#a letter from my pen pal! 💌
patchw0rk-quilt · 3 months
I hope you learn to fix your behavior. Hate towards trans women is hate towards freedom and love.
i genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about
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Dear John || Tell me you didn’t
Dear John || Masters of the Air fanfiction
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Series Summary: Major John Egan wasn’t the pen-pal sort but a couple of hours into a dark night full of writing condolence letters he finds himself wondering why he never tried his hand at the nicer forms of correspondence. Who better to reanimate his numb inspiration than the glamorous Miss Lana Tierney? -the army’s girl next door, the pinup so prolific she was practically a wall paper print and Bucky’s long-standing cinematic crush. It’s not like she’ll read it anyways, tucked up in luxury in Beverly Hills with carts of tedious fanmail burned in her back yard each day, his letter will get lost in the mix. It’s harmless. That thought -and the booze- may loosen his pen a little too much but it’s alright, it’s not like she’ll read it. Right? Right.
Circa: August 1943
Plot: Gale Cleven learns that not only did his best friend send dubious fanmail while blind drunk, he seems to have singled out with his indomitable luck the one starlet of the silver screen capable of matching his depravity
Warnings: 18+ for suggestive and crass content, it’s pretty much two boys acting like a couple of girls at a sleepover deciphering a dirty text from one’s crush
My thanks to my baby Bri for literally being the brains behind the plot and for Christi for assuring me this ain’t trash. We shall if y’all share those sentiments

The referenced letter link 💌
“Tell me you didn’t.” Gale managed to keep his tone calm but he’d be lying if he didn’t admit his fingertips had gone a little chilly.
“I-“ Egan threw his arms out as if a better truth might form with a little more gesticulation but nothing came, “I did, Buck.” he admitted.
“You wrote it blind drunk.” Gale reminded him with urgency, as if the reminder of its ill calculated circumstances could snatch back his letter from out of Lana Tierney’s posh mailbox.
“I did!” He agreed, “-And I sent it blind drunk. And I never thought she’d read it.”
“I saw you eat it!” Cleven’s voice was growing angry, “I made you-“
“That may have been a botched first draft to Donny’s folks instead.” Egan winced.
Both of them lapsed again into silence, staring warily at the unopened and daintily addressed envelope in Egan’s hand like it might explode at any moment.
“You sonuvabitch.” Gale breathed, two frantic pink splotches appearing on his cherub cheeked face, judgment and disbelief making a whirlpool of his eyes. “Can’t leave you alone for a minute. What all did you even say?”
“I didn’t tell her about ACORN!” John vowed like a child swearing to their sibling regarding secrets kept from mother, “I mean, i called her that but I didn’t explai-“
“-and I said a lotta nice things too, I think, but, I also-“ Egan scrunched his eyes up as if to either better recall or maybe banish entirely all memory of his sentiments, “-I may have mentioned wanting to give her children.”
“It can’t have been that bad, she wrote back!” Egan defended with wounded hope, holding up his still sealed prize. “Buck, swear to God, I never thought she’d read it.”
Gale slumped down next to him on the bed as if the ordeal in voyeuristic stupidity had taken something out of him. “Maybe she didn’t.” he suggested grimly. “Maybe it’s from her attorney tellin’ you to never contact her again.”
He was enjoying ruining this moment a little too much, and now Egan was growing angry he had waited to open it until confiding in his friend. Not a little anxious, and not a little smug, Egan flipped the envelope over, ready to tear its flap. That’s when he saw the kiss print. “Ha!” he barked, flipping it back up and shoving it directly in front of Gale’s crossing eyes, “Do lawyers leave lip prints?” he questioned cockily and when Gale pulled far enough away to ascertain for himself, he gave a conceding nod.
“Yeah, huh.” John goaded but his heart beat a crazy and skittish rhythm as he slipped his finger inside the fold and tore at the slip.
Lovely, scented, gold embossed stationery came into view, it made Egan question how well he had washed his hands the paper was so white and pristine.
“Well?” Gale kept to a respectful distance of half a foot away from his friend on the bed, and being a good sort of man, he was not snooping or side eyeing private correspondence.
“Uh, yeah, right.” Bucky rallied himself and unfolded the missive fully, forcing his eyes to focus on deciphering charming, school girl cursive. “Get over here, Buck.” he griped at last as it was hopeless to make headway between his own nerves and Cleven’s hovering presence.
Gale didn’t move and Bucky didn’t expect him to so he scooted over herself, smashing him on the edge and held the letter out as they both leaned in.
“Dear John, -I’m sorry Major Egan, I just had to.”
“Oh shit.” Bucky swore in realization.
“She’s funny.” Gale’s tone was ever so mild.
“Nah she’s, Buck, she’s quoting me back to me I told her -nevermind, let’s see-“
They peered back at the letter together, Cleven more invested that he’d ever admit and Bucky’s heart doing the oddest little flips at the realization that someone gave enough of a damn to write this sorta thing back to him.
“Heartfelt.” Gale murmured her choice of words for Bucky’s letter aloud with something close to relief, only to be then followed by a groan- “you did not write the word ‘knockers’ in a letter to a woman!”
“You're right, you’re right,” Egan ducked his head, repentant, he wouldn’t have been the least surprised if he got a wallop from Cleven for it, “awful of me. I admitted it even then. She admits it. Let’s move on.”
“RACK!” Cleven growled moments later in growing disbelief. “Jesus, John.”
“Oh don’t act better than all of it, you know she’s got the best melons out there-“
“-you’re the one who felt compelled to write a nice young lady and tell her as much.” Buck stabbed an accusatory finger dangerously close to Egan’s nose, “And used vulgarities while at it.”
Egan gave a defensive shrug and began his reading anew. “She said she’s fizzing
over making babies.” he whispered, “With me.” John was awed and this time Cleven had no rebuttal, just ever growing wonderment on his ever reddening face. “And she says here, look! she says you’re a bad boy for breaking us up that night! HA!”
“She’s being polite Bucky,” Gale cautioned, worried at where this surge of confidence might lead, “she didn’t admit to remembering a bit of it. They send girls to school to let fellas like you down easy.”
“Aww, now she says to give ya a kiss.” Egan cooed, saccharine and wicked, “See, she’s so nice and you’re the one who’s awful, doubting her like that. She says to give ya one if you’re the sort to take it well, are ya Buck, huh? Are you? Huh?”
“No, no! Jesus, get off me!” Cleven exerted every bit of his wiry strength to lug off the sudden onslaught of Egan’s heavy embrace as they folded together back onto the bed, John’s mouth making sickening smooching noises against Cleven’s baby smooth cheek, mustache a foreign and terrifying tickle on his jaw. “Get the hell off me, what is wrong with you?”
“I’m riled, just like her, that’s what’s wrong.” Egan replied vehemently, pulling his face away but keeping a perturbed Buck beneath his greater weight. “And maybe one day you’ll know what that feels like, Goldilocks. See, says right here: *I can feel my pulse somewhere besides my wrists* Do you hear that?” He demanded, still holding the letter aloft as Gale looked up at him with the sort of patience people reserve for lunatics liable to murder them at the least hint of movement. “I’ve made her horny.” he spelled it out and Gale’s face somehow flushed an even deeper shade of scarlet. “She wants to know what acorn means.”
“Don’t you ever tell her.” Gale warned.
“Why not?”
“It’s not even a good acronym, it’s misspelled and missing a whole word.”
“She wants it to be ‘salacious’ -says so herself.”
“No way.”
“Yes way.” Bucky flipped the letter over for Gale to see and judging by the panic in his eyes he caught more lines than that one alone.
“Jesus.” he repeated, it was starting to sound like a genuine beg for divine intervention. “Get off me.”
That itching physical impulse to roughhouse remained but Egan obligingly rolled to the side, aware Buck didn’t have what would cure his own riled self. “She says she enclosed something for the morale, said to keep it safe. But there’s not anything else. You see anything else?”
“I don’t.” Buck sounded worn down but he made an effort to look around amongst the sheets.
“Julia Jean.” Egan pondered, “Says that’s her real name.”
“Yeah, well, maybe now you can stop calling her acorn every damn time she comes on screen.”
“Don’t count on it.” Egan grinned back.
“Maybe it’s still in the envelope.” Gale suggested, tentatively picking up the air mail slip and handing it to Bucky.
Egan sat up and shook the paper between them, wondering if it was really something worth hiding from the censors like some OSS spy shit. A couple of shakes and sure enough, some slippery little card shaped thing fluttered out of a crease and wafted to the ground, settling between Buck’s boots. John’s stoic young friend bent over and retrieved it, but not without his entire spine stiffening like he’d been hit as soon as he’d caught it.
“Jesus.” it was more of a wheeze this time. Gale’s slow hand raised it and passed it over.
There wasn’t anything to say, not when confronted with such perfection. Not even a shielding arm to cheat him of the whole display, nothin’ at all but a carefully cropped photograph of the ripest pair of-
“Goddamn.” John’s tongue finally materialized a sentiment and he heard Gale’s appreciative sharp intake of breath beside him as if he’d forgotten to breathe here lately. “They’re wonderful.”
“Yeah.” Gale’s own throat sounded dry as dust, “W-we should probably stop starin’.”
“Whadda ya think she sent ‘em for?” John laughed, a rough, victorious laugh, never once dragging his admiring eyes away from them or ceasing to thumb over the shiny print. He could almost feel her warm, giving flesh under the pad of his finger, could almost imagine the pebble of a rosy nipple responding to his swipes.
“Yeah, they’re alright-“
“Alright? Alright!?” Egan repeated, incensed for his beloved’s reputation, “THESE ARE THE BEST TITS IN THE NATION!”
Gale actually looked mildly chastened, especially as his eyes strayed guiltily back to the photograph like twin marbles gravitating to the corner of a box when tipped.
“I know you haven’t seen many, Buck,” Egan goaded him further, “but take it from me -they don’t get better than this. And you better enjoy this look, it’s your last, she told me to keep them safe. So see this? These? This pair? S’why we fight, Buck.”
“Don’t be crass, John,” Gale stood up abruptly, less angry at his friend than at himself for his momentary lapse of discipline, “we fight for the people we love.”
“Course we do,” John grinned, “but I also happen to love these, told her so myself.”
“You didn’t-“
“I did.” Bucky was pretty chuffed, bouncing on the edge of the bed like he had her seated in his lap right now, “Everybody’s got to have a goal, Buck, you wanna marry Marj and I wanna aggressively come on ripe knock-“
“-A.C.O.R.N. yeah, yeah.”
“Acorn.” Bucky grinned in agreement.
“You gonna admit to her you didn’t know knockers was spelled with a k?”
“I did, too! Just couldn’t make it work.”
“Still doesn't work.” Buck informed, but his smile was returning, he’d not been this close with Bucky for this long not to learn to roll with the differences and appreciate that what made his best friend tick was a very different sort of morale than his own. “I’m happy for ya, John.” he conceded, as he turned to leave, “But when you write her back -and you gotta, she’s been too kind -promise me you’ll be a gentleman about it. Apologize, like the man I know you are. Drink got the better of you, just, explain it that way.”
“Uhuh.” John gave him a sober nod, still a little dazed this wasn’t some fever dream. “Kinda already did. In the one I sent.”
“She wasn’t deterred.” Gale mused, “Either you were shit at it or she’s-“
“Zesty.” Egan deduced, sucking his teeth with a manic gleam in his eye.
“Yeah, as an orange peel.” Gale snarked and walked away, past the rows of empty beds and outside into the rain, “I’ll leave you to it.”
Bucky fell back against his mattress, sudden peace and aloneness giving him a chance to soak it in a second time, carefully reading over it all again, savoring each quip, each earnest prayer and naughty subtext. Which naturally led him back to admiring her little picture, groaning in unrestrained appreciation for her assets. She’d hinted about him taking it to his bunk -well wasn’t he fast to obey! Something possessed him to flip it over and there in the corner of the photograph, written in tiny little script, were doodles of music notes along with the ever so familiar lyrics:
“Beat me daddy, eight to the bar.”
John threw back his head and let out a roar of appreciation for finding a mirrored soul. “Oh Julie Jean, honey baby, don’t you worry, I’ll beat out somethin’ for ya, that’s for sure.”
Thank y’all for reading, hope you enjoyed! Feedback is a writer’s life blood, please scream at me, I thrive off it. 💋
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spottedenchants · 3 months
ehehehe truth or dares for youuuu
Truth all the way down :3
đŸ›Œ ⇱ describe your latest wip with five emojis
(Stay Here Beside Me aka the first time fic)
đŸ„€ ⇱ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Is it cheating to recommend eyes like coin of gold; lips a reddest rose by vietbluecoeur again? Yes? Okay, how about:
Strange Happenings in the Waters of Bisaft by HurtComfortInSpace
Jester is having a Rough time emotionally and takes a swim with a new fishy friend :3 too bad said friend has ill intentions :,) I am patiently awaiting the comfort half of the hurt/comfort >:3
💌 ⇱ how many unread emails do you have right now?
Work emails don't count until I clock in, so I will say zero :3
🍄 ⇱ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairing
Non-romantic, Yussa and Marion are same-town pen pals after C2.
Marion sent him a letter thanking him for his hospitality and kindness towards her daughter and her friends (spinning the Nein taking refuge from Trent by going to Yussa's tower in a Very Nice light considering how Yussa was in the middle of his astral nap, all 'they trust you, you have my gratitude'), and Yussa, not wanting to spurn someone of Marion's high standing and reputation amongst the Nicodranan commonfolk (i.e. she's not with the Concord or the Uludans xD) by ignoring her outright, sends a reply about as terse-yet-kind about the Nein as you'd expect. Marion is amused that the unreachable mage of Tidepeak Tower has a soft spot for the Nein and sends another letter, maybe with a genuine but tongue-in-cheek compliment about his interior design or something. Yussa replies again and the rest is history. Wensforth is glad Yussa has made another friend and enjoys chatting with Marion when he stops by to deliver a letter.
(also have you read letters to a figure on the horizon? you should read letters to a figure on the horizon)
đŸ”Ș ⇱ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
'History of pencils' was a fun one for We Should Explore Other Things! I wanted to know if graphite naturally occurs in forms compatible with pencil use (It does! There are deposits (a deposit? there's a huge large one in England somewhere at least) that are pure enough to just chop off a bit and use, but I think I also saw a thing about graphite powder being reconstituted with clay for use or something like that?)
Also for Touching Sentiments as a whole, one thing I personally don't think it's weird, but 'love', maybe? Etymology, translations, fiction and non-fiction books, essays, book chats, forums, discussion blogs- there's no end to people defining and describing their own individual and communal understandings of love and it's such a fun thing to get in the weeds about, but it always strikes me as something others see as strange, saying 'oh yeah I've been researching love' idk xD I'm still mucking about with it though xD
Thank youuuu :3 💜
Writers Truth or Dare Ask Game
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die-rosastrasse · 2 years
Please share your current favourite art supplies! 💖
Thank you for asking! Here are some of my latest faves 💌
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‱ New stationery I purchased in a palace gift shop in Ludwigsburg, it features old flower and insects illustrations and golden details. My pen pals are going to love it!
‱ During this trip I also bought so many postcards in art galleries! I collect them mostly for myself, but I also use them in collages, journaling, pen pal letters, and I want to create an entire album just for art and postcards from my travels.
‱ Pressed flowers and a new flower press! I always press my plants in a book, but I decided to treat myself with a real wooden press for bigger specimens and a better technique. I never have enough flowers, I use so much of them, and they're so dainty and lovely and elevate the look of every craft project
‱ My trusty pastel gouache paints
‱ New wax seals with gorgeous pictures - one shows a cherubin, and the second one is a bee
‱ Glass ink pen with a floral motive - perfect for journaling, letters and calligraphy
‱ My handmade stickers! I rarely buy ready stickers in shops. I much prefer making them myself so that they all fit my personal style. Plus, I can design them to be just perfect for me and my projects. I can't wait to use these in my journal spreads with classical art đŸ–€
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bostonpapers · 1 year
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Hello everyone in the pen pal world! Would anyone in the US like a new pen pal? I pinky promise I write back!! â˜ș
My name is Megan and I, like many, have lost contact with pen pals over time or not received anything in return after putting time and effort into sending mail out. So to ensure you always have awesome snail mail to look forward to, please feel free to subscribe to my monthly pen pal letter! 🐌💌📼
With my letter, you’ll also receive awesome stationery goodies including stickers, washi tape, wax seals, and much more! I want to make sure when you open mail from me it makes your day a little brighter. You won’t be disappointed! And if you are, you can always unsubscribe. 🙂
Reach out if you have any questions or concerns! I look forward to writing you! âœïžđŸ’›
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djservo · 2 years
update from the dude with a Sergio-copycat-crush: I like updating you bec you're like this one very cool pen pal, so I feel like it'll be nice to share with you everytime something dramatic happens. I think my crush is actually interested bec he's usually got a very busy schedule yet he keeps squeezing in enough time to ask me out on lil coffee hangouts/mini dates??? are they even considered dates? idk but pls enlighten me is this what falling in love feels like??
AHHH this is so sweet omg i love writing/receiving letters + i Am in fact ur pen pal now tysm for ur updates đŸ„Č💌 it's hard to say what qualifies as a date nowadays bc i feel like ppl are less explicit with their intentions/will hit you with a laissez-faire "wanna hang out" as if it won't keep u up at night mulling over all the possible hidden meanings ranging from inflection to the way they moved their hands while asking 🛌 BUT i do think it's a great sign that he's making/finding time to hang out with you!! in THIS economy!!! Wow đŸ€§ u should defo ask him out!! maybe a museum or just a nice walk so u can chit chat more + get some clarity 👀🛠💭 i luv taking people to bookshops or vintage shops bc i think u can tell a lot based on what they're drawn to/looking at the longest + it makes for good conversation after too 🧠
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alastgoodnight · 1 year
💌 !! ask and ye shall receive
"Dear you,
I really need to start addressing these with names, but I'm afraid I don't have many in my address book right now. I suppose I'm sending these out into the world in case they reach... somebody who needs them? Somebody looking for a pen pal? Whatever the case, I hope this letter finds you well.
Have you been traveling lately? I haven't been able to get out much, so I'd love to hear about any fun and interesting places you've been to. Did you meet any new friends, try any new foods, make a memory? I hope it was a good one.
I apologize if this letter seems a bit disjointed - I'm really not sure who's going to receive this, as these letters tend to run away from me... but I hope you write me back. I'd love to hear about everything going on in your life - I've just been here at the library, renovating as always. I have to deal with the stairs next, that's going to be an ordeal.
Anyway, take care! I hope to hear from you soon!
The letter is on white, lined paper cut to have a cloudy outline, and comes in a blue envelope sealed with a sticker of a blue balloon. The return address says Naomi Sato/Lullaby Lane Library/Lullaby Lane, with no other indicators of where that might be, or how one gets there.
It doesn't even have a destination address, but it's delivered to Leon by a messenger bird Pokemon just the same.
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Because I was wondering if you could do Harry Potter x veela! reader? Where the reader’s owl accidentally delivered a wrong letter to someone else and that would be Harry, soon they become penpals. The reader doesn’t have a good reputation in her school, since there are other Veela girls who were trying to embarrass the reader and they did.
Harry was trying to cheer the reader up through letters and it would always make her smile. (Y/n) doesn’t know that he is the famous Harry Potter, one day (y/n) was told that she will be coming to Hogwarts to be the assistant from the chosen girls(this sets up in the HP: Goblet of Fire), and when Harry saw the reader for the first time he was captivated, but he doesn’t know that it's actually (y/n).
And as for (y/n) she doesn’t know what Harry would look like but later at night, she immediately writes a letter to her pen pal about how amazing Hogwarts is. She told him everything, that it’s different from Beauxbatons Academy. He was surprised that (y/n) was in Hogwarts and would be delighted to meet her for the first time.
When Harry was chosen. (Y/n) has a feeling it's her penpal but shrugs it off, cuz it might be a different Harry. At the tent when (y/n) was accompanying Fleur, she saw Harry tensed and tries to cheer him up a Lil bit, she used the same words where he always trying to cheer her up.
Then it struck him that that (y/n) his pen pal is in front of him, and he embraced her leaving her speechless. They were happy that they finally meet, everyone was surprised that a Beauxbatons student was hanging around at Harry Potter and the two doesn’t mind how they judge them.
They were both happy together, you know as friends but the way they stare at each other tells there's something more.
Because it was stated that the reader got bullied by the other veela girls and the girls that she’s accompanying too at Hogwarts doesnt like (y/n) and even forbids (y/n) to speak to Harry again when they found out about Harry and (y/n)’s friendship.
Hello dearies welcome today someone requested something special a one shot of Harry X Veela reader. This took me a long time to write and I must say I'm proud💖.
(before reading a/n: please note I do take time in my writing and work any critism or negativity will be deleted. I'm not an expert writer please don't expect top notch quality.
I write for the simple fact I enjoy making people happy. I'm still learning and developing everyday and if there is a mistake then please don't critic it I will write it to my own standards. I want this to be positive to not only me but everyone around I only accept positivity.)
In that being said please enjoy the one shot I put a lot of effort in:
It starts with a letter💌
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"dear whomever this may concern,
My name y/n I attend the school in Beauxbatons. My life here isn't fascinating, my family lives far away. I'm not used to mailing via owl.
Horrid things got my mail mixed up all the time. One time I found it inside a nifflers tree home luckily I pulled it out. The niffler liked me though it wasn't interested in the letter more so the gold.
Not many people like me. Often shoving my wand inside the boys bathrooms, putting pixies inside my pillow case and possibly the worst making my hair fall out.
I hope whoever reads this we can become friends, I'm happy to attend Hogwarts in the next upcoming days.
This was the final letter y/n had written to Hogwarts. Your aim was to find a friend amongst your year. Merlin knows you could use one after the whole malarkey with the other girls.
They don't exactly like you, you were different. You weren't like the other students more so quirky and kinder to the muggles. You however were excited to be chosen to attend the Triwizard tornament. You placed a letter in hoping to be accepted amongst the girls going.
The school for all muggleborns or purebloods. You were a half blood someone in the middle. Your family were the nicest people on earth almost comparing to the weasleys.
As you grinned widely heading towards the owlery to deliver your letter. You skipped elegantly as you were taught. To and frow your legs swung out excited to make a new friend.
You gave the letter to the oldest owl in the school. "Make sure to deliver it on time" as the owl squawked. The owl spreads its wings flying to Hogwarts. You carry your wand excitedly down the stairwell.
When all of a sudden you bump into one of the most popular students in the school. "Oh look its the petite souris agaçante" she Snickers. In French y/n knew that ment annoying little mouse it was her nickname.
The popular girl was known as Camille. She had long blonde hair, an elegant figure and excelling grades. "Out of my way peasant" she spoke in a beautiful French accent.
She shoves y/n to the side as you sneered. "Camille your perfume it smells of goblin urine". Camille took offence "Oui how dare you, you foolish brat".
You stuck your tounge out and walked to your room. The girls sneered at y/n as they tried to comfort Camille.
Meanwhile the owl flew far and wide to Hogwarts. The letter dropped down on the table with a thud. "Blimey Harry that owl sent ya somethin" as Hermione curiously looked. "Watch out Harry it could be a howler from Malfoy".
He grabs the letter opening as Ron and Hermione watched curiously. "It's a letter from...Beauxbatons" he noticed the emblem.
"blimey Harry that's a rich, posh school all the popular pretty girls go there" Ron dreams. "Wouldnt mind me one of those girls beautiful they are". Hermione glares "Ron If you wanted one of those popular, posh bimbos by your side then just ask pansy and her group".
Ron rolls his eyes "why are you always like that mione...it's like your jealous or somethin". Hermione scoffs back "as if I'm jealous of looking like a pampered fairy Ron".
Harry hushed both of them "Hermione, Ron quite". Hermione looks over to the letter "Merlin Harry that's from one of the most prestigious schools in all of France". Ron cringed "ugh imagine trying to be so ladida all the bloody time, annoyin if you ask me".
Hermione reads the letter "Merlin I feel sorry for y/n she sounds like she's been going through a lot". Harry nods "should I write back?".
Ron shrugs "might as well I mean who knows you could get a beautiful wife outta that". Hermione scowls "as if Harry would want a stupid pampared bimbo by his side".
Fred and George walk up noticing the letter. Fred asks "Watcha got there arry an secret admirer" he laughs. George replies "nah mate it's Harry's secret girlfriend". Hermione speaks back.
"if you to have nothing better to do and pry in other people's Buisness then you might as well bug Ron about it" Hermione smartly snaps back. "Why is something always blamed on me mione" Ron speaks with a mouth full of chicken.
Harry decided to head off to the owlery to reply back. "I'm going to the owlery" he walks away as Ron and Hermione scamper. "I'm coming with you Harry" Hermione rushes off. Ron scoffing more chicken down his throat runs "wait for me arry".
He arrives to the owlery headwig squawked. "hey buddy I need you to send me something". Hermione speaks "wait Harry you haven't even written anything yet I mean, Merlin it could be one of Malfoys tricks". Ron shakes his head "the emblem looks real" as Hermione pulls out one her papers from her books.
"here Harry use this I don't need it professor trawlauny wanted to use it to tell our future". She rolls her eyes she hated divination the teacher was must've come from st Mungo's. Harry grabs out Chalk he used from detention with Snape Merlin he's scary.
"Harry try to make it sound proper not like how you would usually write to girls". Hermione remembers Harry trying to write to Cho papers flying everywhere off the desk.
Harry nods and tried to think here:
"hello my name's Harry potter,
I attend Hogwarts for witchcraft and wizardry. It's rather fun here I've made heaps of friends.
I know what it feels like to be alone Merlin knows spending time with my uncle and aunt. It's not as fun as it sounds.
That's excellent y/n I do wish to see you and be your friend.
Hopefully we can see each other soon
~ Harry potter"
He smiles as Hermione grins at Harry's love letter. "Hope it gets there" headwig spreads his wings about to fly to off to Beauxbatons. It was a long way from Hogwarts in England but it should arrive by morning knowing headwigs smarts.
You were waiting in your room sowing a picture of your family using your wand. "Moi it's an owl" you see the white owl. "Finally thank you erm- headwig" you speak in an accent.
You read the letter sighing in disbelief. "no, no headwig it's the wrong letter". You pull out your wand "accio unfold" as you read it. "Merlin's beard someone wrote back" as you did a little dance. "Come dear head wig we must write straight away".
You skip your way to the owlery when long and behold the popular annoying Camille stands in your way. "Oui and where are you going y/n in such a hurry" before the other girls laughed.
"you really are a worthless rat" she Snickers pushing y/n to the side of the wall. Camille points her wand at you "let's see how you look with warts on your face".
Headwig flys to the top of the roof aiming directly on Camille's uniform. When a white stain plops on her coat. "ugh beurk what is this" she cringes at the bird dung.
You laugh saying "it compliments your perfect personality Camille". One of the girls snatched the letter "and what do ve have here hm~ a letter" she gasps.
"Harry Potter who's that" a student with brown hair asks. "That's my Buisness, I don't know who he is" you snatch the letter back.
The girls laugh as they push you to the ground. "Hogwartusopus" the brown haired girl shouts. Your face felt as if something were burning. Giant Boils grew on your face "Merlin's beard make it stop" as Camille laughs. "Non you mouse" laughing as red boiling Boils grew on your face.
You sprawl to the floor shedding crystal tears. "It's unfair...so unfair" as you got up weakly crying in the bathrooms. The Boils settled down it was only a hex at least. The difference is a hex lasts shorter and a jinx is permanent.
You grabbed some paper as you shed some more tears.
"Dear Harry potter,
I'm sorry I couldn't respond before those evil pixies took my last letter.
Merlin knows what they did with it. They hexed my face with giant boils can you believe it, vile aren't they.
I wish I could be at Hogwarts it sounds amazing better then here.
I hope we can attend classes together someday.
You smile slightly wiping away the tears from your lumpy face. You see headwig cuddling to you as you touch his wing. "Don't worry sir headwig I shall be free soon". You give him the letter watching as the white owl flew spreading its wings, flapping up and down.
Harry was sitting in class waiting for the letter when head wig exsaughted landed at Harry's desk. "Excuse me Mr potter I suggest you keep that owl in the owlery" mgonagall speaks highly.
"sorry Mrs" Harry smiles as Ron grabs the letter. "Is that a letter from your imaginary girlfriend potter" Draco spits at Harry. Ron growls "sod off Malfoy its none of your Buisness". Draco sneers "better hope your tounge is in tact Weasley".
Mgonagall shushed them "Weasley, Malfoy unless you wish to end up cleaning the school walls for the next hour. I suggest you pay attention" she speaks having enough of their quarreling.
Harry quietly unravels the letter opening it. Malfoy kept to himself snivelling in the fact he got told off.
Harry's face grew sad noting that in the letter y/n was hexed. Harry tore out a page from his book writing.
"dear y/n
That sounds aweful I had no idea those vile girls would torment you like this.
It sounds to me your better then this. you sound like a strong, confident person that deserves better.
If you ever do come to Hogwarts y/n I can take you to Diagon ally. It's full of the most wonderful shops wands, potions and the most delicious foods. Merlin I have to take you to honeydukes.
One time Ron got a piece of dragon snapper stuck in his teeth. Hermione tried to fish it out. Although I beileve it was one of Fred and Georges pranks.
Hope we can meet soon the Triwizard tornament is coming up and I can't believe your school was chosen. How lucky is that.
Harry Potter~".
He gave the scrap piece of paper to headwig. As the owl flies to France to your school.
You were sitting in your room reading fantastic beasts. Newt scammander was your idol wanting to break free. Headwig arrived at your window seal. Excited you see the torn scraped paper.
Reading this you slightly go pink Merlin this Harry Potter sounds dreamy. You felt butterflies arise in your stomach. "Merlins beard I feel odd as if...I'm having a slight twinge of happiness". You smile and collapse on the bed with the letter held to your heart.
You hear a girl younger then you run to the door out of breath. "Y/n you were chosen-" you looked confused at the girl. "Chosen for what?" You questioned. "To go to Hogwarts y/n Mrs told me to tell you your chosen".
You couldn't beileve it Hogwarts away from this school. You could finally meet this Harry Potter only problem you didn't know many other people going. "Thank you Penelope" you told the younger brown haired student.
Y/n however didn't realise she was only the assistant not one of the famous chosen wemon. Fluer Delacore was the most athletic person in all of France she had the looks, personality and beauty.
You envied her sometimes she was so liked that everyone admired her. You often wondered if any boy even liked you.
You were packing your suitcase when you hear someone speak in the distance. "I can't believe that rat got chosen I've given up so many things just to be here." You hear Camille spur out to her friend "when y/n comes back I'll turn everyone against her".
You roll your eyes no way in merlin will you let someone like Camille drag you down. You were strong and even then your confidence overtook hers.
Harry sat there in the grand hall of Hogwarts listening to Dumbledore speak he was excited to hear the following schools. The first to show up was dermstrung a school for only purebloods. He hated some of the beliefs in that school everyone deserves a chance even muggleborns.
The next that came was the school Beauxbatons full of Veela wemon. Harry could see Ron dreaming at all the pretty french girls. Hermione rolls her eyes whispering to Harry "which one do you think y/n is" she looks at Fluer.
"there all pretty" Ron stated looking at all the wemon covered in butterflies. One person stood out to Harry he couldn't look away. "Merlin she's beautiful you don't think that could be her" he stares at your beautiful eyes.
Y/n walks quietly behind within all the girls. She wasn't exactly at the front more so at the back. The girls were in order the first were the most popular and at the back were the assistants.
Harry's face was unmoved out of all of the wemon you captivated him the most. Hermione broke him out of his gaze "what are you staring at Harry". He speaks "oh erm nothing". Ron was captivated by Fluer and the pretty girls "Ron...Ron...Ron Weasley" Hermione snapped.
Ron looks at Hermione "oh sorry mione" she rolled her eyes. "Unbelievable" as Harry wondered whether y/n was even at Hogwarts. She couldn't have been within this school she must've been somewhere fancier.
Y/n later on was exploring around the school she followed around the girls that weren't a fan of her. "Merlin's beard" she tripped over her high heels she accidentally bumps into Fluer. "Sorry Mrs Delacore" as she sneers "watch where your stepping".
You did notice however that everyone at Hogwarts were more accepting. No one kept upright postures and nor did you have to be super smart to be popular. You can look as whacky and Whimsacle as you want and no one would care.
You did hope to see Harry Potter you had no idea who he was. Everyone had different houses where as in yours everyone wore the same uniform.
You watched as everyone stares at the pretty girls announcing butterflies from their chest. You kept up the routine as you practice to be elegant and refined.
You sit down as Dumbledore spoke the final contestants of the school. The Triwizard tornament should be soon. You had no idea who the contestants were. It will be exciting to find out.
As the meeting with Dumbledore ends you could see the girls all leaving to their guest dorms. You started to spend more time marveling at the textures of Hogwarts. The paintings were moving and everyone got along.
You ended up in a guests room spending time with the girls. Unfortunately they all ran to take their beds you were left alone in the corner.
"sorry y/n we don't share with peasants" as they laughed. You roll your eyes "and I don't share with snobbish toads" the girls look offended. You proudly sit on your bed ripping out a page from your book writing.
"dear Mr potter,
It's amazing I had no idea this school was so big. Everyone gets along witches, wizards, muggleborns, half bloods and even pure.
Its so fascinating to me I might like it here. Oh and I saw one of my teachers speaking to some hairy man. I think he must like her quite odd if I do say so myself.
I would love to visit Diagon ally with you it seems almost like a fairy tail dream. I do speak french so pardon if I can't pronounce things correctly.
So in that Mr potter I shall hope to meet you very soon.
Yours truly,
You seal the paper in an envelope. You head out in your fancy nightgown calling to headwig. "MisirĂš headwig" you say softly. The white owl was by your door step in seconds "headwig send this to misirĂš potter". You smiled as the white owl squawked and flew down the stairwell to Harry.
Harry was getting ready for bed as Ron speaks. "You know arry what if one of us gets In I mean we'll be famous" Ron smiles. Harry shakes his head "I don't think so Ron I mean I'm not of age Mabey next year" he smiles shyly.
Ron nods "yeah fair enough, hey have ya figured out who this y/n is yet". Harry shook his head heading into bed "no I...I don't think I could spot her she sounds like a beautiful, strong woman though". Ron raises an eyebrow "oi Harry do you have a crush on this y/n".
Harry blushed "w-what made you say that" as Ron shrugs. "don know you seem to talk about her alot" he tucks himself in. "Anyways I'm off to bed g'night arry" he turns to his side sleeping.
Harry takes off his glasses smiling as he saw a glimpse. "Yeah goodnight Ron" when all of a sudden an owl comes in. "Gah bloody ell Harry does headwig Ave to come in like that" he covered his ears.
Headwig drops the letter "thanks headwig" as the owl squawked. "Lets see oh...she's here at Hogwarts Merlin's beard now I'm curious". Harry's eyes widened as he puts on his glasses.
Ron shot up "Merlins beard Harry we ave t'a find her then any guesses". He shook his head "no but...I saw a beautiful lady walking down the isle in the back although I don't think it's her".
Ron puts his fingers under his chin "it could possibly be her Harry unless". He dreamily sighs "it was the pretty blonde girl she was certainly a beauty". Harry chuckles "yeah I'm not interested in looks more so just y/n and who ever she is".
The two boys said there good nights and slept. The next morning was quite exciting the new contestants will be announced.
Harry, Ron and Hermione stood in the hall along with y/n and the other students. In the middle stood a cup as a piece of paper shot out of it.
Dumbledore made the annoucements of the contestants "I would like to announce first the first student to attend Cedric diggery". A boy in a hufflepuff shirt bravely walks up as the cup shot out another piece of paper. "The next student Viktor Krum" as a broad man walks up winking at hermione.
The next student which made y/n surprised was "Fleur Delacore". She walked up the prettiest girl in all of France. Ron couldn't stop staring as Hermione rolled her eyes.
"now our final contestant shall be-" as the piece of paper floats from the cup. "Harry Potter" he speaks quietly. Eventually he became louder "HARRY POTTER!" As a young boy in glasses came up to the cup.
Could that be the harry potter the one whom you've been talking to. No Merlin no he looks far to young then what you had envisioned. "Harry will attend" as the boy stood there awrkwardly.
You looked confused but payed no mind after all this school was big how many Harry's could there be. You walk out of the hall very confused as you saw fleur walk up to you.
"madam y/n I wish for you to accompany me to the first trial it's in the tent" she smiled. You whisper nervously "oh of course Fluer" as she walked off. The girls sneer at you "hey look its y/n and her imaginary admirer".
Hermione grew suspecious looking at those girls. She watched as they muttered your name. "Great Merlin I think I figured it out" she runs off with her books to Harry.
"Harry, Harry!" She calls out as Harry looked nervous. "Yeah what is it mione" he muttered as she sounded excited. "I may know who this mysterious admirer of yours is I should've known" she points to the girl whom she thought was you. "The blonde haired girl, there" Harry knew deep down it wasn't true.
"Hermione I think you have the wrong person" as Hermione shakes her head. "no Harry it must be the way she writes and her figure it must be true" she speaks confidently. "No Hermione I don't think it is" Harry turns picking up his books.
Harry was nervous he had no idea how in Merlin he got in. He wasn't even of age he didn't want to risk his life out there. He had the conversation with Dumbledore he would need to be protected.
As Harry heads off to his first trial he walks inside the tent. Y/n was with Fluer feeling awrkward as it is. I mean who would even want to talk to y/n she wasn't popular nor smart. She wasn't even well known only the assistant. You stand by the tents door nervously.
Harry came in as y/n noticed the young awrkward boy before. Y/n believed that Harry may not have even existed she stands there by herself. "Merlin's beard this is useless I give up" as the boy stares at you feeling sorry.
"erm hello sorry, didn't mean to disturb you" he smiled. "Don't worry I'm not doing anything" you lean to the beside him. "I can't believe it's happening I mean, everything is happening so fast" he sighs. You listen to him he seemed tense to say the least almost not wanting to compete.
"listen sir, I may have not much in common with you but-" you touched his arm. "You seem like a strong, confident person anyone as good as you deserves better" you laugh pushing into the tents fabric. "A boy told me that once it made my day I truly believed that I was worth something more".
Harrys eyes widened he remembers writing a letter like that to someone. "You wouldn't happen to know who y/n is" you sound confused. "Wait Harry?" Without warning he hugged you. He wraps his arms around your waist.
"Merlin's beard I finally get to meet you after all this time" you were confused you weren't hugging him just standing there. "Y/n all those terrible things you went through, merlin I wished I saved you your so strong".
Your eyes well up almost like it was an emotional setting. "Harry it's alright truly, I've survived worse I'm happy to have met you finally". You two didn't say anything but hugged on the spot he felt sympathy towards you.
You shed a few tears realising that Harry was the one to have kept you going. "Y/n truly it's a pleasure" as the girls even Fluer saw the scene unfold. "Merlin why is that Beauxbatons student hugging him" they were very confused based on their status.
They didn't care what the others thought y/n and Harry were happy to be in each others arms. Harry felt sorry he wanted to meet y/n he wasn't after appearances nor competition. He saw y/n for y/n a girl who's strong and confident in the way she shows it.
"misirĂš harry you have to take me to honeydukes after Oui?" You smile. Harry's eyes glint with a twinge of joy "yes after the tornament you have to meet my friends Ron and Hermione they'll love you y/n".
You and Harry talk for the next hour until the tornament began. Everyone else could clearly see there was something more brewing in Harry. Hermione guessed it was a something more then y/n and Harry being just friends.
That however was another story to tell beginning within a letter.
168 notes · View notes
patchw0rk-quilt · 1 year
i did not know how much i needed to hear transfem macho man until now thank you
FUCK YES!!!!!!!!
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8 notes · View notes
ggukkiereads · 3 years
Fic Faves | Love Letters AU
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Sharing fics that make use of the epistolary format. I hope that everyone enjoys it as much as I did. I just love epistolary novels and I would like to send our dear authors the biggest hug as a way to express my thanks. If you are a reader like me who enjoyed the fics, please don’t hesitate to send them love letters too (in form of a nice ask, comment, reblogs, etc).
📞 Voicemails 📧 Email/Chats ✒  Poetry/Poems 💌 Letters 💜 Others: mix-tapes | vlog transcript | song lyrics | receipt/delivery app chats | others
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Please note that most of the fics are mature. Minors please DNI. Check the tags/warnings per fic too.
S - smut | F - fluff | A - angst
Note: if link to fic doesn’t work, click on author and go to their masterlist.
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Delete Voicemail? feat Taehyung @evangelene - one shot | 5k | Exes AU, Established Relationship, it’s just 😭, Wedding AU | A (will make you cry)
Summary: Ok or Cancel?
📞 -  10% voicemail (the end part)
Member: Jungkook
Listen @kidguk - drabble | 1k | strangers to lovers, wrong number, sweet Taehyung allowed her to vent | F
Summary:  A late-night phone call to the wrong number turns out to be the only thing you needed to feel right
📞 - mixed narration x phone call dialogues
Member: Taehyung
the things i said when i loved you @gossamie​ - one shot | 3.5k | strangers to lovers, established relationship, to exes, | A, slight F (this Yoongi made me cry đŸ„ș)
Summary: listen to the past two years of your relationship with yoongi, as told in a series of voicemails
📞 - 100% through voicemails (one-sided, just through Yoongi)
Member: Yoongi
Voicemails @dreamystuffers​ -  drabble | 1.8k | exes au, toxic relationship (please check tags) | | A
Summary: Where you and Yoongi have a messy breakup where you can’t contact him but you miss him nonetheless.
📞 - 100% through voicemails (one-sided)
Member: Yoongi
You Have (1) New Voicemail  @coepiteamare​ - one shot | 4.9k | mystery, not sure what they are, ugh this left me broken. Where is Jimin? 😭 | A
Summary: “Hi, Jimin. It’s me.” (alt. you leave voicemails for jimin when taehyung asks you if you’ve heard from him recently
📞 - 100% through voicemails (one-sided)
Member: Jimin
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Cordially Jimin @kpopfanfictrash​ - one shot | 6.1k | office au,  strangers to lovers,  really really cute, | F (romcom)
Summary: When you start work in your new office, the last thing you expect is a distraction. Especially not one as cute, witty and impossible to handle as Park Jimin. A story told through correspondence.
📧 - 100% told  through correspondence (email/voicenotes, chat)
Member: Jimin
**  love.fm @ugh-yoongi​ - one shot | 12.4k | christmas au, exes au, estranged lovers, dj!reader, radio station au, humor | f, slight a
Summary:  there’s also the stranger who keeps writing into the station about regrets of their own. the stranger whose prose feels so familiar. the stranger who leaves you wondering if things with your ex are quite as resolved as you think.
📧 - 40% email between sender and radio dj
Member: Namjoon
Jimin + Makeup Artist @cinnaminsvga​ - drabble | 500 | idol au, makeup artist | F
📧 - 90% through chat
Member: Jimin
Interconnection @gukyi​ - one shot | 8k | Hogwarts AU, secret identity (who is Suga?), unrequited crush (for Yoongi) | F (really cute)
Summary: you can never trust anything in the wizarding world. not even your own goddamn journal.
📧 - mixed (poetry, chatting through the magical journal)
Member: Yoongi
Letters to You @pjmsgalaxy​ - series [4/4] | 13.3k | dancer au, secret identity (hoseok goes as “sunshine”, he’s famous), idol!hoseok, email pen pals, foreign student!OC, use of Oppa as honorific (I’m putting it out here because I cringe at use of “oppa” but in the story they are in Korea and speaking in this language so it’s okay) | F, implied S 02 03 04
Summary: When you read the first Email you felt intrigued and without any hesitation you send one back, not knowing that those emails would lead you to a new life or a soulmate.
📧 - mixed (email correspondence + narration)
member: Hoseok
re: Untitled @to-star-lake​ - series [ 4/4] | 18.8k | CEO AU, Arranged Marriage, Childhood Acquaintances, Enemies to Lovers | A, S, F
Summary: no summary provided, but I linked it to my reblog/review if you want to get a feel of the fic
 📧 - 10% email (you’ll get to see why it’s titled this way)
member: Jungkook
** You’ve Got Mail @minyoongijjangjjangmanboongboong - one shot | 12.9k | exes au, enemies to lovers, high school sweethearts, secret identity, barista | A, F
Summary:  After a messy breakup with high school heartthrob Jeon Jungkook, you swore off dating once you got into college. Even though it left you lonely, it was easier than being hurt. But one fateful blind date changes everything for you, and you realize that maybe isolation isn’t the answer either.
📧 - 10% chat
member: Jungkook
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Fuckboy Jungkook Who Quotes Gatsby @btsinspirationtakesme - drabble series [6/6] | 21.8k | Fuckboy AU, Nerd!Reader, Enemies to Lovers, College AU | F, S, A
Summary:  Fuckboi! Jungkook who quotes Gatsby strikes the fandom.
✒  - 20% using literary quotes to win OC (Shakespeare, FS Fitzgerald, Neruda, etc)
Member: Jungkook
Ode to the Nature of Romance @yeoldontknow - one shot | 9.9k | Violinist!OC, Poetry Professor Jeon Jungkook, Professor AU | F, S
Summary:  As a classical violinist, you understand passion and romance better than most. So why does Poetry professor Jeon Jungkook seem to have such a difficult time getting you to understand?
✒  - 20% use of poetry pieces in the story (Neruda, etc) (the whole fic is like poetry, to be honest đŸ„°)
Member: Jungkook
Roses, Poetry, and Jeon @seraphimguks​ - one shot | 12k | Bookstore AU, enemies to lovers (sort of), Love Letters AU, secret identity | F, slight A (something I’ve read couple of times because the poems are also beautiful)
Summary:  Between the pieces of sappy poetry and dried rose petals hidden in every book you buy from the local bookstore; you fall in love with the anonymously enigmatic writer.
✒ - 25% poetry (but the poems are integral to the plot)
Member: Jungkook
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Arranged Marriage Letters  @sunshyngal​ - two part drabble 01 + 02 | 1.8k | arranged marriage, OC left husband!jungkook, divorce au of some sort | F
Summary: based on a prompt for arranged marriage, miscommunication, accusations of having other people
💌 -  80% through letters | Jungkook’s letter still has me squealing please
Member: Jungkook
Cranes in the Sky @joonbird​ - one shot | 2.2k | Exes AU | A
Summary:  A letter to your ex boyfriend Jung Hoseok.
💌 -  100% through letters
Member: Hoseok
Dear Baby @jeonocho​ - one shot | 7.7k | Accidental Pregnancy, Expecting Parents AU, eventual Mom!OC writing letters to the unborn baby (diary), Childhood Friends AU, Best Friend AU, Unrequited Love | A
Summary:  secrets can never stay hidden for too long.
💌 - mixed (letters/diary + narrated scenes)
Member: Yoongi
Dear PD @moon-write​ - one shot | 3.4k | Pen Pals,  Long Distance correspondence,  Best Friend, Producer!Yoongi | F (platonic but đŸ„°)
Summary:  you and ‘PD’ have been pen pals for 3 years, avoiding any other forms of contact to keep the simplicity of your friendship, but things changes following your recent break up.
💌 - mixed (snail mail type of letters, they’ve never met, narrated scenes)
Member: Yoongi
Dear Seokjin @writtenyoongi​ - one shot | 3.1k | sequel to Burning Amber, Seokjin just...disappeared, this sequel will reveal what happened to him, established relationship 😭 | A (heavy angst)
Summary: Since he left, you couldn’t stop writing him letters, it was like a compulsion. Even if you knew you’d never be able to send them.
💌 -  100% through letters
Member: Seokjin
Do You Want Me Dead? @gukyi - one shot | 11k | Hogwarts AU, Enemies to Lovers, secret identity | F
Summary:  jeon jungkook, quidditch extraordinaire and overall pain in your ass, is the one problem you can’t seem to solve, even with years of being the school’s advice columnist under your belt. that is, until you begin to receive letters from someone under the alias of bambi, requesting help with confessing to a crush, and suddenly, your relationship with jeon jungkook takes a turn for
 the worst? (also try Pen Pals)
💌 - mixed (some parts are letters)
Member: Jungkook
Ephemera @akinnie75​ - one shot | 19k | sickfic, a program where students have pen pals with a patient from the hospital,  kind of soulmate AU (read until end of the fic to get what I mean), eventually Idol!Jimin | A, F
Summary:  This is the story of a young girl who wants to succeed and a boy who wants to be free. They feed each other their needs through a series of letters, but soon enough, their relationship becomes more than simple pen pals.
💌  - 60% through correspondence (has real drawings too, these parts were so cute)
Member: Jimin
Evolution of You and I @readyplayerhobi​ - one shot | 10.2k | Hybrid AU (Jimin), penpals for 15 years, childhood friends (but known only through letters) | F, A, mentions of S
Summary:  For 15 years, Park Jimin has been in your life in some form. From childhood penpal’s to the closest of friends now, you can’t imagine your life without him even if you’ve never actually met him in person. It doesn’t help that you’ve fallen for him, even across the distance that separates you. But what happens when you finally meet up and you discover he’s been keeping something secret?
💌  - mixed (letters, email, online chat, narration
Member: Jimin
Fireflies @impossiblewriter  - one shot | 20k | Royalty AU, Prince!Jungkook x Princess!OC, childhood friends, 1940s-60s vibes, fictional country, sent to war, drama about broken promises and such 😭| A, F
Summary:  You’ve been friends with Prince Jungkook ever since you met him while watching fireflies as a kid. Years pass and feelings bloom, but just when you think you’re a step closer to your happily ever after, Jungkook is sent to war. Promises are made, letters exchanged, but will real love endure until the end?
💌  - mixed (letters + narrated parts)
Member: Jungkook
Handwritten @/jeonocho - one shot | 2.5k | Best Friend AU, Soldier!Jungkook, sent to war | F, A - Part of the See Me series
Summary: Your  best friend, Jungkook, is a soldier fighting for his country. You don’t see each other often so you always write him letters.
💌 -  100% through letters
Member: Jungkook
IF @yoondoze - drabble series (or letter series) [3/3] | 4.5k+ | Bestfriend AU, a bit of mystery about the bestfriend (OC), heavy angst | A
Summary: a series of letters from min yoongi to you, his best first love.
💌  - mixed  (Yoongi’s letter interwoven with past told in narration form/flashback); formatting might be confusing so author advised to pay attention to this
Member: Yoongi
Letters to an Angel @bgntanblues - one shot | 3.9k | College AU, heavy themes (please check the warnings), OC’s journey to acceptance of loss | A
Summary:  A bunch of scattered letters from a girl to a boy, who stole her heart and took it beyond the stars and above.
💌 -  100% through letters
Member: Jimin
love; always @yeoldontknow​ - one shot | 7.3k | soulmate au, reincarnation au, pen pals | F, S
Summary:  Told in a series of letters throughout time, this is the story of a love that has endured throughout history.
💌 -  100% through letters (through time; this is brilliant đŸ„°)
Member: Hoseok
Love Letters @blu-joons​ - drabble | 1.2k | Exes AU, Idol!Hoseok discovered OC’s unsent letters to Hobi  | F, A
💌 - mixed (letters + narration)
Member: Hoseok
Love Letters @sweetheartjeongguk​​ - one shot | 2.2k | High School AU, secret identity, pining | F
Summary:  you’ve held his heart in your palms since the age of eight years old, but there was a difference between true love and wishful thinking.
💌 - mixed (he’d been writing letters to OC since they were eight years old)
Member: Namjoon
My Lover, Love Letter @mini-moongi​ - one shot | 2.8k | Best Friend AU, secret identity, broken hearted Taehyung just got cheated on and Bestfriend!OC wrote comforting love letters, idol au (? not sure, they work at a studio but I don’t recall if they’re idols or maybe producers) | A, F
Summary:  Being in love isn’t supposed to hurt so much, but you’d sooner roll over dead than confess to him. Your best friend. After a particularly rough break up, you decide to send Taehyung some additional love via love letters. What you weren’t expecting, however, was a letter back.
💌 - 15% letter
Member: Taehyung
No One + Someone @dfdph​ - 32k | JJK | extreme sports, slice of life, epistolary (in form of letters), check trigger warnings, Someone is a “What if” alternate scenario | A (heavy), F
Summary: “Letter to No One, 22nd. Maybe it’s time I change the greetings to my letters and actually say hi to you. Dear No One. Yes, that’s better. But again, you don’t exist. I’m starting to wish you did though. It would be nice to have someone to be with tomorrow - someone who knows. Like you.”
💌 - mixed letters (from Jungkook to “someone”) + narration
Member: Jungkook
Notes to Find You @sungiest​ - one shot | 4.5k | Established Relationship, Husband!Jimin, mystery, ah I love this | F, S
Summary:  You returned home from work to an empty house and the love of your life nowhere to be found. Guided by a series of love letters, you are led on a journey reconnecting you to the timeline of your love story. Where did you begin and how will you find him?
💌 - mixed (OC is given notes/instructions, like a treasure hunt)
Member: Jimin
One Way Ticket @allmysticwords​ - one shot | 5.4k | Busker!Jimin, Strangers to Lovers, Valentine’s Day AU, | F, slight A
Summary: “if summer is for lovers then consider me in love” is what Park Jimin said to you. Then he sent you on a wild chase of old letters and flowers. Now, it’s time for you to find out how truthful his love really is
💌 - 25% letter form (he left her letters for a quick scavenger-hunt-like activity for Valentines. This is super cute!)
Member: Jimin
Open When @iluv-hobi​ - JJK | drabble series, 2.6k | idol au, established relationship, |  F
Summary:  Jungkook likes to write letters to you, especially ones with purposes, like “open when ___”. One day, on a particularly bad day, you open, “open when you’ve had a shitty day”.
💌 - 100% epistolary
Member: Jungkook
Open When It’s... @an-exotic-writer​ - one shot | 3.5k | Dad!Namjoon, Son!Namjae, Wife!OC | A (heavy but it’s so beautiful)
Summary:  Namjoon is already gone in the story and he leaves letters for the son to guide him in life (Example: Open this Letter when “when you get into the worst fight ever with your mother”
💌 - mixed (letters and narration)
Member: Namjoon
Read This Before I Break Up With You @/gossamie - drabble | 1.2k | break up AU, epistolary | A
Summary:  Here’s why your boyfriend of thirteen months is breaking up with you, as told in a letter written by Jungkook
💌 - 100% epistolary
Member: Jungkook
Sweet Apple Biscuits @rosaetae - one shot | 15.5k | Unrequited Love, Strangers to Lovers, Fantasy AU, Time Slip AU (but not really? More of future OC can write letters to present OC), ,  adaptation of the anime Agent Orange | F, A
Summary:  a story about someone who receives letters from themselves ten years in the future and asks them to fix all their regrets and save a particular boy.
💌 - mixed (letter excerpts + present time narration)
Member: Jungkook
The Key to My Drawer @jjungkookislife​ - series [12/12] | 25k | Best Friend AU, Childhood Friends, discovered letters, unrequited love  | F, A, S
Summary:  A key, a drawer, and a secret Taehyung planned to take to the grave.
💌  - mixed (letters from Taehyung are usually about past events + current scenarios are narrated form)
Member: Taehyung
To You @httpknjoon​ - series [3/3] | 11.5k | Idol!Namjoon, Exes AU, Post-break up AU, OC still writes letters to Namjoon despite break up, sister sends him the letters | F, A
Summary:  Great news! Your sister sent your handwritten letters to your ex.
💌  - 25% letters
Member: Namjoon
**Ubiquitous @sunshinejoon​ - drabble |  1.9k | exes au, break up au | A, F
Summary:  Perhaps the worst part was that he had never really left.
💌 - 20% letter | MC in those moments missing Hoseok even after they broke up and discovering the secret letters he wrote one for each day he had been with OC
Member : Hoseok
Unloved Letters @mintemps - one shot | 3.2k | break up AU | A
Summary:  You sat at the edge of your bed, somewhat overwhelmed. Thoughts teetered on a thin string of happiness and apprehension. Fond memories turned into shadows of a distant stranger, a bittersweet heaviness creates its home in your chest. Fumbling with ripped notebook pages, you decide that one more thorough read of the scrawled blue ink would be enough.
💌  - 100% letter (but there are dialogues in the letter that made it’s non-letter form)
Member: Jimin
With Love and Devotion @joonsdiary​ - drabble | 1.8k | regency au, royalty au, feels like a scene from Pride & Prejudice 😁 this is  | F
Summary:  In one of the many nights you yearn for the company of an unforgettable gentleman, a letter arrives.
💌  - mixed correspondence + non-letter form (the member never made an appearance so it’s all from the letter)
Member: Taehyung
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Mix-tapes | vlog transcript | song lyrics | receipt/delivery app chats | others
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Are You Still With Him @joonsgalaxy​ - drabble | 1.7k | Roommate AU, Producer AU, Friends to Lovers, secret pining | F
Summary:   the way you said ‘i love you’ prompts: through a song
đŸŽ”  - use of song lyrics in the fic (so this is great because the choice of the lyrics amplified everything! so much feels with this)
Member: Yoongi
Mix-tape @moon-write - one shot | 2.1k | established relationship, boyfriend au, hurt/comfort, idolverse Jungkook created a mixtape for OC | f (tooth-rotting fluff), slight a (because of the hurt/comfort angle)
Summary:  Jungkook finds a special way to surprise you after a particularly hard week
đŸŽ” 💌 mixed narration + epistolary (use of letters and music); you have to listen to the mixtape while reading for maximum effect)
Member: Jungkook
Hear Me @jeonocho - one shot | 2k | Dance Instructor!Hoseok, tw: depression, suicide (please don’t proceed if it’s uncomfortable) | A (heavy angst with happy ending)
Summary:  Hoseok needs to vent out about his life, he chooses to do it on a vlog.
đŸ“č - 100% Vlog transcript
Member: Hoseok
Tangsuyuk Love @full-of-jams​ - one shot | 11.5k | college au, friends to lovers, secret correspondence  | F, S
Summary:  College student Jungkook passes cute notes with a customer who always orders take-out tangsuyuk at his part-time job. Meanwhile he’s trying not to miserably fail his Math class, while hiding his ever-growing crush on you.
đŸ§ŸđŸ“± - mixed through receipts and delivery app chat. So cute right?
Member: Jungkook
Reversible @keisl0vergirl​ - drabble | 993 wc | exes au (more on ex-fwb), fwb au, falling out, reunion of some sort, interview | a, f
Summary:  in which you and jimin are interviewed about your previous fwb relationship
đŸŽ„ - 100% interview transcript
Member: Jimin
Too Long; Didn’t Read @fortunexkookie​ - one shot | 11.4k | College AU, Enemies to Lovers, Strangers to Lovers (they only met in the end, so everything was through the comm channels) | F, S (please this is so unique)
Summary:  This is the story of how you trolled your way into Taehyung’s heart.
đŸ’»  -  25% written as social media responses, other scenes through phone calls, etc.
Member: Taehyung
Operation: Love Letter @ve1vetyoongi​ - series [6/6] | 30k | College AU, Mystery (Secret Admirer), Matchmaking app | F
Summary:  Sign up for the Love Calculator today in the gym and find your perfect match, just in time for Valentine’s day!
đŸ’»  - 15% mixed comm channels (love letter, post-it notes, the love calculator app, case files, this is just so cute)
Member: OT7 (Guess the secret admirer)
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💌 just some random chatter here (feel free to skip):
I love epistolary novels. I remember getting so fascinated by The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society when it first came out .One of my favorite love stories in form of letters were the exchanges between John Adams and Abigail Adams (like it is possible to have this kind of romance and friendship in the olden days đŸ„ș). The “Dear Miss Adorable, I hereby order you to give me as many kisses and as many hours of your company as I shall please to demand, and charge them to my account” took me out 😭
So thank you, anon for sending in this ask =). I truly had a blast remembering fics and I am sure I still missed out on other stories I might not have the chance to explore yet.
note:  Feel free to message me if you have recos and I’ll read/add to this list đŸ„°
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đŸŒ· Feel free to chat about fics =) đŸŒ· posted: 2021 July 17 | updated: 2022 Oct 27 (with **) đŸŒ· other fic recs lists
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dinamitae · 2 years
dinamitae's 1 yr. blog anniversary + follow forever!
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ngl besties, i've been on tumblr for an absurdly long time— like, my main blog was originally dedicated to one direction and 5 seconds of summer type of long— but this past year on armyblr has undoubtedly been the best one. to put it plainly, 2021 was pretty shitty for me. i struggled a lot with my mental health, academics, some family issues, and navigating early adulthood in a mfing pandemic. i stumbled upon bts during a time when i really needed them...and a tiny part of me feels like that was no coincidence. i can't say that they brought me out of what i was going through, but they brought me so much comfort. hope. and, most notably, they brought me to you all!
i want to thank every content creator and follower and mutual that i've encountered on here for making this such a special experience. this community has been so good to me— although my activity has been rather sporadic lately, i hold you all so close to my heart. i don't think i'll ever be able to adequately express how grateful i am for the joy and comfort both bts and armyblr have brought me this past year...so this post will have to do for now.
under the cut is some mush for a few ppl that i’ve grown particularly fond of, and a partial list of people who have made my dashboard a creative, insightful, and hilarious corner of the internet to be on (the rest will be in a reblog!! fuck u tumblr tag limit :/). i love and adore you all so much and this is my attempt to make sure you never forget it!!!! <3
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💌 love letters 💌
to blueandtaes 💌 t, i don’t think words can describe how grateful i am to have crossed paths with you, and for your welcoming me into the fandom with open arms. you never fail to make me smile— whether it be your amazing content, communicating via tags, or some out of pocket dm’s LMAO. i love and appreciate you so so much, my love 😌
to angelhobi 💌 from bonding over impulsive financial decisions muster sowoozoo i'm looking at you to what i can only describe as affectionate bullying,, our interactions on here have truly meant so much to me. i love you, your humor, and your heart so much ms. raabia <3
to chickenooodlehope 💌 fish fear us and women want us, bestie!!! thank you for always making my day with our silly little fish posts and your warm, radiant personality. my dashboard and my dm’s would not be nearly as exciting if it weren’t for you, dearest allison 💞 i love you!!
to the joon thirst club a.k.a. gimbapchefs, sugaftrm, bibillyhillsbaby, bisexualrapline, + those mentioned above 💌 hi lovelies!! it has been an absolute pleasure getting to know you all through various tag and ask games over the course of this past year— here’s to another year of joon thirst posts and other tumblr shenanigans ✹
to kookskingdom 💌 hello, my dear sophie! i know it’s been awhile but i just wanted to say that i love you and i’m thinking of you often. there will never come a day where i listen to 20cm or ghosting and not fondly remember our many conversations last summer. i’m hoping to have some free time to finally send you your pen pal letter in the near-ish future (but until then i hope this will suffice) <3
to textsfrombangtan 💌 lizzy, no one has me doubling over in laughter at their tags the way you consistently do. i consider it both an honor and a privilege that someone as cool and funny (and with such impeccable music taste) as you is mutuals with little ole me, but i am flattered nonetheless. i’m looking forward to getting to know you more in the future, since
we’re getting married and all
i planned on writing a few more of these little love letters, but this was all my time and mental energy would allow :,) but please know if you are reading this post i sincerely have enjoyed getting to know you all on here and i look forward to hopefully being more consistently active soon!! đŸ„ș💖
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💌 follow forever pt. 1 💌
bolded = wonderfully talented content creators italics = lovely lovely mutuals
[ a - h ] @agustj @ahundredtimesover @angelhobi @angelhoseok @bibillyhillsbaby @bisexualrapline @blueandtaes @bluengrey @bratkook @btsaudge @chateautae @chickenooodlehope @coepiteamare @cutechim @eternal-bangtan @gimbapchefs @hobi-gif @hobidreams @hobipaint @holdinbacksecrets @honeymoonjin
[ j - l ] @jeon-jeongkook @jimilter @jiminswn @jinbestboy @jinfilms @jinpanman@jintae @jngukk @joenns @joonscypher @joyfulhopelox @jung-koook @jungkxook @jungxk @kimseokjinss @kithtaehyung @kookskingdom @kpopfanfictrash @l0vesickjin @latetaektalk @lavienjin @lavienvante @lovesickgf
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theliminalbeing · 2 years
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happy birthday to my favorite mutual & pen pal 🎆💘 @fairyw1ngs đŸ’—đŸ€
seeing ur letter in my mail box always makes me feel a little bit better💌💕
I wish u a lighter year full of magic, adventure and kindnessđŸŽ€đŸ€âœš
p.s. some dummy from the post office seems to have spilled some coffee on the envelope, but it was dry on the outside and intact on the inside when I received it so no worries💗
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granny-core · 3 years
Beautiful fall letters from my pen pals might well be the absolute highlight of this season, they make me so happy I could cry!🍁💌🍁
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tomdutch · 3 years
đŸ’ŒđŸ’„đŸ sending u love <3
liz!! i hope you’re having a good weekend, sending you lots of love back đŸ„ș😚😚
💌 letters/greeting cards/postcards?
letters!! when i was in fifth grade my school did a pen pal thing with a school in madagascar and i became friends with a girl my age from there, she would send letters and sometimes pictures that i have pinned on a cork board in my room :”)
đŸ’„ spontaneity or plans?
answered here!
🏠 dream home?
anything with a bathtub, a spacious bedroom that has a reading nook and with a big open kitchen and lots of natural light 😔 would love a garden some day but i’ll take what i can get lmao
send emoji asks!!
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penpalkingdom · 4 years
Hey!! ♄
I’m Jay I’m 18 years old and from Pennsylvania 🏕
I prefer to have pen pals 📝 who are 16+ and are ally’s or apart of the LGBTQ community đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆ
Currently moving from now til atleast December🏠 ( I am look for an apartment )
And will set up a PO Box đŸ“«soon! But for the time being it will all be thru emailđŸ“©!
I love plants and animalsđŸŒ±đŸž ! IM OBSESSED WITH OPOSSUMS!! ♄
I will end up sending stickers🌌and decorating letters! 💌 And maybe pressed flowers 🌾 or other tiny things!
Here’s my email!
penpaljayjay @ gmail.com [without the spaces]
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patchw0rk-quilt · 4 months
me eating the hookers i killed
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can’t you guys just ask me how i’m doing
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