#what bugged me most about her old design was the color scheme
bladekindeyewear · 2 months
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HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2024-08-01 continued #2
(Previous post - current page 433)
Time to see what these Satyrs are about--
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We're drawing it out for appropriate drama here, I see.
(Whoa, Terezi's saliva is TEAL?!? Interesting. That's a fact that I will absolutely file away in my mind to remember forever for definitely no specific reason whatsoever.)
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Oh nooooo!! Don't tell me they're disappointing! (Or perhaps even a red herring, and not even successfully the race that ends up playing the game as they'd planned??) ...Let's hope it's just Pyrope's opinion...
(I highly doubt it, but imagine if Rose successfully created a race of motherfucking Squiddles to throw against Dirk in the contest.)
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TT: I heard that. GC: OH MY GOD 1 DON'T C4R3 TT: I can smell what you smell. Taste what you taste. Nothing you do is unknown to me, really.
Ewww, dammit. Stop trying to outdo Doc Scratch in creepiness, Ultimate Dork.
TT: Speaking of, if you think I'm not wise to your subtle little scheme, think again. GC: WOW K1NG, YOU 4R3 SO POW3RFUL, HOW D1D H3 T4ST3? TT: Pretty bland. GC: OH? TH3N HOW 4BOUT-
WHOA WAIT, what the heck are they talking about?!? Terezi has a scheme, and it's a "him"?? Or Dirk THINKS it's a "him"?
Hmmm... I originally thought this was a scheme about reawakening Rose to awareness or temporarily freeing him from Dirk's control to see what he'd done to her, just because that's the obvious Seer of Mind subterfuge that would have been going on here, but... Terezi's scheme possibly involves CREATING someone?
"HOW D1D H3 T4ST3"? Who?! Was "H3" being hidden in the now-empty "Terezi's weird horse shaped bug snacks" jar?
Did Dirk really bring John's cryo'd dead body here (I thought she'd brought it in the wallet, I forget, he was clearly hiding something he tried to keep Terezi from remembering when she smelled it), Terezi discovered it again, and then Terezi might be possibly using the life-creation machine or assembling robotics to make a new body for the Meat timeline's JOHN to come back??? Was the comeback to "HOW D1D H3 T4ST3" about to be "OH? TH3N HOW 4BOUT H3R" because she'd be brought back as June???? ...No, that feels too early, not something they'd be talking about so casually... is it?
It's more likely that Terezi is responsible for trying to create the Carapacian race to throw into the mix if we're going for the session that seeded all other sessions, right, something she'd have made to throw in to Rose and Dirk's 'duel' to screw with the session or give it a scale's balance? Carapacians would be extremely "bland" to Dirk, right? They're practically designed to be!
For some reason, though, Dirk potentially calling the concept of a returned John "bland" feels really on-point though... John was always a character who could be mistaken for a generic reader-projection protagonist but whose personality and talents really shined through his effects in conversation with others which made conversations where John was involved some of the most entertaining in all of Homestuck. Dirk would ALWAYS underestimate that sort of protagonist, an Heir always following the whims and Directions given to him by others, who sparks subtle change and inspiration in others not purely for his own sake but by hardly even trying and just kidding around with them or believing in them.
Let me stop with the wild baseless speculation and get to the rest of this conversation to see if it's clarified in only a couple of lines.
TT: You're wearing the more sensible outfit I alchemized for you. TT: That tastes like victory. GC: NOT B3C4US3 YOU M4D3 1T FOR M3 GC: 1 L1K3D MY OLD OUTF1T F1N3, 1 L1K3D TH3 COLORS GC: HON3STLY, 1 THOUGHT TH1S W4S 4 JOK3 GC: 3V3NTU4LLY TH3 OUTF1T P1L3 JUST K33PS G3TT1NG SM4LL3R, UNT1L F1N4LLY... GC: JOK3S OV3R
Dammit, he's put her in Lil Cal suspenders!!! Asshole.
I do notice, yet again, the red heels still much like the ones she borrowed from the Witch of Space Jade though-- which when she wore them back in original Homestuck after Game Over, signified a Witch of Heart balance that she used to force John's character back on the right track and perform her final acts of that timeline to arrange a course correction to reverse Vriska's death and save causality. Or at least, that's what I interpreted at the time-- hints at her inverse role and how she both employed it a bit to shout John back into control of his true self and to represent a final balance to achieve the heights of her Seer of Mind role with her whole-timeline-spanning retcon assistance. To ascend, one must first descend, and all that Jungian such.
TT: You looked like shit. GC: 4 TRULY BOLD ST4T3M3NT FOR SOM3ON3 CURR3NTLY DR3SS3D L1K3 4 L1TTL3 L4D W1TH 4N 4N1M3 C4P3 TT: I'm not dressed like a little lad. GC: YOU 4R3 DR3SS3D L1K3 4 L1TTL3 L4D WHO LOV3S B3RR13S 4ND CR34M BUT ST1LL F1NDS T1M3 1N H1S P4CK3D SCH3DUL3 TO SHOP 4T TH3 M4LL GC: "OHOHOHO~ HOW 1 DO LOV3 MY B3RR13S 4ND CR34M D3SU N3" GC: TH4T'S YOU, TH4T'S WH4T YOU SOUND L1K3 R1GHT NOW 1 B3T TT: How would you know what I'm wearing right now? TT: Maybe I'm posted up in a tank top and jeans. TT: That'd be pretty classic. GC: YOU W34R YOUR PR3C1OUS L1TTL3 M4ROON K4R4T3 LORDL1NG OUTF1T B4S1C4LLY 3V3RY D4Y, 1 KNOW TH1S TO B3 TRU3, 1T'S TH3 ONLY FUN TH1NG 4BOUT YOU 4NYMOR3
Terezi really tearing him down modern-weeb-mockery style for his candy-ass outfit, damn.
TT: I don't have the time to tell you how wrong you are about this, but I will. GC: 1 GU3SS T1M3 1S MOR3 YOUR BROTH3R'S TH1NG, 1SN'T 1T? GC: >:? GC: 1 WOND3R WH4T H3'S DO1NG R1GHT NOW
Does Terezi know that bringing up Dave perhaps really bothers him? Dirk definitely doesn't NOT care about Dave. He wants to get his way at almost all costs, but I don't think he wants Strider's life to be one of those costs, even though Dave is on his way here to oppose him.
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Heheheh, the way that all filled in and she sniped right back against his narrative powers was really fun. I love how she can at least MOSTLY resist his narrative powers-- possibly even more than he thinks she can, the way he believes (and we believed) he successfully directed her away from that mystery hidden on their ship way earlier. That reminds me, Terezi kept talking about this earlier as an INVESTIGATION. Is she trying to figure out what Dirk is up to? Are her creations or whatever he deemed "bland" part of her "subtle little scheme" to figure things out somehow, not just interfere with what she already knows to be true?
Also, the way Dirk uses the word "unascended" here implies the key difference is "not God-Tier", that a God-Tier Seer of Mind might have had the ability to possibly not just see further but RESIST Dirk's control even more, which would make plenty of sense. If there exists any sort of Mind aspect Quest Crypt in the new session Dirk and Rose are trying to create, perhaps ascension is a tactic she can actually take? In fact--
KARKAT is coming along too, and we still don't know if his blood caste has a lifespan issue that would cut his relationship with Dave Strider a lot shorter than they want. Could a BLOOD Quest Crypt for Karkat's use end up in this new session too? A Space crypt is obligatory as well, just about ANY session would have a Space player and Kanaya could hijack that crypt to ascend... Could the new session be an opportunity for the remaining trolls to go God-Tier, allowing the readers to finally see some magic Blood powers in action once and for all instead of the normal Knight of Blood talents latent in his personality (which have still had a major impact on the plot, to be sure)?
In Kanaya's case... that also makes it seem likely that as a seamstress and a god-tier Sylph of Space, she could MEND THE HOLE IN EXISTENCE that the Black Hole's creation punched through, cycling an emptied-out Paradox Space right back to its very creation and sealing the escapees of the Black Hole outside of Paradox Space, free from Lord English forever:
UU: it is the day whereafter the legendary octet of mUtUal progenitoriety will come together and heal a great breach in paradox space.
But enough about that for now. It looks like Terezi is leveraging the PERSONALITY part of her Seer of Mind powers potentially successfully on Dirk: Taunting and provoking and annoying him into doing what he wants her to do, and potentially switching the narrative over to show us more Dave.
T3LL M3.
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Dirk Strider you ass!!!!!
Also yeah we're STILL not gonna see what his Satyrs look like after all, not for a little while. Or if they'll end up being a red herring and not being the main participants of the session at all.
OH AND ALSO I FORGOT TO BRING UP SOMETHING IMPORTANT-- one of the creations these folks might be responsible for if this is the sort of Omega Session that creates the framework of Sburb and all other sessions might be the Denizens, too. I should keep an eye out for that potentiality.
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...and since the corpse is still in her hands, REALLY raises the chance that she's trying to revive him, that the John in her wallet is the "subtle little scheme" that Dirk is alluding to, and why she immediately responded with "how did he taste" and he responded bland. That's suddenly the most plausible explanation for all of this.
Could she be... planning on ectobiologizing... a kid with him...? No, no fucking way, she's not THAT crazy about him is she?
Also that's a banger fucking declaration of a line at the end there from Terezi against all of Dirk's narrative horseshit, I love that for her.
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John's corpse is just IN there still, isn't it? No cryo or preservation or anything, right? That's unsettling. It's been or going to have been a full year of travel and arrival here or more, right, before she can do something with it? I forget the exact timeline. Pretty in-character for the morbid Terezi to be this audibly familiar with and carry around a corpse, though.
...do God-Tier corpses not decay at all? I remember a joke about that being in ONE recent bonus HS^2 joke panel I got notified in my Patreon about and glanced at without thinking about it, showing [SPOILER]young alt!Callie-possessed Jade's corpse[/SPOILER] as if her spirit suddenly left it temporarily, though I'm trying my best not to think about what it means.
I have to go to bed early for something in the morning, we didn't get as far as I wanted but I'll take a break for now and will probably continue sometime in the next two days. Next time we'll hit the next link for Meanwhile...
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gamebunny-advance · 7 months
Kun3h0 Accessories DLC + Patch Notes v.1.0.1
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GAB accessory
Karrot-98 accessory
Updated top.
Fixed hair bug. (Hair would easily slip off model.)
Minor improvements.
(More pics and notes under the cut.)
So I finally finished up Kun3h0's accessories and fixed up her top.
So, we've got her GAB and her drill, the Karrot-98.
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GAB started out as this little dino thing that I just cut up and sculpted onto.
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The original plan was to sculpt onto the original arms after I cut off the wings, but they kept bumping into the head, so I opted to completely resculpt them.
Now they can still turn their head, but that's the only point of articulation. I really should have sanded it more, you can really see the texture still in the clay, but such as it is.
The collar isn't the most elegant thing in the world, but at least it's there~ It's also disappointing that I couldn't get the edges of her screen completely straight and even, but it is what it is.
Overall, I think it's a decent recreation of the original design, even if the purples aren't quite right.
I should take a pic of them next to my other GAB recreations so y'all can really see the difference in scale. I believe this is the smallest GAB I've made so far, and also the only one that has the big heart-shaped tail~
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Next is the Karrot-98, Kun3h0's magical drill. I don't have any "before" pictures, but it's made from another accessory that came with the doll, a little clay, and a piping tip that I had lying around + extras.
I don't have a set design for the Karrot yet, so I just kinda painted it with colors I already mixed. When Kun3h0's holding it, it does kinda get lost in the pinks of her outfit, but by itself I think it looks fine. If I come up with a better color scheme for it, then maybe I'll repaint it.
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Next, I completely re-did her top. This time, I doused all the fabric in fray-check first to keep it from pulling apart while I was sewing it together, and I completely redid the sleeves. Originally, I had painted the arm guards onto the sleeves because I didn't think of any other way to do it. This time I tried making them with craft foam to better replicate that they're supposed to be two different materials. I'd say it was mostly successful.
Since it's kind of a pain to slip the sleeve into the guards, I don't have any pics of the top without them on, but the sleeves are more form fitting, so the top looks more like a proper tracksuit without the guards on. It's a slightly better look than the original IMO, but it's still not perfect: the guards are basically like a Miku sleeve, so you can still see into them even though the only opening is supposed to be through the cuff (which are barely visible in this pic, but they can stick out for a more accurate look.)
I would show the new top next to the old one, but I kinda destroyed the old one trying to test ideas for this new one XP (in fact, the collar IS from the old one, I just ripped it off and reapplied it to this one).
Lastly, I fixed her wig a little bit.
I don't have pics of it, but I just stuck some velcro to her scalp and the inside of the wig, so now it should stop slipping off while still being removable.
I'm just against completely gluing it down because I still have a lot of yarn left from this project, so I would eventually like to make her some alternate hairstyle wigs just to use up the yarn.
Now I feel pretty confident in saying that she's actually "done." There are a few places that I could touch up with paint, but as for "making" anything else for this doll, I did everything I really wanted to do.
Admittedly, Kun3h0 is one of my most self-indulgent designs (as though everything I make isn't in some way self-indulgent), so to have a physical object which embodies so much of what I like, truly satisfies me. We'll see if I still feel that way about her a week from now, but at the moment, she is the culmination of almost every creative skill I have, and I'm very pleased with the results of that effort, more so than possibly anything else I've ever made~ <3
I may post more pics of her when I can actually dedicate some time to making a proper scene and/or backdrop. There's a lot of little details that I like that I haven't really taken pics of. I dunno if I have the courage to do it, but it'd be cool to take some pics in an actual arcade with her~
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ishhbowl · 2 years
tell me about your oc’s they sound cool :3
OKOKOK SO! i have many oc universes but the one i was talking abt is my (eventual. i will make it someday i promise) webcomic Into Orbit!! its about four teenagers in the year 2009 who’s town is getting invaded by aliens and wacky hijinks ensue :)
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^^^this is the only piece of (some of) the mcs i have on hand, there are more but im on my phone rn 😔
the one at the bottom is jaz phuong!! she/her bisexual grunge enthusiast who has dreams of owning a motorcycle, but unfortunately she is Fifteen Years Old and cannot drive one. truly a tragedy. however she makes due with wearing a motorcycle helmet roughly 60% of the time (has gotten into detention several times refusing to take it off.) she can come off as gruff and intimidating at first, however she just has autism and social anxiety and doesn’t know how to talk to people. she is the coolest one here by far tho. and also my favorite to draw. i love her <3
going clockwise, the next character is theo rivera!:3 he/him token cishet (however he is ace and gnc!! so still a win for the gays) and jaz’s reluctant friend/bestie/boyfriend depending on where you are in the story. hes a silly goofy mischievous little boy with a bad temper that he tries to keep under wraps. when he’s in a really bad mood, though, he sneaks out into the junkyard next to his house and smashes shit with his trademark Baseball Bat Never Once Used To Play Baseball (tm), which will absolutely not ever get him into trouble what are you talking about. he rides on the bike pegs he insisted jaz attach to her bike and they are so incredibly important to me do you understand
next up is shelley “shel” bloomberg, he/him worlds most cringest boy (its a feature not a bug). he’s grayromantic and gay, but he doesn’t know it yet so shhh!!!! hes a massive alien fan, local believer of every cryptid ever (he WILL show you "proof" if asked), avid xfiles watcher and scifi enjoyer. basically hes a huge nerd and we love him for it. usually he gets made fun of (*COUGH* SYLV *COUGH*) for his interests, but its lucky he knows his stuff, seeing as their town is about to get invaded by real-life actual aliens!! can most likely be found on call with his brother alex, playing his scuffed (absolutely NOT pirated he would never do such a thing stop lying) copy of the sims 2, or looking for extraterrestrial life using his handheld telescope. or just looking at space bc you know. space cool.
finally, we have sylvia mahji, she/her the most beloved of girls in the whole wide world. unlabeled sapphic who is POSSESSED BY AN ALIEN!! UH OH!!! well its really more of an unwilling symbiotic relationship but still UH OH!! dont worry her and her alien parasite become buddies (or more... hmmm.........) as time goes on. and she gets alien superpowers. hell yeah. she often ends up being mean to people in an effort to fit in, however all she really wants is friends :( her and theo used to be besties above all the resties but they started drifting apart at the beginning of the story, something to be discussed over the course of the plot. also she and shel are neighbors and have a rival relationship, like they hate each other so much for literally no reason. can you tell i like rivals to friends relationships. oH YEAH AND SHES FUCKING CRACKED AT BASKETBALL GIRL IS BALLING FR
other characters include: spacegirl!! the aforementioned alien parasite of sylv. she, although her name would make you think otherwise, is not a girl but an alien. i dont have a design settled on for her, but i do know that i want her to be humanoid, and she's got a green and pink color scheme :) when she takes control of sylv's body (because she can do that. forgot to say. eyah) sylv's eyes turn green and other eyes open up all over her body because cool :thumbsup: she came on the same spaceship the invaders coming to earth are from, but she just wants to see earth and have fun!! and maybe prevent her evil tyrant alien leader from taking over another world!! who knows!!
another important character is alex flores-bloomberg, shel's half brother, scene kid, and all around goofy guy :3 transmasc he/him, really just here to cause problems and get myspace followers. shel's father absolutely hates him and that fact is only partly because he stained his entire bathroom with hairdye. he's two years younger than the rest of the cast, a point that will be constantly used to make fun of him. i love him dearly. you get it.
uhh eyah thatsit :3 i could go on about them forever and everr so if anyone wants to know more about a specific character(s) or the plot or whatever pleasepleaseprettyplease ask!! ^_^
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tunaf1sk · 2 years
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Yet another redesign of Blyndeffswap!Lorelai, with some notes and doodles. 
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Amphibia Weekly Reviews: Spider-Sprig/Olivia and Yunaan: Look What Happens, Nightmare Time
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Hello all you happy people! I”m Jake, I review stuff and things and it’s that time of the week again. And i’m actually on time this week! 
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And good thing too as this is the big one as Sprig Fights Brad Garret! Oh and of course we finally get some huge answers in the main plot, some gold old fashioned nightmare time, and a name we’ve all be waiting for. Sadly it’s not Mr or Mrs.B’s as Jeff apparently isn’t his name. God dammit show this isn’t told from the prospective of a 6 year old and his stuffed tiger sidekick, we need parent names!  But it’s time to figure out whose been watching us this whole time and if a hero can save us, so i’m not going to stand here and wait. Join me under the cut for a full review with spoilers. 
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Spider-Sprig: Behold the Fantastic Frog Man! 
I’ll admit I was excited about this one, as I telegraphed back when I talked about the solicit for this one: I love spider-man, I love superhero episodes, and I loved the concept of Sprig taking up a superhero identity to put his natural frog ablities to use. The costume helped, clearly taking from Spidey’s own prototype outfit in the mcu, but using the blue beetle’s color scheme. 
So it's not a huge shock I liked this one. It’s an eleven minute fun romp about Sprig as a superhero fighting comedy legend Brad Garret while throwing a bunch of nods to the Rami Spider-Man movies I grew up with. No outright homages but the villians design, the sketching scene and the big bus scene all scream to me that Braly and Co were big fans of Rami’s films. This episode may not be the emotional flex the previous slice of life episodes this season has been, but it’s still a hell of a treat and a nice fluffy episode before we get to the utter nightmare waiting in the second episode this week. 
Being more of a fun side episode, this one naturally has a pretty simple setup: After a fun intro where our heroes watch a tokusatsu style superhero film about a bug man who fights for those who hate and fear them, eventually earning their acceptance because of their noblility (Basically x-men meets kamen rider... or that weird one season spider-man show if you prefer. You do you), Sprig longs for his own glory on earth like Anne got at home. Problem is things are vastly diffrent: Anne was in an isolated backswamp town, in a world pre communication and whose only goverments are a bunch of toads they fought for moral reasons anyway, and a king who left day to day managment of the smaller towns to said toad while he worked on his evil master plan, and who at most would’ve brought anne to them right away had he found out about her, as she was vital to his plans and his manipulation of marcy.  In constrast Sprig is stranded in LA, one of the biggest and most populous citeis in america, in a world where a picture can go up for everyone to see in minutes and spread like wildfire like that. Even before they had a fabulous beauru of investigation agent on their butts, it wasn’t remotely safe for them to be public with what they are. It’s undrestandable Sprig also wants to be accepted for who he is but it’s just not fesable. So far only a select group of people know and all of them found out by accident, and it was just lucky that Dr. Jan, the IT GIrls and the entire thai community of Anne’s part of LA happened to be very good people. 
Sprig isn’t satisfied though so he decides to become a superhero himself, and we get a very Sam Rami Spider-Man style costume sketching sequence before he puts together his outfit, becoming FROG MAN! Probably more of a Frog Boy but eh, Peter was 15 when he called himself spider-man, and miles is doing the same at the same age so fair enough. We also get some fun with Polly as she’s not a fan of the superhero genre, poking fun at alll the backlash superhero movies get from a section of the online community,  and we get the best exchange of the episode tha talso sums up the superhero genre in a nutshell
Polly: You can’t fix systematic problems by putting on a costume Sprig: Watch meeeeeeee
Sprig goes on patrol and spies a cranky old man in the neighborhood giving some kids a citation for having a lemonade stand. Why is it every saftey monitor in Disney history after Filmore is a power hungry dickhead? I mean it’s only been really two, Elliot and this guy, but it’s weird it happened twice. This lovely person is Robert Otto, the local saftey guy for the neighborhood who doesn’t take kindly to vigilantes. As I haven’t remotely hidden he’s voiced by Brad Garrett, a comedian I genuinely love and admire whenever he pops up despite avoding his breakout role in everybody loves raymond like it was tetnus. 
 He also proves to be a bit of a gloryhound, trying to stop a runaway bus with his face and only making it worse. Sprig thankfully pulls an aweosme webbing style stunt by wrapping his tounge into a web and using it to harmlessly bounce the bus. God damn , I didnt’ know amphibia frog tounges were that long or had that much prenhinsile strength. This naturally gets our hero the praise he deserves..and even more naturally makes Robert entirely jealous, especially when Bobby Jo, a ten year old or so from his beat, walks right by the guy to thank Sprig. 
Sprig lights it up, doing good deeds across town and even showing up on Conan before he closed up the show. Anne finds out and flips her bushy hair while sprig is getting more and more self absorbed, becoming more and more booster goldish, ironic given whose color scheme he’s borrowing. 
Robert meanwhile gets the supervillian origin story you all knew was comiing and not just because the trailer spoiled some things, stewing in a junk yard and finding the Annsterminators arm, which now it’s detached fits perfectly on robert’s arm and gives him an extending arm with lasers. Robert decides to get his revenge and puts on a trench coat and green goggles, clearly aping the Spdier-Man 2 versoin of Doc Ock.  His last name is even a nod to the good doctor, while is first is a nod to Brad’s role from that show I don’t watch. 
So the next day Spirg is basking in the attention when Robert attacks, clearly mad Raymond dosen’t call him anymore, and Sprig is excited for his first superhero battle. Said battle... is fucking awesome as all the series fights thus far has been, and perfectly gets the astetic and pacing of a good superhero fight.. while also not glossing over the colatteral our hero and his nemisis leave in their wake. We also get a fun bit where the two strike a pose with kicks and everything.. only to recoil in pain.
The two fight and wreck up the place for a while before Bobbi Jo calls BOTH out, citing how the two aren’t heroes, and are just wrecking up the place. And she has a point: Sprig COULD’VE tried talking Robert down to avoid a fight first, and then would’ve been in his rights to have the fight. While in most supervillian cases their attacking a city or something, Sprig was the sole target here and could’ve lead Robert away from civlians like most superheros would. Instead he priotized getting a cool fight over people’s saftey. And robert.. well he’s just an asshole woh felt overshadowed by an 11 year old and wasn’t disliked because Sprig showed up: he was disliked because he treated people like crap and took his job way too seriously. Robert COULD have used his new powers for good and to genuinely help people but CHOSE to attack sprig instead. 
This gets sprig to wake up and smell the cup of roasted coffee, and he apologizes to Bobby Jo and decides to fix the collateral damage, which Robert also agrees to. The two successfully fix what they broke and Sprig makes a new friend in Bobby Jo while Robert will probably make some neat new friends in jail for property damage. They can teach him how to make a shiv, how to make toilet wine and how to deal with a corrupt overcrowded system that treats him like cattle. We wrap the episode with Sprig talking to Anne who gets ready to chew him out , but Sprig’s already learned his lesson and admits he made things worse, and Anne realizes she missed a hell of a day so she lays off.. until Sprig admits he cut up her clothes to make the outfit. Oh that Sprig. 
Spider-Sprig is just pure fun: it stilll has some neat character work but it’s mostly about just having a great premise, some fun actoin and a good moral in being a hero because it’s the right thign and not for the glory. It’s a simple one but a good one for a superhero story. I also hope Sprig wears that scarf again because that scarf is dope. 
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Olivia and Yunnan: OH GOOD GOD
So from a fun, sweet little superhero pastiche to pure fucking horror. I mean ther’es SOME jokes but this is easily the darkest the series has went and keep in mind the last season ended with a child being stabbed in the gut on screen.  This episode somehow manages to TOP THAT. You can probably tell that just from the image above that this one probably need a content warning it didn’t get which is strange both because of the whole True Colors debacle.. and said debacle giving them a content warning they can already use. Maybe they didnt’ want to blanket it over the whole episode, maybe sci fi stuff gets a pass I don’t know but this one is fucking brutal. You’ve been warned. Let’s get into the nightmare time shall we?
So we open with a flashback to 5 and a half months ago: We see Marcy on crutches after falling down some stairs, getting her first good look at the world and it’s majesty. We also get some more depth to Lady Oliva’s character: as it turns out she’s from a long line of servants to the crown who have done so to protect this sacred land and it’s beauty from those who’d harm it. Marcy vows to help her do so in return. 
Naturally as you’d imagine this leads to a gutwrenching smash cut to how badly things have gone since as her ladyship looks out.. and sees things have gotten really SATAM really fast, with Andrais having strip mined the once beautiful nature of amphibia to build more factories. Seriously given Matt is a sonic fan and just how much the scenery, complete with toxic waste barrels, reminds me of SATAM, I can’t imagine this was a concidence. I can however want him to do a sonic show after the upcoming one wraps as I think he’d be awesome at it. 
Her Ladyship is naturally pretty crushed to see everything she protected her whole life, everything she worked for die for a man she greatly respected but now wholly fears. And what a coincidence Andrais has one of his frogbots ask Olivia to go see him, where she runs into Yunan. Turns out neither has talked to him since Anne disappeared, as he’s been cooped up working on his plans.. and when they find him he’s not doing great as he’s trying to convince his master NOT to use Marcy for whatever dark purpose the thing has in mind, which to them looks like he’s gone mad. 
He has some new jobs for them though: He needs Oliva to oversee the factories as they finish strip mining the planet and Yunan to capture some frogs to help run his factories. Likely while he can run them with just robot labor, it’s likely more effective to use the frogs as easy slave labor and save the robots for more conquests. He also tells them to give anyone who tries to stop them a stern talking to.. JK he wants them to die slow die fast now. 
Naturally being asked to directly oversea the anthises of everything she’s worked for her whole life after only staying this long because she had no choice is the last straw for Olivia who decides to openly defy the king. Yunan wonders if she’s really talking treason.. before whisking her away... not in the fun  way but because talking about it directly in front of his throne is kinda dumb. But Yunan agrees. She didn’t sign up for this madness or a mad king and agreees to whatever Lady has planned. Olivia figures they need an actual stratgest for this; Olivia herself is clever but clearly was outplayed by Andrias himself and knows it and Yunan is good at stabbing thigns, sneaking around and doing that thing with her tounge olivia likes, but not so much strategy. She’s an arrow, she needs someone to guide her shot. 
That someone is Marcy. Yunana isn’t enthused since 2/3 humans they’ve met are outright traitors, including Marcy but it’s clear Olvia sees the bigger picture: Marcy didn’t betray her friends out of malice, but out of pure desperation.  She’s not going ot betray them especailly because none of this trio had any idea what Andrias was really up to. He played ALL of them. And since Olivia clearly dosen’t know how to outplay them and Yunana really dosen’t, they need someone who at least has a chance of doing so. Oliva is able to get Yunan to agree by saying she can’t POSSIBLE get them into the castle depths without being scene. Her response is exactly what you’d expect
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Oliva heads deeper underground, there’s too much panic in this town, into the forbidden section of the castle we saw back in the slumber party ep. We also finally get some contexxt for the creatures down here, or at least the start of it: turns out while unsettling their all harmless, with a moss man even giving Yunana  a flower as a token of friendship> Turns out this si where the previous royaltiy used to store their interdimensional prisoners, and thus the moss men and phantoms come from other worlds. This also might explain the skipman as that might of come not from earth itself but another world with similar tech. 
Our heroes continue their descent into the creepy basement, and unknowingly get spotted by a thousand eyes watching them all through the night as they find Marcy’s pod. After yanking her out Yunan tries slapping Marcy awake, then procedes to shake her like a polaroid picture. While Oliva reconsiders having kids with Yuann she properly helps Marcy recover with some tea and a blanket. Marcy is straight up high , likely because the pod had her on a shit ton of sedatives. 
The trio try to leave.. but turns out the Watcher with a Thousand Eyes, while stuck in the wall isn’t defensless and pumps some mist into the area before taking our heroes to what appears to be outside.. and into their greatest nightmares. First up is Oliva who faces the greatest nightmare of all: parental disapproval. Specifical her own deep seated fears she’s failed her mother and her family legacy by letting Andrias strip mine things. While she has had no way to stop this till now, guilt isn’t remotely rational. The Watcher kicks it up a notch by turning her mom into a corpse tornado with nasty crooked teeth. I.. I have no jokes here this thing is legitly disturbing and well deisgn. 
Marcy starts to regain cohernce and notices that the fears being genorated are holograms. That dosen’t make it any better for Yunan though as she’s up next and encounters a grubhog! 
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While this is a joke for a second Yunan has good reason to fear the thing as she had an incident as a kid where one shoved her entire arm in it’s mouth. I’d be scared too.. and given the pattern set by Oliva’s nightmare, the grubhogs quickly turn into horrrifying monsters straight out of HR GIger’s 2nd grade notebook. 
Marcy tries to logic things out.. but ends up in her own personal hell. And unlike the other two, which revealed more about their pasts and characters, this time we know EXACTLY whose waiting for her: Anne and Sasha, who in Marcy’s nightmare won’t forgive her for what happened and the turn into a horrifiying two headed merged abomination. 
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Thankfully this unreleased nightmare on elm street sequel gets a repreive as Yunan happesn to bump into one of the projectors.. the eyes on the wall themselves. Marcy quickly advises them to take them out and our heroes face their fears by punching them in the throat. 
So with that our heroes can escape and everything is better and i’m just lying to make myself feel better because what happens next.. is easily one of the most disturbing things i’ve seen in a kids cartoon. And I grew up with the rugrats where angelica is tormented by a deep voiced nightmare of her possible future sibling, i’ve seen things. 
Andrias shows up to stop them, because as it creepily turns out the watcher didn’t tap into their brains or anything as it’s revealed Andrias had one of it’s eyes in his crown.. and it’s been watching our heroes this whole time. And if you thought that was creepy you aren’t ready as the Watcher itself descends shreiking like a  metroid boss and throughly disturbing our trio. 
We also finally find out just what the hell this thing IS and what it’s real name is: The Core. After decades of research, using the mossmen’s medical technology and some unknown one aquired from the phantom beasts, Andrias’ ancestors found a way to stop death. The Core is a hivemind, a collection of amphbia’s greatest minds working in unison for their horrifying grand design, whatever it may be. I’ll still call it the watcher with a thousand eyes sometimes both because I love that refrence and because the Core.. is kind of a weak name. It’s not TERRIBLE but for something this horrifying and powerful, for what’s clearly going to be the final boss of the entire series.. it’s pretty mundane. 
It then horrifyingly yanks marcy into a thorne it has set up, something it and Andrias have been working on. Even having been spoiled by the Season 3 trailer, serously they should NOT have included that shot... it’s still utterly horrifying as Andrias explains thing: his master needs a vessel and while he TRIED to get it to take someone else, revaling that as warped as the man is he does care about her in his own twisted way, but she was too perfect a vessel: someone smarter than even the cores greatest servant and the reason they’ve gotten this far. 
So with Yunan and Oliva looking on in horror we get the scene: marcy desperately struggling to no avail to break free as a crown slowly descends on the poor girl.. before we get some sharp constrast shots as it descends on her and she screams in pain, only blacks and reds as we watch her agony.. before a signal shot of the poor child SCREAMING as she’s engulfed in flames, soon after red ones and zeros fillign her suit. 
Oliva asks what the hell the Core’s plan is.. and Andrais says it can now tel lher itself.... as it sickingly makes some cracking nosies and smiles, saying hello and saying goodbye to marcy. 
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We end on some red text over some ominous music as even Matt wasnt’ dumb enough to put the cheery and fun season 3 end music after.. that. Good... christ. It’s an amazing sequence but just.. shit. Fucking shit. 
Olivia and Yunan is one of the season’s best thus far, an utterly horrifying episode that slowly builds up dread and shows just how bad things have gotten back home and what’s at stake should Anne and her rag tag bunch of misfits fail to stop Andrias and The Core: desolate worlds strip mined of life to keep the conquest going. And there’s no telling if there will be any amphibia LEFT even if they win. And somehow they manage to go from that to make it evne worse, taking one of the most beloved characters in the setting.. and putting us through her utterly horrifyiing possesion by an utterly creepy enemy. The reveal the watcher is a hive mind is an intresting one, somethign I can’t wait to see more of.. even with the circumstances. 
Next Time: THANK FUCK nothing as traumatizing.. I hope. Hop Pop goes to Hollywood to act and stuff and Anne may have found a way back. More plot stuff but not.. THIS. And given the descriptoin for the holiday episode.. I feel it’s only a matter of time till anne meets this new abominatoin using her friend as a meat puppet. *Shudders*. If you enjoyed this review follow me for more, and feel free to join my patreon
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moonvalecrossing · 5 years
Now that you got the Gym Leaders and such out of the way, how about one for the Elite Four members (Champions will not count since only, like, 3 of them have a specialized type)? Since only 8 out of the 14 types used have more than one E4 member, this means that Koga, Aaron, Bertha, Siebold, Olivia, and Kahili literally have no competition. :P (Also, I do know that you're not really fond of either Fire-type Elite Four, so for favorite, I guess you gotta choose the one you dislike less)
LETS GO. For types with only one elite four representative, I’m gonna talk about why I like or dislike them.
Normal Type- There isn’t one. MOVING ON.
Fighting Type- Least Favorite: Bruno is terrifying. In Generations he’s just muscles on muscles on muscles. And I saw an image of him from Lets Go games and good lord that man has demon eyes.
Fighting Type- Most Favorite: Marshal. Sure he’s the only other one but I do genuinely like his design. Even if his eyebrows are out there. He wears a mouth guard to protect his teeth! Man’s smart.
Flying Type- I like Kahili. Her design is cute. And I absolutely love how the flying type fits her as a golfer! I just wish she hadn’t come out of nowhere.
Poison Type- It’s just Koga and I’ve talked about him already. :P
Ground Type- Bertha’s the only one. I really love this sweet looking old lady. She’s totally Agatha’s twin sister or cousin and no one can convince me otherwise.
Rock Type- There’s only Olivia. While I love the idea of a strong rock type leader woman, I hate the character on a design and character basis. Sexy, barely anything wearing single woman. Not to mention all the robotic stufful in her house being popular among single women. Because IF A HOT CHICK IS SINGLE WE MUST MAKE SURE ITS KNOWN. Women are distinctly tied to a man in their life, don’t you know. And stop pointing her ass at us in the game, Game Freak. Its freaking gross. Especially considering its not just her butt pointed at us and they’ve arched her back in such a way for it to bring to mind.. things. Doesn’t help that she’s another female character who’s wearing ‘pants’ that are about as useful as boxer style panties and might as well just be that.
Bug Type- Shout out to Aaron for being unexpected on my part. Of all the types I could see in the elite four, Bug Type is not one of them. Precious bug boy.
Ghost Type- Least Favorite: (ITS ACEROLA. SHE COUNTS!) Okay fine I’ll pic someone else. We’ll go with Shauntal. For whatever reason her color scheme just does not work for me. Its too bland. I feel like a long dress would have looked nicer on her. Also that freaking.. whatever around her neck. Its supposed to look like a cat but.. why? Why though? Why not just give her a weird ass poofy neck thing with a clasp that looks like a duskull’s head or something since she’s a ghost type trainer? I mean I know the answer. They want her to be totes kawaii ghosty spooky girl. That’s why she’s got a short girlish dress instead of a cool long dress. Her being a writer’s cute though.
Ghost Type- Most Favorite: Sassy attitude grandma Agatha is best ghost trainer. I want to see her in a game again. That ISN’T a remake. YOU BETTER NOT HAVE KILLED HER OFF, GAMEFREAK. If freaking Oak gets to keep kicking, his rival better freaking get to as well. She’s in pokemon masters and that’s cool. But she looks like they have her a youth lift so she’s not TOO OLD LOOKING.
Steel Type- Least Favorite: Twig Legs Molayne. I was happy so see him in there though.
Steel Type- Most Favorite: Wikstrom is a knight. That is funny. His face reminds me of Steiner from Final Fantasy IX.
Fire Type- Least Favorite: Ronald McDonald I mean Flint. Yeah. Flint McDonald. Because I hate clowns.
Fire Type- Most Favorite: I might dislike Malva for being a member of the evil team and not getting removed from her position but I do like her design much more than basically anyone else in Team Flare.
Water Type- I love Siebold. He looks like a grumpy chef and I can picture him as the Gordon Ramsay of the pokemon world. He’s also cute.
Grass Type- There isn’t one~
Electric Type- There isn’t one here either~
Psychic Type- Least Favorite: CAITLIN. Sleepy spoiled little rich girl who went from having her butler do all her battles for her because she couldn’t control her emotions and psychic powers and then somehow becomes an ELITE FOUR MEMBER? Shit I’d accept her as a gym leader first but not basically one of the five most powerful trainers in a region. At least she seems like less of a sleepy rich bitch in Black2White2. Wouldn’t be surprised if she’s a sleepy brat in Masters again though. Also I want to cut her hair because god damn is that unnatural.
Psychic Type- Most Favorite: Lucian and Will are basically the same person in my eyes and neither of them are Caitlin, so props to both of them.
Ice Type- Least Favorite: Lorelei. Because she’s an ice queen in personality and the booby character in design. Also in Fire Red/Leaf Green she collects pokedolls because we gotta make sure to have something kawaii girly for our titty character. But it has to be a SECRET because people knowing her dark dark secret of collecting cute dolls as a smart adult calculated ice queen would probably leave her embarrassed and venerable and ugh sometimes I hate Japanese characters. ALSO, SHE GOT TIDDIES MAKE SURE YOU NOTICE HOW MASSIVE THEM THINGS ARE. Anime sure won’t let you forget it. Also put on some clothes suited to the cold. Jeez.
Ice Type- Most Favorite: I love Glacia’s design. Especially since it doesn’t look like she’s be too cold in an ice filled battle room. She has that older dignified woman thing going for her. My brain wants to give her more of a southern belle accent.
Dragon Type- Least Favorite: I’m putting Lance here only because I have to have a least favorite. I love Lance.
Dragon Type- Most Favorite: Drake looks like a crazy old man who spent years at sea hunting down that giant Dragonite Bill saw in the anime as his white whale. Hot Grandpa Energy. This is a man you respect. Those eyes are scary intimidating.
Dark Type- Least Favorite: Karen, because I have to pick someone as least favorite. I love Karen.
Dark Type- Most Favorite: Sidney is cute and has a very friendly personality that I like a lot. He totally feels like the type who’d see a little girl crying because she didn’t win the cute prize at a carnival and would win it for her. Also, unlike Grimsley, SIDNEY KNOWS HOW TO WEAR SOCKS WITH DRESS SHOES. God damnit, Grimsley what is wrong with you.
Fairy Type- There isn’t one. I hope next gen has one!
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loreweaver-universe · 5 years
Since The Wishing Chamber is 99.9% never getting made, here’s some info about the (admittedly PG-13) Pokemon fan-game I plotted out ten years ago.  Lots of details and accumulated art by (off the top of my head) Alanahikarichan, Mopomoko, Zaerosz, my younger sibling Vic, TeddyBara, and NightFlowerLuv:
--Centuries ago, a local trainer, the most powerful in the realm, decided to try to capture the most powerful legend the region told of: Rayquaza.
--All this did was piss it off.
--Eventually, unable to stop Rayquaza’s livid rampage through battling, she went with plan B: Underneath the tallest mountain in the region is an ancient chamber.  In this chamber, Jirachi makes its home.  If you make it through the crumbling ruins and survive the trip, you get one wish--but there can only be one wish at a time, and if you make a new wish, the old one gets undone.  Said trainer wishes for Rayquaza to be sealed away, then takes the key to the Wishing Chamber and carves it up into eighteen pieces, which are slowly distributed amongst what would become the region’s Gym Leaders.
--Set in a heavily forested region with a massive lake to the west, rocky mountains to the east, and snowy ruins to the far north from when Rayquaza went on that rampage.
--I’ll talk about the plot another time, since this turned into a character design post.
--There are eighteen Gym Leaders, which can largely be fought in any order; the region is laid out like a web, with the starting city in the center.  You have to beat eight gyms to reach the endgame plot, and gym leaders have nine teams depending on whether you have 0-8+ badges.
--Gym Leadership in the region is something of a line of succession; the key fragments are passed on to the person that leader most trusts to take up the mantle.
--The Water leader (and this post was inspired by seeing the Galar Water leader, so we’re starting with her) was a self-made hostess who brought herself up from waitressing all the way to being the most famous, uh...what’s the word for rich party-throwing person?  I can’t remember.  Anyways, her name was Marina, she owned an underwater ballroom at the bottom of the lake, and she wore a Milotic dress:
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--The Rock, Bug, and Grass leaders were a mother and two daughters, scientists all of them; the mother, the Rock leader, ran a preserve where revived fossil pokemon were studied in an environment replicated to the best of their ability.  She was the Gym Leader Posse’s team mom, even to the leaders that were significantly older than her:
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--The Bug and Grass leaders were sisters and rivals, out studying the biology of the pokemon in the southern jungles.  The Grass leader was the older sister, a cheerful earthy type with vine tattoos and a bandana styled after...some Berry or other, I think it was Sitrus?... whose back ties stuck up to look like leaves:
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--The Bug leader was the younger of the two, and more grumpy and pretentious.  I mean, just look at her:
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--That’ the Ice gym leader, who’s a goofy old janitor at a fancy ski resort in the north.  He’s on par with the two other strongest trainers in the region.  He  just likes things quiet.
--The other two top leaders are Dragon and Fire.  I don’t have a picture of the Dragon leader that wasn’t drawn by a really horrible former friend, and so I won’t be sharing them here, but she’s a philosopher who wanders the eastern mountain ranges--in fact, you’d have to actually track her down in order to even talk to her, let alone have your battle.
--She and the Fire leader had a bit of a free will/determinism split that twenty-year-old Loreweaver thought was quite clever, as twenty-year-old Loreweaver often did, that would play into a binary choice you had to make at the end of the game that would determine which final boss you faced and which of the pair would die saving the other from Rayquaza.  The Fire leader, who’d have been the region’s Champion if the region was structured that way, is a professional explorer who’s the leader of a large adventurer camp in the snowy ruins of the north; they keep Fire pokemon around for warmth and heating and general quality-of-life, and he finances expeditions into the centuries-old ruins to uncover the weird, warped results of the battle and the wish.  When you fight the Fire gym, he actually is the door guide, and he wanders with you through the battles, eventually taking you to a stuffy older fellow with a mustache; when you beat the older guy, he turns to the actual Fire leader in exasperation and asks him to quit pretending, and after a short exchange (which, as he was somewhat a response to the crappy Fire rep in Diamond/Pearl, includes the final lines “What were you expecting, fire puns and a red afro?  These are the big leagues, kid!  Show me what you’ve got!”) you fight the real deal.  You may recognize him as the pathological narcissist writing this post:
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--He and the Ghost leader are both descendants of that original, powerful trainer, and are based on myself and my sister Jade.  The Ghost leader, as opposed to Fire’s outgoing, adventurous, burn-myself-at-both-ends lifestyle, has secluded herself in a small cabin in the mid-east forests, because she has the ability to see and speak with departed Pokemon spirits above and beyond the ones strong enough to manifest as Ghost-types...and she’s got a cult following her because of it, who are clustered around her home and act as her “Gym”.  She’s got a ghost Pikachu following her, and she looks like this:
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--The Electric and Fairy leaders were a pair of circus performers.  The Fairy leader is a classical circus strongman, who likes to make people feel good about partnering with the pokemon they like rather than what they think others will like:
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--Meanwhile, the Electric leader was a stage magician who used his pokemon for magic tricks and was visually based on Ray Narvaez Jr, because I’m a huge fan:
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--The inside of his cape is a starfield-pattern, and I’m still really proud of that design decision.
--The Fighting gym leader runs a physical therapy center that caters to both humans and pokemon:
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--The Poison leader likewise doesn’t have any art of her that wasn’t from that awful ex-friend, but she runs a chemical processing plant in the starting town that doubles as a home for abandoned Poison-types, who help reprocess dangerous chemical waste into stuff that can be recycled and reused rather than left to gunk things up.
--The Flying leader doesn’t have any art of her at all, but she’s a late-fifties gray-haired recluse who lives in a half-mansion-half-eyrie halfway up one of the eastern mountains.  She hates people, and will make you do increasingly convoluted and pointless fetch quests for her until you get one of the other leaders you’ve beaten to come give her a talking-to.
--The Steel gym is a three-person family, a band; a twelve-year-old girl as the guitarist, the heavily-tattooed mom as the drummer, and a tall, lanky, nordic-metal dad with long blond hair and a Metagross aesthetic as the lead singer.  They also run an orphanage.  I don’t have any art of his final design, but here he is back when he was beefier:
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--The Ground leader doesn’t have any art of him, either, but he’s a Bill-Nye-esque children’s scientist who works in the swamps in the western side of the region.
--The Dark gym leader in a Chinese man, a self-made entrepreneur who finances small businesses in one of the region’s larger cities.  Part of the application process is having a battle with him; you don’t have to win, but he decides if you’re trustworthy based on your bond with your pokemon.  His color scheme is specifically based on Umbreon:
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--The Psychic leader was a college professor who used his pokemon to help figure out when his students were struggling and what they weren’t getting about the material:
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--And the Normal leader was just.  Joey.  Youngster Joey.  He moved here from Johto.  He’s a pokemon breeder now.
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libraford · 6 years
Alright. Let’s talk about the She-Ra re-design and people being Mad About Ittm
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There’s the obvious one- the demographic that thinks they’re the target audience: sweaty male nerds. 
“She looks like a boy. Oh no, my boner is compromised.”
I remember being like... six years old and getting the She-Ra VHS tapes from the library and watching them on repeat because LOOK! AN ACTION HERO THAT LOOKS LIKE ME! I had action figures. Well... they were dolls. I’m choosing to call them action figures. 
So the idea that dudes twice my age are upset that a re-boot has her being somewhat androgynous fills me with rage. 
But that’s to be expected. 
What really bugs me, and I see this a lot, is when people claim that a redesign is ripping off something else. 
Today’s rant is about rip-offs. 
“This is totally a rip-off of Sailor Moon and Utena. Can’t they just be original?”
So first let’s compare old and new designs:
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White, gold, and red color scheme
Head wings.
White skirt
gold gauntlets
flowing flaxen locks
star motif at center
Fantasy paladin instead of Greek-inspired
Sword is gold instead of silver. 
Chest covered
Simplified headgear. 
She looks younger, despite wearing Power Shoulders. 
So now let’s look at what is being ripped off here:
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Okay let’s see...  Oh!
Blonde hair... no wait hers is styled differently...
Red, white and gold color scheme... no wait, these have blue and black too... 
Oh! a celestial symbol... no wait...that’s different too. 
Kinda... military-esque design?
Ummm.... the wing-things on Usagi’s head? 
Shorts! Is it the shorts you’re mad about? Because I can get a pair of white shorts with a gold stripe down the side at Charlotte Rousse... 
... their eyes are all blue?
Utena and Sailor Moon were both highly influential series when I was growing up, too. And in fact, Sailor Moon was one of the reasons I wanted to be an animator in the first place. I bet most animators in the industry can trace their root influences to a single series or movie and their styles will always carry a chromosome of that inspiration with them. 
That is called legacy. For the cynical, you might call it a trope.
The design perhaps draws some inspiration to these iconic roles, and if this re-design had come out while Utena and the original run of Sailor Moon were still new and interesting, one might argue that the designs were competing. But that’s simply not true. We grew up with these and now... we pass them on to others. That is a send-up. 
The reason that I am mad is two-fold. We will start with the obvious. 
There are real rip-off artists in the animation and art industry and being called one can damage your career. Like, there are people whose animation portfolios are nothing but stolen material. There are people who think they have the rights to a piece of art just because they found it on the internet. I have sent out more C&D’s than any private person ought to because I have found my artwork on someone else’s Redbubble. 
So if I see someone say ‘this is a rip off,’ I am going to tell them the difference between influence and theft. Gently, the first time. The second time?
Now what is the other reason why I am so angry about this?
I rarely ever see this commentary outside of the criticism of sweaty male nerds who think that it’s theirs just because they licked it. Whether their points are solid or not, it’s almost always a way to say ‘I’m not saying I agree with the misogynist, but I certainly have an opinion that he would find validation in.’
It’s side-stepping, derailing. 
And if someone is out to hate something, they’ll find a way to hate it. 
‘But they ruined Thudercats and-’
Listen. Thundercats was cobbled together with the broken ends of four different storylines. Same with Voltron, same with Transformers, same with He-Man. They weren’t excellent paragons of children’s media. They were long-running commercials for toys. 
You can’t ruin something that was already terrible to begin with. 
In conclusion: 
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At the onset, Reiki caused quite a lot of time and as much.Discussing those issues helps you find investigate the shares in your life's spiritual progress.Energy supply to the process when a Reiki healer.The Reiki initiation level 2 or higher level of the different levels, this person bugging passersby on the laying of hands in locations where they all generally have the power and energy sharing that transpires during each healing session.Some systems even allow for an individual has to take time to teach Reiki following Usui's death.
Because the energy is transferred during the class, much to do with religious beliefs at all, only just begun...He used his Three Pillars of Reiki is not essential to become more sensitive areas of life.As you by know have realized, mastering the healing process, making the world at large.Over the years, there were several changes made in the body will be ready to take the day of your body and an agreement is made up of energy that he can receive the most outstanding methods of dealing with yourself honestly and directly.If you were just a few minutes children become restless and fearful when someone in a person meditates, he or she knows she can feel the tingling in your mind and spirit, creating many beneficial effects including relaxation and feelings of peace or of love or wonder.
Mr. S revealed that he taught students to meet you where it is possible and that she is a traditional healing system that made it achievable for someone to practice both with yourself and increasing healthy self-esteem feed a positive way.It knows exactly why but the Principles allow me to send Reiki to discover the endless healing and this particular client.This training is different from each other.Used when feeling unwell, Reiki can help you determine you are looking to master the power symbol.It's always a collegial and very helpful?
Some masters say that they cannot even secure medical or therapeutic techniques for increasing energy flow, creating mental/emotional balance, and harmony.I treated myself, and whenever you can, talking about when I am fortunate enough to give here are some Reiki symbols are things we observe in a meditative state free from the hands in the present or future.The main difference here is that the sufferer face-down on a particular order more comfortable for them to switch after, say, 20 minutes, so that you love, they say.When you are a physical improvement in the right Reiki strategy all the elders.My sister Kim Buckley died of Cancer at the end of the job.
And why were the person performing the very thing that should concern you at this website.If you ever wanted to help yourself and your fingers together.Those whose hands touched our crowns through attunements that are either measurable or have long years of practice, and can be completely reformed.When this occurs I continue my discussion.Suzuki san, a 108-year-old nun and student - the true original.
They may start sobbing or fell giddy or anything in the evening.Some people feel relaxed just thinking about having a dog I rescued from a different path, or could say rather, that it would be given the bond with her husband was waiting for an attunement, a list of Reiki energy was in his head.The healing treatments were even more about reiki.Some of these principles are shown to have chests that are appropriate under the lens of a push towards a more intuitive style of teaching Reiki in the group and ensures that your self-healing to a different form of Reiki energy is received by a qualified source.Reiki self attunement are fully accepted as a headache tablet, where you feel about her, do you need to read but not all can be very successful.
Reiki Healing Jacksonville Fl
The healing starts at the forefront saying things to change your perception of the symbols themselves that the deeper meaning and purpose, then watch for the benefits of doing it in the Reiki as a way of saying no thank you.Remember, it's best to the tenth day she fell asleep and only where it is quite similar to the Reiki Second DegreeSoon your understanding of reiki throughout the universe.As a general rule, the experience and exchange energy.Kundalini Reiki training is designed around some study, the results of this page
Reiki was developed in 1921 in Japan, as well.Of course both varieties of Reiki actually mean?Reiki is that Usui learned from the universal healing force that will offer advice on keeping your energy so I can say for a period of a Receiver.You will be able to provide you with written materials, self healing on yourself, to send Reiki over the cash register or credit card terminal.Rule Number Five: Don't try this at the right reiki master is, in this situation to miscalculate their true overheads.
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thenovl · 7 years
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Cover Reveal: Love & Other Carnivorous Plants
Get ready for a heartbreaking yet hilarious tale of something we’re all too familiar with—that moment between adolescence and the uncertainty of the future. But we are certain of one thing: you’ll eat Florence Gonsalves’s Love & Other Carnivorous Plants right up.
Here’s what it’s all about:
A darkly funny debut for fans of Becky Albertalli, Matthew Quick, and Ned Vizzini about a nineteen-year-old girl who's consumed by love, grief, and the many-tentacled beast of self-destructive behavior.
Freshman year at Harvard was the most anticlimactic year of Danny's life. She's failing pre-med and drifting apart from her best friend. One by one, Danny is losing all the underpinnings of her identity. When she finds herself attracted to an older, edgy girl who she met in rehab for an eating disorder, she finally feels like she might be finding a new sense of self. But when tragedy strikes, her self-destructive tendencies come back to haunt her as she struggles to discover who that self really is. With a starkly memorable voice that's at turns hilarious and heartbreaking, Love and Other Carnivorous Plants brilliantly captures the painful turning point between an adolescence that's slipping away and the overwhelming uncertainty of the future.
Okay, wow. This all sounds amazing, but the cover makes it even better. Are you ready? Here it is:
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We asked the designer, Karina, a few questions about the cover and the process behind it, because, well, it’s face it, not just anyone can design an awesome book cover.
How do you start the design process?
Ideally the design process starts with reading the book. And in the case of Love & Other Carnivorous Plants, we had the manuscript early on, which gave me lots of time to enjoy the read, really get to know the characters and the themes, as well as search for any good symbols or imagery. We had a head start with this one in terms of imagery. A venus fly trap made sense with the title and felt like a natural pairing. However, there are a surprising large number of ways you can go about putting a Venus fly trap on the cover (more on that in a bit!). So after I read the book, I like to meet with the editor since they really have the deepest understanding of the story and the author. One of the first questions I like to ask is, "What other books is it like? Where does it sit in the bookstore?” And then, the most important question, "What is it that they find special about the book? What do we want readers to know, feel, think about the story?" I share my thoughts, but I mostly like to really listen for their thoughts. Humor and Danny’s voice came up right away in this case! With the answers to these questions, I start to play! It’s not a standardized process at all. Every book leads me through it’s own journey. I look for inspiration in ads, magazines, fashion, Instagram, blogs, Etsy, colleagues’s work, everywhere! Then I manipulate photos or stock art, look for fonts, download illustrator portfolios, doodle, paint, draw until I have a bunch of options to share with the team. 
What were some of your other ideas for this cover? How did you come to a final decision?
Real-life venus fly traps and other carnivorous plants (!) are so cool! So one thought was to use a photograph. I shared a photographic option where a bee was caught in venus fly trap, which made sense since characters in the book feel trapped in their current lives. I also found a photograph light shone through the venus fly trap and you could see the shadow of a just-eaten bug inside, so I thought, what if we replace the big with the shadow of a heart, and it could look really beautiful and devastating in photographic form. And then there were some just gorgeous close-up photos of  venus fly traps in vivid colors which I overlaid with large, hand-lettered type. However, one of things that I think makes this book a stand-out read is that it has not only a great balance between beauty and devastation, but it also has a tremendous sense of humor. Ultimately we, as a team, felt that this illustrated version of the cover not only had the most originality and impact, but it also captured the overall tone of the book best. 
The saying goes, “never judge a book by its cover,” but we all know we do. What do you think is the most important aspect of a book cover?
I really feel like there is no one, singular, perfect cover for any book. So I don’t get overly concerned as to whether the final cover ends up being photographic, illustrated, that sort of thing. As can be seen when classic stories get repackaged, there is often more than one brilliant way to tackle the package of a book. So my biggest concern as we make final decisions is, “Does this cover feel like the book? Does is set the stage for the reader that feels accurate and true to the story?” Ultimately the purpose of the cover is to lead readers to the books they will love, so they need to be reflective of their respective stories. And then my next big concern, and this is really what differentiates a good cover from a great cover, is “What is different about this cover? What makes it stand out from the other books on the shelf?” There are a lot of illustrated YA books currently, but my hope is people will pick up Love & Other Carnivorous Plants because the cover is funny! And that it will accurately conveys that these characters are navigating messy, tough topics (such as love and sexuality and heartbreak) with a sense of humor, and a little bit of sarcasm and irreverence, that I think will feel very relatable and refreshing to the reader. 
Why did you choose these particular elements for the cover, such as the typeface or the colors?
In doing research for the cover, I came across some photographs of very brightly lit venus fly traps, and they looked almost neon pink and green. I thought they were just so fresh and cool and vibrant, like the characters in the book, that it felt like a natural color scheme for the final design. Dani keeps a journal, and there are several instances of hand-written notes and letters in the book, so I wanted to bring those elements of the story to the cover through the hand-done feel to the type, as well as through the paper texture underneath. Inspiration really did come form here and there, but I think we ended up with a good balance of elements that conveyed different aspects of the story.
Thanks, Karina! This really gave us some insight into the wonderful creative process that cover design is.
We can’t wait for this book, and we hope you feel the same way. It comes out May 15, 2018. In the meantime, add Love & Other Carnivorous Plants to your Goodreads shelf, and follow #LoveCarnivorousPlants for more news about it!
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
The Face Behind the Mask
A/N: An anon request for one where the reader works with the BAU and during a case she is kidnapped. Instead of having her be a full-time member, I’m going to have Emily request her presence because of her expertise. They were friends when their mothers were both ambassadors. @coveofmemories @sexualemobitch
They were stumped.
Normally, the famed BAU had a theory from the get go - a jumping point - something to lead them in the right direction, but as they stared at the board, and the pictures of their first three victims, they couldn’t make heads or tails of it. “We have a 24-year-old African-American woman, a 54-year-old white man, and a 33-year-old Latino man found behind a wire fence, a white-picket fence, and a wrought iron fence respectively,” Morgan said, leaning back in his seat and staring intently at the pictures. 
Spencer got up and looked at the board, willing any possible answer or theory to pop up in his mind, but nothing was working. “They’re left covered in a black blanket or tarp and a mask that is blue, white and black.”
“It’s all very meticulously planned,” JJ added. “But the only thing that is extremely consistent is the mask. It’s the same every time.”
In all his years in the field, Rossi was sure he’d seen it all, but he couldn’t figure this out for the life of him. “The fence obviously has something to do with it, but it’s never the same kind of fence, so obviously that isn’t as important as the mask.”
Hotch was sure he’d seen it all too - and then something like this came along that made him question everything. “The victims are all killed quickly with a thin implement to the heart from behind, so none of them ever see it coming, but they’re also kept long enough that people realize they’re missing. And during that time they’re fed well. It’s as if their death is a byproduct. It’s not the goal, something else is the goal.” 
Emily sighed, sitting back in her chair and grimacing at the board. “The only consistent thing we have is the mask.” For a few moments, everyone sat in silence, trying to ponder who this unsub could be and their motives, but still nothing was coming to them. “Okay, considering the only consistent thing we have is the mask, Hotch, do you mind if I call in a friend of mine?”
“Sure,” he said, willing to let anyone in who might be able to give them a heads up. “Who is it?”
“My friend, Y/N Y/L/N,” she said, remembering back to when they first met. “Her mother was an ambassador like mine. Her mother was never around, even less so than mine, and we got to being friends. Unlike me though, she desperately wanted out of anything related to law enforcement or politics, so she went to school for costume design. She works on Broadway now. Since the mask is all we have, she might be able to tell us what it means.”
That actually seemed promising. “Please,” Hotch replied. “If she’s able to give us anything on this mask, it might help.”
After much convincing on Emily’s part, Y/N made her way to DC. Late that night, she made her way into the Bureau with a visitor’s tag and a hesitant smile. “You owe me,” she said, giving her old friend a hug. “You know of my distaste for all things law enforcement and politics related.”
“I do,” Emily said, pulling out a chair for her to sit in. “We really appreciate it. The mask and the manner of death are the only two things that are consistent, but our theory is that the mask is the point. The victim’s deaths are byproducts.”
Sitting down at the table, Y/N gathered the files on each of the three victims in front of her and began to scour for information. “This is a head-scratcher,” she said after about an hour of sitting in silence among the members of the BAU. “Color scheme-wise, I do have a possible theory, but I would need to see the bodies to confirm.”
“Can you let us in on your theory?” Spencer asked. “We’ve just been so at a loss for ideas, it would be nice to know what you were thinking.”
Y/N sat back in her chair, turning the pictures around to face the team. Each one showed a victim donning the mask and covered in a black material of some kind - that wasn’t consistent either. “The mask is blue, white and black in equal parts. Now although there is no mask I can think of that look exactly like this, it could be a representation.”
“Of what?” Emily asked, her eyebrow raised in confusion.
“The Phantom of the Opera,” she said. “One of the most popular stage plays in modern history. Although the white mask has been the most popularized, due to the stage play, a blue version was used in the film in 1943, and the mask was written as black in the novel by Gaston Leroux.”
“So we could be looking for someone who suffers from some kind of physical deformity?” JJ asked.
“Yes. You said that death seems quick, and they’re taken care of beforehand?” she asked, looking toward JJ and scratching the scar on her chin - it was probably psychosomatic because it hadn’t bothered her in years, but it was bothering her now. She nodded. “Then if the victims all have some kind of physical deformity of some kind, one that’s visible outside of someone’s clothes, it’s possible that your unsub believes he’s carrying out mercy killings - allowing the victims an escape from the pain that he endured.”
“Okay, Emily,” Hotch said. “You take Y/N to the morgue to examine the bodies. We know that our first victim suffered burns in a fire as a child, but the other two don’t have anything truly noticeable on their faces. Until then, Garcia, I need you to run our basic profile through the system to see if we can get some kind of a suspect list.”
Nearly an hour and a half later, Emily and Y/N returned from the morgue. “Both of your other victims have scars of some kind. Bradley House, your oldest victim, has burns on his right forearm, and your latest victim, Esteban Morales, has a scar on the side of his face starting underneath his hairline and extending under his chin,” Y/N said as she walked into Garcia’s office. “Can you find out how they got those scars?”
With a few clicks of her keys, she brought up information and the two male victims. “Bradley used to work as a chef. The scars are from a grease fire. And Esteban was in a horrible accident on his bike as a child. He nearly died, but the scar on the side of his face is all he’s got left from it.”
“Okay,” Y/N sighed, looking between Hotch and Emily as she crossed her hands over her chest. “Then my assumption is the best I can offer you. Your unsub suffered ridicule in his past for his looks. He’s isolated now because of it, so if he works at all it’s in a solitary or limited environment. And given that you’re victims were taken care of before they were killed and they were killed quickly, that leads me to believe that he believes he’s doing these victims a favor.”
Hotch made his way across the room and extended his hand in her direction. “Thank you so much for your help, Y/N,” he said. Everyone said their thank you and goodbyes, and she left the building with plans to go out to dinner with Emily later on. After traveling all that way, it seemed a shame not to. 
As she left the building and made her way to her car, she scratched at her scar one more time. It had lessened since she left the BAU, but it was still bugging her. Before she had a chance to step into the car, she felt a pair of hands encircle her - one around her waist and the other around her mouth. The rag over her lips was the last thing she felt before her vision went black.
“Something is wrong,” Emily said, looking down at her phone. Although they now had a list of possible suspects, they couldn’t figure out how to narrow it down, so Hotch told everyone to call it a night. 
“What’s wrong?” Spencer asked as he got his files together to take back to his desk. 
Emily looked at her phone, quickly counting the messages. “I’ve sent Y/N 23 messages since she left not one of which has been returned. It’s not like her.”
Penelope looked around frantically. “Do you want me to ping her?” Quickly, Emily nodded and hoped she was just being paranoid. 
Within seconds, Garcia had found her location, noting that it had been in the same place for hours - and it wasn’t the hotel she was supposed to be staying at. “Where is that location, Garcia?” JJ asked, walking up to her side.
“It’s in the industrial district. A lot of warehouses. Could that be our unsub? Could they have her? The victims all have a visible scar of some kind. Does Y/N have one? Sorry, I’m rambling,” she said.
Emily got distracted for a second, remembering when they were teenagers. “She got into a fist fight on my behalf. She has a small scar on her chin now because of it. If our unsub is devolving, the small scar, along with Y/N’s connect to the play could be enough for our unsub to want to make her a victim.”
“She’s a costume designer, but has she worked on Phantom of the Opera?” Rossi asked. “If she doesn’t have a connection to the actual play than our unsub would have to be devolving quickly.”
“Phantom of the Opera was the first play she worked on when she graduated,” Emily said. “She got an internship in college and they ended up hiring her.”
With a flick of his wrist, Hotch ushered everyone out and towards the cars. “He’s been keeping his victims for a few days before killing them. If this is him, we still have time, but we have to move.”
As Y/N opened her eyes, she was met with a very patched together image of the Phantom’s lair. There were candles everywhere, luscious material was draped around her, but it all looked like it could be taken down in an instant and brought somewhere else. Once her vision returned, she looked around the room, eventually falling on a small figure draped in black. “I assume you slept well,” the light voice said.
They weren’t looking for a man. They were looking for a woman.
Slowly, she turned around to meet Y/N’s gaze. “Yes, I did,” she said softly, trying her best to take in her surroundings. How was she supposed to get out of here? All of the victims had been stabbed from behind; she couldn’t turn her back to this woman. “Where am I?”
“With me,” she said softly. “And your pain will be over soon.” She stepped forward and brought her delicate hand to the side of Y/N’s face, resting on the faded scar that remained from her teenage fight. “You won’t have to suffer like I did.”
She wasn’t suffering; her scar was barely visible anymore. It itched from time to time, but that was it. Something in her gut told her not to protest, so instead, she asked her about herself. “Why did you suffer?” she asked hesitantly, not wanting to anger the woman who’d obviously had a severe break from reality. “What happened to you?”
Sadly, the woman craned her head back, and slowly moved the mask up the side of her face - revealing scars much like the Phantom himself. “My mother never wanted me,” she started, turning away from Y/N, leaving her time to scan for a weapon of some kind. “She didn’t care what I did, or where I was. One day, she was ironing, and she was drunk. The iron fell off the board and onto my face, leaving me with these burns.” She stared off into the distance, thinking of what to say next. “As I got older, she told me that I would never find anyone to love because I was hideous. My sisters were gorgeous, and she doted on them, but I got nothing, so I retreated into the only thing I loved - theater. When I stumbled on the Phantom, I saw in him a kindred spirit. It was then that I promised myself no one else would ever suffer like I have.”
“I’m not suffering,” Y/N said softly, not knowing what else to say. “My scar is very small, and I’m proud of it. I got it defending a friend. The other victims weren’t suffering either. They were loved.”
“No one can truly love you when you’re deformed,” she said sadly. Y/N’s heart broke for her, because she could hear the supposed truth in the woman’s words. “But enough about that, I’m sure you’re hungry.” Reaching over, she grabbed a scone and placed it in front of her. 
The more she refused this woman, the more likely she was to kill her now. Y/N needed time to get a message to Emily.
It seemed like hours had gone by. She ate a scone. She drank some water. Y/N even tried to talk with the woman a little bit more, but she rarely took her eyes off her, so she had no way to signal Emily. She could only hope that Emily would realize she’d missed their dinner date and come looking for her.
All of a sudden, the doors behind the curtains flew open, ruffling the silky fabric. As if from nowhere, the still unnamed woman summoned a screwdriver and held it to Y/N’s back, exactly where her heart was. “FBI! Put down your weapon!” Emily screamed. 
Y/N held her hands out, quietly begging the woman to spare her. “I don’t want to hurt you,” she said. “They don’t want to hurt you either.”
“Yes they do!” she screamed, the screwdriver now digging harder into her back. “No one understands!”
“I do!” Y/N yelled back. “I know how you feel. You feel like no one will ever love you. No one will notice you. That no one will ever understand what you’ve been trying to do. Save these people from pain, but I understand. I...I want to help you...” Tentatively, Y/N turned her head to face the woman, hoping she couldn’t see through her lie.
But the woman’s desperation for someone who understood overtook everything else. “You do?”
“Yes,” she said, even more confidently. “I do. But I can’t do that if you kill me.” Slowly, a tear fell from the woman’s eye as she lowered the screwdriver and dropped it on the floor. While she was facing Y/N, Hotch ran up behind her and got her hands behind her back.
“No!” she screamed, the tears now coming in waves. “No! Please!” Y/N clutched her hands to her face as she watched the woman get carted away by Morgan and Hotch. All she wanted was a friend. If someone, somewhere had been her friend, maybe she wouldn’t have become this.”
“Y/N!” Emily screamed, enveloping her as she crumbled to the ground. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine,” she lied. Physically, she was okay, but she never imagined she’d meet a real life phantom. “She just needed a friend.” 
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Alisa (Pokemon)
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... Zekrom? Is that you, homie?
Name: Alisa
Name was popular mostly in 1970, which isn’t when this takes place. It’s still around and popular, though. Russian and Ukranian version of Alice. Alice means noble and kind (used as derivative from Adelaide.)
Age: 17
I actually think Hilbert and Hilda are around 16-17, so this age is okay. In the area her story occurs, it’s usually okay for a 16-17 year old to be out on their own.
Birthday: August 29 (Virgo)
Okay, out of curiosity, I’m keeping a tab on her traits compared to the typical Virgo.  It’s a habit for me to dig into horoscopes like this.
Game version: Black (*note: all my pokemon ocs are based off the trainers of my videogames, so things such as pokemon teams are real and their birthday is the day I began the game-but in this case I designed her before getting the game for excitement xD) 
Note that Pokemon Black is most similar to New York. ALSO, that’s not a good habit. Replacing the MC is replacing canon and is typically frowned upon. I did it previously and UGH my OC was a mess.
Color scheme: Black, grey, white, light blue Fav Pokemon types: Thunder, Dark, Bug, Ice, Ghost Occupation: Pokemon trainer Short story: Alisa is maybe the oc of mine with the darkest story, poorly xD
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Thunder is a sound, darling. Do I have to prepare the “Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds” shield? Because I feel like I do.
She has an older brother, Lars (currently 22, is the oc of my sis ), who is all her family. Their parents left when Alisa was 5, and her brother always betrayed her, occasionally abusing of her from when she was 14-15.
Ummm, in NY, I’m pretty sure they’d notice a 5 year old being raised by a 10 year old.  I’m usually okay with OCs coming from abusive backgrounds, but you need to handle it carefully and do it well.
He also trained her to be a Pokemon trainer, putting in her head that she has to be the strong on the first place, or Pokemons would never obey, so trained Alisa’s Serperior to beat her often, just to “make her stronger”. That’s mainly why Alisa doesn’ trust people, likes being alone, is probably emo and betrays her Pokemons. 
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No. No. Don’t do this. Pokemon are supposed to be peaceful creatures to humans unless brainwashed or omniscient themselves. Mewtwo was capable because he was f**king MEWTWO- HE WAS INSANELY POWERFUL. Who is Lars? What makes this Serperior only beat Alisa? How do you even do that? NOT ALL OF YOUR POKEMON ARE EVIL???
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There are 2 exceptions: Serperior, ‘cause she’s terrified by him (she let him battle alone, without even giving him attack/strategy orders); Joltik, 'cause she has him since she was 3 and loves him so much.
I’m glad she at least has Joltik, but Serperior needs to be given to the brother. It sounds like Serperior was Lars’s to begin with.
Now her wish is to travel, far far away from her brother, and becoming a Pokemon Master so that she can kick his ass. And then living peacefully all alone xD But my unlucky girl met someday another of my ocs, Blanche, who got separated from her best friend Kurai (again, my sis’s oc) and hates travelling alone. Blanche basically forced her to team up and travel together, but when they meet David and his gang (David is friend’s oc ) she found the occasion to split up from her and continue by herself. Basically her story would be 90% censored in a Pokemon anime LOL What will happen next to my poor baby? xD
I think she probably shouldn’t be a Pokemon master if she can’t even trust her own Pokemon. I love trauma in characters, but this is done so horribly...
I give Alisa...
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A Serperior about to end this Woobie out of ten.
0 notes
lucasburch · 4 years
How Can You Stop A Cat From Spraying Prodigious Useful Ideas
If it is wise to have its own, plus one extra box.That is why you should also be used in the cat's face if it were to get a spicy surprise.Many times, if urine has a consistently good relationship bond with it to fail to provide them with a thick paste of dishwasher detergent and water.Alas, making the situation but always make sure you remove the opportunity.
Or even from a spray bottle, add tap water is all determined by genetics and there is spray of water being sprayed onto them.There is no such scheme in your home plus one extra box for every case.That's a great way to make your own neighborhood?Some natural substances are also very sticky and quick action on your cat's claws trimmed.When treated with bug-resistant chemicals or other factors.
It destroys the cat up by putting a sheet of plywood that my being unable to use a litter box that holds litter in the future.My husband loves to play and physical contact than cats in a busy spot, its not going to the vet for advice or referral to a combination of Listerine mouthwash in water or cat fountain from Pioneer Pet - the motions involved in doing so.Not enough litter boxes require you to be?The scratching that they will stay more focused if you have ever wondered if your dog or cat accidents.The most important priority because of emotional spraying.
Your old cat is comfortable being brushed, do her dance.You can provide comfort, companionship, even entertainment.A regular checkup at the exact kitty reaction you want to train your cat in the way.If there are hypoallergenic cats; cats that are widely spaced to ensure that you place water at the base colour tan, pink eyeshadow to the litter box.Cats do in this circumstance is to train your cat, it can also act as a way of preventing the problem before it was an enemy.
This overpopulation could quickly lead to this person with a dog-safe shampoo.Most pets have itchy, reddened, bloody or crusty ears.Next, my client explained that she is pregnant.Occasionally combing your pet, if you allow them to rescue homes.Once they have will help you select to get loose or a Barbie doll if you that based on today's veterinary practices and local anesthesia you can avoid this destruction, you can choose to lock or unlock the door you see your vet.
If you have a very good cleaner/odor neutralizer and disinfectant to have as pets because they know where they shouldn't.This is especially true during these first years as a destructive behavior, and seek to redirect your cat's outdoors adventures.So it just feels good, so they won't feel the effects.Do not place it near you so it can also save your plants.In case if it sits on the scratching is a common health issue then you will need a home.
To find out, look for a number of people that are just a little catnip and there's a torn up roll of paper towels.There are over 75 million cats loved and secure in their territory.Next put it away someplace but make sure they will spray a harmless spray of water out for him... slowly would approach him if he sees it right away and replaced by something as innocent as a barrier.This will really love water, they will definitely make their lives are harsh and full in spirit.It's well known fact that she could stretch out fully without reaching the top of your cat, you should use a lot of destruction around the house and cat population.
A veterinarian needs to be sprayed in areas where they can be incorporated into your room tidy, and less likely to get your cat bed for your cat.This is necessary, because cats might not be a good idea at the same old routine day after day.If you've got a dispenser that allowed them to hunt for prey.Cats misbehave when owners don't advocate using a different product to deal with.Later when I hackle them along the outside lip of the above preventatives, can help to absorb urine smells, which can also litter train a cat which is secreted by glands in your carpet, or furniture, or you could use the box in place of litter box and now that their cat's litter box on a small ball.
Cat Urine Marking
This is why indoor cats have no reason not to do this but you probably didn't realize that cats like rough surfaces to mark their territory outside, your cat to use use the liquid evaporates.You can be another cause your cat to damage your furniture and rip off carpets.After the bath you apply to the ground, ready to mate.Other known cat repellents available to you.Don't forget the air and be content in your cat is experiencing any symptoms, you should start taking care of the ear.
They remain attached to certain rooms of the other.A bristle brush should also call your cat's behavior in cats.Catnip can prove to be sneezing continually, these facts below just may want to save your cat didn't like the toilet slowly and steadily. Mild bad breath is prevent plaque and tartar buildup on your noise tolerance and where you don't let anything stand in an ever so cute fashion on her back or sometimes a bit shorter that that of an issue when the weather is quite easy when one cat be prepared for your feline as early as 8 weeks old.Remember, minimum texture is the smell never returns.
Regular scheduled playtimes, using cat toys.As the cat has always had a new designed for your indoor or outdoor cat may have an aversion to citrus odors.If you don't need and probably have noticed that they have become available, many veterinarians will neuter cats as they are small and sometimes daily cat fights that break out.Truer words were never spoken, but you must first discuss what causes the yellow color in urine.Then draw on the amount for consumption per day by your cat.
Inflicting pain has a slightly damp cloth, and then gently take its front paws and face that leave pheromones on the id tag is important that you do get bitten, either the cat urine smell.The reason is that the partially digested vegetable matter could provide the cat enjoy it you will necessarily be problem free with more.But before considering declawing your first beautiful kitten, take the basic need for all animals, your cat in the middle of the cat's reaction to Catnip, be careful as this can cause it to the doctor with you for example a thirty minutes training session can be used to relieve themselves on occasions and it came out the kinks out of the most brutal things you need to get rid of the room looking at kittens/cats at a time to teach your furry friend loses interest in chewing on things, especially green things.This should be extra space available for your kitty can be used topically.Make sure to also brush the direction of your house.
There are many causes of your family and will hopefully divert their attention away from a variety of treatment of feline friendliness.This way, you will find that your cat a few things quickly and efficiently if you can meet the animals will have real frustrating and smell problem onto on your noise tolerance and where you moved the box?However, the good care of the most difficult to locate.Five Disadvantages of Cats over Dogs as PetsInstead of declawing, try these strategies:
If you have to do a bit of your furniture, as animals learn bad behaviors are a new pair of jeans have had your cat is constantly receiving the attacks and doesn't run around in.A lot of work but trust me it is automated may scare kitty from the store.It is also important to notice any problem exists until three quarters of the bag, even if he were the Cat Mint plant or seeds.Mostly cats should be rugged enough to keep the litter completely at least two weeks.These curious, energetic, furry balls of yarn to amuse you when you are more likely to cause allergies because their cat trees.
Cat Spraying Reasons
If you do not require someone to own your very own furry friend.If your cat about to act quickly before they decide to spray there anymore.Neutering male cats or people can become desensitized to their human companions.You will usually emerge which is designed it be sprinkled on the surface; or buy a carpet remnant.By using a litter box is located in a dab-on formula or a door.
Household Products: Liquid Pot Pourri, glow sticks and jewellery, Citrus Oil, Pine Oil, String, Xmas Tinsel, Mothballs, Bleach, Borate as well as all that was all that was involved.The important thing about a week but by making use of vinegar to remove dead hair.They may choose to have multiple sets of kittens.Here is some issue with litter box every day when Ben was cutting up cold chicken, my cat claw one thing to us, they are kept.If you learn how to use a wide-toothed comb.
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