#were we not just concerned over the fact ai like chatgpt are data scraping sites like ao3?
gracehtml · 1 year
just saw a fic writer i liked happily share and thank someone for making ai fan “art” of their oc and i—
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agustdiv1ne · 1 year
hey feel free to ignore this if u don't wanna answer but i was curious, as a writer, how are/were u feeling ab the google docs ai situation? im actually not too sure whats going on to be *very* honest but i also am not a writer..
hello nonnie!! this is an interesting question that i have somewhat long-winded response to (under the cut!)
first off, i am an ai hater. i straight up just don't like it. and no one come at me with the "you just hate change and new tech!!" bs. no, i love seeing new tech — it's super exciting — but not when it's being pioneered by greedy companies. not when these companies using artists' original work that they have put tons of time and effort into to train their system.
furthermore, i don't think it's regulated enough for how much it's beginning to be utilized, and there's so many legal grey areas that are very concerning to me. look at chatgpt and how the company is scraping data from sites like ao3, taking people's original, copyrighted works and using them to train their ai with no consequences. it sucks, honestly. i'm dissapointed (but not surprised) that google has jumped on the "ai is the future!!1!1!!!!" bandwagon. it's nfts all over again.
google has claimed that they are only using public data to train their ai — but cmon, it's google, a multi billion dollar company that can basically get away with anything. remember how they sold users personal data to third party companies when they claimed they didn't, got sued, and then basically got off with only a little slap on the wrist? who's to say that they didn't sneak a loophole into the agreement we all mindlessly check yes on when we start using google drive? none of us know, and most of us don't understand enough legal terminology to figure that out.
personally, i won't be using any ai features when i write because at that point it's not my work; it's the the work of millions of other writers whose stuff was stolen. i don't care if emily from ohio wants to read about jungkook with a certain trope because she can't find it anywhere. like, idk, get a little creative. write it yourself or find someone who will, rather than relying on this tech that's fucking over artists left and right.
(all of this applies to tiktok's ai filters and stuff too. i don't fuck with those either.)
this is just my two cents on the issue, don't take it as fact!! i know i don't speak for other and i'm not trying to. if other writers and artists would like to add their opinion, feel free!
tldr: fuck ai, fuck google for jumping on the bandwagon, and i wouldn't touch ai features with a ten-foot pole
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