#wftf replies
Writing Q&A Tag Thing
I was tagged by the amazing @the-novel-on-the-left! Thank you <3 
Which fandoms do you write for?
Oh too many. SVU, Criminal Minds, Elementary, Marvel, DCU, Stranger Things, Spiderverse, Law and Order, and most recently I’m making a foray into Star Wars. 
Which characters do you write?
Again, too many - Rafael Barba, Sonny Carisi, Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid, Hopper, Thor, Captain America, Peter B. Parker, Sherlock Holmes, Tony Stark...I’m sure I’m missing some. 
Is there any character you currently don’t write for but want to, if any?
Oh yeah definitely. Well I’m writing for Poe Dameron rn and I definitely want to write for the Mandalorian (i’ve started a fic, haven’t finished it yet). 
Who is your favorite character to write?
Oh every character is difficult in different ways - Reid was hard b/c i like to get into the mind of the character i write, and his mind works very uniquely so it was difficult to get into his mindset. I also struggle with Captain America, like Steve is so hard to pin down honestly. 
Are you working on a fic right now?
....too many. I’m working on a Poe Dameron fic that has taken over my life and is now 10K. I’m still not done, i don’t know when I’ll be done honestly. 
I’m working on a Hotch fic, a Tony fic, a Sherlock fic, a Harry Wells fic, a Sonny fic, an Agent Whiskey fic, a Mandalorian fic, and god knows what else that’s saved in my drafts (last time i counted I think i had eight, but i’m sure there are other ones i just never finished). 
How long are your fics usually?
Really depends. The Poe fic is mostly an outlier - i’m not one for long fics - i prefer one-shots. usually somewhere between 1K-4K. 
What do you write most off? Fluff, smut, angst, dark?
I used to write a lot of angst, lately its been more fluff - now its just a mix of everything. 
Do you have a playlist or specific music you listen to when you write?
Depends on what i’m writing - usually just one song on repeat b/c it becomes background noise. For the Poe fic, it’s been Lover by Taylor Swift or Say so by Doja Cat. 
Are there things you like to do while writing?
I get incredibly distracted - or i’m so into it that i don’t stop until I’m done. It’s one of the other. 
What writing program do you use?
I go back and forth between google drive and word doc - lately its been google docs since I can write on my walks outside. 
How long have you been writing for?
For a long time - I used to help my brother brainstorm for his novel. I didn’t start writing myself for real until I was 11 or 12 after I won two writing contests in my grade. And that’s when I realized i really loved it. And i never stopped. 
I tag @juliawinchester14, @mrsrafaelbarba, @infj-slytherclaw,
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jessicas-underground replied to your post “Yessss! Please write a Hotch fic!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️”
Oh my goodness! Love the idea! Can’t wait to read more soon! ����
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I can’t wait to write more! A little busy with school atm, but it should be posted soon enough <3 
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why does 911 gotta do buck's dating life dirty like this fjfkfkf
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Can I uno reverse ☀️ you, because I was in the middle of yelling at you how wonderful you are then I see you’re doing this. Anyways, I adore you, and shall beat you with a binder one day that’ll be chock full of every shred of evidence disapproving any self-deprecating argument you put forth.
well i'm still doing this b/c its my goal in life to make you emotional (whether thats with a fic or my never ending love)
laney, literally if i had to choose one thing i'm most grateful for from this hellsite (derogatory) its you. you are literally my best friend in the world -- i can tell you anything without worrying about the many things i'm always worried about. you always make me laugh when i need it the most, and you're always there to fuel my obsessions (even when i sometimes don't want you to b/c i'm already losing it)
you are so sweet - and i know you HATE it when i say that but i say it because its true. you have a tough, but loving exterior, but under any hard patches is just softness because when you love someone you love with your entire heart and soul.
every day you surprise me with how intelligent you are -- both emotionally and intellectually. i always say this, but you're truly one of the most brilliant people i know. you're wise beyond your years, and i would daresay too soon even. because of this you often end up taking care of other people, even some people who don't deserve it. i would want nothing more than to be able to take care of you -- because it's never, ever rotten work to me when its you.
but what i love most about you is just you -- i can't put it into words, but every time we talk, every time you gush about your irish idiot cop (affectionate), you rant about something, or when you make me smile -- i just can't help think i love you. because i do. truly did not believe in a platonic soulmate until i met you <3
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shoot i forgot to mention - to the two people who sent me stone requests, i need to look at them still, i have been busy with preparing for school that i haven’t had a time to read them - but i probably will write one or both of them, depending on time and how fucking long they end up being- 
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sorry y’all i’ve been offline today b/c i had a really awful (somewhat triggering) day yesterday and compounded with the general high stress of law school i just needed a day to myself 
i’m still not quite myself but i’ll probably respond to my asks/tags tomorrow b/c i see some of my lovely friends have sent stuff my way and it makes me so warm. i’ll be around still just less present for the next few days <3
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ok, me and @bucky-of-the-opera​ are plotting a fic where hotch is in love with an unsub and its gonna break y’all hearts 
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b/c i’m writing this 
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I'm sorry if I seem all over the place and I'm not responding quickly and I'm just....generally not available
It's been....so much lately
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i want to apologize for not replying to comments lately - like every time i do, my imposter syndrome flares up really badly lmao and then i’m like i don’t deserve this and its a spiral 
but i literally reread every single one - and the ones on take my hand has especially meant SO SO much to me, like i love every single one of you so much. thank you, really. i literally reread my comments and tags and asks when i have a bad day so thank you - you’re the reason i keep writing :) 
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fine I'll ask anonymously but that's kinda because this one makes me blush and want to hide my face behind my hands. your writing is so amazing and incredible and I'm so attached to "take my hand" I almost /don't/ want to finish it so it can last longer. which is silly but still. I'm scared to finish it because I know it'll wreck my emotions and I don't want it to end. oh and I tell you this off anon all the time, but I love you!!!!!
i love you so much omg -- this makes me so incredibly happy you have no idea. i know exactly the feeling of not wanting to finish something you don’t want it to end and like the fact my little fic made you feel that way is !!!! i love you. 
there will be bonus content for take my hand so its not over yet :) i have so many ideas, i can’t wait to write them honestly and especially with sweet messages like this - i literally want to write them right now. 
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ok i hadn’t looked at comments/reblogs on take my hand until just now and can i just say 
thank you so much - like i was really nervous about this fic b/c i haven’t written a multi-part fic in so long and this one was that i really enjoyed writing
i love you guys - thanks for caring about the random things my brain comes up with dfjsknnkj
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You need a hug, and I wish I could give you 12 of them.
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Anonymously tell me how you feel about me. I can't reply, I just have to read it and post it.
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omg sabina what happened?? are you okay?
sorry! I got home the ER so late and then I just ate a tiny bit and then just passed out. 
i’m fine <3 ended up being a stomach issue that I had last time so essentially i’m still not drinking enough water. I’m feeling a lot better today and i downloaded an app to remind me to drink water every hour lol. i was just in a ton of pain - it was really bad, but i’m feeling much better today, if not just completely drained from the entire week :( 
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Saturday? Tomorrow and yesterday?
saturday: what gets you excited whilst writing?
ooh when i have an idea and the words just start flowing and I really like what i’m putting down. there isn’t a better feeling. 
tomorrow: favourite ways to write fluff? 
oooh i love writing about just cuddling honestly. i’m v touch starved as a person and i just love the idea of just limbs tangled together, either in a chair or in a bed or wherever. 
yesterday: favourite way to write angst?
i like putting a song on repeat -- depends on the type of angst, but sometimes my song doesn’t dictate the mood of the fic lmao (i’ve written very sad things to very peppy songs in vice versa) and just getting lost in characters emotions
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The Poe fic was fantastic!! Ur such a talented writer and I love ur work 💕💕
oh my god, thank you so much!!! like i was really worried about this fic that it’s kind of dumb?? (esp since i’m in the middle of my freaking exams) i think it’s just because the star wars fandom is such a big one with so many talented writers that i was very very intimidated to even attempt this. 
but like the idea kind of gripped me and wouldn’t let go and since I’m not a person who plans things out at all, you can see where a 21K Poe Dameron fic was not on my to-do list. But you know, life comes at you fast. 
all this to say thank you so so much for sending me this ask. this is my first poe fic and i hope not my last?? i have to finish exams before i even think about working on wips, but i do have a poe lawyer AU idea that won’t leave me alone 
also slight confession i have not watched any of the star wars movies. including the force awakens. i watched the scenes w/ Poe that were relevant for this fic, but like everything else was done through research and advice. i must confess my sins!!! but! but! i plan to have a movie marathon of them after exams are over (and @laneygthememequeen has been ever helpful on predicting not only my poe dameron crush but also one on obi wan? i’m not completely sold yet, but..i already have a fic idea so maybe i am).
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Yellow, teal, auburn! (P.s. you’re amazing and so is your writing)
Yellow: You are such a sunshiney person and my dash is always brightened whenever you post
Auburn: I love you
Teal: You make me happy ♥
omg let me love you, what the fuck fksnjf, i love how this whole thing is asking for nice things to be said and my reaction to those nice things is I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY. I love this. you are so sweet and you brighten my day by just existing and you make me very happy. <3 Love youuuuu 
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