#were gonna go hard for this btw. im making a victorian love note. i am looking up wine info for them. i WILL be buying the darkest chocolat
ragnars-tooth · 4 months
They say write what you know so my flatmate and I accidentally fake dating aued ourselves into a relationship 😭😭
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probably-lucifer · 6 years
This is my character’s diary of her life to help build Who she is and Whatnot
Entry #1
Okay so since I hate the phrase Dear Diary as I've seen it far too many times in ALL the movies about teenaged girls (Side note, most girls don't actually have diaries, I literally only have one because my therapist suggested it sooooo.) and I happen to be a teenaged girl sixteen-aged girl, in fact, I'm going to write something else, because if I managed to find someone that cares about me enough to read all the way from, whenever I've died, then that, that would be, nice.
So, To Whom It May Concern, I cut my hair shorter today, and I feel so much better about this style so I might keep it for
Entry #34
To whom it may concern,
My therapist is suggesting I write down the daydreams I experience sometimes so I can look over them and maybe even turn them into something. Sometimes it seems like he's the only one that wants me to succeed. I bought a laptop with mother's money, it's hard to call her "mom" doesn't feel right, and I've just finished writing about the girl with wings that had magic so she could visit a town underwater, it was a nice place and
Entry #78
To whom it may concern,
Thomas The Therapist just helped me get into college, I'm so glad I started going to therapy, I've kicked most my bad habits AND I'm doing more to keep my area clean so that
Entry #100
To whomever,
Today is a down day, dad left today so I guess that's why, but you'd think I'd be over that by now. I'm not. Thomas let me skip today's session but in exchange, I have to write out my feelings and stuff, so ya'know I told moms and they gave me a letter from him, he left because mom gave him an ultimatum. Stop drinking or leave and he didn’t think he was strong enough. Mom told me he used to be very BAD and that he gave my that scar under the back of my ribcage before she made him leave
Entry #200
Guys you are not going to fucking believe this, so mom gets home from the grocery store right, and other mom (Mother, I used to call her mother) comes laughing into my room, dudes, someone thought they were fucking siblings, like, oh my gods no, they are way too affectionate with each other (And sometimes me, sometimes we cuddle and watch horror movies and it's, nice.) to be sisters okay like that'd be so
Entry #251
To whom it may concern,
I did it. I have officially moved out of my mom's place and into my own. It's got an attic room with a window seat, AND AND it's a Victorian Style house and it is HUGE, there's an office with lots of natural lighting for my writing, and the rooms are awesome and huge, and the basement is all open and ugh, I love this house, I'm hiring a gardener ASAP because I want fruit and flowers and
Entry #271
Uh, so, I just got a call, and uh, I'm on a plane to go see my moms, they're in intensive care because of some kind of car accident it seemed, so, yeah...
Entry #272
They're not gonna make it
Entry #273
They didn't make it
Entry #274
I haven't left my moms' room in a month but Eric, the cool butler guy, has been bringing me stuff, so that's nice
Entry #275
I wish we got to hug more. Mom (mother's) hugs were always like warm milk and honey and ma's (Not mother's) hugs were like strawberry sunshine.
Entry #276
Adeline, the woman moms' left their company in the hands of is really good at what she does, and her intentions are great, but, she said that I have Mom's smile and I had a really bad panic attack but she helped me by making me count out of order
Entry #277
Thomas passed in his sleep. He didn't feel a thing they say, we're helping with the funeral costs. Least we could do
Entry #278
I started going to a different coffee shop every day but none of these taste like ma's did.
Entry #279
So I met a girl at a coffee shop and her hair was electric blue and we traded numbers
Entry #280
Vienna, blue hair girl, saw me at my new therapist (Whose name is Maria, and reminds me of that something I saw when I visited that Mexican temple with moms once before, can't remember what though) and I found out that she goes to Maria's brother Paul for therapy, and we talked and somehow, I have plans for tonight at 8
Entry #290
To whom it may concern,
I think I could fall in love with Vienna, if I wanted, I think I could fall in love with the way she slips into and out of accents as easily as I, or the way she always leaves her incredibly long hair down when she's outside to "Feel the wind", or the way she smiles and I think that even the sun doesn't shine that bright or the way she dances as though she is apart of the music, and
Entry #300
I'm in Vienna Austria with Vienna and she "hates" loves it, it's so warm here. Adeline helped me set it up in exchange I have to meet with an investor tomorrow. Blegh. But still worth it. We will be traveling around the world for the next six months and I am so glad that Vienna works online so that we can you don't even know
Entry #301
I said I love you during sex and Vienna cried and said it back and we cuddled for like, six hours. No day will ever top this in my life.
Entry #401
Remember when I said nothing will ever top hat day? I was right. Vienna is gone, and I can't find her. Anywhere. I don't know what happened, we were going to move in together. I, did I do something wrong? I hope, at least, that she's okay and happy, but I don't, get it? What did I
Entry #404
Okay so, Adeline is helping me move on from Vienna with work, and I'm grateful, but I cannot spend another day in this fucking office, I will staple Stacy from financings mouth shut if she makes one more remark" about my mother.
Entry #426
Stacy was fired today and I'm taking Adeline out for a drink in celebration!!
Entry #427
I feel like shit but I gotta get dressed for this meeting blegh, I'm just gonna wear my black skinny jeans and a sweater today. Fite me.
Entry #427.2
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUhhhhm. So. Adeline. I ate out Adeline...…………. UUUUUUUUUUMMMM
Entry #427.3
We are getting lunch in a minute and I can't tell if the tension is sexual or awkward
Entry #427.4
We flirted!!!!!!!!
Entry #427.5
Entry #427.6
BTW It was, in fact, sexual tension.
Entry #428
She made breakfast and I almost cried because it was honey cakes like Mom used to make and they were so good
Entry #458
Sooooo, Adeline said I love you and I couldn't say it back but she wasn't mad and we hugged and cried on each other and in exchange, I made her dinner which was lemon herb pasta with spinach and we ate like, the whole pot on accident. Oops?
Entry #476
I said it back today! I said I love you! I did it!
Entry #492
Found a new recipe for a super fucking moist chocolate cake with blackberry filling and we made it and I think we orgasmed whoa
Entry #527
So for my birthday, Adeline is taking me on a tour of temples in Mexico until we find the one moms took me too when I was like, 17 and I love her so much my heart bursts every time I think about her, is this healthy???
Entry #529
We found it!! I was even given a gift by the local shaman who watches over the temple!!!! It's a beautiful scepter thing, Adeline said we could probably drive it up if I felt better about it that way and honestly where would I be without this women? She's so organized and smart and pretty and awesome and
SO what do you guys think??
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