ritens · 2 months
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Drifter PARKOUR!!! Quick something of Lane in his field outfit. I miss it.
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vipermenace · 1 year
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Commission for @ritens ♡(˶╹̆ ▿╹̆˵)و✧♡
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apixellife · 1 year
Fatal Fashion @ SWANK EVENT
Fatal Fashion – Outfit 393 – WHITE::FF:: Mandie Necklace Silver::FF:: Pants Mandie – eBODY REBORN::FF:: Tennis Mandie – eBODY REBORN::FF:: Blouse Mandie – eBODY REBORN::FF:: Mandie Earring Silver http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Quirky/130/204/2982 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/pt-BR/stores/184224 Featuring: Accessories, Apparel, Avatar Enhancements, Backdrops, Builds, Cosmetics,…
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erinhime83 · 1 year
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Comparison time! Because I can’t do a redraw without putting up a comparison on Tumblr, lol.
So, this is about a nine and a half year comparison, which seems rather crazy to me that I first started development on the story out ten years ago.  Except that was just when I decided to do something with the story in my head and come up with designs. The story itself, or at least Lane and Greg, had existed since around 2007?  
I mean, I come up with the story after watching My Super Ex-girlfriend, and seeing that the DVD came up at the end of 2006, and I probably didn’t see it right away, I’m guessing Easter 2007?  Because I remember coming up with pretty much the entire story on the drive home from visiting family.  (It’s crazy what you remember, because I remember being in the car, on a bridge, when I came up with Greg’s name.  O.o)
That does make sense that it was just a story I told myself from time to time for about seven years because thinking to myself, hey, this would make a great original story!  And then it took about two years from that point to get to writing the story, because I don’t think I was ready that first year, and then we decided on a different story the following year, before I put my foot down and said I was doing this one on 2016.  (And then I got pregnant right around the time I was originally writing the sequel, and I was depressed over the thought of lack of creative time, and couldn’t finish it until three years later, go figure.)
I absolutely had no idea what I was doing with Ultraman’s outfit.  I didn’t come up with the idea of him slapping his uniform together until later probably after watch Kickass and seeing Superboy wearing a hoodie and jeans.  I gave him a cape so he would look like a superhero, but again, after seeing Superboy sans cape, I was like…screw it, no cape.  (So it wasn’t Edna Mode logic there, but we can pretend it is?
I know with Lane I was trying to sort of kinda give her a Amy Adams as Lois Lane sort of vibe, which I think I sort of accomplished with the vest there?  IDK. I was never able to mimic the hair, so I gave up on the look after a while.  
Also weird that she didn’t have glasses back then?  That had always been such a staple for the story, that she was so imperfect compared to Greg that it feels weird that she didn’t always have glasses?  Huh.
I am pleased to see that I’m doing better with the cross arm look, although I hadn’t realized that Ultro looked sort of awkward with his.  But that’s fine – Greg is actually rather awkward, lol.  
I am pleased with how the new one turned out, since it is a good representation of the story.
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
CPN : the birth of “weiba” ( weifen wangba ) 😂
even while writing this, i’m still not entirely sure how people are seeing the data about these newcomers. i’m thinking it functions like any other online groups like a super topic. you can see which specific accounts have recently joined.
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if you’re looking at the bjyx st, it’s pretty lively and people are celebrating because of the rapid increase in members ever since last night. around 2PM i think it’s 6k++ and then right now i checked again, it’s 9k+. that’s a lot, considering these two have not interacted publicly for so long. maybe we will finally cross the 4 million mark before the year ends. 🫶🏼
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so what’s all this talk about “weiba”?
it’s a combination of weifen ( what we call solo fans ) and wangba ( us turtles ) . the conversation is around these wfs joining the ST overnight. so much so that you see people posting a meme ( taken from ome and only )!about a moto & shrimps housewarming 😂😂😂
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This is actually not new, the whole concept of a wf being cpf friendly. There are spaces like douyin where these 3 groups co-exist and will sometimes tease each other. It’s not always toxic, but oftentimes it is. There were a few times before too when a particularly strong cpn comes out and turtles screenshot the reactions of wfs who are confused and feel like bjyx may be true.
Now what’s the “cpn” that probably sent them over the edge?
I’ve talked a bit about it here and it’s related to XZ’s work schedule change.
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For the longest time, he was going to work in Condor Heroes early in the day. Then in 7/26, it was bit late but this could only be slightly affected by WYB’s condition. Remember that YBO announced that WYB is sick in the evening of 25th and they were in Hunan ( based on the IP ). We are not sure if Yibo is also there or just the staff but the thought is he did intend to come. In the 26th, WYB probably came back to Beijing a bit later or if he was already in BJ, ZZ can’t change his schedule. Then on the 27th, ZZ’s schedule is way later than his usual. Same with the 28th. These days we CPN that ZZ spent time with sick WYB before going to work. Then on 7/29, ZZ goes back the his old schedule and WYB is the same.
An additional speculation here is the photo going around of ZZ giving out drinks to Condor Heroes cast and crew. This is not something new. We know ZZ loves to treat the crew. However, this time, we interpret this as him giving his “apologies” cause he had to come in to work later than usual for the past days. ☕️
That’s it everyone! tbh, I don’t care if wfs cross over to being turtles or what. I still believe in staying in our own lanes and treating each other with respect. Just enjoy our own corner/s fandoms. ✌🏼
PS: Another probable reason for some newcomers are those who watched One and Only, then looked into WYB. 🫶🏼
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ahmarwolf · 3 months
Furry Bowling To The Next Level: Furlife NW
If someone isn’t saying pre con, I would be surprised When Furballs Strike is a regular bowling meet conducted at Kenmore Lanes, Kenmore, WA which is a suburb of Seattle and near public transport. If your in the area and want to be apart of this https://www.meetup.com/furlife/events/301821638/ Costs free to $40 REGISTRATION & COST Please note the following changes for WFS 50: Ultrasponsor…
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whereareroo · 1 year
WF THOUGHTS (6/16/23).
What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence?
That's my favorite "dad joke." I've used it hundreds of times. My three children know the answer. I have two grandchildren who are old enough to understand jokes, and they know the answer too. In due time, my younger grandkids will also know the answer. Here's the answer: "Time to get a new fence!" Ain't that hilarious?
This weekend, we celebrate Father's Day. It's the perfect time to think about "dad jokes."
Let me give you my definition of a "dad joke." First of all, it's a joke told by a Dad to his children and grandchildren. It is told incessantly. It is not particularly funny. In fact, the Dad should be embarrassed telling such a goofy joke. He tells the joke, hundreds of times, anyway. Everybody laughs because the whole routine, including the predictably and the repetitiveness, is hysterical. Get it?
In a Mormon newspaper, I recently read about a study regarding the impact of Dads on family life. It concluded that a good Dad has an extremely positive impact on the entire family. That's no surprise. I was surprised to see that the study included an analysis of dad jokes. The study concluded that dad jokes have a positive impact on children.
How do dad jokes have a positive impact on children? The study discussed two positive impacts:
1. Even at a young age, children understand that the Dad should be embarrassed by the joke. He tells the joke, repeatedly, anyway. This teaches children that embarrassment is part of life and that they shouldn't be worried about embarrassment.
2. The children are taught that they need to sit through the joke, hundreds of times, even though they hate it. The routine teaches them tolerance and respect. There's nothing wrong with tolerance or respect.
My Dad was a goofy guy. I don't recall a particular dad joke, but I do remember his favorite poem:
"Listen my children and you shall hear,
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
He got in the car and stepped on the gas,
The bottom fell out and he fell on the grass!!"
We heard that silly poem hundreds of times. Every time, we all laughed. (When we got older, we changed the last two words to "his #ss.")
My Dad had another funny line that he used many, many times. It's a bit of a story. Stick with me.
My maternal Grandmother, who lived in The Bronx, had a beach cottage in Milford, Connecticut. My family lived on Long Island. A few times each summer, my parents would pack me and my five siblings into the car for a trip to Connecticut. It was a two hour drive. The car was cramped. Somebody was always in a foul mood. It was never a pleasant drive. It took forever.
My Grandmother lived on a side street that intersected one of the bigger roads in the neighborhood. The bigger road had one lane in each direction. There was a stop sign at the intersection.
The bigger road was divided by a dotted yellow line. That meant that "passing" was permitted on the road. To keep the intersection safe, the dividing line was solid yellow near the intersection and passing was no longer allowed. The "no passing" zone began about 100 yards from the intersection. As an extra reminder to drivers, at the point where the dotted line became solid, there was a traffic sign on the roadside that said "No Passing." Do you understand the scenario?
On our trips to Connecticut, we would approach the "No Passing" sign after two hours of drudgery. It was frequently late at night. We were all hungry and tired. Without fail, dozens of times, my Dad would say the following when we hit the sign: "Well gang, the sign says No Passing. I guess we have to turn around and go home." We all moaned, but we also loved to hear that dad joke.
As luck would have it, I ended up living down the street from that intersection for 30 years. I fondly thought about Dad's infamous joke almost every day. On the 1st day of July in 2005, I cried at that intersection as I was going home after making funeral arrangements for Dad.
Let's finish on a lighter note with a few dad jokes. Feel free to use them, even if you're not a Dad:
▪Why did the Oreo go to the dentist? (It lost its filling.)
▪ What did one wall say to the other wall? (Meet you at the corner.)
▪What do you call a fake noodle? (An impasta.)
▪Why did the scarecrow get an award? (He was out standing in his field.)
Happy Father's Day to everyone. Tell some jokes!!
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aueua · 3 years
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jackoshadows · 3 years
Considering that Bran’s story is the most fantasy heavy section of the books, it’s amazing how much GRRM has borrowed from other fantasy works.
For example, it’s very clear that the ancient memories witnessed by the weirwood trees is important somehow to defeating the Others. Bran is given some weirwood paste and then takes a trip down memory lane. This is very similar to Rand’s journey through the glass columns of Rhuidean in The Wheel of Time books
Just like Bran goes back in time from most recent to the oldest history of his ancestors the Starks, Rand also goes back in time from most recent to the oldest history of his ancestors the Aiel.
Rand had to go to Rhuidean to become the Car'a'carn or chief of chiefs and looks like Bran will need to access those weirwood memories to become the 3ER. 
Memories are important in both these plots. Rhuidean is there so that the Aiel would not forget where they came from and who the Aiel originally were. The whole history with the Aiel and Tinkers and people of the dragon. And how over the centuries, history gets twisted and changed and lost.
With Bran, we see something similar, the history of the Starks:
After that, the glimpses came faster and faster, till Bran was feeling lost and dizzy. He saw no more of his father, nor the girl who looked like Arya, but a woman heavy with child emerged naked and dripping from the black pool, knelt before the tree, and begged the old gods for a son who would avenge her. Then there came a brown-haired girl, slender as a spear who stood on the tips of her toes to kiss the lips of a young knight as tall as Hodor. A dark-eyed youth, pale and fierce, sliced three brances off the weirwood and shaped them into arrows. The Tree itself was shrinking, growing smaller with each vision, whilst the lesser trees dwindled into saplings and vanished, only to be replaced by other trees that would dwindle and vanish in their turn. And now the lords Bran glimpssed were tall and hard, stern men in fur and chain mail. Some wore faces he remembered from statues in the crypts, but they were gone before he could put a name to them.
Then, as he watched, a bearded man forced a captive down onto his knees before the heart tree. A white-haired woman stepped toward them through a drift of dark red leaved, a bronze sickle in her hand.
"No," said Bran, "no, don't," but they could not hear him, no more than his father had. The woman grabbed the captive by the hair, hooked the sickle around his throat, and slashed. And through the mist of centuries the broken boy could only watch as the man's feet drummed against the earth...but as his life flowed out of him in a red tide, Brandon Stark could taste the blood. - Bran, ADwD
While the Aiel went from Da'shain Aiel to the current version, it looks like the Starks went from blood sacrificing to the heart trees to the current version with Eddard Stark.
Taking into account the similarities Bran’s story has with the mythological Fisher King, that’s another parallel Bran has with Rand al’Thor.
As Rand becomes darker and darker, more insane, we see the shadow increasingly fall over the world, with more evil and crops rotting, bad harvests and maggots in food.
In ASoIaF, the saying that ‘There must always be a Stark in Winterfell’
“When there was a Stark in Winterfell, a maiden girl could walk the kingsroad in her name-day gown and still go unmolested, and travelers could find fire, bread, and salt at many an inn and holdfast. But the nights are colder now, and doors are closed.” - Bran, ASOS
seems to be connected to some kind of protection of the North and WF and Bran himself feels linked to Winterfell
So long as those remained, Winterfell remained. It was not dead, just broken. Like me, he thought. I'm not dead either. - Bran, ACoK
Rand has never healing injuries like the Wounded King and going insane, while Bran is crippled.
Rand also has parallels with Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow, and I get the feeling that GRRM borrowed aspects of this chosen one character for his prophesied leaders in Asoiaf. Bran also has a ton of similarities with Leto II Atreides from Children of Dune, which I will talk about in another post. And then there are all the similarities with Tad William’s Memory, Sorrow and Thorn books.
GRRM has mentioned borrowing liberally from other works of fantasy and it’s most evident in Bran’s story up North. 
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eerna · 3 years
Not the other anon but I honestly don't think Kuwei's coming anytime soon (even if his dad was included but not seen in the first season,, #JusticeforBoYulBayursActor) Personally, as someone who's East Asian, at first, I didn't see the problem with Wylan being turned into Kuwei for so long while reading it, but I do see why it can be perceived as y*ll*wf*ce, and other Asians' negative feelings towards it are totally justified. Crooked Kingdom's amazing, but not free from criticism. Another thing tho! -There was a part in the show where Marie was tailored to look like Alina, and it reminded me of the Wylan/Kuwei thing, considering Alina's also now Shu. People kinda didn't care about it (probably because we didn't see Genya's process doing it and pretty much a minor plot point) If they're genuinely striving to be better after the Inej stunt double fiasco, I don't think they're gonna go in that lane in the future.
Hmm, now that you mention it, yeah I saw no one mention that Marie bit! It kinda makes sense people weren't upset, as it's sort of the opposite of the stunt double thing, since it gives the Asian actor more screentime as opposed to stealing opportunities and giving them to white actors. Guess we'll see
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ritens · 9 months
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Some rest at last.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Tuesday 14.. July 1835
No kiss. fine morning - comfortable airy good bedroom, the 1st time of ever being so comfortable here - breakfast at 9 5- Mr Gray came at 10 ½ - before his coming and during his being here wrote the whole of yesterday and these 2 lines of today till 10 50 - out at 11 20 meaning to go to the Duffins - had not gone above 20 yards when met Mrs D- she was going to Dr Belcombe to take him to see Eliza Raine and settle about taking her in at Clifton, she being of late so much worse as to be quite unfit to be under the care of Mrs and Miss Barker who are both made quite nervous and ill by sleepless nights and the trouble they have with her - she was very ill about a year ago - worse than now - Mrs D- hardly thought she would get over it change of life with her - had sought over Mr Duffin’s papers - could not find the letter to him containing Eliza’s will - could not tell what had become of it - uneasy about it - delighted to have met me - it seemed providential - I explained about the will - that just before my going to France in 1825 it had been given at Mr Jonathan Grey’s suggestion into the hands of Mr Robert Swann, he being deemed by Mr JG the most proper person to have it in charge - at least, said J, Mr Duffin said he would give to Mr RS- and afterwards told me  he had given it to him - Mrs D- said she had asked Mr RS if he had it, but he denied all knowledge of it - I said this was very odd - but I would speak to Mr J. Grey, and felt sure I could recall the circumstances to his mind - thought he was sure of find some memoranda on the subject as I had particularly authorized him to act for me in the business (he having read over the will and letter) in the event of anything happening to Eliza during my absence - Mrs D- and I called and found Dr Belcombe at home waiting for her - much surprised to see me, but apparently glad - we all walked together to Mrs Barker’s - I had seen Eliza about 1 ¼ year ago (in May I think) - she struck me as looking much aged and altered - I think she knew us all, tho’ she talked incoherently and would take no notice - she spits perpetually and is so dirty and obstreperous, as to be very unfit to be under the sole management of women - poor Mrs and Miss Barker cried and seemed worn out - Mrs D- had intended letting her remain with them till 3 rd of next month when her year would be complete - I strongly urged the propriety of her being sent to Clifton tomorrow if Dr Belcombe could take her in - yes! he would do all he could - agreed with me she should be removed as soon as possible and it was arranged for her to go tomorrow Mrs D- having previously agreed as to terms etc etc - Mrs Barker is to have £20 or £50 (I forgot which) as a reward for her long and good care of poor Eliza and Dr B- is to have £80 or £180? per annum for board and lodging and medical attendance and everything except clothes which Mrs D- is to find as usual since the death of Lady Crawford and the leaving York of Miss Wilson - Dr B- left us at the end of Gillygate and Mrs D- and I walked forwards to Clifton - saw the housekeeper Mrs Clarkson - chose rooms for Eliza, and I drove Mrs D- and myself back to Dr Belcombe‘s in his pony carriage - the ponies spirited and Mrs D- frightened almost out of her wits - but landed her safe - sat a few minutes with Mrs Henry Belcombe and then went with Mrs D- to Swann’s bank - saw Mr RS explained about the will - he had no remembrance of it - said he certainly had it not - Mrs D- sat 10 minutes with A- and me at the Black swan and left us at 1 40 - A- had luncheon - put on our habits - the 2 chesnut ponies came from Coopers (the 1st time of seeing them since bought of Mr Bateman) we mounted and set off to Brandsby to see Mr WF Milner’s wife and mother anxious to settle  whether to take them all for the school or not - the ponies went very quietly and well but we did not make way very fast - passed thro’ the villages of Huntington, Strensall, Sheriff Hutton, (considerable remains of the castle, neatly kept, and worth sketching  - and near village) and Whenby said to be 14 miles from York to Brandsby - should have passed thro’ Stillington, but in no doing so, went by by-roads perhaps 3 miles round about, and did not reach Brandsby hall till 6 20 i.e. 4 hours all but 10 minutes in riding - on seeing Miss Milner the mother found the villages was at some distance - no place
to refresh the horses at - Mrs Cholmeley sent to ask us to take wine and to have the horses put up - declined the former - thankfully accepted the latter - sent in my name - were shewn into the library and sat there amusing ourselves as well as we could - in about ¾ hour young Mrs. Milner came a pretty well-mannered looking person - A- well enough pleased with her - I did not quite so well like the manner of the mother - but yet nothing much against her - merely thought her a little too familiar in her whispered anxiety to leave Mrs Cholmeley whom she neither seemed to like nor respect - said she had had 14 servants in some very few years - promised Mr Milner an answer as soon as we could determine - I had taken down an 8vo published in 1815 ‘The Roman Catholic Faith’ by Berington and Kirke - addressed to Roman Catholics - a sort of sheet anchor - they deny that the new testament is an independent rule of faith - vide - rang the bell for the house maid - gave her 2/. ditto to the footman and 5/. to the groom, and off again at 7 35 returned by a different route and got by lanes and crossroads into a higher road to York a little beyond the turnpike 4 miles from the city - expected to have passed thro’ Clifton but came out by Jillygate [Gillygate] (supposing road to Stillington out of Monkbar) and alighted at the Black swan at 11 1/4 - too late to send the ponies back to Cooper’s (a mile off) so kept them at the Black swan - dinner, ordered for 7, had been waiting and I was only just sent downstairs - had it up again in ¼ hour and sat talking till 12 20 - both of us tired but A- made no complaints and really bore all admirably - perhaps she felt less shaken than I did - except abroad on mules or mountain horses, 10 years since I had been on horseback -same and except the 5 or 6 miles 3 or 4 yours ago on Mrs Duffin’s horse that in that distance flayed me quite - fine day - very fine afternoon and evening my cousin came tonight put on stocking to sleep in.
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snackpointcharlie · 4 years
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2021 has barely commenced and while some good news continues to trickle in, the brainless maniacs are also out in force — there’s no room to be complacent complacent, friends, high ambitions must be diligently maintained. Recalibrate your eternal vigilance regimen with the vague intellectual pleasures of tonight’s Snackpoint Charlie, where we offer our classic charcuterie of meditations, nature sounds, scrapes and squeaks and gurgles and as always, music from elsewhere… and beyond. Though there’s an outside possibility you may have other things on your mind today, I would be remiss in my duties to not inform you that the shelves of WGXC’s podcast library are fully stocked with copies of the latest Snackpoint Charlie, help yourself at https://wavefarm.org/wf/archive/m565bb or via the Wave Farm iPhone app
This transmission’s art via THOUGHT FORMS: A RECORD OF CLAIRVOYANT INVESTIGATION by Annie Besant and Charles W. Leadbeater
Snackpoint Charlie - Transmission 056 - 2021.01.06 PLAYLIST
1) Ramesh - “Montazer” from BEST OF 70S PERSIAN MUSIC   https://www.amazon.com/Best-70s-Persian-Music-Vol/dp/B001GYVWJM
2) The Scorpios - “Kirfaya Mosa (I Have Enough of Your Joking)” from THE SCORPIOS https://thescorpios1.bandcamp.com/album/the-scorpios
(underbed throughout:) Pinetop Gherkins - “Lazer Fried Chicadas”
3) Black Unity Trio - “Birth Life and Death” from AL-FATIHAH https://www.discogs.com/Black-Unity-Trio-Al-Fatihah/master/1204112 https://www.gottagroovestore.com/product/black-unity-trio-al-fatihah/
4) Ismet Siral and Friends - “Oy” from CREATIVE MUSIC STUDIO - ARCHIVE SELECTIONS, VOL. 3 https://www.innova.mu/albums/creative-music-studio/archive-selections-vol-1
5) Mahmoud Ahmed - “Fetsum Dink Lij Nesh” from ERÈ MÈLA MÈLA (ETHIOPIQUES 7) https://www.discogs.com/Mahmoud-Ahmed-%C3%89thiopiques-7-Er%C3%A8-M%C3%A8la-M%C3%A8la/release/1091159
6) Fayza Ahmed - “Ady Еl Hayah” from ASLEH EL AWTAR https://soundsofasia.bandcamp.com/track/ady-el-hayah
7) Kamal Keila - “African Unity” from HABIBI FUNK 008: MUSLIMS AND CHRISTIANS https://habibifunkrecords.bandcamp.com/album/habibi-funk-008-muslims-and-christians https://www.instagram.com/p/CJn6ntRIX30/
8) Farhad - “Take Five” from MOMENT TO MOMENT / QUI / TOGETHER AGAIN / TAKE FIVE https://www.discogs.com/Farhad-Moment-To-Moment-Qui-Together-Again-Take-Five/release/8416760 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJL2x0psspe/
9) David Greenberger & Tyson Rogers - “Beyond Disgusted (based on a conversation w/Beth Harrington)” from EVERYBODY’S HOME https://davidgreenberger.bandcamp.com/
10) Elias Rahbani - “Lovers Lane” from MOSAIC OF THE ORIENT (NÄI, BUZUK & GUITAR) - VOLUME II https://www.discogs.com/Elias-Rahbani-Mosaic-Of-The-Orient-Volume-II-N%C3%A4i-Buzuk-Guitar/release/6766652 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJoFS_IM7E9/ https://soundcloud.com/hadizeidan/shuttle-shifts-06012021-an-hour-w-elias-rahbani
11) William S. Burroughs - “When Did I Stop Wanting To Be President” from THE BEST OF WILLIAM BURROUGHS FROM GIORNO POETRY SYSTEMS https://www.discogs.com/William-S-Burroughs-The-Best-Of-William-Burroughs-From-Giorno-Poetry-Systems/release/9152045
12) University Challenged - “Shibboleth” from OH TEMPLE! https://universitychallenged.bandcamp.com/album/oh-temple
13) Phantom Horse - “Mynah Bird Sounds” from MEHR NULL https://umorrex.bandcamp.com/album/mehr-null
14) Allen Ravenstine - “Shore Leave” from SHORE LEAVE https://allen-ravenstine.bandcamp.com/album/electron-music-shore-leave https://allen-ravenstine.bandcamp.com/album/shore-leave
15) Maatsethe - “surrounding french ambience” from CHIMERIC SKETCHES 2002 — 2020 https://umorrex.bandcamp.com/album/chimeric-sketches-2002-2020
16) Hanna Tuulikki - “by the shoreline” from AWAY WITH THE BIRDS https://hannatuulikki.bandcamp.com/album/away-with-the-birds http://www.hannatuulikki.org/
17) Bana Haffar - “Reworks: Slow Hiji Catetan” from JAIPONGAN MUSIC OF WEST JAVA https://www.hivemindrecords.co.uk/idjah-hadidjah-jugala-jaipongan https://hivemindrecords.bandcamp.com/album/jaipongan-music-of-west-java
18) Chuck Barrister & The Voices of Darkness - “Be Kind, Be Foolish, Be Happy” from THE WORLD ENDS: AFRO ROCK PSYCHEDELIA IN 1970S NIGERIA https://soundwayrecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-world-ends-afro-rock-psychedelia-in-1970s-nigeria
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accio-victuuri · 3 years
Regarding whether they knew if wangxian married and have a son, I think they did knew based on the interview with zfx regarding the “watching parent’s love” meme.
And for anon who told V to seek help, please don’t be a spoilsport. Let people try to make it as szd as possible just like people also try NOT to make it as szd as possible *cough* wf closet accounts *cough*
Hello Anon! wangxian married w/ a son indeed! 😊
Right? Just stay on our lanes. or if you don’t really believe in candy then move on. No need to act all high & mighty on the internet. lol.
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not-your-sacrifice · 5 years
Memory Lane.
Adam, raises Wilt in the air: Win this one for Faunus Equality!
WF Grunts, charges: FOR FAUNUS EQUALITYY!!!
Jacques, looking at his scroll: Win this because I told you to.
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whereareroo · 2 years
WF UPDATE (1/14/23).
Nobody likes traffic jams. What a headache.
I grew up on Long Island, and then lived in Connecticut for 30 years. The traffic in both places was a nightmare. You had to plan your life around the daily traffic jams. I struggled with traffic jams for many years.
On our biking adventure, we’re getting closer to Key West. We get there tomorrow. Last night we stayed on Knight’s Key. We biked 20 miles to Little Torch Key, where we’ll spend the night. Tomorrow, our ride to Key West is 28 miles.
On our journey today, we encountered a wonderful traffic jam. It was a total joy. Let me explain.
We’ve been following the path of U.S. Route 1, which in The Keys is called the Overseas Highway. For much of the 106 miles, there is a bike path alongside the road. If there isn’t a bike path, there is frequently a designated “bike lane” on the shoulder of the road. In some spots, there’s no path or bike lane and you just ride on the shoulder of the road. Get it?
What’s it like to ride on the shoulder of the road? It depends on the width of the shoulder. If the shoulder is five or six feet wide, which is usually the case, it’s not a problem. After all, a bike only needs about 18 inches. If the shoulder is only 2 or 3 feet wide, the joy of the ride is diminished by the noise of passing vehicles and the need to be focused at all times.
Today, in the area of Big Pine Key, about 5 miles of the ride is on a narrow shoulder that is only about 30 inches wide. We’ve biked that segment before and it isn’t that enjoyable. It’s probably our least favorite section on the whole ride.
Today, we were blessed with a traffic jam that clogged 100% of the problematic 5 miles. The whole distance, traffic was crawling or completely stopped. That’s a nightmare for drivers but a blessing for bikers. We happily cruised along the shoulder. There wasn’t any noise. We didn’t have to pay attention to vehicles approaching from behind at high speeds. We were the King and the Queen of the road. For the first time in my life, I thoroughly enjoyed a traffic jam. It was wonderful.
The cause of the traffic jam was wonderful too. It turns out that there was a big boat show towards the southern end of Big Pine Key. The attendees had to walk across Route 1 to get to the show. State Troopers were stopping the traffic to let folks cross. Luckily for us, the situation created a major traffic mess. Of course, we went to the boat show. We had a good time. A few miles later, we stopped at a local flea market that only operates on Saturdays. That was an interesting scene too.
What are the odds that I’ll enjoy another traffic jam during my lifetime? Probably zero. Today was like winning the lottery, and I don’t feel a bit sorry for the folks who were stuck in traffic. I’ve paid my dues. I’m still giggling as I write this. Is that wrong? Doesn’t everybody deserve at least one wonderful traffic jam?
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