#what do you MEAN it just sunk in that my roommate that ive lived with for almost a year and literally share a room with
twohauntedhouses · 2 years
being neglected has got to be in the top five most embarrassing things for me personally to this day. not the neglect itself, but the way my every interaction and entire conception of care and myself has been shaped by it? every thought process i can trace back to that? embarrassing and typical!!!!
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em-be-lievable · 5 years
For the prompt thing, maybe #8 with analogical and angst? I love all your writing and your art
:0!! Oh? Finally one that isn’t fluff??
You got it sweetheart- just be careful what you wish for, because I don’t angst lightly
Writing Prompt 8: “How did I not know about this?”Words: 1200+Warnings: Homelessness, assault and hospitalization mentioned in passing, swearing, kinda kidnapping if you squint at it.
Virgil cringed at the sound of the car door slamming shut. He couldn’t bare to look at Logan’s expression, but also couldn’t avoid seeing it out of the corner of his eye. The other taking deep, angry breaths as his knuckles went white from gripping the steering wheel so hard. Wordlessly, Logan turned the key in the ignition, and pulled out of the parking lot heading towards the freeway.
Virgil wanted to run away, to flee and avoid like he always did. But he couldn’t. Not only were they in a moving vehicle, but his body was too sore and broken to let him.
It just hurt. It hurt so much that in a three year online relationship this was how Logan got to meet him.
“So.” Virgil physically flinched as Logan broke the silence, steely gaze never leaving the windshield. “When were you going to tell me about this?”
Virgil’s eyes fell, suddenly becoming very fascinated in the state of his worn converse as he shrugged. “Which part? The homelessness, the assault, or the hospitalization?”
“All of it.” Logan hissed. “Damn it Virgil! How did I not know about this?”
Virgil grimaced, but only offered a shrug. “I-…I just didn’t know how to bring it up…”
“Bullshit.” Logan cut, and Virgil could feel it slice into the very core of his being. “Virgil how could you hide something like this from me?! Do you have any idea how scared I was when you just disappeared for months?! When you didn’t answer of my messages, texts, or phone calls?! How absolutely devastating that the only way I found out you were even still alive was a nurse calling me as an emergency contact?!”
“Look, Lo, I’m sorry- alright?” Virgil sighed, he wanted to cry, to scream and beg for forgiveness for being so fucked up. But he couldn’t, his tears were all dried up. “I’ll pay you back the gas money for coming to get me- and for the time off work you took to come here.”
“I don’t want your fucking money, Virgil!” Logan practically shouted, momentarily taking his attention off the road to look at Virgil with frustraited tears in his eyes. “I’m supposed to be your boyfriend! I want you to be honest with me- to tell me what the hell has been going on and for you to trust me!”
“I’m sorry…” Virgil whispered, as Logan sighed, and turned back to the road.
“Stop apologizing and just-” He wiped at his eyes, skewing his glasses for a moment. “Just tell me what happened.”
“It’s a long story.” Virgil dismissed quietly, as Logan finished recomposing himself.
“We’ve got a long drive ahead of us, so start talking.” Virgil furrowed his brows at this, it didn’t take that long to get from the hospital to the shelter-
His eyes widened in horror as Logan drove right passed the exit leading into down town. “You’re going the wrong way. King’s street is that way.”
“We’re not going to King’s street.” Logan stated with cold, biting words. “We’re going to my house.”
Virgil’s heart nearly stopped as he looked at Logan with wide, pleading eyes. “Logan no you can’t-”
“This isn’t up for debate, Virgil.” Lo’s words were short, and biting. All nails and teeth that sunk into the Virgil’s paralyzed core. “You’re staying at my house now. End of discussion.”
“You can’t do that Logan!” Virgil pleaded, his voice getting tight. “You can’t just take me back to your house! You live like three states away!”
“Watch me.” Logan hissed, anger dripping off his words like venom. His tone was dangerous enough that Virgil couldn’t even begin to question it.
But he couldn’t just go back with Logan. He had a job to go to- and he already had missed so many days since he was hospitalized. He had student loans to pay, and not hospital bills.
He couldn’t just dump this all on Logan. Not while Logan was so perfect and Virgil was so broken.
“Logan stop the fucking car! You’re not taking me with you!” He went for the car handle, but Logan immediately locked it.
“Virgil, I said this isn’t up for debate.”
“The fuck it isn’t, Logan!” Virgil barked, fear turning to anger as the ‘fight’ part of fight or flight started kicking in. “Who the fuck do you think you are?! I’m not some fucking damsel in distress for you to swoop in and save at the last minute- I have a fucking life to go back to! Listen-”
“NO, YOU FUCKING LISTEN!” Logan practically growled, hastily slamming on the breaks and pulling off the side of the highway to throw the car in park. Logan turned to Virgil, face red with angry tears flowing down his face without permission in what could only be the most emotional Virgil had ever seen Logan. “YOU CAN’T FUCKING DO THIS TO ME AGIAN, VIRGIL! I’m not sending you back just so you fucking disappear on me! I can’t handle just never knowing if you’re okay, or alive- if you have enough food to eat or a safe place to sleep! ESPECIALLY now!! Do you have any idea how it feels that the first time I get to see my boyfriend was in a fucking hospital tied up with IV’s?! How scared I was on the phone hearing that you were there and hadn’t woken up for three days?! How fucked up I was over you just going offline for MONTHS?!”
Logan’s hands were now gripping Virgil’s ratty patched-up hoody with a grip so strong you’d think if he loosened it just a tiny bit Virge would evaporate right before his eyes. Virgil was shaking now, feeling the raw anger radiating off Lo.
But it wasn’t anger, Virgil realized as Logan’s expression melted before his eyes, and tears flowed like a river of grief. No, no this was desperation and fear that had been eating away at Logan ever since shit hit the fan and Virgil left. Tearing, biting, worry that had been mangling his boyfriend every minute of every day for months.
Guilt rammed into his chest like a freight train at full speed as Logan leaned his face into Virgil’s shoulder and sobbed. “You can’t do that. It isn’t fair. I won’t let you.” Broken sobs dribbled out of the other boy’s mouth as Virgil just stayed there, helpless, stupid, and still. “I don’t care if I have to lock you up in my house forever. Just-just please. I can’t handle not knowing if you’re okay or not. I can’t. Please don’t leave me like that ever again.”
Virgil didn’t know when he started crying. It was stupid, what did he have to cry about? Logan was the one in pain- and even worse, he was the one who caused it.
With shaking arms, Virgil wrapped himself around Logan and drew him in close. “I-I’m so sorry Logan.” He choked out, words tasting bitter on his tongue. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please. I’m sorry- just please stop crying.”
But he didn’t. Both boys would sit there for far too long, holding onto each other and crying out their worry, their frustration, and their hurt. The only one listening was the unfeeling highway and the cars full of faceless people who wouldn’t pass them a second glance. Eventually they’d start driving again. Virgil would confess his sins and there would be more tears- these ones of sympathy and a desire to make things better. They’d reach Logan’s house where Logan’s roommates; Patton and Roman, would welcome them with worry and comfort. They’d live out the rest of their days facing their troubles together and finding strength in their bond.
But for now, they just cried. The streetlights being the only ones to witness their plight.
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chubsjiminiie · 6 years
Bʀᴇᴀᴋ Mʏ Hᴇᴀʀᴛ 🌙  preview pt 25
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~тaeнyυng х reader
~ pt 25/??
~ birthday preview
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posts everyday at 9pm est
requests are open!
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You giggle looking down at your phone seeing all your friends being a little dumb. Your birthday had finally arrived, usually you weren’t one for birthdays because they were just another regular day. At least that’s what they ended up feeling like since you had either school or work that took up most of your time.
Tae really put his all in celebrating your birthday this year. Buying gifts left and right; anything he thought that you’d enjoy he got. So far thing between the two of you really had gone well; it seemed things were getting somewhat serious. You spent almost every single day together, finding any free time to see each other and have little dates. Every time he was near your heart overflowed with love, you were falling in deep. It seemed, at least to you, his eyes were brighter, his smile sweeter, his touch a little warmer, and his heart a little softer.
With everyday that passed your feelings got stronger, and you were almost 100% sure you had fallen deeply, madly in love with Kim Taehyung, your best friend. It was different now though; before you tried your best to ignore what you felt because he’d never feel the same but that has changed. Now you knew his flirting and clinginess wasn’t all in your head, it was real. Jungkook, being his roommate, was constantly teasing you about stealing his boyfriend and hogging him night and day. There were times when he’d complain even when he wasn’t with you but you assumed it was him just messing with you. The others were very supportive about everything and very invested in the relationship.
For tonight though, you guys weren’t really bothering with thinking about the budding relationship. It was time to enjoy the party and get drunk out of your minds. All the boys had agreed on things to help you get prepare and were going to be at your place an hour early. They said you were going to need some help protecting your place for the destruction that was to come. Already you could see the mess that would be waiting for you tomorrow morning. Beer cans and bottles scattered everywhere. red solo cups covering every single flat surface, strange puddles of liquids on your wooden floor. Maybe you shouldn’t be celebrating your birthday with a hundred drunk college students… oh well.
The night before Taehyung had come over to give you his final present and stay the night with you. It was huge teddy bear and a bunch of balloons with a bouquet of roses. In that moment you had no idea how to react so you jumped on his and wrapped your legs around his waist. He got caught off guard so you both fell to the couch behind him and you both laugh. You felt your smile grow just thinking back on that memory and you looked up to your ceiling. After doing what you need you had come to lay down on your bed but you couldn’t calm your mind from constantly thinking of Tae. He was in your guest room changing into his outfit, he had brought two full bags of clothes to make sure he was prepared for any outfit color you chose. It was these small things he did that always made your heart swoon and jump out of your chest. They gave you hope, hope that everything would be alright if the two of you made the decision to stay together.
Some could call you ignorant for trusting a fuckboy, even if he’s your best friend. That made it worst thought because you had seen all the moves he makes to get girls or to break hearts, you knew his little games. There were girls in your classes that “warned” you about him, they said when they hooked up he was quick to leave and ignore their entire existence. They said he may be a little nicer because you were friends but at the end of the day he was Taehyung. Not going to lie this ran through your head a lot, you always wondered if he was playing games but you gave him the benefit of the doubt. He would never you thought, he cares way too much about you not just romantically but as a friend. Was he really the type to not give a fuck and hurt his own best friend knowing she’s head over heels for him?
You don’t know though, and that in itself drove you crazy. He had so much power in his hands, it was all in his next move to see what came out of everything.
You eyelids slowly began to close trying to keep away the negative thoughts that had already starting coming through. Tonight is for having fun, enjoying your birthday, celebrating you. Suddenly the empty side of you bed sunk down and a body laid next to yours. He slowly turned and wrapped his arm around your waist resting his on your chest.
“Princess, are you taking a nap before your ruin your liver tonight?” he whispered not wanting to wake you up in case you were really asleep.
“Mhm. Oppa really has good ideas about charging up before a party,” you giggle.
He chuckles at your comment and somehow cuddles closer onto you; you bring your free arms and wrap them around him pulling him even closer. You both had always had cuddling sessions and slept in the same bed together but it’s been completely different nowadays. They felt, weird, a good weird. The type of cuddles that made you want to giggle and blush and just be there forever if it was possible. As soon as you both started to get into your nap a loud bang can from the front door being swung open. Six voices filled the empty rooms at your place, their feet shuffling around trying to find where the star of the night was. Once they reached your room they saw the two of you laying holding each other and began their teasing. Jimin and Jungkook hyped it up the most jumping on the bed and falling on top of the both of you claiming they wanted cuddles too. Jin and Namjoon were hand in hand laughing from the door. Surprisingly Hobi and Yoongi were also hand in hand but their expressions were unreadable. Almost as if something was bothering them but as their eyes met yours their smiles appeared.  
“Hell yeah!” Jungkook jumped off the bed and made his way down with the rest of the guys.
Taehyung and you took a bit longer trying to unwrap yourselves and fix up the messiness that was created by the cuddles. As you made your way down, his hand found yours and intertwined your fingers. He loved being touchy, he lived for holding hands, hugging, and any type of affection. Time passed as you guys pregamed in the middle of kitchen. Each one of you complained about all the assignments that were being given in almost every major. Most of you being art majors, you enjoyed and hated big projects because you had creative control but the deadlines really killed.
Slowly more college students began arriving and started drinking. In the beginning most of them tried their best to greet you but as the night went on they completely forgot why they came in the first place. The music was blasting and shaking all the beautiful paintings and pictures on your wall but you didn’t mind. it felt good to let loose and celebrate you. The guys had stuck by your side most of the night wanting to drink as much as possible with you.
“No Jungkook stop you can’t say those things to a girl!!!” Jin scolded the youngest.
“Jin hyung. I only wanted to know if she keeps money in her bra like y/n!”
“You can’t ask so freely unless you know her!” he shook his head, “She’s going to think your a creep.”
“That’s okay,” Jungkook shrugged and his bunny teeth came out as his lips spread into a big smile.
You didn’t know how many shots you had taken but it was… a lot. Plus the guys were refilling your red solo cup right after you finished, it felt like you were floating at this point. Taehyung had drank just as much as you taking every shot you took filling his cup just as much as yours got filled. He was gone. You were a bit surprise to find out he was even more touchy as a drunk. He turned to face you and brought you into a hug, his arms wrapped around your waist and his head rested on your shoulder. You were leaning against a wall in your house as the rest of the group circled around you. His soft lips began to peck your shoulder sweetly, he moved up a bit and started kissing your jaw. Your knees felt weak as he got closer to your ear.
His raspy voice whispered, “You’re so beautiful y/n.”
“Thank you,” you spoke back softly not really knowing what to do.
His lips continued to leave trails of kisses along your neck and shoulders until he finally reached your lips. He only gave you a small peck and let go of you.
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you all day long but I haven’t had the balls to,” he chuckles as he bends down speaking into your ear, “I almost forgot to tell you. I have one last present to give you. But it’s for when were both alone.”
You’re eyebrows knitted together and your head tilted to the side, “Birthday sex?” you asked teasing him jokingly.
“I mean if you’re down…” you playfully smack his arm, “No baby, its something more special. I can give you birthday sex after that if were sober enough,” he winked.
You both laughed at each other and he pulled you into his arms. This time he was leaning against the wall and your back was pressed to his chest. His head rested on the top of your head and his arms were on your shoulders. You held his hand, and watched your friends get wasted and start talking complete nonsense. Feeling in the mood to move around and take out all the energy the alcohol had given you, you drag Tae out to dance with you. Your dancing wasn’t much of anything, a couple of the guys gave you thumbs up or would make kissing faces at you. You were too out of it to feel Tae’s phone vibrate in his pocket but he noticed.
He pulled his phone out and looked down at who had texted him. He felt his  body cringe just looking at the name written on the screen while he was having a moment with you. The text read, “Where are you?”, there were 3 dots indicating she was typing. He didn’t want to but he couldn’t help it. He excused himself and went into the bathroom to text back the girl who had just texted him.
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