#what DID they think they were doing :thonk emoji:
damnation-if · 2 years
so i gotta ask.. what exactly was the cult hoping to achieve by summoning a concubus given they're the "weakest" demons? like were they looking to have some kind of orgy, or did they just generally have no idea what they were doing? lol
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you'll just have to find out :3
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wizard-finix · 1 year
Been having lots of fun with LoZ again since TOTK came out and I keep thinking abt good guy ganon AU, and I ended up thinking so hard about it that I accidentally formed a. questionable crack theory about the divide between Ganon and Demise
so naturally I'm about to make it everyone's problem. lets go
Ok, so Ganondorf has been fully human in more than one of the games. Evil, yes, and possessing dark magic plenty of times, but undoubtedly still a man. Meanwhile, the fully fledged Demon King/Calamity is clearly Demise. The difference between these two is very stark.  
What if they're actually not the same person? What if Ganondorf and Demise didn't originally share the same spirit?
Demise is not mortal. His exact words were that "his hatred would follow them forever". If we took that a bit more literally, we could interpret that as the lingering Malice and dark magic Ganondorf utilizes in the series instead of Demise himself reincarnating alongside Link and Zelda.
If Demise and Ganondorf aren’t the same person, then where the hell did Ganon come from? Why does he reincarnate?  
Idea: Demise didn’t just curse the hero and the goddess, he cursed everyone there who had a hand in his downfall.
Now this is just an idea, but let me elaborate.
There are 4 major reoccurring characters in the Legend of Zelda series. Yes, 4, you read that right. Those characters are Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, and Impa. Impa appears less than the other three, but she holds enough weight in the story and has appeared often enough (around 7 times?) that I will be counting her, especially for the sake of this argument.
Back to the curse thing
Excluding Demise and Ghirahim, there were 4 people present at the final battle with Demise in Skyward Sword: Link, Zelda, Impa, and Groose.  
The first three are reoccurring characters, but how does Groose factor in?
Well, if we assume Demise is dead with only his Malice left behind, and that Ganondorf's spirit didn't come from Demise…  
You see where I'm going with this.
(Yes I will admit this is a stretch because ganon is a serious character and groose is… groose. But LOZ still takes itself 100% seriously despite how ridiculous some parts of it is, and I'm having fun with this crack theory so consider: I do what I want)  
“But ganon is evil! And they’re so different!” yes. I’m getting to that
What are Groose's most prominent character traits? Tall, muscly, red hair, very mean-spirited and selfish (at least before he pulls himself together and helps Link, who he originally hated due to his crush on Zelda). He isn’t very smart, and he isn’t all that brave compared to Link, he’s mostly driven by his personal desires (for better and for worse), and usually resorts to brute force to achieve his goals.  
If you've noticed a pattern, you would be correct: these character traits all align closely to the holder of the triforce of power.
(insert thonk emoji)
There's also that one crack theory already floating around that the Gerudo are distantly related to Groose because of his dumbass red hair and that Demise keeps reincarnating as a Gerudo because of the fact that Groose catapulted bombs at his face, so y'know. There's also that
Anyway that's my spicy crack theory for the day
The spirit of Ganondorf actually came from Groose, and the Demon King/Calamity came from Demise
Obviously I don’t ACTUALLY believe this theory but yknow. what if lmao
(im aware of all the less than fun implications that comes with this crack take, but that's for another day)
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sukikorra · 4 years
tagged by @goslingryans thank u love!!!! 💕
do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen? black
would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? right now, city, but i’d like to eventually live somewhere a little more remote
if you could learn a new skill, what would it be? surfing!
do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? yep!
what was your favorite book as a child? any book abt greek/roman history or dinosaurs
do you prefer baths or showers? showers
if you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? an elf or a mermaid
paper or electronic books? paper
what is your favorite item of clothing? mom jeans
do you like your name? would you like to change it? yeah! i don’t think i would change it
who is a mentor to you? i guess my dad? idk i can’t really think of anyone
would you like to be famous? if so, what for? not really? but if i were to get famous i’d want it to be bc i discovered something super cool during a dig
are you a restless sleeper? sometimes
do you consider yourself to be a romantic person? i guess so yeah
which element best represents you? air
who do you want to be closer to? my friends that don’t go to my school
do you miss someone at the moment? yes omg so so much
tell us about an early childhood memory? in my gifted class in elementary school we used to play an online game called quest atlantis together (apparently it had a learning purpose but i don’t remember what it was) and it was so fun hahah
what is the strangest thing you have eaten? tbh i can’t think of anything that weird hahah
what are you most thankful for? my dog and my bf
do you like spicy food? yeah!
have you ever met someone famous? i was in the same room as shawn mendes one time but i didn’t get to actually meet him so i don’t think it counts
do you keep a diary or journal? nope, i tried but it lasted like a week lol
do you prefer to use pen or pencil? pen
what is your star sign? aquarius sun, capricorn moon, and sagittarius rising
do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? it depends on the cereal but i’d say somewhere in the middle
what would you want your legacy to be? that i was kind and maybe that i made a positive contribution somewhere in the archaeological field bc it would be cool to be remembered for making a new discovery or somethin :))
do you like reading? what was the last book you read? yes! the last book i read was the cruel prince by holly black
how do you show someone you love them? by sending them things that remind me of them (songs, tiktoks, etc), being there for them whenever they need to vent, complimenting them, etc
do you like ice in your drinks? yeah!
what are you afraid of? insects!!!!
what is your favorite scent? champagne, coconut, rose
do you address older people by their name or surname? it depends? like i call my professors by the surnames but i call my managers by their first names
if money was not a factor, how would you live your life? my style would probably be better and i’d live in a cute studio apartment in my collegetown and i’d also probably go to a bunch of field schools!
do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? the ocean! it’s much more exhilarating
what would you do if you found $50 in the ground? i guess i would keep it? idk
have you ever seen a shooting star? did you make a wish? i don’t think i have :/
what is one thing you would want to teach your children? morals, empathy, and communication
if you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? ooo okay i really want a tattoo of ahsoka’s face markings on my arm somewhere. like so bad i think about it all the time
what can you hear now? friends bc i’m watching it w my brother lol
where do you feel the safest? in my boyfriend’s truck :)
what is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? all of my mental health issues lol
if you could travel back to any era, what would it be? classical era i think
what is your most used emoji? 🥺
describe yourself using one word. indecisive
what do you regret the most? associating myself w a certain boy lol
last movie you saw? the old guard
last tv show you watched? friends
invent a word and its meaning: thonk! my bf and i always say “i just had a thonking moment” which basically means “i just realized something” lol idk if we invented that but i think it’s funny
i’m tagging - @fiirelords @sunstalgia @hermayone @norths @obiwankenobiness @ariistotles !!!
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cogneartive · 4 years
The Beach Boys go to the Museum
A crackfic. Read if you want to immediately lose all your brain cells.
    Once upon a time, Brian Wilson was daydreaming about girls going to the museum which was very educational. More educational than daydreaming about girls which is good for you which is why he was daydreaming about going to the museum instead of girls. 
    “Yoo hoo brothers!” he said. 
    “What is it, big brother?” shouted Dennis and Carl Wilson from another part of the Beach Boys ResidenceTM
    “I have decided to go to the museum which is a very educational activity for us to do which will be beneficial for us,” said Brian. “I will call our cousin, Michael Edward Love, and our friend, Alan Charles Jardine.”
    “Oh ok, big brother,” the two younger Wilsons said. “As soon as we get out of the shower and clothe ourselves (which will probably align with the arrival of our cousin, Michael Edward Love, and our friend, Alan Charles Jardine), we shall take off in the Beach Boy MobileTM to go to the museum as you wish.”
    “Incredible,” said Carl Wilson. “We have finished showering and being clothed just as our cousin, Michael Edward Love, and our friend, Alan Charles Jardine, have arrived.”
    “Now we can go to the  Beach Boy MobileTM to go to the museum Brian Wilson, my big brother, wishes.”     “I hate this story,” said Michael Edward Love, a man with no taste.
“Do not attempt to break the fourth wall,” said Brian Douglas Wilson, extremely annoyed at Mike Love’s lack of taste.
“Harrumph >:( !” harrumped Michael Edward Love.
Suddenly, Bruce Arthur Johnston appeared out of Norway. “May I come too?”
“Permission accepted,” said Al Jardine
    The beach boys arrived at the Museum of Interesting Plot which interested them very much. They headed into the museum, where they bumped into GASP! The Beatles - an English rock band formed in Liverpool in 1960 with a line-up comprising John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, who are regarded as the most influential band of all time. 
    “THE BEACH BOYS!” the bug boys ejected.
    “THE BEATLES!” the sand children exclaimed.
    “What a coincidence that we have bumped into you guys in the exact same museum,” said John Lennon. “I bet you were trying to sneak behind us and steal our songwriting ideas >:O”
    “Absolutely not >:O” said Brian Wilson, putting his hands on his hip in a gesture of frustration. “I bet YOU were trying to sneak behind us and steal OUR songwriting ideas”
    “We were not >:O” said Sir James Paul McCartney.
    They started fighting and in the moment of anger, they broke!! The statue of David (not Crosby unfortunately for the statue of David Crosby has cursed the museum for over a century now)!!!!!!!
    “HEY” said The Manager of The Museum (which was an unfortunate name given to him by his parents sad emoji)
    “Oh no” said Brian Wilson.
“Oh no” said Carl Wilson.
“Oh no” said Dennis Wilson.
“Oh no” said Mike Love.
“Oh no” said Al Jardine.
“Oh no” said Bruce Johnston.
“Oh no” said George Harrison.
“Oh no” said Paul McCartney.
“Oh no” said Ringo Starr
“Yoko Ono?” said John Lennon. “My wife in the future, depending on the era.”
“Ouchies!” said Micky Dolenz.
“OMG” said The Manager of The Museum (who happened to also be a clone of  Ringo Starr) He was angry. Very angry. So angry, that he was angry. “You guys better pay for this.”
“But we can’t,” said the Beatles (for Brian Epstein did not give them their allowance that day)
“We can’t either,” said the Beach Boys (for they had already spent enough on getting a nintendo switch to play animal crossing: new horizons.
This is left the poor, poor Monkees. “Bruh we poor af.”
“Then you have to work to pay for it smh,” said The Manager of The Museum.
“OH NO!” said all of them at once.
“You must go around the museum to find three fragments of the broken statue that you have broken, which somehow have been transported into the museum which you must complete challenges to get!”
“Like Dora the Explorer?” asked George Harrison, the youngest member of the Beatles. 
    “Yea,” saidThe Manager of The Museum. “Ok bye im gonna play animal crossing: new horizons now :))))))”
    “Ok. We must split up into three groups.”
    “Wow, how convenient is that we have coincidentally walked into the hall of things that have to do with water,” said Denny Wilson. “It is as this was planned.”
    And then…………………….”oh my god a wave,” said M*ke Love.
    “QUICKLY INTO THE BEACH GEAR” shouted Brian Wilson as they proceeded to use the sims animation to change into their beach gear. “NOW WE MUST.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,..,.,.,”
“We thro Dennise into da water bc he is da only 1 who can surf XD” said Mke Luv as he tossed Deniise into da water liKE A BOSS AND HI-FIVES ALL ROUND WAPOOSH WAPOOSH TAHK YOU GUYS FOR WATCHING AND I’LL SEE U IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!! *outro plays*
“Ahem,” said Ctrl. “We did not bring a surfboard,,,,,,,,so how is he supposed to surf??? Thonk emoji. Lmfao roasted XD”
“We use (drumroll pls) AL SARDINE as Da Surfboard Lmao!!!” said Miiiiiike lov e as they all jumped on Al Jardine.
“I did not feel a thing, lol” said ALAN JARDINE because he was a super strong boy (stock image of a blond guy flexing his muscles).
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
“Bruh we reusing animation bro,” said Denal Wilson.
“Oh look an island,” said Brain. Dey all hopped off and landed on the island. On the island was Kurt Cobain.
“Wow Mr Kurt Cobain,” said Broose Honda. “I did not know you lived on dis island.”
“I don’t rofl,” said Coq Au Vin as he handed them a statue fragment.
“Oh wow thx Coco Van,” as they flew away.
    “Lmao is that Stephen Arthur Stills, an American singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist best known for his work with Buffalo Springfield and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young,” joked Micky Dolenz, pointing to a mirror in front of Peter Tork.
    “Lol yeah,” said Stephen.
    Micky screamed.
    “Here you go broski,” said Stephen Stills, handing them a fragment.
    “But what did we do?” asked Mike Nesmith.
    “Allowing the author to make the awful, often repeated annoying joke about me and Peter Halsten Thorkelson looking like identical twins.”
    “Ok thanks brewski,” said the Monkees as they headed off. “Come on Peter, don’t just stand there.”
    “But I’m Stephen.”
    “Wait,” said Davy. “But Peter was standing there just now.”
    “No, I was standing there.”
    The Monkees looked at each other and had a collective sigh. It was not gonna be as easy as they thought.
    And to make this complication more complicated, the author decided to make David Crosby, Graham Nash and Neil Young walk into the scene.
    “Bro Stephen wtf,” said Neil. “I knew you were small but I didn’t think you could crawl into the vents like that.”
    “But I’m Peter??????????”
    “Oh no not again,” said Graham Nash, already getting another headache.
    “Wait, wait wait, just a moment,” said Davy Jones. “Go back a bit. What do you mean by crawling through the vents.”
    “Please do not question the plot,” threatened David Crosby. 
    “YUH DAVY” said Micky. “Come on now, Peter,” - he grabbed Peter’s hand -” we gotta advance the plot.”
    “But I’m Stephen.”     Micky looked at him with such an expression that expressed a deep amount of hatred for the author. “It doesn’t matter. You guys are the same person anyway.”
The other lads shrugged and took poor Peter Halsten Dorkelson who was too confuzzled and befuddled and bamboozled to be crying.
    “This is so boring,, (-_-)” said Jawn Jennon. “I think George Harrison fell asleep.”     “L M A O i did rofl lol,” said Heorge Garrison.
    “I am surprised because there is so much paperwork lying about that all look so boring!!” said Paul McEyelash.
    “Someone should clean this up smh,” said Ringone Starone.
    “YAAWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!” they all sed at 1nce. That yawn pushed a stack of paper off a table, which caused a chain reaction, leading to a bucket falling down, a train being activated, a cow mooing and the members of Queen being awoken from their frozen-in-som-kind-a-tube state.
    “BRO WTF WHOMST WOKE US UP (((p(>o<)q)))” said Roger Taylor, stretching. “I was still having my beauty sleep.”
    “(O.O) omg (O.O)(O.O) oh mah gawd (O.O)(O.O)(O.O)” said Freddie Mercury. “Are those (O.O)(O.O)(O.O)(O.O) the legendary (O.O)(O.O)(O.O)(O.O)(O.O)(O.O)(O.O)(O.O) bug boys????????”
    “Ja” said gH.
    “ヽ(★ω★)ノ” said Brian May
    “(¬_¬") smh you woke up my cheese toast,” said John Deacon.
    “I guess, we should thank u for waking us up,” said Freddeh.
    “We wuz nevah gonna wake up,” said Briaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan Mei.
    “Take dis,” Rogah Taylah gave them a statue fragment that had landed in his hair.
    “Wow thanks that was EZ lmao,” said the bug boys as they went away.
    “(●^o^●)” said The Manager of the Museum as he stuck the broken statue fragments of the broken statue of the Museum of Interesting Plot Idea (well I think that what it was called Lmao I didn’t check don’t correct me doe lel)
    “It was’t very challenging at all doe…” said Sand Children. “And for a story with out name in the title, we did not seem to get much attention at all.”
    “Shut up you’ll get your moment later,” said the others pointing down to the rest of the story. “See look at that.”     “None of this is very good,” said Mike Hate, a man with no taste.
    They all went into their respective vehicles and drove away.
    “WAIT!!!!!!” said Dave Jone of the Monkees, pausing the time. “We did not resolve the plot point of us actually kidnapping Steven Stills?????”
    “Help me,” said Stepe.
    “STFU IT’S OUR STORY (◣_◢)” said the beach of the boys, so infuriated with them that smoke came out of their ears like a boiling kettle and their eyes started glowing red which indicated anger.
    “Oh ok sorry lel, he’s British Lol,” said Mike Nesmith.
    “STFU Myke Gessmith.”
    “;~;” said Mike Nukesmith.
    “Y do u guys always have to take the spotlight?!” asked the Beaky Bubs.
    “Bc we’re the author’s favourites, unfortunately,” said Micky, shivering at the memories of what had happened to them before in previous crack fics.
    “Sux for u lmao.”
    Uh how to end dis. Boom. Story done lel.
.Al Barmine
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
Where did your last kiss take place? >> Inworld. Who is someone you look up to? >> I don’t. The police just called your house. What is the reason why? >> I... have no idea. We don’t even have a landline, anyway. Look to the left. What catches your eye first? >> A bluetooth speaker. What was the last thing you ordered at Mcdonalds? >> A double cheeseburger and small fries.
Are you thinking about someone right now? >> No. How many fingers do you have? >> Ten, but I was born with twelve. Why is Myspace copying Facebook? >> *thonk emoji* Current smell? >> Warmth? You know, the way fabric smells when it’s been sitting in the Sun for a while? The Sun’s been shining in here for a few hours so it smells like warmth in here. Current taste? >> Nothing. Who are you talking to right now? >> Nobody. Are you dating anyone? If so, how long have you been together? >> “Dating” isn’t really a word I’d use to describe anything I do. What is your ringtone? >> I actually have no idea what the ringtone is, I literally never take my phone off vibrate unless it’s to put it on DND. How old will you be in 5 months? >> Still 32. Where is your Mum right now? >> --- What do you like to drink in the morning? >> Water or tea. Name of your pet? >> --- Would you rather be attacked by a bear or a swarm of wasps? >> Oof.  Make a shout-out to somebody: >> --- What piercing/tattoos do you have? >> I’ve described those so many times in surveys that I never want to do it again. Last television show you watched was called? >> Shameless. What colour is your hair? >> Dark brown. Is it naturally that colour? >> Yup. How was your Summer? >> It was pretty good. Did you go away on Holiday? >> No. Do you believe there is life on other planets? Why or why not? >> I believe it, yeah. It seems probable enough to believe in. You have to make a sandwich. What do you put in it? >> If I were to make a sandwich right now, it’d have turkey and pepper jack on it. What is a word that rhymes with “Umbrella”? >> Can’t think of any direct rhymes. What were you doing at 10:30 PM last night? >> Either sleeping or on my way there. Who was the last person you talked to on the telephone? >> --- Would you rather have a pet shark or a pet snake? >> Snake, definitely. Name the illegal drugs you have taken in the past 4 months: >> None. What kind of shampoo do you use? >> The brand is Cantu and it’s a shea butter cleanser for natural hair. (That’s a weird term to me because although all hair that hasn’t been treated with chemicals is “natural”, technically, but “natural hair” specifically refers to non-white hair that hasn’t been chemically processed.) If I say “Lemons” what would you say? >> “I, too, enjoy smutty fanfiction.” Hot tea or iced tea? >> Hot, weather permitting. You are at Starbucks, what are you about to order? >> Probably a sandwich. I don’t really like Starbucks drinks. Who is the most beautiful person you know? >> --- Does pepper make you sneeze? >> Sure, if it gets into my nose. Do you miss anyone right now? >> No. Is there something blue within 10 feet of you? >> Yeah, a pot of Vaseline Lip Therapy near me has a blue and white label. What colour is your bedroom painted? Do you want to re-paint it? >> Beige or whatever. It’s an apartment, so I can’t paint it anyway. What is in your pocket? >> Nothing. Arent you excited for the new Alice In Wonderland film to come out in 2010? >> I didn’t pay it any attention. Hottest actor in your opinion? >> --- You are making a film about your life. Who is starring as you? >> I don’t know. Current song you are playing: >> None. What was the last thing you put into your mouth? >> I don’t remember.  Where will you be within the next hour? >> Here, probably. Don’t know what I’ll be doing yet. Ever wanted to tell someone something, but couldnt? >> Sure. Name 5 things you look for in a relationship: >> --- What size is your shirt? >> Small, I think. Is anyone getting on your nerves right now? >> No. Who was the last person you held hands with? >> Can Calah. What did you eat for dinner? >> I haven’t had dinner yet. What time is it currently? >> 3.57p EST. Do you know how to use chopsticks? >> Yeah. When was the last time you went to the dentist? >> I don’t remember. If an ex said they hate you, what would you say? >> I wouldn’t say anything. I’d be pretty confused at why they’re telling me, though. That’s their cross to bear, not mine. Can you honestly say you would die for someone? >> No. One wish: >> --- 
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remedial-wit · 7 years
Yaaay! thank you so much to @jessthebooklover  for tagging me! i feel honoured and loved so thank much fren :D
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 10 people.
1. Drink: milk from my cereal 2. Phone call: my mum 3. Text message: the Group Chat 4. Song you listened to: probably a taylor swift song several days ago idk 5. Time you cried: several weeks ago
6. Dated someone twice: nope 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. Been cheated on: nope 9. Lost someone special: yes (but they ain’t dead. theyre just gone) 10. Been depressed:  yupppppppp 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
12-14: Yellow, gold, silver
15. Made new friends: not really 16. Fallen out of love: no 17. Laughed until you cried: oh yeah, definitely 18. Found out someone was talking about you: nope unless you count parents 19. Met someone who changed you: nae 20. Found out who your friends are: yep 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: no (i don’t have fb so *shrug emoji*)
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all/zero -- see above 23. Do you have any pets: no but i used to have two guinea pigs
24. Do you want to change your name: nahh
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: went ice skating, had dinner at a restaurant, sleepover, watched trashy rom coms, ate food, cah, etc. all that good stuff
26. What time did you wake up: Today? 12:45 approx. usually? if it’s a school day then 7:40, if it’s the weekends then 11:00 ish
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: catching up on agents of shield
28. Name something you can’t wait for: leaving home for uni.
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: last night before bed.
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I can’t decide between m anxiety or depression so can i pls have superpowers. but a cool one. like flying or shapeshifting.
31. What are you listening right now: nada 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: Yes. yes i have
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: ignorance
34. Most visited Website: Ao3 duhhhhhhhhhhhh
35. Mole/s: yep 36. Mark/s: i don’t think so??? 37. Childhood dream: many things, a patissier, a mermaid, an actress, a paramedic, a surgeon, an artist 
38. Hair Colour: black 39. Long or short hair:  long
40. Do you have a crush on someone: yep ;)
41. What do you like about yourself: my hair and i can be helpful when asked, 42. Piercings: ear lobes 43. Blood type: idk tbh. 
44. Nickname: Beth beth, bumble, methany 
45. Relationship status: on my own... pretending she’s beside meeeeeeeee! ya im single. 46. Zodiac: Aquarius 47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV Show: Agents of shield, supergirl, fairy tail, agent carter, daredevil 49. Tattoos: no, but I want one 50. Right or left hand: right but i was born a leftie but my mum trained me to be right handed. it’s weird. 51. Surgery: nope 52. Hair dyed in different color: not yet but blue pls 53. Sport: highland dancing, cricket, eating 55. Vacation: Everywhere but mostly Japan and New York. 56. Pair of trainers: nike? idk what this is asking me tbh
57. Eating Currently: nothing but i just ate curly fries 58. Drinking currently: nothing
59. I’m about to: read fanfics. this will always be my answer
61. Waiting for: death 62. Want to: die but also live idk it’s confusing. 63. Get married: no thnks m8 64. Career: Something sciencey or artistic
65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes 67. Shorter or taller: It doesn’t matter but as i am short i say short. 68. Older or younger: same age as me i guess 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: both. both is good. but everyone has nice stomach and arms
71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive 72. Hook up or relationship: both pls. anything. im desparate.  73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Both i’d like to think
74. Kissed a stranger: nope, never been drunk enough 75. Drank hard liquor: nope. i’ve ha rose and cider and a teaspoon of brandy and thats it. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Nope
77. Turned someone down: nope :C 78. Sex in the first date: never had a date so no 79. Broken someone’s heart: Nah
80. Had your heart broken: Not romantically 81. Been arrested: Not yet ;>
82. Cried when someone died: YES. everytime.
83. Fallen for a friend: ... yes... shh
84. Yourself: not really. like i believe i exist(because i thonk therefore i am)but on a deeper level no. 85. Miracles: yeah 86. Love at first sight: no. that doesn’t really exist... like it ain’t love honey, just attraction 87. Santa Clause: i actually dk. lol 88. Kiss in the first date: Yes sure depending on how much i like them 89. Angels: Yes
90. Current best friends’ names: My sister: felicity, and also Anna, milli, rowan, florence, charlotte, rae 91. Eyecolor: dark brown, almost black 92. Favorite movie: Cap 2: the winter soldier, but also the perks of being a wall flower..
OkAY: so. I’m tagging @deafeningtimetravelgalaxy @yeahbutdoctorwhat @hellopurpletiger @sealands @lenacorp @mellowbutdramatic @jemmasimmouns @xcandyslice @unstrayght @with-a-hint-of-pesto-aioli
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