#what happens when emotionally repressed men go to group therapy? XD
autiezo · 3 months
THERAPIST - "Alright. Gentlemen, let's recap today's session. What do we do with our feelings, especially if they feel overwhelming?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Bottle them up forever."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Lash out at my piece-of-shit husband. Use him as an emotional punching bag."
HARRY DU BOIS - "Booze, drugs, and hot women. Fulfilling the world-ender prophecy by destroying everything."
THERAPIST - She accidentally reveals slight annoyance on her face, a mini break in her composure. She points her pen at Kim, Jean, and Harry, directing her responses to each man, "No. No. Of course not!"
THERAPIST - The woman lets out a deep sigh and scribbles down notes with haste. As she writes, she comments, "I'd like you three to please consider going for individual therapy."
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