#threads || w. roman rhodes
nazlixceyhan · 5 months
starter for @romanrhodes
location: mad monk brewing, wine and cheese pairing
Nazli's sibling had bailed on coming and when she arrived, she was placed at a table with no indication if she'd be seated with someone or not. She scrolled mindlessly on her phone when she felt someone sit down at the table with her. "Oh, hi," Nazli looked up, a smile growing on her lips until her eyes landed on the person sitting across from her. No. It couldn't be. Of course. She was going to give her sibling hell when she saw them again, considering the person sitting at the table with her for the wine and cheese pairing was Andrew's ex-boyfriend.
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julietaxalvarez · 6 months
starter for @romanrhodes
location: driftwood diner
Julieta did her best not to partake in listening to the gossip mill that would run rampant through town whenever something happened, but when she heard Roman's name, she was quick to listen in. However, she didn't want to believe it was true. The last she had heard, things were going well between Roman and Andrew. Julieta drove herself to the diner, nearing the time it was closing. She pushed through the door, heels clicking against the floor, "Roman?" She called out, more with concern than anything.
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connorxbowen · 8 months
starter for @romanrhodes
location: scoops and scones
Taking his daughter out for ice cream was a treat that Connor also enjoyed. They were sitting at one of the tables and his back was towards the door, catching up on what was going on in school with Sammy for the week. His daughter had been mid sentence when she called out, "Uncle Roman!" Sammy excitedly waved the man over, causing Connor to turn partly in his seat to see that it was in fact, Bobby's brother.
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wesleyxjames · 6 months
starter for @romanrhodes
location: lake legion meet up
Wesley had more recently joined Lake Legion, wanting to find a new hobby now that he had Amayah were settling into their new home. Walking up to the dock that a handful of members had agreed to meet at, he spotted a familiar face. "Roman, hey," he stepped up to the other and set his tackle box down. "A good morning to get out here, huh?" Wesley paused a moment, looking out to the ocean's waters.
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johnnyxwagner · 1 year
starter for @romanrhodes
location: the wagner wedding reception
"Roman, hey," Johnny had finally caught Roman in a moment that wasn't busy with people having finished their dinner well over an hour ago. "I just wanted to say thank you again, the dinner was amazing." He had been complimenting it with many others around the reception before spotting Roman. "I'm not going to be disappointed eating the leftovers by any means." He knew that the leftovers were being packed up for him and Stevie, if they weren't already.
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lennyxclairmont · 1 year
starter for @romanrhodes
location: lenny and nate's home
"It's nice to have such a large part of the community gather for something like this," while it was mostly the residents around Maple Hills area, Lenny was happy to see the turn out." She smiled at Roman as she brought another tray of snacks out. "I think this might be the first time I go through almost all of the snacks." Though she had been known to go overboard here and there, as her husband so frequently reminded her.
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jaslenexclairmont · 1 year
starter for @romanrhodes
location: mom's pantry
With both Davina and Althea at her mother's for the day, it was given Jaslene a chance to get caught up being back in town. Their home in downtown East Haven was mostly furnished but what she desperately lacked was a full pantry and fridge. They'd been eating at Nate and Lenny's place or her parent's place. She had grabbed a cart, knowing she would need more than the hand held basket would carry. She didn't realize just how many things she would need until she didn't have them. Especially spices. Her cupboard used to be filled with them when she lived in Paris and she couldn't remember replacing them more than a handful of times. As she perused around the store, she began filling the cart with the basic items that she could. Spotting what she needed at the top of shelf in one of the aisles, Jas leaned onto her toes, holding onto the cart all the same. When she almost had the item she needed, she felt the cart slip and crash right into another cart. "Oh, shit." She huffed, falling back onto her heels as she turned to see where her cart had went and when she did she immediately forgot about what she needed as she stared right at Roman Rhodes.
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loganxwalker · 1 year
starter for @romanrhodes
location: east haven memorial
Logan had finished the article on Roman from when she first arrived in town and heard that he was in the hospital. She didn't know if they had developed a friendship but she felt like she had to go and see him. Plus, she wanted him to see a copy of the interview before it was published. "Knock, knock," Logan knocked on the door to the room that Roman was in, laptop in hand, "how are you feeling? I hope it's okay if I'm stopping by."
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julietaxalvarez · 8 months
starter for @romanrhodes
location: heartland pharmacy
The woman had been tending to Quentin while he recovered from his injury at the local Gas & Go, offering to pick up one of his prescriptions for him. She meandered around, the prescription not ready yet when she spotted a familiar face. "Roman, hi," she smiled at him as she walked over to him, "how did the diner fair during the wind storm? Was everything okay afterwards?"
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julietaxalvarez · 1 year
starter for @romanrhodes
location: east haven memorial
Julieta had left the Fourth of July Carnival unscathed but she knew many, many others could not say the same. She had heard a certain someone had been in the hospital and she knew she had to go visit. There were people that would call Julieta heartless, but in fact she just hid her heart super well to keep it from getting broken. Her heels clicked along the hospital floor until she found Roman's food. She only knocked once before she stepped into the room with a bag of food. "I'm certain you have to be sick of hospital food by now, don't you?"
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julietaxalvarez · 1 year
starter for @romanrhodes
location: sunny side up
Julieta picked at the plate of fries in front of her as she looked up at Roman. It was after closing and she was the only left in the restaurant, but it was her favorite time to catch up with Roman. "Who was that hunk of a man you were with at the wedding? I mean truly, swoon, Roman, I knew you had good taste but he's truly impeccable."
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julietaxalvarez · 1 year
starter for @romanrhodes
location: sunny side up diner
When Julieta moved to East Haven, she had no idea she would find herself in such familiar company, in more than once places. Between her best friend moving to the smaller town, the recent arrival of her best friend's affair partner, she also had the luxury of seeing Roman Rhodes. There time together in New York had been one of a kind. So, she found herself sitting at the diner atop of one of the tables as she waited for him to finish up. "So, do you miss it? New York?" She questioned as she looked over at him.
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loganxwalker · 1 year
starter for @romanrhodes
location: sunny side up diner
Logan hadn't been in town long but she had already been given her first assignment. She had reached out to the person that she was supposed to be writing the article on and agreed to meet them at Sunny Side Up Diner. It was late and she had been sitting at the table for some time, but that was simply the life of a journalist. She had got quite used to it. When someone finally sat down across from her at the table, she smiled, "So, you must be Roman? I'm Logan, nice to officially meet you."
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nazlixceyhan · 3 months
starter for @romanrhodes
location: downtown kismet harbor
Losing things was something that Nazli did often. It was far from intentional when the woman misplaced her phone at home, or her keys. It was less likely to happen in a public place, as she tried to be more conscious of her surroundings but as Nazli got to her vehicle that was parked on the street in downtown Kismet Harbor, Nazli tried the handle of the car door, finding it locked. Normally if her key fob was close, it would unlock. A sigh passed over her lips and Nazli opened up her purse to find it void of said key fob. "You've got to be kidding."
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