#what did Yuichi rope him into
tervaneula · 9 months
It's 1.4k but why did i felt it's longer? It's beautiful and oh my stars am in love with those smitten goofy goobers💙🤍
I don't blame leo for begin in love with Usagi's touch, i believe a rabbit fur is itself heaven's touch! So for him to put Usagi on his lap (best place btw) is understandable 💙
But poor little mikey is what am feeling him, you don't miss with a hungry person ask me - the hungry person begin me - and he had to wait for like.. 30 minutes? Bruh if i were him i'd order and leave those 2 doing god knows what (hint; cuddles, cuddles and much more cuddles).
Usagi getting shocked to see the turtles retract to their shells was actually funny, imagine this happened when they watch horror movie, Usagi will not be able to sleep for a while. (May i say how much i love how he says " oh my stars "? I actually love it).
Finally after cuddle show ended, they can go grab food and when mikey took the sword i was surprised " wait i thought leo can teleport only " but he failed miserably, obviously LOL.
I must say i didn't except this type of chapter but didn't thought i NEEDED it oh my lord thank you so much for blessing me with it 🩷🩷🩷
I think my favorite was their noses touching each other because i see it as a cute couple move 💙🤍
I might have been projecting because my cat has super soft fur which I love sm and cuddling him reminds me of the fur of a french lop I had years and years ago so obviously Leonardo loves it too lmao......
And yes omg Mikey was at the end of his rope there, he definitely had to wait for longer than just thirty minutes and I feel so bad for him but the comedy demanded it ahjasgdhj
I'M SO GLAD YOU THOUGHT YUICHI GETTING SPOOKED BY THAT WAS FUNNY I was almost cackling out loud while writing that part :D Yuichi got lucky to witness it before any horror movie nights that's for sure lmao (and I love to make him say oh my stars THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPYYYY IT'S SO CUTE)
Since Splinter is able to use Leo's sword and make working portals, I thought that the rest of the family would like to try their hands at it too but unfortunately Mikey isn't very good at it yet XD
BUT GOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I'm incredibly glad you enjoyed this little extempore story and left another amazing comment srsly I love these I love YOU and the nose touch is my fave too ;_; These peepaws can fit so much adorableness in them
(i'll make a proper post for it later but the fic is also on ao3 now)
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Yuichi Usagi- A Shady Past- Chapter 2
WARNINGS- this fic contains weapons, blood, fighting, and angst. if this isnt your cup of tea then just scroll past ^^
SUMMARY- you learn more of Yuichi's past and about the person he needed to call.
INFO- this fic was written by me and my bestie @d0nnie3000. Her OC is in this and so is one of mine. anyways hope you like this. hopefully ill be able to update more regular since school is getting out soon I'm just having my finals so yall know how busy those days can be.
Seven year old Usagi didn't know where he was. It was a dark room with two beds and a cold chill. his mother held onto him closely, as if she let go she'd never seee him again. Two tall yokai in black suits had come to their farm and taken them captive, bringing them to a place above the Hidden City, definitely far from Nedo Edo. The guards had shoved him an his parents in this room.
Months had passed, it was the same old routine, the guards would come in and take his parents away for hours on end, they always come back with more injuries then when they had left. Usagi hated seeing his mom and dad like this, he thought to himself that one day he'd save them like his grandfather, Miyomoto Usagi, would've. He missed his own comfy bed, he missed momma's soup he'd get when he was sick, and dad's stories before bed. Today would change everything.
Today the guards came like usual but this time they spoke, "Time to pay up, rabbits."
Usagi's father answered, "You've taken everything. We've nothing left to give."
"Is that so?"
Before any of them could respond they took the rabbit yokai out of there cell and walked them down the hall. other captives watched as they walked. Usagi heard one whisper, "It's a child..." but he couldn't point out where it came from. As they continued walking the guard led them to a open arena, one of the guards took Usagi's parents to two poles, holding them up by their ears with ropes. The guard walked back next to Usagi and the Guard holding him.
The guard pulled out his gun and cocked it. Usagi's eyes shot open wide... he knew what was about to happen, he started struggling against the guards grip. not that it would do much, he was a kid, not very strong against a full grown yokai.
The guard with a gun smirked, " I've been needing target practice, guess this is my lucky day~"
"No, please! Please don't do it, please!" Usagi's pleas were ignored.
The guard aimed and before any words could be said the gun went off. His mother screamed out seeing her husbands body go limp.
She looked at Usagi, " My child, do not fear! We will always be with-" and then the gun went off a second time.
Usagi fell to his knees crying, "Momma... Papa..."
After Usagi's parents were killed the guards took him back to his now emptier cell. He would be their for weeks. The guards began to notice the young boy wouldn't eat or drink. They reported the information to their boss.
"Well make him eat! We need him alive!" The mafia boss yelled
"Sir, with all due respect, why? He's just another yokai kid." The guard questioned.
"He's worth more than he appears to be, therefore what is he worth to me if he's dead!? GO!"
They left the boss' office and from then on Usagi was forced to eat and drink.
One day Usagi heard noise coming from outside his cell. It sounded like panting and groans with fighting noises thrown in there too.
Before Usagi could react his cell door was slammed open, his AUntie stood in the door way holding a small kitten yokai in her arms, katana in the other hand. He ran to her and hugged her tightly, "Auntie..."
"I know, dear, i know. We're gonna get out save, just get on my back okay?" his AUntie helped him onto her back and began her escape.
"Come on? Did you bet slower in that little time, boys?" Auntie teased the guards who where way behind her.
Before Usagi knew it he felt the cool night air on his fur. He held a strong grip on his Auntie, not ready to let go anytime soon.
"Oh, child... You're save now."
Usagi was finishing bandaging Leo's right arm as the story ended. Sagi's eyes tearing up at the memories, Mikey had already been crying. Raph held a gaze of both terror and shock, Donnie's full of concern and pain. Genesis stood in the room, her brown hair falling in front of her face and the orange streak covering one her both shame filled eyes.
Before an awkward silence fell on them Usagi spoke again,"I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you all invloved in this."
Leo looked at Sagi, "You're our friend, my best friend, we protect or own. Plus, have you met us? We don't exactly do 'stay out of trouble'." Sagi gave him a weak smile in return.
"I can't believe- why would they do that!?" Mikey clung to Raph's arm, still in tears.
Sky, a ornate box turtle and Mikey's twin, entered the room with meds in her hands, mostly ibuprofen.
The half yokai, Genesis spoke, moving her hair out of he face, "Because... Because my father doesn't show mercy... very little at that..."
The room went silent and everybody stared at Genesis, shocked by her words.
Sky was the first to speak, her anger hardly being contained, "Y-You're father..?"
"That's also why I didn't want to tell you..." Sagi's ears twitched at Sky's anger.
Genesis stood silent for a few moments but finally getting the courage to speak, "Yes, my father. I was trained to be ruthless, to show no mercy and that human and yokai life alike had no meaning, no worth. He taught me deception. But all that changed when I met you guys."
Sky felt the rage in her boil and try to break free, "So what are you a f***ing spy?!"
"What? No, of course not!"
"And just why should we trust you?"
"I'm not working with my father anymore, I'm not on their side!"
"Thanks to your father, Leo almost died!"
"I know and I'm sorry! I tried to keep you away but you guys just wouldn't listen!"
"Maybe you should've told us sooner?! Who knows, maybe we could've helped!"
"Helped? My father would've killed you in cold blood!" Genesis pointed her finger at Sky, slowly getting in her face.
"Guys, calmed down." Donnie tried to get between the two, only resulting in morefighting.
"You saying I'm weak?" Sky was defensive and in her fighting stance.
"Maybe I am? Maybe it's because you are, you wouldn't survive a day in my dads tra- HNG-" Sky punched her in the stomach, tired of Genesis ridiculing her.
"Hows that for weak?" Sky came back around kicking her in the jaw.
Genesis looked up at the turtle, rage burned in her eyes, she stood her self up and as Sky went for another kick at the girls head a brown wing came out and blocked the kick. Sky's leg was thrown down and she was shoved to the ground. She hit the floor with a thud, wincing at the pain.
Genesis looked down at her then at Usagi, "It was a mistake, Sagi..."
"What do you-"
"I should've never made friends."
Genesis stormed out of the sewers, leaving them in shock and heartbreak.
Donatello walked over to his sister and helped her up, "Sky are you serious!?"
"Quite so, why?"
Leo shot back at her, "I know you're mad but we need her if we're gonna stop her father!"
Sky rolled her sapphire eyes, "Do we?"
"Sky." Leo looked at his sister annoyed.
"She's in the mafia, Leo!"
"I know this, Sky."
"Aren't you mad?!"
"Well obviously!"
"Then how are you so calm about it?!"
"Because it's not her fault!"
Leo took a deep breath, looking at Sky with sad eyes, "It's not her fault, it's her father's. She didn't know better..."
Sky grabbed her arm and looked to the ground, "You're right... Crap..."
Genesis was on the roof of a building near the turtles street, trying to calm the burning fire in her, "Who the f*** does she think she is?! I could send an entire-" she cut herself of mid sentence, "No, no, I'm not my father."
Genesis was raised to kill without hesitation, without mercy. Someone got in her way? Dead. Someone didn't pay? Dead. Someone made her angry? Dead. She had changed though, right? She wasn't a ruthless killer, right? It wasn't her fault Leo got captured, it wasn't her fault he got hurt, it wasn't her fault they got involved. Now, it wasn't her problem either, she was done with the turtles, done with Usagi, done with Sky, done with friends, done with Ra- she wince at the thought. She loved Raph but after that would he love her?
"Doesn't matter... not anymore.."
She spread her wings looking to the city. She was going to finish this, once and for all. She jumped off the building, letting the air loft her wings, soaring through New York.
"I'm coming, dad."
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s1ckh1mb0 · 1 year
Italics- dialogue
Bold- inner monologue
Coming Together
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All of the members of the group known as The Black Dragons were sitting in a circle looking at Luna like she was crazy. The group consisted of The Yuki twins Naylah and Luna, the eldest of the group Hiro, the second oldest Cici, and the baby of the group Melanie. They were currently in the back of the of the studio where they film their "videos" at, and Luna was telling them what went down the day before. Once she finally finished Hiro face palmed and let out a huge sigh of dissatisfaction.
"Jesus' fucking Christ what did I tell you huh?"
The clear annoyance in their voice made her pout. She already knew what was going to come, they were going to lecture her and list every reason they told her not to go out with Carlos before they started dating. Cici pulled her onto his lap just as he usually did. Wrapping his arm around her waist and sucked his teeth.
"We told you stop fucking with those little weird ass niggas', didn't we?".
Naylah snickered watching his twin get lectured earning a slap on his arm from her.
"Listen Luna maybe you just need to change your taste date somebody that's you know more upper class like us."
He told her accompanied by a shrug as he laid back on Melanie.
"Ugh it's not that easy, I like nerdy guys I mean you can't blame me. Plus, we're upper class but we're porn stars, nigga's ain't taking me seriously."
Luna explained while holding her arms against her chest. She felt something touching her thigh and she looked down to see it was Melanie laying on her.
Meanwhile a group of men were just entering the building joining the long line that was in front of them. Each one of them dressed formally in matching black suits. The leader The White Death was in the front of them looking around the fairly large building.
"Ah can't believe this stupid shit, being roped into these dumbass situations".
Ladybug threw his arm around his shoulder with a lighthearted laugh.
"C'mon don't be like that! Think about it like this, this is probably one of the easiest things we've ever done. And it finally gets that crazy girl off your back."
A huff came from the older man as they all decided to keep to themselves as they waited in line.
Once it was finally their turn all of them approached the front desk and was greeted by the short blonde haired male receptionist. With a smile on his face, he shook each of their hands.
"You all must be the ones sent by Maria I'm guessing! You guys are set up with our group called The Black Dragons. Don't worry everyone is tested before each set!".
Tangerine pushed through the rest of his group so he could talk to the receptionist.
"Great what room would they be in love?"
"Last room all the way down, so go to the end of this hallway that's the room were the actors are currently in right now. You'll go in there meet them and anything that you guys need to know you can ask them."
The receptionist pointed to the right where there was a door at the end of the long really bright hallway. Lemon nodded and grabbed the receptionist hand giving it a kiss and shooting him a wink. Tangerine grabbed his arm pulling him away so that they could catch up with the others. Yuichi looked around in skepticism keeping his guard up.
"What are we getting ourselves into huh? For all we know these girls could be waiting at the door to attack us soon as we step foot near the room."
The closer they got to the door the more hesitant most of the group became. In the distance they could hear giggling from the room they were heading to. Once reaching it Death was the one who knocked. Only for it to be opened not even a mere second later by Melanie with a smile on her face showing her sharp fang like teeth.
"You guys are the new actors, right? Come in so we can introduce everyone!".
She moved out of the way, and they were met by the group still talking to each other. Hiro got up and stuck their hand out for Death to grab.
"I'm assuming you are the leader of your group. I'm Hiro the one you talked with a couple days ago."
"Ah yes I remember, and you are correct. I am The White Death, but you can just call me Death.
Naylah snickered quietly and whispered to Melanie.
"I hope the dick game matches the name."
The two giggled amongst each other as Hiro and Death continued talking.
"You also said something about being with partners, correct?"
He shook their hand while the rest of his group sat in the empty seats that was in front of Luna and the others.
"Correct you'll be working with Naylah, Tangerine with Melanie, Yuichi with Cici, Luna with Ladybug, And I'll be working with Lemon."
With each name she pointed at who in her group they'd be working with.
"So, we will we have to show our faces in these videos?"
Tangerine questioned his eyebrow cocked, and his arms crossed. Cici shook his head and slid Luna off of his lap.
"Nah that's entirely up to you, if you don't just tell the cameraman before the shoot and he'll have your face edited out."
Naylah got up and sat on the arm of the couch Luna and Cici were sitting in.
"Speaking of shoots, Ladybug you and Luna have one tomorrow. You gotta be here at ten am sharp so you can get straight to makeup."
Lemon chuckled and nudged Ladybug.
"Look at that, you were the one most excited and now you get to go up first."
With the teasing it made him turn red, shoving Lemons hand off of him. Hiro motioned for them to go talk to their partners. With a nod they happily got up sitting next to them or standing in front of them. Each duo discussing something different from the planning of their videos to just trying to get to know some more about each other. Luna sat on the arm of the chair Ladybug was on throwing her legs over top of his.
"You excited for tomorrow lovebug?"
He tensed up but laid his hand on her thigh.
She giggled and nodded.
"Mhm you don't mind if I call you that right babes?"
A smile crept on to her face as she used her long acrylic nails to trace shapes on his chest. Looking up so his eyes met hers he suddenly got a tight feeling in his chest. He gripped her thigh as he gulped, the eye contact making him feel as if he was about to have a heart attack.
"That's perfectly fine."
His gaze going from her eyes down to her gloss covered lips.
"I have my own room if you wanna head there so we could get to know each other more."
She told him looking over at Hiro, they gave her a small nod of acknowledgement. He nodded and Luna grabbed his hand taking him to a room just a few doors down.
Room design
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They both sat on the bed with Ladybug not moving a single inch and being eerily stiff. But Luna on the other hand remained close eventually just deciding to get on his lap.
"C'mon lovebug stop being so nervous you literally get to see my naked tomorrow."
"I mean yeah, but like this isn't really something I've done before."
"You mean porn orrr?"
His breath hitched as he looked away in embarrassment. Luna's eyes widen and she covered her mouth to keep from giggling.
"Aww lovebug it's nothing to be ashamed of, I feel lucky to have someone as pretty as you to be my partner."
She wrapped arms around his own pulling it close to her tits.
"I always thought it'd be my girlfriend I'd do these types of videos with girlfriend."
Her eyes widened and she pulled her head looking at him as if he had two heads.
"Girlfriend? Nigga you have a girlfriend?"
"Kind of more like a situation ship. I like her and all, but she doesn't want a relationship. So she fucks with others not just me."
Instantly she deadpanned as the only thing she could think of was--
"Damn this nigga is really a fucking loser."
Being around her made him nervous as shit. His face red and he was sweating, figuring he fucked up already. Instead of being mad she couldn't care less as long as she wasn't messing with a relationship.
"And I'm going to fuck the shit out of him."
She grabbed his face so that they made eye contact causing his breath to hitch.
"You don't remember me baby?"
"Remember you? We've met before?"
A pout grew on her face as she pushed some of his hair behind his ear.
"Ya know.. midnight in Colombia. We were talking for like two months till you moved!"
"Oh, shit I'm so sorry I completely forgot about that!"
It finally made sense to him on why he felt like that as if his heart was going to burst out of his chest. And why her touch felt so much different from other girls that he had been with. A scoff came from her, and she got up mushing him in the process. He grabbed her wrist pulling her in between his legs.
"Baby listen I'm an idiot I know, so much has happened, but I couldn't be happier being with you now."
She snatched her hand out of his grip and scrunched her nose.
"Nigga please like I'm supposed to believe that shit. You didn't even remember who I was till I reminded you. you probably be telling all your other little bitches the same shit."
"Baby look at me, do you really think I'm going out here just dealing with different women. I'm about to lose my virginity to you tomorrow.
Grabbing her thighs and pulling her back onto his lap so she would calm down a bit. A small huff left her, knowing he was right.
"Let me make it up to you okay, after our shoot tomorrow I'll take you out and we can do whatever you want."
She knew she shouldn't as literally the day prior she had broken up with her boyfriend, but she had history with this guy, so it was worth a shot.
"Fine but you better make it worth my time lovebug~"
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kaycha1989 · 5 years
The Right Partner
My Hero Academia Fanfic
Characters: Katsuki Bakugou, OC
Rating: Mature
Chapter 4
When Bakugou got to the office he was surprised to see a cup of coffee and a note sitting on his desk. It read:
I headed down to support to pick up my costume. I will meet you in the foyer. Enjoy the coffee the gal at the shop across the street said it was what you usually order.
Bakugou picked up the cup and gave it a curious sniff. It smelled like straight black coffee, so he took a sip. She must be trying to play nice, Bakugou thought to himself. He then headed down to the locker rooms to get into costume. Making his way to the foyer of the building, he ran into Best Jeanist, who was talking with his assistant, Nina.
“Good morning, Ground Zero,” Best Jeanist greeted. “Where is Wildside?”
“Huh? Oh, she is supposed to be meeting me here after she gets her costume.” Bakugou replied.
“Well it seems you’re putting in an effort…” Jeanist looked pleased. “I expect you to show her the ropes.”
“Yes, sir…” Bakugou turned away rolling his eyes. Looking up, he caught his breath as Wildside made her way over to him.
Her costume was a complete bodysuit that fit her like a second skin. It was black starting at the torso, and then faded its way to a dark green then purple going down her arms and legs. Her slim waist sported a utility belt, and on her feet she wore boots with flexible soles that went up to about mid-calf. She wore a simple black mask and her hair was braided down her back. A large red X crossed her chest.
“Miss Hales, you look stunning!” Jeanist said walking up to his new employee.
“I’m not sure about the design,” Kia said, turning for Jeanist to see. “They weren’t kidding about having matching elements for costumes.”
“I think it looks good on you,” Jeanist assured her.
“It fits perfect and it is comfortable,” Kia replied. “I think they got the pattern right, but I won’t know for sure until I use my quirk.” Turning to her partner, she asked, “What do you think, B?”
“Its fine,” He replied, turning around and heading for the door.
Hurrying after him, Kia waved to Best Jeanist.
“Good luck!” Best Jeanist called out as the two exited the building.
“Well, it looks like Bakugou is as closed off as ever. I really hoped that he would give it a chance,” Jeanist said to his assistant
“I wouldn’t be so quick to think that he won’t,” Nina giggled.
“What do you mean?” Best Jeanist asked.
“Didn’t you see his face when she walked up?” Nina asked.
“No, why?” Jeanist replied.
“Oh, never mind… men can be so clueless!” Nina sighed.
Bakugou turned down the street, stomping towards his usual patrol route. Kia caught up to him just to have him speed up his pace.
“What is the matter? If you are pissed about my costume, I can ask them to change it again. Honestly, I think they might have riffed off of yours a little too much,” Kia said to Bakugou’s back.
“Your costume is fine,” Bakugou snapped. “Let’s just get to work.” Bakugou turned left down the next street into an area with a lot of small publically owned stores.
“Do you usually take this route?” Kia asked.
“Yes,” Bakugou replied. Stopping, he reached into his pocket pulling out and earpiece radio and handed it to her.
“Thanks,” Kia said, placing the radio in her ear. They continued walking down the street when an owner from a small grocery store called out to them.
“Hey, Ground Zero!” an older gentleman called out.
“Hey old man,” Bakugou said, walking over to him.
“Looks like you’ve got yourself a new partner, eh?” the old guy said, giving Bakugou a wink.
“Hello sir, my name is Wildside,” Kia said with a bow.
“It’s nice to meet you,” the old guy replied, “My name is Yuichi Kawahara. I own this store.”
“It is nice to meet you as well, Mr. Kawahara,” Kia said with a smile.
“Hahahah! How did a nice girl like you get stuck with a foul-mouthed guy like him?” Mr. Kawahara laughed.
“Just unlucky, I guess,” Kia responded, laughing.
“What did you say, old man?” Bakugou hollered.
“Ground Zero must be here,” an old woman said, walking out of the store carrying a box of apples.
“Wildside, I would like you to meet my wife Yuki,” Mr. Kawahara said, ignoring Bakugou.
“It is nice to meet you ma’am. Let me help you with that,” Kia said, walking over to the old woman.
“Oh, aren’t you a dear,” Mrs. Kawahara said, handing over the box. The two women walked to the end of the store to put the apples on display.
“Looks like Jeanist gave you a beauty to work with. Maybe he thinks a pretty face might get you to use some manners,” Mr. Kawahara said giving Bakugou a nudge.
“Tch,” Bakugou turned away.
“So, you are from America? Your Japanese is so good!” Mrs. Kawahara asked as she and Kia walked back over to where her husband and Bakugou stood.
“Thanks, I learned to speak multiple languages when I was very young. Best Jeanist is friends with my old employer and he suggested me as a partner for Ground Zero, so I transferred.” Kia replied.
“Oh? Well, I wish you luck my dear. Ground Zero could use a good partner…. don’t let his bad attitude fool you, he has a kind heart,” Mrs. Kawahara, said ending with a whisper.
“I will keep that in mind,” Kia said.
“Oi, Sunshine let’s keep going,” Bakugou said, turning and walking down the street.
“It was nice to meet both of you!” Kia said before turning to catch up to her partner. “They really like you,” she informed Bakugou, but he just ignored her.
They made their way down the street filled with small stores before working their way over to the next street. The street they were walking down now was full of entertainment stores like arcades and restaurants. Kia kept an eye on their surroundings making sure to memorize the streets and the patrol routes Bakugou was taking her on.
“Ground Zero!” someone called out from behind them.
Stopping and turning around, Kia saw three young boys running up to them. One had on a black t-shirt with a big red X on the front while another’s shirt had Ground Zero written on the front. The smallest boy’s shirt looked like there was an explosion on it.
“What are you brats up to?” Bakugou asked.
“Who’s the chick?” the leader of their group asked.
“You better learn to show respect to heroes, kid…” Kia said, raising an eyebrow at him.
“She is my new partner. You three been staying out of trouble?” Bakugou replied.
“Yes, sir!” the three said, snapping to attention.
“You guys see anything suspicious going on?” Bakugou asked them.
“No, sir!” the littlest of the group piped up.
“Good work, if you do see anything call me or go to the police, got it?” Bakugou told them.
“Yes, sir!” they all replied.
“Excuse me. What is your name lady?” the littlest asked Kia.
“You can call me Wildside,” Kia said smiling down at the youngster.
“My name is Hiro,” He replied.
“I’m Haru, and this is Kuro,” the leader of the little group said, pointing to himself and the other kid.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you all,” Kia replied.
“What is your quirk?” Haru asked.
“It’s a secret,” Kia replied, putting a finger to her lips.
“Why?” little Hiro asked.
“That’s because Ground Zero hasn’t even asked me what it is yet,” Kia replied.
“Alright you brats, get out of here!” Bakugou said, turning to leave.
“See you, boys!” Kia waved. The boys waved and then ran off in the direction of one of the arcades.
“So you have some little helpers, huh,” Kia asked her partner.
“Tch, I caught those three trying to steal from one of the local electronic stores a couple years ago,” Bakugou replied. “Figured I could give them something to do to keep them out of trouble.”
“Guess you got yourself a couple of super fans in the process?” Kia laughed.
“I’ve got more fans than those three,” Bakugou informed her.
“How bad did you have to scare them?” Kia teased.
“What is that supposed --” Bakugou started, but Kia interrupted him.
“Shush!” She said, tilting her head.
“What are you - ?” Bakugou started again.
“I said quiet!” Kia said, holding up her hand.
Bakugou felt his anger rising until he looked at his partner. She had closed her eyes and he realized that she was listening for something.
“Someone is robbing Mr. Kawahara’s shop!” Kia said taking off towards the next intersection, “You blast off over the buildings and I will meet you there.”
“Wait, how do you know that?” Bakugou asked.
“Just trust me!” she yelled as she turned the corner.
Gritting his teeth, Bakugou used his quirk to propel himself over buildings towards Mr. Kawahara’s shop. She must be able to hear long distance, he thought as the store came into view. Sure enough two men came running out of the store as Bakugou crested the building across the street.
“Shit it’s Ground Zero!” the first one yelled. Blades came out of his arms as his partner took off down the street.
Bakugou blasted his way towards the blade guy. I will take out this asshole first, and then I’ll go after his friend! he thought to himself. When he landed the thief rushed at him swinging an arm wide to slash at Bakugou. Dodging, Bakugou aimed a small blast up under the guy’s arm. Stunned, the guy faltered back a few steps. Bakugou lunged forward. Grabbed the guy by the face he slammed him into the ground giving him another small blast for good measure.
Making sure the guy was out cold, Bakugou looked up to see the other thief already three blocks away. Damn, it he must have a speed related quirk, he thought. Just then, he saw Kia come flying out of the intersection in front of the thief. The thief, noticing the female hero, sped up even more blowing past her as she gave chase, easily keeping up with him.  
Bakugou took to the air using his quirk to chase after the pair. Just then, Kia jumped. Flames licked her hands and feet as they blasted her forward. Gaining on the thief, Kia spun and kicked the perp in the side before slamming him into the brick wall next to them.
Landing, she spun to face the thief, who pulled out a knife of his own and rushed towards her. Kia met the man head-on as the blade came down on her arm, slicing through her costume and revealing purple scales underneath. Taking advantage of the thief’s shock, Kia grabbed his wrist and twisted the blade away. She brought her knee up into the man’s gut, knocking the air from his lungs. The man fell to his knees, clutching his stomach. Kia spun, kicking the man in the side of the head and effectively knocking him out.  
Bakugou landed as Kia took out a pair of cuffs and restrained the thief. “I got mine now, where is yours?” Kia asked lifting the thief up.
“What the hell was that?” Bakugou asked, gawking at his partner.
“I’d have thought you’d know a quirk when you saw one?” Kia replied.
Walking back to the store, Bakugou cuffed his thief while Kia saw to it that the old couple was ok. They then took their catch to the nearest police station and filled out the required paperwork. After they were done, they headed back to the agency to make their report.
Once they got to the office, Bakugou rounded on his partner. “What the hell is your quirk?”
“You are finally going to ask?” Kia replied.
“Just tell me already!” Bakugou yelled.
“Why the hell are you yelling at me? Would it kill you to ask nicely?” Kia yelled back.
“Come on, Sunshine, stop being difficult,” Bakugou replied.
“I’m being difficult?!” Kia yelled, her eyes glowing dangerously as her temper rose. “What is my name?”
“Who the fuck cares? You will be gone soon, anyways!” Bakugou yelled back.
“It’s Kia! Kia Hales you idiot!” Kia yelled as Bakugou watched scales appear across her cheeks and make their way down her jaw. Her pupils’ elongated and sharp canines poked out of her mouth. “You think you can get rid of me so easy that you don’t even have to learn my name? Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not going anywhere and nothing you do can make me!”
Bakugou was taken aback by what he was seeing. Sunshine looked dangerous; her fingertips even sported some nasty looking claws. Kia turned and stomped over to his desk and started searching through papers. Finding what she was looking for, she came back and shoved a yellow envelope into his chest.
“Why don’t you trying reading this, you ass! I’m going to support… and don’t worry I will fill out the paperwork before I leave,” Kia said as she left the office.  
Bakugou was stunned. No one but his mother had ever yelled at him like that. Looking down at the envelope in his hands, he decided to open it. It was an information packet on his new partner.
Name: Kia Hales
Age: 21
Quirk: Dragon & Nitrogen Manipulation
Country of Origin: United States of America
Previous Agency: Spotlight Corp.
                               High School: US Hero High
                               Middle School: Not Available
 “So…she has two quirks?” Bakugou read out-loud. He was going to have to talk to her about her abilities. She knew he could use his quirk to fly through the air so she had obviously done her homework on him.
Damn it! Why am I so pissed anyway? Bakugou thought to himself. She wasn’t in the way today… she was even helpful! I can’t even remember the last time I enjoyed working with someone. Wait… I enjoyed working with her? Bakugou gritted his teeth. He wasn’t going to admit it to himself yet, but maybe having Kia around wouldn’t be as annoying as he though…
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 | Ch 9 | Ch 10 | Ch 11
| Ch 12 | Ch 13 | Ch 14 | Ch 15 | Ch 16 | Ch 17 | Ch 18 | Ch 19 | Ch 20 
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jamesgeiiger · 5 years
‘I have been wrongly accused’: Nissan’s Carlos Ghosn claims innocence in first appearance since November arrest
TOKYO — Ousted Nissan Chairman Carlos Ghosn declared his innocence in his first public appearance since his November arrest, telling a Tokyo court on Tuesday that he had been wrongly accused of financial misconduct.
Ghosn, credited with rescuing Nissan Motor Co from near-bankruptcy two decades ago, was brought into the courtroom in handcuffs and a rope around his waist. He was wearing a navy suit and white shirt without a tie, and looked thinner than before his arrest, with his dark hair showing grey roots.
“I have been wrongly accused and unfairly detained based on meritless and unsubstantiated accusations,” the 64-year-old executive told the Tokyo District Court in a clear voice, reading from a prepared statement.
The day he was to go free, former Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn re-arrested for fresh allegations of financial misconduct
Auto industry superstar Carlos Ghosn arrested and faces sack over serious financial misconduct allegations
If you thought last year was bad, spare a thought for car makers who lost $140 billion in market cap
“I believe strongly that in all of my efforts on behalf of the company, I have acted honourably, legally and with the knowledge and approval of the appropriate executives inside the company,” he said.
From early morning, a crowd of journalists and television crews thronged outside the courthouse, and some 1,122 people lined up for 14 court seats assigned by lottery, highlighting strong interest in the case. News of the hearing was given top billing on public broadcaster NHK throughout the day.
The court hearing, requested by Ghosn’s lawyers, was held to explain the reasons for his prolonged detention since his Nov. 19 arrest rather than to argue merits of the case. Judge Yuichi Tada said the detention was due to flight risk and possibility he could conceal evidence.
Media gather outside Tokyo District Court in Tokyo Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2019.
But Ghosn used the opportunity to deny accusations against him, kicking off what is expected to be a lengthy counter-attack against the accusations.
Former prosecutor Nobuo Gohara said the court appearance was a public relations victory for Ghosn because it gave him an opportunity to counter the weeks of negative news about him.
“In this high-profile case, news had been dominated by information from the prosecutors and Nissan, so the public tended to view him accordingly,” he said. “But today it was all Ghosn. That’s very significant.”
After weeks of silence, Ghosn’s lawyers insisted in an afternoon press conference that the courts have no reason to keep him behind bars during the investigation.
Motonari Otsuru, a lawyer representing former Nissan Motor Co. Chairman Carlos Ghosn, speaks during a news conference in Tokyo, Japan, on Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2019.
On Dec. 31, the Tokyo District Court granted prosecutors’ request to extend Ghosn’s detention by 10 days until Jan. 11.
But former prosecutor Motonari Otsuru, who heads Ghosn’s defence team, said it was likely Ghosn would stay in custody until the trial starts, which could be in six months, given the practice in Japan of keeping defendants locked up until trial.
The Tokyo District Court said later on Tuesday that Ghosn’s lawyers have asked for an end to his detention.
One of Ghosn’s lawyers, Masato Oshikubo, told Reuters that a reply from the court to the request could come on Wednesday.
Ghosn has been formally charged with under-reporting his income. He has also been arrested, but not yet indicted, on allegations of aggravated breach of trust in shifting personal investment losses to the carmaker.
“I never received any compensation from Nissan that was not disclosed, nor did I ever enter into any binding contract with Nissan to be paid a fixed amount that was not disclosed,” Ghosn told the court.
Regarding allegations that he transferred losses to Nissan, Ghosn said he had asked the company to temporarily take on his foreign exchange contracts after the 2008-2009 financial crisis prompted his bank to call for more collateral.
He said he did this to avoid having to resign and use his retirement allowance for collateral.
“My moral commitment to Nissan would not allow me to step down during that crucial time,” said Ghosn. “A captain doesn’t jump ship in the middle of a storm.”
Otsuru said that Nissan had agreed to the arrangement, on condition that any losses or gains would be Ghosn’s.
This courtroom sketch illustrated by Masato Yamashita depicts former Nissan chairman Carlos Ghosn attending his hearing at the Tokyo district court.
Ghosn said the contracts were transferred back to him and that Nissan did not incur a loss.
Ghosn is also accused of paying US$14.7 million to Saudi businessman Khaled Al-Juffali using Nissan funds in exchange for arranging a letter of credit to help with his investment losses.
Ghosn said that Juffali’s company was compensated for “critical services that substantially benefited Nissan,” including soliciting financing and resolving a business dispute.
The Khaled Juffali Company has issued a statement saying it had received the payments for legitimate business purposes.
Nissan, which has ousted Ghosn as chairman, reiterated that its internal investigation prompted by an informant had uncovered “substantial and convincing evidence of misconduct” and that its investigation was ongoing and expanding in scope.
The case has rattled Nissan’s alliance with French automaker Renault SA, where Ghosn remains chairman and chief executive. He had been pushing for a deeper tie-up, including potentially a full merger at the French government’s urging, despite strong reservations at Nissan.
French Labour Minister Muriel Penicaud reiterated the government’s call for Nissan and Renault to preserve the alliance, seen as crucial for the two to compete long term amid trends such as autonomous driving.
“The most important thing today is that the presumption of innocence is respected and that we look after the Renault-Nissan alliance. There are many jobs at stake,” she told a television news channel.
Ghosn’s arrest has also put Japan’s criminal justice system under international scrutiny and sparked criticism for some of its practices, including keeping suspects in detention for long periods and prohibiting defence lawyers from being present during interrogations that can last eight hours a day.
Ghosn has been held at the Tokyo Detention Center, a spartan facility where small rooms have a toilet in the corner and no heater. His son, Anthony Ghosn, said his father had lost 10 kgs (22 pounds) during his detention, according to France’s weekly Journal du Dimanche.
Otsuru said Ghosn had been moved to a larger room with a western-style bed, but did not say when that had happened.
Nissan’s Representative Director Greg Kelly, who was also arrested on Nov. 19 and has been charged with conspiring to under-report Ghosn’s income, was released on Dec. 25 after posting bail of 70 million yen, or about US$640,000, in cash.
© Thomson Reuters 2019
‘I have been wrongly accused’: Nissan’s Carlos Ghosn claims innocence in first appearance since November arrest published first on https://worldwideinvestforum.tumblr.com/
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mikemortgage · 5 years
‘I have been wrongly accused’: Nissan’s Carlos Ghosn claims innocence in first appearance since November arrest
TOKYO — Ousted Nissan Chairman Carlos Ghosn declared his innocence in his first public appearance since his November arrest, telling a Tokyo court on Tuesday that he had been wrongly accused of financial misconduct.
Ghosn, credited with rescuing Nissan Motor Co from near-bankruptcy two decades ago, was brought into the courtroom in handcuffs and a rope around his waist. He was wearing a navy suit and white shirt without a tie, and looked thinner than before his arrest, with his dark hair showing grey roots.
“I have been wrongly accused and unfairly detained based on meritless and unsubstantiated accusations,” the 64-year-old executive told the Tokyo District Court in a clear voice, reading from a prepared statement.
The day he was to go free, former Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn re-arrested for fresh allegations of financial misconduct
Auto industry superstar Carlos Ghosn arrested and faces sack over serious financial misconduct allegations
If you thought last year was bad, spare a thought for car makers who lost $140 billion in market cap
“I believe strongly that in all of my efforts on behalf of the company, I have acted honourably, legally and with the knowledge and approval of the appropriate executives inside the company,” he said.
From early morning, a crowd of journalists and television crews thronged outside the courthouse, and some 1,122 people lined up for 14 court seats assigned by lottery, highlighting strong interest in the case. News of the hearing was given top billing on public broadcaster NHK throughout the day.
The court hearing, requested by Ghosn’s lawyers, was held to explain the reasons for his prolonged detention since his Nov. 19 arrest rather than to argue merits of the case. Judge Yuichi Tada said the detention was due to flight risk and possibility he could conceal evidence.
Media gather outside Tokyo District Court in Tokyo Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2019.
But Ghosn used the opportunity to deny accusations against him, kicking off what is expected to be a lengthy counter-attack against the accusations.
Former prosecutor Nobuo Gohara said the court appearance was a public relations victory for Ghosn because it gave him an opportunity to counter the weeks of negative news about him.
“In this high-profile case, news had been dominated by information from the prosecutors and Nissan, so the public tended to view him accordingly,” he said. “But today it was all Ghosn. That’s very significant.”
After weeks of silence, Ghosn’s lawyers insisted in an afternoon press conference that the courts have no reason to keep him behind bars during the investigation.
Motonari Otsuru, a lawyer representing former Nissan Motor Co. Chairman Carlos Ghosn, speaks during a news conference in Tokyo, Japan, on Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2019.
On Dec. 31, the Tokyo District Court granted prosecutors’ request to extend Ghosn’s detention by 10 days until Jan. 11.
But former prosecutor Motonari Otsuru, who heads Ghosn’s defence team, said it was likely Ghosn would stay in custody until the trial starts, which could be in six months, given the practice in Japan of keeping defendants locked up until trial.
The Tokyo District Court said later on Tuesday that Ghosn’s lawyers have asked for an end to his detention.
One of Ghosn’s lawyers, Masato Oshikubo, told Reuters that a reply from the court to the request could come on Wednesday.
Ghosn has been formally charged with under-reporting his income. He has also been arrested, but not yet indicted, on allegations of aggravated breach of trust in shifting personal investment losses to the carmaker.
“I never received any compensation from Nissan that was not disclosed, nor did I ever enter into any binding contract with Nissan to be paid a fixed amount that was not disclosed,” Ghosn told the court.
Regarding allegations that he transferred losses to Nissan, Ghosn said he had asked the company to temporarily take on his foreign exchange contracts after the 2008-2009 financial crisis prompted his bank to call for more collateral.
He said he did this to avoid having to resign and use his retirement allowance for collateral.
“My moral commitment to Nissan would not allow me to step down during that crucial time,” said Ghosn. “A captain doesn’t jump ship in the middle of a storm.”
Otsuru said that Nissan had agreed to the arrangement, on condition that any losses or gains would be Ghosn’s.
This courtroom sketch illustrated by Masato Yamashita depicts former Nissan chairman Carlos Ghosn attending his hearing at the Tokyo district court.
Ghosn said the contracts were transferred back to him and that Nissan did not incur a loss.
Ghosn is also accused of paying US$14.7 million to Saudi businessman Khaled Al-Juffali using Nissan funds in exchange for arranging a letter of credit to help with his investment losses.
Ghosn said that Juffali’s company was compensated for “critical services that substantially benefited Nissan,” including soliciting financing and resolving a business dispute.
The Khaled Juffali Company has issued a statement saying it had received the payments for legitimate business purposes.
Nissan, which has ousted Ghosn as chairman, reiterated that its internal investigation prompted by an informant had uncovered “substantial and convincing evidence of misconduct” and that its investigation was ongoing and expanding in scope.
The case has rattled Nissan’s alliance with French automaker Renault SA, where Ghosn remains chairman and chief executive. He had been pushing for a deeper tie-up, including potentially a full merger at the French government’s urging, despite strong reservations at Nissan.
French Labour Minister Muriel Penicaud reiterated the government’s call for Nissan and Renault to preserve the alliance, seen as crucial for the two to compete long term amid trends such as autonomous driving.
“The most important thing today is that the presumption of innocence is respected and that we look after the Renault-Nissan alliance. There are many jobs at stake,” she told a television news channel.
Ghosn’s arrest has also put Japan’s criminal justice system under international scrutiny and sparked criticism for some of its practices, including keeping suspects in detention for long periods and prohibiting defence lawyers from being present during interrogations that can last eight hours a day.
Ghosn has been held at the Tokyo Detention Center, a spartan facility where small rooms have a toilet in the corner and no heater. His son, Anthony Ghosn, said his father had lost 10 kgs (22 pounds) during his detention, according to France’s weekly Journal du Dimanche.
Otsuru said Ghosn had been moved to a larger room with a western-style bed, but did not say when that had happened.
Nissan’s Representative Director Greg Kelly, who was also arrested on Nov. 19 and has been charged with conspiring to under-report Ghosn’s income, was released on Dec. 25 after posting bail of 70 million yen, or about US$640,000, in cash.
© Thomson Reuters 2019
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