#what happened to stella during her princess ball was really hurtful
stellasolaris · 2 years
@supraobsessed replied to your poll:
When Stella said that she was raised like a perfect stranger that always gave me the vibe that they were too busy hating each other to love her. She also mentions that her parents will only care if she gets bad grades •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀ I definitely imagine they became much better parents to her once they divorced because they actually started paying attention to her again instead of what the other one did this time
I absolutely agree. I think her emotional needs were heavily neglected when she was young, especially in her early teen years when she used to sneak out of the palace and go to parties. Her parents definitely are the root reason for her abandonment issues and her arguably excessive need to be validated and liked by others.
To me, her parents (well, mostly her father because we barely know anything about her mother) weren't always neglectful because she speaks fondly of her memories with her father; she mentions them going for long walks and holding hands, and if the flashbacks are anything to go by, she seemed very happy and carefree as a kid. I'm leaning toward thinking she had at least a partially happy childhood.
In my headcanon, she tries so hard to bring her parents back together because she is convinced they can all one day go back to the good old days when they were happy and her parents were showing her attention instead of being busy arguing with each other. However, her parents obviously aren't on the same page as her, and it's very unfortunate how they seem to have forgotten about her amid their differences.
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florelia12 · 1 year
What If Scenario - Helia didn’t have feelings for Flora…at first.
An AU where its more of a friends to lovers for Helia and love at first sight for Flora. One-sided pining until it’s almost too late.
So, it starts with Flora and Helia and their iconic meeting. Flora falls for him but Helia’s just like “hm, nice girl.” He makes a habit out of drawing people/strangers and gives it to them. But, Flora starts to develop a crush on him because of the drawing and also because he’s hot.
They organically become friends, with Flora (retaining her wonderful season 1 personality) making an effort to get to know him. This happens because he is assigned to the squad and is having a hard time adjusting. At one point, Flora confesses to him she feels left out too because Aisha and her used to be close until Musa and Aisha became closer. She’s not jealous because she knows Aisha cares about her but it does make her feel a little bit like no one in their group really gets her.
Helia has trauma (ofc he does) and is hesitant to make friends. Why? Because his old squad were assholes to him and when a mission went wrong, a lot of people got hurt and they blamed it all on him thinking they’d get away with it since he is Saladin’s grandson. Did that happen? Ofc not. Helia being Helia didn’t argue and simply accepted his fate. Saladin kind of forced him to take a break from RF, go for therapy and try and get his shit together. Hence, the gap year at a local art school on Magix proceeded by him showing up again on Saladin’s doorstep and refusing to leave since he almost died at the end of season 1.
Helia tries to convince Saladin that he is ready to be back. Saladin has his doubts. He puts him with Sky’s team and Helia thinks its a test because who are these lovable dysfunctional idiots but really it’s because Saladin knows he’ll fit right in. Now he just has to convince Saladin (truly, himself) that he is meant to be a Specialist and so they go on missions and yada yada. Back to where I trailed off…
He’s truly not interested in relationships right now because he has way too much on his plate but he does grow fond of Flora and appreciates the efforts she puts in to make him part of the group. Even helps her out with her own insecurities and helping her gain her Charmix. They become close and the closer they get the more Flora is reluctant to ever confess.
The girls hound her about it, the boys assume Helia has any idea that Flora has a crush on him but nothing happens because angst is what keeps us alive. ALSO. Helia, Flora and Aisha friendship with Aisha being stuck in the middle of these oblivious idiots after Helia and Aisha bond over being the newbies —- something she was forced into after Flora pushing her but then ends up genuinely enjoy Helia’s friendship proceeded by Helia helping Flora get closer to Aisha again after they drifted for a while there.
So now Helia reaches a point around in season 3 right before Eraklyon’s Anniversary Party (i think we all know where this is going 🐉 ) and he realises when Sky invites him that he really is a part of the squad and that they are really his friends. Its like his moment of realising that hey he’s on the other side and reached the end of the tunnel. Like. He’s happy. He’s healthy. So, he agrees to go to the ball/party idk
Now. We love a little jealous moment during the pining stage. So, Stella sets Flora up with a date for the party — maybe Brandon’s cousin or Sky’s friend (she knows what she’s doing). Then, casually assigns Aisha as Helia’s date which he is fine about until he sees Flora in the ballgown ( cue that scene when Brandon’s jaw drops after seeing Stella at her Princess Ball ). Now he’s not too happy about Flora having a date to the ball. Does he talk to her about it? No. He sulks in one corner in true Helia style because hopping planets isn’t an option right now and his therapist told him no.
Aisha decides to give him a wake up call. Helia’s like pft no, Flora doesn’t like me like that she’s nice to everyone. Aisha tries not to hit him. At some point, Helia had told Flora he wasn’t looking for a relationship and wasn’t ready and she was like good for you I support you 100% bestie even though she was dying on the inside (haha wonder where that was inspired from, definitely not projecting what). So, Flora never made any move on him.
He asks if Flora still has a crush on him. Aisha refuses to tell him. He gets frustrated and then gets even more frustrated seeing Flora dancing with the other guy because what if she’s moved on which he would have appreciated before he had the epiphany at the worst time possible. Decides to impulsively cut in and Flora’s like huh but then stupid Sky (i love him) decides its the perfect time to announce his love for Blo- nope, Diaspro.
They all get distracted trying to run from certain death at the hand of their friend turned cruel prince (cardan my beloved but thats not relevant). Flora then gets attacked by Sky’s dragon.
Helia finally realises that shit he loves her. She’s his best friend and he can’t lose her <\3 Tries not to breakdown and fails miserably. Therapist tells him its good he is feeling his feelings because they are annoying like that (the good ones are life-savers)
Flora doesn’t die and Helia was a little overdramatic because Magic makes healing faster and less painful. But, now he needs to deal with his feelings for his best friend which is what he calls her when she wakes up and shes like aw, same <3.
Flora senses the shift in him but remains oblivious to his awkward flirting and thinks he is being extra sweet since she was hurt. Aisha is trying not to pull out her hair.
Flora gets her Enchantix, Helia is still miserably in love but then starts to avoid her because he is so confused and he does not want to ruin his friendship with her. Flora is sad but she’s too busy saving the world so they stay quietly missing each other
Then Tecna gets sucked into the Omega portal. Helia is there for her again, no longer avoiding her and he helps her through it. She tells him she was afraid that another friend grew tired of her or bored and drifted away. She feels like she tries to be there for people and a shoulder to cry on but after a point its all she is. Sometimes she thinks that’s all she knows. She thought this time it’d be different.
Helia almost confesses but knows this isn’t the right time because she is grieving. But he assures her that she is not forgettable or replacable. Tries to make her believe it but she doesn’t seem so convinced. Internally beats himself up but his therapist assures him that healing is not linear (i need to text back mine)
They save Tecna, hurrah and now Nabu is in the picture. Hello, Aisha 😏
They go to the Red Tower looking for Water Stars. Riven and Helia stay behind, Flora sends the cute little video message and Riven sees Nabu and gets ready to throw hands
When Helia tries to stop him, Riven calls him out and says hey at least im fighting for the girl i like. Helia’s like da fuck? Does everyone know but me? Riven calls him stupid and then leaves him to his overthinking in his towel. (Yall know what scene im talking about)
Anyways, they get the Water Stars and they come back but Flora’s quiet again. Helia tries to get her to open up and she tells him her test in the crystal labyrinth was about her worst fear of being forgotten. That if she wanted the water stars, she would have to choose to be forgotten by everyone, that they forget they ever knew her. Of course she chose that path because the universe was more impt than that.
Even though the council of elders eventually restored the sacrifices, for a while no one remembered she existed and that’s terrifying.
Helia tells her he can’t imagine a world without her in it. Cue intense eye contact and then they kiss.
Finally. Cue Aisha’s florelia senses tingling like that Charles scene in b99 with peraltiago (please understand this reference)
Flora is the first to pull away thinking she kissed him even though it was very much a simultaneous effort from both parties. She panics and apologises. Helia is hurt that she looks like she regrets every decision she has ever made in her life but understands. She runs away. (Girl, same)
The last one of the gang turns 18 so they decide to go to the club for the first time. Since Aisha had Nabu now, Stella declares that Helia will be Flora’s date. Are they happy about it since they’ve been avoiding each other? Nope. Do they say no? Also no.
They sit awkwardly in the club once the pairs start pairing off. Not talking until Flora can’t stand the silence and apologises again. Says she doesn’t want to lose him as a friend. Helia agrees even though he wants to be more. They are okay for a bit before Valtor that diva sky-telecasts his challenge to duel the headmasters.
More angst and so this is why this will never be written out into a fic as my patience is a thin as my hair.
Helia is worried about Saladin but Saladin assures him Helia is ready to be on his own if anything should happen to him during the duel. He isn’t afraid to leave Helia behind because he knows he has his people now.
Then he tells him to tell Flora how he feels.
How does Saladin know? He gives some weird wise sarcastic answer like “I’m all-knowing” but really it’s because Faragonda told him. She’s the one that’s actually “all-knowing” aka invades the privacy of her fav students and ships them.
Final battle with Valtor happens. Flora returns safely and they do share the hug at the end of the episode. Helia decided to tell her how he feels but at a better time and they agree to sit down and talk about it once its all over.
Is it over yet? Haha no. Valtor is still alive, kidnaps the specialists and leaves Helia behind. On the way to save his friends, he walks off to the back of the ship and admits to Flora he feels like he failed to protect him. She comforts him and he tells her that he was so scared he wont make it out alive. That Valtor was going to kill him. She starts tearing up.
He tells her that all he could think about as he possibly faced his last moments was not telling her how he felt. She tells him she has feelings for him too. But, ofc the moment doesn’t last and they are pulled back into the cockpit.
Now. It’s over for reals. Stella throws another Princess Ball because I would too if i got turned into a monster halfway at my first one.
After all the intense moments and will they won’t they moments and pining and anticipation… they finally have a good, soft Florelia moment and they get together. The end.
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charmixpower · 2 years
Roxy and Bloom hc's about them visiting eachother (not a ship, just like older sister/younger sister relationship)
You mean like Bloom visiting Roxy while she's at Alfea and Roxy visiting Bloom while she's...saving the magical dimension???
I don't think Bloom would visit Roxy all that often, only because she is a celebrity and very obviously connecting herself to Roxy would lead to Roxy dealing with unwanted attention. Well more unwanted attention on top of the actual last earth fairy thing
They do call and text a lot. Roxy has all of the Winx phone numbers and usually ends up texting them to her her with her homework 😭
As soon as Roxy goes on break however Bloom (and Flora, and Musa, and—) go to see her in person. Many hugs (for the group's baby). Roxy is always super excited to see Bloom (and the Winx) on earth and usually ends up showing off everything she's learned while Bloom and Sky clap excitedly for her
(Bloom likes to jokingly refer to Roxy as her baby, and Sky is always like "barely two years out of highschool and I already have kids", there is some play fighting between Bloom and Sky here)
Bloom feels bad that she's unable to be there during Roxy's first year the way that Roxy has been there for her but she's really fucking busy unfortunately. On top of saving the world, she's also knee deep in politics bc of Domino and Eraklyon
Roxy both understands and wishes that Bloom was around more often. Roxy keeps a close eye on the TV to see what Bloom is currently doing
Roxy usually visits Bloom when she sees something in the group chat or on Tv she thinks she can help with and just...popping up on Bloom
Bloom finally understands how Flora and Daphne must feel (have felt) 24/7 when around Miele and her lol
Oh one hand, Roxy is very helpful in certain situations (namely, not fights). On the other hands FIGHTS COULD HAPPEN AND SHE COULD GET HURT
The other time Roxy visits Bloom is when Bloom has an event™ going on. Like....Bloom is 20, Domino is restored. She needs to have a princess ball to introduce her into high society, as Stella gleefully reminds her. Roxy shows up to give Bloom moral support, and to make faces at the dresses. Not like Musa wasn't already doing that, but Roxy joining her is always appreciated
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violetrose-art · 3 years
Sleeping Beauty Headcannons, Theories, and Ideas
This is just a list of the theories, headcannons, and ideas I came up with for Disney’s Sleeping Beauty. I might add more later on, so watch out
-Fairies like Maleficent, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather have much longer life spans than humans, basically immortal. But fairies aren’t gods by any means; they can still get sick and get hurt and die
-Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather are all sisters
-King Stefan and King Hubert have been best friends since their younger years. They first met at a royal ball when they were young princes; they were very bored and weren’t having a good time so they went off to explore the castle on their own and they immediately hit it off and became friends
-Merryweather may be the youngest out of her sisters, but she’s also the smartest and the toughest
-Prince Phillip’s mother was a wise and fair queen named Stella, but she passed away from a terrible sickness when Phillip was about three or four years old
-Hubert and Stella met and fell in love in their teen years and she fell in love with him for his big heart and funny nature
-Before she became the Mistress of All Evil, Maleficent was born to two other dark fairies. Her parents’ names were Lazarus Thornheart and Quintessa
-Maleficent grew up with her mother and father in an elegant house in the forest
-When she was younger, Maleficent used to be very close with her father, so she was something of a daddy’s girl and Lazarus loved his daughter with every fiber of his being… until the day he disappeared when she was rather young and she never saw him again
-As a young girl whenever Maleficent felt angry, sad, or scared, Lazarus would take his daughter into his embrace and they would dance and sing together until Maleficent was happy again
-Maleficent’s scepter can change its form depending on whoever holds it
-During the solar eclipse when Diablo was freed from his stone prison, he discovered Maleficent’s remains. He was devastated, but then he saw her scepter lying next to her. Thinking fast, he took it and with a wave of the scepter, Diablo was able to bring his mistress back from the grave
-When Maleficent came back, she turned everyone in the kingdom, except Princess Aurora, to stone
-After her family, friends, and everyone else the kingdom turned to stone, Aurora was heartbroken. But then she decided she wasn’t going to sit idly by anymore and she was finally going to do something about it. She decided to go to the Forbidden Mountain by herself and try to negotiate with Maleficent. Aurora offered her own life in exchange for the freedom of her people, but as much as she wanted to, Maleficent couldn’t turn her to stone. Because of the three Good Fairies casting a spell to protect the Princess when she was a baby, the Dark Fairy was unable to curse her now… but she could grant her a wish. So Aurora came up with a plan. She wished for Maleficent to place her in an eternal sleep and in exchange, she would set everybody in the kingdom free. Unaware of Aurora’s trick, Maleficent gladly granted the Princess’s wish… only to be thwarted by Prince Phillip once again
-When she was younger, Maleficent inherited her scepter from her father. After Lazarus died, he left his scepter, his old castle on the Forbidden Mountain, and his collection of numerous books and scrolls to his daughter… and Quintessa didn’t really like that
-Maleficent discovered Diablo as a fledgling alone in the forest. His mother and father had run afoul of one of King Stefan’s hunting parties and met their untimely demise. Maleficent took him under her protection, gave him the name Diablo, and cared for him until he was old enough to fly. The raven was so grateful towards her that he remained as her familiar and faithfully serves her to this day
-Around the time King Stefan and Queen Leah were about to be married, Merryweather was tasked to deliver a wedding an invitation to Maleficent. When she delivered the invitation to the castle, a couple of mischievous goons stole the invitation and scampered off with it
-When Maleficent was in her teen years, she wanted to go out and explore, but Quintessa wanted her daughter to stay in and study magic. Maleficent was bored, of course, but sometimes she would sneak out in the dead of night and run off with the one friend she had and they would go play jokes and tricks on humans
-Queen Stella died of a disease known as Specter Haze… a disease that Maleficent had created herself
-When she was around sixteen years old, Maleficent had fallen for a handsome troll named Grumio. He may have been good looking on the outside, but in reality, he was brutish, selfish, territorial, vain, arrogant, mean-spirited, manipulative, and boorish and he was only interested in Maleficent’s rare beauty, not for who she really was. He was able to forge a shallow relationship with Maleficent and she thought that relationship was full of love. But that was wishful thinking. Grumio was growing bored of Maleficent and he started seeing a beautiful female elf by the name of Lolita behind Maleficent’s back and when she found out… she was certainly not happy. When Maleficent told her mother what happened, Quintessa merely told her, “That’s what you get for pursuing love. Love is weakness and it’s about time you learn that.” Feeling even more betrayed than ever, she ran away into the forest with tears of anger and sadness in her eyes
-The Three Good Fairies knew Maleficent when they were younger, but because of her dark practices and interest in black magic, they refused to associate themselves with her
-Maleficent had one friend in her childhood: a fairy by the name of Henbane. Henbane always had an affinity for all different kinds of poison, especially in plants and minerals. When they were young, Henbane and Maleficent were almost inseparable… until they reached their late teens. Henbane grew jealous of not only Maleficent's magical capabilities, but also her relationship with Grumio. The two fairies had a falling out about it and they decided that they shouldn’t be friends anymore
-When Maleficent was all alone and at her lowest point, she decided that she wasn’t going to let anyone hurt her again. So she travelled to Bald Mountain and took an oath to the Black God, Chernabog, and that was how she became the Mistress of All Evil
-After she gained her dark powers and new title, Maleficent ventured back home to confront the ones who had betrayed her: Henbane, Quintessa, and Grumio
-When Maleficent found Henbane, she confronted her one last time and said to her, “You were never really my friend. You just wanted to keep me subdued so I wouldn’t be better than you. Well, you’ve been in my way long enough and I say it’s about time you were dealt with.” And with a wave of her scepter, Maleficent transformed her old friend into a henbane plant and she promptly squashed it underneath her feet
-Next, she confronted Grumio and Lolita; she found them kissing near a large pile of stones and boulders. She told him that he had lied to her and betrayed her and with a simple dismissive wave, Lolita and Grumio instantly turned to dust. But before he died, Grumio sneered at Maleficent and said, “I hate fairies”. And after the spell was cast, a gust of wind blew the piles of dust away
-And finally, Maleficent confronted her mother. Quintessa was shocked to see her daughter in such a way and she demanded to know what she was doing. Maleficent merely said, “You may be my mother, but you never really loved me. All you ever did was hurt me… and now you must pay for that.” She grabbed Quintessa by the hair, dragged her outside, conjured up a large wooden stake, a pile of sticks and dry leaves, and some rope, and tied her mother to the stake. And with that, Maleficent set the sticks and leaves under Quintessa on fire and Quintessa was immediately engulfed in flames, screaming and crying out in agony as she was burned to a crisp. Maleficent only watched with a calm smile on her face, ignoring her mother’s pleas for help
-Many years before Maleficent was born, Lazarus and Quintessa used to live on a magical island called the Isle of Avalon where fairies of all kinds lived in harmony and peace… until they were both banished along with the rest of the dark fairies by Queen Mab when she discovered they were planning to overthrow her, take over, and rebuild the Isle in their image
-Before the day Aurora was born, Stefan and Leah were visited by the Greek Goddess of the Dawn and she told the royal couple that their child will be destined for great things
This is all I’ve got so far, but feel free to tell me what you think and tell me which one is your favorite
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salty-medley · 5 years
Winx Club ? - updated -
Even if I’m not really fond of it, I still like it way more than trendy recent cartoons like SVTFOE, Steven Universe or MLP, especially the season 1 with it’s really old 2000′s vibe. But aside the whole cringe of this show, there’s few things which really annoy me.
The fact lot of fans were angry when Layla/Aisha had few other relationships after Nabu’s death.
I mean she didn’t jump on the first guy during the next episode. There was a quite long ( we don’t have a precise calendar, it’s not one episode = a day, sometimes we had few days or even weeks in a single episode ) time where she was sad and it was normal. And her relation with Roy didn’t start easily, she wasn’t pleased to have him helping them. Just like Nabu in fact. It’s a thing with Layla, she doesn’t trust so easily, which is a quite good thing. Ok, she’s with Nex now. So what ? You can realize that you’re not so happy with someone and find someone else. It’s not a crime.
And for people who want her to stay alone forever, do you really think that Nabu would like to see her sad and alone ? Death is a part of life, and only controlative and self-centered assholes wants their significant other to remain alone like that. Being with someone else after the loss of your SO does not mean that you don’t love him/her anymore, just that you accept the fact you never will be together. You still can cherish your memories and keep that person in your heart.
Now read before commenting as I won’t spend my day explaining that over and over: I refer to comments about the AMOUNT of guys . Any other reply to this peculiar point which won’t be related to that fact will be deleted and the author blocked. And, no, I don’t believe that making a character with a lighter/darker/other color changed palette can be considered as racism. Just as I don’t believe that choosing Nabu as a victim was racism. He was just the new guy and the only one who was only a magician , which mean less protected. You have a problem with that ? Good for you. But that’s not mine. Just like I said in comments, trolls and SJWs aren’t welcome here as I don’t like people who use a serious topic for anything and basically make it loose its meaning.Keep your conspiracy theories for your own space.
The fact some people prefer to see Musa with a guy who obviously doesn’t respect her than alone or with somebody else.
What else could I say ? Riven isn’t a monster, but he isn’t respectful. He can be a great friend but their couple didn’t work. So it’s better for them to stop. It was a quite mature decision to do it.
The fact people still defend Diaspro.
I agree that in season 1 Diaspro was quite right. Sky was a coward who never told her that he didn’t want to be with her, and Bloom, who didn’t know that Sky was like that, attacked her for a reason she probably didn’t understood. But after the season 2 where she talked about that with Flora and Chatta, I still understand that she could be angry but not that she’ll keep trying to get him. That’s just stupid and ridiculous. And unhealthy to be obsessed at that point with someone. It’s not a prince she needs, but a psy. And a good slap.
Plus I can’t believe that some of the persons who defend her as the ones who said that Musa and Riven were unhealthy. So trying to hurt and kill someone, and accepting to help an evil wizard, just to bring back a guy who never loved you is a good thing ? Bullshit.
The fact people still can’t see that Roxy was a believix fairy.
Each damn transformation has codes, a peculiar look. Just look at her, it’s a believix. And if I remember even the Rainbow said it in a game on their website, she was described as a believix fairy. I know it’s not logical as she obviously never transformed before but in Winx club the look is always a hint, unlike the lore which is modified when they want. 
The fact they always try to make the witches ridiculous.
They are showed as ugly, tacky, mean but not powerful. Wich should be the opposite as their magic is based on negative emotions and, regarding to all the hate the fandoms can have, having negative emotions is a lot easier than positive ones. Witches shoud be extremely powerful and dangerous, and not only throwing small colored light balls. 
The fact the winx are always overnumbered during fights.
The Trix are three.The winx are six. See the problem here ? And I don’t even count the specialists, Faragonda & cie, the other students and allies...
When the Trix had an army they SUMMONED it. It needed energy. 
But even like that the winx still struggle to beat them... 
The fact the winx were more powerful in season 1.
During the last episode of season 1 Bloom released her energy and basically stop the whole fight with a wave of fire/dragon energy. WHY THE FUCK DIDN’T SHE DO THAT AGAIN ? 
The fact lot of fans hate Bloom.
I know she can be boring as hell... Especially after the season 1. She totally losts her personality to fit in the mold. But why ? Maybe it’s because her best friend is obsessed by fashion and trends don’t you think ? Maybe it’s because she has a boyfriend who’s constantly harassed by a crazy ex and because she tries to be the best to please him ? Ok it’s not the best thing to do in that situation as it was what she was in season 1 which attracted him but who said that they are intelligent ? 
Bloom was a random weird girl, bullied by the popular girl of her school, treated by her parents as a baby because she was into fairy tales and suddenly she happen to know that she’s a princess, that her parents are considered as dead, just like her whole kingdom, that her older sister sacrified herself to protect her and that her spirit still guides her, that the mean trio who stole her new best friend’s ring want her power, attack her earth family, destroy Magix and the schools. She had to explore a frozen and hostile planed, to win a war. And it was her first year.
Don’t tell me that you can’t understand why she became like that, she tried her best to fit in this world and be the heiress she is. 
The adoration for Flora.
I mean... You guys find Bloom boring but not Flora ? Are you that blind or just hypocritical ?
Flora is a cheesy scaredy cat and a crybaby. She’s supposed to be the second more powerful but always only uses flower or petals and not other nature things. Her only real passion is gardening. Don’t tell me that she’s not boring. I guess that if Flora was in Bloom’s role you’ll hate her as much.
The fact they put all the girls in couple.
Like, being single is bad ? Being single isn’t better or worst than being in couple. You don’t always need someone to be happy. Same for the fact there’s only straight couples, a show can have lot of different couples, it won’t shock the kids.
The fact they are almost ALWAYS  wearing high heels.
Even for sport and beach. That’s just ridiculous. 
The fact they always grunt or scream during battles.
No specialists, you don’t need to yell “Yaaaah” each time you attack. Same for the girls. Just shut up and fight.
The fact Stella became only the fairy of the sun.
I could understand they she choose one side more than the other as she’s mostly with her father and he’s obviously the sun. But it would need explanations, they could show us her hesitation, how she changed her magic. And why.
The fact that people still see Darcy x Riven as a spell.
Ok it was a manipulation, ok she used him. But she seemed really interested by him, and maybe it wouldn’t end like this if her “sisters” weren’t here. I noticed that most of the time it’s the two others who destroy their other one’s couple, it was like that with Tritannus and Icy too. And for Riven is really seemed into Darcy, which is logical as she isn’t as cheesy as the winx. 
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