#wf oc lore
alteredsilicone · 25 days
Thinking of Warframes who retain their humanity/personality but they're still not the person they used to be, the Orokin made sure to brainwash and break the person to make them succumb to the Helminth. Even if you retain your sense of "self" you will be a subjective interpretation of yourself. Some cases are exceptions, like Umbra, Ballas made sure he is powered by one intense memory (the death of his son). Jade can be a similar example - she was powered by her desire to see her son be born, which is why she forgot what her real name was but clung to her child as an anchor to her old self. Annd I can use this to rotate sentient-frame OCs in my mind.. how did the person who got Warframe'd morph into a different persona. Voland the Nidus is an Umbra case, where he overcame the infestation and retained his memories and original sense of self. He was initially vengeful but learned to channel his powers in a less destructive way by co-existing with the Myconians. Eir as Dante retained his desire for writing… but he forgot that he used to be a composer, so he instead he became a Scribe, but his artistic and melodic way of writing was preserved through the transformation.
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zeroaccord · 3 months
I think in every timeline that mira finds out sheratan has been timelooping to be with her, she
a. doesn't know how to feel and starts mentally breaking down from this.
b. finds it kind of endearing?????????????
this is the same woman that thinks erasing her history and family from every mention she can find out of gulit is normal. dont be surprised at what this woman can feel at any moment of time.
(i will start tagging lore posts for those who care :P)
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karagna · 2 years
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Been deep in the Warframe sauce recently, thinking a LOT abt my Operator - Veya
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silent-scribbs · 5 months
Working on my au to realize I rlly do need to fully design/redesign everyone
And outfits
So, SO many different ways to draw everyone… ouchie </3
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a-bright-comet · 2 months
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Think I finally figured out my Mesa lmao Amy may be a simple name but there's history with it, this also makes my first wf oc with a special name yippee originally was gonna go with a mesa prime look but very quickly found out that I Did Not Like Drawing It TM so I scrambled to come up with a new look, maybe I'll figure out the prime design some day lol. So yeah here's Amy <3 I only sorta have lore but I'm not gonna blast this post lol (click for better viewing)
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dokabee · 2 months
Can we learn a bit more about Alvius and Charles?
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Charles and Alvius were my old WF OCs I made at the peak of my Warframe fanboy moment. They were... vastly different characters than who they are now.
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Also!! Note that I played Warframe last before Railjack so... idk shit abt new lore.
(Note: more info in alt text)
Charles LeClair
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Currently, Charles is mostly-a-spy mercenary who works alone. He is extremely anxious and distrustful of everyone and seemed very feeble and weak-minded. He always acted like he doesn't want to do this whole warframe job (he really doesn't) but he is too broke to actually stop (he is.)
Apparently, some people are hunting him down. An operator and his Warframe... but he has no idea why they are hunting him down.
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Charles' true passion lies in mathematics. Numbers and codes calms him down, which is why he would rather go on spy missions and/or hack consoles and steal credits from the enemy side. He is a huge number nerd to a point he is able to calculate in his head freely, enhancing control over his limbo ability (where he shifted between reality and Rift, etc.)
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He doesn't tell people much about himself. The best person who knows him for who he is is Alvius, and even then the poor Nidus doesn't know much about him either. (That leads to their breakup.)
Alvius Ilidius
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Alvius (he prefers to be called 'Alan' because it's shorter) is a lot of things. He is a CEO, (a nidus pretending to be) an Excalibur, and is the charming leader of the dojo 'Tera Fals.'
Alan himself is very laid back. Unlike Charles, he has a very calm and confident temperament with a sprinkle of humor. Probably passes as a himbo, but has amazing battle instincts. Likes kids! (Most Tenno are '''kids''' after all.) Don't be fooled by his human face. It's a) plastic surgery, he did it to mimic Charles and b) he's actually roughly the same age than as Charles (Like, what, ~300+ years old?) He's an old man. He probably got that face from some old earth playboy magazine, idk.
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Despite his positive attitude and virtuous appearance, Alan was an experimental type of Nidus. TL;DR, an experiment where one Tenno can control 10 warframes at the same time. While he is able to walk around freely without an Operator, he was unfortunately plagued with urges of bloodlust and violence. He staves these urges by going out on extreme sports activities, missions, and using suppression medication.
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Unfortunately, there are times that fearsome urge wasn't suppressed and well... let's say it caused casualties once.
Ok I'll tell you this, they are still in love. But with the massive baggage they're carrying that they haven't solved? That's why they aren't together at the moment.
Anyway that's all about two of my favorite characters and also one of my favorite couples.
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syrinq · 3 months
still thinking about the funniest oc/worldbuilding coincidence in my life yet
> be me > want to make an oc out of my trinity strega warframe > go on a mad tangent & end up with a sorta-humanoid angel thing > insert her into my oc lore far away from wf's canon > she's an angel of death space alien warrior since ~2018 > yes. free scythe included > ends up falling in love with a regular humanoid knight guy man guy > and then she's the first to ever birth biological twins gg > want to redesign her more ''biomech'' looking sometime 2021 > but never get around to it > skip to 2024. jade shadows warframe comes out > angel-themed warframe shits out the first biological warframe baby > what the fuck man
anyway thanks jade warframe for redesign ideas 👍 woe. my oc pallas' evolution be upon ye
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frostynovaprime · 1 year
WIP Whenever
Tagged by @ritens (thank you /mwah)
I'm also one of those kinds of people who don't have too many WIPs cause I don't like leaving things... 'unfinished' per say. If it stayed a WIP, there's probably a reason to it like shift in focus or could not fish out what I had for its vision from the squirrel that is my brain.
But, I do have a lot of messy doodles (mainly of my FFXIV bun) that are one and done never to rly see the light of day.
[The Stuff(tm) under the cut]
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As advertised, various doodles of my FFXIV viera, Owl. I don't really share him outside my little circle that I rp with, which is why I don't post too much of him on public stuff.
I love him to bits, though. My sleep deprived, caffeine addicted bunny blorbo my beloved.
Now for Actual (and probably abandoned) Wips
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Various... concepts of a personified Unum...? I got hung up on how the Unum spoke during the New War. Something something Continuity turned a pretty lady into a neural sentry
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Second one was sorta an OC lore bit.. got pretty far into it which digging it up makes me want to revisit eventually.
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Most recent wips. Dominic (right) is the one I'm planning on finishing soon enough. Not sure when I might get around to Nymeia.
And last but not least, a little peek at what I'm seriously hoping to finish before the April 5th deadline for wf's 10th anniversary showcase...
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I tag @pyrah, @finlaena, @muracasardis, and @anavi-ivy if they wish to share wips and/or process! Absolutely no pressure to do so óvò)/
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encouraging-growth · 1 year
Will there ever be a size difference kink audio for the Wealthy Fat series? (Like fat and thin?). Also I wanna punch Severin so badly, especially after reading chapter 4. The tailor’s cool though, Adam is legendary, I wanna give Adam a hug and pinch his cheek.
Severin is a bad person, so he def deserves to be punched 🤣 And he's only gonna get worse from here 💅🏻 Adam's not all sweetness and charm, either, but you'll find that out in time. The Lore is coming soon 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
As for size contrast in a WF audio, maybe. I have thought about implementing that dynamic into the world, maybe with a thin servant and a fat noble or something like that, but I'm not 1000% sure where I'd fit it in or who would fill the roles. Maybe I'll have to create some new OCs. Because I could see it being either a dominance thing, one of the WF members leering over a thin person and crushing them with their weight, or a more reverent thing, where the thin person is adoring/admiring one of the WF. Idk, there's a lotta possibilities, and I can't nail down any of them.
If you have suggestions, Anon, feel free to DM me, as I am always interested in new ideas, especially for Wealthy Fat. Or to just talk about Wealthy Fat in general. I love talking about my characters 😌
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the-gremlin-siblings · 11 months
Pinned message weow
Let's start with mod intro :3 Fragment, ly/lye/lyr/lyrs/lyrself, aroaceapl and that's it I think
This will be mainly a blog for me to show the insanity my OCs, The Gremlin Siblings, are subjected to. I might talk about other stuff but I'll make sure it won't stray too far from the topic of this blog dw :3
Tags are: #mod.talk, #operator.talk, & #drifter.talk: pretty self explanatory, it's to mark who's speaking on a post #gremlin.reblog: the reblog tag #mod.talk.enst: a variation of mod.talk but for, uhm, Enstars. Because I need to talk about Enst characters in WF AU. #lore.fragment: where I actually sit down and make lore about my traumatised children Will add more tags to the list as I use more
Info about stuff related to my OCs and why the fuck they are the way they are below the cut
My OCs are uhm, sort of in an "AU but barely an AU" where I twist the rule about the Void and Eternalism and how warframes work just a little - Operator and Drifter can coexist in the same space as long as they're close enough to the Void so expect a lot of, shenanigans. - Oh yeah, some frames are sentient enough, some. Expect sentient frames shenanigans. Scuffed post elaborating on it on the link below
Also sorry I haven't came up with any name for them so they will be called The Gremlins for now They don't really have any pronoun or gender. They don't really care. I primarily use they/them for them out of habit
Will add more I'm just bored and did this on a whim
@salute-desire is my gen and fandom blog
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alteredsilicone · 3 months
Artemis is ruled by anger, vengeance and even grief. Her story is about realizing that anger is good, it is important to get justice, but also do not let it consume you and if you share your troubles with others, it becomes easier to bear them. She has lost family and friends and she lets this loss fuel her anger, however, she can find that which was once lost and she can gain new things to mend what was once broken.
Virgo is primarily grief, sorrow but also a facade of happiness. Her story is about always moving forward, putting the bad days behind, but there is a catch - if you don't give yourself time to cry, you will break. You cannot always be the shoulder someone else leans on, you too need support from the people around you. Do not let selflessness turn into self destruction.
Eir is fear, insecurity, introversion. He avoid problems and puts on a brave front, he is seemingly good at controlling his emotions and just like Virgo he lets the bad feelings wash over him. However, you cannot always run away from your problems and only take on that which is within your own comfort. True bravery lies in standing up even when your legs are trembling. It is to sing even if your voice shakes. Your people will hear your call and come to your aid.
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deathbounded · 1 year
like 90% of my post-tennocon/new wf update in general Distress™ is the bitch ass inferiority complex, but i also hope whispers in the walls doesn’t fuck with my oc lore of “guy who has the man in the wall in their head” because i think that concept is funny.
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quillpaw · 6 years
heck if you wanted to talk OCs I'd love to hear more about Newt :3c Specifically, his choice in, seemingly, being kinda fond of Nidus as a warframe is an interesting one and I've been wondering if there was a conscious decision on his part behind that or what. (and WF spoilers are a-ok, I've p much spoiled myself on everything already lol)
i sure do love to talk about newt :DDDD
so basically my sort of interpretation of warframe lore is that even if you can switch warframes, and build new ones, there were only as many “real” warframes as there were original tenno, and the ones you can build are just copies of the originals. and each tenno was given one warframe that most closely matched their abilities and inclinations. like how the tenno who piloted the original ember had some kind of uncontrollable pyrokinesis powers.
so i think it’s less that he “chose” nidus and that he was “assigned” nidus. newt i think is very strongly connected to the void even by tenno standards, and really struggles with this question of if he’s even human anymore. so while nidus makes a good sort of focus for him, the fact that he basically lived as this monstrous warframe for so long definitely did not do him any favors in the mental health department.
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alteredsilicone · 8 months
One reason i kinda want to learn how to write is because there are certain aspects of characterization you cannot get through just drawings.
Was thinking how Viri's behavior is affected by her Perrin teachings.
She slips into "customer service" voice when she's mediating and I also like to imagine that Corpus have a certain way of speaking (which sounds like they're trying to sell you something, which in turn is why most people hate Corpus); the Perrin are trying to be better at it, but they sound like some overly positive self-help gurus which also makes people find them annoying.
In general a lot of people are wary of Perrin because they sound "fake", despite their good intentions. Being overly friendly and kind in a ruthless world often sets alarm bells in most people's heads. Also an unfortunate side-effect of Corpus culture is that people do not acknowledge their feelings or talk about them openly, which makes for a bad mix if you want to be an open, honest trader. Once again - the Peace Trader is trying to sell something to you, he just knows to toss in a few coupons and freebies.
Artemis constantly teases Virgo when she tries to talk down to her in her "Peace Trader" voice and Virgo becomes a little self conscious. Am I in too deep?
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alteredsilicone · 5 months
Time to explore Viri and Temi~ ✨
❖ The Basics:
Name : Virgo Ophelia
Age : 25 - 35 (actually more than 3000 years)
One good trait : mindful of other's feelings
One bad trait : stubborn
❖ Habits:
One bad habit : lets dirty dishes pile up in her room
One good habit : always arrives on time
One habit they can’t break : fiddles with her hair and horns
One they’ve broken : used to obsessively count days and hours, no longer does that (Duviri trauma)
What they’re afraid of : being alone
❖ Family: 
Their parents names : Amadeus and Caecilia
Their siblings names : Artemis
Other relations : Voland (uncle from dad's side)
Favourite childhood memory : playing with virmink pups in her father's lab
Favourite childhood toy : pobber floof
Embarrassing story : has stepped in virmink poop in front of her supervisors
Favourite family member : she is 100% her father's daughter
A story about that family member : not very wholesome, but Viri's dad took a punishment for something she did. Viri broke a very expensive piece of equipment.
❖ What they prefer:
Coffee or tea ? Coffee, but lots of milk and honey
Taking baths or taking showers ? Baths, she likes to treat and pamper herself
Writing or reading ? Reading, she is a romance novel connoisseur
Platonic or romantic love ? ROMANTIC, love is her domain, especially romantic love
Iced tea or lemonade ? Lemonade
Ice cream or smoothies ? Ice cream
Cupcakes or cake ? CAKE, she loves cheesecake
Beach or mountains ? Mountains, she loves the landscape of the Orb Vallis
❖ The Basics:
Name : Artemis Ophelia
Age : 15 - 17 (actually older than 3000)
One good trait : quick reflexes
One bad trait : easily angered
❖ Habits:
One bad habit : she will say the first thing that comes to her mind, often not the most sensitive things
One good habit : always cleans up after herself
One habit they can’t break : swearing
One they’ve broken : she had a specific routine in her boarding school which she unlearned once she became a Tenno
What they’re afraid of : Wally coming after her
❖ Family: 
Their parents names : Amadeus and Caecilia
Their siblings names : Virgo
Other relations : Voland (uncle, dad's brother)
Favourite childhood memory : playing ball with the other kids at the boarding school
Favourite childhood toy : toy sword
Embarrassing story : has definitely embarrassed herself in front of her teachers, like spilling water in her lap and looking like she peed herself
Favourite family member : she didn't have the best relationship with her family... but Viri could count as a favorite
A story about that family member : Temi and Viri reconciled while on the Zariman. Temi found out that their parents tried to keep the sisters apart and Viri tried her best to explain to her parents that Temi wasn't a problem child and she wanted to do right by her sister.
❖ What they prefer:
Coffee or tea ? Neither, Temi drinks mostly water and sometimes an energy drink.
Taking baths or taking showers ? Showers, quick and easy.
Writing or reading ? Neither, doesn't read much and doesn't write much either.
Platonic or romantic love ? Perhaps platonic. Brotherly bonds, forged in the battlefield.
Iced tea or lemonade ? Iced tea, not very sweet tho.
Ice cream or smoothies ? Smoothies. Healthy eating was drilled into her so she learned how to prep different fruit.
Cupcakes or cake ? Cake. She doesn't really have a sweet tooth but Viri taught her all about fancy cakes and Temi can't just eject that information from her brain.
Beach or mountains ? Beach - Temi actually likes swimming and hanging by the beach. It's one of the small joys she finds in life.
Thanks to @ritens for the tag, this was a fun exercise!
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