#what even is the tumblr equivalent of a subtweet??
asyncmeow · 1 year
yes, this is... whatever the tumblr equivalent of a subtweet is, i guess...
breaking up with someone and then calling them immature when they say they don't want to be friends is a Dick Move... (that said, making this post is probably immature, but i honestly just want to vent into the void right now.)
so, the specific reasoning is that.. well, we broke up over my mental health. this is like, the 10th partner who's done that, with pretty much zero warning that it was coming up until it was too late. they said they wanted to be friends still, and i said that's not a good idea for my mental health. as a compromise, i stated i'd be willing to if there was a possibility of us getting back together eventually. not saying now, but when my mental health was better. they said that was immature.
and the reasoning is kinda selfish, but i'm trying to keep my already terrible mental health from getting even worse. and it's *bad* - just ask some of the people closer to me. for me, being around someone i genuinely love and not being able to express that love toward them at all is a terrible feeling. it's not easy at all for me to hide my emotions, even more so on HRT. and trying to hold those emotions in will just hurt my mental health even more. what am i supposed to do, just let myself slip further into depression until she leaves anyway?
am i really immature for stating what i would need for this friendship to have any chance of success?
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greysunshinexx · 2 years
about to commit the Tumblr equivalent of a subtweet
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i know.
ive watched the movie 17 times. i know its flaws. nobody is claiming it to be an unproblematic fave. and we should definitely talk about it, and above that we should let the actually affected community speak louder than us.
we have a long way to go still with how our media protray minorities. (any minority, even women. we're seeing success with female led movies like 'darlings' only recently. back in my day, female led movies always underperformed.) a very long way until we get to see them on-screen with any amount of accuracy. but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy what we have now?
correct me if im wrong, but the real harm comes from someone who watches it with no context and accepts the stereotypes as fact, because then the movie has created one more ignorant person. but if im aware that the protrayal of gond people in the movie was crude at best, then what is the harm done by me enjoying it?
you can't deny there's something there for everyone. incredible cinematography, thoughtful and rewarding plotpoints, the amazing score, and the relationship between the two main protagonists.
which brings me to the next point.
what is with the balefulness towards shippers? why are we deigned to be in the lower echelons within the fandom?? basically what ssr did was write fanfiction with real life people, and when we do it with the fictitious versions he made, it's wrong/something to be shamed or ridiculed?
what you're telling me is that writing about two men who never met as friends is ok in your book. but when it's reading the chemistry between two onscreen characters as romance, it's no good. why? is it because you view gay romance as inherently more offensive? bromance shipping and romance shipping are pretty much the same on one main front -- connection. between the two or more shipped characters, and between those characters and the audience member. if you think one kind is amenable while the other isn't... check yourself.
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tellthemhowihope · 4 years
having a sucky really week except for two killer jokes i told on monday night, the fics i’m reading, and finding out that @lafdbuckley and i are birthday twins (💜😍😘 love you!) so don’t let anyone tell you that internet friends and even internet strangers with the same hyperfixations as you aren’t important and valid 
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hayscodings · 3 years
it’s so bizarre to me that people keep posting these ‘hear ye, hear ye’ public service announcements about laura being such a horrible person in her own tag when doom patrol is literally a show that’s all about the grey, and there isn’t a single character on it who isn’t deeply flawed and hasn’t made terrible choices. like…that is the entire premise. all of the leads have done questionable things in their lives. that is the point.
yet for some reason i keep seeing people being utterly scandalized that there are fans actually acknowledging the nuance in laura’s characterization, and enjoying her, as if laura was the worst person in the whole world for giving up the sisterhood and running away from her guilt. as if she was so incredibly evil that she couldn’t possibly have any good qualities, or be empathized with. such a thing would be apologism, surely! everything is mutually exclusive.
i just finished watching an episode the other day where rita admitted to setting up casting couch meetings between young aspiring actresses and some sleazy producer all because she was getting steady roles in movies, and even when one of those girls got pregnant and subsequently killed herself, rita continued to prioritize her career and decided against taking care of the now orphaned baby in favor it. this is one of the show’s protagonists. we are meant to sympathize with her and believe that she is someone who is capable of change— something that it took decades for her to do. if that doesn’t indicate the show’s approach to morality, i don’t know what does.
but knock yourselves out thinking everything is black and white, i guess. i’ll be over here having a great time and continuing to enjoy laura de mille, completely unbothered, because i have critical thinking skills and like fun. and i’ve never gotten the impulse to try and police other people’s enjoyment of a fictional character just to pat myself on the back and feel morally superior afterward, as if telling people on tumblr dot com how they should consume their silly little tv shows was doing something.
*i am not inviting discussion on this post, i have no desire to engage with anyone doing the tumblr equivalent of subtweeting*
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segasister · 3 years
I think Lily’s trying to subtweet you? Or whatever the tumblr equivalent of subtweeting is?
Huh? [checks the blog, finds this (archive in case she deletes)]
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[sigh] Lily, your predator side is showing again. Need I remind you why I think the age of consent should be twenty-one in the first place?
Also this this bit she posted later (archive again):
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Ignore this, people. If you’re young, embrace your youth. Don’t rush growing up, because you’ll end up with predators who praise you for, “how mature you are for your age.” I myself used to pride myself in this. While that didn’t get me groomed on the internet (not severely anyway), it did get me sexually harassed by actual people.
Yeah, growing up isn’t something to be afraid of, but it’s not something to rush into either. Take your time. Find yourself first.
But hey, at least I’m not saying shit like, “Oh, you know those things you get little by little of as you get older? Like being able to work, drive, vote, live on your own, et cetera? Yeah… no. I don’t think anyone should be allowed to do ANY of that until you’re twenty-one.” (archive once again)
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To reiterate, in America:
You can be as young as thirteen to open a bank account (albeit with an adult co-owner)
You can be as young as fourteen to apply for working papers and, depending on what state you’re in, give informed consent to a doctor as well as seek emancipation from your parents
You can be as young as fifteen to pay for, and file, taxes and to drive in certain states
You can be as young as sixteen to drive anywhere in America and to consent to sex in certain states
You can be as young as seventeen to seek abortion without parental consent/notification (and younger depending on where you are in America)
You have to be eighteen to vote, smoke, apply for employment without the need for working papers, consent to sex anywhere in America, open a bank account on your own, live on your own without emancipation, purchase a firearm from a private dealer, and gamble in certain states
You have to be twenty-one to drink, purchase a firearm from a licensed dealer, and gamble anywhere in America
With some exceptions, (eg. I personally believe in close-in-age rules for anyone sixteen to twenty who wishes to consent to sex with someone close to their age), I don’t think ANY of these should be restricted to twenty-one. Too much adulting at once, for one thing, but forcing teens to wait to be independent until twenty-one, or even later, stunts them in the long run. I speak from experience there.
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wombathos · 4 years
just saw one of the worst posts I’ve seen in a while and while I’m usually hesitant to screenshot-dunk and it probably wasn’t made with malicious intentions but rather just comes from a place of profound ignorance, it is pretty horrific and..... okay y’know what here’s the link to it. and like it’s a mess the whole way through but there’s so much going on here that I’m just gonna run through a few of those things in whatever the tumblr-equivalent of a subtweet is:
It is generally a bad idea to use the Holocaust as a plot device. It is an even worse idea to want the Holocaust to be used as a plot device for the sake of your ship between two non-Jewish characters. If your show is about time-travelling and your main character regularly saves a lot of people, the best thing to do with that bit of history is stay away because obviously the main character can’t change it but trying to justify not changing it is.... eh, how do you say... bad. At most you can use it as a backdrop in another country with its own experiences of WWII (c.f. Empty Child/Doctor Dances) or you can essentially tell a story about something completely different (Let’s Kill Hitler - which understands the show cannot kill Hitler and it’s distasteful to have an episode handwringing about it but does have that moment where they imply River Song is worse than Hitler, which, bad idea). Another franchise that’s amply demonstrated why this kind of alternative-universe-but-not-really-in-the-context-of-world-war-ii is a bad idea is Fantastic Beasts, a limping reminder of why your answer to ‘why didn’t wizards stop the holocaust’  should be ‘ehhhh let’s not talk about it’, not ‘magic hitler was trying to stop the holocaust’
What genre fiction does allow you to do is to take a sideways look at any of the aspects of the Holocaust people feel compelled to interpret and examine through fiction: whether the rise of fascism or industrialised mass killing or resisting authoritarianism or genocide (though there is a tendency for American media in particular to visually code its baddies as Nazis while refusing to engage with any of these issues on a substantive level, but let’s not get into that). Someone in the reply to the same post said something along the lines of ‘don’t these people know what the Daleks are based on’ and..... yes, of course they are, but the ‘based on’ tells you why it’s different. Sff gives us the space to tell these stories with - ideally - safe distance. The real ‘let’s kill Hitler’ story wasn’t the eponymous episode, it was Magician’s Apprentice/Witch’s Familiar - but because Davros isn’t Hitler but merely shares some of the same features (i.e. will grow up to be responsible for genocide), you can tackle those thorny moral issues without dealing with living, painful history (the other thing OP mentioned was making this whole bit of history a fixed point in history *sigh*, which is similar to the plot of the episode Fires of Pompeii except that this is different for several reasons because it’s a lot, lot further in the past and is less painful/contentious, and is also a natural disaster rather than a man-engineered atrocity). In the context of the show’s long history, the Daleks have been used to illustrate or tackle various aspects of the Nazis - as have various other villains - but it would be different if you had actual Nazis in those episodes because Daleks are fictional pepperpots who haven’t actually killed any real people. Take any episode with the Daleks in it and replace the word ‘dalek’ with ‘nazi’ and quite rightly the end product would be accused of trivialising the Nazis, because fiction and reality are not the same and you need a degree of caution when dealing with real-world history that is simply not comparable to its equivalent in fiction.
That’s the short version on why it would generally be extremely hard to write something in genre fiction on the Holocaust where realistically a protagonist would have the power to change it. There’s also a reason why Doctor Who specifically might be best to stay away from it: it’s a ‘family’ TV show. While there’s been plenty of thematically dark material throughout the show’s history, there’s still going to be limits on what they let four-year olds see. Any episode that doesn’t shy away from its horror to the extent that they’d show a concentration camp (another gem from OP’s post) would either not make it to the beeb’s kid-friendly programming or would be watered down in a way that is frankly insulting. I know opinions differ on this and I’m sure some people find books like The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas a helpful teaching resource (though that book is additionally bad for a specific reason I’ll also come back to). My personal view is that at some point you should introduce children to material that at least attempts to capture the true horror of the Holocaust rather than a watered-down version that may end up being the only thing they ever see, but... like... while I am aware of Doctor Who’s original remit and think some historical episodes could be helpful in introducing kids to certain periods.... not this one.
Which brings us to the really really bad bit of this specific post, the idea that this should all be done in service of a ship, and specifically in response to a moment in the previous series where the white protagonist removed the disguise of the antagonist of colour and left him at the mercy of Nazi soldiers in WWII Paris - and it is never addressed again. Now. That was bad and frankly for me served as even more explanation why perhaps the show should stay away from the Nazis and certainly not do... that. Using the plight of Holocaust victims as a way to remedy that would be.... not exactly better. You are using their suffering in a way that is fundamentally not about their stories - and here TBITSP is relevant again because it focused on the child of a Nazi officer and that family’s suffering while using a Jewish child as essentially a walking plot device; which is remarkably similar to what OP is suggesting. This isn’t just some nice historical backdrop. You aren’t fixing anything. All it ends up doing is making light of the horrific suffering real people endured for fictional angst. However much you would try to ‘flesh out’ the Jewish character in question, it still wouldn’t be a story about them. The show has plenty of powerful analogies at its disposal to discuss history and morality - use those instead.
And lastly, and I cannot believe I am saying this, but coming from Switzerland of all places doesn’t give you a special insight into the Holocaust. Learning about it in school doesn’t make you an expert. Again, I don’t think OP was actively malicious but they are very wrong and it frustrates me that the post is gaining any traction at all. The way it’s framed and the tags on the first post make obvious that this was entirely about a ship. Speculating about whether the Master would’ve avoided being trapped in a concentration camp in the notes (I’m sure they didn’t mean to imply that this was something that could’ve been avoided with enough intelligence and yet) or whether the Master (currently played by an actor of colour) would support genocide because he was helping Nazis (and yes the episodes in question already went there but they sure shouldn’t have!) is just remarkably disrespectful. I’m usually of the ‘do whatever you want’ view when it comes to fandom but there are limits and apparently this one’s mine especially a week after there was the whole journalist writing anne frank fanfiction discourse. Think before you post.
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
just as an addendum to my last message, Abby doesn't even pay any attention to tagging. I see more commitment to "documentation" from gif makers and fanfiction writers here on tumblr. and she's doing this to save someone's life? talk about lack of work ethic.
Part 1: abby talks about how her blog is "documentation" but it's pretty sloppy, isn't it? I've seen people organize their tumblrs and provide navigation to make everything easy to find. if someone wanted to research darren's horrific abuse, how is abby's blog really going to help? or if there's a particular day you're looking at, you have to wade through post after post of snarky comments, in-jokes, gifs, and the equivalent of subtweeting to understand what was happening. is this admissible evidence?Part 2 is above- I published before realizing it was two parts. 
 IDK know how exactly she is “documenting” Darren’s horror.  Saving publically available social media posts just isn’t that clever or helpful.  Her diatribes laying out all of the lies she’s told and the erroneous conclusions she’s reached over the years are not evidence of anything except Abby’s mental health.  If she believes her blog is the evidence, then yes, it's a bloody nightmare to wade through- I know, I do it often enough. Most of the time the only thing that makes it doable is if I can use a keyword.  Abby keeps telling her “Newbies” to look for cc evidence by going through her archive- Tumblr archive isn’t set up for reading and Abby’s blog is full of nonsense and petty bullying. 
Abby has claimed she is compiling documentation for several years and yet she has yet to lay down one piece of concrete evidence that I have read.  Maybe she has great evidence but she just can’t share it with us because she respects Klaine too much ;D
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emmas-carstairs · 7 years
What happened to the TDA fandom?
• since when did the TDA fandom start forming cliques and inside jokes that alienate everyone who doesn't understand them • WHY are we generalizing show/book stans and insinuating it's not OK or normal to be both • why is it that the second someone states an unpopular opinion, the newly formed cliques take it upon themselves to make the user feel like an idiot for even presenting the unpopular idea • subtweets are for twitter... do we even have a Tumblr equivalent? Sub posts? can we stop with this childish nonsense? • also, why is anyone who has even the slightest criticism of CC/TSC made out to be a terrible human being and labeled as "anti"?? LISTEN I survived four years of high school and it wasn't fun, and tumblr is becoming less and less fun for people who don't conform/feel alienated by what the fandom is turning into. Thank the angel for creative users who post edits and quotes and artwork, because without you guys, the fandom would be unbelievably bored.
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