#what a fool i wassss
andilovetowrite · 3 years
Party Favors P.P
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: When trying to convince Peter to go to a party with you, a few secrets are revealed about a certain web-slinger’s crush, with your dad hanging onto every word. Total fluff here, guys!
Using the prompt: “come on, I can’t go to the party alone!”
Warnings: Nothing terrible, a swear word or two, I think. Just a lot of Flustered!Peter….. Oh, and Liz Allen being a prominent wing woman. Some suggestiveness as well. Sprinkles of angst but ends in fluff
Posted: April 30, 2021
Word Count: 3.2k
Here is my Masterlist in case you wanna read some more work of mine. Also, my requests are open :)
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“Pleaseee”, you pleaded, begging your best friend, “pretty please?” Peter Parker, the neighbour hood’s protector, Spiderman, an Avenger and your best friend stood in the middle of the room, arms crossed while he indignantly shook his head.
“Nope. Now way Y/N”
“C’mon, Pete. Just one time? Please, please, please?”
Peter sighed, raising his chocolate brown eyes to meet your Y/E/C eyes. “Is it necessary? Like life and death?”
“Yes! It is! Well, it saves lives and prevents death. And I need your help with this.”
Peter pursed his lips, looking a whole lot like a family member of yours you recently spoke to. “What’s in it for me?”
“Well, for starters, payback… Like the time I had to tell the press that ‘intern’ Peter Parker was doing a brilliant job working for my dad.”
“Yeah, I guess. But could you blame me? Y/N Stark saying to the world that I do a great job working as an intern was a sure way to make Flash shut up.”
“Ah, I get it. You’re just using me for my name!” you said, clasping a hand to your chest, faking hurt. Pretending to wipe off a tear, you whispered sorrowfully, “Another one bites the dust…”
“Uh-huh. And we are sure the amazing Y/N Stark didn’t have fun winding up Flash the next day at school when you strolled in and gave me an Intern Of The Month award in front of him?”
You laughed, remembering the moment fondly. “That was one of your better plans…”
Then you snapped out of your memories, smiling slightly. “Nuh-uh. You don’t get to make me reminisce about cute stories and get out of this deal. It’s happening.”, you said, gesturing to the two of you.
Peter groaned, falling back on your chair. “Dang it. I thought that would distract you for a while. But seriously? Do you want me to get killed?”
You rolled your eyes playfully, walking over to him. “Nobody is going to kill you! The party is at Liz’s house, and you’re Spiderman! Nobody can kill you.” For some reason, Peter face flushed pink when you mentioned Liz’s name.
But then he retorted. “Well, I’m not worried about our classmates. Or my enemies. I’m worried about… Mr Stark.” Peter said this almost worriedly, looking around, eyes locking onto his suit, which he grabbed, throwing it up into his attic.
Doubling over in laughter at his expression, you shakily walked over to your bed, jumping on it. “Why- why would you be afraid of my dad?!”
“Well, he specifically said you aren’t allowed to go to parties, but you want me to go with you to one of the biggest parties of the year.”
“Okay, well… that’s the reason you are coming with me. My dad said, and I quote. If one, just one, smart person attends that party, then you are allowed to go. And that’s where you come in. You are the ‘smart person!”
Peter chuckled, scratching the back of his neck, obviously relieved. “Uh, I don’t think that’s what he meant.”
“Oh, I know. But we are Starks. We never mean what we say.”, you say, backhandedly. “So, are you in?”
“Y/N, you know I love you, but…”
“Peter. I’m so sorry I have to do this, but… I’m going to have to use the best friend card.”
Peter gasped, looking at you in shock. “No, you didn’t.”
“Well, come on, I can’t go to the party alone!” you exclaim, jumping on the bed.
“Why can’t you go alone?”
“Why don’t you like parties?” you shoot back, turning to look at him, admiring the small clusters of freckles that adorn his face.
“I-I like parties. Just not Liz Allen’s parties.”
“Oh really?” you say, propping yourself up on your elbows, “that’s not what I heard when you and Ned went to her party in Freshmen year.”
“That… was different.”
Smiling victoriously, you let out a giggle. “Sure it wassss” He turned bright red again, turning away from you. You felt a pang in your heart, wondering why he was acting strange. “Wait, Peter, do you still like her?” You asked this, feeling your stomach sink down.
He flipped around so quickly; you. were sure he could’ve broken something. “No, NO, not at all.”
You squinted, trying to figure out what was wrong, but gave it up, vowing to figure it out later. “Alright, so will you come with me to the party?”
Peter looked at me, breaking into a grin. “Of course, I shall accompany you to the party, m’lady.”
“Well, thank you so much, my good man.”, you said in a horrible British accent. He smiled at me, his eyes crinkling as he glowed in the evening light. And as the two of you laughed, falling back into the bed, you wondered if you should tell Peter that you liked him.
Soon, the day of the party arrived, and you honestly couldn’t wait for it. You bought a short dark blue dress, pairing it with some golden accessories and a pair of sneakers. Slipping them on, you headed into the driveway, making sure no one was around before activating your suit, flying off the ground and to Peter’s house. As you arrived, you knocked on the door, shifting from side to side, worried if you had worn too much for a casual party, but you were pleasantly surprised to see Peter dressed up nicely, dark blue jeans and a white shirt, a comfy sweater hanging off his shoulders.
“Woah,” Peter said, looking at you with adoration in his eyes, “you look amazing Y/N!”
You blushed, looking down. “Thanks, Pete, you look great as well.” Peter became red at your comment, not saying anything but holding his arm out to you instead. Looping your elbow through his, you went down to the car where May was going to take you to Liz’s house.
Arriving there, the music was blaring loud, the clinks of glass bottles in the air, while about 50 students and friends stood around the vast house, chatting and drinking.
“Hey guys!” Liz greeted, smiling warmly at us. “Come on in. We have drinks and snacks at the pool, DJ in the living room and a game of truth or dare upstairs.”
“Let’s do truth or dare”, you said, looking at Peter to see if it was alright. He nodded, letting Liz lead the way. Walking upstairs, we came into a guest bedroom, where about ten,eople were sitting in a circle, looking totally wasted.
“Is there alcohol?”, you asked, worried.
Liz laughed. “No no, they just all gotta act drunk. Gave them the dare.”
“Ah alright.” Peter said, glancing at me. Going over, you sat down, seated between Flash and Peter.
“Heyy Penis Parker. Hey there Stark.” He said, spitting out Peter’s fun nickname, but said yours flirtatiously. Almost glaring at him, you muttered back.
“Hello, Flash. What horrible thing are you doing on this evening?”
“Oh, nothing much. Just wondering why you walked in with Penis Parker here and not someone who can actually handle you. And your wealth and fame.”
Scoffing, you turn towards Peter, whose face is almost red with fury. You could see him clenching his fists, which he rarely does. You knew he was minutes away from punching Flash, but you didn’t want to make a whole scene, so you did something you never would have thought to do.
You grabbed Peter’s hand and kissed the back of it, leaning into him. You felt him tense behind you, breathing heavily. “Well Flash, who else would I come with if not the guy I have a crush on? Only seems fair rather than someone who makes a fool out of your best friend.”
Flash’s eyes went wide, looking between Peter and you, but then he cackled. Yeah, you said cackled. It’s what it sounds like. He doubled over, hitting his knee. “No way. I love this. Y/N Stark making Peter Parker, an intern of her multi-billion dollar father, and pretending to date him! There is no way in hell Penis Parker could get someone like you.” Flash said this maliciously, glaring at Peter.
You felt Peter lose his crip on you, taking in a sharp intake of air. “He’s right”, Peter whispered softly into your ear, his voice shaky and choked.
“Peter no!”, but it was too late. He stood up, walking out of the room at lightning speed. You glared at Flash but didn’t wait around, instead of running to find Peter. You ran to the stairs, where you saw him ask MJ where Liz was. Confused why he might want to talk to Liz, you walked down the stairs, staying out of his sights for the moment. You followed him as he walked into Liz’s room, leaving the door ajar. Tiptoeing to stand outside the room, you leaned against the wall, trying to make out what Peter was saying to Liz.
Peter’s POV
I ran down the stairs, quickly asking MJ where Liz was. I could hear someone’s heartbeat loud and clear, but I just assumed that it was my own. Ugh, I hate Flash. But it’s not like he was wrong. Y/N wouldn’t ever like me. She was just being a good friend by sticking up for me to a guy I should’ve beaten up long ago. I could feel my teeth grit together as I walked to Liz’s bedroom, knocking.
“Hey Peter, what’s wrong?”
I wiped my eyes on the back of my hand. Explaining to her what happened, she sat me down on the bed, rubbing my back. I could see the fury in her eyes when I told her about Flash.
“I have half a mind to go out and kick him out of my house.”
“It’s fine. But how do I tell her?”
Liz thought for a moment, and then lowered her voice down a bit, quickly glancing over to the door. Scruching my eyebrows, I wondered why she was now whispering but went along with it.
“Why don’t you pretend I’m Y/N. Tell her how you feel. Trust me, she will say yes.”
“Uh okay”, I said, not having too much of a problem, since I had this infront of the mirror dozens of times. “Hey-y. I just wanted to tell you something. I really really like you!”
“Louder”, Liz said, looking at me then at the door.
“Um, I really like you. Well, not just like. I literally love you. I love the way that you are sweet and charming, but also hard and firm. You look like a goddess, whether you are working out or going out in the city. Whenever you come over next to me, my senses go crazy because I am just so in love with you. I know you probably don’t think of me this way, but I had to get it off my chest.”
I finished rambling, when I saw Liz’s wide eyes. “Why? Was that too much?” I was worried, standing up quick.
Liz saw my expression, shaking her head hard. “No no, you’re good. But you gotta come with me right now. I-um know a way to get you and Y/N to like each other by the end of today”
Grabbing my hand, she pulled me up, pulling me quickly through the crowd, into a small closet at the end of the hall. “Okay, wait here”, she said, running off. I stood there, bouncing from side to side, wondering what Liz was doing. But I got my answer quite quickly when she ran back, basically pulling Y/N. “Come here!”, she said, pushing her to me.
“Okay, guys. I hope you two don’t hate me but this has to be done”, was all Liz said before she threw open the door behind us, pushing us both in with shocking strength and closing us in darkness. I reached to open the door but found it locked.
Peter looked at the door, then glanced back at me. “It’s locked”, he said simply, scratching his neck, something he did when he was nervous.
“No shit sherlock. But did you forget, you are Spiderman? Just break it.”
He shook his head, mumbling something about not wanting to break Liz’s stuff. You rolled your eyes, sighing. You rummaged through your pocket, finding a small hairpin. Pushing him aside, you jammed it in, nudging it around until you heard a little click.
“There, it’s now open”, you said sarcastically, leaning back.
“Woah, I’ve never seen you do that!”
“Yeah, well, I don’t usually break open locks, do I?”
Peter picked up on your attitude, leaning back as well, sitting on the floor, making me look at him expectantly.
“Why don’t you just go back to your girlfriend?” you said bitterly, turning away from Peter. He scrunched his eyebrows, confused.
“What girlfriend?” he asked, trying to make space in the small closet.
“Liz. I heard you telling her how much you loved her earlier. An entire freaking speech if I remember correctly.”
He looked confused until his eyes lit up in recognition. “Wait-you thought, what- me and Liz, huh?”
“Yeah, aren’t you and Liz together? Or did she turn you down?”
Peter chuckled, eyes softening as he looked at me. “I don’t love Liz. I don’t even like her. What you heard earlier was Liz helping me out. Practising if you might.”
“Who was Liz pretending to be?”, you asked, disappointed.
“Well, she is smart, kind, badass and absolutely ethereal. She has such a strong spirit and is great at bringing people up. I have loved her for three years. Which, ironically, is how much time we have been best friends. By the way, her dad’s also Tony Stark”, Peter says this, coming closer to you, one hand coming up to hold your cheek gingerly. Searching in your eyes for confirmation, he leaned closer slowly, giving you enough time if you wanted to move away, but you didn’t, instead of moving up the last few inches and making your lips collide with his.
Time stopped as you pressed your lips together, hand finding its way to his curls, roughly holding on to them, while Peter held your waist, not wanting to let you go. You could’ve kissed Peter forever, but the need for oxygen became too much.
Pulling away from Peter, you rested your forehead on his, smiling contently. “I love you”, Peter whispered, cupping your face lightly, holding you at arm’s length.
Giving a small laugh at his nervousness, you kissed him softly, feeling him relax against you. “I love you too, Peter Parker.”
Peter grinned back at me with his signature smile, but the moment ended when we heard a loud bang from outside. “What the hell?” you exclaimed, running to the door; Peter following your footsteps. You could see Peter from the corner of your eye pull his shirt back slightly, revealing a pair of web-shooters he had underneath. Pushing a hand inside your pocket, you could feel the silver ring you carried with you. Slipping it on, you held your thumb over it, waiting for the moment to activate your suit. But when you and Peter burst outside, hands up to fight, you saw your dad, pacing the area, right now talking to a very scared looking Flash.
“Where is my daughter? You have one minute until I blast you off the face of this planet. And trust me when I say it, because bitch please, I’ve been to space.”
Covering your mouth with your hand to stifle your laughter, you walked closer, coming up behind your dad. “I think I might know where your daughter is”, you say in a solemn voice.
Tony whirled around quickly, looking you up and down. Pulling me into a hug for a second, he let go as soon as he did, holding you at arm’s length. “Why the heck are you at this party?!” he asked firmly.
“Well, dear father, you did say that at least one smart person had to be at this party, and that’s why,” you moved out of your dad’s grip, pushing Peter forward, “he is here.”
Peter came forward awkwardly, waving at Tony. “Hey, Mr Stark. How are you and Ms Potts?”
Tony nodded at Peter, clasping his hand on his shoulder. “We’re fine, Underoos. How are you and my daughter? You didn’t try anything with her, did you?”
Peter spluttered, mumbling at your dad. “N-n,o of course not Mr Stark. I-I respect and lo-love your daughter very much. We just kissed for a bit- and I mean, it felt terrific- wait, that’s not why I’m with her. I’m not wi-with her for her beauty. I mean-she i-is beautiful, but I don’t want that. Wait-uh-”
Giggling at what Peter was saying, you threaded your fingers through his own, squeezing them to give him some strength and to tell him to shut up before he said anything else. Tony sighed, giving an ‘I’m too old for this shit’ face.
“Okay, thank you for telling me about your love life, kiddo, but I’d rather not hear it. Both of you, meet me in the car. We can stay at the compound today, and I’ll tell Happy to text May.”
Tony turned around, walking to the car, while you and Peter stood there in shock. “Do you think he’ll let us sleep in the same room?” you asked Peter, nudging him playfully.
“NO”, your dad shouted from across the street, turning to look back at Peter, doing the ‘I’m watching you’ sign. Peter visibly gulped from beside you, making you chuckle.
“Hey! Peter, Y/N!” Liz called out, running from inside the house. “I saw your dad. Are you heading home?”
Nodding defeatedly, you confirmed it. She smiled lightly before telling us to wait here, running back in. In a minute, she ran back out, a small bag in each hand. “Here, a small return gift.”
“Aw, thanks, Liz!” Peter said, smiling at her.
She smirked. “You’ll like it even better when you find out what I put in yours, Peter. For a fact, both of you can use it.” She winked at us, making me worried.
“Wait, you what did you-”
“Face masks. Get your mind out of the gutter Y/N”, Liz said, laughing. Peter scoffed from beside me, laughing as well.
“Anyway, gotta go, Liz. See you at school.” Hugging the girl goodbye, you and Peter made your way to the car.
“That was nice of Liz”, Peter commented, looking up at the stars.
“Yeah, but I got my party favour”, you said simply, putting your hand in Peter’s, pulling him down to give him one sweet kiss under the night sky.
“HEY HEY HEY, NO KISSING INFRONT OF ME!” Tony yelled from the car.
“Wait, how did Mr Stark know we're together?”
“YOUR SUIT OBVIOUSLY!”, Tony yelled, getting the car upfront.
Peter groaned, banging his head against the window. “I knew it!”
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for reading this, guys! Hope you enjoyed this small fic. I loved writing it, plus it’s one of my longest ones, so expect more one-shots like this. See you till the next one!
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the-daily-platypus · 7 years
5, 26, and 38 for the talk about asks!
5: “Talk about the best birthday you've had.”
The best birthday I had wassss, well I actually can’t remember many birthdays past the last 5 years or so and they’ve all made me salty af. My bday is April 28 so every year it’s the last week before finals week and I’m finishing up papers, lab reports, taking tests etc and then studying for finals so I tend to forget. In HS it was the same story. but tornadoes kept kinda rekt my home town that time of year. So I guess this past bday since my friend Skye made me a lasagna that had like 5 pounds of cheese and like a 6 pound apple cobbler. Then the next day I got to go to see one of my favorite childhood bands wit some of my bottom bitches.
26: “Talk about things you do when you're sick.“
I usually chug like 1.5 gallons of orange juice, take some cold meds and push back all my work with the excuse that I feel like garbage and play a lot of video games with my online crew. 
38: “Talk about songs that remind you of certain people.”
I always think of my friend Nicole when I hear ANY Beatles song because she went through this research mania phase when she found them.
When I hear Welcome to the Jungle I think of Nicole’s boyfriend, AJ, because he sang that with his entire soul the first time we hung out so that was my first impression of him!
When I hear Shake it Off I think of my ex because once we were on the way back from something (or maybe to?) and she made a big deal about not liking Taylor Swift usually, but she really liked her new stuff so she wouldn’t tarnish her hip taste in music or something equally inbred.
Any Kongos song reminds me of my friend Matt because he and I saw them live and we got really into them together.When I hear Australia by The Shins or Nadine by Fool’s Gold I think of my girlfriend because every time I ask her what her favorite song is she says one of those and then switches it to the other like 2 hours later, but I’m pretty sure it’s Nadine.
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Before the Long Departure
Well so much for getting a quick fight with Masou, It seems that Eira had a limited amount of time before she had to leave meaning that it was either now or a significant time of suspenseful waiting later to figure out exactly what was the deal between her and Masou. The main issue with figuring this out though was how should she go about getting the answer? On one hand she thought maybe she could just ease a conversation over to the climactic question of, ‘HEY, SO, WE KISSED DOES THAT MEAN WE’RE MORE THAN FRIENDS NOW?’ but at the same time the other hand reminded her of his past statement on love. If it really was for fools though, what would that mean he thought he was getting away with trying toy with her?
This thought brought Eira to a standstill and only briefly sent a wave of cold emotions through her, but it was quickly shaken off with her doubt that he would ever wrong her like that with all the kind words he’s shared with her in more recent events. This brought about her second issue though, where was Masou? What was his room number? Was he perhaps in a fight? Maybe he was-
“HH-AAH!” A cry out from the Gardekiss as she seemed to have tripped over something. Fortunately nothing was hurt for she managed to get her hands out beneath her just in time to catch herself and quickly got back up to her feet. After a brief pat down, she looked ahead to see what it was that caught her off guard like that and swiftly apologize before there could be any trouble but sure enough it was-
“OH!..Masou? Ahahah, I’m sorry, I didn’t see your tail there and uh..I guess I must have not been really paying attention in the first place…Heheh…Hi~”
Masou couldn’t help but flinch at feeling a sudden firm bump hit his tail, causing him to swiftly recoil it back as well as whirl over and see who the offender was. At first his shoulders were tensed up and his scowl formed behind his high mouth-covering collar, about to lash out at the clumsy one. However, upon seeing it was the golden angel Eira who had been the one, the Scrafty slowly eased himself from being all tense to looking more relieved, albeit... awkward.
Knowing this is EIRA of all Pokemon that tripped over him, it was coincidental considering he was wrestling with some thoughts of his own about the gal lately. The two of them never did get a chance to slip a fight in like they’d promised, so he wasn’t sure if it was due to him not speaking up, if it had slipped their minds just s equally, or if Eira had lost interest altogether. Moreover, after some... developments back in winter, Masou had been wondering how the Gardekiss was doing as is, which is rare for him to consider with... well, anyone, really. So this seemed all too perfect, for both convenience and awkwardness’ sake.
He wasn’t going to let this keep him down though... she was here, and seemed to be in a good mood all things considered. That much was good, thus urging Masou to take a step forward to inspect the lovely girl.
“... Eira,” he started with a hiss, “... it’sss been a while, hasssn’t it. Don’t... er, forget about the tail, there’ssss no harm done.” The fiery reptile shifted his collar, looking left and right before looking up at Eira in her gaze.
“... I’ve... been meaning to look for you lately, but erm... you sssseemed to have something on your mind first seeing as you tripped, so...” a soft huff of smoke blew from his nostrils...
“... Wassss there something you wanted to talk about? ... also, are you alright? I know you didn’t hit the ground, but... may as well asssk.”
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what’s your copy pasta policy here
just gonna leave one of my early morning depression acid-fueled rantings so maybe I can read back on it with a clear head and be like “damn depression a bitch all this aint that big a deal.” this wassss jan 17th?
we’re fundamentaly at odds
he has to grow the companyt o meet his grandiose lifestyle he doesn’t even enjoy
I just want a damn single shop for a minimal lifestyle and income
think about how he treats bob and then turns around and treats us
if he showed his famiyl an ounce of the patient, reverence and respect he shows for bob
maybe he expects to get treated the way he treats bob, and maybe he expects me to treat others the way he treats me in that way? he bows down and worships bob, giving him oh so much patience because he gave us material help, so dad should be treated like a god too for giving us material help?
he can’t fool me with that bullshit “ youll never make it at a real job” shit anymore, he never even paid me as much as scumbag erin, fuck I never even broke $20, but I coul damn sure bounce around contruction jobs like any of those other jerks. and yeah, how the FUCK is it suppose to make me feel when he tells me all his employees are such garbage but I’m not even up to their wage standards lmao
he’s putting mom on us by giving her everything she can’t afford
if’s unfair to all of us how far he chooses to stretch us thin and stack the plate high if we’re also expected to work for him which also means manage his affairs because the function of the son seems to be all sorts of implicated obligations. god damn social rules are heavy.
if we reduced our possessions, including private proeprty, and honed in on one profession, maybe we’d all unwind a bit
sell the company at the one year mark
we talked about that
start the countdown
to methadone and dispensary freedom
freedom from both dispensaries
lol go figure two drug dispensaries are holding me back all the same as me dispensing the drug myself, just less dangerous! /cat sarcasm. been watching red dwarf mate. which reminds me of when lister mentioned “I could have had the company job and a parking spot and become a class traitor but I CHOSE not to”
what do my principles mean to me?
would changing the fundamentals of who I am to keep running in the rat race be considered a rebellion of sorts or am I bullshitting myself
I can’t judge people based on the value of their production for the rest of my life like I’ve been judged all mine
I can’t keep justifying shit like surveillance because muh propertuh
which would I regret more, turning this away or turning away the opportunity to turn it away earlier?
it is still true when I left everything I fought to get done suddenly finally got done, but not by my decree, but by his own judgement when he saw himself because turns out JUST AS HE ACCUSES ME OF ALWAS ARGUING EVERY POINT BACK TO HIM
>> when we were in the middle of the price battle when I wanted it lowered is when I exploded about the social media. the price is now lowered, but surely not by my decree.
…..if bob wasn’t in the picture, would my dads standards have been the same?
or is it all my reputation of being a druggie piece of shit not worthy of life because I choose to fucking “get drunk” by my own means so I’m looked upon as an evil sack of shit bringing darkness into everyones fucking life by bringing a few FUCKING HOURS of light into mine I’m FUCKING TRAPPED.
we cant do everything
focus on teh grow
this stretching us so fucking thin occupies way too much of my mind
all I wanted was tuition/worry free education
I take some acid, all this shit that would normally just bother me on a subconscious level bubbles up tot he surface, and it’s so fucking much to deal with that my “wipe the drive” type solution always falls to total uprooting
kats cousin beats up her grandma, she has to call in, but that reason is none of our business, so she gives an excuse instead (surely dad’s response would be “well anyone with half a brain would say “family emergency” as though it would truly make a difference as to their value as an employee in his eyes). consequently, the next excuse she gives she is fired, which could mean the next time, out of her control, some crazy family shit goes down
andrew is in the same spot
I can’t be the one reponsible for the fate of these people’s lives. or at least part responsible, I’m no fooling myself with that “volunteerism” libertarian bullshit as though we’re all in total control of our destinies and it’s not all a cooperative enveavor with a bunch of veneer of “individualism”
…I’m reading over my blog before I post this here. Noted my reputation as being “the bosses son” to employees or “the son of a business owner” to friends, does my dad similarly feel trapped in “father of useless employee” and “father of son that doesn’t want “OH GOD NO why the FUCK would I loop back around to the whole reason I stop myself from auitting in the first place? I always tell him and me I can’t quit because then I’ll be known as the son that can’t work with his dad… but looking at his turnover rate with partners and employees, would that be assumed before the assumption he drove me off instead? afterall, I think I was always the lowest paid plumber at progressive. and when I cut my hours at the dispensary, they cut my pay. message heard. wouldn’t matter, that guilt would hang with me all the goddamn same.
capitalism turns all that’s solid into dust or something right? exhibit A: never being able to take root in my life. not when I was a kid, not now as an adult
if we sell our weed to the right dispensary, we wont be able to keep up with demand. otherwise, we have to work to even be that dispensary, keeping our weed in the dark in the meantime
(next day, more sober)
listen, the evidence of the weight of the expectations on me that everyone denies is that the longer the gap between conversation, the less he can hold back asking about everything that I am assured I shouldn’t be worrying about, in the typical condescending demeaning fashion he is unconscious of.
I’m planning things. it feels good. lemme finish my irl journal entry
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ferallymine · 5 years
End of an Era
A/N:: How did Aria survive from Oblivion’s timeline to Skyrim’s? She became a vampire. How exactly did Aria become a vampire? Well that’s what this explains <3
2 years. It had already been 2 years since the incident with Bellamont. 2 years since Aria officially became the Listener. 
2 years since Lucien had cleaned up the Cheydinhal Sanctuary and began recruitment. He left Aria to find a new place for the two of them to stay. Somewhere away from the high paces of the cities. 
2 years since the Breton settled on another abandoned fort- similar to Farragut, but farther away. Lost to the endlessness of the deep woods. 
And now here they sit, a fort turned into a home, surrounded by silence and Brotherhood duties.
Aria was writing at her desk when Lucien came back in, “Dead?”
He let loose a breath, “Yes. Poisoned him. The guards all thought it was related to his age, and don’t believe he was murdered.” 
“Good.” She smiled. “I’ll have these ready to send out tomorrow morning.” 
“Anything you want to give me?” He asked, “Maybe a bit more challenging than poisoning an old fool?” 
She simply shook her head ‘No.’
He raised an eyebrow, “Why not? You know I’m fully capable of it.”
I’m scared to lose you after everything that’s happened   “I’m giving them to the recruits. They have to test their strength and wit.”
Lucien bent down and pecked her cheek, “If you say so, my dear.” He shrugged off his light chest piece, revealing the skintight undershirt underneath it, “I think I’m going to draw a bath. Care to join me?” 
“Always,” She smiled, getting up. 
The darkness of the night came over the fort while they bathed. Simply too tired to do anything else, the couple laid down in bed and succumbed to sleep. 
Only the light of the moon shone through the window. The night animals made idle chatter and howls, awakening Lucien. 
Part of him screamed to stay in bed. The other part yearned for the thrill of a contract. 
One look at the papers won’t hurt
Lucien slowly rolled himself out of bed. Aria remained deep in slumber, red hair a long, tangled mess on the pillow. 
You’re so beautiful, even when you sleep His fingers lingered on the sheets before walking over to her desk. 
A plethora of parchments were neatly stacked in different areas of the desk. 
She has them sorted by which Sanctuary they’re going to. He sifted through one pile, reading each detailed contract one by one. 
When he got to Bruma’s pile, one particular parchment caught his eye. 
Fire Wizard Igneos: 
Located in a cave underneath a large cabin in the mountains west of Bruma. 
Known to keep atronachs as guards in the cave. Likely has other thralls 
WARNING: Strong magicks. Be wary of your movements at all times 
“Fire, huh?” Lucien whispered to himself, smirking, “There’s a challenge I can handle.” 
Without another sound or goodbye, Lucien grabbed all his gear, took the contract, and slipped out into the darkness. 
Yells and loud thuds awoke Aria an hour before dawn. She instinctively shot out of bed to grab her dagger, right as a loud crash sounded downstairs. 
A swarm of footsteps made it hard for her to tell how many intruders there were. Aria readied herself- a dagger in one hand and ice magicka in the other. 
When the door to the bedroom began rattling against whomever was on the other side, Aria stomped her foot. Ice shot out, sliding underneath the door and spiking once it was on the other side. 
Cries of pain amounted, but what Aria didn’t expect was the invasion from the windows. 
Multiple bodies from both sides of her crashed through the windows. Fear fueled her reaction. Ice spikes formed and spiraled in an array of directions from her body.  
One intruder dodged every spike, coming within combat range. Aria swiped her dagger across their chest, sending blood spraying out. A final stab through the heart turned the attacker into ash.
They’re vampires Aria’s thoughts began to panic. 
The door broke down, distracting her for just a second, giving another vampire enough time to-
Aria screamed when teeth sank into her neck. 
She didn’t know when she blacked out. All she knew was that the fort was trashed and everything felt.....cold.....
Unusually cold. It was springtime and no warmth comforted her.
My child
Aria squeaked, surprised by the voice, “N-Night Mother?” 
My child, you’re the only one left
We’ve been found out. Do not worry, for I will return when the time is right. You will survive. You MUST survive. Be free, my child.
It was gone. The voice of the Night Mother. 
Aria felt dizzy, empty. I’m the only one left? What abou-
She looked around, frantic. Lucien was nowhere. Nor was his gear. 
The contracts themselves, although scattered and messy, were all still accounted for. Aria rifled through them, panic building again.
One was missing.
“Lucien no, no please don’t tell me-”
The Fire Wizard’s contract was missing. 
“LUCIEN!” She screamed.
In a hurried manner, Aria donned her light armor, cape, and cowl. She packed her weapons, gold, and a small amount of food, then set off for Bruma. 
Bruma’s city life was busy, even at night. Aria usually did her best to avoid people, but she needed information. Which was why she forced herself into the tavern near one of the gates.
“The entire half of the mountain was reduced to ash. Never seen anything like it in my life.” The tavern keeper wiped down the counter as he conversed with patrons, “The guard is up there now, evaluating the scene.”
“It’s absolutely crazy. What person could have that power?” a woman at the bar questioned before chugging down an ale.
Aria sat at the spare seat at the counter, “A mountain reduced to ash?” 
The woman finished her ale and looked at her, “I don’t like them golden eyes you got. There’s a bad hunger to them.” 
Golden? "Can’t help my eye color, miss.” Bloody Oblivion what do you mean *golden* ???
“I think they’re quite beautiful,” The keeper swooned, “Would you like a drink, m’lady?” 
“If you don’t mind, yes.” Aria put down her cowl revealing her red braid, “What’s this about the mountain? I just came in from Cheydinhal.”
A burly man beside her burped, “Sshhhhhhhoulda seen it *hic* theressss wassss a giant BOOM fireball wesht of here and thennnnnn th-th-the mountain coll-lapsed *hic* inside itshelf.” The man exaggerated with his hands. 
“You’re cheekbones are oddly defined,” The woman pointed at Aria’s face, “You could cut someone with them.” 
The keeper put a bottle of ale in front of the redhead, glaring at the other woman, “The fireball was so bizzare. Everyone’s talking about it. We don’t even know if there were any casualties because everything on that mountain is ash.” 
Aria bit her tongue, trying desperately to keep her poker face, “Well, that’s quite a bizarre thing indeed.” 
When the place got rowdy with the drunks, Aria slipped out of the tavern and ran through the west gate. 
Lucien please Lucien please Lucien I need you Lucien-
She reached the top of the hill and looked down-
Everything was ash. Just like they said. Guards and mages from the guild were searching through it and blocking the area off.
....Aria sunk to her knees, heart shattered. 
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