#what elseeeeeee
grapeenthusiast · 3 months
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thingsdivine · 4 months
Hmmm what other bands i could be obsessed with
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i have enough cord to make three more bracelets what should they say!!
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 2 months
Listen up, anonny who tried scolding Zeep on keeping the cat as an indoor cat. She IS an indoor cat. That’s part of what the problem was, is she was outside for a few minutes, OBSERVED, and she ran away.
thanks for trying to help but the “CATS MUST BE INSIDE 24/7 OR ELSEEEEEEE” thing doesn’t help. it just makes people feel bad when they’re already doing everything right but kitty decides to explore anyway.
*munching popcorn with a fizzy drink*
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anonymolly · 10 months
okay so everything hurts and I’m gonna do a self-care afternoon/evening with what’s left of the day. what should that include?
so far I’ve got:
- long bath
- blowout with my new blowdryer :)
- shave legs etc
- paint fingernails
what elseeeeeee
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taqtu · 3 months
tired of being my parents' venting machine bc i do not enjoy knowing these burdens it just makes me feel super guilty of being alive and idk i kind of resent my brother for not being here bc im just like alone i guess and my dad is being such a man it pisses me off can u not be like that girl idk were poor and things are hard like! i do not react well to stress like look at me here journalling AGAIN HAWJKDRF like. this is so embarrassingggggg emotions are embarrassing
all i did for a week was just isolate myself or i guess hermit mode since i dont wanna hear shit abt kliev 24/7 like please talk abt smth elseeeeeee idk its just my bpd but tbh these seem so small compared to irl things and it is lol. idk i just ddont wanna know these things and honestly i dont rly have a reaction to my dad being a man bc hes always been such a man so its like. k whatever can u find a new bit please like idk what to do in these situations????????? its not like i wanna talk to an emotionally stunted man too or a woman who makes me feel super guilty all the time idk im just tired of knowing this shit alone and dealing w it and its not like i can t alk to my brother abt it bc its literally the same response everytime nd i dont think he even cares abt me anymore bc i havent seen him in 3 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like idk i kind of resent you for that at least come home even at least once!!!!!!!!!! so i can be reminded that im not alone!!!!!! that im not alone dealing w all of this bullshit by myself and just!!! im alone!! im utterly alone!!! i cant rely on my friends bc i just cant? i dont think im letting myself rely on them bc im paranoid and i dont want to be let down. but idk ive always been let down so i dont ask for support !
k anyway another journal entry to remind myself im fucking ALONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE but i dont want to BEEEEEEEEEE
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hana-the-ghostieee · 8 months
hey hey heyyy! not your typical yorushika post here but does involve them. as in elmy and ojisuma. anyways
sometimes i feel like my interests just bleed and blend into each other, unless they can't. (like i literally don't know how the same person that draws a butt ton of cats and likes to radiate positivity and enjoys kawaii culture and decora and happiness listens to songs about literally just living for music, and having no purpose once you literally can't create anymore, or about losing someone close to you and just having this hole. this hole in my heart they left behind. they used to be the one that could fill the void but now that they're gone i can't fill it, it's this hole that keeps spreading and spreading in the middle of my chest)
i mean let's be real i physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually can't connect Perfume and this like danish pastel aesthetic. or Kyary Pamyu Pamyu with 8/31, the day Amy ran out of ink and oofed himself with the one gay ship i show my support on in the back of my notebooks. (those men. they can break up in front of my gravestone. and my spirit will float around. forever haunting this land. edit: i read The Moon That Breaks by TheHufflebean on AO3 and when i got to the breakup scene i lied on the floor and held my breath for like 5 minutes because well. i don't have a gravestone just lying around. but then i reread the tags and there was a make up scene (which WAS there thank whoever you'd like) and continued reading)
and before any of you people on the wolfstar tag yell at me for not putting any content related to them um click/tap Keep reading please thank you
thanks for wasting your time trying to read this! anyways
there's going to be so many more edits and tweaks and finetunes i can FEEL it
lemme take wolfstar for an example (though yorushika hasn't been bled through, thank whoever you'd like, i will list it as an example. edit: yorushika may have been bled through.)
edit: feel more than free to steal these ideas =w= i'd be a terrible writer, art is my strong suit (tho credit me i guess? idk do what you want i won't be mad if you just yoink it from wherever you see this)
japan? poof. modern au. they move to shinjuku niichome. (japan's lgbt city)
um what else what else what elseeeeeee (sorry brain is scrambled rn)
cats? poof. they adopt more cats than any reasonable person should have. (with minor disinterest from sirius but remus is just INTO IT LIKE HECK YES CATS OR I'M JUST PROJECTING IDK) bonus points if they end up running a cat cafe/cat library
(okay don't steal any ideas from this point on i'm working on a fic for this)
(go read Letters to Elma and Elma's Diary if you want to make sense of what's going on here! i'd recommend you listen to the full albums That's Why I Gave Up On Music and Elma first though. also trigger warning - the protag for Letters/That's Why oofs himself.)
(also please don't yell at me for making them not sound like themselves, i wrote this at like 1am, i probably suck at writing and i modeled them after the original elma and amy okay thankth)
elmy au, sirius is amy and remus is elma. both are also music creators, sirius suffers from depression, gets told by a seer (idk why. oh maybe remus has a seer friend he'd like sirius to see?? *shrugs*) he'd have less than a year left to live because of a "chronic issue", loses it and [insert Letters to Elma here]
so i'm thinking it's kind of a poa grim situation here, where a bunch of symbols saying he'd die within the year just appear out of nowhere, more frequent than before and then he gets a diagnosis for some heart disease and then above scene plays out
edit: don't know how i forgot this buttttt um in Diary 5/15 Elma says "Life surely has an expiration date. Those were the words I let leak out to him, a long time ago." (him being amy ofc) and im just imagining remus saying a bunch of poetic stuff cuz even though he doesn't do it often, he's a freaking good songwriter then this comes up and sirius just internalizes those words like no other
also i think i've moved on from my Kamisama no Dansu (dance of the gods) phase, on to Ame Haruru (after the rain) and i want to mention a few lines. "another summer without you is on it's way" - i'm assuming this is remus going welp. i guess no boyfriend. it's been a while. (back when they were in school they had summers apart but then they moved in together so they also spent the summers together but ofc now that sirius is somewhere in gotland/farosund/idk remus is just. i guess you won't be there this summer) "finally, the rain fell" - a reference as to how amy/sirius left town before writing what it's like after the rain. and it's counterpart, "finally, the rain stopped" - remus/elma experiencing what it's like, knowing he didn't
more edit: uhm completely forgot about the lycanthropy so assume remus found a forest or something (you know what. it's the forest referenced in the instrumental mori no kyoukai/church in the forest) all the while sirius is in the back (or well lord knows where in gotland) cursing himself for forgetting the thing he does w/ bf every. single month
back to 12am me :P
oh but instead of writing down all the letters and whatever and then getting a box and mailing it off, sirius sends remus letters like individually and consistently so remus also goes to sweden and hunts him down but remus doesn't have any spare paper on him so he can't respond in any way
don't ask me how he sends the letters and how he receives the letters
oh wait i got it nvm! um sirius sends the letters by owl (how could i forget) and remus has a diary (because Elma's Diary) but you know. he's not one of those people that rips pages out of their books (at least in this au that exists in the void that is my mind)
and then he chases after him. literally looking freaking everywhere. sometimes they're 3 days apart. sometimes they're so close you'd be sure they have dora the explorer eyesight but no they JUST miss each other like BARELY by a MILLISECOND like seriously remus can freaking SMELL him but thinks it's like a hallucination (cuz he has been getting those recently, see Diary 8/27) or yk becuz he stole some of sirius' clothes (though on 5/15 Elma also says she can't taste anything so rem can't either. also smell & taste are connected so he essentially just loses the function to smell anything. sign of severe depression =w=)
sirius is on the pier, opening the bottle of Flower Verdigris/Paris Green/Emerald Green/take your pick.
remus stands at the base (?) (what do you call that part on a dock/pier where you just get on) of the pier. he could recognize that black hair anywhere.
okay googled it
oh wait no that's for a floating dock
i googled it again
...found nothing. anyways
he stands at the base of the pier, at the silhouette sitting on the edge. he could recognize that curly, dark hair from 50 miles away.
sirius' head turns. he seems to be crying.
anyways remus runs up to him and [insert nautilus mv epic outro here but instead of the guitar it's sirius and instead of elma crying the liquid water out of her... being it's remus who is also crying the liquid water out of his being][...also nautilus is a wip until they get home][to clarify things remus does not pick sirius up like the guitar. they're hugging so hard you'd think a spine would break and they're maybe kissing and definitely crying]
edit: i sat down and thought about it so um sirius is sitting on the docks like one would sit on a bench (legs dangling off of the surface) and remus just runs to him and drops on the floor, kneeling position similar to the epic guitar/piano outro in the nautilus mv with the thrown papers and they're still crying and the sun is rising because even though amy oofed himself on the dock around the evening on 8/31 here sirius tries to oof himself at dawn, cuz the line "someday, the dawn will break, so try and open your sleepy eyes, because i've pictured them so many times" and then they stand up face each other and then collapse onto each other (like lean onto each other) and then cue passionate kissing (finally) (ooh as the sun rises and parts through the clouds. someday i will try my best to draw it. and um put it here. be prepared for the ultimate pathetic. something idk.)
and right now they're just gay sobbing messes :P
yet another edit: i'm thinking i can find a way to incorporate the lily/remus friendship. so you know the old lady that first appears in Diary 7/5, right? i'm thinking she's at least a representation of lily, though of course in this au she's swedish (along with the other peeps. yk james and peter and severus mhm) so remus understands. nothing. in this au they first meet because lily needed help w/ baggage ig? it's on the ferry to gotland and well her first husband/bf passed on (shown in Diary 7/22, elderly woman says "Man" and smiles, implying she looks back on the memories fondly, and we're expected to believe this was her husband. i'm thinking in this au maybe??? snape/lily was a thing. not sure. write some ship in the comments/rbs i guess) also i'm pretty sure she thought remus was straight and that he lost his gf/wife and is trying to move on too (in case you forgot, he's looking for a certain sirius, which is in fact alive, who is his bf) and on the ship home on 9/25 (i like to think they as in r/s stayed in sweden for a bit longer, taking more pics together and enjoying whatever they missed while looking for each other) they see lily/elderly woman again with her child harry supported by the man she loves, james (aww that would be sweet tho. fluffy jily and wolfstar stuff at the end) (in canon Diary, the elderly woman with her children and the new husband is kind of a symbol for Elma, saying she'll move on and heal and potentially find someone else)
okay i thought about it and sat a bit more. and. remember 8/27? (the blend of fantasy/reality whatever where Elma finds Amy's stuff?) uhm i'm thinking something like that would happen here on 8/31, but ofc with more intervention from miss nice old lady (represented by lily). so she's moved on from her grief and found another love (james) right? well turns out james is still an animagus in this au (how helpful =w=) and lily is just. unsure of what the heck happened. (tho she does get some "help i'm looking for my boyfriend" vibes) until she connects the dots. they're fronking looking for each other before sirius' life reaches it's "expiration date" (though let's be real. throwing away that life would be like yeeting a loaf of freshly baked bread into the bin) so she tells james the master plan. she thinks on the last day of his life, remus would go out and look for him again, unaware of the fact that his boyfriend is literally at the lowest point of his life. so she'd sent out james for remus to follow (under the pretense that that was sirius' shadow, before leading him to the docks where sirius would go like once every like two weeks since coming to gotland to regret whatever he did) and then cue the scene from "and then comes 8/31. (maCHIGAUTTERUNDAYO WAKATTERUNDA ANTARA NINGEN MO--)" it's basically just saaaaaaaaaaaayonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraa no haYASA DE KAOO WO AGETE. ITSUKA YATTO YORU GA AKETARA, MOU, ME WO SAMASHITEEEEE, MITEEEEEEEE, NEBOKE MANAKO NO KIMI WO, NANDEDATTE EGAITEIRU KARA (yeah i put some lines from nautilus, your point is?) all the while jily are just watching the gay sobbing messes™ from afar, in the forest or hiding in a bush near the base, high-fiving and cheering or something idk
ohkayee back again to me from 1am
oh also remus does write the responses to the songs sirius sent him, and they show each other freakin all the songs they wrote (so sirius shows him the summer grass gets in my way and a loser doesn't need an encore in the "original" notebook Elma finds on 8/27 but again this is wolfstar. so rem runs to siri and then they go back and take all the other stuff. and then remus shows him the pre-8/27 but in this case pre-8/31 songs and then writes ame to kapuchiino/rain and cappucino, kokoro ni ana ga aita/a hole opened up in my heart, yuu ichijou/only sorrow and the wolfstar version of amy because well. he wrote responses to almost the entire album. so close yet so far. and sirius is in the back reading the lyrics remus wrote and is just crying the liquid water out of his body because did he really cause his boyfriend that much pain? IM SORRYBDJSJSBDB DJSJSHEHDHDHDHEVRHFIKSJSJSJEGEUDHSHRJRIDJX DNDJE DDKAJWBBDJDISJABSDN9W72URIROAQHENNSOAOWIWKSKSKWKWKKAAAALSOWKMRRFIUY)
also sirius moves to the inn/room where remus stays in while doing the looketh for boyfriend and songwriting thing. remus doesn't realize how salty his pillow smells until now. (one of the downsides of crying yourself to sleep =w=)
i do realize there are some continuity errors in the way the songs are written, like in this au everything's supposed to happen within the same year, whereas in canon elmy everything happens assumably in two consecutive years (it doesn't explicitly state) and because it's written under two consecutive years assumably the songs would have to be written and sent at different times (especially august, a certain place, moonlight and evening calm, a certain place, fireworks.)
edit: so i'm thinking before the events of any of these. sorry if this ruins continuity in this au or something but like before the events of this remus co-wrote the summer grass gets in my way and a loser doesn't need a encore's songs (the first two eps by yorushika), specifically the ones with music videos except for The Clouds and The Ghost (for the summer grass - Say It. & Fireworks Beneath My Shoes and for a loser doesn't need - Hitchcock, Just a Sunny Day For You & Semi-Transparent Boy) and then when he finds the notebook they sit down and review the non-mv vocal songs thus far (Cattleya, Blooming In That Summer, A Loser Doesn't Need An Encore, Compulsive Bomber & Hibernation and they're all bops)
alrighty back again to 12am me :|
moreeee editttttt: so about the song Dance of the Gods. (because i've been freaking obsessed with it since like August) um there are a bunch of lines i want to include so. in the song at the end of the choruses, there are variations of the line "I don't care, I'll go even further, to a place no one's ever heard of, searching for the moonlight" (being "I don't care, I'll go even further, to a place no one can see, and put up an imitation of living" and "That's right, I'll go even further, to a place no one knows of, searching for the moonlight") and i think that's Elma giving up on creating music to give it "value" and "a life of it's own", and creating music because well it's fun but in this au i think that's remus going I WILL FOLLOW BEEF TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH IF THAT'S WHERE HE IS (not sure why remus would call sirius moonlight tho cuz well he's moony) (okay you know what. sirius looks down upon his ability to compose while calling remus' songs his moonlight and that he was jealous of his skills. remus, being the self loathing person he is thinks it's like a light hearted joke or something. now that his boyfriend is gone he's trying to find this "moonlight" boyfriend saw that he couldn't see, wanting to live out his ideals)
and another edit: so the August, A Certain Place, Moonlight and Evening Calm, A Certain Place, Fireworks problem. the thing about the Elmy story is Elma's story takes place a year, i think, after Amy's, so all the songs would be written at completely different times, not necessarily within a few days of each other. i'm thinking sirius wrote August and sent it out to remus and then remus wrote Evening Calm because they sound similar and at first canon Elma imitated Amy before slowly moving on to her own style so these gay messes do too
same issue between Let's Dance and Dance of the Gods - but this time i think Dance of the Gods was written shortly after Let's Dance
and then they go back home which is in Sekimachi i guess (that's the town Elma met Amy so ??? i guess r/s lives there now??? they (elma and amy) met in the cafe (that has since closed down) shown in the rain and cappuccino mv which is allegedly in sekimachi) and live long enough for me not to be able to think about how their lives end because now that i ship them so bad, reading ootp and tdh again would practically (and effectively) traumatize me. i'd be scarred for life. it's like that one scene in nakineko where Kento says he hates Miyo and rejects her in front of the whole class and then she starts tearing up and runs out of the class and Yori follows her and then Miyo is just numb to the pain. she got hurt so bad she can't feel anything. flash forward to when she gets home. *face buried in pillow* [LOUD SOBBING NOISES]
more edit: i just realized. okay so on the last Letter (from 8/31, when Amy runs out of ink) Amy states he quit music once, but Elma brought him back into it, after she showed him some songs she wrote and sung and he described it as (wait lemme pull up the doc) "unerring, faultless light that can only illuminate the night. unimaginably soft, dazzling beyond my wildest dreams, pale moonlight" (ink fades away at the word moonlight) and um now i feel like that's what sirius would sometimes call remus (besides moons or moony)
like no. honey we're gon kill no one today. thank yu. (maybe this is why i read fanfics)
another edit: so you know how i listed here they go home and share the songs they wrote and whatevers?? um now im thinking. remus finishes writing the last 4 songs that in Elma's Diary were written after 8/27 (rain and cappuccino, a hole opened up in my heart, only sorrow and the wolfstar version of amy in case you forgot) and sirius shares his thoughts
so um here
(also i feel like the "still grieving" thing would be remus. just being scared about the fact that bf might just run out the door and disappear again? and feels a lot safer when he wakes up with bf in his arms)
rain and cappuccino:
[first verse] pretty innocent
[chorus] *voice shaking* wow, keeping in track with the theme i see
remus: to be fair, what i responded to had a similar message. ...as if i could let memories of you fade away (no literally like i can't even if i wanted to)
a hole opened up in my heart:
(for context, the song sirius would've written is false night, whose main line is "I want to open a hole in you", and this song is the response to that, with the main (and first) line "That's why a hole has opened up in my heart")
[end of the song] *lying on the floor, indistinct but very loud sobbing noises*
remus: well i did have to capture what i felt then. more grieving and crying up ahead
(this is by far the most painful song ever it's like a knife stuck in your chest and you take the handle and keep twisting it deeper into yourself just AAAAAAAAA LET ME CRYYYYYYY)
only sorrow:
[reads title] do i bring out the tissues or...?
[first verse] okay wow this sounds nothing like the song i wrote pretty ironic since you tried to literally "live" my life but okay
remus: wait for it
[chorus] okay i sound about ready to cry
amy (or the wolfstar ver):
(before reading/listening) if this is another song about grief i swear im going to go cry alone for the next 5 hours
(after reading and/or listening) *5 second delay* *goes and hugs remus*
(amy as in the song is one of the sweetest songs yorushika has made like ever in their 8-ish years of existence. it responds to the song elma and was written when elma (the person) finally moves on from her grief and now looks fondly back to those days. when her lover oofed himself and she went through sweden crying and looking for him. ...yeah not that sweet but idk)
all the while remus is just writing this and showing it to him like how i do with my art when talking about it with my friends. just "alrightyyyyyyy i did a thing. here. *smacks paper down on table* any thoughts???"
and then [insert healing and fluffy romantic stuff here]
okay thats all for the edit continue reading the thing 12am me wrote
oh shoot now i can't unthink this why T^T
um oh well i guess? i'll probably forget this was a thing anyways
oh but since we're already hereeeeeeeeeee
ojisuma au
(okay you can steal this one)
(read the novel Plagiarism for context here! the album isn't as important here, it kind of serves as a background noise and also expresses oji-san's experience. oh also yes, the album takes melodies, beats and rhythms from actual songs (as well as their own, in the song plagiarism) so yeah go listen to the album too i guess :D)
sirius is oji-san and remus is tsuma but tsuma doesn't die and they also work together to produce music but what rem doesn't know is siri has been stealing???? all of these sounds??? for the songs he thought was original??? and eventually siri comes to the conclusion that the only original thing he can create is his downfall as a musical artist (essentially just goes through what oji-san does but no dead wife but this is a wolfstar au so no dead husband.) so he does. this is my pathetic replacement for the prank and them not trusting each other. and rem is not happy. (he no trust him no more) but siri then goes and creates the two songs night journey and ghost in a flower because i think oji-san wrote those songs after he destroyed his reputation cuz they sound so different from all the other songs in tousaku (or maybe it was because of nakineko. not complaining it is still my fav movie. there's CATS. there's drama. there's CATS. there's romance. there's CATS. there's magical island with cats. there's CATS. did i say CATS. anyways)
um society as a whole just hates on siri. honestly can't blame society as a whole.
and then he releases sousaku/creation without stealing a thing (applaud for him please. i cant hear you clapping CLAP HARDER) and then *cue redemption arc*
yet. another. edit. : um i feel like adding some stuff so sirius would've written the songs Ghost in a Flower and Spring Thief to celebrate the relationship he had (and will get back) with remus, Night Journey and The Lying Moon as the break-up (but not the like "I'M DONE GOODBYE D:<" kinda songs, more like the "I'll remain here, as you go to the other side" or the "Rain has fallen, flowers have scattered/I still think about your rosy cheeks/as I keep drinking love from a bottomless ladle/It's true, it's tasteless, this thirst that's never satisfied, but you can laugh all you want and say "Is that so?/but I'll be here, just waiting for you") um and the instrumental creation would be a filler, and Robbery and Bouquet would be an allusion to his past self with the plagiarism and the sound stealing and i'm not sure what Eat the Wind would be
and then they get back together ^.^
(ooh but hold on. i feel like making a plagiarist remus and a tsuma sirius)
if the ojisuma au didn't sound as in depth or something know that Dakara Boku wa Ongaku wo Yameta (basically elmy) is like the most iconic yorushika lore
therefore more people are more interested in that (and i am part of more people :P) (also there's more context in elmy than ojisuma)
wow how the hekk did i connect wolfstar. a fanon (that deserves to be canon) gay ship about two friends in a group at a wizarding school that end up being more with... yorushika. a band that constantly hurts me. as in it hurts GOOD. like go listen to yoru magai and then kokoro ni ana ga aita. (with translations cuz im pretty sure barely any of you guys on the wolfstar or sirius x remus tag know japanese) LIKE STOPPPPPP THAT SONG IS THE DEFINITION OF GRIEF AND PAIN AND I DON'T KNOW HOW N-BUNA, A PERSON THAT SAID HE WROTE SONGS LIKE THESE TO EXPRESS HIS VIEWS ON LIKE LIFE AND DEATH CREATE A SONG THIS PAINFUL. LIKE HOW DO YOU WRITE SONGS LIKE THESE???
edit: i didn't connect them i practically forced another universe onto them (also i may be one of the first people to do this idk i have no idea who else is a big yorushika fan and a wolfstar shipper)
okay that is all i think have a nice dayyyyyy/nighttttttt/timezoneeeeeeeee
wait WHAAA
okay im typing this on mobile and??? you can freaking DRAG PARAGRAPHS???
...why don't they make this with tags i had to use little asterisks when i posted that apparently bots keep following me thing
wow this is like the LONGEST post i've made ever what the hell
wow the amount of times i've edited this GOSH
uhm anyways *hand on hip* *thumbs up* woo! *collapses face-down on floor*
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philosophicallie · 4 years
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sophfandoms53 · 3 years
Which character dynamics would you have loved to see or see more of on Ducktales?
A lot actually LMAOO
wish we saw Lena and Louie interact properly.
Same with Violet and Dewey, that moment on the plane with Violet panicking in Huey’s place to Dewey was funny but I wish we saw Dewey and Violet have a normal moment.
Wish we had more moments with Della and Donald, their plot and dynamic in the finale was one of my favorite parts of the finale.
More bonding with Huey and Della.
Uhhhhhh what elseeeeeee
Huey and Lena’s dynamic in Splitsword was really nice and I wish that was an episode on its own because Huey and Lena have a lot internal struggles to work through and a whole ep on them exploring that and bonding would’ve been so sweet, but we got fanfics for that I suppose LMAOO
There’s probably more but these are like the main ones that came to my mind.
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lipstickbisous · 3 years
Keep that pretty mouth open honey. *slides my fingers in deep* is this what you wanted?
- Daddy Ransom
*giggles around ur fingers and frowns* no daddy >:( i want something elseeeeeee
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wayward-bumblebee · 4 years
Feeling inspired to write some hella self indulgent fics that is so specific to what I want that it's probably useless to everyone elseeeeeee
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theocseason4 · 6 years
what the hell is that thing everyone on instagram is doing please come up with something elseeeeeee like watching degrassi
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ohbelladonna · 6 years
all 69 questions :3c
1: Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
2: Are you single/taken/heartbroken/confused?
3: What if I told you that you were pretty?
“nAH but thank u”
4: Ever been told “it’s not you, it’s me”?
5: Are you interested in anyone right now?
6: What are you looking forward to in the next week?
i have three finals so n o
7: Do you want to be single?
hELL NAH i love vyvy plZ
8: Did you go out or stay in last night?
movie night with vyvy and her gorls 
9: How late did you stay up last night?
like??? til 1:30??? i don’t remember
10: Can you recall the last time you realized you liked someone a lot?
it was like 11:43 and i was studying with vyvy and i was like “oh. oh wow. oh jeez oH FUCK oh jeez”
11: Last three things you had to drink?
water water and water im a college studnent
12: Have you pretended to like someone?
one time to get outta a situation lmaO
13: Have you ever told somebody you loved them and not actually meant it?
y e s
14: Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?
y es 
15: Is it hard for you to get over someone?
depends on how deep the bond is/was so?? depends
16: Think back five months ago, were you single?
17: What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon?
i was calling a special education center about an interview lmAO
18: Hold hands with anyone this week?
19: Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?
probs?? idk cause wine wednesdays 
20: What would you name your future daughter?
21: Do you miss anyone?
i miss my fam and also my cali ppl cause yEah but bITCH IM COMIN BACK IN TWO WEEKS
22: Have you kissed three or more people in one night?
23: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?
it wassssss in a college buildingggg cause i walked w/ vyvy to her exam cause i needed to laminate some stuff
24: Are you good at hiding your feelings?
fuCk i dONt knOW
25: Have you ever cried from being so mad?
26: Who did you last see in person?
my roommate. who is a bitch. and in the room. god why
27: Are you listening to music right now?
28: What is something you currently want right now?
okay im having issues rn cause i want a cake like. A Whole Cake. i dont know why but i just do and i think (think) ive earned an entire cake to myself so i may (may) buy an entire cake tomorrow and vyvy if ur reading this u can’t fucking stop me bc u have tiny legs and i will sprint
29: What is the last thing you said out lot?
“fuck” bc i was pouring boiling water into a ramen cup and it spilled
30: How is your heart lately?
31: Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?
32: Are you wearing socks?
33: What do people call you?
zoe or zoey or fucker
34: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
i already ammmmm
35: Are there any stressful situations in your life?
jesus fucking christ y es
36: Who did you last share a bed with?
37: Did you do something bad today?
it was…… a decent day…… yes
38: When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?
two days ago lMao
39: Do you get stressed out easily?
40: Will you sing today?
l m a o
41: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t?
y e s
42: Who do you go to when you need to talk to someone?
i go to either the amandas or vyvy or my mom
43: Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance?
like. twice when i was little lmasjbda
44: What are you listening to right now?
closure in moscow cause Its A GrEAT BAND
45: What is wrong with you right now?
buncha stuff l o l
46: What is on your wrists right now?
47: Where did you get the shirt/sweatshirt you’re wear
h&m cause they got some cheap stUFF
48: What do you like better: hot chocolate or hot apple cider?
49: Do you make wishes at 11:11?
50: Are you a good artist?
51: Love really is a beautiful thing huh?
52: Do you miss the way things were six months ago?
53: Ever been on a golf cart?
54: Do you have trust issues?
i used to, but being in college changed that rapidly
55: Ever stayed up all night on the phone, with who?
yESSS and ive done it with vyvy, anthony, i feel like amanda(s)?, my twin, lauren, this one chick peyton and oi vey bye honey andddd i can’t think of anyone else rn
56: Do you own something from Hot Topic?
57: Do you use chap stick?
i will die without it
58: Have you ever slapped someone in the face?
i wanna say yes but also??? no??? perhaps
59: Do you have a little sister?
60: Have you ever been to New York?
61: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
62: Have you hugged someone within the last week?
63: What were you doing at midnight last night?
recovering after watching mulan II
64: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
a lil
65: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
66: Were your last three kisses from the same person?
67: Have you kissed anyone in the last five days?
68: Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone?
with someone elseeeeeee
69: Will next Friday be a good one?
its the day before my math final so Hopefully
whoever sent this ask i stg
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terpernoctem · 4 years
a quick update on my chaotic life cause it’s 3am and I’m restless and honeslty it’s been too fucking long 
so what’s new eh 
what’s newwwww
what is fucking new
this year u guys, I swear
shall we? i mean...
fucking pandemic y’alllllllllll
the fucking state of the fucking world y’allllllllllllllllllll
ouhh child
i have more to say on that obviously, and trust that i will develop at length, but not today
am about to graduate from my masters (fucking finally eh)
which means i also need to get myself a real fucking job this time around hahahahAHAHAH THAT’S GONNA BE FUN 
especially considering the fact that we’re heading for a global recession 
fucking hell 
what else what else 
honestly this year has been fucked up on so many levels and I’m surprised I’m coming out of it this unscathed 
srsly. it could have been much much worse
she says, as she eyes her calendar and realizes it’s onLY JUNE 
i’ll knock on some wood 
what else
i almost bought a shop 
yeah you read that right—it’s a long story 
but praise Satan i didn’t 
what elseeeeeee
oh right—once again a man has deceived me 
/insert shrug emoji/ c’est la vie 
saddest part is—bear with me on that one—he didn’t owe me anything! (although a little more honesty wouldn’t have hurt)
you’re not into me just fucking say it, man, it’s alright. no need to pretend. say you have a fucking girlfriend and move the fuck on. how old are we, 12? seriously how hard is it to say ‘wow am flattered af cause you’re obviously divine (that’s for my ego, thanks v much) but I am currently taken and will be for the foreseeable future’. 
see? easy. no juggling. no false hopes. both parties left unscathed. we could have laughed about it 
but noooooooooo
you had to be shady af and ruin it all 
ughhhhhhhhhh. was it all about ego? how many high fives did the lads give you that day huh? you’re happy with your little self now? 
anyways the whole thing was and continues to be a mess and ugh
i want to kick myself in the shins for believing (even for 3 seconds) that he could have differed from others. he is a man, after all. 
so there was that. 
in other news i’m going home for the summer and i don’t know if it’s because i haven’t been there for so long (almost 2 years now!!!), but earlier i was thinking about all my deadlines and i just felt the unbearable need to just be d o n e with everything, pack my suitcase and go cry on my mother’s couch. ughhh
i can’t wait to go back. feel the salty air. fill my lungs with it, let them heal. and my heart with it, too. maybe throw it at sea, another shipwreck. i might actually ask mum and dad to find a quiet corner of the beach for me to go dip my toes in first thing 
imma just do that. 
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johnnyseod-remade · 7 years
Hello!!!!! Omgggg im sorry i havent been here for a while :'( i went on vacations !!! How are you???? Did u liked cherry bomb???? My bias is mark so i liked that he had a lot of parts (not my fave comeback tho) anyway, i should probs let u sleep!!! Ill try to send smth later!!! Rest a lot, beautiful!!! 😁😁😁😁 - scorpio anon
I guess imma just send a lot of things bc i didnt sent anything in a while sooooo the trip was amazing!!!!! I liked it a lot ;( i wish i could still b there also 😂😂😂 I dont knwo what to say!!!!!!! Oh Cherry bomb. So, mark is my bias, so i liked that he had a lot of parts , but honeslty??????? The line distribution was so unfair wth???? Also, i really need a bts comeback like yesterday????? -scorpio anon
What elseeeeeee, okay i wanted to remember what had i sent u so i searched ur “scorpio anon” tag and i saw a post about gaming soooooo I don’t know anything about gaming?????? Except doomfist is here and he is amazing and i have magikarp jump on my phone i like it 😁😁😁😁 -scorpio anon
its oki dokey !! i knew you were on vacay !! but i hope it was a lot of fun !!! foaniwefnaoiwef yeah line distribution kinda killed me :// but jjfjdfkf i lovEd THe cOMEbAck NGl– iM NOT sAyING ThiS eRA HAs CureD MY dEprESsion BUT JFDJFkjfkAONWFAWIO dAMNnNNnNN THATS EXACTLY WHA T IM SAYIN FDNFIOAWI ITS SOOOO GOOD I LOVED IT– but i mean,, to each his own !!! 
foainefoaiwenfoainofiwo ooohhh i think i was talking about holding a gaming night where i talk abt gaming and stuff ?? and i mentioned u in the tags?? and dude i haven’t gamed in a while but i really wanna;;; now that you’ve mentioend it im super tempted to go and plaY ;;; 
oh but im super glad ur vacay was good n fun and amazing !!! tell me abt it if you’d like to !!! foinawoeinaof i missed u loads :’) 
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