alifeasvivid · 7 months
As an extension of my headcanon that America and Canada actually get along extremely well 95% of the time and also love to cause mischief...
...one of their favorite things to do is team-seduce someone by confusing them and sort of overwhelming them cuz what defense does anyone have when there's two super hot guys who look exactly the same pulling their attention this way and that and the goal is to get the person into bed without them figuring out who is who.
In my twisted mind, the only person this doesn't work on is England because he's the one singular person who can tell them apart, without any hints or context, which only means >.> the boys just have to work that much harder.
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apersonwholikeslotus · 8 months
Gilbert and Alfred lose their virginity to each other with Frozen planet II playing in the background.
they're taking a class and were told to watch an episode as hw and decided to watch it together and for some insane reason it turned them on and they couldn't even tell u why; someone help these dumbasses
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maivalkov · 2 years
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Abel doesn't need a storm, let alone a stranger on his doorstep at night.
What he needs is sleep and silence, whilst his guest has better ideas.   Click here to read on AO3
NedPort for Day 4 of @hwsrarepairweek2022: Historical
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bookworm555 · 2 years
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I...uh...apologize for this in advance, X’DD
This is so self-indulgent but there is a lack of top!Feliks and I love that dynamic sooooo. This is for all top!Feliks enjoyers (but sorry it is so shitty alskjfhkasdf) *I do think they switch, occasionally -shrugs-
GODDDD I felt so embarrassed drawing and coloring this, and it’s not even THAT spicy, XD.
Also lol no nips; Feliks is covering Liet’s, X’DD
...Are they wearing pants/underwear, or not? It’s all up to your imagination ;)
I am really not used to drawing scenes like this, so it won’t appear on my blog often, don’t worry X’D 
...Will I ever actually draw a background? (Probably not lsjfhdf) 
Bonus blue-eyed Liet under the cut (I was nostalgic for his design in the original anime):
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mexican-roxas · 2 years
mfw i’m such a bad father that my own daughter practically disowned me as their dad so i have to live with my multiple sexual partners calling me daddy
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kudakii · 2 years
what if raligon kind of has a praise kink (wfsn-ish)
HEAR ME OUT. NO NO REALLY HEAR ME OUT (i say to the wall) 
raligon is always so insecure about himself, right. and he's such a sweet, humble guy, probably doesn’t like getting praised for his kindness. and raligon's never been praised about his appearance before (hc that he has such unruly hair because he doesn't care much about his appearance). and brandon is quiet and prickly and while he's very soft to rali, he doesn't say nice things much.
so imagine if they're like. heating up. and brandon gives praises and calls rali beautiful while trailing kisses down his skin. rali is so embarrassed he's crying BECAUSE BRANDON DOESN'T USUALLY SAY STUFF LIKE THIS??? and he’s just never been treated like this by anyone, ever. but it’s actually fulfilling when it comes from the lips from the person he loves most, because it’s sincere and sweet and everything that brandon is but never dares to act like. 
brandon saying stuff like "you're so beautiful" "you're taking me so well" "the prettiest, prettiest person in the world" "you taste so good" etc and raligon is just TOO OVERWHELMED TO RESPOND so he just... cries....
and when brandon hears the whimpers (usually rali just breathes out his name), he immediately looks up and almost apologizes, but he sees raligon red all the way to the ears and shoulders. so pretty and shy from his touch. “are you okay?” brandon asks. 
“i’m... okay...” is the answer he gets. “it’s just. what you’re saying. it’s too much-”
“i just said you’re beautiful.”
raligon bites his lip. “yes, yes, that. you really are too kind, please stop flattering me-”
“but you are.” and brandon lists out every detail of raligon’s beauty that he loves, and raligon whimpers with every praise. (rali doesn’t know why it feels so good to hear brandon’s voice say all these things but they work more than anything else for him) (one touch from brandon afterwards and rali is already climaxing PLEASE.)
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kyuhu · 2 years
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gotta advertise your bestie a little~
This was supposed to be more than one panel but I had too many ideas about what Nat’s reaction could be and I couldn’t decide so I’ll just leave it at that.
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rae-does-stuff · 3 years
70, 86, 2p!PruAus, GO!
70. Locked in a Room
86. I didn’t mean to turn you on
Disclaimer: I have never written any form of PruAus before and I’m sorry if anyone seems OOC. And I’ve never written anything remotely WFSN/NSFW/NSFT/whatever it’s called (I’ve tried but we don’t talk about that…) so I’m sorry if anything seems unrealistic.
Alright, let’s go!
So it all starts when Roland and Gilen (2P!Austria and 2P!Prussia’s human names I think????) get locked into the meeting room, for mysterious reasons (maybe 2P!Germany, maybe not…) anyways Roland decides to make the most of their “privacy” (most of the nations probably have a key dude, alright fine I’ll stop with the commentary) and starts to kiss Gilen.
Anyways Gilen, feeling confident for once in his life, decides to be dominant. Which turns on Roland which makes Gilen flustered. In the end they just end up cuddling under the table.
Hehe, sorry if it wasn’t up to your standards.
Thanks for asking!
- Rae
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alifeasvivid · 8 months
the reason Alfred F Jones would not be into tying his partner up in a kinky sex way is because if they're tied up, they can't touch him and he likes being touched.
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ssuckitlosers · 3 years
Sooo, can we agree that some of the European nations were definitely throwing some questionable parties back in the day?
Like I imagine it’d have been some kind of rotation with what nations hosted and there’d have been a core group of people that attended lowkey.
Lmao I can just imagine Hungary going from hunting and shit with Prussia, to moving in with Austria and going to one of France’s ‘parties’ and having a serious wtf moment.
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portectorisms-a · 4 years
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@theirloss​ said: 🚿 / from sara
Send 🚿 or ‘Whoops!’ to walk in on my muse in the shower!
     Head tilts back, eyes closed as he lets the water run down his face. There’s a smirk on his lips as hands raise up to draw down his features, calloused pads scrape lightly across his skin and he draws in a breath, drinking the water that comes with it. It feels good on his worn down skin. It’s comforting and it feels like home, if he ever had to make sense of what that word had ever meant. Though, Bellamy was no stranger to feeling eyes on him, as he looks up from where he stood, that smirk forever staying planted over his features.
“I don’t do shows, Sara, so if you’re going to watch me take a shower, then you might as well get that hot ass in here.”
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portectorisms · 2 years
Bellamy would 100% find someone to have a one night stand with on New Years and be the person who sounds so damn cliché because he brought the New Years in with a bang. But if they expected him to stay until morning? They’re wrong. As soon as the deed was done and they were both satisfied, he’d be out the door and back home to finish off his night with a beer or some other form of alcohol before getting what little sleep he normally does get.
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maivalkov · 2 years
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It began with betrayal and death, leading to a hundred years of spectral boredom.
It began on a beach, and led to Francis. The only other ghost João had ever known.
It began like any other day, until the ground came and swallowed them whole. Click here to read on AO3 NedPort for Day 5 of @hwsrarepairweek2022: Supernatural
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bookworm555 · 2 years
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A sort of...spicier...version of that LietPol sketch I posted last week. (But it’s okay, it’s from the waist up, haha ;) )
(Feliks’s scar will look better colored; this is just a rough placement for my own reference)
Also lol no nips; Feliks is covering Liet’s, X’DD
This is so self-indulgent but there is a lack of top!Feliks and I love that dynamic sooooo. This is for all top!Feliks enjoyers (but sorry it is so shitty alskjfhkasdf) *I do think they switch -shrugs- 
kjsdfkjhasdf I am really not used to drawing scenes like this, so it won’t appear on my blog often, don’t worry X’D
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kyuhu · 2 years
I love that Feliks is still praying while they’re doing the do, like he’s saying “Oh lord who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, Heavenly Father please do not cast me out as a sinner” and Tolys is like “Feliks, we’re a bit late for that”
Fdsgfgf I'm crying 😂 but yeah that's the idea!
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alifeasvivid · 1 year
usukus when they're *actually* switches (a little nsfw)
thanks to @demonicpiano for the inspiring this LOL
First time and America loses it too quickly...
England: I honestly didn't believe you were a virgin when you said so before, but I certainly believe it now.
America: Bite me.
England: Gladly. [flips their positions] Consider this the continuation of your education, lad. I'm flipping you over and pounding your arse for instructional purposes.
A couple hours later...
America: You know, you're a lot more energetic than an old man like you has any right to be.
England: You mean this 'old man' who just railed you to kingdom come three times because you have no self-control whatsoever?
America: I was totally just seeing if I could get you to do all the work.
England, highly skeptical: Of course.
America: You think I'm lyin'?
England: I'm certain of it. Unless you'd care to prove me wrong?
And then, with the assistance of superpower strength, America pounds him until England can't walk for a good long while after and everybody goes home happy.
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