#wes anderson has my entire heart <333
saintirulan · 2 months
things from these days i loved #7 🧡:
soooo today i really really wanted to check out a photography exhibition at tokyo station despite desperately needing sleep (but it was the last day!)
i thought i would go alone but then both a. (the girl who told me i look like a wes anderson main protagonist 🥹) & j. (absolute bestie along with f.) texted me asking for my plans, and despite the warnings of me being super slow at galleries & the like, they decided to join in <33
the exhibition was at tokyo station gallery and it was centered around the work of yasui nakaji; it was also an excuse to finally go to central tokyo, i hadn't been there yet! and it was very different from what i expected. it felt a bit like being in the matrix, everything was spotless and so clean, the skyscrapers so high, everything looked fancy & expensive & quite unreal lol I really want to go back at night!
the exhibition was absoluutely lovely and im starting to reallyyyy get into photography history and film photography <3 and im so lucky to be in japan for it <333 no pictures were allowed so that saved a. & j. from seeing my worse side (tho i was still the slowest lol)
we were done at around noon and looked for cheap places to eat around the station (big mistake, it's quite a fancy businessy area). we ended up somewhere underground, underneath some office buildings and the place was quite fancy; but we got the fixed lunch menu and it was fine for the price! and the quality was great <3
then we visited the imperial palace gardens, which are kinda next to the station. the contrast is quite something and very much unusual but they were lovely and we want to go back for a picnic eventually <3
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then 💖💖💖💖💖 i had the time of my life because i took the both of them shopping and it was SO.MUCH.FUN. <333333 they were both so into it, i bought a lovely dress and some t-shirts, a tamagotchi❗️❗️❗️ the cutest pair of sunglasses and pokèmons to hang from my pants (these are quickly becoming my favourite way to accessorise and a staple in my wardrobe); I can't explain how much fun I had and both a. & j. want to go back soonish (also for the okinawa trip preparations - a. has joined!!!) and my heart is soooo happy.
also japanese fashion is unmatched. nothing to add. 💖💖💖
I also got my first film camera!!!!!!!!!!! it was a disposable one and I used it all in one day and now I can't wait to go develop the film <3 I really want to buy a camera before the okinawa trip <333
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we shopped until dinner time basically and then we met up with f. for dinner at shinjuku so i could introduce him to a. and ask if she could join the okinawa gang <3 eating out when you're more than 2 people in tokyo is SO HARD because everywhere is super small and busy at all times and we were 5 people 🥲 we ended up at a katsudon place that made me kinda sick but that won't stop me from eating katsudon <3 we then also walked to a taiyaki stand and i had my first one ever and it was SO YUMMY AND DELICIOUS 🥹
as for monday, i kind of had a chill self care day <333 i went to lessons, got accepted in ALL the courses i wanted, got rid of the ones on friday afternoon so I can take weekend trips with the others if I want to AND deep cleaned my entire space, did 3 rounds of laundry and now ill do a longish skincare routine and catch up on some school work (maybe ill meet j. at his dorm for that)
tomorrow im going to the cinema to see the newest detective conan movie in 4D!!!!!!!! my japanese buddy invited me and im taking f. along. my buddy's the sweetest person ever i was so blessed to be paired with her <3333
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inkykeiji · 3 years
agh wait i love fantastic mr fox so much so i’ve decided to go in depth about my love for it! ok so i love ash and kristofferson when they’re together cause they’re just little bitches!! like that one argument when kristofferson was complaining about how his back (spine..tail?) was hurting cause he was on the floor and ash was just trying to read his book so he was straight up just like “ok?” HEHE and then they watched the little train go around. OOH and also when ash was like “hey hey look at me dad look at me!” when he was diving into the lil pool thing just reminded me HEAVILY of touya and enji, especially cause mr fox went and praised kristofferson saying how he’s a natural and how he even knew karate. UGH or just mr fox in general i love his character so much man!! his whole personality is just so loveable. honestly people say they get creeped out by it which tbh when i first watched it i was just a bit taken back as i had never pictured the book in that way! that’s why i really love movie adaptions, especially if you get a chance to read the book afterwards cause then you’ve really got a good picture!! the same with manga and anime (mainly fight scenes) cause my eyes just can’t concentrate AT ALL like i just cannot seem to picture what it would look like. but yeah!! i rambled on a little oops. have an amazing weekend :) i love you!
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OH MY GOD FROGGY FROGGY LISTEN ASH IS MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE LIKE !!!!!!!! I LOVE ASH SO MUCH SO SO SO MUCH AAAAAAAAH also fun fact my 'stay safe out there!!' tag is a reference to this film hehehe <33 it's a reference to kristofferson's 'good luck out there!' to the wolf 🥺
i've never read the book but fantastic mr fox is my favourite wes movie 🥺🥺 i really relate to ash and all of his struggles, one of my favourite parts is when he's all "hey, i can fit through there. want to know why? because i'm LITTLE" and i'm always like ME TOO ASH ME TOOOOOOOO but also his "because you think i'm no good at anything! well maybe you're right, thanks" 🥺🥺 idk i just love everything about ash, from his moodiness to his actually v kind heart to his need to live up to his father etc etc he's a fantastic character <33
my favourite quote from that film though, by far, is:
they say all foxes are slightly allergic to linoleum, but it's cool to the paw, try it. they say my tail needs to be dry cleaned twice a month, but now it's fully detachable, see? they say our tree may never grow back, but one day, something will. yes, these crackles are made of synthetic goose and these giblets come from artificial squab and even these apples look fake—but at least they've got stars on them. i guess my point is, we'll eat tonight, and we'll eat together. and even in this not particularly flattering light, you are without a doubt the five and a half most wonderful wild animals i've ever met in my life
i love it so much. i love everything it stands for. life is bittersweet (been using this word a LOT lately eh??? lmao), there will always be good and bad; there IS no good without the bad. but there's always a silver lining, and this too shall pass <3
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