#werecat Abbacchio
whoreiaki-kakyoin · 3 years
Thinking about aftercare with Werecat!Abbacchio~
Leone grooms you with a scratchy tongue, licking up your shared fluids. He drags the blanket back over your cooling bodies with his teeth. Leone curls around you. White whiskers tickle your nape as he scents you. A rumbling purr generates from his chest. He kneads biscuits on your tummy; his claws are sharp, but he tries his best to be gentle. If you try to get up, then he growls and scruffs you like a kitten. He’ll get you whatever you need. Leone wants you safe and warm in his nest. There’s no other place you’d rather be.
I don’t even have much of anything to add to this 🥺💕 It made me all warm and fuzzy inside dvjwkwkshdhejwkke it just sounds so soft and lovely…. Werecat Leone who takes good care of his kitten because he adores you…. And even the thought of him scruffing you and insisting you stay in the nest… I really hope you know I melted into a puddle reading this. Enjoy these artistic renditions of how I feel currently.
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Tricia omg I need MOAR Uncle Hol and Werewolf!Mista please 😂😂 and Formaggio!! And the kiddos!! Aaaaahhh, that Halloween special, hhhhhh, a blessing :’) As usual, hcs/scenarios.. anything is fine :3 Ma soprattutto ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
Esteeeeeee ლ(´ ❥ `ლ) ლ(´ ❥ `ლ) Ah!! That special :,) and YESSSS, I’d love to write more about that AU >:3 Sooo, here we go!! I hope you’ll like that :3
Here is the mentioned special, if you want some lore and contest! And, also, Valerio is the “blog” name for Formaggio, by now!
The Big Kaboom
(Under the cut for length!)
“Uncle Hol! Uncle Hol!” the tall man turned, hearing a choir of kids’ voices calling him, and brightly smiled, when his eyes landed on the small platoon of baby-werewolves. Here his nephews and nieces were!
“What’s up, puppies?” he asked, picking up the smallest of them, a boy and a girl, and bouncing them in his arms, making them laugh. The boy picked Hol’s hat and wore it, but it was too big and fell on his nose, making Hol laugh, amused. The puppies were so cute!
“What about giving it to Michi, hm?” the little one nodded, and the tallest of them, a boy who was more or less thirteen years old, picked the hat and put in on his head, with a bright and happy smile on his tanned face.
“So, kids? Did you want just my hat?” he asked, playful. The kids shook their heads, and the older ones pulled him on the couch, sitting then next to him, an excited expression on their faces.
“We want to know what happened during the Big Kaboom!” Hol laughed, already amused just by the memory of it. What a memorable night it had been…!
“Sure! But we’ll need also uncle Guido and uncle Valerio’s help. Mind to go to drag them here?” three of them, one girl and two boys, sprinted to go to catch their uncles, like the little wolves they were. After a couple of minutes, the two arrived, letting the kids pulling them by their hands, rolling their eyes and faking resistance, even if the smile on their faces betrayed their real amusement.
“So? What do you want, little feral monsters?” Formaggio asked, mischievously grinning when the little ones loudly complained, throwing themselves on him, in a wrestlemania-like move that did nothing to the assassin, if not to make him laugh more, while he was ruffling their hair.
“We want to know what happened during the Big Kaboom!” the boy still nestled on Hol’s lap declared, immediately backed by his cousins. Formaggio dramatically sighed, ignoring his nephews and nieces’ puppy eyes that, they knew so well, always undid him.
“Uhm, what do you say, Guido, uncle? Should we?” he teased, grinning at the kids’ protests. They were so easy to nettle!
After a little time when they faked to think about it and seriously ponder on it, all framed by the continuous kids’ complaints and rolls on their laps, the three looked at them. Their grins told everything and the kids exulted with loud cheers; they were going to receive their so wanted story!!
“Alright, alright, we’re tell it. Sit comfortably, kids; it’s a particular story…”
“Where should we taking him?!” Fugo, supporting a half-unconscious and wheezing Formaggio, looked at Mista, who was, with Trish and Hol Horse, his uncle, supporting the other vampires of the group. Shit, what kind of damn New Year Eve was that?!
“What do you mean, we have to take him where they could help!” Mista barked back, giving to Bruno and Narancia, the two he was supporting, little slaps on their cheeks, to help them to recover. They only groaned in response, mumbling something about a so delicious blood, more delicious than any wine they had ever tasted when they were human. Sure, Guido thought, grumbling, that damn blood they had drunk was from someone who had really high blood alcohol level, so high that it ended up getting them drunk!!
“I fucking know it, Mista, but who?! A veterinary or a doctor?!” this made Mista stop for a second from his umpteenth sequence of slaps on his friends’ cheeks. Damn, that was a legit question…
“Whatever, he has to spit that hellish fur ball! Veterinary will be!” he declared, picking up Narancia on his shoulders, carrying Bruno with his free arm and marching towards the nearest veterinary clinic. He just hoped it was open, even on New Year Eve!
Finally, he saw it. Because both of them were in part animal, sometimes Formaggio and Guido got “animal” problems, and one or the other had to carry the other to the veterinary, so they perfectly knew where every clinic or ambulatory was. More than one time, also, it had been a perfect excuse to know and even flirt with a doctor…
“Mista- Mista!” Mista, who was deep in his thoughts, felt his body being blocked by something, right on the doorsteps of the clinic. What the-
“Have you forgot that we are vampires? We have to be invited to come in!” Fugo hissed, feeling on himself a repellent force that didn’t allow him to enter. Mista groaned, throwing at his uncle and Fugo, respectively, Bruno and Narancia and picking up Formaggio, shaking him to make him regain a little consciousness.
“Ohi, Vale! You have to turn into a cat, yeah? C’mon, do it for me. C’mon, furball!” Formaggio groaned, glancing at him, but did as he was ordered, turning into a big, fluffy and wheezing red cat. Mista picked him up and ran inside, to make him be finally cured.
Fugo sighed, flopping down on the sidewalk, with Narancia’s head on his shoulder. The boy was mumbling something about math and, to Fugo’s surprise, he was doing additions, multiplications and even fractions, and every result was right. The man sighed, rubbing his temple. Years spent trying to teach him something, and now that he was drunk he could do every single calculation…
“Guys- guys, what are we doing here- it’s New Years Eveeee, c’moooon! What are those looong faces? We have to celebrate! Sooo, let’s go to, uhm… a bar! A karaoke!” Giorno, unusually lively, dragged Trish with him, laughing and cheering, when also his drunk pals agreed, trying to follow him without falling or stumbling one on each other. Every attempt to stop them had been vain, as they turned into bats and flew away.
Then, Fugo just sighed, eating down a deafening scream, and turned into a bat as well, following those idiots, with Trish, while, on the ground, Hol Horse was running at really high speed.-
“Please tell me again what is happening.”
“We’re at a karaoke bar, Bucciarati and Abbacchio are about to make out on the bar counter, Giorno’s crying his eyes out and telling to some stranger about his evil vampire dad and Narancia is singing The Piña Colada Song on the karaoke.” Trish tiredly listed once again. From the other side, Mista stayed silent for few seconds, deadly silent, to the point that Trish could hear cat-Formaggio choking and coughing while meowling in protest.
“What the hell are Fugo and my uncle doing?” Mista voice was forcibly calm; Trish had learnt that this meant that he was about to snap. And he had snapped just once or twice in all those years.
“Fugo’s trying not to kill Narancia and your uncle is consoling Giorno; I’m making sure Bucciarati and Abbacchio don’t actually start to make out for real. I don’t want to be arrested.” Mista sighed, rubbing for the umpteenth time his forehead. That was crazy…
“Hold up, I’m coming. Formaggio’s almost done with the fur.” Trish grimaced, hearing another wheezing sound from nearby and the vet voice that was encouraging Formaggio to spit, just another little spit!
“Alright… not like we could go anywhere, in any case. We’ll wait here.” With that, Trish hung up the phone, grabbing once again Bruno from the collar, to keep him at a safe distance from his, apparently, lover. On the background, Narancia had started to sing Mr. Blue Sky and Giorno, who, when drunk, apparently had heavy mood swings, crawled on the stage to join him in the song, while Hol was marching to pick them both and finally end that torture. That was really an explosive end of the year…
“And so, kids, that’s how your uncles spent the last hours of 2010 and the first of 2011 in a vet clinic, and how I and the vampire clan end up in a squalid karaoke bar!” Hol concluded, with an amused smile. Saying that the kids were shocked was an understatement. What the heck…
“But why you call it The Big Kaboom? Had something exploded?” the little girl asked, throwing her head back to look at her uncle. Hol chuckled, patting her on the hair, while Mista and Formaggio cleared their throat.
“This is a story for another time. Now go to do your homework, hop hop hop! Or I’ll call uncle Abbacchio!” the children rushed upstair without protesting; they didn’t want to make uncle Abbacchio angry! Mista sighed, spreading on the couch, grumbling under his breath.
“Should we tell them that that night we actually made a shop of fireworks explode to avoid Narancia to be sent in orbit tied to one of them?” Formaggio asked, making both his cousin and uncle groan.
“Maybe, one day… when we are sure they won’t go to spill it to the group. After all, they were drunk… they don’t remember a shit.” Mista answered, lowering his hat on his eyes, sighing. Jeez, what a night it had been…
Never again.
Or maybe not?
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jacks-obsessions · 3 years
*runs to your inbox* so. Werecat Leone? Abbacchio being some sort of creature that transforms at the full moon and gets rough. He doesn’t always mean to, and he often even tries to hold back and be gentle with his lover. But he bites and scratches as he pins you down. Sharp teeth and sharp claws, his tail lashing as he pounds into your sweet spot over and over again. He loves the way you squirm and whimper underneath him because it just feels too good, too intense… and afterwards? He’ll lick your scratches clean gently before curling up beside you. And if we’re talking barbed cat cock? Mmm. He’ll have you screaming on his cock because the texture is just so much and you’re so sensitive.
He really really tries to be gentle but you just feel so good and he's so needy. He loves to bite around your neck but he is very careful to avoid your vitals and to not bite too hard. Pull his tail hard and he might just cum on the spot. He purrs afterward as he cuddles and grooms you.
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megan-is-mia · 4 years
Heyyy, can i get manipulative 11 and 20 for dear ol' Leone with sexy on the sude, please? Love ur work, fam, ur one of the best of this fandom~
(Yes you can! And shucks, i appreicate the comment but i ain't quite as good as you think i am yet :D)
11. "You’re so vulnerable right now.” 20. “Don’t say you’re lonely, you have me!”
(Yandere! Werecat! Leone Abbachio x Fem! Witch! S/o) (NSFW AND NON-CON AHEAD) “I’m home Abbacchio!” (Y/n) hollered as she entered the cottage. As she set her bag down on the table, her white cat familiar finally made his appearance curling himself around the young witch’s ankles in greeting. “Took you long enough, you said you’d be home before sundown” Abbacchio commented jumping up on the table and pressing his face against (Y/n)’s hand for petting. Whenever the young witch took longer than normal to get home he’d begin to worry. “Sorry kitty, I just lost track of time talking to the blacksmith’s son (F/n)... I think he wants to marry me” (Y/n) apologized scratching the feline’s ears as she spoke. The cat’s eyes went wide in alarm at her words and his head jerked up. “What! Why! What makes you think he wants to marry you?!” Abbacchio said abruptly pawing at (Y/n)’s arm, his golden-purple eyes staring intently at him. The young witch giggled and moved her head to scratch under the cat’s chin. “Oh you know, asking me my favor kind of gem. Asking me to judge precious metals, measuring my ring finger. That kinda stuff...” (Y/n) said cheerfully continuing to pet the feline with a good-natured attitude. “You cant get married to (F/n)! No way!” Abbacchio protested jerking his head away from (Y/n)’s affectionate touch. “He’s barely above the village idiot in intelligence!” the feline added sharply. “Oh come on Abbacchio, (F/n) isn’t that dumb. Just cause he isn’t a scholar doesn’t mean he’d a bad match for me” (Y/n) said with a frown and folding her arms. She hadn’t expected the cat’s negative reaction to be so intense. “Bruno wouldn’t approve of the match. He’d tell you to find a better mate” Abbacchio protested his hackles raised in irritation and pawed at the table as his tail whipped back and forth like a snake. “Bruno’s gone! I am the village magi now! It doesn’t matter what he thinks!” (Y/n) snapped at the feline before regretting her harsh words. “Sorry kitty, it’s just this might be my only chance to land a husband... I don’t wanna be lonely” she added in a much softer tone. “Don’t say you’re lonely, you have me!” Abbacchio said insistently headbutting (Y/n)’s chest and then standing on his hind legs so he could lick her face. “It’s not the same kitty, there’s just some things a familiar can’t do for me” the young witch said patronizingly before pushing the cat back down on all fours. “I’m going to bed... goodnight” (Y/n) said patting Abbacchio’s head one final time before turning on her heel and walking towards the stairs through the living room. The next moment there was a loud crackling noise behind (Y/n) and before she could turn to look for the source, something pushed her forward onto the living room couch. (Y/n) tried to get up but a heavy weight had settled on her body. The pressure lightened for a moment and the young witch found herself laying on her back, staring up at an unfamiliar man— actually scratch that. There was no way she didn’t recognize those eyes of violet and honey. Nor was she unfamiliar with the possessive light that made those eyes almost glow in the dark. As impossible as it seemed, somehow this man had to be her feline companion turned human. “You’re so vulnerable right now...” Abbacchio purred using his freshly-aqquired hands to grope (Y/n)’s chest and pressed his nose against her shoulder inhaling her scent. He’d planned on telling her he was a werecat months ago, but the right moment had never come. “Get off me!” (Y/n) screeched trying to kick the man off and pry his hands away from her breasts. She received claws puncturing through her shirt and titflesh accompanied by a low growl from Abbacchio. She let out a pained yelp and continued to struggle frantically. “Quit fighting or I’ll have to hurt you” Abbacchio said and dug his nails deeper into (Y/n)’s skin until she stilled. When the young witch had gone limp, the werecat retracted his talons and began licking at (Y/n)’s exposed skin. Abbacchio resumed his purring as he unbuttoned the young woman’s shirt so he could lick up the blood that his claws had drawn. “Get away from me...” (Y/n) said her voice low with fear now. She would have continued her efforts to get away but she did not want to anger the male again. “Shhh let me take care of you. You don’t need that blacksmith’s son. I can give you everything you could ever want” the albino cooed hooking his fingers under the waistband of the young witch’s skirts to pull them down. He ground against (Y/n)’s hips letting her feel his eager member and his intentions. “Nonono” (Y/n) whimpered trying to grab at her skirts to keep them up and looking pleadingly at the werecat who only grinned hungrily back at her. “I’ll make sure you are never lonely again. I’ll be your husband and I’ll fill your belly with kittens. You’ll like that won’t you? Isn’t motherhood every young woman’s dream” Abbacchio purred successfully removing (Y/n)’s skirts and undergarments before pressing his cock against the young woman’s cunt. “Please Abbacchio! Please stop! Don’t, please don’t!” (Y/n) began pleading before her words were turned to whines as the werecat sunk his shaft into her. She curled her hands into fists, digging her nails into her palms until the male forced her hands open and onto his shoulders. Abbacchio pounded his mate into the couch and when he was on the cusp on finishing he dug his teeth into her shoulder to mark her. As the cloud of angry sexual energy ebbed, the werecat rearranged himself and the young witch so he was cradling her on his chest. He licked up her tears and began purring once more. (Y/n) began drifting off to exhausted sleep, fearing what her future would look like when she next woke... THE END
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abbacchiosbelt · 5 years
You know one of those RPG game where you're a knight and go off to fight monsters? Imagine that, but with out monster bfs(Basically if ya wanna live ya gotta breed)
each new monster you meet is very different! there’s those who aren’t interested in sex and are just playful - perhaps willing to give you information for friendly company, like dryad!giorno and the elves who live in the forest around him, fugo and narancia. if you meet her approval, fairy!trish might appear.
but once you get past them... you’re in for quite a time. it’s likely the only truly friendly monsters you run into will be drider!bruno and werewolf!mista - but they still want more from you. if you give them their wish, they’ll be more than happy to share info with you. best watch out for medusa!abbacchio, though - he’s not known to be kind to strangers.
it gets even more treacherous from there, although... offering them your body is a sure way for a little kindness to be thrown your way. there’s rumors of naga!risotto who has the same powers as a basilisk. in the shadows near him, werecat!formaggio and harpy!illuso lurk. two vampires, prosciutto and pesci, have a keen awareness of you, as their newest target. drider!melone is much different than bruno... be careful around him. yuki onna!ghiaccio is vicious and unrelenting in his search for a mate. it’s best you find information to avoid him, lest you want to be stuck with him for a long time. stay away from incubus!gelato and demon!sorbet unless you want certain death - they like to play with their food, too.
along they way, although it’s best to avoid them, you may see wendigo!cioccolata and zombie!secco. run far and fast from these two.
if you go near the waters, you may run into merman!squalo and siren!tiziano, who are never too far apart. they may help or hurt you, depending on what you say.
if you’re unlucky (or perhaps lucky, depending on what your goal was), you’ll almost certainly find doppio, who claims to be a human, but there’s something off about him...
he’ll lead you right into dragon!diavolo’s lair, who rules all the monsters in the area and is looking for a human mate. well, i hope you’re ready...
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 3 years
Sigh…. Werecat Abbacchio who calls you his kitten. He sees you as someone to be looked after and taken care of. Even when he might get rough with you, it’s always followed by him gently licking and smoothing over your hair and over any scratches he may have given you as he tells you, “you did so well for me, kitten.”
(Inspired by Jack’s absolutely heart-melting response to me thirsting in her inbox bc I can’t stop thinking about it 💕💕💕)
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 3 years
werecat!abbachio using 'gattino/a' as a pet name, woo that's hot 👀👀
Sigh… yes. That’s the dream. To werecat Abbacchio, it’s just second nature, something so obvious! He takes care of you and dotes on you, almost like you’re a kitten. He grooms you (even if you didn’t exactly ask him to), he brings you things he’s caught for you, and he curls up beside you when you’re cold. So of course he’s going to call you a kitten! That’s just what you are. His sweet, precious gattino/gattina who he adores.
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 3 years
Ahem. *taps mic* … C…Catboy Abbacchio 👀
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megan-is-mia · 4 years
I love reading your Yandere Fics! Especially the Werecat!Abbacchio and Witch!Reader one.
I’m glad you enjoyed it! It lifts my spirits and gives me energy to keep writing when I get asks like this :)
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