#whar tf is nrs doing fr?!
arttrampbelle · 11 months
Ah yes they really did make the whole liu kang is everyones savior complex. Wow
Just wow.
They legit are making him a mary sue! Like people think its just a game. And yeah it is. But for people who genuinely love the series,grew up with it,its fucking awful to tell someone who's pissed off and genuinely upset at them fucking over a good story for profit.
Im just like how can you legit call yourself a fan if you like this liu kang? How can you say you love this series if they legit are making the characters unlikeable.
Also nobody's racist for not liking tanyas design. They are allowed to complain. They have no other black characters in the game so far cept maybe jax and he's just a helper. (Maybe rain,maybe. Like there really isnt maybe black coded characters, which is a problem in of itself but thats besides the point) How is that not fucked up?! How can you legit not get pissed at the way they've treated poc and poc coded characters over the 30 fucking years its been around?! Fuck man. Like its not rocket science. Its not hard to fucking see that nrs,ed boon,is a scumbag. But y'all to blind by buy,buy,buy,buy product, hurr my faves back ,oh look someone giving valid criticism?! Well they are just a meany pants in the way of my hype train.
Its ridiculous. Like mk has had toxicity before. But its worse now. Like waaaaay worse.
Its a mcu situation all over again. And it's sad.
As if this game can get any worse.
People eating this garbage up and its sad.
Very sad and pathetic to look at.
Cage match blows this out the water by a long shot by trailers alone. Like fr. A johnny cage fucking spin off.
Why do they keep massacring liu kang?! Why?!
Why are people so damn dense to not see how nrs is fucking this series up?!
I need a fucking break.
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