olsenmyolsen · 1 year
Part 1 of On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen
Word Count: ~1.2K
"You just don't get it, Y/N. I'm tired. I am tired of coming home every single day and pretending to love you."
And just like that, I shoot up from my nightmare. Is it still a nightmare if you don't have dreams anymore, and the hell actually happened? I look myself over, and yep me, and my oversized white t-shirt are covered in sweat. I reach over, unplug my phone and look at the time 6:16 am. Greeaaaaat. I groan in frustration and shovel myself out of bed. I don't bother showering because what's the point of it all? Nothing says content like living with depression.
By the time I throw on my flannel, jeans, white vans, and make it out of my studio apartment, it's already 6:45. Just in time to rush to the train.
I don't mind the ride into the city. I keep to myself, so no one usually bothers me plus, you make it easier when you have the entire phone and airpod set going on, and it's New York, so people know how to handle themselves.
Right now, I'm trying to keep up to date on whatever news Twitter News thinks I'll enjoy. As I scroll down the feed, I spot something of interest. An article titled:
"Max lives for this kind of stuff." I awkwardly state out loud.
I wasted no time and sent it to my best friend and co-worker, Max. As I continue scrolling and scrolling, I find myself struggling to stay awake. So I close out of Twitter, open Spotify, and play my angsty/pop 2000s hits playlist. Nothing like Gives You Hell by The All American Rejects to start your morning.
Thirty minutes of songs later, a stop at Penn Station, and a ten-minute walk, I've finally made it to my place of work. Working in a coffee shop isn't for everyone, but it calls to me even on my days off; I find myself here... Like today.
As I enter our small coffee shop, I notice how it is filled to the brim. Is this normal? No. But days like these make the cash tips worthwhile, especially when Max is busting her ass on bar. Her red hair tied up into two buns with the coffee-stained graphic tee combo is always one of my favorite looks.
Max spots me as I shimmy my way to the employees-only section and playfully rolls her eyes. I reach down, grab my tips from the previous days of work and shove the amount, however much it is, into my pocket.  Max walks by me to throw some pitchers into the back.
"It's been nonstop."  Max tells me.
"How fun!" I cheerfully respond, earning a disgusted look from Mad Max.
"Excuse me! Sorry-Sorry Excu-. I just have to make my way! Please-sorry!" The plead from a struggling customer catches our attention.  Max walks back to the front to continue on drinks as that one customer squeezes her way to the register. To Alec.
Alec is one of our newer employees, and he's not bad, but I can tell this type of day is stressing him out.
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Before Alec can even greet or remind the customer that there is a whole system of ordering called 'waiting in line,' she speaks. Now it's a little hard to hear over the people, music, and espresso machine, but I do manage to catch what she says:
"Hi, I'm really sorry, but I placed a pick-up order yesterday for checks watch twenty minutes ago, and I can't afford to wait any longer. So if I could just pay for it, pick it up, and go, that would be very helpful."She smiles, but I can tell she's not messing around. I look from her to Alec, and oh no, he's a deer in headlights. Max notices and looks back at me. I nod and head over.
Alec seems to get the message and backs up as I creep my way onto the register.
"Hey, so I understand you have an order with us?" I state, putting on my best face as I pull out a binder of call-ahead to-go orders. "Do you remember what the order or the name on the order was?"
"Yes. The order name was Liz." She proudly says. Though I can't see her eyes, I feel like I'm being looked all over.
I shuffle through our orders, and sure enough, three down, Liz. "Okay, order for Liz. 6 94oz coffee boxes, two boxes of a dozen croissants..." The more I read the order, the bigger my eyes get. I can't believe this! "And lastly, one vegan chocolate chip cookie." Liz gets a big toothy grin at the vegan cookie bit. "Anything else?"
Liz doesn't immediately respond and is smiling, caught in her own world.
"Liz?" I lean in.
"Huh? No, thank you!" She quickly responds as if embarrassed.
"Alright, well, slide your card when ready." I say in a less than enthused manner. I look to the other two around me. Max mouths 'what the fuck' as Alec, bless his soul, is trying his hardest to grab everything for this order. Man, this dude is really trying to impress this Liz chick.
I hear the chirp of the receipt printing. I tear it out and hand it over to Liz. "If you could just sign it at the bottom and no pressure to leave a tip, but it doesn't kill to be nice."
"Couldn't agree more." Liz says as she grabs a pen and marks on the paper. I'm too busy watching Alec struggle that by the time I turn back, Liz is gone. And the customer behind her is not a happy one.
Even though I shouldn't have, I helped with the morning rush. A part of me knows I did it because the thought of being stuck inside my house is a death sentence, and anything to take my mind off Naomi helps.
Once the dust settles, Max rushes over and gives me a huge bear hug.
"Oh my god. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You saved us today!" Max finally pulls out of the hug.
"For real, thanks, Y/N! And sorry, I kinda froze out there it's just once I saw who-"  Alec begins what I can only assume is a ridiculous apology.
"No worries, man. It happens to the best of us." As I make my way past him and onto the other side of the counter, I give him a thumbs up. He gives a shaky one back.
"Hey, did you see that article I sent you?" I ask Max.
"Oh shit, not yet. But are we still on for a movie tomorrow night? Maybe I can finally get you to watch the MCU?" Max holds her hands up as if she's praying.
"The MC - Who?" I sarcastically ask.
"The MCU!- Oh, you're fucking with me. Very funny, Y/N!"
"Always am!" I give Max a cheeky smile before plopping myself down at my favorite table. Oatmilk Latte in hand.
Part 2
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olsenmyolsen · 1 year
Westandfriends is changing!
Hey everyone!! So I have some news!!
You may have noticed I decided to change my username. One reason is the OlsenMyOlsen username is a name I use on other social media, so it’s easier to combine all my social media to have one username.
Okay, and last thing before I link it all.
I don't plan on delaying On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen for more than I usually do, but my wife and I have decided to renovate our house room by room. It's not easy, and it takes up all my free time, so I'm sorry if the fic gets delayed a bit.
Anyways I think that’s it? Oh, wait! No, it’s not lmao.
I recently created a Pinterest https://pin.it/4mHtRfV and will be posting a moodboard for Y/n and Lizzie. Maybe other characters like Max and Ivy, but we’ll see.
No pressure or anything to follow me on the other sites, but I would love to interact with all of you lovelies 💛 ummm, so yeah. That’s it. I think. Again.
Here y’all go:
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/OlsenMyOlsen
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/olsenmyolsen
Twt: is @OlsenMyOlsen you don’t have to follow it im just gonna rt and talk about lizzie, marvel and taylor swift
Hive: just incase twitter dies it is also @OlsenMyOlsen
6 notes · View notes
olsenmyolsen · 1 year
23. 36, 10
23. Yes!
36. Yeah people sometimes spell it wrong but yes.
10. 5’10”
0 notes