#wesley levitt || threads
wesleyxjames · 10 months
starter for @bridgetxlevitt
location: book haven
Wesley was looking for a gift for his office party's white elephant, dragging his sister along with him. "Did we ever decide who is hosting Christmas?" He questioned Bridget, knowing that the holiday was coming up faster as the days went on. After Thanksgiving, the rest of the days were easily a blur. "I'm sure I'll end up at two Christmases depending how we do it, since I'll want to go to Amayah's family as well.
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easthavenhq · 9 months
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With the 1 year anniversary of East Haven's opening, we have decided to have an event that centers around a wind storm that is blowing it's way through town, inciting chaos where ever it goes. The event will start on January 5th at 12pm (noon) and end on January 15th at 12am (midnight). No new starters should be posted after January 10th.
You were placed into groups that are listed below. You will be expected to write with at least one character in that group that you normally do not write with. You are still free to do other threads with others in the group, but are required to at least one.
Participation for this event will be mandatory. Acceptances and checks will be held as usual. Reminder: Injuries need to be in by January 3rd*. You can find the form here. Details of this will be posted on the 5th.
Characters and locations are listed under the cut and will be updated with acceptances & unfollows. Please use the tag easthavenevent007.
East Haven Memorial - Maple Hills
Stevie Wagner - Kayla Johnny Wagner - K Sunny Hussan - Jennie River Jackson - Star Sarah Ruiz - El Gale Peterson - Nadine Callum Jackson - Madison Alec Kincade - Justin Aubrey Miller - Lital Wesley Levitt - K
City Hall - Downtown
Nate Clairmont - Kayla Brody Evans - Jackie Aarin Duskin - K Chantel Bedford - Katelyn Ann-Marie Seigert - Jennie Maggie Sommers - Kayla Mallory Sinclair - K Verity Wagner - Mat Max Diax - Star Isabella Castro - JimJam Andrew Jackson - Nadine
Willow Springs Apartments - Downtown
Ashi Hussan - Kayla Emre Ediz - K Orion Blakely - Justin Jude Sanchez-Khalid - Star Amerie Chen - Mat Dana Allen-Lopez - K Apollo Williams - Desi Riley Day - Marie Celine Ediz - Gigi Beyza Senkan - Kayla
Heywood University - Downtown
Liliana Santos-Blake - Nadine Cami Quintana-Lopez - Marie Cristian Hernandez - Dix Asher Spring - Kae Wyatt Wheeler - K Prue Cassidy - Kayla Marcus Reyes - K Alex Fontenelle - Madison Frederick Sullivan - Star Genevieve Hernandez - Beki
Fire Department - Downtown
Connor Bowen - K Penelope Ruiz - Nadine Benjamin Jackson - Justin Harlow Hanlon - S Eddie Castro - Kayla Ari Seong-Paterson - Katelyn Keely Seigert - Desi Brady Levitt - Jennie Roman Rhodes - G Javier Rivera - Dix Renee Thompson - K
Mount Aston Lodge - Mount Aston
Josiah Huddington - Katelyn Neena Wagner - Gigi Dilara Baysal - K Malik Farouk - Jackie Travis Jackson - Kayla Samuel Bradford - S Cameron Hatcher - Dix Mason Paterson - K Josh Pryce - Nadine Diego Castro - Star
Gas n Go - Sutherland Park
Shane Marshall - Jay Alice Cheung - K Bridget Levitt - Kayla James Morrison - Sam Quentin Levitt - Nadine Hunter Renner - Star Bee Bowen - El Estella Harris - Lital Julieta Alvarez - K Alliannah Vaughn - Katelyn
Animal House Shelter - Maple Hills
Evren Osman - Katelyn Morgan Fontenelle - K Alaric Farrow - S Lance Browne - Justin Roberta Rhodes - Kayla Gavin Gunther - Jackie Chanse Ainsworth - Kae Chloe Austin - Madison Mateo Torres - K Isla Ricci - Mat
South Pines - Primrose Heights
Abraham Wilson - K Julian Heywood - Nadine Luciana Medina - Kayla Owen Bentley - Star Ricky Thompson - Jennie Luna Morales - Lital Simon Heywood - Marie Matt Wheeler - Kayla Valentina Delgado - K Rohan Belton-Stone - Justin
Old Maple Way - Maple Hills
Dean Walker - Dix Nicole Peterson - Kayla Haven Sinclair - Katelyn Oliver Hensley - JimJam Aster Moon - G Hazal Senkan - K Kanyon Webb - Jackie Aindreis Blythe - Marie Yasmin Ansari - K Sydney Heywood - Gigi Demir Ediz - Lisa
Tequila Cowboy - Sutherland Park
Donovan Morgan - Star Marcel Vaughn - Mat Amayah Fontenelle - Nadine Abel Morgan - K Teagan Weatherford - Katelyn Jaslene Clairmont - K Maverick Bennett - Dix Sofia Carmichael - Kayla Romeo Clark - Jackie Graham Winters - JimJam
Maple Hills Mall - Maple Hills
Parker Campbell - K Xia Huang-Clark - Kayla Viktor Pierce - Dix Lenny Clairmont - K Nancy Lee - Kayla Nora Sinclair - Beki Tyler Day - Star Summer Cassidy - El Ali Webster - Sam Daniel Kwon - Nadine Harrison Lee - Jennie
Moose Lodge Rentals - Primrose Heights
Nick Wagner - Kayla Eli Browne - K Vivek Virani - Jackie Charlie Davis - Star Waverly Erickson - Em Cael Montgomery - Nadine Adem Sahir - Madison Jeremy Lieberman - Kayla Jo Spring - Marie Logan Walker - K
*We did change this so we could have time to talk to and plan these injuries.
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wesleyxjames · 8 months
starter for @summercassidy
location: east haven memorial
Visiting Quentin in the hospital had taken a toll on the man. He hated seeing any of his siblings in pain and when Quentin had another visitor, the man opted to take his leave, take a few laps around the hospital before he'd see what Amayah wanted for dinner. As he walked the length of the hallway, Wesley did a double take as he walked passed a door. His eyes had scanned inside, only to realize he knew the person in the bed. He backed up, taking a few steps before standing in front of the door. "Summer?" He was stunned to see the woman, "What happened?"
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wesleyxjames · 10 months
starter for @amayahxfontenelle
location: davis farms
"Okay, I've got some fairly high ceilings, but we can't get too crazy," he told Amayah, taking her hand into his own as they walked toward the field of Christmas trees, "Are you still going to help me decorate it?" He questioned, turning his head to look at her a moment as they walked. After Thanksgiving, the days were a blur, but life had been a blur lately with Amayah being back in it. And that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. He was loving his time with her again and couldn't get enough of it.
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wesleyxjames · 10 months
starter for @diegoocastro
location: maple hills mall
"Who all do you need to buy for today?" Wesley questioned Diego, opening up the door to the local mall in Maple Hills. Though he tried to get his shopping done early, there were times in which that wasn't always feasible. "I've got a few people on my list, but definitely still have to think of a few ideas for some others," he admitted, as some people tended to be more difficult to buy for, for one reason or another.
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wesleyxjames · 1 year
starter for @amayahxfontenelle
location: the wagner wedding reception
Wesley had grown up around Johnny Wagner and while wouldn't consider the man one of his best friends, he was flattered to have received any invite to the wedding of the century. There were no two people more in love with one another and that had been incredibly obvious during the ceremony. As the bride and groom were off taking their golden hour photographs as the cocktail hour was happening.
He walked around, admiring the set up of the wedding. Wesley had grabbed one of the deviled eggs from the table was heading toward his table when he was stopped dead in his tracks. From across the room, Wesley felt like he was staring at a ghost. Amayah. Their letters grew less and less frequent over the years but it didn't mean he didn't think about the woman all the time.
The deviled egg slipped from his fingers and he was able to catch it just prior to it hitting the ground, pulling him back to reality. Suddenly, unable to eat, Wesley tossed the egg into the trash, wiping his hands with a napkin before disposing of that just the same. He strode across the room, his eyes focused on one person and one person only. "It's you." Were the only words that Wesley had been able to expel from between his lips.
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wesleyxjames · 1 year
starter for @charliesxdavis
location: charlie's place
"I appreciate you having me over," he told Charlie as he sat down at the kitchen table across from Charlie. "dinner was fantastic," he complimented, "Chantel around at all or is she letting the boys hang out?" Wesley teased, knowing that his relationship with Chantel was large part of his life now.
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wesleyxjames · 1 year
starter for @bridgetxlevitt
location: wesley's place
"Don't tell me you brought me more sweets to try?" Wesley pretended to groan, as if it were the worst thing possible to happen to him. "I am going to have to go to the gym ten times over to work off whatever you brought me." Not that he was complaining when Bridget clearly got the baking talent out of all of the Levitt siblings. "I'm kidding, obviously, what did you bring by? I'm starving for dessert."
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wesleyxjames · 1 year
starter for @savvy-sutton
location: park street yoga
Was yoga really Wesley's thing? Not by a long shot. However, one of his co-workers had talked him into doing it and he had figured, what the hell. However, said co-worker, bailed on him when it was too late. Wesley had entered the class and fumbled through the entire thing because he couldn't find a reason to actually leave. When the class wrapped up, Wesley stood up, picking up the yoga mat and started trying to roll it up. When he got it rolled, or so he thought, he felt accomplished, until it undid itself and flung right at someone else. "Shit, sorry, this thing has a mind of its own." He had managed to snag the yoga mat prior to it hitting the woman.
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wesleyxjames · 1 year
starter for @quentinxlevitt
location: quentin's place
"So, when did Summer get back in town?" Wesley questioned, heading back into the backyard after grabbing another pop from inside Quentin's house. Out of respect, he never drank around his brother if he could help it. "I did a double take when I saw her at the cafe," he hadn't said anything as he had been on his way out, but he was curious if Quentin knew anything about the woman's return to town.
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wesleyxjames · 1 year
starter for @summercassidy
location: patty's cafe
Wesley had seen Summer a short few days ago on the day that he had been going to visit Quentin. Instead of approaching the blonde then, he had quickly evaded the cafe and headed back to his own place. He didn't know what to make of her return and wasn't quite sure how to feel. However, he was placed back in front of her again. He spotted her when he walked into Patty's Cafe, "Summer, hey, stranger," he approached, rubbing his hand against the back of his neck.
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wesleyxjames · 6 months
starter for @romanrhodes
location: lake legion meet up
Wesley had more recently joined Lake Legion, wanting to find a new hobby now that he had Amayah were settling into their new home. Walking up to the dock that a handful of members had agreed to meet at, he spotted a familiar face. "Roman, hey," he stepped up to the other and set his tackle box down. "A good morning to get out here, huh?" Wesley paused a moment, looking out to the ocean's waters.
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wesleyxjames · 8 months
starter for @celineedcz
location: busy bee botanicals
Wesley had got into the habit of picking up flowers for Amayah, not too often that they weren't considered special, but often enough. Since being back together with the woman, he had felt like he was walking on air and well, he didn't let a day go by without appreciating her. As he walked around the shop, he was looking at a few greenery pieces when his gaze lifted and landed on a familiar face. Bridget's roommate, "Hi, Celine, how are you?" Wesley approached, putting back the pieces of greenery he had been looking over, "Did you make it through the wind storm alright?"
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wesleyxjames · 8 months
starter for @brodyevanns
location: the human bean
"Hell, I even got to play nurse," he told Brody with a laugh as he recapped some of his experience during the wind storm that had taken over their hometown. "It's not something I think I need to do again, any time soon," he admitted, "Callum's great and all, don't get me wrong, but there's a reason I went into accounting." It was a lot less blood, a lot less gore for the man as he tended to get queasy easily.
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wesleyxjames · 8 months
starter for @jeremyxlieberman
location: the garden
"Jeremy," he grinned to greet the other man as he walked up to the table that he was sitting at, "sorry I was running a bit late," he apologized with a shake of his head, "but," he sat down across from Jeremy, "I promise I'm all yours now," he joked with a playful tone coating his words. "But, really, how've you been? I hear you've got a new partner at work? How's that been working out?"
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wesleyxjames · 9 months
starter for @callum-jackson
location: east haven memorial, 7:45pm
People were steadily making their way into the hospital if they could, but ultimately word had been spread that services were suspended until the winds died down. He walked up to Callum, knowing that despite the quietness of new patients, there were still patients in the hospital that needed assistance. "I'm a quick learner," he told the man, "what do you need me to do?" Helping was a hell of a lot better than sitting around.
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