away in anger.
Over the next few days, it’s hard for Pope to pin you down.  You text him, you talk to him on the phone, but you’re noncommittal about meeting up.  Things feel weird, tense, and Pope doesn’t know what is causing it.
When he finally sees you, it’s another group thing.  The guys are getting together to attend one of Benny’s MMA events, since they haven’t seen each other in a while and since Sara is in Miami with friends now.  
When Frankie pulls into the driveway of a house that Pope doesn’t recognize, you come out a moment later and slide into the backseat of the car.
“Evening, boys,” you say.  “Ready to go watch a bunch of sweaty, shirtless men rolling around the ground together?  I know I sure am.”
It makes both Frankie and Pope laugh, and for a moment it feels like that very first leave together when Pope first met you.
At the event, it’s dark and loud and smells like sweat and spilled beer.  Pope greets Will and Tom and Tom’s wife, saving his fiercest hugs for his two brothers-in-arms.  You and Tom’s wife seem friendly, and the two of you fall into a conversation punctuated with lots of laughter.
When it’s time for Benny’s fight, everyone sits down – but when Pope tries to finagle himself to sit near you, he finds the seat already taken by Frankie.
Pope never gets a chance to talk to you – not at the fight, not on the ride home.  Frankie drops you off, you wave at the two of them, and then you disappear inside.
But Pope does get a chance to talk to Frankie.
“You like Bean,” Frankie says on the drive home, and the edge in his voice is a challenge almost.  An accusation.
“Yeah.”  No point in denying it.
“For how long?”
“A while.”  Pope turns to study his friend as he drives, and Frankie’s hands are gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles gleam white in the darkness.  “Does that bother you, Fish?”
“Because it seems like you’re bothered.”  Pope doesn’t want to fight, but a small, mean part of him does.  The bigger, nicer part of him wins out, and he adds as a concession, “we’re just friends, Fish.”  It’s not a lie, and if Pope wants more, that’s just a desire he’ll keep to himself.
Frankie sighs heavily at that, like he’s relieved.  “I just have a lot on my mind, Pope.  A lot going on.  A lot to think about.”
Pope makes a thoughtful humming noise at that.  It’s obvious after only a week that Frankie and Sara aren’t living in matrimonial bliss, and even if Pope is irritated by Frankie, he still loves the man and wants him to be happy.  But he’s never been married, and he’s barely even had any long-term relationships, so he has nothing to offer in the way of wisdom.
Frankie takes the silence as permission to continue, and he says, “I think I really fucked up, Pope.”
He doesn’t even need to say the next part – it’s been right in front of Pope the entire vacation.  How worn down Frankie seems, how unhappy.  How hurt he looked the night of the party when you ducked away from his touch.
Don’t say it, Fish, Pope thinks desperately.  Don’t say it, don’t say…
“I think I fucked up and married the wrong girl.”
~~~Tag List~~~ @marvelousmermaid​   @bookishofalder​   @hkmultifandom​   @cannedsoupsucks​   @brandyllyn​   @lawfulgranola​  @shakespeareanwannabe​   @greenvita   @bananas-pajamas  @rachelxwayne​   @stardust-fray   @massivecolorspygiant​   @imspillingcoffee​   @amneris21​  @paintballkid711​   @mad-girl-without-a-box​   @bestattempt​   @isvvc-pvscvl​   @rae-rae-patcha​
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kriber · 3 years
fantasy high class swap au bc i think it'd be funny if they swapped classes but not personalities
FIG- fighter (champion). i think that maybe she was taught to fight as an outlet for her anger against her parents, or maybe this is an au where she actually met gorthalax ahead of time so she wasn't all that rebellious. maybe gorthalax even helped her out with fighting in his name, which she accepted bc she loves her demon dad
GORGUG- cleric (life). he's just a pure sunshine boy that channeled his anxiety to help others through the pure power of Goodness. but at the same time will not hesitate to bonk you if you're being bad. multiclasses bard (creation) and heads the band with either fig, if she's still into music here, or with fabian.
ADAINE- barbarian (berserker). i just think she deserves to bash people's skulls in for fun <3 let her go off and kill her dad ahead of time. plus it'll piss off her dad that she isn't a spellcaster like the rest of the fam. multiclasses artificer as a form of artistic rebellion (and gets spells out of it too lmao)
FABIAN- bard (swords). let's be honest if it wasn't his multiclass it'd be his main class, and he can still be college of swords and fight people. grew up more connected to his mom's side of the family rather than his dad's, so he was more artistically free. can belt out any sea shanty with near perfect performance but still trips over tables.
KRISTEN- rogue (inquisitive). i think it'd be interesting if she found out about her family/religion being a cult ahead of time and found ways to investigate them behind her family's back by sneaking out and investigating them. pretends to still be religious but is, funnily enough, really bad at lying. will she keep her negative dex? probably not but it'd be funny if she did (as a ROGUE)
RIZ- wizard/oracle (diviner). i have no explanation for this but i think it's funny to have a sleep deprived oracle that hisses at ppl. plus the kid spends no time sleeping and would probably be nose deep in a book all the time studying magic. also bc he's the only one in canon to not have any spells whatsoever. he also multiclasses as a celestial warlock with his dad as his patron.
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sincerelyella · 3 years
My Person (Liam x MC)
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Book: The Royal Romance (AU)
Song Inspiration: My Person by Spencer Crandall
Pairings: Liam x MC (Ella) Summary: A one shot of my favorite couple - it’s Liam and Ella’s anniversary and there are big plans in store.
A/N: Okay, I’m gonna be very honest, I am super nervous about posting again. I wrote this maybe last week and kind of finished it earlier today. Thank you to those that I vented to about actually posting my stories, not sure why I feel really sick right now. New blog name (used to be @callmeellabella), new post LOL and I didn’t really know who to tag since it’s been a long time so I’m using my old list. Please let me know if you want off.
A/N2: Participating in @wackydrabbles​ this week. Prompt will be in bold.
Thank you @alyssalauren​ and @ofpixelsandscribbles​ for reading through this for me and kind of handing me that invisible paper bag for me to breathe in. Love y'all!
Warnings: Fluffs. A lot of fluffs.
Words: 1658
Isaiah and Noelle grinned as they filmed their parents in the seat in front of them, holding hands. After 15 years of marriage, Liam and Ella were the epitome of the best partners to each other and parents to their children. There were rough times, of course, you can’t escape those, but the King and Queen handled things in stride.
Noelle’s eyes filled with tears when she watched her dad lift her mom’s hand to his mouth and kiss her knuckles. The way he looked at Ella, like she was the only woman in the world, made Noelle have very high standards for a future partner for herself.
Isaiah grew up knowing how you were supposed to treat a woman, and it was all modeled from how his dad treated his mom. At 15 years old, he grew up in the public eye, but thankfully, his parents allowed him to have a normal childhood. The only time there was mention of royalty was a gala or a ball held at the palace; his Uncle Leo, Max, and Drake as well as his Aunt Olivia and parents all dressed up.
It was their parent’s anniversary that day and Liam had planned a family dinner, just the four of them.
One week ago
“Hey guys,” Liam smiled as he watched his kids sitting at the kitchen island doing homework.
“Hey, dad.” “Hi, daddy.”
Liam hung his keys on the wall by the door and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Next week is mine and your mother’s anniversary.”
Noelle and Isaiah stopped what they were doing and met their father’s gaze.
“I … was hoping you could help me with something,” his brows rounded as he stared at them.
“Sure, what did you need?” Noelle asked.
Isaiah chewed his bottom lip. “No pranks though, right dad?”
Liam chuckled, remembering that anniversary and how it went … so wrong. “No, son. No pranks. Plus, your Uncle Maxwell is not invited until later.”
“Guys, we’re here,” Liam turned to Noelle and Isaiah and widened his eyes at them, the two nodding back with small smiles. Ella missed the entire silent exchange as she climbed out of the black SUV after Bastien opened her door.
Everyone piled into the restaurant, all of them laughed and cried as the kids asked for a cake to be presented to their parents to celebrate their special day.
“How beautiful,” Ella wiped her tears away as she gazed at the red velvet bundt cake covered in cream cheese frosting. “Was this your doing?” She turned to her husband as he smiled.
“No, love, that was them,” he gestured towards Noelle and Isaiah.
“Thank you,” she used a tissue to dab at both her eyes.
“Fifteen years is a long time to be married, ma,” Isaiah dimpled as he looked from his mom to his dad. “Now hurry up and eat it so that we can have a piece!”
The family laughed and dug into the cake. An hour later, they slowly stood from the table, grumbling about how full they were.
“Oh God, why didn’t you stop me?” Isaiah smacked his sister in the arm.
Noelle glared at her brother and punched him in the arm. “It’s not my fault you ate like you never saw food before.”
“Why did you say that?” Isaiah whined.
Liam and Ella walked behind their children, smirking at each other.
“They’re so dramatic,” Ella snorted.
“Wonder who they got that from?” Liam arched a brow at his wife.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Your Majesty.”
“Love,” Liam waited until she turned to look at him. “I have a surprise for you.”
“Where? What is it?”
“Come on,” he tugged on her hand and led her out of the restaurant and into the waiting SUV.
“Where are we going?”
“Ma, just wait, we’ll get there in a minute,” Noelle giggled in the back seat.
“You guys know too?” Ella looked from her son to her daughter and back again. “Liam?”
“Just relax, love, we’ll be there soon,” he squeezed her hand and laughed as her nose wrinkled in annoyance.
A few minutes later, Bastien turned into a small, private area for vehicles to park. “We’re here,” he said and turned to smirk at Ella. “Your Majesty, we’re going to blindfold you.”
“You’re … what?!”
Isaiah cackled as he leaned forward to wrap a scarf around his mother’s eyes.
“That’s blocking my nose,” Ella complained. “I can’t breathe.”
“You can breathe out of your mouth.”
“Isaiah Alexander,” she said sternly and he jumped.
“Sorry mom,” he mumbled as he fixed the scarf so it only covered her eyes.
“Okay,” Liam opened the door to her side of the SUV. “Come on, love, I’m carrying you to our destination.”
Ella let out a long sigh and reached up to feel her husband’s neck. She allowed him to carry her bridal style to … wherever they were going. When her family got like this it was usually because of her husband, who loved to take her places to surprise her. She didn’t mind, honestly, but it was annoying when everyone was in on it except for her.
“We’re almost there, love, I promise,” she felt Liam kiss the top of her head and she snuggled into his shoulder.
“Hey, I got a picture from Uncle Max!” Noelle opened the message and gasped.
Isaiah reached for his sister’s phone. “Is it another picture of him and his peacock Lady and the Tramping some spaghetti?”
Everyone began to laugh.
“I can’t believe that damn thing didn’t peck his eye out,” Ella snorted.
“That thing still scares the crap out of me,” Noelle said as her fingers flew over the keys. 
“We’re here,” Liam smiled as he began to step down onto the large rocks towards the private beach.
“Don’t drop me, Liam,” Ella said as she lifted her nose to the air. “I smell the ocean.” She felt her husband lower her to the ground. “What now? I’m still wearing this.”
A moment of silence and some giggling in the distance made Ella furrow her brows.
“Okay, take off the scarf, love.”
Ella quickly undid the knot and opened her eyes; she faced the ocean. “Liam, what-”
“Turn around.”
As she did, she saw her husband on one knee, her children behind him in the distance carrying an old 1989 boombox, the song My Person by Spencer Crandall playing.
I was lookin' for a long time
I never found nobody like you
I got your name, got your number
And we talked 'til they turned on the lights
“A boombox?”
Liam smirked. “You made me watch Sixteen Candles.”
“Oh yeah,” she chuckled. “Liam,” Ella had tears streaming down her face and she wiped them away quickly. “Wh-what is this?”
He took hold of her free hand and ran his thumb over her knuckles. “Love, it’s our fifteenth wedding anniversary. We married that long ago.”
She nodded, the lump on her throat making it difficult for her to speak.
“But we were together before that,” he smiled up at her. “I met you and I was done for, I haven't looked at anyone else since. You came to my social season, I chose you, we were engaged for a year, and then here we are.”
My person
My heartbeat
My slow dance
My Sunday-morning-sippin'-on-coffee in bed
My know-when-you-know best friend
“You’re my person,” Liam bit his bottom lip to control his emotions. “You and the kids are my everything, and you know I’d give all this up for you if you asked.”
“We don’t want that though!” Noelle yelled and they all laughed.
“Ella Brooks Rys, I wanted to ask you if you would remarry me,” he reached into his pocket, pulled out a black velvet box, and opened it. “Renew our vows and our commitment to each other.”
The box held three rings, an emerald-shaped, 6-carat diamond solitaire in the middle, and one plain platinum band on each side of it. One was engraved with Isaiah Alexander and the other with Noelle Marie.
“Of course,” Ella choked out as Liam smiled and the kids jumped up and down.
My saving grace, my everything
I’ve never been more sure that you’re my person
Every minute is a long time
If I ain’t holding on to you
Liam pushed all three rings onto her finger. “You ready, Mrs. Rys?”
“I am, Mr. Rys,” she pulled her husband to her and captured his lips in a passionate kiss.
“Ew, gross!” “Stop! This is not part of the plan!”
Ella was surprised by that last one and turned towards the sound. All of their friends and family were there on the beach, smiling at them.
“What are-”
“You guys are renewing your vows!” Leo hollered and lifted a bottle of champagne in the air. “Let’s get this going so we can get druuuunk!”
“Leo!” Liam snapped at his brother.
“I mean, I’m ready when you are.”
Hana and Olivia rushed towards Ella and hugged her. “Were you surprised?”
“I was,” Ella sniffled. “You guys all knew?”
“My little blossom! You are so beautiful! Let me see the rings!”
Ella gave Max her left hand.
“Whatever you do, don’t let Beaumont touch it. I’m sure he’s got lasagna all under his fingernails,” Drake chuckled as he approached the group.
“Hey marshmallow,” Ella turned to hug him. “And you guys had lasagna without me?”
Liam laughed and put an arm around Noelle and Isaiah. “You guys ready?”
They both nodded.
“I’m ready to marry your mother again,” they all laughed as Ella put her arm around Isaiah. “Let’s go!”
My saving grace, my everything
I've never been more sure that you're my person
Yeah, baby, you're my person
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noritoshiikamo · 3 years
Headcanons for the cursed womb siblings when they ship you and choso please 🌝 but choso is like a “job first, love later” kind of guy. He is responsible👏 He wants to support his siblings first👏 But they want nothing more than for their brother to have a lover.
modern au! office worker choso x reader no warning, just fluff. death painting brothers are normal humans, choso is just oblivious, reader is in love anywaysssss okay, i know it said headcanon but i went overboard and i cant help it anymore, choso brainrot tagging: @booksweet , @fushigurocockslut, @lazy10ieiri, @sassyeahhhh, @cotton-curse, @thevoidwriting, @dukinaxael
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- job first, love later
you were the first girl choso ever brought home.
except it was by accident. your car had broken down in front of the office and you being typically you, had no idea what had happened to your shit car. “stupid, stupid!” you cursed, opening the front of your car, watching as puff of smoke escaped. you panicked, you never had anyone told you what to do with your car and such.
you were the only child in your family, your mother passed away when you were just a child and your father disappeared. you were sent away to a distance relative, the gojo where you grew up with satoru and his adoptive brother, megumi. but they are useless as a lump of coal. “y/n, are you okay?” you whipped up your head, wiping the dripping sweat off your worried head as you were greeting by a familiar face.
“oh, choso, thank god, do you know anything about car? i cant figure out why wont it start,” you cried clutching on his white sleeve before shrieking. you watched at your fingers left black smudges on his shirt, panicked overwhelmed you as you realised you just ruined the chance for help by ruining your savior’s shirt. but choso only laughed, brushing your panicked look aside and handed you his briefcase. “how long has it been like this?” he asked as he rolled his sleeves, you shrugged. “10 minutes? i think.”
“do you have any cloth i can use to check the coolant?” he asked. you nodded and headed to back, throwing the briefcase in the backseat. coming back with an old rag, you were surprise when choso grabbed your wrists. your face warmed up as he twisted and turned your hand, “did the steam hit your hand?” he asked, glancing up to your face. you shook your head and handed him the cloth. you watched as he did his thing, in 5 minutes he had the engine running and the temperature meter down.
“please, cho, let me sent you home. as a thank you!”
he smiled, “you don’t have too, i can take the subway.”
“i insisted!” you exclaimed, “plus i have your briefcase! aha, you need it so if you want it you have to let me drive you home. please?” you insisted, throwing a puppy face as you clutched both hands to your chest. he exhale heavily, before holding out his hand. your brow shot up in confusion, you placed your hand on his larger palm. you looked up to the older man, a small smile on his face. he was holding his laugh. “your car keys, y/n. lemme me drive you home at least,” he clarified, causing you to mentally slap yourself. the keys exchanged hands and you get in the passenger’s seat. he's a careful driver, he used the blinker and didn’t speed, you felt instantly safe under his care.
“do you live alone, choso?” you asked your coworker. he shook his head, “i live with my younger brothers, eso and chizu. our parents died a long time ago.”
“oh, same. my parents died a long time ago. i’m their only child. my uncle took me in, he’s like a brother to me,” you explained, reminded of your childhood growing up with satoru. he might not be an ideal father figure but he loves you like his own sister. the car slowed down in front of block A of some apartment. “you live here?” you asked glancing around. his apartment is definitely on the lower class scale, the building looks like it could be hundred years old with the chipped paint.
“yeah, i’ve been raising my brothers alone. money’s a bit tight, they are still studying,” he explained grabbing his case from the back. “thank you for helping me with my car,” you stopped him, placing your hand on his, “please let me replace your shirt. just tell me the brand and i’ll buy a new one, i’m so sorry.”
choso offered her a smile, waving his hand dismissively. “it’s okay, i can get the grease off easily. i should thank you for the ride instead. i owe you for that.”
“in that case, can i see your home?”
choso looked at you in amusement, his hand reached forward to ruffled your head, “you’re weird, y/n. but okay. a cup of tea won’t hurt.” he was sure that none of his siblings are home, parked the car and let you trailed him as you both entered the lift up to the 5th floor. you didn’t seemed to be bothered by the surrounding, the stray cats and the random pile of garbage, eyes only trained on his back as you trailed him. his house were around the corner of the stairs, further from the elevator with number 532 on the blue door. he pulled out his keys but the door was already opened.
“chizu won’t throw out the trash,” a shirtless guy with a mohawk greeted them, he was instead more surprised to see you hiding behind the man, “oh, who is this?”
“my coworker. she drove me home, i offered her some tea. i thought you two aren't home, clearly i was mistaken,” he mumbled, annoyed that his brothers were actually home. he turned to you who was looking away, he could see speckle of warmth on your face. "y/n, this is eso. eso, go be a decent human being and put on some shirt," choso ushered the man away before calling you in. you could see panic in his face when eso instead announced that choso was bring his girlfriend home to the other brother.
you couldn't help but to laugh.
you stood in front of door 532 ringing the door bell.
you could hear some yelling. someone was telling to get the door, someone yelled that they were busy in the bathroom and someone was angry in the kitchen. you felt conscious, maybe this was a bad time. you placed the paper bag on the floor and prayed you can make it to the stair but door opened. a voice greeted you.
your steps halted. you turned around, flustered that you got caught. choso stood by the door, apron covering half of his bare body with a spatula in the other. "uh hi, i was just here to drop you something," you pointed to the bag on the floor, absolutely refusing to look up, why is he being so attractive in that stupid apron for, you cussed, "i'm sorry for disturbing your sunday, i'll go."
"is that y/n?" a voice in the background called.
choso looked back and nodding, "yup, it is her." you could see the desperate look on his face before another head popped out from the door. it was his younger brother chizu. he took a bite of the pancake, a wide smile on his face, "what's up, big sis?" the boy with the blue hair greeted her. you shrugged, pointing to the bag that's now in choso's hand. "i was just dropping something, i don't want to disturb your sunday," you shook your head but chizu insisted that you stay for breakfast.
"come on big sis, choso rarely bring any girl over, it actually is exciting to finally talk to someone who isn't as annoying as eso," chizu laced his arm around yours and dragged you through the door. you look at choso for help, the man could only shoot you a sympathetic smile before shutting the door. he followed you, leaning against the door frame of the kitchen as he watched you sat by the table. eso started filling your plate with fresh batch of pancakes while chizu started talking about this band he started to listen. you listened to it attentively, thanking eso for the syrup before he took a seat beside you.
choso took a peak of the paper bag, a small smile on his face when he realised there's a brand-new shirt in it with a sticky note on top of it. i'm sorry, hope this one fits you- the note said. he looked up to back to the table, you started to look like you belong there. the house has always been empty, it was just him and his brothers. you're just like a bouquet of fresh flowers sitting in a vase in the middle of the table; breath of fresh air to the kusozu family.
"pancakes, choso?"
your voice disturbed his thoughts. "tchh, choso, why you're looking at y/n-chan like that?" eso threw a spoon playfully at the older sibling as he walked to the table, "say, y/n, choso didn't do anything sexual to you or anything right? as your brother i'm worried," your eyes widened as you choked on your drink. chaos ensued in the house as choso threatened to murder the middle child, chizu could only sit back and enjoyed as you tried to calm him down while eso's obnoxious laugh echoed the small apartment.
"you better apologize, you broomhead or i'll murder you!"
eso stuck out his tongue, dodging the flying cup, "never!"
"i got something for chizu. would you mind giving it to him?"
you peaked your head in his office, waving another paperbag in hand. choso took his glasses off and pinched the bridge of his nose, "you don't have to spoil my brothers, y/n. they are already a brat without you." you rolled your eyes and placed the bag on his pile of paperworks. "my younger brother, gumi- he knew the band's drummer, y'know the band he's been talking about and got a signed album for me. i'm not a fan so i figured chizu would've enjoyed it better than me." he peaked through the paper bag, a small smile on his face as he thanked you. you both sat in silence, you felt like you were disturbing the man so you excused yourself.
"y/n," your hand froze on the handle, "how can i pay up for everything nice you've done to us? i feel like it's unfair that you're doing all this nice things and i don't want to owe you anything." your turn and watched as the man walked close to you. choso looks handsome as usual, the blue tie matched his eyes while his slightly longer hair is slicked back. you recognized the shirt he's wearing, you bought it for him and it was nice of him to wear it to work.
"would like to go for a coffee with me?" you asked boldly.
"it's a date."
"it's not a date," choso sighed, combing his hair back.
"it is," eso crossed his arms on his chest, "she asked for a coffee and you said it's a date. bro, it is a date." the younger brother shook his head, motioned for him to part his hair. "slicked back make you look like you're going to office, yuck. if we wanna impressed big sis, you gotta look better than this."
"it's still not a date," choso protested, "it's just a coffee meet up."
the doorbell rang.
"yeah, it's not a date when you spend an hour worrying over your hair, cho," chizu ran to the front door, waiting at the door was you. you didn't have to go up and fetch him at the door, but you actually enjoyed meeting his brothers you didn't mind the hassle anymore. "damn, y/n, you dress better when you're not going to office," chizu complemented you. you could only shake your head, pocketing your hands in the plaid skirt that fell just at your knees, "i only dress up to important stuff, job sucks ass, i ain't spending my good outfits going to work," you kicked off your boots and walked in.
"you listen to that cho, at least she knew that this that is important!"
your eyes widened at his word and the younger brother dodged your fist easily. choso peaked through the door, a smile grew on his face when his eyes caught yours, "huh, i didn't realise we are going to colour coordinate," he said, stepping out. you realised that you both had accidentally matched each other's outfit, speckles of warmth spread all over your face when you noticed how it looks like. chizu, being the loose lip took the words right out of your head, "you both look like you're dating."
"we are not dating!" both of you exclaimed immediately only for eso and chizu to share a look.
"stop that," choso warned, disappearing into the kitchen, "tea, y/n?" you yelled a yes before following him. "don't mind them, they are being an idiot." you watched as he poured sugar in a cup with teabag, before putting the kettle on. "i don't mind," you shrugged it off, fidgeting nervously with the corner of your blouse. the comforting silence that engulfed both of you were short lived.
"oh, choso, i actually want to tell you that i like you!"
chizu's soft voice easily imitated your voice, something you took offended off. you turned around to see the two brothers perched on the kitchen hatch. "i do not sound like that!" you gasped. it was eso's turn, coming through with his rendition of choso.
"oh, y/n! i like you too, but i'm just dumbass and refuse to admit my feeling!"
"i will not hesitate to sent you back to mom and dad," choso warned.
"i also think that eso is way good looking that i am, but i'm scared that he will swoop you away from me," eso continued, at this point even you couldn't hold your laughter as you pressed your palm over your mouth. "what you laughing for, y/n?" choso's eyes narrowed as he glanced at you, huffing in annoyance. "hey! don't be mad at me for laughing, he did it well." you could see his own cheeks growing redder and redder with every mocking.
"go away, boys," you shushed them, walking to choso's side as he poured the hot water in the cup. resting against the counter, you thanked him when the cup exchanged hands, looking down on the swirling liquid that you didn't realise choso's fingers hooking under your chin, tilting your face up. all you realised was his soft lips against yours.
you are kissing your coworker in his kitchen.
"cho-" you whispered between the kiss but he hushed you, his hand now resting against your waist pulling your closer, deepening his kiss, "don't mind them." you tasted like your chapstick, his kiss was soft but it was enough to leave you breathless in his arms. you look in each other's eyes, a new realization to what had just happened had you both flustered.
"god, if our shit imitation would've finally made you both realise that you two dumbass like each other, we would've done this months ago," eso snickered. the two brothers had moved from the hatch to the table, heads resting on hands watching the new lovebird. "would you mind waiting for 5 minutes while i murder my brother? i promise it won't take long, then we'll continue with our date," choso asked quietly, brushing a stray hair off your cheek as you brought the mug to your lips, hiding the small smile behind the cup as you nodded. you watched amusingly, sipping on your tea as the two brothers ran around the small apartment, yelling profanities while chizu hugged you.
"welcome to the family, big sis."
you ruffled his blue hair, your cheeks hurt but you just couldn't stop smiling, "if it wasn't to you, i don't think i wouldn't even dare to speak my feelings. so, thank you. the voice acting was shit tho."
"you thank us, you hate us, geez, big sis, make up your mind," chizu teased you, winking as he brushed it off as a joke, "you help us a lot, i never seen choso so happy before. he worries a lot. about us, money. it was good sometimes to see him put himself first," chizu shrugged, cheek resting on your shoulder, "we survived before, we'll survive now. choso has nothing to worry about. you too, we are alright, okay?"
you nodded, resting your cheek on his head, heart overwhelmed with love for you newly found family, you felt belonged here.
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sapphicmsmarvel · 3 years
Being a Slytherin and Dating Fred Weasley
HP masterlist
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-Fred,,,,,didn’t know how to deal with having feelings for a Slytherin 
-my dude was so lost. 
-it began when he was eleven, you were both first years.
-Around your fifth year, you and Ginny were talking about how a guy said you were too intimidating to be with. You jokingly looked at Fred and went, “could you fall for a woman like me?” 
“I already have.” He said without missing a beat. 
-You’re a Prefect. He adores you. 
-He was shocked to find out you were a nerd. And, that you had to wear glasses or else you couldn’t see. When he found out you couldn’t see without help, he designed a pair of glasses to stay on your face on the quidditch field. He also charmed them to stay clean and adjust as your prescription changed. 
-He began working on them your second year. They still weren’t perfected until your sixth year. 
-He gave them to you as a one year anniversary gift, you cried. 
-He panicked. 
-He was worried he had insulted you, when he asked what was wrong you just went, “this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever given me.” 
-His heart melted. 
-He also won points with your family with the invention. Especially your dad. 
-His nickname for you is “hissy.”
-The nickname has caused several questions which Fred and you just shrug off. It’s a secret as to how the name came to be. 
-He has bi-wife energy. 
-You were muggle born, you came from a non-slytherin family (the first member to be a Slytherin that your family tree knows of). 
-They all knew it was your ambition that got you into your house. You also hated being a follower, you were a born leader. You also had a poisonous bite, your comments have been known to make others dislike you. You spoke your mind when someone was rude. 
-Molly immediately accepted you in their family despite your house. As well as Arthur. 
-You were protective over his siblings. After not having a good relationship with your own, you adopted his. 
-Ginny loved having another girl around all the time, Hermione can’t stay all summer but you can.  
-Ron liked seeing someone give Fred and George shit. Plus, whenever their pranks were too hard on Ron, you always said something. 
-Percy doesn’t necessarily dislike you, he's just a priss. But only you and his family can call him a priss, if someone else does it that’s when you jump in. Percy knows that when it comes down to it, you’re a ride or die for their family, so he accepts you. 
-George was the only one who wasn’t surprised when you and Fred announced you two were dating. He had been shipping you guys since day one. 
-Bill and Charlie had known about you because of Molly. She wrote them letters about how Fred was clearly in love with a Slytherin girl named Y/N. They were wary, then when they saw how you treated Fred and the rest of their family, they liked you. 
-Molly has a muggle camera, she enjoys taking random pictures of her family. 
-She’s taken thousands of you and Fred. Her favorite is one that was taken after christmas. You and Fred were lying on the couch. His head was on your chest, your hand had stilled in his hair. You both were passed out. 
-There’s also many of you two just laughing at each other. Eyes crinkled, mouths open in silent laughs. 
-Speaking of laughs. He loves yours. 
-It ranges from absolute cackling, silent shakes, wheezes, screaming laughing. He loves it. 
-He makes it his mission to make you smile once a day. 
-You have a familiar. She is tattooed on your body. When you were born, your family got her for you. She grew as you did. 
-You had a snake, not a death eater snake or a snake like Nagini. A snake that protected your family. Her name was Mushu. 
-Mushu could transform into a massive snake, one that could swallow the Dursleys if she wanted. On your skin, she was as tiny as a garden snake. She chose her size. She had black scales, but in the light they turned chrome. 
-When you and Fred started dating, you were extremely worried as to how he would react to you having a snake on your body. You were so worried you couldn’t hide it from him. 
-Fred was fascinated by Mushu, Mushu’s favorite place was to lay on your breasts, it was soft for her. She also loved your back because she could spread out. If you slept on your stomach, Mushu would go on your back. Fred would trace her scales at night. 
-But when you told him about her, you were petrified. 
-One night in your dormitory (your roommates were out and you use a charm to get Fred up there) he could see your leg shaking, you were having an anxiety attack about it. Which caused Mushu to get more restless. 
He knows by now about your tells when having an anxiety attack, like dissociating. 
He set a hand on your knee, “what’s wrong hissy?” 
“I...I have a secret, Freddie.” You said, with tears in your eyes. “You don’t have to tell me, if that’s what you’re worried about.” He knew it wasn’t anything involving you cheating. He knew you well enough. 
“No, I want to, I’m just really scared as to how you’re going to react. But before we move farther in this relationship, you need to know.”
“Okay. Whatever it is, it’s safe with me.” 
“Okay, I have a...familiar on my body.”
“What?” He had only heard legends about such creatures. 
You nodded, “she was given to me as a baby, my parents didn't know what the world held out there, because they knew...they knew you-know-who was around. So they contacted a well known witch with familiars, and they bought her for me. A familiar has to be bonded with an infant or else it won’t connect well. The two have to grow up with each other.”
You were gauging his reaction, he nodded for you to continue. You smiled, your hand absentmindedly going to your chest. “Her name is Mushu. I called her Moo as a toddler because I couldn’t pronounce her name. She’s a snake.” 
“Okay.” He nodded. 
“....Okay? You’re...okay with this?” 
He shrugged, “it’s a part of your body, Y/N. I love it no matter what.”
You smiled, your shoulders relaxing, “you want to see her?” 
You looked down your sweatshirt, “Moo, you gotta move.” You said. 
Mushu, the stubborn beast she is, did not. 
You sighed and looked at him, “she won’t move.” 
“Where is she?” 
“In between my tits.” 
His eyes widened, “you don’t have to show me.” His cheeks were bright red. 
“I will if you’re okay with it.” 
He nodded, “whatever you want to do.” 
You smiled and gripped your hoodie. You pulled it from your head, trying not to blush as Fred was seeing a lot of you for the first time. You were wearing a bra, but still. 
You didn’t know how Fred would react. He gazed at you, you could tell he was trying extremely hard to not look right at your boobs. Her body rested between your breasts. Her tail had curled around your stomach, her tail dipping beneath the band of your sweatpants. Her neck was around yours, her head coming down to rest on the swell of your breast. 
He took one look at her and went, “she’s beautiful.” 
You sighed, “I love you.” 
“And I love you.” He said kissing you. He pulled away, “why were you scared?”
“Because, I’ve never shown her to any partner I’ve had. And I like you a lot more than I like those exes.” You smiled. “Not going to lie, I’m also not the biggest fan of my body, but she helps me with that. With owning it.” 
“You’re absolutely exquisite. No matter your size or what beauties grace your body.” At that comment Mushu’s head shimmied. He smiled at her, “they make you who you are.” 
“And that is?” 
“The love of my life.” 
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